Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, December 06, 1817, Image 4

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Sherijpe Sale. WLL be sol>. on the first Tuesday; in January next, at Use court-j house in JacksonUorouali, Striven coun-: U y between the usual hour* of ten anti inree o*clock, _ , ; L 600 Acres river swamp land, lyi 4ng and being In the county of St-riven* in ijßull Neck, adjoining John Smith and others; levied on as the property of Charles Floyd, security for Wm. Willi tame, <to satisfy sundry executions in fu wor of Willery AHiguod—property levi otl on, and returned to me by a -consta-i file. ALSO, 314 1-2 acres river swamp land; lying ami being in the*county ol Scrivea, adjoining Wm. Gibbons and Olliers; le vied ua as the property •of James Bet ill, dec. to satisfy an *execution in favor of Maeklin Luotlay, ax’r. *ht Francis' Lundy, agains* Paul Devil and-Delia Berill, adm’iv and adm'x. ot 4he said. James BeviU.—ALSO, v 100 acres of pine land, lying in the county of Striven, with small im prove (Kents," levied oh as the property of James Hr) an, to satisfy sundry exe cin ions in favor of Thomas Scarborough; property levied on and returned to by a constable. , * ALSO, 6 head of hogs, levied on as the p’ tpeny of liiphaitl Oglesby, to satisfy an execution in favor ol Elijah Watson; I Property levied on and returned to me by | r. constable.—ALSO, ; 300 .acres pine land, lying in tlie, •coup y of Scriven, with »muti improve n eots, adjoining Reuben Holton; levied; on *s the property of Wm. Hrown, to 'satisfy an execution in favor of Micajair fbvt n; property levied on and returned to me by a ( unstable. ] ALSO, \ 37 acres pine laud lying in'the : county ofScnven, with small improve ments; levied on as the property ot Win. Mill, to satisfy an-oxecution in favor ol Solomon W ilson; property levied on and returned to me bv a constable. Solomon Kemp, November 2b. tds Shf riif ’a Sale, WILL be sold at Lincoln court house on the first Tuesday in J inparv next, between the usual hours.; tbe following property, viz : One third part of a tract of land containing Iwo hundred acres, more or less, on Hockey creek, adjoining Gillum and Mathews, taken as the property of John M. Dooley, to satisfy an execution in favor of William and Felix Gilbert, vs. John M. Dooley. Conditions cash. John McDowell, sheriff j, November 2b. -tds Administrator’s Sale. 7 ILL lu sold by order of tho-hon -4 f orabie court of Ordinary of Co lumbia county, at the court house of said couqiy, on the first Tuesday in January next, the interest that John Gartrellji late of Columbia county,' deceased, had in the Mitts and fifteen acres ofland on Cain crcck in the county aforesaid, which interest is one half. Terms made known on the day. H.GL-irtrell, adm’r. __Noveihber 12. ts NOTIC K. AGREEABLE to the order of the honorable the court of ordinary of Columbia county, wilt be sold on the «st Monday in January next, at Columbia court-house, all ike-real estate of If in. Denton, deceased, composing one tract of Land, of 100 acres, more or less in said county, adjoining Benton, Fuller, and others, and sold for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. Cornelius Collins, acting adm'r, iin right of . Iti» wife. Nov. a .> ts Notice. . t THE Subscriber oilers Tor -sAle his plantation containiuganore than 800 .acres*about 300 of Which is cleared and' in a high state of cultivation; situated within one mile,of Columbia Courthouse, and on both sides of the Main Road leadingTrom that place to Augusta. - , —ALSO— ! His White Horse Tavern at olumbn Court house. Asit is expected tli*t no peusim will purchase without viewing the premises, a further description is deemed ■unnecessary —Young field Negroes and cash will jbe received in payment. John Briscoe. - November 5. Lands for Sale. : ONE tract containing 541 acres in Edgefield District, S.C.-near Beach Island, bounded by lands of John Ash bury* John Star, George Miller, and Jcbn Pryor, and others. One I npt containing 138 acres, in Edgefield District, on Savannah er, bounded by Lands of John Paced Mr. Rajt, Drury Pace, and the River. \ As it is presumed no one will purchase' Without first seeing the .above Underuse! •» disposed so get iiitormation as< to situation, prices &c. are referred to! Mrs. McLaws and Holt, or to Mr. A- Candioa Ch * ri «« oß » &>»th- Bovember Id* ts :.'A . %. ' Valuable Lauds ; ■ FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for sale on ac commodating terms, a Valuable Tract of Land inJackson county, on the waters of Beach and Bear creeks, con taing 3323| acres, by resurvey, granted to John Nevcll, and joiniu</Lands of Few and others—This body of Land is con sidered worthy the attention of Planters, a description o's it is deemed unnecessa ry, as those inclined to purchase will view the Lands. Mr. James I.ynes, as agent,will attend at Watkinsvillconthe 15th day df December next, who will give such information as day be requi red, and divide the tract in lots to suit purchasers.' Apply to the subscriber in Augusta, next door below Mr. Cashin’s store. N. B. (Indisputable Titles will be given. 