Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, December 31, 1817, Image 4

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dtchinson, Co. (Sawarffß comer, opposite the Post- HAVE JUCT HECEIVED J very General Assortment oj *■ * -European $ American GOODS, Selected ’iy them.* cites "from the las ' Importation, which they offer at the most reduced prices: They wish to sell their entire stock and to such as are disposed fii> buy the whole or the greater portion, a very liberal qredit will be given, and flic benefit of their lease on' that excellent stand now occupied by them, if de sired. The hate a'so a targe Stock of GROCERIES — nr, — Jamaica, West-India & Northern Rum W r ine, Porter, Whiskey, &c. Jamnicd, Havanna & common Sugar Loaf Sugar Coffee, Tea, fitej . Pepper. C pice « Ginger, Filberts,-&c, IRON u n d NALLS'of all ports SALT, &c. &c. November 15. Jacob Danfortli, Has Just Received,'at his Store in Rrninl-Slrect, ■ ! A General assortment erf Groceries, i S Hard Ware, Cutlery fiml - Crockery Ware. Also, 0 haege Assortment of Men’s, Women’s and Children 2 * Hhoes, > 1 .*t»d an Etegiint Supply of Northern oroespun, arid ,! Five Boxes iiats, assorted, Ihe wnole of which will be ?old oh' the most reasonable terms.*—He still ; continue# hi# Nail Manufactory; and hak on hand a supply of nails of all ‘ He h ,s aisir just Received, Iff S«w-Mill (-ranks & Stirrups j of t;ie most substantial kiad, and best workmanship. ! November 8 tlatM . " JJCOJS DUXFIfItTU , GKWGh W DVTLkn, MaVK tanned u connexion in trade, ai [he uppiTinost stores on the” nifrt»> side Bread -street, Augusta, which •wiii be noitdu) ted' in the name 0* GEORGE vv. Ml ’ LEU, # Co. Thni lift ve on /<• ud a general assort nr nl of Dry G00.*9 and Groceries, (Tit Nails, Hardware and Crockery, Which in* y will dispose of on llu* lowest terms for Cash, or exchange for country produce, on the most libera!' terms. November 8. The Subscriber, OFFERS FOR SALK, SOd Bags and Bols. Green Coffee C i'ien ea Jamaica do. 10i> Huts. Philadelphia Whisky .5 Hilda. N. E. Rum ( 569 P aces Inverness Bugging 20 Hilda. Prime Sugai* S'JUU ttealieU Liverpool Salt SO Boxes No. 10, Cotton Cards Clicks* olmeuar and Sicily Madei ru Wine 6 Qr. Chests Hyson Tea 9 Tons Shot assorted sizes 6 Tons Engl:. J and Blistered Steel • 20,000 lb Iron, Swedes and English 15 Kegs Powder. , —ALSO— ' AGen:rai(..isortmentnf .. DRY GOODS, sc. ON CONSIGNMENT. Twenty-seven Packages assorted Tutlery & Hardware, To be sold on accoinodai}ng terms. S. RNEELf NT). Septemlier 13 ‘ SLATES. Panhart , (ianahl Co, AGENTS for the New-York* Slate Company, offer to contract for any . quantity and quality at the company pri. es —vThey offer for sale, Bills 00 *New-York, United States’ Post Notes, 500 snf 100 dollar Notes. } II \HT. GAN VIIL Co, h 'f i AVING REMOVED their Coun j s ting itoom, into -the brtek house wtvjy occupied by Albert Brux, Esq. are now ready to receive Cotton. Pro •tee, and ad other kind of Goods for ■ n’e, and to traosurt any business in; f. uuis&ion Line, they will be thank -1 share, of public pitronage, and >/ give satisfaction to their custom k, I ts 1. A Bargain 1 vnnfh ** cres of f° r sa^c m - Richmond county, lb miles front Augusta and 10 from Savannah ri ver, on both sidesßig Spirit creek,,whifh ft runs, through thp tra:t nearly in the ewi■ fre, on which is a $.Vw mill shat will, if well attended to, cut on aa average from ; 1000 to 1500 feet of lumber a day $ there , are also a number of other good sites for mills or other water machinery, and a number of handsome situations to build on, equal if not superior to any in the state in point of health—it lies around that well known summer retreat called : Mount Enc.n; its elevated situation and variety of the best and purest of springs, renders'it uncommonly heal thy and pleasant in summer. 