Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, December 13, 1817, Image 4

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-JU '■■"TLE’fUIgMU . wMvjsnm* •*: ! v HAS IUWT RECEIVED, AND* KI\KPINO, ! JL General Assordnrnt. nr id Constant Supply, of Genuine GROCERIES, KfwMfftw* L ■: ;} LIQUORS' ; Suitable for Town Customers, Country Merchants and Planters, at - moderate prices. WHOLESALE A&D RETAIL; •—i—AMpNCJ .fflM ARE THR FOLLOWING ARTICLES. . 00 Bags Prim® Groen Coffee Uhda. and bbis. of first and second . quality SUGARS ■ Ditto and ditto loaf, lump and bastard ditto ’ ‘ U: ' Ditto Mol***? , . 7 Chocolate, Pepper and Spice ' Upon skin J - * » 1 Pipe rd and*V(Cry Madeira f « Qr. casks l. p- Tenerrffe V : i)0, ditto Sjiorry V ~ Do. ditto Malika J . 4th Proof Jan»«!ca In. Sd ditto West-li\dia VJLiUIU , 25 BfiU. &fihliciß N. F.. J ; First Chon Httfhnd Gin Table Salt, raid superior Vinegar 1— r <> O E'l'U fcH Vs ITS — 100 Demi Johns 100 Setts Wooden Measures 40 Boxes fjpermaeeti Candles 20 *DittO Mould ditto 20 Ditto first quality Turpentine Soap 100 Carks of Cut Nails, 6f a superior V quality, consisting of Sd. 4d. Cd. Hd. lOd. 1 2d. and 30d. 40 Ditto Cut Brads, Bd. lOd. 12d. » and 20d. * 5000 lbs Shot, from B. B. to No. 8 Ax Bar and smdl Sweetie’s Iron German aud Blistered Steel 20 Regs Treble F. Gun Powder, •(English) A quantity of Northern Bed Ticking, Gingoams, Stripes, Sheeting and Shirting 40 Pieces excellent Inverness Bag ging,, A STOCK OF Dry Goods Hard ware, Which will be ottered very low, being determined to turn his whole attention to the Grocery Business. ON CONSIGNMENT, —.l Large QjianWii ts Saddler’s Tacks, OF EVRliy SLZB, * Which will be sold low by the quantity. * November .22 Notice. THE SUBSCRIBER , $ H&s taken a Stand a few doors above, captain Kutchums, North side, upper end of Broad-Street, WHEXf HE WILL VRAHSAcr Commission Busi ness. And Expects a Supply of V GROCERIES, IROUTLY. v Which will be disposed of low for c.Asti. Isaac La Roche. ; October 11 7 ts -• T 1 ", >■■■ ■—* .1. ■■ . irfl y „ N otico. THE SUBSCRIBER, v Offers his services to his fl u ids and the public in general, in the • COMMISSION AND Factorage Line. ' HAYING taken the Ware-House lately occupied by Mr. Isaac La Roche, where eveby attention will be. given to render general satisfaction. v John Burton. October 4 ’ -ts Bolting Cloths. ] PpHE subscribers have just received . • complete assortment of the best quality DUTCH BOL TING’CLOTHS. Edward Quia, -& to, .June2s. _ __ \\ The Miacrihers, • ARE DAILY' RECEIVING, LARGE qUANTITiES OF , G 0 0 B S, DIHECT FROSI EUROPE. HUH. they can and will sell as M low as any other house hi the state that are regular dealers, am) Will give! . the highest price for COTTON andoth er Produce. .Customers will be prompt ly attended to, and Ifieir favours grate-' fully received bv Eywiii, Groce k Co, October H ,rr# ’ ■ $ r*- i / * V Meson Academy. TIIS Institution will be opened on the Ist Monday in January next, under the sapcrintendance of the Rev'd. David .Ryot, a youug gentleman who, the Board «f Trustees arc well assured, is fullyquaiified to conduct an institu tion of this kind. The situation of the Academy is healthy, and Board may be obtained in Lexington and die vicinity, on the usual terms as in the country. Terms of Tuition as follows: For students in the first rudi ments of Reading, Writing and Spelling, sixteen dollars per an num. gl6 *OO For students in Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geography, arid higher Englisl, studies, twen ty dollars per aqnu iff. §2O 00 For students in the Classical Departments, Iwpnty-four dol lars per annum. g 24 (R), All payable half yearly in advance. — / No students will be received fora Jess i term than six months. • By order of the Boat d of Trustees Joseph AL Mollug, Sec’rr/. 