Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, December 24, 1817, Image 1

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'■■t \ 4 ■•■ 1 "*' . 11 1 ■■" ■■ 1111 ■ mm.'\ \ ms~™s= pmmm\mtmmmmmmmrnmmtmmmmmimmmmmmmm- ■ lun.xxta.j ... . ; « Sf % • . t>* *:% t y , • , TH* .- i | juretrsTA cmomctß, ■ - * AHD . GEORGIA GAZETTE, PUBLISHED BT \ RC AN, DUYGKINCK &PEARRE, EVJM WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, Five Dollars per anmtm, Payable in Advance. h. duntonT” HAS ;vsr RECEIVED, AND INTENDS KEEPING, J General Assortment , and Constant Supply, of Genuine GROCERIES, ——AND— LIQUORS. Suitable for Town Customers, Country Merchants arid Planters, at moderate prices. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL f —»MOftO WHICH ARE— THE FOLLOW ARTICLES. i 60 Bag? Coffe* Tihds. and bbls.'fanfffcand second I quality I Ditto and ditto bad bastard I ditto ■ ‘ "* , Ditto Molasses | Chocolate, Pepper and. Spice, I jTeas. |J Hyson &kin ) I 1 Pipe old aud very <jj i Madeira f 1 Qr. casks l. P. Tencriffe >g* 1 Do. ditto Shwry \ g H Do. ditto Malaga J ™ , 1 4th Proof Jamaica ) if Sd ditto West-India | Q 5 Bbls. & 6 hhds. N. E, J I First Chop Holland Gin I 'fable Salt, and superior Vinegar -TOCETUKa WITH — I 100 Demi Johns v 100 Setts Wooden Measures ; 40 Hoses Spermaceti <*' l cS I 20 Ditto Mo» ,d ,! ' tto ~ , % SC D**w first quality Turpentine ■ Soap ■ 100 Casks of Cut Nails, of a superior I quality, consisting of Sd. 4d. 6d. ■ Bd. 10d. 12d. and 20d, I 40 Ditto Cut Brads,' Bd. lOd. 12d. I and 20d. ■ooo lbs- Shot, from B. B. to No. 8 ■Ax Bar and small iSweede’s Iron ■Uerman and Blistered Steel 120 Kegs Treble F. * Gun Powder, >1 (English) Hit quantity of Northern Bed Ticking, Gingnams, Stripes, Sheeting and S Shirting / > • ■ 40 Pieces excellent Inverness Bag -1 g»ng, #c. *. A 1.90, r A STOCK OF ■■mni Goods A* Hard [W H If <7l ;| ware, I Which will be ottered very low, being ■Wtnincd to turn his whole attention f. H the Grotevy Business. ON CONSIGN,MFNT, o I -“A Large Quantity of— ■ Saddler’s Tacks, I OF EVERT SIZE. Hidi will be sold low by the quantity, I " Noticed :uW THE SUBSCRIBER, res H taken R Stand a few doors above iifS-Hptain Ketchums, North side, upper c S Hid el Broad-Street, l‘H where he will vrassact iteltmmission Bust &S I . ■ ness. Expects a Supply of Groceries, SHORTLY. be disposed of low for cash. iTHctcber 11 , ts ..- - i H N otice, 1 THE SUBSCRIBER, Brg his services to his friends V ie l m blic in general , in mMCOMMISSION and 7;#actorage Line. |XG taken the Ware-House lately occupied by Mr. Isaac I.a >. v where every attention will •; id. Mio render general satisfaction. * John Burton. ts Hat, Boot Ar Shoe wjuik-mmE. OLIVER REED, HAS JUST RECEIVED, A Large and Elegant Assortment of S/URST quality gentlemens’ fine Bea- J? ver RATS Second ditto ditto First ditto Castor* Second ditto ditto Ladies’ Beaver Hat* Misses’ and Children*’ ditto Mens’ and Boys’ fine Rurams Ditto ditto Woo! • •Childrens’ Morocco Cap* Servant*’ Glazed Hats. -™-* ALSO' - ■ '—■» A few Trunks gentlemens’ long and short BOOTS of a Superior quality Do. do. gentlei*en*7 SHOES of vari ous kinds I Trunk of ladies’ elegant Morocco Boots Morocco Shoe* Ladies’Walking ditta, and Black and coloured Roan* He has likewise Revassed by recent «*» •y '• rivals, A CJhntea’ilfttd Brilliant selection of. Military , —CONSISTING OF Silver Mounted) _ wated, .»d j 8 words Gold and Silver Epaulette 'Plated ditto Silver and Plated ditto for Cavalry