Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, November 29, 1817, Image 4

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1 II", "■)lll"»ll-"*« Tti& S&BSCRIMBMJS * * ; Have entered into Copartnership f ■. under the firm of Felix G. Gibson # Co And are now receiving #n Extcn ' sivc assnrtment rtf ‘ British, French, IniiaSf Domestic DRY ROODS. * HARDWARE k CUTLERY, AND A General Assortment of ' GROCERIES, *• AH of which will be sold low and on accommodating terms Bills of Exchange , On New-York k Boston fotsAe. Felix W. Gibson, William G. Gilbert. October 29. ts IN ADDITION fpO an extensive assortment oTgoods 1 already on hand, the subscribers' Have just received by the ship Jane,'from Liverpool, the Following Articles whifh they offer for sale on mode rate tennp : „ 15 trunk- Cambrics, Lenos, 'Calicoes and Bombaxetts f 1 Bby 10 , i 1 50 boxes Crown Glass, t 9by HI i 10 by 12 20 crates Porter Bottles I Sho‘ & Lead. Sheet A* tUn»p|ron,C«sting Table Salt, &c. dec. ALSO. 10 barrels Linseed OH 8 cases Looking Glasses, assorted 14 do. Fine White Roram & Wool Hats 200 pieces Inverness Cot ton. Bagging ' * SO kegs Dupont A co’s. FP & F;F.F. Gunpowder. , Edward Quinn & Go. . J " - -Jf.: HeihovaL I Jr ■ '9 Wheeler,Bradley’s ft Co. • ; : Bare Removed their Stand one door •east rs thi' City Hotel, where they are Opining, AS FVKOANT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. Conwting of the following Articles , Lviat:— *; EEADY made Clothing of-all des criptions t . Dry Goods, a general assortment Looking Glasses from >l. to a ’IOO dol-. lars tire pair | Silver, plated and -common Castors 1 Ditto, ditto and brittania Tea Setts Ditto Table and Tea Spoons Gold Watch (Chains, Seals and Keys Ladies’ Bracelets and Finger Rings ; Brass Andirons, Shovels and Tongs Copper Tea Kettles Coffee Roasters Ladies’ and Gentlemens’Bcaver Hat s Ditto rditto Boots and Shoes Windsor Chairs, dfc. : N. B. The whole will be sold at very reduced, prices. Nov il - Notice. THE SUBSCRIBER, Offer* hie services to his friends and the public 4n general, in the '( COMMISSION AND Factorage Line, j HAVING taken < the Waredlouse lately occupied by Mr. Isaac La Roche, where every attention will be given to render general satisfaction. John Burton. October 4 ,/, ts 1 • SLATES. , Hanhart, Gandhi Co . A GENTS for the New*York Slate JfjL. Company, offer to contractfor any quantity and quality at the company prices——They offer fbrsale, Bills on New-York, States’ Post Notes, 500 and 100 dollar Notes. • Nov, l ts ' UAtauar ovn C,. j tII REMOVED their Com-’, JTJL ;.N«g . itasn, irttothe brick hdnsel lately occupied by Altocft Brua, fa now ready to receive Cotton, Pro-; ’ <Juce> and all other s kind ■of Goods ibr? Storage,and to transact any business in' ; the CommissionLine.they will be thanM fol for a shore *df public patronage, and? hope to g>Ve satisfaction to their custom- [ qrs- H , Nov, t ___ H I otige. FRMIE Subscribers COMPTIW& jL ROOM, is in Uie -louse lately; ns&qhd by Rabetrt Lang’ and Co. north! aide of upper end of Broad-atroet. | ifec , ■ aaa» I ?‘ * jjMMbfc—'i V =* ,vk * .-. It . New* Goods# Charles Harmon, HAS JUST RECEIVED, ] And tfffers fog Sale at his Store,four doors bitow M'Kthxie, Meituoch, 0 Co’s, id lots' lo suit purchasers, 12 BALKS broad cloths, superfine, fin e 1 and common, 4 Ditto.Cassimuret, do. do. v do. 2 ditto Serges, ‘ * 1 ditto Blqe Plains', ■ 1 ditto Dnffills, 2 ditto Bomb izettd,' 8 Cases Calicoes, 2 ditto Furnitures, 1 ditto Cainbrtcks, 1 ditto-Silk Hose, assorted, Blankets, Guernsey Frocks & Drawers, Twist, Ribbons, silk and cotton Shawls Angola Hose Crapes, Sewing Silks, Qaurt Hand