4 December 10 . ts Young Ladies’ ..Hoarding and Bay School. MRS. SANDWICH & Mrs HUL BUUD, respectfully inform the - public, that they intend i pening a school ■in thecUy df"Augusta, on the fiistof j January ensuing, for the Education of Young Ladies, m the different branches *i; of useful and polite Literature. They • have engaged the Rev. Mr Shepard to \ attend to the scientific department of J, Ihe Academy j. and fro;, his extensive erudition and Jong expeuence, they ter tfiemselves that they will be enabled' to discharge with ability and faithfulness, the important duties of their vocation. Approved masters in Music,Drawing, and other polite accomplishments will attend the school if required. Useful and Ornamental Needle Woik will also he taught. Parents and Guardians, wno are desirous of encouraging the ihstitu tioni are requested to enter their chil dren and those committed tprtheir care, previous to the opening of the school. The situation of the Academy is plea sant and retired, and at the same time convenient to the central part of tin city. Terms made known on application. Docomber .3. ts j IVUJSG LADIES’ ACAD E M Y, Washington-Street, Avgusta. Airs. Grace, jTW^jSPECrrFULLY informs the citi- A 4b, (Wns of .Augusta and the public ii. general, that the Academy will open on y O.S”DAY, the 20th inst. wiierethe va vious branches of education will he taught s usual. Terms of Board and Tuition mode r ate, and. will be made known on appl; cation.' • - - October 18 ts { Dancing Academy . Messrs. Leslie ami Montais, O ESPEOTFULLY inform the La 31b dies and Gentlemen 6f Augusta.* that -their Day School,- is now only open ed once -mwcek.-on-ASaturdays, from 9 to 12 o’clock,wii the onoming, and from S to 5, in Bie evening. Their Night. School is also altered'to Tuesday and Fridays, , commencing at the usual hour. Nov. 29 ts ■' Fencing School. MR. MONTAIS’ Fenciii”; School, -has commenced, and will be con firmed every. Monday aud Thursday Evenings,beginning at early candle light A fe\v more Scholars.can be taken, y November 29 ts ■ A Teacher Wanted A MAN well qualified to take charg of an English School, will meet with liberal encouragement by making application to v N". Crawford, J oriah Harris. Columbia county, Nov 29 ts To Let. ~ Store and Dwelling House, A. lately occupied Ity George Kenne dy, & Go. on the :Soulh side of Broad Street, next door above Mr. D. Ralston;; The situation is very eligible for reading Good! and purchasing of produce—On the Lot are convenient Backstores, Sta ble and carriage House, &c For terms apply to ©AVID M»KINNEY. - November 15. N ©T I C E. A GREEABLE to the order of the XU. honorable the court of ordinary of Columbia county, will be sold on the Ist Monday in January next, at Columbia court-house, all the real estate of Wm. Benton.deceased, composing one tract of Lanfi, of 100 acres, more or less in saul county, adjoining Benton, Fuller, and others, and sold for the benefit; ml the heirs of said estate. , . j Cornelius Collins, acling ndm’r. ■ in right of his wife. i Nov. 6 ts * fr . /(J. » • . >- , ... . Ar, . - ’ '4 ■ , Sjwrtiiig Intelligence^ THE Augusta Jockey Club Races will commence on Wednesday the 14th day of January next, free for any Horae, Mare or -Gelding from any part of the world. The first day’s runnings 4 mile heats tfortli, / • S4OO 00 Second day’s running, 3 do. do. 500 00 Third day’s running, 2 do. do. ? 4QO 00 a handy cap purse, worth y , ~ Weights as follow: 7 Years old, - . 126 lbs 6 do. do. - - 120 3da do. - . 112 4 do. do. - - 102 3 do. do. - - £9 2 do. do. a feather. By -order of the President, M. F. Boise!air, Secretary Treasurer. December 3 ts Notioo WILL be let to the highest bidder, on (Wednesday the 24<h day of December.) The JiOQTH STANDS, lor the ensuing Races.——Notes on iStampt Paper, ami good Town Endow ments will be required. M. F Ooisdair, Seci*y. and Tress’r. December 10 ts fVminted to Purchase A .‘Smart, Active, Likely Servant, ac customed to the care of horses, tra velling and waiting—for such an one, and who can also come well recount'end ed for other good qualities, a very liberal price will he given. .Enquireat this office. December 3. i ts oaV \NN ill KiVfc.ll Lands for Sale , And a Bargain will be (Driven.' 