The above articles in addition to his former supplies, render his Stock as com plete as will be found in the Southern Market. Nnvemhor 26 ff _W . Clothing Store. Wheeler, Bradley’s & Co. One Door JHast of tire City-Hotel, HAVE ON HAND, A VERY EXTENSIVE ASSORTMF.NT OF CLOTHING, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, And gave This Day wreived in addition, 70 Packages, Which makes their assortment very ex tensive, nil of which they will sell at Wholesale or Retail on the most rea sonable Terms; > * —ALSO— A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods % Hard ware: » LADIES’ Walking Shoes and San dals Gentlemens’ Boots, Shoes and Morocco Slippers Ladies’ Beaver Hats Gentlemens’ Beaver and Roram ditto Silk and Cotton Umbrellas Plated and Britania Tea Setts Plated Castors 1 Silver Tea Sett Silver Table and Tea Spoons Ditto Watchc Gold Chains, Seals and Keys Brass Andirons, ■Shovels ami Tongs Copper Tea Ke tics, Stills and W'orms fowling Pieces Patent steel barrel arid common Pistols Dirks, Powder and-Shot, Anvills Frying Pans, Trace Chains, &c. —ALSO— Looking Glasses, Os all descriptions and prices , From 1 to 120 Dollars the Pair, Some of which are very elegant. " ALSO, A NlfrAT Jersey Waggon, With full Plated Harness , Calculated for one or two Horses. £3r They have employed a Man from the north, whose profession is Tayloring. he will attend to the fitting of garments. Also, (if application,) to cutting ladies’ Habits and Pelieses. December 3 ts 'the Subscribers, ARE DAILY KECEIVIJS G, LARGE QVANTITIKS Os (Jr , i) O If Sy DIRECT FROM EUROPE. wWyHICH they can and will sell as y V low as any other house in the state that are regular dealers, and will give the highest price for COTTON and oth er Produce. Customers will be prompt ly attended to, and their favours grate - fully received by A. Erwin, Groce It Co. \ October tl v' U -v .. I I 111 I-Tpwaaaapaawtta James Woodrow, co. (humming’*'BaicX BUILDINGS,) HAV E JUST HKGEiVi.D, . By the Idlest arrivals from Britain , a very txUntive assortment of Dry Goods & Hard « ware, vi*. ! Cl UPERFINE Broad Cloth* Coarse Cloths in great variety Cussimeresand Quiltings Carpeting* Toileuets and Swansdowns Hqmbazetts and Bombazeen* I Rose and Duffil Blankets White, Blue and Mixture Plains Brown Linens Irish do. ( Sfcdtch Homespuri* Cotton Cambrics and Shirtings Plain and Fancy Muslins PrintedMadrass and JHasalipatam Hk’fik Silk & cotton Shawls—a large assortment - Counterpanes Woollen and cotton HwHfcy- Vigana Cloths Plaids and Ch&rhbray* Hats and Umbrellas Dun lee andinverness coltrin Bagging Ready made Waistcoats, and an elegant assortment of Dre s and Furniture Calicoes, Which, with a very general assort? mentof HARD ft'ARE, laid in upon the best terms, are now opening and will be sold at a moderate advance for cash, pro duce, or approved paper. ALSO'FOR SALK, Bills bn London or (ilascow. Dec. 3. ts Alexander Bryan, Has Received by recent arrivals from Mew-York, and ifj'crs for sale at reduced prices, SUPERFINE and common cloths, Cassimeres Blankets,assorted Hands, Blue Plains, Uombazetts assorted, Vestings and Worsted Stockings, Calicoes, Canton Crape, Shawls, Lace and cotton Damask dp. 5 to 8-4 Fancy silk and Merino Handkerchiefs, Ba» celona and cravat djttd, -•***»_ : Pclorines, ribbons, glov*s, cambric. Childrens’ B.?aver Hats, 600 Yards carpeting, . . 2 Cases 4*4 Linens, low charged, . 