kerchiefs, Florentine Vest ings, Sarsnctts, See, —ALSO ItO Trunks Shoes, - containing a.general assortment, 60 Cases. Hats, assorted, 40 Barrels NJ E. Rum, 20 Boxes Soap, 1 25 Ditto Cheese. November 22. * ts | The Subscriber ! Has on Hand & For Sale, RATIFEK. a • < Cinnamon, * ■. . o ' Cloves,. , Mint Auni«ec(l, • f ~ . Kennei s r i, . Cordials Pepper Mint, Double & Single —ALSO—s Wine, Hum, Brandy & Gin. •Town and Country Merchants and Familie*, can be supplied with the above articles very low‘for cash, at the upper end of -Bioad street, opposite to Miv John M. Davenport’s. Thomas Pye. November 19. pw Mississippi Stock, In Small Bills. For Sale or Barter for Prime COTTON.. APPLY TO ’ ■ liobert Isang SCo. (November iff 9t Jiibt Received, 2 Razees, for two Horses 2 Carriages - f 2 Gigs. Which will be sold lowfor Cash, by B. PICQtJEr. von SALE, Bills on N. York. October ts ► Bilk on New-York For Hale hij Beach & Thomas. October 4. Bills on New Y ork AT SHORT SIGHT, For Sale 6y A. Slaughter A C. Labuzan. August 16. ts Bills on New York For sale by ' ' "< N.lj. ijf S. Bturges. Ociober 11. ts .r If ILLS on NEW-YOHK—for sale, |by MICH’L. F.BOISCLAIR. < October 25 ts 7 Bills on Noav Y ork For sale at the stare of •Y’ L & S. St urges, by I . Beers & Sturgea. OotxAerll. ts ■ ■■ m w ■ Family Flour. JL on hand (wr sale, a supply of SU PERFINE FLOUR, from one ot the belt mills in the Southern States. 'Wilson -& Black. 1! Oct. ''B. Jtf ■; j Doctors J. G. MCWHORTER and j J. B. GUMMING, havin" unitedv their iritercst in the practice of Physic, Surgery Atid Midwifery, tender their, professional services toibeir friends and. thepnbile, and hope by their alliance to. hemde to pay punctual attendance to' both Town and Country friends. By ap- ‘ plying two doors above the Post-Office, one or the other will -always found. November 12, * g 4f FlewelTm Have Just Received Sf For Sate, v 100 Pieces Prime Inverness ■ Cotton Bagging, i; Which Itiey will sell low tor ouh or ap . oroved n.p«r, with town acceptances. LOcWwmC tf w . •&,1k ■;, **• ; «. Ilk: . * dsf r A w m . * % * 0 L • 4k '** I ’ NOTICE.* Sank of Augusta, 17 th ATuv, 1817. A DIVIDEND of* six dollars per share for the last half year, liaving been this day declared bj the Board of Directors on-the stock of this institution, (the same, with ten dollars per stare of surplus promts,'will be paid to stockhol : ders or their legal representatives on and ■ after Thursday the 20th inst. Also, to individual stockholders, the increase mo ney received on 2,500 shares of New Stock sold on the Ist instant, lor their account. > t> By order of the Board. Augustus Moure, Cashier , — At a meeting of the Trustees of the Richmond Academy, on Sa turday, the 23d Netr. 1817, ON MOTION, RESOLVED, that this Board will convene in their rooin in the Academy, on Friday the sth day of December ext, at 11 o’clock, for the purpose of electing Teachers I’c;' the institution. A Rector with a salary of 800 dollars per annum, and the tuition money of the Classical scholars. Two English Teachers, the first with , a salary of 500 dollars, -with halt of the , tuitioumoney in the English department. Second, with a salary of six hundred dollars. , “ , ' Anti the Teacher in the Female de partment with a salary of 300, and the tuition money in that particular depart s meat, and the Board will at the same time, appoint a Steward for the.institu tion. : \ \ It is remtesfod that the candidates wilt make thew applications by tetter, ad-’ ’ dressed to the president of (his board. Xhkerifrom the Minutedb Isaac Herbert, -d*k.,; —— Globe Tavern. BROAD STREET, AUG LST A, subscribers having purchased u i lease of this Elegant and commodi ous establishment, inform their friends and the public in general, that their best exertions shall be used to render comfort-, able all those whoinay be pleased to call on them. They have a number of pri vate Rooms handsomely furnished, sepa rate and apart from the bustle of thp tav ern, for the accommodation of those to whom such bustle would be unpleasant— And having determined to spare no pains in providing every.court fort, they rely with confidence upon the support of the pub lic* .