Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, December 20, 1817, Image 1

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v - ■ — . , ■ v % * I >—■ ''■ , „ 1 .. i ~. -m, . .1 ._ i ,|,. i" ,'i i f— 1 mg^B-ggegga^^, I fVOL.-£XXU ] " ■ * SATURDAY, HtUKMltKjj 20, 1817. . I AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, H Xtttt ' Vy4 ; ■■ f GEORGIA GAZETTE, PUBLISHED BT I ftp, \N, DUYCKINCK. &PEARRE, f EVMY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, I Five Dollars per annum, Payable in Advance. . . I HAS JUST RECEIVED, I AND INTENDS KEEPING, I A General Assortment* nnd Constant Supply, of Genuine I groceries, —AND — I*• LIQUORS. I Suitable for Town Customers, Country Merchants 'and Planters, at moderate prices. WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL ; among which "are THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES. 60 Bags Prime Green Coffee I a nd bbls. of first and second quality SUGARS Y Ditto and ditto loaf, lump and bastard ditto Ditto Molasses . Chocolate, Pepper and Spice, I teflnd iTeas. £' Hyson Jskin J. liPipe old and very superior A <jjj I Madeira ( casks l. t. Tcuenffe > f Do, ditto Sherry I ~ I Do. ditto Malaga J • | 4th Proof Jamaica 1 Tl nnl f Cd ditto West-India VIUIBI 25 Bbls. hints-N. E. J I First Chon Holland Gin Table Suit, and superior Y !lie 6 aT I • .TOGETHER with — 100 Demi Johns 100 Setts Wooden Measures 40 Boxes Spermaceti Caudles ' 20 Ditto Mould ditto 20 Ditto first quality Turpentine 100 CaL Os Cat Nails, of« “I*™' quality of od. 4d. bd. 8d l6«l. I2d. and 20(1. 40 Ditto Cut Brads, Bd. lod. 12d. nnd 20d.* . XT 0 5000 lbs. Shot, from B. B. to No. 8 Ax Bar and small Sweede s lion German and Steel . 20 Kegs Treble F. Gan Powdei, A of Northern Bed Ticking, Ginghams, Stripes, Sheeting and 40 Pieces* excellent Inverness Bag ging, #c. * ALSO, A STOCK OF Dry Goods Hard -1 wa e, Which will be offened very low, being determined to'turn his whole attention tp the Grocery Business. on consignment, A Large: Quantity of — Saddler’s Tacks, OF EVBKT SIZE. Which will be sold low by the quantity. November 22 ________ Notice. x THE SUBSCRIBER , ‘lias taken' a Stand a few doors above captain Ketchums, North «de, upper end of. Broad-Street. WHERE HE WILL TRANSACT Commission Busi ness. And Expects a Supply of GROCERIES, shortly. October 11 Notice. THE SUBSCRIBER, # Oftrs hie services to his fnen s anl As public tn genet ul, u AND Factorage Tine. WW '.**& g-vfen tok'L -ts October 4 I AUGUSTA CHRONICLE; AND 4 GEORGIA GAZETTE. ' ii liii ißii ii ibiTiiwi I 111 n 1 II I Mil 1 Hat, Boot (V Shoe . WARE-MOUSE. OLIVER REE I), HAS JUST REI^IVIU, A Large and Elegant Assortment oj FIRST quality gentlemens’ fine Bea ver HATS i Second ditto ditto First ditto Castors Second ditto ditto " ' Ladies’ Beaver Hats ' Misses’ and Childrens’ ditto a Mens’ and Boys’ fine Rorama Ditto ditto Wool Childrens’ Morocco Caps Servants’ Glazed Hats. also A few Trunks gentlemens’ long and short BOOTS of a superior quality Do. do. gentlemens’ SHOES of vari r ous kinds 1 Trunk of Jadies’ elegant Morocco Boots Morocco Shoes * Ladies’ Walking ditto, and Black and coloured Roans He has likeioise Received by recent ar~ t rivals, A Choice and Brilliant selection of 1 Military Goods , I —CONSISTING OF—< Silver Mounted") ~ _ Plated, aud iSWOI’dS Gilt j Gold and Silver Epauletta Plated ditto Silver qpd Plated ditto for Cavalry The above articles in addition to Ins