135 Q acres .on Savannah river, Lin coin county, including the mouth of Soap creek, with a good Saw and Grist-Mill new and in good order,and in an- excel-i lent settlement for custom to noth; there is land enough cleared to work about U) hands; and good tor cotton or corn. 1 here is a great proportion of the tract ■-jood low-grounds, and as good up-lanu is there is in Georgia. In so large a bo dy it is not to be expected ail »o be ol die first quality, but land of the same quality (both low-grounds and upland) and quantity, lying in a body to clear, is not easily found on the Savannah river, above Augusta. This placets situated about 37 miles above Augusta, in -a very healthy settlement; it has several fine -.prings' on it, a good plate for a shad fishery in the creek below.the mill; or a <eine place on the river might be ha«U with very little trouble, The toll from he grist-mill will bread fifty in family, .he saw-thill may be worked $o great ad vantage, and the water’ is sufficient to £»ind, saw and gin ail the winter and spring. Any further description of this place is deemed unnecessary To a gen tleman who wishes to settle m this state, >t is presumed a better opportunity will lot offer. 285 Acres on Savannah river, including what is called M‘Coys ferry. as follows:—200 acres on the Carolina fide.—7s in an island, greater part of, which is cleared—and 10, on the Geor gia side, including a tolerable dwelling muse,gin and gin house, there is no im provements on the laud on the Carolina side. The island is not excelled as cot-v ton land by any above Augusta on the same river.’ —also.— > 230 Acres adjoining Lincoln •ourt-house, good corn and cotton land. These lands will behold low and on ac commodating terms,'and indisputable ti tles given, for further particulars apply to Thomas Murray, of Lincoln bounty, Georgia, or to Benjamin Glover, of Ab beville District, bouth-Carolina Benjamin Glover, ' Thomas Murray. November 19 4w FOB SALE, m 300 Acres of Land, LYING about seven miles from this City, upon the Washington road, most of it is well timbered—-there, are’ upwards of forty acres cleared and un- , der good fence—there is also on the pre inises, an excellent dwelling house, and out houses, a good Peach and Apple Orchard, and uncommon good water in abundance. ALSO To be-disposed of, Four Prime Negroes.—ls not sold at private sale be fore the first day of January next, the whole will be sold at the market-house to the highest bidder on that day—A cre dit will be given if required, for good' personal security,-and a mortgage «u all. A w'/> , r t Isaac La Itoche. November I s tds 4 LL persons having demands against /V the estate of Jesse Stewart, fate of Richmond co*nty, dec are requested to render them in du'y attested, within the time prescribed by law; and all those indebted to said estate, are solicited to came forward and make immediate pay ment. * , H. Bury, adm ? L December 6» . c ( V ■ '• -r- \ ** f x Sparta Academy. « * “~ THE Trustees of this institution, with much.pleasure inform the pub lie,* that it will be ready for the reception of pupils on the second Monday in Jan uary next. “ The Board of Trustees, in thus offer ing the advantages of this infant institu tion to the patronage of the ptihlic, feei that becoming diffidence which such an occasion is calculated to inspire. Sur rounded as they are, by institutions of a similar nature, already in successful op eration, they ought to feel a diffidence in recommending the Sparta Academy, until experience has given it the impres sive seal of approbation—They would say however, that, from the character of the teachers they have employed, and the exertions they are determined to make, the institution over which they preside, will justly vie with any other seminary in the up country. ? The prices of tuition will be such as are charged