* Thomas Glascock, Peter Donaldson. June 30 ts * NOTICE. ” ’ William White, HAVING a desire to accommodate the gentlemen of Augusta, -and strangers also, who may favor him with their aistom,hopes they will not pass the sign ol the/BELL, at Campbell's Grove, as he flatters himself of rendering every comfort in a public line—as such lie hopes to meet with liberal encouragement from the public in gtneral. From 10 to T; gentlemen can be accommodated witli yearly boarding, on the shortest notice. Gentlemen travellers can alsobeaccom modated with good stabling for horses, and the best of fodder and grain. Nov&mberl2. , cw WASHINGTON Jockey Club Races WILL commence on tlie Ist Wed nesday in December next, free, for any Horse, Mare or Gelding from any part of the world—-Weights agreea ble to the Augusta Turf. i Running, 3 mile heatSj for a purse of -{8 400 2d—2 mile by is 1 300 Sd—Mile heats for a purse ' supposed to be worth be tvfoen 3 & 400 < By order of the President. H. M<Crea, Sec’ry. October 22 lit NOTICE. "~ THE SISTHRPOND JOCKEY-CLUB RACES, 47" ILL commence qp the second TT Wednesday in December next, free for any Horse, Rare or Gelding from any part of the world.—The first .day’s running S mile heats, for m purse worth. 300 dollars—Second day’s running 2' mil© heats, fora purse worth 200 dollars -Third-day’s running, for a handy-cap-1 purse, 2 mile heats, for -the surplus and' untrancc money, supposed to be worth; 200 dollars.—Weights as follows: Aged Horses 'L 126 lbs, I 6. Year old 120 •' » '■ A * do. do. 112 4 do. do. '402 * <**>• do. - 89 2 do. do. A Feather. * Owen Tomlin, seeing. November K awdw Notice. ALL persops having demandsagainst the estate of Samuel Brant, de feated, will present them within the time prescribed by law, likewise all per sons indebted to Uis estate are requested to make immediate payment to’ • lames Johnson, J October 22 • . law3m Cancers Effectually cured by a Powder hi ; r Thirty Days. Dp. W. S. Parrott, INFORMS the inhabitants of Augusta and its Vicinity, that he will sojourn 1 during dud month, or six weeks in this place. He cures (he most-obstinate Cancers, risg or tetter worms, scald head, scurvy, king’s evil, white swelling, and various other complaints hitherto tho’t incurable by medical art; and let this be the motto or witness 'against him- — , No Cure, no Pay, , ' Dentist. VmtW. S. P OFFIC lATES1ATES in the capacity of Den tist, in all its branches; draws teeyth , with skill, and without much pain, inserts! ; teeth from one to the whole set hardly to be distiuguishe'cl from the natural- ones; cleans teeth, plugs the hollow ones with gold or lead, which method not only puts an end to the pain, but preserves the too til a great while; prepares a powder much to the purpose for cleaning the teeth, and preserves the gums, and res tores a sweet breath, which cures the scurvy perfectly in a few days. Those gentleman or ladies wanting his assist ance, will please to call, or let him know -of their case , at the Ejagle-Tayern. ' November 12- ' ts To Adventurers. rIRSQNS desirous d graving Ship ments of Cotton or other Prddube , made to any part ofEdrope, or th< Notr thern States, are informed that the sub scribers will undertake to make suclk .shipments through tlie most respectable Mercantile Houses, FREE OF ANY CIfJIROE , except the mere forwarding rates —and on tneproduce being placed; subject to their order, will advance TWO\ THIRDS THE AMOUNT OF IN VOICE, eitiier in Cash or Bills of Ex change. The most satisfactory/referen-, ces as td respectability tfe.