Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, December 17, 1817, Image 4

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fr. •** w “ . T • •■ . « * • .- •• ' ' • < A., . • "ifit ’ y} : jMjaaewlj>L -U- 1 ■■u. j Ji IF. Bridges ' \ Hus peceived o» Consignment and ' For Hate, SO Hbds. & 20 Bids. .New L- Rum. jlfovember' 8 if ~ . BLANKETS. 9 ik 1 c • Ummmm r S 4 BALES, consisting of « itose, Point and -Duflli Blankets, * Just Uepcivid and Jar mil' hy Ames & Allen. 1 -—ALSO— Additional supplies of HATH, Besson’able'Dry Goods, Spermaceti Can-: '4les» Cheese* Wine, Sfc. Ac. November 8 SLATES. : Jlanhart , (ianahl Sf Co, AGENTS for the New-loik Slate Company, offer to contract for arn, -quantity and quality at the company pro -—Tt.ev oiler for sale, . ‘ Bills on New-York, United States' Tost Notes, 500 anti 100 dollar Note*. HAMTART* ii tNUTL & Co. 'I 1 AVING REMOVED their Couu- J 1. ting Hoorn , into the Unde, house Jat Uy occupied hy Albert Brux, Esq are now ready to receive Colton, Pro duce, and all other kind of Goods for,; Storage* and to transact any b 1 siness in the Cdrntnlssion Line,they will be thank ful for a share'of public p 'tronage,.aiii' hope tog ve satisfaction to their custom ers. Nov. I ts ( •** in — — Just Received, 2 Razees, for two Horses 2 Carriages 2>Giga. ■ ;i "Which will be sold low for Cash, bv n. PKjQUET. 'FOR SALE, Bills on N. York. | " Ortoby 1 ■ <tf Rills on N'evv-Vork Fur Sale by Bead) & Thomas. October 4. Bills on New York at short siauT, For Sale by A slaughter &C. Lahnznn. ,V Aut-usi ft*. *' \ ■ y Btils on iSjew York For tale at the store of J\T. L. ’& h. Starves, by "f*. Beers & Sturges. Or totter 11 • ts *>4 I', \ i -—. ■— l Mississippi Mock, Small Hills. For Sole or Darter for Prime COTTON '-APPLY TO Robert Lang flfCo. November I 9 .9t Cast Iron Screws, pressing Colton, of-a superior Jjj • quality; also 40 bbls. N. E. Hum, for sale by Benjamin IT. Meigs, Jtt his Auction Store, It road-Street' December 0. ts ~ Family Flour. FRMIE subscribers will keep constantly fl on hand for side, a supply us SU PERKINK FLOUR, from one of the best mills in the Southern States. * Wilson & Black. » Oct. 8. ts ■ Garden Seeds. TUSf received per the Warne- from, •§, Graehock. a General Assortment of FfiiSH GARDEN SEEDS, and for sale by^ ; A. Spencer, & Co. December 6, ts J. T|l lit S I ON, Grand and Square Piano Forte Maker From L udon, "I NFORMS the citizens of Augusta Js. a d the district of Georgia and South Carolina,'tl at he intends to reside at Augusta, to repair Piano Fortes, and all kind of Cabinet work till next inas. Those who have Pianos s■£. to rfc •* pais, will db well to get them dime by that tlpie. as "he Experts his family on ti open a Female’Seminary at Edgefield •ourt-h«Use, \vjiere he has purchased a* handsome restdowce forThat putip se.—? T<*| assist in sfid Seminary, a Female Tvoclier i« wanted, to teach Readm.«, Waiting, Arithmetic, -EngtisK Grammar' •tod Geography.—-If the French and Music, it will be much u '-aatajpe. Apple by petsunor l>t « r at tW office of this paper. ‘ ' Decider Uk . v « ? F■ ', ,• ' « 'tk [ Valuable Lands, Sait Molls and Negroes, f(rs sale. nf'HE/subscriber, desirous,to resume H, uninterruptedly, his mercani ' transactions at Savannah, oflers to pose of his LANDS,-MILLS, and ether PROPKR'i Y, on the Lower § Runs, Ulmwell District, state of South Caro lina. The mills arc situated on a never failing stream of water, are in excellent: repair, and are noted for their uncommon fast cutting; and the lumber can be raft ed from them to the-city of Savannah, in; from 4to 5 days. The lands are in one body of between 7 and 8000 acres, boun ded on one side on Savannah river, and Sierced by the water of the Lower, 3 Luns. Their qualities are vd ry considerable portion being of the first fertility, 4 and scarcely-any part that is not fit for cultivation.' The landing is; allowed to be amongst the best and most Convenient on the river; and is one at which the Steam Boats receive their sup ply of wood. On it a ware-house is abo(u‘ to be erected, which will receive lor trans portation, the-rnerchandi/.e and produce of a very considerable tract of country. ; On