Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, November 15, 1817, Image 1

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AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, AND GEORGIA GAZETTE. » • .♦ '/ v I M■■ .11- _ . . _, fVOL XXXIL] SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 181?. fNVi lacsl U THE \ iUGVSTA CHR AND * GEORGIA GAZETTE, PUBLISHED BY tfAN, DUYCKINCK & PEARRE, FVKHY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, fan Dollars per annum, Payable in Advance. - -t Henry Harper, ts Co. . HAVE FOE SALE , 50 Barrels Sugar r 5 B;igs Coffee 4 Cheats Hyson Tea 0 Half Chests ditto 0 Parrels Lump Sugar 1 lllul. Loaf -ditto 0 Qr. casks Malaga Win 3 7 Qr. casks Tenentte ditto 9 Half Qr. casks do do 1 Pipe Superior Lisbon Win? IDo Sicily Madeira do I Do L P Madeira do ) Do Old Port tip 111 Puls. N. E. Rum B Rtfrrels do do 'Pipes Holland Gin Lids. Northern do. rrrels Cider bottled Hlu ditty Jamaica Rum, 4th proof j] 0 \v e >t India ditto Barrels A^ ,,,onds > shelled Bugs Filbert Tierces Copperas I Barrels Black Pepper I Bags Spice (Do. Race Ginger B'nes Mustard 1 Do. Choco> te keg Nutmegs lb,. Kentucky lV. ,ne . i() Pieces Kentucky Bag^ng 5 Pieces Inverness ditto Iti Sheets Iron l Olbn. Sheet Lead lOlbs. Hoop,lron 3 Tons-Swedes Iron 5 Bundles German Steel 0 Casks Cut Nails 2 Reams Writing Paper. On the River, 12 Hogsheads Molasses. lovembter 12. c leach & Thomas, ihingto decline the Dry Goods business Offer for Sale, heir Entire Stock the New-Ymk Cost, on a credit of months, for approved paper. If re red,their stand will be given Up to the chaser, at a moderate rent. idveiubef 12. cw lleriwether Beal, ts Co. &RE NO*W OPENING, 1 Camming** Brick HuiUling, next door above 8. Knedand. an extensive assortment of VINTER G r—Direct from Liverpool— A MONG WHICH AHE • UPERPINF and common Cloths Ditto ditto Cissimeies Flannels, Bombazetts, Blankets Plains, &C. &c. All of which they will sell on the Ht accommodating terms, for Cash or ■nluce. |Nov. |J2 2m | Notice- subscribers hereby announce |L that Uiey have extended a branch Idieir business to Augusta; to be con- Bcted by Mr, James Woodrow, under B firm of [James Woodrow L . ■ 4r co. P>d are now Opening , at the Store I formerly occupied by Adam Hutche • I ton, Esq 1 an extensive assortment or WRYGOODS I —AND — ■HARD WARE, Imported in the ship Georgia, and oth ■ recent'arrivals from Britain, which JP be sold at i moderate advance for reproduce, or Approved Paper. ■ ANDREW LOW $ Co. ■’feannah, Nov. 1 ts I Raw Hides. ■7 Beef Hides, of good quality, ■ ‘* nd well cured—For sale, ■ Inquire or | v Bowie, Penn 8C Co. ■ **v. 12 ' s* Fal and Winter I GOODS. 'HieSubscidbers havereceived, by the ship Georgia, and other recent ar rival* from Liverpool and Green ock, UPWARDS OF IQOO Packages of Seasonable Dry Goods; Comnrising a complete Assortment of Woolen, Worsted, Linen, Cotton and Silk GOl/DS; Which have been carefull] selected by one of the partners, and will be sold b. the piece or package, at a moderate ad vance, lor cash,.cotton, or undoubted pa per. 03" Families can be supplied, by the piece or dozen, on reasonable terms. Andrew Low Co. Savannah, Oct. 29 1m THE HUHSViUBKIiS Have entered into -Copartnership ' under the firm of ■Felix G. Gibson ts Co And are now receiving an Exten sive assortment of British, French, India § Domestic DRY GOODS. ALSO HARDWARE to CUTLERY. AND A General Assortment of GROCERIES, All of which will be sold low and on accommodating terms Bills of