-tak be given on application. , > Winter Bolton. ■Nov. 22 '' 3t Witt he Sohl,~ ON the premises, on the first day of December next, a plantation eleven miles from Augusta, on the road leading to Milledgeville, containing 256 acres— -80 of <whish 4 v s cleared—A better, sfom! for a public house is .not known in the up-country.*flie house is two stories high, 60 feet in length, and well furnish - ed for the accommodation of travellers— it is also well supplied with househob', and kitchen furniture, together wit; ! stock of all kind, and every necessary ’ farming utensil. P. Donaldson. ; November 5 tds For Sale, 7 well known Tract of Land, in, JL Columbia county, called Moun< Hope, ten miles above Augusta, on Sa-- vannah river, containing 528 acres— i which is equal if hot superior, toanv ! tract of Land, in the county. There is; on the premises a good Dwelling House, Kitchen, Gin House, Stables, Corn House, and all the necessary buildings on a Plantation, all under a goodTenc*-; the terms will be made kndwn, by appli- ' -cation to subscribers,-on the premises. ■John B. Wilkinson, Win, H. Blackwell. October 25 , *tf • HOUGHT to Gaol in Jacksonbo-; rough, Scriven county, November 5 18th, 1817, a negro man who says hi*, y name GEORGE; also a negro wench who says her name is CLARY, the wife of George, and say they belong to Joseph Bevan, of Camp jack, Effingham county. George is a likely follow, lame in the' left foot, stutters very much, of dark complexion ; Clary is,of adark<iom plexion, appears to be twenty-five y-ears old, stout made, alfbut five feet six indies high, has some smaH teeth round her neck,. whidh she says are hogs teeth, and says they ran a-way 3 or foj»r weeks ago.’ ALSO—Brought to Gaol in the same place, November 20th, 1817, two negro men whp say their names are LARRY and BILL, and that they belong to Ben jamin Burroughs, of Columbia county, Georgia, eight miles above Augusta, near Savannah river. They are of datk com plexion, stout made, likely fellows.— Larry about thirty years old, five/feet j eight o- nine -inches high—Bill about ] twenty one or two years old, five feet nine or ten •indies high, say they rana way Wednesday week, and were going to Savannah. Solomon Kemp* 8.9-€. November 26. • o f Carriages and Giggs. FOR SALE. , J THE subscriber has received an ad- • ditional supply of Gigs and Car- riages of a superior quality, made by . David Beach of and warranted . good.—-They will be sold on accommo dating terms. ALSO—Several DonWe BreastedCOT TON GINS, of from 45 to 65 saws, made by Boatwright (Haze.—apply to G. B. Marshall. Septembers. . _ *- ts Folhiting Property f° r sal#, at th« ,▼ T* C«urt*Hous«, in this city, on th» first Tuesday in Decembermex{, bein* the real estate of the iate R. and .sold for the benefit of the haul ot said esft;«, vi* .**' Hi>use aiul Lot No. i, Yamacraw. Wharf Lofr.No. i f do. Whari Lot Wo. 10, do. One Toft's LiV at Spring Hill. One five acre LoC, Chatham county. 01 tlie borders of iH»e Aity. Two Town Lots in, Snnbury. One Town Lot ft) Brunswick. 