the land are no less than three fine' , commodious dwelling houses, with all other building, and improvements, which , can conti ihute to convenience and every • tournament There is likewise on the premises, a Cotton-Gin machine, which is impelled/ t by water, which, besides ginning, will' pack, with one hand eight square bales/ . cotton per day; and likewise a store;’ which has long been found a most excel lent stand for business. A seine phi. t has been prepared at the rive- at a very , great expense, and promises fair to yield’ an abundant harvest ol fish. This-pro . party is situated about 40 miles below , Augusta, and 80 above Savannah, amr about 110 west of Charleston. Along with the lands and mills, will - be disposed us, the horses, mules and cattle, together with the Waggons,carte, /armingutensils,<s*c. as now m use. Pos session can be had on-the first Jan nary next. Terms ol sale, as well as a more minute description of the property may be had, on application to iVIr. John ilaslell. ( lutrleslon , w • / l)n, Jiriin Cumming, Augusta, Jauies liigginbot(oin,on the premises Or to the subscriber, WILLIAM SCARBOROUGH, At buvunuiih With the foreg dng property, if requir ed, may be had from bO to 68 prime ne groes; in the number of which are some mechanics. December U. /' tIJ "SAVANNITII HIVKR Lands for Sale, r And a Bargain will be Given. 1350 acres on Savannah dyer, Lia *- coin county, including the mouth of Soap creek,- with a good Saw and GriSt Mill ntwaqd in good oi (|e'r,and in an excel lent settlement for custom to both; there. is - land enOugh cleared to work about 10 .hands; and good for cotton or corn. I here is a great proportion of the tract, good low-grounds, and as good up-lanu as there is in Georgia. In so large a bo dy it is be expected ail '0 be of the first quality, but land of the same quality (both low-grounds and upland) and quantity, lying in a body to clear, is not easily found on the Savannah river, above Augusta. ThUtplace is situated', • about 37 miles above Augusta,, in a very Healthy settlement; it has several fine -prings on it, a good place for a shad •fishery in the- creek bdow the mill; or a seine place on the river might be had with very little trouble. The toll from : will bread fifty in family, the saw-mill may bp worked to great ad vantage, and the water is sufficient to grind, saw and gin all the winter and i spring. Any further description of this place is deemed unnecessary To a gen tleman who wishes tosettle in tnis state, it is presumed a belter opportunity will not oiler. 285 Acres on Savannah river, including what is called M‘Uoys ferry, > as follows: —200 acres on the Carolina , side.—7s in an island, greater part of which is cleared—ami 10 on the Geor gia side, ir.clading atolerable dwelling house, gin and gin house, there is Du im provements on tlie land on the Carolina side. The island is not excelled as cot ton lasid by any above Auguata.on the same'river. —i-ALSO.—. 25(V Acres adjoining Lincoln court-house, good corn and cotton land. These lands will be sold low and on ac commodating terms, and indisputable ti tles given, tor further, particulars apply to Thomas Murray, of Lincoln county, Georgia, or to’ Benjamin Glover,,of Ab bevilie District, JSooth-Caroiina. ( Benjamin Glover, J Thomas Murray. *. ' 'November 19 4w % sihaYfu FROM Augusta, bn the 24<h inst. a . Foxed t Sorre-Horse, 8 or 9 years old, about 15 hands high, supposed he is gone into Soufh-Faroina, as one an- description swim the Sahd FLr Ferry on Bie same day. The subscriber in Augusta will pay on the taking up and delivery of the said Horse, Ten Dollars. Abner Grien, November 2? ts i ; *ii ’ • * *•- ! >. rORSALE, ’ 200 Acres of Land, LYING abbot seven, miles from this | City, tvpon the Washington road, toost of it is well timbered—there are upwards of forty acres cleared and un ■der good fence—there is also oa the pre f raises, an excellent dwelling house, and I out houses, a good Peach and Apple ! Orchard, and uncommon good water in abundance, , l i. ALSO —- To I>e disposed of, Four Prlirte Negrges.