Exchange On New-York & Boston for sale. XAjJix Gibs n, William G. Gilbert. October 29. If . IN AD 1311 ION an extensive assortment of goods 1 already on hand, the subscribers nave juat received by the ship Jane, from Liverpool, the Following Articles which they offer for sale on mode rate terms : 15 trunks- Cambrics, Lenos, Calicoes and Bombazetts 58 by 10 9 by 11 10 by 12 20 crates Potter Bottles Shot& Lead, Sheet-dj* Hoop Iron,Casting- Table Salt, See. &c. ALSO. 10 barrels Linseed Oil 8 cases Looking Glasses, assorted 14 do. Fine White Rorara & Wool Hats 200 pieces Inverness Cotton Bagging 30 Legs Dupont & co’s FF &F.F.F. Gunpowder. Edward Quinn & Co. .July 10, ts Removal. Wheeler, Bradley & Co. Have Remrved their Stand one door east of the City Hotel, where they are Opening, AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. Consisting of the following Articles, READY made Clothing of all des criptions Dry Goods, a general assortment _ Looking Glasses Irora 1 to a 100 dol lars the pair Silver, plated and common Castors Ditto, ditto and brittania Tea Setts Ditto Table and Tea Spoons Gold Watch Chains, Seals and Keys Ladies’ Bracelets and Fin«*gr Rings Brass Andirpns, Shovels and longs Cornier Tea Kettles Co tree Roasters Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Beaver Hats Ditto ' ditto Boots and Shoes Windsor Chairs, #c. #c. N. B. The whole will be sold at very reduced prices. Nov 1 ' Bills on New York 1 For sale at the store of N. L. & S. Sturges, by Bears k Sturges. October U. * 1 7 y ? W. MICOU, HAS JUST RECEIVED, And for sale on moderate terms. 1 *1 SI ll i I high proof & well fia it/ lIUU9. voured Jamaica Hum d Hlids. West India Kum 3 Pipes Real Roland Gin, 2 Ditto Branny, 2 Ditto ditto L. P. Madeira Wine, 8 Had pipes best L. P. Tenaiill'e Wine »2 Tierces best Biown'S tout 12 Bbls. double retined Loaf Sogar Ij Qr» Chests Imperial lea, latest im portation 20 Half Chests Hyson Tea do. do. .000 lbs:Best Virginia Chewing Tobacco *——-IN STORK •i 1 eneval Assortment of DRY GOODS, Hard. H are, Cutlery , sc. sc. AND ALSO Salt, Iron, Steel, Shear Mould, And a general assortment if Groceries, &c.&c. November 8 n J. W. Bridges lias received on Consignment and For Sale, 30 Hilda, k 20 JBblg. New E. Rum. November 8 ts THE SUBSCRIBERS ~ Have Just Received on Consignment, 1 halt* pipes k I qr. casks old .Madeira Wine. ' li» Lang, & (Jo. V .1 o-n bfM- _ jo» ranch Dank Os the United Stains. JMIL President and Directors of the . Branch of the Bank of the United States establishe i at this place will pro ceed on Tuesday the eighteenth imti-nt to elect the following officers;— A Teller, with a salary of Eighteen Hundred Dol lars per annum, who will be required to jive bond and security for the faithful ,>eriVu’mancc of his duties in the sum of Eighteen* Thousand Dollars. A Book- Keeper, w.’lh a salary of Fourteen Hun dred Dollars per annum, who will be re quired to give blind and security with a like condition in the sum of Fourteen Thousand Dollars A Discount Clerk, with a salary of Twelve Hundred Dol ars per annum, who will be required to give bond and security with a like con dition, in the sum of Twelve Thousand- Dollars ; And an Assistant Cleric, with a salary of One Thousand Dollars per annum? who will be required to 'give bond and security with a like condition, in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars. Applications for any of those offices most, be made in writing before that day, addressed to James Gardner, President, and