iif other seminaries of equal dignity;—Say, for the Classics, Mathe | matics, fife, which compose the highest class, sixteen dollars per term ; for tie second class, including English Gram mar, Geography and the use ol the Globes, twelve dollars per term ; and for the third class, including reading, writing and ai kb me tic, eight dollars per term : .the tuition money for each term will required in advance; and no sclvolar will . be taken for less than a term. In the Female Department, will b* , taught, ail the useful and ornamental branches of Female Education, wide 1 will be charged in proportion to the a boye prices^ The Board of Trustees in ushering these proposals to the public, feel happy -in the contemplation of that distinguish ed liberality, which has characterised the. citizens of Georgia, in fostering the views of similar institutions recently es tablished, which does honor to the char acter of the state, and augurs favorably to.the promotion of literature and sci ence.—They would .further add, that the ; luuparalleled prosperity of the state at this period, affords the most flattering prospect of a. continuance of that spirit, of liberality, to the institution oven which they preside. ; - Buaiding may be had at an equitable, price, and the public may rely on the; most unwearied exertions, to consult the convenience and guard the morals of, those children and, wards, who maybe; entrusted to their care. ■ John Lucas, Ctharles E. Haynes, I *3 M oses Andrew, j> § Is. Childers, j | Wm G. Springer, J ; Sparta, Oeceiqber tyißlT. b Phir Bale, THAT well known Tract of Land, in Columbia county, called Mount Hope, ten miles above Augftsta, on Sa-1 vannab river, containing 528 acres— which is equal if not-superior, to any tract of Land, in the county. There is on the premises.a good Dwelling House, Kitchen, Gin House, Stables, Corn House, and all the necessary buildings; on a Plantation, all under a good fence;; - the terms will be made known, *by appli cation .to subscribers, on the premises. [ John B. Wilkinson, Wm. H. Blackwell. ' Ocotber 25 ts Lauds for Bale. ONE tract containing 541 acres in Edgefield District, S*C. near Beach Island, bounded by lands of John Ash bury, John Star, George Miller, and John Pryor, and others. One Tract containiug 133 acres, in Edgefield District, un Savannah riv- ; cr, bounded by Lands es John Pace, j Mr. Ray, Drury Pace, and the River. As it is presumed no one will purchase ; without first seeing the above lands,those 1 who are disposed to get information as to situation, price, &c. are referred to’ Mrs. McLaws and Holt, or to Mr. A- ( braham Murkley, Charleston, South- , Carolina. November 15 ts , Sheriff’s Sale. < ON the first Tuesday in January next, will be sold at the court-house in Warenton, between the usual hours. One Sorrel Mare, about 6 years old, Saddle and Bridle, levied on as the pnv perty of Mulkey Gohrou, to satisfy an execution issued out of the Inferior • Court of Wilkes county, John Haliday, 1 vs. Mu Iky Coliron and Jesse Gun. A. Rodgers, *s. w. c. | November 29 ts - ■*■■■ ■ ■ ■— . - - . - —, ; Administrator’* Sales. Will be sold before the Post-Office on ] Wednesday, 17th of December next, < the property of Samuel Brunt, deceas- \ ed, for the benefit of the heirs and ( creditors, viz. s v 1 Riding Chair < 8 demijons of Copal Varnish i Quantity of .Coach Lace ' * Plated Handles, Joiuts, and Bands 1 Plated Stirrup Irons and Webbs , Saddle Busses and Cut i David M*Kiune,> t. , James Johnson,'* JWmr *- Nev. 9 ‘ tds . , Blanks, ; JVeatly Executed at this Office. c * r Sheriff Sate, . WTLL be sold on the first T ue m January next, at the Cn »? ! bouse in Jacksouborough, Scriven ty, between the usual hours of ten ’ nd three o'clock, , an< * 600 Acres river swamp km), Ir mg and being in the county of Scriv * m Bull Neck, adjoining John Smith and others; levied on as the property c Charles Floyd, security for Win \y:ij a;ns, b> satisfy sundry executions in t vorot Htilery Alligood— property w' ed on, and returned to me by a const!' I ale. ALSO, J ita * 814 1-2 acres river swamp land i lying and being in the county of Semen* adjoining Wm. Gibbons and others- |* vmd on as the property of James Bcvitr dec. to satisfy an execution in f, ’ ot Macklin Lunduy, cx’r. of }f nn Z Lum ay, against Paul Bevil and Delia Bevill, adm’r. and adin’x. of the James Bevill.