-i-rlf riot sold <it private sale be- ’ fore the fitst day of January next, the 1 wlrole will be , sold at the market-house to the highest bidder oh that day—A ciV ditwill be given if required, personal security, and a mortgage on all. Apply to s Isaac La Koche. < November 1 tds t \*]T 1 " ' ' ■ ! Lauds for Sale. /TVNK tract containing 541 acres in* q p Edgefield District, SiC. near Beach > Island, bounded by lands of John Ash bury, John Star, George Miller, and (John Pryor, and others. One Tract containing 133 acres," • in Edgefield District, on Savannah riv er, bounded by Lands o! John Pace ) Mr. Ray, Drury Pace, and the River. As it is presumed no out* will piirchaS' without first seeing the a!»ove lauds,those who are disposer! to get information a to situation, price, Ac. are referred to Mrs. McLiws and Holt; or to ,Mr. A ; braham Markley, Chatieston, South- Candina. November 15 ts ~ Tor Sale, r JT**IIAT well known Tract of Land, it * SL Columbia county, called Mount, , Hope, teg miles above Augusta, on Sa vannah river, containing 528 acres— which is equal if not superior, to any tract of Land, in the county.’ There i> on the premises a good Dwelling House, Isitcnen, Gin House, Stables, Corn House, and all the necessary buildings r- on a Plantation, all under a gooildence; t the terms will be made known, "by appli cation-to subscribers, on the premises, John H. Wilkinson, Wm. H. lUackwell, Ocotber 25 ts ] '' 7 : Notice. ON Wednesday the 7th of January next at the house of Harrowd Rohr : erts, on the Washington mad, Columbia county, will be Let to the highest bidder fir the ensuing year, a prime parcel of Likely NE j »U()E8, belonging to the es tate ofßevelly Lowe, deceased. Nute with approved security wid be required: t they are not allowed to be hired in towns.' or go on tVe river as’Boat Hands, and ’■ all those indebted to said estate, are re-, quested to make payment on that day. Jas. Culbreath, & ) ~ , John F-sier, Dec. 13 c Sheriff’9 Sale ; ' fj V5 T ILL be sold on the first Tuesday ff in January next, at the» court house in Jacksonborougliv Scriven coun ty, between the usual hours of ten and three o‘dock, . i 600 Acres river swamp land, ly >: ing and being in the county of dmveu, in Bull Neck, adjoining John Smite and others: levied on as the property of diaries Floyd, security for Win. Willi ams, to satisfy sundry executions in fa vor of Hillery Alligood—property levi ed on, and returned to me By a consta ble. • ALSO, 314 1-3 acres river swamp land, lying and being in the county of Scriven, adjoining Wm. Gibbons and others? le vied on as the property of James Bevill, dec. to satisfy an execution in favor of Macklin Lunday, ex’r.of Francis Lun. ay, against Paul Bevil and Doha Bey ill, adni’'d admx. of the said, James Bevill.—ALSO, *IOO acres erf june land, flying in the'eounty of Scriven, with small im provements, levied on as the property • of James Bryan, to satisfy sundry ex* ; cutions in favor of Thomas Scarborough; proper ty levied on and .returned to me by a constable. ALSO, f 6 head of hogs, levied on as the ■property of Richard Oglesby, to satisfy > an execution in favor of Elijah Watson; property levied on and returned to me by a constable.—ALSO, > 300 acres pine land, lying in the. ' county of Scriven, with small improve-. menu, aifjoining Reuben Bolton; levied on as the property of Wm, Biwiyn, to satisfy an execution in favor of MiCajaU , fteotnn; property levied on and returned , to me by a constable. ALSO, 37 acre* pine land lying In the ; county, of Scriven, with* small improve ment* ; levied on as the property of Wm. y Hill? to satisfy an execution s favor of Solomon Milsan; property levied on and returned to me by a constable.' Solomon Kemp, s.s.c. November 2t> ; f tds 5,117'K are authorized to amieum e Jas; V Y Hutchinson a candidate for Tax "uector of Coniuhia County at the en-; ming eection. Sept, 3. . « v . • y ■ u ;• ■ w\- ■ f. ■ ShtffU S-Je. J WILL be Sold on the" first Tuesday in January next, the court J j jjouse in Wayhesborough, Burke coun ( y, betwcen~tlje usual sale houip. 1 teix feather.berk, bedsteads amV < furniture, one wooden clock and oneaet I of Blacksmith’s tools, levied on as the ■■ properly of Jercmiaii W.WiJliams,to alt isfy au execution in favor of Mil Us T. 5, y ‘ lor, &.Co» against Jeremiah- W. Willi-. 