43n ii>e premises are from 80 to @0 acres of cleared land am! under fence, a good house 44 feet by 20, with a pia7-a oq one side and shed on the other j tlie house lias 8 rooms iir it. also 230 Acres nearly adjoining the mill tract and convenient fblhe mill,lies level a,ml well for cultivation a nil‘is well timbered, which will if suitable to the purchaser, be sold with the mill. , - acres wilbm 4 miles oT Au gusta & immediately, on the road leading ! rom A ugusta to. Savaonuh.&at the junc tion of the Louisville roads; this situation ife perhaps equal ’to any within 20 miles of Augusta for* public house or any kind of public business; — there is & tolerable good set of buildings on the premises, and a spring of excel, lent water convenient to the houses ; the land generally lies remarkably level j—c there is also a good turf for running of horses one mihirotyid, which is perfectly level and hrm.——ALSU- 202 1-2 litres of land in Twiggs county, on the Ocimilgee river, known by lot No. 183, 28th'district. AIvSO— SOS 1-S acres supposed'to lie in Telfair county,'known by lot No. 204, district t. —ALSO— One lot in Hie city of Augusta, lower end of the town with some small improvements thereon. ■ - ALSO Will he told all the stock, con sisting of from 30 to 4(fliead cattle, among which are 12 or 13 gopd cows, several <f which have young calves, a small stotk of hrgs* two yoke oxen, a good pair of timber wheels, two waggons and teams and all mill and plantation tools—all of which will he sold on ac commodating terms by the subscriber, Ling on the premises of the mill tract, near Mount Enon, D. Berrey. December 10. ,wtf - FOR SALE, 4 TRACT ot Land in Lincoln ooun- < U. ty, containing from STO to 600 i a< res chiefly oak,mixed with hickory and . dogwood—gray anil, suitable for the cu'-, • ure of Cotton, Porn, Wheat, and a part i ■ ood Tobacco land; abcnt 90 acres Icarcd and under fence, part of which is 'Vesh. This tract is situated about 9‘ miles west of G linage’s Saw Mill, 1$ miles from Savannah river, and H miles iiom tlje.Petersbmgh road ; it ip-said to teas healthy a situation as any kvGeor- several excellent springs, and is ell watered by a creek that runs thro’ it. On the premises is a large new dwel ling house, containing six' moms, ami ev ery necessary out house, together with a j voung orchard of choice fruit trees. This place will be sold low,, and the terms made easy to the purchaser. Those who may wish to purchase, are requested to v call on the subscriber and view the premises. S. Cowling. Lincoln county, Nov. 15, Wtz. ts postponement. A GREEABLY to the last will and testament of James Pearre, late of Richmond county, dec. will be sold on die first Tuesday in January, ensuing, at the market-house iu the city of Au gusta, the following Tracts of Land, 600 Acres of lapel on the waters of Bear creek, Franklin county, origin-* ally granted to Nathaniel Poarre, boun ded N. E. by Call, on the other side by lands us V\ m. Glascock and George Walton. 2(M Acres land, lot No. 50, 3d dis trict, old Wilkinson county. 154 Acres land in Wilkes county, near the mouth of Long creek, adjoining lands of Clocand George Graves. 154 Acres in Wilkes county, adjoifc ingland of'Cloe Graves, each being pari of 524 acres of laud originally granted to Andrew Robin&oii. \ Acres of land, Elbert county—. funded by lands of Joshua Graves, and fiver; being a part of a tract origintUy r granted to Joshua Bradley. 143 Acres in Jacksomcounty, adjoin , ing lauWbf Joshua Graves. „ . Hjj Acres of land in Warren county,., on Duhart’s creek; also one Other tract originally granted to Angus Marlin. ‘ .Title beeds and Plots may be seen on, the day of sale, when the terms of pur chase will be made known. J.T. Vilen, ? Ex , . L. Pearvc, 5 * ■ December 17. tda /f " * ■' : r^Jraßfir Valuable Lands, Rntt Mills and . JJegroes, for sale. THE subs<Jrik£r, desirous to resume •uninterruptedly, his mercantile transactions at Savannah, ofter' to dis- Sose of his LA£iD@, MILLS, and oilier 'ROPERTV,Im the Lower 3 Runs. Barnwell District, state of South Caro lina. The mills are situated on a never tailing stream of water, are in excellent