6 ditto Caster aid Roram Hats, 2 ditto Ball Thread 64 & 123 to the lb. 4 ditto Saddles and Bridles. A (general Assorment of CLASSICAL BOOKS, Blanks Books, Writing Paper, &c A General Assortment of STAPLE & FANCV, Hard u are & Cutlery 6 Hhds. Glass W£re, assorted China Tea Setts White in Gold 18 Crates crockery, assorted. - Hilda. Sugar, 10 Bids. Coffee], Sac. kc. December ■'; , » ts THE SUBSCRIBERS) Have Entered into Copartnership, un der the t'irm of Miller & Stouten b urgli, 'fhey solicit a continuance of their for mer customers, and now otter them a Large and General Assort ment of * European Goods, By the Package or Piece, Imported in the Casket, Oglethorpe, and Lord Whitworth—which willbedispo sed on pleasing terms. John Miller, .. . I Benjamin B. Sttmtonburgh. ' November 26 V ts Watches, Jewelry —AND— Silver Ware. yusr RECEIVED, - —-Among which are GOLD Patent Watches ditto Gold Face with extra Jewel* Silver Patent Lever's , Common Watches capped and jeweled Fashionable Steals, Keys and Chains Ear Rirgs, Finger Rings, Necklace* Bracelets, Lockets, Corral : t Silver Spoons, Tongs, Sfc- gc. e J. Guimarin, e Near the market, I dour below * ' thp City-Hotel. tpT Where he carefully repairs every * description of Watches on reasonable terms, and pledges his utmost endeavors to givtegeneral satisfaction,.. - « | December JO ißsaas ■ Sneed, Weathers, & Co. Have Just Deceived a General Assortment of Fall A' Winter Goods —ALsi, A qUANTITT Of— m Groceries, Which they will sell on their usual ac commodating term*. Novembsr 19. ts r 1 • M‘Kenzie, Bennoch Co, HAVE JUST UECEIVKU, Per the ships Georgia, Thomas Gib bons, Oglethorpe, Juno and Camil las from Liverpool and Greenock. IN ADDITION To their late Fail Supply, One Hundred & Fifty Packages New Goods, CONSISTING Os Linens , Woolen, Cotton Goods , and Uardum o* „ v - jyiso, 70.000 lbs. Castings, as sorted , - , f 11.000 ditto Shot, assorted shoes 2,500 ditto Bar Lend in 1 lb. bars 25 tons Axe Bar apd Waggon Tire Iron 130 half boxes Crown Glass, 8 by 10, and 10 by 12, and 400 pieces best Dundee Bagging All of which, they offer at wholesale at very reduced advances, for cash, produce, or approved paper. December 10 8t AUCTION „ AND Commission Store. P MENARD having been appoint • ed one of the Vendue Masters for the City of Augusta, respectfully informs, his friends and the public, that he is now prepared to attend to any business in that line which may be entrusted to his care. His situation is very central, and well calculated for the vending of Mer chandize, <S(*c. December 10. ' ts Clothing Store, M the sign of the BUCK’S HEAD, Druadt-street- Dimock Marsh. MEUVaJLYJ\ TATLOUS, OFFPR for sale a good assortment o.' Ready made Gentlemen’s Clothing and expect additions montldy from the North through the season, fnade & trim oied in the Tiighest style by themselVes, made for service as well as fur sale. ALSO— Shepard’s Lo'-don Superfine Black, Blue and Gold Mixed Cloths, Do. do. do. Black, Blue, mixed, o' different shades and white, Cassimeres, and Trimmings suitable for Tor them, which they will make into clothes for gentleptep. who choose to leave their orders, ina style not inferior' to any in this city—for sale Clothe*' Brushes and an elegant assortment ol Suspenders. Also, bn Consignment * 5 Cases Mens’ and Boys’ Hats, by the c£se yr jess. Clothes Cue or Made in the JVew York Fashions. December 13. . cw John Logan, SAS just on consignment; and offers for salu on reasonable terms— , Superior L. P. Madeira,) do. ditto Tencriffe k WINES, do. Old Sherry J Jamaica Rum, Casks