Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, November 15, 1817, Image 4

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W «n .«r m * U ni. (Jo .frt now Meets ving and Opening their, Winter's S GOODS; fheir Stosk wlllr be very Exten sive k Complete, consisting of / BHJTLSH, FHKNCIi, India & domestic GOODS, Whucji t)»ev offer at Wholesale and : Retail* on their turn a) low aud aocommo tmiit. ' I October 1. , 4C . . Removal. -V subset ioer wishes to inform his X. friends and the public in general, that he,has removed his BOOT ht-SUOE’ lot* from his former stand to the house lately occupied by Mr. Haynesworth, suutfi side of Broad street, three doors' ab ite the corner at the Market house, w .lOre he has on hand Jin Elegant Assortment vs BOOTS SHOES. Long and Wellington Hoots, * \\ ax d and Morocco Shoeteea, t Ilitto diV-o Pumps, Ditto Ladies’ Jackson Ties, Ditto do. Walking Shoes, Ditto Morocco Slippers of all kinds, And an extensive assortment of Negro of which have been just re ceived from New-York. C3T He likewise intends carrying on ♦he Manufacture and Repairing df Boots d Saues, add hopes from his strict st ation to business, to meat a liberal ire of public patronage. WILLIAM TUTT. Novembers, • ts The tfubgcribeFs, ■* *aving finned a connexion in Business, > UNUKU THE FIRM OF I. Andrews Co. • -'cspi cttuliy solicit the patronage of the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity,’ •wid inform them that they have for «*le at their ''in WareManufac. tory , , BROAD STREET, ext door above Mr, J. JY. Bridges, ,-.An Ex pnsive Assor'ment 0f..., WA R E, their own make, which they can con fidently recoimueud, —VIZ;— * ’N OOKING Utensils of every descrip j) tiou Liquid and Dry Measure, according. to the regulations of the Market Japanned and Plated -Ware Sheet lion Stoves Hardware, Crockery War*, ; Castings, and ' An assortment of Groceries. Ordiys tor Conductors, Gutters, &c„ .ttended to in town or country, at fbe holiest notice. " N. B Wanted, three good Journey- 1 non Tin Plate Workers, to whom Hbe al wages will be gi^en—two smart lads would be takenasapprentices. ' ' . * %* The highest price givenfor«cletn Cotton and Linen Rags. Richard Andrews, Ira C, Day. _ October 4 ts ' > AxmjviriVjJ ." “ ' Jock,©J Club Races W TTMLL commence on the Ist Wed-, VV nesday in December riext, free for any Horse, Mare or Gelding from 1 any part of the world—Weightsagreea ble to the Augusta Turf. Ist Day s Running, S mile heats, for a purse dJ g 400 £d —Z mite heatß 300 Sd—Mile heats for a purse •* supposed to-be worm be- ' fween S&400 By order of the President. R. H. Sec'ry. October 22 Ut &d R VtIUL BE -SOLD, On Wednesday the 3d’day of thfeetn ber next,-to the highest bidder , excellent tract of land con- JL taming 300 acres, owned by the: subscriber, nine miles above Augusta, lyiug immediately on the Savannah river, and cwntamtng a handsome proportion K roun d s —Also, 16 or 18 likely NEGROES, several Horses, a few good Lows and a small stock of SHeem together with some Household and Kißfcen furniture- Terms made known on the day of sal £ ; Edward W. Collier. October 29. tds A LL those indebted to the late firm «f Messrs. JAMES A. BLACK, it Lo. are requested to call and settle I A. Bom, fc faqa . 3otm Tuu S r - ■% «*4f»irto , «' f >; arts JACOBBAXFORTU ' •*. "V * akb r i 1 GKOBGE W. BVTLBB, ' HAVE formed a connexion ip trade, • at the ’uppermost stores on the north side Broad-street, Augusts, which, will be conducted in the name of GEORGE W. BUTLER, 4- Co. They hone on hand a general assort ment of Dvy Goods and Groceries, Cut Nails, Hardware and Crockery, Which th* 1 v will dispose of on the lowest terms for Cash, or exchange for 1 .country produce, on the most liberal terms. November 8. ■M— ■■ ■—■- ,1, ■■ Jacob Danlorth, Has Just Received, at his Store in Broad-Street, A General assortment of DRY GOODB, Groceries, Hard W are, •Cutlery and Crockery Ware. Also, a Large Assortment of Men’s, Women’s and Children's 81*068, Jnd an Elegant .Supply o f .] Northern Homespun, and Five Boxes Hats, assorted. The whole of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms.