Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, April 01, 1818, Image 1

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■)!,. xxxn.3 WEDNESDAY, AFKIL-l, 1818. , •• ■ . - ■■■ —— _ ' v* ■ « a— - - - . L • « L*? 0 * IDW i • < ({'gazette, LI SHED U KINCK A PEAR.RE, SDAT AMD SATURDAY, er annum, Payable in Uvanee. ■ nmianademaitlmmmas. ng ÜBSCRIBER as businessman this city t of May next, a HIS REMAINING r Grace Hes iT BARGAINS, - ~ Bridge-Row. proof Jamaica Rum . E. Rum Brandy Is r Brandy * asses barrels Sugar if Sugar tiled Ported :e Chreeh Coifefe proof Brandy sins es. Consignment, dfish rsh Potatoes t Goshen Cheese. Isaac Leonard. tt \ . Beers, ES BUSINESS OLD STMD, , and oflfem for sale, ve ry low, RIETY Os * :s, liquors % c. hhds. N. E. Rum lea and West-India do Grebn Coffee fern Wliiskey i randy rk Cider brown stout Potter nd lump Sugar tire Iron ie Inverness Baling Virginia mauulactwed „ Teneriffe Wine Sugar - p. Cotton Cards, Sf ’c. tf randy, &c» , Rum ly »e lugar^ ITS in the M ilford and i whole, halves, quarters ighest prizes g 70,000, ny others, Wtn Whitlock. .March 28 2w n - 1 - * Just Received, And for sale by T. L. i’L f,. MANBEVTLLE, a Tale of tae 17th century in England, by W. Godwin. ‘ emoirsfkil Remains of the late Rev. Charles Buck. Hannah Adams’ Dictionary of all Re ligions, 4th edition. Transactions of the New-York Physi co Medical Society, vol. 1. -* Aphorisms of H i ppocrates—translated by Elias Marks, M. D. An Essay on the Prevailing or Yellow fever of 1817, by J. L. E. 'VV.Shecut. I - .March 28 2t 40,000 lbs. Havana COFFEE, FIRST QUALITY, in bags and bar rels, just received, and for sale by R. Russell, At his store under the Globe-Tavern. March 28 ts _ Dancing School. M’ Jl. respectfully in forms the public, that he has open ed a Dancing School at Mrs. Willson’s Boarding House in Mrs. Carnes’brick building, upper end of Broad•stre'et, (w the convenience of those who wish to Send their children. Tuition— Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 4 o’clock, in the afternoon. •March 28 AUGUSTA CHRONICLE 'Mm- GEORGIA. GAZETTE. ■ nrr- -i - ‘ "---■ n. iii- iin 1— * WHOLESALE ‘ Grocery Store. THESUBSCRIBER , Htl bow on hand, and is constantly receiving from New-York and Boston,. • extensive supplies of the following articles, which will be ‘ * sold for cash or town acceptances, at 2 3, and 4 months, as low as they can be had in any Wholesale Grocery in the state: Hhds. find bbts. prime sugar v ' Do and do loaf and lump do 5 Tierces and bags coffee ' THiole chests and qr. boxes hyson tea s Hhds. and tierces molasses J Jamaica 4<h proof, windward island 3d \ proof, and N. E. Rum, in hhds. & bids. || Holland and northern Gin, in pipes and S barrels _ ‘ Cogniac \ Spanish ditto lin pipes and barrels s Peach ditto r s Cider" ditto do do «J Philadelphia and Georgia IFhiskey' Cherry pounce in barrels ' Anniseed*, peppermint, cinnamon, and > clove cordials S Philadelphia beer in barrels J* Newark cider in do s London porter and brown stout in 6 and 10 doXen casks * s Teneriffe, sherry, Sicily, .Madeira and. £ .Malaga wines, in half pipes and quar- s ter casks j Spanish and American Segars > j Chocolate