Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, December 20, 1817, Image 6

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m ■ M oiithlj Notices. f NOTICE. ''foyiNF. months after date application _LN be made to tne honorable the Inferior court of the county of Richmond lor leave to sell ten lots of land in Har risburgh—Numbers 33, 34. S7, 39, 117, 118, 119, 129, 127, and 128—aUo one tract of land No. 231, Old Wilkinson (at the time of survey) now Laurence, it being the whole of the real estate of t Jesse Stewart, dec. late of Richmond county, with a few articles of personal property, to -be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. It. Bury, adin’r. December G, 1817. m9m months after date application will be made to the honorable court *f'ot Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to sell all the personal and real es -1 late of Daniel Dill, deceased, for the be nefit of the heirs of the said deceased. j' Andrew J. Dill, adin’r. November 15. m9in N ( >TICE. months after date hereof ap- JL M plication will be made to the hon orable Inferior court for the county of Durke while silting for ordinary purpos es, for leave to sell the real estate of Je remiah Lewis, dec. consisting of one tract of land lying in the county of Du 'ke, containing 425 acres, to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. .11 Irwin. "I , , , , i H „ . v \um rs. A 11. Hurst, j November mPm NINE monllMafter the date hereof, . he m\dc to the , honorable the of the inferior court i»f Richmond *nhtv, sitting for Or dinary purposes,. 3m leave to sell two i. racts of LA.N!)• M wit;*—-One tract, containing 1000 ncrA in Washington county, at the time on the wa ters of the to Kiea/.er Cumming, bounded Ef>vm Peleg Green's land. S. by Kelly’s W. bv un known land, and N. by «ant ‘land-. 1 One other tract contarnim 200 acres, 1 grant* d to Joseph MoM on ll edy i creek, now Jel'f.-rson coyntwmnhded at the time of survey, S. K. and 1 Neil.son’s land, and <m ul! bv vacant land.—The above eV t'e of.lauv s Ed wards, * sold for the benefit of (he heirs tjHped i torsi ’John Cathin, E.v^r, Nov. 8 luiOm 'TfcTTNE months after date applidjinn ' Aj will be inj !e‘to the honorable ,iiu* Inferior court in' Burke county, for 1 v to sell ICO acres of land lying in su\ ) county, on the waters of Hockey Creek , adjoining lands of Dowling Hart a»\d others, being the'real estate of Beni am in Nichols, dec.—Sold for the benefit of’the heirs and creditors of said decease/’!. Amos Nichols, adra'r. August 27. mOm ILTINK MONTHS after date apnltea tion v/dl be made to thehon. the in ferior court of Warren county, for leave to soli the re i! e-late of James Parham, -dec. (or the benefit of the licirs and cre ditors of said dec, Ibdmu} d Parham, adm’r July 23. m9m TV INK MONTHS after date applica -I s * l tian will 3e made to the hon. inferior court of Durke county, for leave to sell two hundred and forty four acres of land the property of Benjamin Davis, lase of Burke county deceased, for the benefit of tiie kindred and creditors of said dec. John Davis, adin’r. May 14,1817. m9m Ak. [ INK MONTHS after date applica" JyTfc tion will be made to the hon. com 1 of ordinary of Columbia county, for leave to sell the real estate ol William Brvan, dec. for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. James Burroughs, adm’r. prii 30. 