—He still’ continues Ins Na - Manufactory, and has, on hand a supply of nails of all sizes. He has also Just, Received, i£ Saw-Mill Cranks & Stirrups of the moat substantial kind, and best workmanship. November 8 tlstM J. W. Bridges, ——IS NOie BBCBJV/N C—— AND OPENING, Jhi Extensive Assortment, CONSISTING OF, British, French, India, and Do mestic DRY GO . —A L 8 O A General Assortment of Hardware and Cut lery. —Likewise— * JL C niplete Supply of GOOCERIEB. His Stock is extensive and complete, and will be offered at wholesale and re ad, on his “ usual low and accommoda ting terms J* Bills on J\Tew- York. October 11 ts Tlte -Subscribers, ARE DAILY RECEIVJJfG, LARGE QUANTITIES OF M 0 0 DIRECT FROM EUROPE.^ WHICH they can and will sell as low a» any other house in thestate that are Tegular dealers, and will give the highest price for COTTON and oth er Produce. Customers will be prompt ly attended to, and their favours grate-: fully received by ' A. Erwin, Groce A Co. v October 11 ts Carnages and Giggs. FOR BALE. THE subscribtr has received an ad ditional supply of Gigs and Car riages of a superior quality, made bj David Beach of Newark, and warranted good—They will4»e sold on accommo dat ng terms. ALSO—Several Double Breasted COT TON GINS, of fixim 45 to 65 saws, made by Boatwright tk tilav.e—apply to- G. B. Marshall. September 3. ts Silas Bronson, Having tuk n his old stand on Bridge Street, informs the citizens of Au gusta, that he is now opening , i * - A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Japaned Tin Ware He has obtained some of the first rate workmen from New-Yurk, and will be able to make Quitters and Conduc tors at the shortest notice—--Also, Scales, Weights and Measures, agree -able to the Augusta Standard. HR HAS os HASO, 3000 weight of new Dewier, at wholesale and retail A small consignment of Books Assorted Ivory and Horn Combs 100 patent Tinder Boxes, on «n entire new plan. —ALSO— •f large Assortment of GROCERIES. •At Wholesale or RetuML 1000 casks northern Cheese, os the River, and daily expected. ffT Old Pewter, Brass and Conner, received m payment. Nevsmbcy 6 ts rp!Hfi Subscriber* Hava confiected JL themsel ve* in the mercantile busi ness under the firm of 1 . JL Picquet % L, P. Hugo. t. They are receiving at present a general assoitmetof Dry Goods, Hardware, * Groceries & Crockery Ware, Which wiH be sold on very accommo dating terms. Antoine Picquet, Lean P. Dugas. Novembers • 1) —i —— l —* : Just Received, j A fresh supply of Loriliwtl’s Maocoboy, Hcotob & Rappee i SNUFF, 1 With a general assortment of MEDICINES. W. H. TUIhHN. November 8 wot BLANKETS . £4 BALES, consisting of Hose, Point and Dhffil Blankets, Just Received and for mth by Ames fc Allen. . AI.SO Additional supplies of HATS, Reasonable Dry Goods, Spermaceti Can dles, Cheese, Wine, 4fe. #c. • November 8 Bills on New-York Far Safety Reach & Thomas. October 4. Bills on New York AT SHORT RIGHT,, For Sale by A. Slaughter AC. Labuzan. \ Angus 116. ts Bills on New-York For Sale by Benjamin Picquet. August 23. ts Bills on New York For safe by JS.L.# S. Siurges. Ociober 11. / * ts 1Y IkkS on NEW-YORK—fur sale, F by MICU’L F. BOISCLAitt. October 25 ts Family Flour. THE subscribers will keep-coustantl - on hand for sale, a supply of SU PERFINE FLOUR, from one oi teh beot'tmllsdn'the Southern States. , Wilson & Black, j i Oct. 8. * ts Just Received, 2 Razees, for two Horses 2 Carriages I 2 Gigs. Which-will be sold low for Cash, by B. PICQUET. ' -FOR SALE, Biljs on N, York. Oc timer r >• "*• ts G. Hudson, 6l Co. HAVE JUiT KECEIVEI), Per the schooners Three Sisters, andi Y oung Rea Horse, from‘New-York. —An Extensive Assortment ivf- British, French & India DRY GOODS,- Cutlery , Hardware , ■A N D Groceries. * ALSO— CROCKERY; V Glass'. Ware, Which they aj;e determined to sell on accommodating terms by the Package, Piece or otherwise,.as may B«ib*urrhasers. < October 11 < ts FOM SALE, , A YOUNG Female Servant, 17years of age, well calculated for the house —Apply at this office. October 4. ts Doctors J, G. M*WHORTER and J. B. GUMMING, having united their interest in the practice of Physic, Burg *y and Midwifery, tender their t prolessiona( services to their friends and the public, and hope by their alliance to be able to pay punctual attendance to both Town and Country