repair, and arc noted for their uncommon ' fast cutting; and the lumber can be raft ed from them to the city of Savannah, in from 4to 5 days. The lands are in one body of between 7 ami tH)00 acres, boun ded on one side on'Savannah river, and pierced by the water of the Lojver 3 Runs. Their qualities are various,a ve ry considerable portion beingof the first fertility, and scarcely any part that is not fit for cultivation. The landing is allowed amongst the bestand most convenient on the river; and is one at which the Steam Boats receive their sup ply of wood. On it a ware-house is about to be erected, which will receive for trans portation, the merdwndize and produce of a very considerable ti act of country. On the land art no less than three fine commodious dwelling houses, with all other building, and improvements, which can contribute to convenience and even to ornament., ’ . There is likewise on the premises, a Cotton-Gin machine, which is impelled by water, which, besides ginning, will pack, with one hand eight square bales cotton per day; and .likewise a store, which has long been found a most excel lent stand for business. A seine place has been prepared at the river at a very great expense, and promises fair to yield au abundant harvest of fish. This pro perty is situated about 40 miles below Augusta, and 80 above Savannah, and about 110 west of Charleston. Along with the lands and mills, will >e disposed of, the horses, mules and cattle, togetherwith'the waggons, carts, forming as now in use. Pos session can be had on the first Jannary nwt. Terms of sale, as Well as a more minute desertion of the property may )e liad, on application to Mr. John Haslett, Charleston, Dr. John Camming, Augusta, James Higginbotiom, on the premises Or to the subscriber, HTLLIAM SCARBOROUGH, .It Savannah. With the foregoing property, if requir ed, may be had* from 60 to 68 prime ne groes ; in the number of which are some excellent mechanics. December 13. tU FO K SALEJ 200 Acres of Land, LYING about seven jniles from this City, upon the Washington road, most of it is well —there are upwards of forty acres cleared and un der good fence—there is also on the pre tniscs, an excellent dwelling house, and* l out houses, a good Peach and Apple Orchard, and uncommon good water in abundance. —~~ALBO To be disposed of, Four Prime Negroes.—-If not sold at private sale be fore the first day of January next, the whole will be sold at the market-house to the highest bidder on that day—A cre dit will be given if required, for good personal security, and a mortgage on all. Apply to Isaac La Roche. *’ November 1 tils Lands for Sale. ONE tract containing 541 acres in Edgefield District, U.C. near Beach island, bcjumled by lands of John Ash bury, John Star, George Miller, and John Pryor, and others. One I ract containing 133 acres, iff Edgefield District, on Savannah riv er, bounded by Lands of John Pace, Mr. Ray, Drury Pace, and the River. As it is presumed no one will purchase without first seeing the above lands,those who are disposed' to get information as to situation, price, &c. are referred to Mrs. McLaws and Holt, or to Mr. A braham Markley, Charleston, tSouth- Carolina. November 15 ff t 'Oii SALK. I? XG Acres of Land lying in Lincoln U county, near the court-house, known by the name of Sneed’s Tract, hounded mostly by vacant Lands—im mediately on the Road from Augusta to Petersburg!!, unimproved-on the tract are springs of fine water —Any person wishing to purchase can apply to the subscriber in Burke county, near Buck Head. Leaston Sneed. Dec.