former supplies, render his Stock as com plete as will be found in the Southern Market. November 2fi ts ; ■ NEW Clothing Store, Wheeler, Bradley’s & Co. One Boor East of the Cihi-Hotcl, UAVIi t>N HAND, A VERY EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT -OF CLOTHING, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, And have This Buy received in addition 70 Packages, Which makes their assort incut very ex tensive, all of which they will sell at Wholesale or Retail on the most rea * sonable Terms. —ALSO— I A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF J Dry Goods $ Hard ware: SADIES’ Walking Shoes and Sail ed dais Geutlemeas’ Boots, Shoes and Morocco Slippers Ladies’ Beaver Hats Gentlemens’ Beaver and T ram ditto ; Silk and Cotton Umbrellas i Plated and Britania Ten Setts Plated Casiors 1 Silver Tea Sett Silver Table and Tea Spoons Ditto Watches | Gold Chains, Seals and Keys Brass Andirons, Shovels and Tongs Copper Tea Keitles, Stills and Worms howling Pieces Patent steel barrel and common Pistols Dirks, Powder and Shot, Anvills Frying Pans, Trace Chains, &c. —also — - : Looking Glasses, Os all descriptions nnd prices , From 1 to 12C Dollars the Pair, Some of which are very elegant. , ALSO, A NEAT Jersey - Waggon, With full Plated Harness, Calculated for one or two Horses, j (gs They have employed a Man from the north, whose profession isTayloring, he will attend to the fitting of garments. ’ Also, (if application,) to cutting ladies r Habits and Pelieaes. December 3 _ .. The {Subscribers, ARE DAILY RECEIVING, LVRGE QUANTITIES OF , : G 0 0 B s; DIRECT FROM EUROPE. WHICH they can and will sell a? low as any other house in the state that are regular dealers, and will give se the highest price for COTTON and oth * er Produce. Customers will be prompt * ly to, and their favours grate 'fully received by A. Erwin, Groce k Co, October U ' % * *4 " » ' James Woodrow, JCO, (bVMMI»G*S BRICK Km»Uit!«.] > HAT E JUST RBCBIT&D, By the latest arrivals from Hritnin. ' « very extensive assortment (f DryGoods® Hard ware, - viz. SUPERFINE Broad Cloths Coarse Cloths in great variety Cassimercsanb Quiltings CarpetiAgs foilerets and Swansdowns Bumbazetts and Bombuzecns \ I Rose ami Du All Blankets V\ hite, Blue and Mixture Plains Brown Linens Irish do. , Scotch Homespuns Cotton Cambrics and Shirtings Plain and Fancy Muslins Printed Madras and J/iisaiipatairt Hk*ff» Silk & cotton Shawls—a large assortment Counterpanes Woollen and cotton Hosiery Vigana Cloths Plaids and Cham brays Hats and Umbrellas Dun Ice and Inverness cotton Bagging Ready made Waistcoats, and an elegant assortment of Dress and Furniture Calicoes, JFhichi with a very general assort-1 me lit of lUIIIDWAItE, laid in upon the I beat terms, are now opening and will Ins sold at a moderate advance for cash, pro*, dace, or approved paper. AI.SO FOU SALE, Rills on London or Glasgow, fW. 3. if Alexander Bryan, Has Received by recent arrivals from New-Turk. m d offers for sale at reduced prices, SUPERFINE and common cloths,- Cassimeres Blankets,assorted flauels, Blue Plains, Bombazctts assorted, Vestings and Worsted Stockings, Calicoes, Canton Crape-,-Shawls, Lace and cotton Damask do. 5 to 8-4 Fancy silk and Merino Handkerchiefs, Barcelona and cravat ditto, Pdwtnes, ribbons, glares, cambric, , Childrens’ B?avev GOO Yards carpeting, 2 Cases 4-4 Linens, low charged, G ditto Castor and lioram 2 c’ilto Ball Thread G 4 & 128 to