friends. By ap plying two doors above the Post-Office, one or the other will always bo found. November tsT |f Globe 'tavern. J BROAD STREET AUGUSTA, .. THE subscribers having purchased'* * lease of this Elegant and commodi ous establishment, inform their friends and the public in general, their best exertions shall be used to render comfort able all those who may be pleased to call on them. They have a number of pri vate Rooms handsomely furnished, sepa ra’e and apart from the bustle of the tav ern, for the accommodation of those to, whom such bustle drould be unpleasant— And having”determined to spare no pains in providing every comfort, they rely with confidence upon the support of the pub lic. - • • Thomas Glascock, . Peter Donaldson. June 30 ts • r *~ r T notice. 7 ~■ William White, a desire to accommodate 3 jl, the gentlemen .of Augusta, and strangers fuse, who may favor him with their custom, hopes they will not of the BELL, at Caropbcll’stjpjpffj as he Harters himself of renderingtaifry cums jit in a public Line—as such he hope? to meet with liberal encouragement from the public in general. Prom 10 to 12 gentlemen can be accommodated with yearly-boarding, on the shortest notice. Gentlemen travellers can also be accom-- 'mo 'ated with good stabling for horses, and the best of fodder and grain. November 12. ’ cw Washington Hotel., THE 8 UDSC RIDER HAS Purchased this well kttown Stand from Mr. Levi, H. JCciiols; 1 He s determined to devote suen attention I to the business of the house as w ill not fail to render it comfortable and pleasant to every person that be may have the. pleasure to attend to. Bis table will al ways be with the best the coun try can afford, .anikkis bar will be con-' stantly furnished with the choicest Li quors; good stables and ostlers are pro vided—-Every exertion will be made to render general satisfaction. Bamuel B. Head. The Milledgeville Journal will. please insert the above f»r 1 month, and forward "their account. Washington, Wilkes, Oct. 18 1m FOR BALE, 200 Acres of Land, LYING aofnt seven miles from this City, upon the Washington road, oust of it is well timbered-—there are upwards of forty acres cleared and un , der good fence—there is also on the pi e naises,-an excellent dwelling house, and out houses, a good Peach and Apple Orchard? and uncommon good water in abundance. • ALSO To be disposed of, Four Prime Negroes.—ls not sold at private sale be fore the first day of January next, the I whole will be sold at the market-house to the highest bidder on that day—A cre dit will be given if required* for good, personal security, and a mortgage on aH v Apply to ■ . > ' ’ Isaac La Roche, November 1 tds H itt be Sold, ON the premise's, on the first day of December next, a Plantation eleven miles fijpm Augusta, on the road leading to Milledgeville, containing 25b acres— -80 of which is cleared—A better stand for a public house is nut known in the up-country, the house is two stories j high, CO feet in length, and well furnish ed for accommodation of travellers— it is also well supplied with household an ,f kitchen furniture? together with 1 stock of all kind, and every necessary ; farming utensil. P. Donaldson. November 5 trts Notice, THE Subscriber offers for sale bis plantation containing more than 800 acres, about SOO of which is cleared and in a high state of cultivation; situated within one mile of Columbia Court house, and on both sides of the Main Road leading from that place to Augusta. * ' , —ALSO— His White Horse Tavern at Columbia Court house. As it is expected that no person, will purchase without viewing the premises, a further description is deemed unnecessary—Young field Negroes and cash will ttfc received in payment. John Briscoe. November 5. ‘ The Subscriber, TAKES this opportunity to inforn his friends and the {tublic, that hi has purchased John Rucker’s TAJS YARD, and STOCK OF LEATHER, in Elbert county,and taken his lease ami stock of Leather in Augusta, and has on hand at both yards, an assortment of Leather for sale on low terras, also Cow Hides, that is well saUcd and cured. Any person wishing to purchase in Au? gusta, may apply to fTm. Fowler. J Ames Backer. October tawfim . s'it • if - I xFollowing