Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, December 06, 1817, Image 1

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; AUGUSTA CHRONICLE I JEW GEORGIA GAZETTE. " 1 .: EpL xxxit] 8 Saturoav, ukckmbku s, 1817. - ” [Nu. ia/a] ’ M \ ' ~ TWB ErOFST-a CHRONICLE, iil Ani> ■gL’okgl* gazette, '■J PUULISHKD BY-» ■WAN, DUYCKINCK & PKARRE, VERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, wipe Dollars per annum, Payable in ■ Advance. | 11. DUNTON, HAS JUST RECEIVED, ■ AND intends keeping, I General Assortment , and Constant ■ Supply* of Genuine I GROCERIES, —Aim— I LIQUORS. ■ Kiitahle for Town Customers, Country ■ Merchants ami Planters, at I . moderate prices. I WHOLESALE AND RETAILf — among which ARE—— ITTIK FOLLOWING ARTICLES. 00 Bags Prime Green Coffee Hhds. ami bbls. of first and second quality SUGARS I i Ditto and ditto loaf, lump ami bastard I ditto Ditto Molasses Chocolate, Pepper and Spice . imperial, )... • Hyson, and I J[ (*clS* | Hyson akin J 1 Pipe old and very superior'} Madeira / I <Jr. casks l, p. Tcneriffe- > J)o. xditto Sherry ' V JT ■ 3)o. d ltto Malaga j *lth Proof Jamaica ] n ■ Sd ditto West-IndU k 1111 111 ■ f 2 yßbls. -& 6 hhds. N. E. J First Chon Holland Gin Table Salt, and superior Vinegar TCGETUBtt WITU— -100 Demi Johns 100 Setts Wooden Measures 40 Boxes Spermaceti Candles 20 Ditto Mould ditth 20 Ditto first quality Turpentine Soap I 100 Casks of Cut Nails, of a superior qualitv, consisting of 3d. 4tL Gd. Bd. lOd. 12th and 20d. 40 Ditto Cut Brads, Bd. lOd, 12d. v; and 20d. I 5000 lbs Shot, from B. B. to No. 8 | Ax Bar and small Sw eede’s Iron it German and Blistered Steel | 20 Keg* Treble F. Gun Powder, (English) I A quantity of Northern Bod Ticking, | Ginghams, Stripes, Shooting and Shlrtiiig 5 ‘ 40 Piectjs excellent Inverness Bag ging* # c - ALSO, I A STOCK OF Dry Goods Hard ware* /Which will be ottered very low, being determined to turn his whole attention to the -Grocery Business. ON CONSIGNMENT, .>1 Large Qmn tily" of — Saddler’s Tacks, OT EVBUY SIZE. Which will be sold low by the quantity. November 22 tt Notice. THE SUBSCRIBER, Has taken a Stand a few doors above captain Ketchums, North side, upper ■ttyd o‘ Broad-Street, - WH'EHH HE WILk TRANSACT Commission Busi ness. And Expects a Supply of GROCER IE S, SHORTLY. Which will be disposed ©flow for cash. Isaac La Roche. - October 11 ts Notice. THE SUBSCRIBER, dOffiers his services to his friends and the public in general, in the COMMISSION AND Factorage Line. HAVING taken the Ware-House lately occupied by Mr. Isaac La Roche, where every attention will be . given to render general sat istaction. John Burton. October 4. H i.iimi i »i!■', ■ . *■ . New Goods. *" y • .v ' ' diaries HAS JUST RECEIVED, And Offers for Sale at his Store,four ■ ,doors below MKcnvie, Beanoch, & Co's, in lots to suit purchasers, 12' BALKS broad cloths, superfine, fine and common, 4 Ditto Cassimcrcs, . do. do. do. 2 ditto Serges, 1 ditto Blue Plains, 1 ditto Duttills, \ { 2 ditto Bmnbiizeits, 8 Cases Calicoes, 2 ditto Furnitures, 1 ditto Cainbrirks, 1 ditto Silk Hose, assorted, Blankets, Guernsey Frocks & Drawers, Twist, Ribbons, silk and cotton Shawls Angola Hose Crapes, Sewing Silks, Gauze Hand kerchiefs, Florentine Vest ing's, Sarsnetts, dfc. ’——ALSO i 10 Trunks Shoes, containing