-17 , 1m To Kent; For one or more Fears. ’IP UK plantation of the subscriber, Your miles from Augusta, containing about 180 acres of cleared Land, fit for the culturejif corn and cotton. On the premises are a good barn, stables, negro aouses, and an excellent well of water.. .’or further particulars apply to * G. W, Evans. December 5T ts .r~* r fpL; WIU> be sold on the first Tucalaj in January nest, at the court bQusc in iacksonboruagh, Scrivc.i coun ty, between the usual hours of ten am! three o*clock, ; - 800 Awes river swamp land, ly ing and being in the county of Sc riven, in Bull Neck, adjoining John Smith'and otliers; levied on. as the property of Uharles Floyd, security for Wm. Willi ams, to satisfy sundry executions in fa vor of Hillery AHigood—property levi ed on, and returned to me by a consta ble. ALSO, 314 1-2 acres fiver swamp land, lying and being in the county of Striven, adjoining Win. Gibbons and others; le vied on as the property iff James Bevill. dec, to satisfy an execution in favor of Macklin Luaday, cx’c. of Francis Lunday, against Paul Bevil and Delia Bevill, adm’r. and adm'x. of the said Jamft Bevill,.—ALSO, 100 acres of pine land, lying in the county of Scriven, with small im provements, levied on as the property of Jatnes Bryan, to satisfy sundry exe culions in favor of Thomas Scarborough; property levied on and returned to me; by a constable. ALSO, 6 head of hogs, levied on as the property of Richard Oglesby, to satisfy an execution *in favor ot Elijah Vyatspn; property levied on and returned to me by a constable.—ALSO, 300 acres pine land, lying in the county of Scriven, with small improve ments, adjoining Reuben Bolton; levied on as the property of Win. Brown, to satisfy an execution in favor of Micajah: Becton; property levied bn and returned; to me by a constable. ALSO, t 37 acres pine land lying in the county of Scriven, with small improve ments ; levied oivas the property of Wm. Hill, to satisfy an execution in favor of Soloinoh Wilson? property levied on and returned to me by a constable. Solomon-Kemp, s.s.c. November 26. tds Sheriff’s Hale. be soid on the first Tuesday Vv in February next, at Columbia court house, within the usual-hours, A negro woman named Kady, levied on as the property'of James Toole, to satisfy sundry executions issued from a Justices court, and returned to me by a constable. ALSO, # ■: Ninety five acres of land in said county, oq the waters of Kegg creek, ad joining Willingham and Luke; levied on as the property of Jesse Roberts, to sa tisfy one execution in favor of, Samuel- Winfrey—levied on and returned !o me by a constable. B. Martin, ®. Sh’ff. December 24, * tds Sheriffs Sale. WILL be sold at Lincoln court-, house on the first Tuesday in January next, between theusu. l hours, the following property, viz ! , One third part of a tract (if land; containing two hundred acres, more on less, on Hockey creek, adjoining Gillum' and as of John M. Dooley, to satisfy an* execution in favor of William and Felix Gilbert, vs. John M. Dooley. Conditions cash. ? John *M‘Dowell, sheriff, Novembcr26. tds Sheriff’s Sale, On the Ist Tuesday of January next, will be sold between the usual hours, at Lincoln court-house. 700 acres of Land, more*>r less, in said nty, adjoining Crosstin and oth ers, taken as the property of Benejah Smith, deceased, to satisfy an execution in favor of Manning and Wa«lkins, prop erty pointed out by Win. 11. Norman Terms cash. Nathan Bussey, D. Sh*ff, Dec. 5 " Administrator’s Sah. WILL be sold by order of the hon orable court of Ordinary of Co lombia county, at the-court house of said county, on the first Tuesday in January next, the interest that John Gartrell, late-of Columbia county, deceased, had in the Mills and fifteen acres of land on Cain creek in the county aforesaid, which, interest is one half. Terms made know r n on the day. H. Gartrell, adm’r, November 12. ts Administrators Bale. WILL be sold on the last Saturday in January next, at the mafkei house in the <;ity of Augusta; all the per sona! property of the late I>. Dowjne, de ceased, consisting of Silversmith’s tools, Books.'Beds and Bedsteads, Jewelry, witii several articles of household furni ture—the whole to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d. Samuel Goff, Surviving Administrator. > December 16. ts ! *** Mrs. N. Thompson having taken tlve large house at the corner of Reynold and Mclntosh street (W. J. Hobby’s,) would be willing to receive a few score day boarders. December 34.; , « . | Richmond - Richmond Academy ui‘l | - JL the- first day of, JamiuTy 5? M ] uu«ler the superintendance ofJoh n .i 6 lay, a. m. Rector, Mr. Nicholas a *!"'