1817. m9n\ , INK Hioiithsfilter date application Xnl will be made to the Inferior court of Richmond county, white sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell forty acres of land, lying and oeing in Rich mond county, on the waters of Rockey creek, more or less, adjoining lands of Dr. Anderson Watkins.and the applicant— also one negro man slave named Sam. The above described property will be sold for the purpose of making a divi dend betwixt the heirs of John Lambert, (90(*Pl«Pil Holland M‘Tjpe, adm’rj October 15, 1817, niSm ' * GEORGIA, Columbia County \ In the In ferior Court ; July 7, ISI 7. ON the Petition of John Tinsley, sta ting he was possessed of three notes of hand, copies of which as near as he recollects, being filed in the Clerk’s Office of this Court, (to wit) one from Wm. A Pearre to Samuel Shelly, or bearer, for forty-five dollars,dated loth) March, 1814, payable two days after | , date, one from Edward Magruder, Ao j John Tinsley for twenty-five dollars, da-! ted 28th Oct. 1816, payable Iwo months '< ■ after date, one from John Reynolds to Thomas Colvardor bearer, for ten dol-‘ lars,.dated 15th July, 1 814, payable two months alter date, together with an af fnlavit stating the said notes are lost or mislaid, and praying the benefit of the act in such cases made and provided. I Jt is therefore Ordered, That the said j notes be established as directed by said act, on the. said John Tinsley’s publish ing a notice as therein required, for the space of six months, in one of the Ga zettes ofthis state, unless cause be shewn to the contrary within said time, or oth ci matter may appear to the court against tiie same. Taken from the Minutes. A. CRAWFORD, e/’fr. Clerk’s Office, July 10, 1817. Georgia —Uichmond county. hi the Superior Court—June Term, 1817. Present, the hirt. Robert It. Reid, Judge. ON the petition of Llewellen and Mary h is wife, staling that a bond was executed by John Carter, for titles to lots ol land in Harrisburg, in the penal sum, of twb thousand dollars] in which the petitioners were interested, alcopy where of as near as the petitioner cojnld recollect ■! annexed to the said petition, and is now lodged in the clerk’s ofljice, together j w, th an affidavit pursuant to the of the I general assembly in such cm os made and : provided, and praying the (benefit of the ! said act, and other circumstta tial proof 1 pc ll if; laid before the cpurt—ltis ordered : toat the said Bond be established as di-1 rectod by the said act, on the said Llew- 1 tut? n and Mary Evans publishing a no , tier* ns therein required, an*i for the space ol six months,in one o ftbe public gaz .•etC'S oftse. stale, unjess .cause hi* shewn to the contrary w ithin the said six months i or other matters be shewn to tiie*court a gainst the same. Taken Jrdm the Minutes*- _• . John H. Mann, cl*k. months alter the date tie mil’ I N application will be made to the hon Durable the inferior court of Burke conn ty lor leave to sell one hundred and ninetty.nine acres of land in said conn <y and three hundred in Emanuel emm v, the same being the real estate of John Greenway, deceased. William Greetiway, Administrator and guardian far minors. June 4. WflNfi months afteirthe date hereof. application will be made to the Hon *>' aide the Court of Ordinary of Columbia bounty, (or leave to sell the real Estate ot Lewis Gardner, jun. deceased, the ’ B ffe^ l,lß shan? > claim or interest in ‘ v Earn I s laid oil and assumed tx . V' u:iNUA Gardner, widow of Lewis ■ Se:, . , l eßt l* deceased;as dower; bt : (1 lov the benefit of the bens of said decease!!. Mary leiih, E.vt r \v. Cll AMBERS, GmnVian i - n>9m r IN *J mo,lt bs after date, application 1 XNI, will tie made to the honorable the I inferior of Lincoln county, while I to elf ,h wt i ! ia, 7 P u, P ose s s for leave fto sell one JfcWed ten acres 'of land, ?_°‘® '°, r belonging to the estate oi beS fl! T ’ ec(l - to be sold for the decci nt ° f \ eu ’ 8 and creditors of said l T Mary Willard, Adm’x. . J&fJL uiymq * MONTHS after date applica- M-jr and Wti f. DiHo, M orphan,. : — — V' m9m INj will be made to tliJhoii. the court ol Ordinary of Columbia leave to sell onehalf of lot Nunib-r 294 in the 2<)th district of Baldwin,!now Morgan county, belonging to tiieesbte of Jesse . Bull, dec. for the benefit otXhe heirs and creditors of said estate. \ Martha Bull, Wjrn’x. November 19,1817. ♦ ..v. MINE months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court ot Columbia county, for leave to sell a Lot of Land, No. 115, ly ing in the 3d (list. Baldwin county, con taining ‘2o2} acres—bounded north by No 1 .186, north west by No. 114, south west bWNo. 110, and south-east by No. 11G, on the waters of Glady creek.