1 ams, Samuel Garliek and John Bell. ALSO, 29 Acres of land more dir Idss, on the road leadiVig from Walker’s . bridge so Augusta, adjoining’lands ii Amos Wiggins and others ; levied on as the property of John A. Roberts, to sa ‘ijsfy an execution in favor of Samuel Saxou, indorsee against John* A. Roberts, John Bell, s.u.c. December 6. ’ " tds,. . Adiu|nistva'tpv’f Sale. 'S' 1 S rjLL btrsohl by order of the hon y V orai'le court ot Ordinary ol Co* lumbia county, fit the court iiouse of said cog niy, on the first Tuesday in January .' next, the interest that John Garticll,' late ol Columbia county, deceased, had' in the Mills and fifteen acres of land on. ('uittcreek in the county aforesaid,..which interestis one half. Terms made know n, on the day. H. Garlrell, adm’r. November 12. ts Sheriff's Sale. ON the first Tuesday in January-next,, wiil be s Id at the court-house in vVaredton, between the usual hours. One Sbriel Mure, about ti y/eai’s old, Saddle and Bridle, levied-on as the pn*- perty of Mulkey Cohrou, to satisfy an execution issued out of the Ijjkrior Court of W ilkes comity, John Holiday, vs. Mulky Coliron and Jesse Gnn. A, Kodgefs, s. w. C. November 29 -ts Auuiiuisi > ittor's toa!e>. Will be sold before the on Wednesday, 17th of December next, the property of Samuel Brunt, deceas ed, for the benefit of the heirs .ami. creditors, viz. 1 Riding Chair 8 demijous of Copal/Varnish Quantity of Coach Lace Tiated Handles, Joints, and Bands Plated Stirrup Irons and, W ebbs , Saddle Bosses.and t ut Tacks, V a,id dm,’*. -James Johnson, A . 1 Nov, e 5p iioiliUS XliCHtuG , AhaWAY on.the evening of the j. 4; .i£th July* last, my Negro W omair NANCY,.she is of a yellowish complex ion, country oorn, about 28 years .old; Mie \u, lately pdr4|ased Mr, Elias W alien, merchant, of tins city, and off Wiose ta.iiily s!u* has boe:i in the habit of aUendiag; she is well kmrwii in oa vimoair aau Augusta---Niincy has a iuis oaini reiidrig vufeaVaonaiif, by theoiafne oi July.-t.ii; property of ,\ir. VVm. Mein. Ad masters of vessels; iitid otners, are cautioned from harboimg or employing the abovi w enclrNuncy. The above re ward ami all rea-onabie charges will lie paid ouher being'bodged in jaii. • Joint ti. %Uoid. Dec. I.S w u ijpl RaUGIIT to x the jail of Columbia IJ court-house, an vln can Negro Fel -ow, about.2s years of age, 4 feet Bor 9 inches high, black and ill shaped; he lia« several scars on each check, he. says his name is Dickey, and when questioned in regard to his owner and place of resi dence, seems incapable of answering, repeating uniformly, something like ■\ a’shington; his cloths are very ragged and dirty. 3 00 G&rah I avis, c. 0. _Dec. 13 -ts Will be Rented, ON the Sd day of January next, op |he premises in Columbia county, the Plan latum belonging to tlie estate" ot Samuel Ramsay, dec. Ai chibaid lieggie. Ad mV, December 10. wSt * Administrators Btde. WILL be sold oti the last Saturday in. January nest, at the markef oouse in the city of Augusta, all.the per sonal property (if the late R* Dowiiie, de ceased, consisting of Silversmith’s tools, Books, Beds anti Bedsteads, Jewelry, wija several articles of hoasehold/unii tiireP—the whole to be sold for the ficnefi of tire heirs and creditors of said dec’d- Baniuel Surviving Administrator, . December 1< ' ts NtITIOK. IN conformity with a Resolution of T e Board «f Trustees of Richmond Ai - ademy, the T«wn Common Lots will on 1 Monday the 29th day of Declmber, inst. be Leased at the Market-fcotse between' rite hours of ton and for a, terra of Ttve Years, from the first dayt ;»f January next. A plan of the lots will be exhibited and the terms made known on that day*. r > > Aod erson W atkias, ) .. 