Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, November 08, 1817, Image 3

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| rit like Afc WooU do will cnofcglf for n enthusiastic errant that cannot distin guish between Marobrino’s helmet and a m baibcf’s bason, ♦ ■ We cannot conclude this article with* I out readers of the Re*' I publican, Upon the return of its editors I 10 something tike moderation and comr I oion courtesy. And when we reflect I that we have been instrumental in eflec- I ring this salutary change, we have no ■ doubt that the editors will always hold us ■in grateful remembrance. We shall now ■ leave them in the uninterrupted enjoy* H merit of their own reflections, .ipprehen ■*ivc, that if we pursue them any farther ■m unfortunate relapse might again rc ■quire the interference of the municipal ■authority. Milledoeville, November 4, 1817. I Stats Legislature.—Yesterday being ■lie time, fixed by law for the meeting of ■the general assembly of this state, a num of members appeared, and were qualified; but as there was not a quorum present, they separated without doing a ny business. Both Houses will be organ ized this day. To-morrow, the ceimuu jiication of the* executive will probably be received; and on Thursday, tire Le gislature will make choice of a governor for the ensuing two years. The other elections will not come on before Satur day, ifso soon. No correct opinion cqn ret be formed as to the length of the ap proaching session, or the interest which ■may characterize its proceedings* We are informed, that a large portion ofthe country lately ceded to the United States by the Cherokee Indians, in ex change for an equal quantity < f western land, is found on investigation to be with in the limits of the Creek Nation. The conflicting claims of these tribes to the disputed territory, has been settled in an amicable manner, (although at one time the controversy was likely to produce a war between them,) by a council of their respective chiefs, chosen to discuss and decide the matter. Isa suitable indem nity be not made to our government by the Cherokees, tlie existing treaty with them on this subject, will doubtless be annulled. Wc have no recent information from general Gains. The last accounts of his contemplated expedition against the hos tile lar force on their rrtarch for Fort Scott, winch is in the vicinity of the unfriendly savages. It is not imprpbable but his ap proach will inspire* such dread as to cause them to sue for peace, and thus prevent die effusion of blood. From Amelia. We have received information from a respectable quarter, that on the 25th of last month, a schooner from Turk’s Is land, arrived at Fernandina. She had on board a number of disbanded English officers who came in expectation offinding MacGregor in command, and of joining bis forced; but who on learning that he had reached Nassau, took passage for Venezuela onboard the congress,commo dore Parker. Prize goods at Fernandina were selling high; and the bickering be tween the troops of col.lrvin and Aury’s dusky brigands still continued. Much as we have at heart the independence of South America and the emancipation of theFloridas, we had rather that they would remain in bondage forever, than ' see them liberated through the agency of the Savages of St. Dotmngo; than whom we certainly have, along our southern frontier, more disagreeable neighbors. It is hoped that their commander may take timely measures to r&hpove them, or per haps he will receive a more unwelcome visit than he yet dreams of. 8. RepJ Huzza for the N^vy!—The prepa tory work of building a suitable founda tion and wharf at the Navy Yard, at Gos port, being in sufficient forwaidness, j the laying of me keel of a 74gunshipat that place was commenced on Wednes day fast.— Norfolk Herald 24th inst. LivEnpooi., September GO, Cotton , sea-island, stained, Is 9d a2s 1 id per lb; ordinary to fair, 2s 2d a 2s 9d, fmc, 2s 9d a 2s New-Orleans, 22Jd. 2s Id; uplands, 19 jd a 22£d. —Our cotton market is at present in a state of infancy, occasioned by the late hea/y business. Amsterdam, September 23. I £As a proof of the increase of our com merce, it will be agreeable to our readers to learn that by a careful enumeration made on the 19th inst. the number of ves sels lying before this city amounted to 109. • An article from the Hague, dated 20th September, states Negotiations for a re vival of the treaty of Commerce with the United States, have commenced here.