- The same being the real estate of H. Deakins, decM. and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Z ba Hunt, adin’r. April 4. m9in n~r~ viinii mutii w (>■—iwbwh—— mo—i— “ ft *VLfa\\ ¥5,1 ROM the subscriber, living eight _Q_ miles below Columbia court-house, on the 4lh inst. a Pocket Book, contain ing three Notes of Hand, one for eighty dollars, given by Thomas Hutchins to Benjamin Puller, due on the 24th Decem ber, 1814, with a credit on the back for 21 dollars, 25 cents—the other two, were given by Thomas Colvert to Benjamin* Fuller, for 1G dollars tach, due on the 25th December, 1817. These notes were taken out of the Pocket Book, which was torown under the house whore the sub i ctihcr resides. All persons are fofwarn ed against trading for said Notes—and the persons who gave them, are also' for warned against paying them. Ten Dol lars reward will be given for the recove ry of the notes, and the detection of the thief. Benjamin Fuller. December 1 , Twenty Dollars Reward. JoUNAWAY from the subscriber in Burke county, on the ! oth instant, a Negro Fellow named JACOB, about 22 years of ago, about 6 feet high, stout made yellowish complexion, a tolerable 1 heavy brow, had on when he left me a i white homespun pair of pantaloons, a i check coat, a net jf new Id t hat—-Any 1 person that will stop said fellow and , bring him to me in Burke county, or i lodge him in some safe jail shall receive 1 the above reward and all reasonable ex -1 peaces paid . Noah Smith lO°* The editors of the Raliegh N. C. Register, the Charleston S. C. Patri ot, the feavannah Republican, and the Milledgeville Journal, will publish the above 1 a month fog 3 months, and for ward their accounts to this office for payment November 29 ' lamSm EUN WV AY from tjie subscriber liv ing in Barnwell district, S. Caro lina, about the 25 th October last, a bright Mulatto Girl, about seventeen years of age, by the name of ELIZA, with a girl child about six weeks old when she wenl away. She probably may aim for Han cock county, Geo. as her husband be longs to,Benjamin Brautly, living in Hancock, and her mother lives in Mil ledgeville. A liberal reward of Fifty Dollars will he given to any person who will deliver her to Richard Bush in Au gusta, or lodge her in the Augusta jail; or 25 dollars if lodged in any other juil in the state—and expenses paid. JOHN W. ROSE. _ December 13. , wd Notice. Will be Hired, at Elbftrton, on Tuesday the 30th December next; All the Nf GROEB belonging to the estate of col. Evan Ragland, late of .»( Elbert county,deceased—Terms made known on the da v of Hiring. I hose who Hired said Negroes last year are requested to return them to the subscriber at filberton, on the -above day, by the hour of eleven o’clock in the fore uodn. Wm. Woods, Jldm'r. pro. tem. December 3 lawbw IHlli'l Y DOLLARS DEWARIJT 5 b ANA WAY from the subscriber, 11 ' about file lOtli of July last, a Ne gro man named Billy, a native of Afri ca, about 5 feet 0 or 7 inches high, ap pears to be between 28 antj 32 years of age, speaks bad English, has a down look, and speaas low when in conversation, he has about or below his waist a few marks of the whip: this fellow was put in the Jail of Barnwell district as a runaway, sometime in the month of February, 1816, and w-as sold out on the Ist Mon day of March last, to pay expences—All I know of the fellow is from his ow n statements—he says his name is Billy, and that he did belong to a major Jones, ot Savannah, but afterwards said he come from above Augusta, Georgia. It is likely this fellow mav get back to his former