1 W alter > C ™ l h. C. m l ee ' December 6, ■ ■ j ts . • ' ' I Wsiffnf rflh tktbi Stale* WHKRIvAS by an act of-VWr>sa p.rtikiljH the v thiyd aaTgjf March, 8 „ ni ihbUsamf eight hundred ar.d fifteen,tu titled ’« an 'act to provide fir the a-ccr tainins am! surveying of the bouuW lines tixed by the Treaty with the deck iiidians ur.d lo» otlieir purposes,” the President of the United States is author! ized to catxsa the lands acquired bv t»*e said Treaty to be olierfed lor sate whi-V > and w hareas the lands nonh of fife Tennessee Tiivo r'’have been sur veyed : Therefore. I .Runes Monroe, President of the United fetales, in conformity with the said act. do hereby declare ami make Known, that public safe*, for the disposal (agreeably to law) of the lands ia Ala! uama Territory, north ofthe liivcr Ten ueassee, shall be belli at Huntsville, in* Madison county, in said Territory, viz on the first Monday in Februai yu ( . xt * for the finds s contained in the ran*,.* number'd, one, two, three, fimr f fi ye J M « six ; and on flfc first Mu;;<ky in March next,'for the remainder dfflie'aforesaii each sale shall remain open fir Uiree weeks, and r.o longer; the sales shui! commence with the first section „f the lowest numbers of township* ranges, and proceed in regular numerical order. Given under my hqnd at the cite of Washington, the twenty first dav of No ve/nbpr,‘«me thousand eight hundred and scvcptecn.. T. T,- ..-JAMES MONROE. By tlie Ppesuleift, r , . . JO?lAII MEIGS, C mnmtasiooorK'f the General Land Office the Laws of the United States, will.mV iish tlu nbove lor,six weeks, and scml t ‘ t,r .sJ s with receipts to the (finend ■ami Office. Dec. ID. Gw A Bargain. 2001) " cres i'l’ laufl for sale ia Richmond counij-, i 0 a-om Augusta find l.(f from Savannah ri ver, on Loth sides Big Spit it creek, wi.iclu runs through the tra ;t nearly inthecen "ti«» 0,1 wi-deh is a saw mill “that will, if well atlcmied to, cut on an average lim- : 10U0 to I atO feet of lumber a day ; there, are also a number of other good sites fir mills op •fther water machinery, and.% number of handsome situations to build on, equal il not superior to anv in tins otate 1,1 puiut of health—it lies''around that wel. known summer retreat called the great variety of the best, amt purest 0 springs, renders it-uncommonly heal thy aqd pleasant In summer. On the premises- are from 80 to 99 acies oi cleared land unt!' under foic’C. a gooa house 44 feet by 20, with a pr/.:t on one side and shed on the other; the house hks 8 rooms in it. sb-fia— Acre%diearly adjoining tha. milt tract anh convenient to the atii*. l«vel and well and is well timbered, which- will ifsOitalfie to the* purchaser, bo sold with the mill. 170 acres .within 4< miles of Au gusta & mined lately on the road leading f rom Augusta to Savannah'. & at tiu* junc tion ol tne.Savannah & Lohisviile roiuls; iliif. situation, is perhaps equal to any within 20 miles of Augusta for a public rouse or any kind of public business:—- there is a tolerable-good set Os buildings on the premises, and a spring of excel lent viatorconVenient to the houses; the land generally lies remarkably level; — (here is also a good turf for running of horses one mifi round, which is perkctly level and firm. '* . A ' : —-ALSO— -202 1-2 acres of land in Twiggs county, on the Ocmulgee river, kueviu uy lot No. 183, 2Sth district. —Also— -203 1-3 acres supposed to lie in lel lair county, known by lot No. 2/4, district 7. ■ —ALSO— One lot in the city of Ang lower end of tlie town with some s;uail improvements thereon. m-4- VLBO W ill, be sold all the stock, coav slsting of from 50 to 40 head of catiie,. among Which ark T 2 or 13 goad cows, several cf which have young calves, a small sto<;.k two yoke oxen, a goou pair ot timber wheels, two vvaggnos and teams and all mill and plantation tools,—fill of which will lie sold on at -o,'ramodating terms by the subscr.', living on tlie premises of tlie mill tract, near MountEuon, * D. Berrey* December 10, wtf _ "MOTIVE. BEZEKIAII DICKINSON having, purchased fhclnierest of Mr. Eaton wHin in the concern of T. & K. Flo w eUin, the Business will in future he car ried «»n under the firm.of KJJiVVIiLLIN and DICKINSON at the establishing outlie late firm, where they have an e3- tensive wafe-house &. commodious stcreg, ,for the.reception of all kinds of produce and goods. They tender their service* to their friends and the public .(generally* anti only ask lor snch encouragement as flieir attention and punctuality will ctl ‘ title them Taylor Flcwollm, # Hczeklalil)ickiiiscn. September 8. ff