—ALSO, b4ld 100 acres of pine land, ly* in tlie county of Scriven, with small \Z proveraents, levied on as the prooertv of James Bryan, to satisfy sundry se ditions in favor of Thomas ScatWou-v property levied on and returned to mo by a constable. ALSO, 6 head of hogs, levied on as the property of Richard Oglesby, to satisfy an execution in favor of Elijah Watson* property levied on and returned to me by a constable—ALSO, 3 300 acres pine land, lying in the county of Scriven, with small improve ments, adjoining Reuben Bolton; levied on as the property of Win. BrowK, to satisfy an execution in favor of Micajali ilecton; property levied on and returned to me by a constable. ALSO, 37 acres pine land lying in the county of Scriven, with small improve ments ; levied on as the property of Wm. Hill, to satisfy an execution in favor of Solomon Wilson; property levied onaud returned to me by a constable. Bolomon Kemp, s.s.c, t November 26. t<H ■ L • Sheriff 7 8 Sale. WILL be Sola on the first Tuesday in January next, at the court •rouse in Waynesborough, Burke coun ty, between the usual sale hours. Six feather beds, bedsteads and furniture, one wooden clock and one set •of Blacksmith’s tools, levied on as the iproperty of Jeyeiniah W. Williams,to sat isfy an execution in favor of Millis Tay lor, &Co. aga nst Jeremiah W. Willi ams, Samuel Garlick and,John Bell, ALSO,, 20 Acres of land more or less, on the road leading from Walkers bridge to Augusta, adjoining lands of Amos Wiggins and others; levied on as the property of John A. Roberts, to sa tisfy an execution in favor of Samuel Saxon, indorsee against John A. Roberta. John Hell, s.u.c. December 6. tds Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold by order of the hon orable court of Ordinary of Co lumbia county, at the court house of said county, on the first Tuesday in January next, the interest that John Gartrell, late of Columbia county, deceased, had in the Mills and fifteen acres of lantj on Cain creek in the county aforesaid, which interest is one half. Terms made known on the day. t * H. Gartrell, adm’r. November 12. ts Notice. THE Subscriber ofters for sale his plantation containing more than 800 acres, about 500 of which is cleared and in a high state of cultivation; situated within one mile of Columbia Court house, and on both sides of the Main Uoad leading from that place to Augusta. —ALSO— f Ills White Horse Tavern at Columbia Court house. As it is expected that no person will purchase without viewing the premises, a further description is deemed unnecessary—Young field Negroes and cash will be received in payment. * Job” Brisooe. November 5. .... SIOLEX, FROM the subscriber, living eight miles below Columbia court-house, on the 4th inst. a Pocket Book, contain ing three Notes of Hand, one for eighty dollars, given by Thomas Hutchins to Benjamin Fuller, due on the 24th Decem ber, with a credit on the back f*>’ 21 dollars, 25 cents—the other two, were afiven by' Thomas Colvert to Benjamin Fuller, for 16 dollars ach, dee ond’3 25th December, 1817. Tiie c e notes were taken out of the Pocket Book, which v-as thrown under the house where the sim* scriber pesidos. AM persons are fonvarn ed against trading for said Notes—and the persons who gave them, are also for warned against paying them. Ten -Dol lars reward will be given for the recove ry of the notes, and the detection ol the thief. Benjamin Fuller. December 1- We are authorised to announce Col. Petf.r Donaldson, a candied® for "the office of* Sheriff of Rich mo*'® coudv/, at the ensuing election.—;juu-W