a general assortment, 14 Ditto Wellington Boots, 6p Cases Hats 40 Barrels N. E. Rum, 20 Boxes Soap, 25 Ditto CKeesc. November 22. ts The Subscriber Hus on Hand & For Sale, jTJAuFEK, ' Cinnamon, ma • a. ciovcs, Mint Peach, 1 .Amiiseed, ' r —. a • i Fcnqel Seed, (jOrCUaiS Popper Mint, Double & Single > •. ——ALSO—— Wine f Rum , Brandy & Gin. Town and Country Merchants and Families, can be supplied with the above articles very low for cash, at the upper end of Broad street, opposite to Mr. John M. Davenport’s. Thomas Pye. November 19, r* dw THE SUBSCRIBERS ' Have entered into Copartnership under the jirm of Felix G. Gibson # Co And arc now receiving an Exten sive assortment of British* French, IndiaSf Domestic DliY GOODS. -—ALSO HARDWARE k CUTLERY , AND A General Assortment of GROCERIES , All of which will be. sold low and on accommodating terms Bills of Exchange On New-York k Boston for sale. JFelix Gibs n, - William G. Gilbert. October 29. ts IN ADDITION 110 an extensive assortment of goods already on hand, the subscribers nave just received by the ship Jane, from Liverpool, the i oßowing Articles which they otter for sale on mode rate terms : 15 trunks Cambrics, Lenos, Calicoes and Bombazetts }8 by 10 9 by 11 10 by 12 20 crates Porter Bottles Shot & Lead, Sheet $ Hoop Iron, Casting Table Salt, &c. &c. ALSO. 10 barrels Linseed Oil 8 cases Looking Glasses, assorted 14 do. Fine Whiteßoram & Wool Hats 200 pieces Inverness Cotton Bagging • SO kegs Dupont & co’s. FF & F.F.F. Gunpowder. Edward Quinn & Co. July 19, ts Bolting Cloths. 1 *TV4E Subscribers have just received A complete assortment of the best quality DUTCH BOL HNG CLOTHS. Edward Quin, & ( >J. June tf - Forty. Boxes Bloom Raisins, Os (hie vear’s ctop, for sale by H* Dunton. December 3. NEW Clothing Store. Wheeler,Bradley’s & Co. One Boor East of the Cily-Hotel, HAVE ON HAN I), A VERY EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF j CLOTHING, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, And have This Day received in addition, TO Packages, ■ Which makes their assortment very ex pensive, all of which they will sell at Wholesale or Retail on the most rea sonable Terms. ---ALSO— A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OP Dry Goods % Hard ware: LADIES’ Walking Shoes and San dals Gentlemens’ Boots, Shoes and Morocco Slippers Ladies’ Beaver Hats Gentlemens’ Beaver and Roram ditto Silk and Cotton Umbrellas Plated and Britania Tea Setts Plated Casiors 1 Silver Tea Sett Silver Table and Tea Spoons Ditto Watches Gold Chains, Seals and Keys Brass Andirons, Shovels and Tongs Copper Tea Kettles, Stills and Worms howling Pieces - > Patent steel barrel and common Pistols Dirks, Powder and Shot, Anvills Frying Pans, Trace Chains, &x. —ALSO Looking Glasses, Os all descriptions and prices, From 1 to 120 Dollars tho Pair, Some of which are very elegant. ALSO, A NEAT Jersey Waggon, With full Plated Harness, Calculated for one or two Horses. £3” They have employed a Man from the north, whose profession is Tayloring, he will attend to the fitting of garments. Also, (if application,) to cutting ladies’ Habits and Pelieses. December 3 ts. The Subscriber, OFFERS FOR SLE, 300 Bags and Bbls. Green Collec 6 Tierces Jamaica do. 100 Bbls. Philadelphia Whisky 1 5 Hhds. N.