470 acres prime rfter ewamp Land on Argyle Island, about >2O acres cleared andcultivated under daA),\ith quarter drains, trunks, water m;JchiKe, barns overseers,'winnowing, and n«ygro houses, a garden spot, with a grove of vsaeet orange and fig trees. The buildr i # ; are. .situated on high knowles, out of the p of freshets. This land produces as good crops as any on the river, The w„ole tract will be sold oi divided into two tracts to suit purchasers. 800 acres pine Land; in the neighbor* hood of Monttith, 11,000 acres pine Land, in Effingham county, lad oft’in tracts of from -three to five hundred .acres each. . ■<. 6000 acres of Land, in Sc riven county, in different tracts; some of the tracts ", prime swamp and oak and hickory lands. I acres of Land, Washington coun- I ty, oak and hickory. I • 202$ acres Land, Wilkinson county, I 12th district, No. 265. 450 acres river swamp .Land, in South Carolina, oposite the point of Argyle IsU ami. ' • Fropa ten to twelve hundred acres of Land, on the Salt Ketchet, in South# Carolina. ' I hour Lots in the town df -Coiasthia, I South-Caroiiua- Terms to be made known on the day qI Salic* ' ' * GEORGE ANDERSSON, ? - JAMES M. WAYNE. < exec **«H ■ Savannah, September Il>- i <s< v I , .■» 1., * .:t " r , i Lands for Sale. I ONE tract containing 541 acres in I Edgefield District, S.C. near Beach I Island, bounded byjands of John Ash* bury, John Star, George Miller, and I John Pryor, and others. One Trart containing 183 acres, I in.Edgefield District, on Savannah riv* I er, bounded by Lands of John Pace, Mr. Ray, Drui y Pace, and the River. I As it is presumed no one will jMirchase V without first seeing the above lands,(husc I 1 vho are disposed to get information as .to situation, price, &c. are referred to .Mrs. McLaws and Holt, or to Mr. Ar I hraham Sdarkley, Charleston, South? Carolina. 1 || November 15 _ ts ■ , A GREK ABLY to the last will (Jj'tos* Z /\ lament of James JPearre, late of I Richmond county, deceased, frill be H j sold, on the Ist Tuesday in December | next, at the Market-house in the city of T Augusta, (if not previously disposed of I at private sale,) the following , Tracts of Land, I 500 Acres of Land os the wa» I £ ters of Bearcreek, Franklin county, drii* H finally granted to Nathaniel Pcarre-** I Bounded N. £. by Call, on the other I sides by lands of Wm, Glascock, and ■ George Dalton. * > 202 j Acres Land, Lot No. 30,3dl(lis* I trict, old Wilkinson county. il 154 Acres Land in Irilkes county, I near the mouth of Long creek, adjoining ■ lands of Cke, and George Graves. I 154 Acres in FFilkes county, adjoin* I ing land of Clue Graves; each being part I * vof 924 acres of laud originally granted I fi •to Andrew Robinson." : . - 92$ Acres of Land, Elbert county-* ■ Bounded by lands of Joshua Graves, and I by Savannah river; being a part of a tract I originally granted to Joshua Bradley. ■ 143 Acres in Jackson county, adjoin* ■ ing lands of Joshua Graves. I I 833 Acres of Land in JFarren county, ■ j on Duhart’s creek; also one other trapt ■ originally granted to- Angus Martin. ■ ] Title Deeds and Plots may be seen on ■ 5 the day of sale, when the terms of pur*M ] chase will be made known. J. T. ALLEN,? g^ fg , ■ L. PEARRE, S ■ October IS t ‘ To Let, -wVO A STORE, as good a stand as any ini the eify to purchase Produce, <*p* 1 . posite the uppermost pump on Broad* Street, and possession given immediate* <JCu ly—For particulars enquire of I t,ici Thomas Pye. ■ ai„; Nov. £2 —■ a i J To Let. I y THE, Store and Dwelling WoutcH w x ■ lately occupied by George f f dy, & Co. on the South side of i Street, next door above Mr. 1). SL llie situation is very eligible for vv Goods and purchasing of the Lot arc convenient Backstores, 5 ble and carriage House, Ac For ; wl/to ' l ,avidm- K innbv.|j S November, 13. , Blanks, ■t* xYzatly Executed at this