Property I «VM7 ILL be offered for Hale, at the I yT Court-House, in this city, on the ■ first Tuesday in December next, being the real estate of the late R. Wayne! ■ esq. and sold for the benefit of the heirs H of said estate, vizH House and Lot No. 1, Yamacraw. f I Wharf Lot No. 1, do. |; Wharf Lot No. 10, do. One Town Lot at Spring Hill. One five acre Lot, Chatham county, oh | the borders of the city. Two Town Lots in Sunbury. g One Town Lot in Brunswick. | 470 acres prime river swamp Land Argyle island, about 320 acres cleared f and cultivated under dam, wr‘h quarter drains, trunks, water machine, barns overseers, winnowing and negro houses, a garden spot, with a grove of swee orange and fig trees. The buildings are situatedon high know les, out of thereach* of freshets. This land produces as good crops as any on the river. The whole tract will be sold oi divided into two tracts to suit purchasers. 800 acres pine Laud; in the neighbor- I hood of Monte ith, 11,000 acres pine Land, in EffingSaias county, lad off in tracts oi from three fir ■ five hundred acres each. I tiOOo acr6s of Land, in Striven county* in different tracts; sonie of the tracts prime swamp atrfl oak and hickory lands*.- 310 acres of Lanu, Washington coun ty, oak and hickory. 202 i acres Land, WilkulSb'b county*.- 12th district, No. $65, 450 acres river swamp Land, in Sotltli Carolina, pposite the point of ArgyjelsL I ' and. From .ten to twelve hundred acres of I Land, on the Salt Ketcher, in South- Carolina. ' Four Lots in sie town of ‘Columbia, I' South Carolina. Terms to be made known on rtlie day I us bhlc* GEORGE ANDERSON, } . JAMES M. WAYNE, f executor*, ■ , I Savannah , September lb lV»* 1-1 Vluable Property for sale. I THE subscriber having obtained an order from the Honorable the In ferior Court of Columbia county, to sell I • the real Estate ot Joseph Ray, deceased. Offers for sale the Merchant Mills, Dis tillery, Dwelling Houses, Store, Crane- g i-y, &c. with 70 -acres of Land, including ‘ II; the whole of the improvements of the Hi said Joseph Ray, deceased. Also, 210 acres of Land, lying within half a mile ot said improvements, well timbered. The above property is offered at private sale, and if not sold previous to the 25th day H r of December next, will be sold on the 26th of December at/Raysvilie, to the highest bidder—Terms made known on that day, or at any time, by application H ; to the subscriber. Will be sold at the same time and place,,a sett of Patent Hi Stills, ami sortie old Gins,lrons,&c. &c, B William Harnett, | Guardian for the minors«fJas. Ray, dec. | October 29 4t H — H ( a GKEEABLY to the last will dj'tcs H ( tameiit of James Pearre, late of H _ Riclnnond county, deceased. /Fill be H^/). sold, on the Ist Tuesday in December ■*' m' v t, (if.jjot previously disposed of at H a pi Vate sale,) the following Tracts of Land, I» 500 Acres of Lapl on the wa- B ters of Bear creek, Franklin county, ori ginally granted to Nathaniel Pearre— Bounded N. E. by Cal), ,on the other sides by lands of IV m. Glascock, and H. George /Fa I ton. ~ -202 i Acres Land, Lot No. 30,3 d dis- H.. trict, old /Filkinson county. H It 154 Acres Land in /Filkes county, near the mouth of Longcreek, adjoining H \ lauds of Clce, and George Graves. 154 Acres in /Filkes county, adjoin- H . ing land of Cloe Graves; each being pa> t H of 924 acres of laud originally granted to Andrew Robinson. Hi 92$ Acres of Land, Elbert county— Hi t Bounded by lands of Joshua Graves, and by Savannah river; being a of a tract H u originally granted to Joshua Bradley. H r 143 Acres in Jackson county, adjoin- H" 1 ing lands of Joshua Graves. Acres of Land in /Farreri county, on Duhart’s creek; also one other tract ■ originally granted to Angus Martin. Title Deeds and Plots may be seen on Wl the day of sale, when the terms of pur* chase will be made known. J. T. ALLEN,? n L. PEARRE, SEI5 El ' s October 15 . ts To Rent, ~ I THE Dwelling House, together with ■ convenient out houses and a good garden,the dwelling house has fourjooms below, and two above stairs, with a 1 azk fronting the river, and without douo the most pleasant house in town during ■ the summer months—at present occup- FlewelTm & Dickinson. I November 1 n