in boxes ' Pepper, ginger, and Spice in bags > Almonds and filberts in bags and bbls. s Raisins in boxes and kegs • J Mackarel No. 3, fat full do ' •Smoked Herrings in boxes £ Goshen cheese in casks s Do batter in tubs S Cranberries in barrels 5 Oranges in do » Shad No, 1 in do S Salmon in do and kegs Potatoes in barrels ~ h Window Glass, 8 by 10 V' i'ndsor soap, bar "do in boxes S **** * ~iT|fl" N* Truesdell, JUST RECEIVED\ Pet Steam-Boat Enterprise, £ elegant Grecian Sofas, 10 boxes Med Steads, 11 trunks Shoes, assorted, Which will be sold at a very moderate advance, for cash, or town acceptances. ■March 28 r Farmers * and Mechanics’ Bank * OF AUGUSTA. Tllfi Commissioners met on the 26th lust. At the Globu-Tavern, accord ing to appointment, to receive additional from the citizens of Augus ta, and the Whole amount was taken up ontnat day. Notice is therefore hereby given, that as soon as the balance of tho country subscription is taken up, a general meet ing of the Stockholders will be called; in the mean time, the books for country subscribers will be kept open from the first day of April at the store of Cante lou & Co, F. Phinizy. M. H. Musgrove, L. O'. Cautelotu J. C. Winter. March 28 ts NEW TUKMPIKE ROaD. BY authority of the Legislature of North-Carolina, the subscribers have made a TURNPIKE ROAD across the blue ridge leading from Rutherford to Buncombe County, at or near the place' heretofore called Mill’s Gan—and do not hesitate to say that it is the best road crossing the blue ridge; and it is nearer from almost any part of South-Carolina to the Western Country, than any other public road; and is but very little, if any, further from Augusta to Knoxville or the Warm Springs. A four horse team has crossed said gap with 3200 lbs. with out any assistance. We therefore soli cit the patronage of the public, and pledge ourselves to keep it in good order at all times. Asa Samuel Edney. March 28 ts Half bbls. Boston Mess BEEF Barrels Linseed OIL Do Train OlL—pon sat.f. by H, & G. Webster. S Candles, mould and dipt, 4,5, and 6*s, i Georgia add northern make J Wrapping paper t) Writing and letter do j White i.fead in *2B lb. keg* ; Linseed oil in barrets J vheet Iron for gin maker* j> English and American castings J Jugs and jars in crates and hhds. S Cgt nails, brads and boat spikes , ' 3ar i ead, shot of all sizes J Dupont’s Powder, FJF. s Boxes negro pipes > blistered, and Opwley’s steel I Plough moulds ij L o»s and trace chaibs by the cask i» Inverness bagging J Twilled sacking , i Ready made bags J Kentucky tow cloth > German Linen ' Men’s and youths roram and wool hats j by the box [ Women’s roan slips assorted colors > Grindstones » Ifottles in hhds. and hampers J Liverpool and coarse salt , Waggon Tire and axe bar iron J Nutmegs in kegs , Rice in half tierces ■ Copperas, &c. Ike. &c. > Demijohns superior old Madeira Wine, J warranted not inferior to any. t —a£So— On Consignment, . ' \ 10 bbls. (double refined) loaf sugar »12 dozen elegant gilt chairs. I ' J. L. & 8. If Oliver. 