Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, October 29, 1817, Image 4

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Monthly Notices. i. months afterdate applied iun I - k wil* be made toThe Honorable In- J fcrior Court ■of Richmond coufify, for j . leave to sell 200 acres of Land in' Rich- | atom! county, adjoining Summerville end Wr * .ou’s Land, also a tract oi' land I in uincojn containing acres, being; part of the real estate of Hum* ■href Graves# dec. * GEO. GRAVES, act’g. ex’r. Mirch 3. v- i —1 ■■■■ —■ month* after date application , vvfll be made to the honorable the ( Interior court of Buidce comitv, forienye j to *6ll 100 acre* Os land lying in said fj county, on the water* of Rockev Creek. | adjoining land* of Rowling Hurt and, j other*, being the real estate of Benjamin ( Nichols, dec.—Sold for the benefit of the. heir* and creditor* of>«id deceased. Amos Nichols, ?ulm v- August 97M MONTHS after date applicn i-v tion will be made to the hon..the in- ( tenor court of Warren county, for kuve to .sell the real estate of James Parham, dec. for the benefit of the heir* antKcrO ditors of said dec. Kdraurd Parham, atim r» 1 July 23. ‘ | NINE MONTHS after date tion null oe made to the hon. inferio* Vtoyrt of Burke county, for leave to sell 'hundred Arid forty four acres of land tie property of Benjamin Davis, lase o( county deceased, for the benefit oi the kindred and creditors of said dec. ' ' John Davis, ailm’r.- 'M|yi4,lßl7. »* ( Jm after date applies-. tion Vt|| p e made to the hon. court of ordinary county, for leave to dell the real of William Bryan, dec. ior the benett of the heirs of said deceased. James adnl’r. April SCI Sir; mOm . Notice WTfKE months after thVw hereof, application will be made v^ p R ( , n . ortrtvle the Court of Ordinary 4 ot • County,,fbr, ; leave to sell the reah Btat( , of Lewis Oarldne*, jun.'dece«sen <llt / i *nne beinghi* share, claim-or interesv n V all the loiud* tiiid off .add assigned t \ f HtiUDA 1 Gardner, widow of Lewis / sen. c»«. deccaied, m dower: I and <O. be sold for the benefit of the I heirs ts S aid deoes se’d v Mary LEITH, Rrtr\r. , ZACH: CHAMBERS, Guardian . July 16 ' mOm Notice. 'TVJINR month* after date, application Jljl will be made to The honorable tin inferior court of Lincoln county, while setting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell one hundred & ten acres of land, more or less, belonging to the estate of Samuel WiHdrd. deed, tube-sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deed. Mary Willard, ivdm’x. June 95. m9inq ‘ . Notice. MONTHS after date applica tion will be made to the him. thein-. tenor court of Rjchufoud county, for leave, to sell the house and lot situated on the north side.of Broad-street, ami at present, occupied by Janies unit W. Harper, be in£ the real estate of ..John Harper, de ceased. Jolm Clarke, ndmV. March S 3 mlhn *V| INK MONTHS after date applica. A* ii«n will be made to the hou inferior court of Richmond county for leave to add? a tract of land in Baldwin country, known, as No. 599 in the 15th district, tlJbwn by ; the orphans of Christopher Moony and sold fur their behoof. Wm. 0. Dillon, Cuartlain f<JF the orphans. May 17. m9iu Notice. NINE’ mouths after the date hereof application will be made to the hon • ■ durable the inferior court of Burke conn- ■ tyfor leave to sell one hundred and lunetty-nine acres of land in said coon ty au«i three hundred in .Emanuel coiih y, the same being the xeal estate ofJohn Greenway, deceased. Willi am Green way, Administrator and guardian for minors. l June 4. Notice. NINE months alter date, application will be made to the honorable the anterior Court of Columbia county, for inl’fedkf}" otol Land »% 115 »*y- tmnilwaoo? dlBt ’ Baldwin county,con- N« 7lfi 2^f i ,l Creß^bounded north by weit bvNn iuT eSt No * 114, soutlv -Iml 11( * and sou tH-east by No. * }*f °n the waters of GUffy C J* u __ th )? roal estate of H. •sea das** » f ‘TI-J 1 .Notice. r ; *. - fw I . * I SHALL apply to the honorable the tyiurt of (Ordinary, after thg, time prescribed by d !IW f'U" leave to sell the personai property of James Dunham de ceased, late of Colombia county, for the benefit of the heir* and creditors. „ ATyley Melton, adm’.r. In right of his wife. .Tidy 3; 1917. * m2iu "• -y——■- ■ t- - Notice. INF. months after date, application will be made ia Hie honorable <be '.'imrt of Ordinary for Columbia cyunly. for leave to sell 303 1-3 acres of Land, lying on Little.River,,in Dulnam counly, adjoining lands of Jackson or Farrar,and David Threat, the same being part ol the Heal estate of Bealle Yarbrough, deceas ed, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Wm. YARBUOWiIU WluVs JAS.