1 Ts. CHURCH. The Milleilgcville Reflector is reques ted to publish this three times, and send their bill to this office for payment. November 29 1 gt & a Vann \n utvuu Lands for , And a Bargainer ill be -Given. 1350 acres on Savannah river,Lin-1 c#n county, including the mouth of Soap creek, with a good Saw and Grist Mill •new and in good order,and in an excel lent settlement for custom to both; there is laud enough-cleared to work about 10; hands; and good for cotton or corn. There is a great proportion of the tract good low-grounds, and rs goJld up-land as there is in Georgia. In so large a bo dy it is not to be expected all »o be of (he first quality, but land of the same quality (both low-grounds and upland) and quantify, lying in a body to clear,is not easily found on the Savannah river, above Augusta. This place is situated about 37miles above Augusta, in a very healthy settlement; it has several fine springs on it, a good place for a shad fishery in the creek below the mill; or a seine place on the river might be had with very little trouble. The toll from the grist-mill will bread fifty in family," the saw-mill may be worked to great ad-?, vantage, and the water is sufficient to grind, saw. and gin all the winter and spring. Any further description of this dace is deemed unnecessary- -To a gen tleman who wishes to settle in tois state, it is presumed a better opportunity will not differ. 285 Acres on Savannah river, including'culled M‘(Joys ferry, as tot lows:-—200 acres on the Carolina side.—7s in an island, greater part of which k cleared—and 10 on the Geor gia side, including a tolerable dwelling muse, gin and gin house, there is no im provements «w the land on the Carolina side, The-ishnul is not excelled as cot ton land by any above Augusta-on< the same river.’ - ’ —ALSO.— SSO Acres adjoining Lincoln court-house, good corn and cotton laud. I hese lauds will be-sold low and on ac commodating terms, and indisputable ti tles {*lvcn, for further particulars apply to Thomas Murray, of Lincoln county, Georgia, or to Benjamin Glover, of Ab-> bcville District, South-Carolina. Benjamin (Hover, Thomas Murray. 'November‘l9 4w ~ FOR SAGE, ~^ 200 Acres of Land, T YING about seven miles from this JL A City, upon the Washington road, most of it is well timbered—there are upwards of-forty acres cleared and un der good fence—there is also on the pre mises, an excellent dwelling house, and out houses, a good Peach and Apple Orchard, and uncommon-good -water in abundance. ALSO To he disposed of, Four Prime Negroes.'—-If not sohl*at private sale be fore the first day of January nest, the whole will be sold at the market-house to the highest bidder,pa that day—A ere ditwill be given if recjirireti, for good personal security,and a mortgage on all. Apply to \ Isaac La Roche. November 1 tds For Sale, TIAT well known Tract of Land, in Columbia county, called Mount Hope, Ten‘hides above Augusta, on Sa-. vannah river, containing 528 -acres which is equal if not superior, to any tract oTLaud, ifathe county. There is i onthe premises a good Dwelling House, Kitchen, Gin House, -Stables, Corn House, aud aH <the buildings po-a Plantation.aU under a good fence; tlietcrms will (be made known, by appli-i cation to subscribers, on the premises. John B. Wilkinsfon, ! 'Wm. H. Blackwell. October 25 • • The Subscribers, \ Raving formed a connexion in Business, Under the firm of R. Andrews & Co. Respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity, and jnform them that they have for sale at their * Tin Ware Manufac tory, nnoAn street, Next door above Mr. J. W. Bridges, rt..An, Extensive Assortment 0f.... WARE, Os their own make, which they can con fidently recommend, —VIZ;— COOKING Utensils of every descrip tion Liquid and Dry Measure, according to the regulations of the Market Japanned and Plated Ware Sheet Iron Stoves Hardware, Crockery Ware, Castings, and An assortment of Groceries. Orders tor Conductors, Gutters, &c.' attended to in town or country, at