— Messrs. J. Golberg end J. C. Vaeder Kemp, knight’s of the order of the Bel gie Lion, have been appointed plenipo tentiaries on the part of this government. Paris Paper. The following paragraph is from the London Literary Panorama, of August last:— Important to Merchants. —By infor mation lately received from a gentleman residing in Holland, it appears that the American minister in that country ha* laocaqcUd in procuring an ordinance re wilting to tii« Mmi which it is proved that foreign, vessen coming from that Island are exempted from the impost duties upon entering the ports ot Holland and Belgium, upon pro ducing evidence of their having paid the export duties at Bavaria Upon the same'authority, we have the pleasure to state, since the Ist of January, no other or higher tonage duties are imposed upon American vessels, in the Dutch ports, than upon their own vessels, —— PORT OF A UG USTA. No arrivals since our last. CLEAHE6. Olive IL-anch, Flewellen & Dickinson. General Jackson, WiLon and Walker. Franklin,jß, Walton. , Steam Boat Enterprise, with No. 7 and 9 in tow. President, James Willy. Eliza, James Hunter. Cotton, SO a. 31 cts. NOTICE.- ' & The undersigned being ap pointed a Committee to procure a suita ble Building for the temporaiy accom modation of a Branch ofthe Bank ofthe United States, in this place. Will glad ly confer with any person, disposed to rent such a building—And that no unne cessary delay may take place, at early interview is invited. The Directors being desirous ofenab! ing the institution to com mence business as soon as practicable. Wm. WHITE , ) ADAM HUTCHESON, I Com. F. WALKER , J November 8 if Branch Bank Os the united Stales, 7EniIE President and Directors of the Branch of the Bank of the United States establishes at this place will pro ceed on Tuesday the eighteenth in tant to elect the following officers:—A Teller, with a salary of Eighteen Hundred Dol lars per annum, who will be required to give bond and security for the faithful performance of his duties in the sum of Eighteen thousand Dollars. A Book- Keeper, with a salary of Fourteen Hun dred Dollars per annum, who will be re quired to give bond and security with a like condition in the sum of fourteen Thousand Dbll&rs. A Discount Clerk, with a salary of Twelve Hundred Dol lars per annum, who will be required to give bond and security with a like con dition, in the sum of Twelve Thousand And an Assistant Clerk, with a salary of One Thousand Dollars per annum, who will be required to give bond and security with a like condition, in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars. Applications for any of those offices must be made in writing before that day, addressed to James Gardner, President, and accompanied by a list of the persons who will be offered as securities. Applicants may inform themselves of the nature and extent of the duties which will be required of them, by reference to t the President or Cashier. By order of the President and Direct ors of said Bank. Rd: Hy: WILDE, Cashier. Apgusta, Georgia, Nov. 4th, 1817. ■ HE subscribers have established a 1 House in Augusta, for the transac tion of C OMMISSWN B USIJVESS. UNDER THE FIRM OF Winter & Bolton. J. &. WINTER, MMESM. BOLTON. November 8. * St ' ‘ - - ■—- - -- - . . n , ,t. Administratrix WILL be sold on Friday the second day of January next, between tpe usual boisrs of sale, at the plantation of t|e late Timothy T. Barham, a pari of the personal property of the sail! de ceased, consisting of Horses, Cattlq, Hogs and Sheep, the Plantation Tools, the Crop of Corn and Fodder, the House hold and Kitchen Furniture, with a num ber of other articles too tedious to men tion. The terms as sale will be made known on the day of sale, which will bf on a liberal credit —and all liquidated accounts will be received in payment for property sold. The sale will continue from day today until all is sold. Also at the same time and place will be RENTED, the plantation of thosaid deceased, and the Negroes hired for the term of one year. All persons to whom the estete of Timothy B. Rarham is indebted, are re quested to render in their accounts agree ably to (aw,and all those indebted to the estate are requested to mike immediate payment to llebeccah Barham, Ex’rx. November 8. ts Georgia , Scriven county, ROUGIIT to Jail inJacksonhorough, O Nov. Ist, 1817, a negro man who says his name is JERRY, and that he belongs to Bred Pace, of Augusta, Geor gia. He is a s.tout made likely fellow, country burn, about five feet ten or ele ven inches hq;h, twenty four or five years old, large whiskers, full face and says he is a boat! hand. Solon.\on gaoler. , November f- *9 W. Mldfai, I Hdß JUS'jT RECEJH Ei), And for sale on moderate -terms,-., 1 5 Hhlltt hignioof&nellfla **; -M-UUS. V o U re| Jamaica Rum 5 Hhds. West India Rum S Pipes Real Holland Gin, 2 Ditto best Cognac Brainy, 2 Ditto ditto L. P. Madeira Wine, 8 Half pipes best L. P. 'tenariffe Wine 12 Tierces best Brown Stdpt ’ 12 Bbls. double refined L«af Sugar 13 Qr. Chests Imperial Tsa, latest im portation 20 Half Chests Hyson Te. do, do. 4000 Ibs.Best Virginia Cht wing Tobacco —*-IN STORE)—— A General Assnriuent of . DRY GOODS, Hard- Ware, Cutlerr, §c. §*c, AND AT SO Salt, Iron, Steel, Shtar Mould, ‘tul age- er'al essoitment of Groceries, &c.