accompanied by a list of the persons who will be offered as securities. Applicants may inform themselves of the nature and extent of the duties which ’ will be required of them, by reference to the President, or Cashier. By order of die President and Direct ors of said Bank. Ho: Hy: WILDE, Cashier. Augusta, Georgia, Nov. 4th, 1817. NOTICE. Th* undersigned being ap pointed a Committee to procure a suita ble Building lor the temporary accom modation of a Branch of the Bank of the United States, in this place. Will glad - iv confer with any person, disposed to rent such a building—And that no unne cessary delay may take place, an early interview isinvited. The Directors being desirous ofenabli ng Hie institution to com mence business as soon as practicable, Wm WHITE , 1 ADAM HUTCHESON, [Com. F. WALKER, J November 8 <r WANTED LMMEDiA , Four Journeymen TIMERS. R. ANDREWS. The Savannah Museum and Charles ton Southern Patriot are requested toin se-t the above two weeks each, and for ward their accounts to this office for pay ment Nov. I" For Sale, A PLANTATION on Kiokee creek, one mile and a half from Columbia court house, containing 215 acres, about fevo thirds of it cleared and under good fence. For further particulars, enquire of the subscriber on the premises. Andrew Maclean. November 5 o i—v Jg*M John flayles <SfCo. Have Just Received a i'resh Supply of GROCERIES, c. Which added to their former Slack on baud, will make their assortment as general as any in this city. Among which are the undermentioned, VIZ C'l ENGINE Old Madeira, > wjxjpo Jf Sherry and Malaga A VVINLS, Leal Holland Gin, „ 4th Pro*! Cognac Brandy, warranted ! fourteen years old, 4th Proiif Jamaica Rum, Antigua and Northern do. of the first quality, Brown Sugar. Doable refined l.oaf ditto Hyson ami Souchong Tea, Cotfee, Bloom and Muscatel Raising, Best Olive Oil, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Alum, Nutmegs, Brimstone, Copperas, Iron, Steel, Salt, A c. &c.. —AIJ3O— in boxes, selected for family use, Starch, Soap, * Best Blue Grit Nova Scotia Grind Stones, different sizes, Cut ami Wrought Nails and Spikes of ail sizes, &c. dec. November 8 o IHE subscribers havo established a House in Augusta, for the transac tion of COMMISSION BUSINESS, UNDER THE FIRM OF Winter Bolton. J. C. WINTER, JAMES M. BOLTON. November 8. 3t - - -- - N otice. THE SUDSCRIDER, Has taken a Stand a few doors above captain Ketchums, North side, upper end of Broad-Street, WHERE HE WILL TRANSACT Commission Busi ness. And Expects a Supply of GROCERIES, SHORTLY. ' Which will be disposed of low for cash. Isaac La iioche. October 11 ts Stainkack Wilson AND James A. Black, HAVING associated themselves in business under the firm of WIL SON & BLACK, offer their services to their friends, and the public in general, in tlie OMMISSION AND Factorage Line. They have the Ware-House lately oc cupied by Messrs. Barrett # Sims, where every attention will given to ren der general satisfaction. Augusta, April 3ft - Notice. . THE SUBSCRIBER, Offers his services to his friends and the public in general, in the COMMISSION AND Factorage Line. HAVING taken the Ware*House lately occupied by Mr. fsaac La Roche, where every attention will be given to render general satisfaction. John Burton. October 4 ts slatesT - Hanhart, Ganahl Co. AGENTS for the New-Vork Slate Company, offer to contract for any quantity and quality at the company prires—-They offer for sale. Bills on New-York, United States?'Post Notes, 500 and 