the lb. 4 ditto Saddles and lii idles. A General Jhsdrmerd of CLASSICAL HU OKS, v Blanks Books, ’Writing Paper, &c A General Assortment of STAPLE &FAJSCV, Hard ware & Cutlery 6 Hhds. Glass Ware, assorted China Tea Setts White in Gold 18 Crates crockery, assorted. ALSO 5 Minis. Sugar, 10 Bhls. Coffee, &c. &c. December 3. ts THE SUBSCRIBER* Hart Entered into Copartnership, un der the Firm of * (Miller & Stouten burgh, They solicit a continuance of their for mer customers, and now offer them a Large and General Assort -> ment of European Goods, By the Package or Piece. Imported in the Casket, Oglethorpe, and Lord Whitworth—which willbedispo Sed on pleasing terms. John Miller, Benjamin 1). Stoutonburgh. November 26 ts Watches , Jewelry 1 . —AND — Silver Ware. ? ’ -■ # yusr RECEIVED , ——Among which are Cl OLD Patent Lever Watches IT ditto Gold Face with extra Jewels Silver Patent Levers Common Watches capped and jeweled Fashionable .Seals, Keys and Chains Ear Rirgs, Finger Rings, Necklaces Bracelets, Lockets, Corral « Silver .Spoons, Tongs, «§'c. <§”c. e J. Guira^in, e • Near the market, 1 door below - the City-Hotfef. (Jdr Where he carefully repairs everj J i- description of Watches on reasonable terms, and pledges his utmost endeavors to give general satisfaction. December 10 Ai t r tin mi ? . ■ HAV-, JUST MKCEIVIvO,,, Vcr the ships ■Georgia, Thamus Gib bons.. Oglethorpe, Juno and .Camil las from Liv pool and Greenock. IN ADDITION To Ihcip late Pall Supply, One Hundred & Pifty Packages Ne w Goods, CONSISTING OF linens t Ifoolen, Cotton floods , and Jlardwai e, ALSO, 70.000 lbs. British Castings, as sorted 11.000 d;(to Shot, assorted sizes 2,500 ditto Bar Lead in 1 lb. bars 25 tons Axe Bar and Waggon Tire Iron 130 halt boxes Crown Glass, 8 by 10, and 10 by 12, and •00 pieces best Dundee Bagging All of which, they offer at wholesale at very reduced advances, for cash, produce, or approved paper. December i 0 8t AUCTION 1 AND Commission Store. P MENARD having been appoint • ed one,of the Vendue Masters for the City of Augusta, respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he is now prepared tiv attend to any business in that line which may be entrusted to his care. His situation is very central, and well calculated lor the vending of Mer chandize, December 10. ts Clothing •Store, At the sign of the nUCIvkS 11 LAD, Broad - Street. » / —— Dimock cy Marsh. MEIICIMJrr TATLURS, OFFER for sale a good assort merit > Ready made Gentlemen's Clothing ■uid expect additions monthly from the North through .he season, made & trl - med in the highest style by themselves, made for service as woll as for sate. ALSO Shepard’s London Superfine Black, Biu. and Gold Mixed Cloths, Do. do. do. Black, Blue, mixed, oi different shades and white, Casslmeres, and Trimmings suitable fm for them, which they will make in r <. lothes for gentlemen who choose V leave their orders, in a style not infeiio «o any in this city-fur sale Clotiu brushes and an elegant assortment o suspenders. Also, on Consignment, 5 Cases Mens’ and Hoys’ Hats, by the case or less. Clothes Cut or Made in the New York Fashions. December 13. cw John Logan, THTAS just received on consignment; 3 3 and offers for sal a on reasonable terms— Superior L. P. Madeira,') do. ditto Teneri&e I WINES, do. Old Sherry J Jamaica Rum, Casks Gheese, Boxes Raisins’,'. Bbls. Loaf Sugar, „. Hhds. Muscovado ditto. December 13. k For Sale, JAMAICA Rum in