- E. Rum 300 Piefces Inverness Bagging 20 Hhds. Prime Sugars * . ' 2000 Bushels Liverpool Salt SO Boxes No. 10, Cotton Cards , Casks Columnar and Sicily Madei ra Wine 6 Qr. Chests Hyson Tea 9 'Tons Shot assorted sizes G Tons English and Blistered Steel 20,000 lb. Iron, Swedes and English 15 Kegs Powder. , —ALSO— A General ssortment of DRY GOODS, tfc. ON CONSIGNMENT. Twenty-seven Packages assorted Cutlery & Hardware, To be sold on accomodating terms. # S. KNEELAND. September 13 J. W. Bridges, 1 — IS NOW RECRIVIVG— — AND OPENING, An Extensive Assortment, • • CONSISTING OF, British, French, India, and Do - me stic DRY GOODS. —A L S'O A General Assortment of 1 Hardware and Cut ley. A Complete Supply of GROCERIES. t His Stock is extensive and complete, and will be ottered at wholesale and re tail, on hi» “ usual low and accomoda ting terms.” Bills on New- York. October 11 ts Blanks, Neaily Executed at this Office. , * *' ; ». .11 - -v i James. Woodrow- • CO. , (oUMMINo’s BRICK BVXLDtN’OS,} HATE JUST RECEIVED, By f/ie /atcsf arrivals from Britain , a very extensive assortment nf •Dry Goods & Hard ware, •» • VIZ* SUPERFINE Broad Cloths Coarse Cloths in great variety Cassimeres and Quiltings Carpetings Toiler.ctsand Swansdowns Bombaitutts ami Bomba/.eens Rose and Duftil Blankets White, Blue and Mixture Plains Brown Linens Irish do. Scotch Homespuns Cotton Cambrics and Shirtings Plain and Fancy Muslins PrintediMadrass and Afasalipatam TTk'ffs Silk & cotton Shawls—a large assortment Counterpanes Woollen and cotton Hosiery Vigana Cloths Plaids and Chambrays * * Hats and Umbrellas Dun lee and Inverness cotton Bagging Readymade Waistcoats, and an elegant assortment of Dr<S« and Furniture Calicoes, Which, with a very general assort ment of HARDWARE , laid in upon the best terms, are now opening and will be sold at a moderate advance lor cash, pro duce, or approved paper. AT.SO FOU SAX.E, Bills on Loudon or Glasgow. / Dec. 3. * ts Alexander Bryan, Has Received by recent arrivals from New-Fork, a d offers for sale at reduced prices, SUPERFINE and common cloths, Cassimcrcs Blankets, assorted Panels, Blue Plains, Bombazetts assorted, Vestings and Worsted Stockings, Calicoes, Canton Crape, Shawls, , Lace and cotton Damask do; 5 to 8-4 % Fancy silk and'Merino Handkerchiefs, Barcelona and cravat ditto, Pelorines, ribbons, gloves, cambric, Childrens' Beaver Hats, 000 Yards carpeting, 2 Cases 4-4 Linens, low charged, 6 ditto Castor and Kormn Hats, 2 ditto Ball Thread 64 & 12b to the lb. 4 ditto Saddles and Hi idles. A General Assorment of CLASSICAL BOOKS, Blanks Books, Writing Paper, &o A General Assortment of STAPLE & FANCT, Hardware 6 Hhds. Glass Ware, assorted China Tea Setts White in Gold 18 Crates crockery, assorted. 5 Hilda. Sugar, lO Bids. Coffee, &c. &c. December 3. > ' -ts • Miller & Stout? nbuvgh, Have Just’ Rec • r —A supply of—- )r oAf sugar, 1J Molasses, imenlo, Pepper, Coffee —and a number of other arti cles of GROCERIES, which makes their assortment com plete, in (hat line. December 3. c ’ ILVER SPOONS' • *T Mackerel Liquor Cases, and beat Spanish Segars, Fon SALE BY 11. & O. Webster. Dec. 3 _ /, cw TUP SUBSCRIBER* Have Entered into Copartnership, un der the Firm of Miller & Stouten burgh, . They solicit a Continuance of their for mer customers, and now offer them a Large ami