^c. November 8 c J. W. Bridges Has received on Consignment and For hale, 30 Hhds. & 20 Bbls. New E. Rum. November 8 ' ts ~ THE SUBSCRIBERS Hive Just Receive! on Consignment , 4 half pipes & A qr. casks old i Madeira Wine. r R. Lang, & Co. Novembers 0 * Eichelbeigor & Clcmm, HAVE JUST RECEIVED. London Pewter Plates, Dishes and Busins in casks Guns in cases Bell Metal Kettles in casks Anvils, Vices, Plated Saddlery & Gig Furniture E.addle 'Frees ’ Worsted IKebb Serge, &c. sc. Which ivitli a Large and general As sortment of HARDWARE # CUTLERY, Are offered on Liberal Terms. 1 They have also for Bale , 40 half boxes Spanish Cigars, AND —A few Tickets in the — GRAND SURGICAL LOTTERY, OP BALTIMORE , . fFliich Commences on the 26th inst. and is to b 4 Completed in 10 days draw ing only. Highest Prize, 100,000 Dollars . November 8 4t jyorlcK • The subscribers having formed a con nection in the BAKING BUSINESS, under the firm of J BELL & Co. Intend carrying it on in all its bran ches, vix. Loaf Bread of all kinds Ship Bread and Biscuit, Crack ess, Butter Biscuit, and j Confectionary, On M*lntosh-Street, near the river. AND solicit a share of the patron age of the citizens of Augusta and Savannah, and will endeavor to give general satisfaction, by importing for the purpose, northward Flour. They will always keep on hand for sale, by the single pound or barrel, to suit private families, northward and country Flour ; of the best quality. Persons willing to favour them with their custom will please *0 leave tlu*ir names and place ol resi dence at the shop, corner of Reynold and M‘lntosh streets. Also Wanted. Two Boys of good principles as Ap prentices to the above business. J. Bell. Benjamin Pearson. November 8 ts t None E. Agreeable to the order of the honorable the court of ordinary of Columbia county, will be sold on the Ist Monday in Janaary next, at Columbia court-house, all the real estate of JVm. Benton, deceased, composing one tract of Land, of 100 acres, more or loss in said county, adjoining Benton, Fuller, 1 and others, and sold for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. Cornelius Collins, acting adm’r. 1 in right of his wife. Nov. 8 ts J Clerk’s Office of tjie Warren con’ty. 5 Ccurtof Ordinary. WHEREAS Mary Lindsey, and Benjamin Coiville, have appli ed for letters of administraton on the es tate and effects of Ambrose Lindsey, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admo monish all ar.d singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and ap pear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law to shew cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at of fice, this 3d day of November, 1817. - John Torrence, c.e.o, t . \h J icon AmfcßTzf.t AND ' ■A ' OEOR6E W. BUTLER, HAVE formed a* connexion in trade, *t the uppermost stores on the north side Broad-street, Augusts, which will be conducted, in the name of GEORGE H. BUTLER,4*Co. They have on hand a general assortr ment of Dry Goods and Groceries, Cut Nails, Hardware and Crockery, Which will dispose of on the lowest terms for Cash, or exchange for country produce, on the most liberal terms. November 8. Jacob Danforth, Hus Just Received, at his Store in Broad-Street, A General assortment of X)RY GOODS, Groceries, Hard Ware, Cutlery and Crockery Ware. Also, a Large Assortment of Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes, And an Elegant Supply of Northern Homespun, and Five Boxes Hats, assorted. The whole of Which will be sold on the most reasonable terms.—He still continues his Nail Manufiuviry, and has on hand a supply of nails of all sizes. He has also Just Received, 12 Saw-Mill Cranks & Stirrups of the most substantial kind, and best workmanship. November 8 ; tlstM Just Received, - A fresh supply of Lorillard’s Maccoboy, Scotch & Rappee SNUFF, With a general assortment of MEDICINES. W. H. TURPIN. November 8. wot subscribers have connected i themselves in the mercantile busi ness under the firm of A, Picquet 8f L. P. Dugas. They are receiving at present a general assortmet of Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries Crockery Ware, Which will be sold on very accommo dating terms. Antoine Picquet, Leon P. Dugas. November 8 n —u, - - - - - - Silas Bronson, Raving taken his old stand-on Bridge Street, Urforms the citizens of Au gusta, that he is now opening, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OV Japaned Tin Ware lie has obtained some of the first rate workmen from New-York, and will be able to make Gutters and Conduc tors at tile shortest notice—--Also,. Scales, Weights and Measures, agree able to the Augusta Standard. HE HAS OS HAS■ 3000 weight of new Pewter, at wholesale and retail A small consignment of Books Assorted Ivory and Horn Combs 100 patent Tinder Boxes, on an entire * new plan, , ’ I / . UVt —ALSO— A large Assortment of GROCERIES, At Wholesale or Retail. 