the shortest notice. N. 11, Wanted, tlrree good Journey men Tin Plate Workers, to whom libe ral wages will be given—two smart lads would be taken ns apprentices. %• The highest price given for clean Cotton and Linen Hags. Richard Andrews, Ira Bay. October 4 ts Storeage. TIE subscriber respectfully inform* the Merchants of Angus 1 -. and its vicinity,that by applying to him, opposite .MKinne’s Ware House, Merchandize cgn be Stored, and every attention will be punctually paid to the receiving and delivery of the same. Robert Ripley. Private Parties can be entertain ed with Relishes at all seasonable hours. December S ts JVJTTTUE. HEZEKIAII DICKINSON having purchased the interest of Mr. Raton Kleweliin in the concern ofT. &E, Flew* ellin, the business will in future be car ried on under the firm of FLEW ELLIN and DICKINSON at the establishment of the late firm, where they have an ex tensive ware-house & commodious stores, for the reception of all kinds of produce and good-s. They tender their services to their friends and the public generally, and only ask for such encourage.ment as their attention and punctuality will en title them to. Taylor Klewcllm, Hezekiah Dickinson. Septembers. . ts * The Subscriber, TAKES this opportunity to inforn f his friends and the public, that In lias purchased John Rucker’s TAJS' YARD, and STOCK OF LEATHER in Elbert county, and taken his lease and stock of Leathei in Augnsta*4nd has on I* l rul at both yards, an assortment ol Leather for sale on low terms, also Cow Hides, that is well salted and cured. Any person wishing to purchase in Au gusta, may apply to Win. Fowler. James il acker. October 'lB law6m i’LJV BOLL A Its UEWAUJf. RANa WAY on Tuesday the 4th in stant, from the subscriber, a slave by the name of Abram, a large, stout, strong built fellow, about 6 feet high,' rather inclining to be round shouldered, dark color, or pale black, large coarse' features, thick beard, a sear on the un der Up, abit cat ott'the'rim of the right ear, when spoken to he has a diffident downcast look, and appears very sub missive, when he talks has generally a: drawling tone to his words, but when lively, can speak as sprightly as anyone, he Is a good Carpcrtter. He has taken away with Him sundries of cotton cloaths, ami none of them very coarse, he had on when he went away, a dark brown broad cloth surtout cotft, rather worse for wear, a good pair of strong shoes, a good old! hat, a pair of new blankets, London duf- : fils, striped at the endsnhe calls himself.' when away from home, Isaac, and prob ably he may call himself by some other, name: he is a native of South-Carolina, his first masters name was Hendrix, the second Bendender, iivjjpg on the fork pf Broad River, within a few miles of Colombia, and probably he has made for there again; any person lodging him in any jail in this state, or within miles of Augusta, in Sooth-Caroilna, shall receive the above reward, and ail reasonable charges by applying to the subscriber in Augusta. Thomas |*ye. November tg ts * JNotice, - * J WHEREAS I have given my note! of hand to Asa Twiggs, for One j Hundred and Sixty Dollars, dated 30th October, 1817, and payable ten days as-i ter date, I hereby torwarn all persons from trading for said note, as St was fraudulently obtained from sms, and I am determined not .to pay it. RICHARD FOSTER November IS » * The Subscriber! Boot entered into Copartnership under: the firm of Edney Lewis. THEY have taken the stand former ly occupied by Mr. John Logan,, three doors above Messrs. Longstreet df Harrison, where they have Just Received a Handsome Assortment of Dry Goods AND GROCERIES, Which will be disposed of low for Cash or Town Acceptances, at a . liberal credit, ——Among which are- - ,London Duffill, three and three and a half Point and Rose Blankets, Cloths and Cassimeres assorted, White and blue Plains, Carpeting, Hearth Rugs, Flag and Bandunno ! landkcrchiefs, Irish Linens, Long Lawns, Furniture Fringe, Merino Shawls and Scarfs, , Angola Shawls and Tippets, Calicoes, Cotton and Linen Cambricks assorted, Plain and Figured Muslins, Canton Crapes, assorted colors, ' Hosiery, Toilnet and Cotton Vestings, Bombazettes, Sewing and changeable colored silks. Silk Veils, ■ Large and eleglnt silk Shawls, Salisbury Flannel, Steam Loom Shirting-, Brown Holland, Oil Cloths, Linen Diaper, Tortoise Shell Combs, &c. &o. ALSO— Several Casks of u Hardware Cutlery Jamaica and Muscovado Sugar in hhtis. and barrels, • Forty Barrels N. E. Rum, Philadelphia Whiskey in Barrels, Apple Brandy in ditto, I nree casks Trace Chains, Also—A fejv dozen German Flutes* i As every article of Dry Goods com posing the assortment have been import ed this fall, we can venture to say that we shall sell as low. as they can be pro cured, in this place. ' .lohn'M. Kdney, ' Win. J. Lewis. NovcmVr 26. ts '' l ■ ■ * ■ Just Received, i On Consignment, i 7000 Bttshek Liverpool Ground Salt, 20 Ton Waggon Tire Swede* Iron, ' 7 000 lbs. Green Coll'ee, 10 Kegs Goshen Butter, 200 Ps. best Inverness Cotton Bagging 3 Oases Northern Homespun, And Daily. Expected, 52 Barrels Sugaf and ' 10 Lhds. Whisky. A. Slaughter #C. Labuzan. 