. I .; brat English Teacher, and Mr. K r „ I Seccorq, second English Teacher, ' B l , The bribes to tq; taught are the IT, 1 ‘ f brew » Greek and Latin Language,' * * m , Mathematics, Navigation, Meusi U I : tl " : use 01 I English’ Composition, Book-Kcemn.- AmhmeUa and Penmanship. ‘I Isaac Herbert, Clerk, Os the Board Trnsiees of i' rtQ I • December , 7 Rid “"“'‘ d ‘ I Young Ladies’^ Boarding ami IJmj School. -L’-S- BUHII, rcs|.eafully ttfuiui |U pub he, that they iI.U-n.l , s c|.„s in the city of Augusta, on the fi s t of January ensuing, for. the Edqcalim, 0 f 1 fyoung La.bcs, in the dilferent brand, ea ■ ! )f v3n(i P»li(e Literature.* fW R ?; Wr £ V. t ' c, ‘ d *" th ‘- acif'iittftc department „f the Academy! end fr.;h, Ida e jt,. m „ a eiudiliun and lonj. expeviepev, they p n ter themselves that they will oruh'.rt tod»s«4fS%tetttitb ability and the important duties of (heir * * r asters in Music, fmk j,V ami oliier polite accomplishifiefl®,, i:7 ’ P attend the school if required, !. and Ontamenrul Need!.* Work \viilmr> I' be taught. Parents „nd Guardians, SL I are desirous of encoiiragiug the institn-ff tion, are requested to enter their chil- ft dren and those committed to their chic I previous to the opening 0 f the school *ff The situation of the Academy is plea- I sant and retired, and at the same thee 1 convenient to the central part of city. J enns made known on appliestioiUßl December 3. ts ' ™i Meson Academy. fB.MUS Institution will be opened on JL the Ist Monday in January next, under the superintendence of the llevvl.. David Roof, a young gentleman v.ho 'the Board df Trustees are well assmvd is fully qualified to conduct an institu tion of this kind. The situation of th Academy is heahhy, and Boaid may L obtained in Lexington anil the Vicinity on the usual terms as- in the country I Terms of Tuition as follows; ' ft For students in the first nidi- tfl merits ol Reading, Writing and Spelling, sixteen dollars per an num. gifi OA * , For students in Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geography, and higher English studies,twen ty d(»lbii*s per annum. g2O 00 For stiulonts in the Classical Drpartnniits, twenty-four dol lars per annum. RC4 CO All payable half yearly in advance.—^ No students will>be received fora lesp Form than six months. By order of toe Bpaid of Trdslecg jL Joseph M,. Mollog, ike" Deceobei 'lO 4 , 1 . rdtJJW LADIES* A € 'A D E M Washington-street, Augusta'. Mrs. Grace, | 35 ESPECTFUIIy informs the city- II '/-cnf of Augusta and the public in general, tnatthe Academy will open on JiOATDAF, the 20th inst. where tee va ious branches of education will be taught sdsual. -- Terms of Board anil Tuitioi* mode rate, and will be made known on appli cation. October 18 ts * Dancing Academy. Me-srs. Leslie and Montais, Respectfully inform the La dies and Gentlemen of Augusta,' j that their Day School, is row only opci ■ 1 ed once a week, on Saturdays, from 9 to f 12 o’clock, in the morning, ami from <? | to 5, inthe evening. Their Night hchoo. ■ w is also altered to Tuesday and Liday I commencing at the usual hour. I Nov. 29 • t* J Fencing School. I MR. MONTAIS’ Fencing School, || bas commenced, and wifi be con- ll linued every Monday anil i hnrsdry ,jj Evening,beginning at early candle light- M A few mtjre Scholars can be taken. November 29 Notice. ' THE subscriber will attend to an.} I business as a Lawyer, that he car I do out of Court. His other engagement? ff will prevent hisa’tending court. He cc '»l cupiestjie dwelling part oP the lloum- . f next abuve Mr. D. lialston, ou Broai If street. 1/ Robert Wa!kefy_ || December 14 Jj Wjiated to Purcltasc, A HOUSE and LOT, with «■ acres of land, at the Sanu-l 1* 'Tj,r Apply at this Office. December 24.