100 dollar Notes. Nov. 1 ts HANH ART, GaNAHL & Co. HAVING REMOVED their Coun ting Room, into the brick house lately occupied by Albert Brux, Esq. are now ready to receive Cotton, Pro duce, and all other kind of Goods for Storage, and to transact any business in the Commission Line, they will be thank ful fop a share of public patronage, and hope to give satisfaction to their custom ers. - ; Nov. I ts > L*LIU. IMUO. I ' Eichelberger Clem in, II iVB iWJfcT ftKjQKIVED, Loudon Pewter Plates, Dishes and Basins in casks Guns in cases Bell Metal Kettles in casks Anvils, Vices, Plated Saddlery & Gig i Furniture Saddle ' rees v W orated. Ifebb Serge, &c. ss, ■ ' W' hick 10 ith a Large and general sortment of 1 HARDWARE # CUTLERY, Are offered on Liberal Terms. They have, also for SaU\ , 40 half boxes Spanish Cigars, , AND —JI few Tickets in the—. GRAND SURGICAL LOTTERY, Os BALTIMORE. *. IThicli commences on the 26th inst.and is to be completed in 10 days ‘draw ing only. . , Highest Prize , 100,000 Dollars* November 8 *• 4t > notice. ~~ . The subscribers’ having formed a con* nection in the BAKING BUSINESS, under the firm of J BELL # Co. Intend currying it on in all its bran* ches, viz. j Loaf Bread of all kinds Ship Bread and Biscuit, Crackers, Butter Biscuit, and Confectionary, On M-lntosh’Strcet , near the riven, AND solicit a share of the patron age of the citizens of Augusta and Savannah, and will endeavor to give general satisfaction, by importing for the purpose, northward Flour. Tne, will always keep on hand for sale, by the single pound or barrel, to suit private families, northward and country Flour of the best quality. Persons willing to favour them with their custom will please to leave their names and place of resi dence at the shop, corner of Reynold and MHntosh streets. Also Wanted. Two Boys of good principles as Ai> . printices to ttieabove business. •J. Bell. f , Benjamin Pearson. November 8 ts * The Subscriber, OFFERS FOR SEE, 300 Bags and Bids. Green Coffee * 6 Tierces Jamaica do. * 100 Bbls. Philadelphia Whisky 5 Hhds. N. E. Ruin • 300 Pieces Inverness Bagging 20 Hhds. Prime Sugars ■iOOO Bushels Liverpool Salt 30 Boxes No. 10, Cotton Cards < Casks Colmenar and Sicily Made! * ra Wine C Qr. Chests Hyson Tea 9 Tops Shot assorted sizes 6 Tons English and Blistered Steel 2' ,000 lb. Iron, Swedes and English 15 Kegs Powder. •—ALSO— Ji General ssortment of DRY GOODS, &e. ON CONSIGNMENT. Twenfy-seven Packages assorted t Cutlery & Hardware, To be sold on accomodating terms. , S. KNEELAND. September 13 ** '' ' ' -i—l. m—i Removal. *TpHR subscribers have removed from m. their old stand, on Taylor’s wharf, 1 to the brick building on the Bay, south ! cast of the Exchange, (recently occupied by William T. Williams, esq. as a book and stationary stoie,) where they offer for sale a very extensive and general as sortment of DRY GOODS and HARD WARE, principally received by the late •irrivals from Liverpool—-of which they\. .vill dispose, on reasonable terms, by the piece, package or dc zen, for cash, pro* duce or approved paper. James Dickson , 8£ Co * Savannah, Oct. 22. AM Flev/ellin & Dickinson, Have Just Received Sf For Sale , 100 Piece? Prime Inverness Cotton Bag ,. Which they will sell low for cash or ap proved paper, with town acceptances. October 25. ts e t - - NOTICE. -* THE Subscribers COMPTING R 0 O,V. is in the House lately I occupied by Robert Lang and Co. north ‘ ■ side of upper end of Broad-stveet. John A. Barnes. Octbhnr 24 - n 4$ > ✓ *■' /