1 November 2d. DVV ~Saeed, Weathers^ -ft 00. 1 . Have Just Deceived a General Assortment of Fall Winter Goods -——ALSO, A QUANTITY OF--—. Groceries, Which they will sell on their usual ac commodating terms. JNovembsr 19, ts G. Hudson, Ar Co. I HAVE JUST RBCiSIFED, Per the schooners Three Sisters, and Young Sea. Horse, from New-York. —An Extensive Assortment of British, French A India DRY GOODS, Cutlery, Hardware, A N D Groceries. “ ALSO - - CROCKERY, —A N »—> \ • Glass Ware, Which they are determined to sell on afcommftdating terms by the Package, Piece or otherwise, as may suit purrhascjrs. October 11 ts Carriages and Giggs. FOB. SALE. THE subscriber has received an ad ditional supply of Gigs and Car riages of a superior quality, made by David Beach of Newark, and warranted good.—They will be sold on accommo- ( dating terms. i( ALSO-—Several Double Breasted COT- . TON GINS, of from 4$ to 65 saws, ( nade by Boatwright Glaze.—apply to •G. B; Marshall. September 8. v if Hat, Boot A* I WARE~llotsE. \ OLIVER REEd HAS JUST BSCKIV#!) * I V i W7URS r quality gentlemens’ fine Bi* I JC ver HATS -1 Second ditto ditto I First ditto Castors Second ditto ditto . Ladles’ Beaver Hats I Misses’ and Childrens* ditto Mens’ and Boys’ fine Rorama Ditto ditto Wool Childrens’ Morocco Capa Servants’ Glazed Hats -—-ALSO A few Trunks gentlemens’ lon* ami short BOOTS of a superior nudity *Do. do. gentlemens’ SHOES of vari ous kinds 1 Trunk of ladies’elegant Morocco Boots Morocco Shoes Ladies’Walking ditto, and Black and coluuVed Roans He lias likewise Received by recant ai v rivals, A Choice and Brilliant selection of Military Goods, I —CONSISTING OF ,1 Silver Mounted") ~ pi«t«i >s »d [Swords. I Gold and Silver Epauletts Plated ditto *; Silver and Plated ditto for Cavalry' The above articles in addition to his I former supplies, render his Stock as com plete as will be found in the Southern ? Market. . Novembar 26 • ts Jacob Dauidrtli, I Has Just Received, at his Store in lirnud-Street, I A General assortment of DRYGOODS, Groceries, * | Hard Ware, | Cutlery and | Crockery Ware. Also, a Large Assortment of ' Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes, I „ And an Elegant, Supply of Northern Homespun, anil I Five Boxes Hats, assorted. The whole of which will uc sold on I the most reasonable terms.—He still continues Ids Nail Manufactory, and hug on hand a supply of nails of all sues. He hoe also Just Received, i 2 Saw-Mill Cranks & Stirrups of the most substantial kind, and best || workmanship. j| November 8 tlstM | J iCOJS JJAJS'Fuit I I GEORGE W. BUTLER, I MAVE formed a connexion in trade, at'the uppermost stores on the I north side Broad-street, Augusta, which ,| will be conducted in the name of 3 ;RORGE W. BUTLER, 4* Co. I They have on hand a general assort • ® ment of B Dry Goods and Groceries, | Cut. Nails, ■ Hardware and, Crockery, I Winch th»-y will dispose of on the I lowest terms for Cash, or exchange for country produce, on the most liberal Bj terms. Novwnl'er 8- I'lie Subscribers, Having connected themselves in Hu siness, TNDEII THK # FIUM OF Bigelow WHand, 1 ARE NOW OPENING, H At the Stor» recently occupied by Mr, ■ Benjamin Picquet, near the ■ ' Market, Broad-Street. —A GENERA!!. ASSORTMENT OF— H FRESH IMPORTED H Dry Goods, I Groceries Had- 1 ware. ft Which will be sold at wholesale nr re*, Bi tail on very accommodating terms. A. Bigelow, ja’r. J, M. Hand. B November 22 _ I Dickinson 2k Starnes’ WARE-HOUSS. ft THE subscribers having associated He themselves in businesa under tn* I firm of Dickinson ie Starnes , offer tbesr Hti services to their friends and the H* in tne , H Commission & Factorage £ ~r* W The Ware-House is entirely detached ■ from any building liable to fire, and on a Hi good construction,immediately fl of Cosby Dickinson’s now' building*Hy opposite the centre of the upper sqaarr —where every attention will he gh' ea ' c HI lender general satisfactio:.. He C. DIKING* H E. STAIC*>>. H November 5, - «trT* v - m -