-S. WALTON, } Mui ,s Feb. 4 ni9m GEORGIA, T Columbia Comity. | In the Inf trior Court, July 7, lb 17. ON the Petition of David Cooper, sta ting lie was possessed of a Note ot Hand given by Allen Luvcmce, the first day of Aliy IbK, and payable two days filler date, for one hundred apd thirty dollars, and that the same is lost or des troyed, as established by affidavit, with said petition, a nth prays the benel'.t ji»f the act in such cases made and provided; It is therefore Ordered, That the said Note be established ns directed by said acton the sum! David Cooper’s publish ing a notice as therein required, tor the space ofilx montus. inone of the public gazettes of the state, unless cause be shewn to the contrary within the said six months, of oilier matter may appear to tl»« Gnurtagainst the same. Taken Iron; the Minutes. A. CRAWFORD, Cl'k. . Clerk’s Office, 10th July, IK]7. I GEORGIA, ? 7 Columbia County % In the Inferior Court , July 7, 1817. ON the Petition ot John Tinsley, sta tiiig he was possessed ol .three notes of liuud, copies of which as near as he recollects, being filed in the Clerk’s' Office of this Court, (to .wit) one from Win. A Fearre to Samuel .Shelly, or bearer, tor forty-five dollars, dated 15tli> March, 1814, payable two days, after date, one iisoin Edward Magrudcr, to Shn Tinsley for twenty-five dollars, da atte v < i a te, one from John Reynolds to 11* 0 t'olvard or bearer, for ten dol lars, davd 15th July, 1814, payable, two months fcterdate, together with an af fidavit •tatug-the said notes .arc lost or mislaid, ami paying the benefit of the act in such- made and provided. . It is therefoi\ Ordered , That the said, lotesbe established ; ,s directed by said act, on the said Joint Tinsley's publish-, mg a notice as* Bicrcim required, for the space of six months, i'u one of the Ga-' zelfes of this state,uule&s cause be shewn to tho contrary within safi! time, or oth er matter may appeal to the court again#, the same. Taken from the Minutes. 5 A. -CRAWFORD, CCk. Clerk's Office, July FO, 1817. Georgia —Ric n ty. l« tiie Superior Court—June Term, 1817. Present, the hon. Robert 11. Reid , Judge. ON the petition ofLlewelku E.iuis and Mary his \\ife,stating that a bond was-executed by John Carter, for titles to lots oMand in Harrisburg, in the penal sum, of two thousand tiollars, in which the petitioners were interested, a copy whole of as near as tin; petitioner could recollect was annexed to the said petition, and is now lodged in the clerk’s office, togolhei with an affidavit the act of th.« general assembly in such cases made and provided, and praying the benefit of the said Jict, and other cii curetsta’ tial proof being laid before the court—lt is ordered that the said Bond be established as di rec-ted by the said act, on the said Llcw oilen and Mary Evans publishing a no tice as therein required, and for the space ot six months, in one of the public gaz ettes ol the state, iddess cause be shewn to the con)rary within the said six numdl-i or other matters be shown luthe court .a gainst-the same. Taken litm the Minutes. •Jolin U. Maim, -d’k. Cieorgia.