1000 casks northern Cheese, on the River, and daily expected fcT Old Pewter, Brass arid Copper, received in payment. November 8 ts mT~EI ALL persons indebted to the estate of the late Charles Downic, de ceased, are requested to make itntnedi ate payment, and those to whom the es tate is endebted, will present their ac counts for payment within the time pre scribed by (aw. Samuel Goff, y n . , . D. Macoimphj.J November 8 St ~Administrator’s Sales. Will be sold before the Post-Office on Wednesday, 17th of December next, the property of Samuel Brant, deceas ed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, viz. 1 Riding Chair » B'demijons of Copal Varnish Quantity of Coach Lace Plated Handles, Joints, and Bands Plated StirrUp Irons and Webbs Saddle Bosses and Cat Tacks, David M‘Kinne, y ... • Jamc. Mown, \ Admr^Bt Nov. 8 t<Js 4* __ ■ m Johu ffhjlffiS^Co. Have Ju#t Received a Fresh Supply of ** GROCERIES, &c. Which added to their firmer Stock on hand, will make their assortment as general aM any in this city. Among which are the undermentioned: VIZ v GENUINE Old Madeira, > WTVro Sherry and Malaga f WINES, • Real Holland Gin, 4th Proof Cognac Brandy, warranted fourteen years old, 4th Proof Jamaica Rum, Antigua and Northern do. of (lie first quality, Brown Sugar, Double refined Loaf ditto Hyson and Souchong Tea, Coffee, ... Bloom and Muscatel Raisins, Best Olive Oil, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Alum, Nutmegs, Brimstone, Copperas, Iron, Steel, Salt, <s*c. ficc. —ALSO— Codfish in boxes, selected for faintly use. Starch, Soap, Best Blue Grit NoVa Scotia Grindstones, different Cut and Wrought Nails and Spikes of all sixes, &c. &c. November 8 e MlmcEfs, 24 consisting of Rose, Wint and Duffil Blankets, Just Received and for sole by Ames & Allen. —ALSO— Additional supplies of HATS, Seasonable Dry Goods, Spermaceti Can • dies, Cheese, Wine, 4pfi. November 8 if v Wanted Immediately, A HEALTHY well disposedWOMAN HL a wet nurse (or a young Child— for such a one, extraordinary wages will be, given—Enquire at tliis-Office. Novembe 8. NOTICE* NINE months after the date hereof 4 , application will be made to the honorable the jubilees of the inferior court of Richmond county, sitting for Or dinary purposes, for leave to. sell two Tracts of LAND, to wit.'—One tract containing 1000 acres, in Washington county, at the time of survey, on the wa ters of the Altamaha, granted to Eleaxer Gumming, bounded E. by Peleg Green’s land, S. by Kelly’s land, W. by un known land, and N. by vacant land.—' One otlier tract containing 200 acres, granted to Joseph Mock, on Reedy creek, now Jefferson county, bounded at the time of survey, 8. E. by vacant and Neilson’a land, and on all other sides by vacant land.—The above being the real estate of James Edwards, deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and cred itors. ' John Cashin, Ex’r, Nov. 8 lm9pi ~ ''ViXAh yoi'i & ALL persons indebted to the estate , of James Edwards, deceased, are again requested to discharge their res pective debts, otherwise suits will be brought indiscriminately against thqse who do not avail themaelvts of tins no tice. John CasUin, Ex'r. Novetnber 8 at Five Dollars Reward, FOR a negro girl by thename of Jane, about 18 or 20 years of age—be longing: to the estate of Bugg, she is well known in this cityj any person delivering said negro to me, shall receive the above * reward. * \ * \ .. James Leslie, November 8 if MARSH ILL'S SALES ” POSTPONED. ON the Ist Tuesday in December next, at the market-house, in the city of Augusta, between the usual hoars of sale, will be sold. One third of an improved LOT in the town of Petersburg, on the west side of front-street, adjoining Graham and Allen. —also— • t ; 1 One Lot of Lftnd lying in Elbert county, in the fork of Cold Water creek*, and Savannah,River, containing 1 acre, more or toss, the above property levifed • :, n to satisfy an Execution issued from, the circuit court of the United States, for the distric tof Georgia, infa?;. vour of John Clendening, vs.Wiu.Pat terson—conditions cash, purchasers to pav fortifies. * ' , . Thus. T. Triplett, Dep, Mar P November 8 . ts GEORGIA, > Clerk’s office of the Warren county. S Court of Ordinary. WHEREAS Benjamin Woodward, das applied for letters of atHmmstration. on the estate and effects of Francia Woodward, deceased. ' | These arc therefore to cite fad admo nish all and singular, the kindred and creditors eY said de«aSe/, to be and ap pear at iny office within the time allow ed by law to show cause (if any tßejr haw why said letters of ad adnistratioa should not be granted. Given under my hand this dqj November, 1817.. ■ iAmsk ’■ZjT 4 John Terrence, a* o. fit