1 February 7 ts * ~ GuauEuim^ Northern, Ist do. > J “'“I barrel. Cogniac 1 i Apple and I BRANDY Peach j Real Holland and Country UIN Whiskey L, P, Tenerife Wine Prime Sugar and Coffee London Bottled Porter Port Wine bottled . - Loaf and Lump *!ugar Fresh Hyson Tea Best Turpentine Soap Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs and Ginger Plough Moulds Axe Bar and Waggon Tire Iron Spermaceti Car.d es Real Spanish Sugars Powder and <shot Cotton Cards, dj'c. <s*d. by Penn & Jackson. February 21 ts Edward Q > uih& Co. HAVE RECEIVED per ship Portia from Bordeaux, 85 barrels Almonds 75 cases Claret, Cordial, Olives, Capers, Fruits in Brandy SiVeet Oil and Prunes. N And have also oh hand, 20 hhds. Sugar 10 do Jamaica Rum 60 qr. casks Tenerife, Sherry, and Malaga Wines 4 pipes Holland Gin 50 barrels Northern do. and domes tic Brandy 30 barrels lump Sugar 70 kegs Dupont % Co’s, double and treble F. Gunpowder 200 boxes Raisins 100 do Spanish Sugars 20 kegs Northern Butter 20 barrels Train and Linseed Oil, January 28 ts Bale Rope. 1 Fifty Coils, For sale by ». A. Condy k 60. Howard’* Buildings. March 21 3w ri - - J iri‘ 11.’ -ir~ J II I .. Robert Russell das just received. And is now offering for sale at his Store ; k? «n<ler the Globe Tavern, On law and accommodating terms , $ hhds. Jamaica JUm 8 pipes Cogniac Brand/ / . 10 do Holland 6ia SO- hhds. N. E. Rum 40 barrels do * 30 do Apple Brandy 10 do Whiskey 5 1-2 pipes L. P. Madeira Wine 10 1-2 do L. P. Teneriffe W ine 12 quarter casks, do 10 do do Sicily Madeira 6 do Sherry Wine 6 pipes and 20 quarter cask* Mala ga Wine 40 casks London Porter 15 do Edinburgh A)e Cordials in hhds. and barrets Spirits aud Wins* ou draft and in bottles 100 kegs Scotch Herrings 400 hampers Scutch Potatoes SO boxes Ling Fish 10 kegs double rose Irish Butter SO giuce Bottles 12 hhds. prime Sugar ’ ! 1 20 barrels do 5 do and S Boxes white Havana Sugar 18 barrels loaf Sugar SO bags Cuffue, 150 boxes Raisins . 100 boxes smoked Herrings 30 casks best Goshen Cheese 11200 lbs. double Gloster English do 6 chests and 10 quarter boxes Hy son Tea SO boxes Chocolate 20 bags Almonds 16 kegs Tamarinds Alspice, Pepper, Ginger, Mus tard, &c. Ac. Powder, Shot add Lead Iron assorted, Steel assorted, Which, together with his former stock, make his assortment the most complete of any in the city. January 28 . , . ts • Jas. Woodrow&co. ARE NOW REOttIVINO, , Supplies of Suitable —— Spring Goods, Which with the whole of their General Stock of Dry Goods and Hardware. \ They are now disposing on the most ac> “*nrlo Vi r*ap. a Also for Sale, 100 bags Coffee, of the very best qual ity „ , 30 casks London Porter, and 7'ditto Cheese. .March 21 -ts Just Received^ 2 Razees, for two Horses 2 Carriages 2 Gigs. Which Will be Sold low tor Cash, by B. PICQUET. SOR SALE, Bills on N. York. October 1 ts IV HE subscribers having formed a connexion in business under th< firm of fV.gJA’s 0. WHIPPLE % Co. Offer for tale next door below the Au gusta Bank, A General Assortment of Dry Goods, Hard, ware* Cutlery. Also, a Fresh Supply of GROCERIES, Wliich will ce disposed of on accommo dating terms. Wei com Whipple, James O. Whipple, Jesse Whipple. December SL t£ 19 Bags Turkey Figs i 15 do. Prunes 10 Hhds. Molasses 10 do. W r hiskey 25 Barrels do. 20 do. Apple Brandy 50 do. Mackerel I 20 do. Shad 6 Cupper Cranes For Sale by H- & O. WEBSTER. •March 14 4w Dissolution of Copartnership. r|NHK Copartnership heretofore exist- B ing under the firm of EDAI'SV 4* LEWIS. Is by mutual consent This Day dissol ved, and J. M. Edney is authorized to settle all the business of the concern. J. M. EDJVEV. War, /. LEWIS. ■March 4 ts / 9BBBS3E3BE3SBSHSSSBSSBBHKB&fIiBBSSnn JUST RECEIVED, > „ A J? S® “*• b J <lw aabgcribenik .10 hlult, Molasses * - . 