owner, who would like to conceal his return; he may not have given a cor rect statement of his owners or his own name or place of residence— Any infor mation on the subject wdl be liberally compensated, J Barnett H. Brown. I Notice. ALL pcrsonshavlngdemandsagainalt the estate of Samuel Brant, de«l ceased, will present them within the time prescribed by law, likewise all per sons indebted to lus estate are requested to make immediate payment to David M £ Kfnney» 1 j . Juiuejs Johnson, J * October 22 InwSm Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold by order of the hon orable court of Ordinary of Co lumbia county, at the court house of said county, on the first fuesday in January next, the interest that John Gartrell, late of Columbia county, deceased, had in the Mills and fifteen acres of land on ( uln creek in the county aforesaid, which interest is one half. Terms made known oil the day. H. Gartrell, adm’r. . November 12. ts N utice. VLL those who are indebted to the estate of the late 01. Tl eophilua Thomas, of Scriven counL, deceased, are hereby notified to make immediate payment; and all those to whom s.dd estate is indebted, will present their de . mamls within the time prescribed by . 'aw, to Lucy Thomas, Sole adm‘&. of said (Mats. October I „ Notice. ' H'v ROUGH rto the Jail of Columbia ? Si» court-house, an MVicunNegru Fel : ,ow » al >out 25 years of age, 4 feet Bor 9 ; inches high, black and iir s liaped; helms several scars on each cheek, ho savs his 1 name is Dickey, and when questioned in 1 regard to Ins owner and place of i . si [ donee, seems incapable, 1 of answering, 1 repeating uniformly something like ashiiigton; his cloths are very ragged ! and dirty. J Garah I. avis, j. c. c. Dec, 13 ts • STRAYED ’ 371 ROM Augusta, on the 24th inst'l a _ Foxed Sorre Horse, Bor 9 years 8 | old, about 45 hands high, supposed he is ■'gone into Soutb-Caroina. as one rn r swering the description was seen to swim the Sand-Bur Ferry on the same day. The subscriber in Augusta will pay on ’ - the taking up and delivery of the said - Horse, Ten Dollars. t Abner Green, f ‘ November 29 ts t Ten Dollars ' cwnrd. "jJJS ANA’A AY oil the ath inst. from SLOI the house of Mrs. Sandwich, near i this place, an African Negro Woman, - named She if about 25 yean* Y of age, 5 feet 4or 5 inches high, her face i) is very much scored with the marks of - her country; she speaks broken English, ; and when agitated her pronunciation is I unintelligible. The above reward with all reasonable expend swill be paid for her delivery to Mrs. Sandwich, living on the Sand-Hills, or to John E. Ivean, in Augusta. 7 Nov. 22 Notice. I Wednesday the 7th of January next at the house of Harrow'd Rut>- ; erts, on the Washington road, Columbia county, will be Let to the highest bidder *■ for the ensuing year, a prime parcel of Likely NEGROES, belonging to ihe es > tatc of Bevelly Lowe, deceased. Notes with approved security will be required; they are not allowed t<> be hired in towns, or go on the river as Boat Hands, and all those indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment on (hat day. » Jas. I ul'oreatli, &. ) ~ , Jolm F u *er, 1 '*'»• Dec. 13 r f NOTICE. ~~ , To the Heirs of Thomas, Peacock, alien , Deceased. DEPARTED this life at Lincoln Court-House, Georgia, on Tues ■ day, the 22d of cock, alien, aged from 3<* to 35, came from Ireland, having property as fol lows, 1 waggon and horse, a tolerable handsome assortment of Dry Goods, for man of his occupation, viz: an Itine rant Trader,commonly called a pedlar. The heirs of the said Thus- Peacock, deceased are notified to come within the time prescribed by the escheat law of this state. The heirs can be more oul ly satisfied respecting the property, and also the death of the said deceased, by applying to the esebeator of Lincoln (county, Georgia. William Harper , Esohcator. Dctober 1,5 lawGro