—Lint elu county. H ffEREAS John M*Kiimey Esq has applied for Letters dismissorv, dis missing said John M‘Kinney Esq. from his executorship on the estate and ef lects of Iravis Mdunney, sen. deceas ed. These are flierefore to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred ami creditors of said deceased to be and ap pear At my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, rs any they have, why said fetters should not be granted.. Given under my hand at office this I2th day of ALiy, 1817. Wm. Harper, c; c . o. May 2 6. * We are authortsml to announce Kioharo Bosh, a candidate for the of fice of Receiver of Tax Returns of tion hmolld at *** elec * > 4 * *'■* ■ • V : jpa>c*. •. r 'fVT INE months after date application ,1 * will be made $o ; the Inferior court of Richmond county while sitting for ordinary purposes, foe leave to sell forty acres of land, lyipg and being in Rich mond county, on me waters of Hockey creek, more or less, adjoining lands of Dr. Anderson Watkins and the applicant — also one negro man slave named Sam. The above described property will bo sold for the purpose of making a divi dend betwixt the heirs oi John Lambert, deceased. 11 oik ml M‘Tyrc, adm’f. October 15, 1817, inOm OKUft HI A, Juju'S County. A'i’ a Meeting of the Inferior Court of said county, on the Petition of W llliam Prior, prying the benefit of} the laws «(’ insolvency.— o' James Smith, attorney for the applicant It js Ordeted. That all and singular the creditors of th >. said Win. Prior, be and they are her by notified that rhe said nfeiior Court win convene at Clinton, on the 27th day of November next, to hear the application of the said William Prior, for the benefit of the insolvent law, when upon Iris delivering up buna fide all his estate, for the benefit of his credit ors, he will he discharged according to law, unless cause should then mid there be shewn to live contrary. As witness our hands as Justices*, of the Inferior Court of said county, this IJth day of Sept. 1817. Roh’t. Cunningham, j. i. c. K. J. Bower, j. i. c. Jonathan Parish, J. i. C. Sept. 24 law2m 7he Warren ton- Academy "^S, '.\7 ILL be opened on the first 'Mon- V v day in January next, under the of instructors who will come indisputably recommended for a biiity and morality.—Terms of tur.ion will be the same as ia usual in other regu lar seminaries. Genteel Bearding can be had on mode rate terms. The healthiness and salubrity of the situation, together with a variety of oilier considerations, it is hoped will be inducements to parents and guardians to select (his institution lor the education of youth. By order of the Board. Thomas Gibson Sec’ry , August 2. mlD&wiJ HK FOLLO WING NEGROES, —vxz.— g SAAC, who ijs a.i ut 85 years o!d, 5 M_ feet Dim lies high, who says he be longs to James Riggins, living in Jack sou County, and that he was stolen by David .Stuart, and sold to ldiaries Wal ker, living in the fork of Saluda and Ree r «iy Rivers, in South-Carolina, Laurens District. PAUL, who says he belongs to John ,< Frainiok of Putnam County. ; DAFNEY, who says she belongs to Buckhalter, of Wairenton, and AJRY, who says she belongs to James . Campbell, of. Warren County. * Ihe owners are requested :ocome for ward, prove property, pay charges, and take theuravviy. A. RHODES, Jun’r. d. s. Sept. 90 ts - teiciT • \j OV iii lichmojid Jail, a negro im.v I.N who si vs lus name is PRINCE— says he behngs the widow llandfoid, L | who lives at Society Hill Town, in South ‘ Carolina, 20»niles beyond Dig Pee Dee e river—came aft with a man horse—the - boy is about four feet four inches high, t a very pleasant countenance—ho •is s marked with the small pox, supposed to 1 be about 19 years ol age, and trim made., '* Ihe owner is requested to come forward. 1 prove property, pav charges and take y him away. A. Rhodes, jua. D. sh’ff. October 8 ts - > NO TICE. * 4EL persons indebted to Col. M il- L “ i A mam Few, of «A ‘nv-Fork, arc here by notilkd, that unless 'payments are 11 made on or before the Ist January next, s suites will be commenced without dis crimination, as u« further indulgence can be given by the subscribers. J. B. Howards, .Mamies for Win. Few. i July 50. ts notickT A LL those indebted to the late firm . : W of Messrs. JAMES A. BLACK, k Co. tire requested to call and settle . their accounts with Messrs. A. Bugg, & [ Co. whoarefu Ily a u thori/.e ito settle the business of the said firm. John Tanner. r June 8. ts * Niotice. i 4 t^®se who indebted to the ; estate of the late Col. Thenphilus 1 homas, of Scriven county, deceased, i