Cheese, Boxes Raisins, Bbls. Loaf Sugar, i Hhds. Muscovado ditto. December 13. ' * k ~ sFoONS 77 Mackerel Liquor Cases, and best Spanish Segars, fOR SALE BY ' H. A G. Webster. Dec. 3 *> 1 cw ■ Candle MANUFACTORY r Thru doors below the Market, north side Broad-Sb ect, r f¥NRE Subscriber isas on hind, a con , Jt 1 ant supply of the best MANU ; factored candles. * v .. Payne, *' • * — 1 I «| ■■■■ I .1 ■ 'tr- Mackenzie ik Ponce 100 Hhds. Sugar 30 bbls. Loaf did* 10 puncheons Jamaica Hu id 30 ditto K. E ditto 20 half pi pea Teheriffe Win© 30 cheats fwsh Hyson Tea 10 tons (Shot, all sizer.* 2 ditto JLr Lead > f, 50 boxes Table China iu sets 6»-0 ditto Tea ditto ditfo 75 crates Earthen Ware -100 boxes St. Jutieh Claret 400 pieces Cotton Bagging 2000 lbs. freiue TWjfer % 50 tops Swedes Iron With ah Extensive and Gcfnerai Assort* -4 went bf British, French and ndiß Goods. T Deo. If ■* k {■ Bills of- Exchange tin Ne,#.Vmk. For Sale by M k fet n*lo & Porine. , ' Df.erln.ber 17 * * ‘ " 1 ‘—l .y—l I ©<■> Ciockoiy & Vt afu. ... Erwins, O , • ac». •',* Jlre fCovo Receiving and Openings And will continue to, receive a.ftd open during the Fall months, at their stores iu brick building, in JlMpUivli street, .ending lion. A. Erwin, G pee, & Co. corner store, and in Utiijlge- StieCt, in the centrs of (i& r, , Sin EijCgaiit 'JiMsoriiyent of CROCKERY * ; Aiio Glas,s Ware, —CONESTING OF-* i% V, e RATES handsomely assorted with CrockerJ-, and .boxes and' limes ot jilas# \Vai o, well suitaW’v ,t.» ;he Georgia Sc > estern markets, w inch hey offer for at » low advance* They ace now opening lo onlc. to Suit hose purchasers who vmh to have .cods repacked— », Elegant LwtiedfPearl water Pitchers i.iVerpuol Water am! Milk do. Ditto Tea, and saucers En’d. cups and saucer* of all desciip tions and sizes jfe Plates, |)owls, mugs, pitchers of dif ferent qualities and sizes: r.’i ( A few sets of-elegant burnished gold China of hiipcri'u qii.ilify, ■ onsisting of i (ea, coffee and desert sets. Likewise, lustre china tea sets of va tu* figures—“ Thfe celebi'ate.l W edge- tea ware..consisting id a 'ya. pot, sugar dish and cr. am ewer.” Silver lustre tea sets, containing th& same number of piccbs a* above. Also, Children** 'Pea sets, and Toys r ir children of all descriptiiHCaid sizes -all of which they,offer for sale at the most reduced price* for ca*hor toWn ac entances. , ' IVcph.l'.'*r 1~ , m, , ts ~Th Hi|as Jl|itkr‘ HAS taken ‘Jons Mvrm ir int r co- * partnership, under th<- fi in r/ Put ter Sf Murray, for the po .pose of tram sat t ing Commission Business in this cify,' and begs leave to solicit the putrObagt- of bis friend* ami the publicl Dec 13 Gw NOlfC^V’ IN conformity with a Resolution of th© Board.of Trustees of Richmond Ac ademy* the Town Common LotsSwiil'on Monday tlic Sjdh day drDdfcCmber,. lost, be ‘Leased, at the Market-house between the r hour* of ten and two o’clock, for a term of'Five Years, from (he first day of January next. A plan of the Hits will be exhibited and the terms made .known on that|l ay. ‘ ~ r % " Anderson Watkins,) Walter Uigh, ( L. 0. Cantelou, V , December 6. ts Carriages anil digs*-, von «ApR. ’ M THE subscriber had received an a£ : - ditiopal supply of Gigs and .Car riages of a superior quality, made by David Beach of Newark, and wanaitied ood.—They wilt be sold on accommo* lat ng terms. 4 ALS< )—-Several Tlonble Breasted COT ■ TON GINS, of from -45 to 65>aws* nade bt Boatwright Glaze, —apply to ii, B. Marshall. ( September 3* ts