15 du. Sttgu 25 bags C >fiee • \ 10 hhds. Whiskey % lo bbls. do,. 25 do. N. E. Rum, , 20 do. Apple Brand/ • 50 boxes Ramins V 20 do. Figs J \ 3 sacks Filberts ■ . ' MaUga and ;renerifle Wine. 5 ; ®«A. Cotidy 00. Howard's Bulletins, March 81 g w j The Subscriber, .j Has on Hand, and is daily receiving j extensive assortment of > GROCERIES, Wines and Spirits , of his own *i lection, Am^which he can recommend as not inferior to any that Jias ever been offer ed for sale in this city j—-Amongst which 3 halfpipes and 3 qr. casks L. P. Ma deira Wines 10 qr. L. P.Teneriffe ditto " , i, I® ditto old Sherry ditto ® pip 6B W»d 10 qr. casks Sweet Malaga 30 dozen L, P. Madeira in bottles i 4 casks old Claret and S do. old Port 4 pipes real Cognise Brandy 4 ditto real Holland Gin 4 ditto N. E. ditto . 10 hhds. real Jamaica Rum 10 ditto Antigua ditto v 20 iihds. N. E. ditto 20 hhds. h. 50 bbls. Philadel. Whisky 20 hhds. prime Muscovado Sugar . 70 bags prime Green Coffee 70 casks Goshen Cheese and 70 boxes Raisins 5 bags soft shelled Almonds , 5 bags Pepper, 5 do. Spice and 1 ditto . Cinnamon' 10 bbls. double refined Loaf Sugar 20 hhds. prime retailing V/classes , 50 bbls. Mackerel, 20 ditto Scotch Her rings 10 boxes Figs and 10 ditto Prunes 20 boxes real Spanish Segars 10 ton assorted Swedish Iron 3 boxes * hocolate. 3 do Con* Mustard 12 dozen real Bordeaux Cordials 10 tierces London Porter 10 dozen Olives, Capers, Cucumbers fc i Anchovies 3 dozen Brandy Fruits 20 &g»‘te • 30 bags assorted Shot, Bar Lead & Gun Flints Ditto Mace, Cloves and Nutmegs 2 chests Imperial Hyson Tea 20 cadies best Gun Powder ditto of tv# pound in each 3 boxes broken Loaf Sugar 50 bbls. 6b 50 hampers Irish Potatoes 10 boxes northern Soap 3 casks Wine Vinegar - 3 dozen Sweet Oil v 3 boxes Spermaceti Candles 1 bale Velvet Cork* 16 gross Wine Bottles Besides a variety of other Articles, too edious to enumerate. Thomas Brace. February 28 Apothecary’s. Mail. hOR S.iLb, S jjJTTTHDS. 1 Tierce 6b 4 cases Vials, SUL cons.sting of White, Green, epcia, Essence and Patent VIALS, assorted. ' - ALSO, 20 Barrels Salts, 300 lbs. Pale Peruvian Bark 100 lbs. Yellow {lo. do. 20 lbs. Red do. do. 50 lbs. English Calomel, 100 lbs. Powdered Jalap, 200.1b5. Camphor, 100 Bottles Castor Oil, W. t 6 Dozen cold strained American, for family use, 6 Die. Henry’s CalM .Magnesia, (London)—With an extensive and general assortment of DRUGS, HPICf 8, DIP’S. PIINTB AND PATENT Ml DICINKS, SHOP FUR MTI HP, By Cunningham Bunn • -OQNBTA VTI.Y OS HAND White Wine Vinegar, January 3 , ts BACON, v 3000 lb. PRIME BACON— BT THE SUBSCOIBEHS. J. L. & 8. H. Olivet, March 21 fit ; To Let, A STORE IN BROAD-STREET good stand for business. Enquire of * William Simes & Co. . March 11 . ts