are hereby notified to make immediate ; payment; and all those to whom sAid ; estate is indebted, will present their de - mamds within the : „time prescribed by f law,to 1- Lucy Thomas, Sole advCx. of Mid estate. ; - October 1 h • t ' ' * m :j T'HAHE public are informed that the * t. Line ol Stages from Augusta to 1 Athens,(via ) Columbia C. H. W 1 ton and Lexington, is now in operation, ' persons wishing a passage, can enter their names at the Eagle-Tavern, Augusta, * from which place it will start every * Monday & Friday Evening at 5 o’clock, and arrive at Washington the evening ol 1 the next day at 5 o’clock. Terms 85 for each passenger, with an allowance’of 20 pounds baggage, and 5 cents per pound 1 for extra baggage. Every exertion will ! be made for the comfi rt of passengers. LONG & M‘KEA. tCT A. Private Hack is* in constant readiness al Lexington, to convey per sous to the Madison Springs. ,*« fho Editors of the Savannah Re publican are requested to insei t the a-' hove weekl for one nonth and forward their accounts to this office for settle ment. ' , Eugle Tavern, .. ta>’ 'yZj\ ■ 3*^ AND SA VAJSrWH SJiTG E-OFFICE f ft MIK Copartnership heretofore exist -4 ing at this Stand, under the firm ol Wm. CHISOLM & Co. was dissolved j on the 25th ultimo by mutual consent. WILLIAM CHISOLM, RICHARD I. EASTER, JAMES A. SLACK. fO®* The Subscribers having formed a connection at tlve above Establishment, will accommodate Town Boarders, and Transient and Country Gentlemen, as formerly, and solicit a continuation of the patronage of their acquaintances and the public. The business will be conducted under the firm of CHISOLM &, SHAN NON, who are authorized to receive ail debts due the former establishment, and will pay all demands against the same. - WILLI\Ni CHISOLM, WILLIAM SHANNON, June 25 if Clone Tavern, BROAD. STREET, AUGUSTA, T'H MIE subscribers having purchased a JbL lease of this Elegant and commodi ous establishment, inform their friends and tlvc public in general, that their best exertions shall be used to render comfort able all those who may be pleased to call oh them. They have a number of pri vate Rooms handsomely furnished, sepa rate and apart-from the hustle of the tav ern, for the accorhmodation of those to whom such bustle would be unpleasant— And having determined to spare no pains in providing every comfbrt, tney rely with confidence upon the support of the pub lic. Thomas Glascock, Peter Donaldson. * Tune SO ts (KISIILYG TOJY Jockey Club Races 'A*?TILL commence on the Ist Wed-, y V nesday in December next, free ■ ; for any Horse, Mare or Gelding from * any part of the world;—Weights agreea ■ hJ cto the Augusta Turf. =•' Ist Day’s Running, S mile heats, for a purse of S 400 2d—*•'2 mile heats 500 3d—Mile heats for a nurse supposed to be worth be tween 3 & 400 By order of the President. R. H. M‘CVea, Sec’ry. October 22 lit j. <|i> We are authorised to announce ' M ARTIN WILCOX, a candidate for . the oilice of Receiver of Tax Returns of , Richuiand county at the ensuing election Oct. 15 ILJ* We a *eauthorised to announce j Col. Petkr Donaldson, a candidate End* the office of Sheri ft’, of Richmond county, at the ensuing election.—-jun.ll */VVe are authorised to apubuncc ( -Edmund Bugg, Jon. a candidate for the oilice of tax collector of Richmond ’ county, at the ensuing election. July 9. L %*Wc are authorised to announce 2 Thomas Handley a candidate for the office of fas collector fog Richmond r««nnri>. at dm ensu’ng election. July 5. * Mr, Hiram Mann is a candidate for Receiver of tax returns for Richmond > county at the ensuing election, j June 21. ■ | &We are authorised |o an- I nounce Augustus Crawford, a candidate ' for clerk of the superior court of Colum - bia county. . . r October 25 ts ■ ' - ■ Blanks, Neaty Executed ftt this Office. Washington HouiJ XT AS Purchased this W ell i n I H Stand from Mr. Levi H K r T'"' l i He w determined to devote such att^T '* I to the business qf the house as win , * I fail to render iUoihlqrtable and plclln I lo every person tliat he may iL TI pleasm eto attend to. ;' ili s table I ways be supplied with the best