General Assort ment of European Goods, By the Package or Piece . Imported in the Casket, Oglethorpe, and Lord Whitworth—-which will be dispo sed on pleasing terms. John Miller, . . Benjamin B. StoutcnburgU. November 26 - „ tl * » ■*f /' • (■ : ... • Beers Sturges, Nearly opposite M'l ß»nri«, Rennoc/u & Co's.' . HAVE JUST RECEIVED And offer for stile cKeap, at Whol* sale and Retail, an entire new Ossaifinest qf ~ DRY GOODS, Hardware § Groceries, AMONG WHICH ARE DUFFILmnd Poin; Blankets, Extra large and assorted Rose, do. Sup*p* fine Cloths and Kerseymeres, Double juilled Drab and Pelisse Cloths, Blade and coloured Bombazettes, Super Bon % imr.ine, Vigonia and other Vestings, Carlisle and American Ginghams, Ele gant Furniture Dimities, Men’s and W ». men’k beaver gloves, Cotton and Worst ed I » iery, negroes’ do. white and red Green Baize, Gottou-ehecks, Siei im loom shirtingsl Oil cloths, Flush itigs, Canton hktfs. Brown linen, Cotton braces, Humhums, Silk hose, Crash, Crapes, Silk hk’fs and Shawls, Long lawn, Madras and flag hk’fs, Black and colored cambric,, Wellington, turn Hurt and impressed calicoes and Chintz. And a great variety of’other articles. They haw Meo on the finer, and expected soon, Bandanna & Chow Chow Hk’fs. Black and changeable Florences, Sura nets, Senshawa and blac k Florentines, Longue Uomal.H, Green, orange & crim son Ratinett, Irish linens, sheetings and fable diaper, Hritannias, Dark ground and imitation shawls, Marseilles Vest ings, Bed Tick, &c. A LSO* IIIII I.I Jamaica Sugar, Green Cottee, Cogniac Brand v, i W. I. & N FJllum, » \ Manufactured Tobacco, Tenerilfeand Malaga Wine, . ' Cut Nails, Goshen Cheese, &c. <£*c. They will sell Bills on New York as 60 days sight. November 19. ts v Jtnliot subscribers hereby announce JL. that they have extended a branch of their business to Augusta, to be con ducted by James VV oodrow, under the firm of Janies Woodrow # cat Jlnd are now Opening, nt the Store formerly occupied by Adam, Hutche son, Esq AN EXPENSIVE ASSORTMENT of d it r go o —AKb— -1 HARD WARE, Imported in the ship Georgia ai d oth er recent arrivals from Britain, which vill be sold at a moderate advance lor hish, Produce, or Approved Pnpor. ANDREW LRW $ Co. . Sivannah, Nov. I ts —* * .. . .. Meriwether Beal, f &>■ . . ARE NOW OPENING, In Cummings * Hrick . uiUliug , next door abort w -ilnerland. AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF I VLYVEII G 0 0 !) S —-DireCt-fiom Liverpool— 4MONO wntcH A/tK SUPERFINE and common. Cloths Ditto - ditto Cissimeies Flannels,- Bombazetts, Blankets Plains, &c. Ac, All of which they will sell on the nost accommodating terras, for Cush or Produce. . Nov- 12 2m SLATES. Hmhart, Gandhi Co, AGENTS for the Ncw-Vork Slate Company, offer to contract for any quantity and quality at the company prices They offer for sale, , Bills on Nevv-York, \ United States’ Post Nolei,•so0 S 100 dollar Notes, ■- • ,l • ■V- - HANHART. GaN.HL B Co. * Having rbmoveg wig Room , mto the brick • house lately occupied by Albert Brux, Esc. are now ready to receive Cotton, Pro duce, ahd all other kind of Goods for Storage, and to transact any business in the Cemmissioii Line, they will be thank rol for a share of public patronage, and hope to give satisfaction J to their custom er Nov, 4 jtf ■J •* t .j ’