hhds. and bbls. West-India do. in do. N- E. do. in do, Coirniac Brandy -Holland Gin Country do. N. Whiskey L. P. Teneriffc Wine in half Pipes & f casks Port Wine in Bottles London Porter Loaf and Lump Sugar Prime Jamaica Sugar in hhds. <s* bbls. Coffee in tierces, barrels and bags Fresh HysOn Tea Pepper, Spice, Ginger and Nutmegs Best Turpentine Soap in boxes Spermaceti Candles Powder,-Shot anil'Lead Cut Nails, assorted Virginia Chewing Tobacco Real Spanish Segars in i boxes Iron, Steel, &c. \ Bowie, Penn & Co. Dec. 13 e Doct. J. B. Gumming, HAS Dissolved his Copartnership with Doct. J. G, M‘Whorter, and now keeps his office three doors above the Globe-Tavern. Dec. 19 ' (f ■r - ■" it, , , A . . * . * J. 'the Subscribers *, flilfe entered into c opartqxrehip unde/* • • the Jinn of *. Eitlnej Lewis. THEY Have taken the stand former* lv occupied by Mr. John W», imee doors above Messrs. Longstrtet * Dry Goods AND * groceries , Winch v/dl be dispose;! of |« w for Cash or i own Acceptances, at a credit, „ , . . . -Jiniotig ivhick art’ tlfp"®"' ,1 "" ! «"-* tv™, W. halt Point and fioaa Blanket., • vvS & i f 1 BB"imeres assorted, White and blue Plains, carpeting, Hearth Rugs, Flag and Bandanno HandkerchiJft, insli Linens, Lo/.g Lawns, Furniture Fringe, Merino Shawls arid Scarfs, Angola Shawls and Tippets, aheoes, Cotton and Linen Cambrioki assorted, • Plain and Figured Muslins, 'oanton Crapes, assorted colors. Hosiery,* - * Toiluet and Cotton Vestings. * HombaZeftes, ° Sewing and changeable colored silks. Silk. Veils, 7 Large and elegant silk Shawls, Salisbury Flannel, * Strain Loom Shirting, Brown Holland, Dll Cloths. Linen Diaper, Tortoise Shell Combs, ike. &c. ——/\LS()-i— --■\ Several Casks of Hurd ware as Cutlery iiiiica and Muscovado Sugar inhlida, and barrels, •'oi ty Barrels N. E.Rutn, ’liiladelphia Whiskey in Barrels, ’‘pple Brandy in ditto, ' '•'roe casks Trace Chains, v<s«—A few dozen Gefenan Flutes. As every article of Dry Hoods coip,r •Sing the assortment have been import* -I <lii« fall, vve can Venture to say that e shall «cll as low as they can be pro* cured in this place. ' *- .lohn I\l. K(flney, Will. J. Lewis, QILVBH sPubNS* : Mackerel . ' • Lh|Ooi‘ Oases, and beat ‘'■punish Scgars, % FOR SALE BV H. & G. Webster. Dec. 3 c * MbSB t Buckwheat Flour. A Flfi W haII barrels fre-b liuck-v lira i Ul Flour, Ntnv-Ywrk inspection, jus* received lor sab- at (he store* pf a. & J. Kerr, (formerly occupied by Taylor and Sayre) by , Joim li. .Many, Who has at* hand—» 10 liasketH fewest OiL 1 Case fehoes. , December 10. BW . * StoTeagei rHE subscriber respectfully informs the Merchants of and its vicinity,that by applying to him, opposite .VFK,nne’s Ware House,.Merchandize ran be Start'd, and every attention will ne punctually paid to the receiving and delivery of the same. . Robert RipW. Private Parties can be entertain ed with Relishes at all seaspnabie honrs. December S ff Thomas Under • aAS taken John Mi/Hjur into co partnership, under the fcmi of But ler % Murray, for the purpose of transact ing Commission Business in this eity, and begs leave to solicit the patron aeW his friends and the public. Dec. 13 « gjy Candle , * MJNUFJ CTO It V lUrce d"oro below the Market, north tide Croud-Street. THE Subscriber has on hand, a eon* c ant supply of the best MANU- FaCTURED candles, - 4 Payne i December 6. r 1 or 2 Stone Masons can ou et with employment by applying ti this office. 4 Bee. 4, s -* v *