the 1 ’ I try can afford, and his bar will be I stantly furnished with the choicest ?"' I <|uor»; good stables and ostlers a- e ’* I vided Every exertion will be mude'ln I render general satisfaction. Samuel B. Head. i MilSedgeville Journalwli 14 please insert the above for 1 monfl,,\ »4 ■ forward their account. If Washington, XVdkes, Oct. | g I Dancing Acadeiuv. I Mphsw. Leslie anil Monlais Respectfully inform the 4* I and gentlemen of Augusta, that I they have associated themselves together I for the purpose of teaching the elegant I and polite accomplishment of Dancin<4 I Various new steps add figures which have notyet been introduced in this city I ‘will be tanght; together with a number ol Fancy Dances, all of which have re- I reived the sanction of the most fashtuna- I ble and polite circles in the priacinui cities in the union. k “ I Their Academy will be kept at Mr Leslie’s Long-Room,on Heyooh l-stree?; I and will be ready for the reception of I pupils on the 31st of the present month. I Days tuition; Friday from 3to G I o’clock, p. m. and on Saturdays, from 9 I to 12 o’clock, a. m. «$• from 5 to 6 p M ■ I A NIGHT SCHOOL , ’ I Will also be opened for young gentle men on Tiupwlay, the 30th inst. com mencing at candlelight. Further par- I ticuliws will be made known on applica tion at the above place, October 22 ts I 30 Dollars Reward. TAKEN out of the subscribers eta- I ble near Columbia -court-house on I Monday night the loth inst. a flea bit ten Grey Horse, upwards of 5 feet high, heavy made, trots and paces, some marks qf the gear, has been snagged, on the left fore leg a little below where it joins the shoulder, which occasions a lump and runs a little, with a long mane and fail. The above reward will be given fur horse and thief, or ten dollars for the horse alone. Win. Magnifier, Oct. £2 ‘ n I 10 Dollars Reward. M UNA WAY from the subscriber in Lincoln countv on the 4th inst. a negro fellow named Peter, about twenty years of age, 6 feet high, dark complex ion, had on when lie left me, a white plains round jacket, with coloured culls and collar, a bide grounded homespun vest, and a new felt hat. Any person that will stop the said fellow, ami lodge him in some safe jail, shall receive the above reward, and ail reasonable expell ees paid.’ , Win. O'Neal. October 15 lawlm 50 Dollars Howard RAN AWAY from the subscriber, about the 10th of July last, a Ne gro man named Billy, a native of Afri ca, about 5 feet G or 7 inches high, ap pears to be between 28 and £2 years ol age, speaks bud English, has a down look, and speaks low when in conversation, lie has about or pelow his waist a few marks of the whip; this fellow was put in the Jail of Barnwell district as a runawayd sometime in the month of February, 1816, and was sold out on the Ist Mon day oi March last, to pay expences —All, I know of the fellow is from his-own statements —he say's his name is Billy'll and that he did belong to a major Jones, of Savannah, but afterwards said he come from above Augusta, Georgia. |t is likely this fellow may got back to his former owner, who would like to concern his return; he may not have given u cor rect statement of his owners .or his own name or place of residence.—Any inlor mation on the subject will be liberal!? compensated. Baraatt H. Brown. Barnwell, court-house, r. r. Oct. 18 Sm ;20 Dollars He ward ON the 22d offlune, UIIT, my house in Columbia county, was broken open and a ROBBERY committed. ’l"'* hundred and thirty dollars in bills, taken from my r trunk, among which was two fifty dollar bills on the Augusta bank, one of which had my' name written ou the back of the bill; live twenty dollar bills of the Badge company, and three ten dollar bills, one of which was on the South-Carolina bank, together with some articles of clothing. Any person to whom the above described bill (wdh my name oh the back) should be offered, that will stop the same, give me infor mation so that I can have the same, shall be entitled to the above reward, ;and upon the conviction of the rf f£' 1( “ shall be entitled to a reward of fifty dollars Jordan fjf’orgy. Jutv 2 d I . - ■ - ■ - % >