Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, April 29, 1818, Image 1

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I' - ' JWD ' ' ’ 'j I f VOL XXXII.] WBDNttfIIUV. lioJillSlioa ■" ••' ■■ ■ &'" p * , * ,yl * l>a ***Nl |< - I aecaaaaaißir II n —ir 11 - 1 I I ii«^aaaas»aatotfcaia<|«w^awißiagaaaß^ a^E3E|(3^Ka te i^p^ w||i |^ |^^j|A B^_ t _ BBa^ ’ TUB , - jtv&csTA caaoame,!; . '| J ii't ;vi wntisHW-b,y ; , , DUYCKINCK fc PEARRE, - «V«B > Y WEDJ«t3DAVANI> SATURDAY, [}, Five Dolors per annum, Payable in i.. Advance, The Subscriber, J&uiding near the Bridge, offers for r Sale, 1 Pipe C, Brandy, I Hogshead Peach Brandy, ) Ditto Jamaica Hum, v-. 1. Ditto West India, >. » 1 I Ditto N. England, . ; I. Ditto Holland Gin, •; i 1 Ditto Molasses, • - ■ ■ S Barrels Cordial, «• |BJ Boxes Muscatel Raisins, 00 Ditto Prime Red Herring,) i Do. Prime Cod Fish, equal id quality,. 41 Keg* liuneomb Butter of excellent qjality, b Cash* Goshen Cheese, f.< *; 1 Boxes Havanna Sugar, (■ v -i* ■ t Chest Hyson Tdo, excoHeht quality, fff Bags Shot, assorted, and H Kegs FF Powder, lUOOIb bar lead, 9 Keg Ginger,. PR weight German Steel, ■> ■ With a variety cf Dry, Goods and lardware, too .numerous to mention,ail rhicli he will sell low for cash;only, t •■<■. liichard Bulan. i April 95. . ts TICKETS IN THE Milford $ Owego BOJDLOTTERY 870,'000, 835,000, 8! 0.0(10, g 10,000, 80,000, 85,000, HIGHEST PRIZES, commences drawing the first Tuesday iu Mry next—-present price of Tickets shares in proportion. ' ’ALSO, IN THE Medical College Ijottert/, IIGJIEST PRIZES 830,000, B*o,ooo, :gj 0,000, 810,000, three of gr.,oop, ■ ten of 81,000,\p. &c. ‘Commenced drawing in the city of Baltimore on the 31st of March. A egular list of the drawing is received weekly—price of tickets eighteen dol are: shares in proportion. ALSO. Tickets in the Masonic Hall Lottery, vhich will lie draivn in Columbia, (So. >.rdl ilia—-810,000 highest prifce—price >f Tickets six dollars, for sale by Ul NTINGTON A RLRRILL, Opposite the City Hotel. Orders ,froi| the country, enclosing cash or prize tickets in other Lotteries, .punctua'ly attended to. April 25 tt .90 Crates Crockery SO cask, beat London- Porter For Snie hy James WpodroW & Co, Anril “55 ts Elegant Mahogany Furniture. JUST Received , from Ncw-York, n small consignment off handsome & Good Mahogany Kerniture, consisting of 2 Side Boards, 2 setts of Dining Ta bles, octagon ends, with a leaf to each; handsome Bureaus, -A Breakfast Ta bles, Ladies’ Work and Writing Tables, , Land some Toilet Boxes and Glass, Bed -2 steads, Wash and Candle Standi and Cushion Stools—all %A which will bo sold nt a low price, the sailer going to the Jiuilh in a few weeks.. Said furniture may he seen at the store No. 0, Bridge I Bow, * John Bigar. April 35. - Candle . MANUFACTORY-, Three do rs below (he Market, north r side Broad sireet. THE bLBSt ttIBKK Has on hand, a considerable supply of the beat manufactured Candles. i* { M. Payne. April 25 £t 40,000(1)8. Havana COFFEE, \ FIRST QUALITY/in bags and bar rels, just reevived, and for sale by R. Russell, At his store under the Globe-Tavern. March 2* If The 5 I«ae>*i m|*td/»rid is daily receiving extensive assortment «f , GROCERIES, Wines and Spirits, of his own se lection, And which he can recommend as not inferior to any that has ever been otter ed for sale in this city Amongst which arc, 1 ’ ' 3 half.pipes and 3 qr. casks L. P. Ma deira Wines 10 qr. L. P. Teneriffe ditto 10 ditto old Sherry ditto 2 pipes and 10 qr. casks Sweet Malaga -30 'dozen L. P. Madeira in bottles 4 casks old Claret and 2 do. old Port. 4 pipes real Cogniac Brandy 4 ditto real Houaud Gin 4 ditto N. E. djtto 10 hh(Js. real Jathaica Rum 10 ditto Antigua ditto SO Khds.N. E. ditto 20 hhd». & 50 bbls. Philadel Whisky ■2O hhda. prime Muscovado Sugar 70 bags prime* Greeh Coffee 70 casks Goshen Cheese and 70 boxes Raisins ' l # tmgs soft shelled Almonds 5* bags Pepper, S do. Spice and 1 ditto Cinnamon 10 bbls. double refined Loaf Sugar 00 hhds, prim£ retailing Molasses 50 bbls.Macke(icl,2o do. Scotch 10 bos Figs and ilO ditto Prunes 20 boxes real Spanish Segars l 0 ton assorted Swedish Iron 3 boxes ihocolate. 3 do Lon. Mustard 12 dozen real Bordeaux Cordials TO tierces London Porter 10 dozen Olives, Capers, Cucumbers & Anchovies 3 dozen Brandy Fruits 4 ditto bcSi, Mushroon Ketchup 20 kegs best Dupont’s Guu Powder 30 bans assorted Shot, Bar Lead & Gun Flints Ditto Mace, Cloves and Nutmegs I 2 chests Imperial Hyson Tea * 1 20 cailies best Gun Powder ditto of two pound in each 3 boxes broken Loaf Sugar 50 bbls. &50 hampers Irish Potatoes JLO boxes northern Soap 3 casks Wine Vinegar 3 t'ozen Sweet Oil 3 boxes’ Spermaceti Candles 1 bale Velvet Corks IB gross Wine Bottles, Besides a variety of other Articles, too tedious to enumerate. Thomas Grace, fVVr r tmrv 98 ts iV*< I . I—.'. ~ r jjjpiiE subscribers having formed a 8 connexion in business under the firm of O. WHIPPLES; Co. Offer fur sale next door below the Au gusta Bank, . / A General Assart men t of Dry Goods, Hard ware & Cutlery. Also, a Fresh Supply of (iIU)CERI(W, Wiildh will ce disposed «J' on accommo dating terms. * / , Welcdm Whipple, Jaynes O.Whipple, Jesse Whipple. .! December 31. ts THE ” In addition to the former Assortment of G O O D S, HAS JUST RECEIVE**, LARGE SUPPLY OF English French Goods, AVhich he will dispose of as low as they can be bought in (he state, either at wholesale or retail, at the stand formerly occupied by Edncy &, Lewis. 4 J. M. EDJYEY. ’ March 4 If ■ '■ • ■■■ —..1 J .t The Subscribers, ARE DAILY RECEIVING, LARGE QUANTITIES OF g o o n s, DIRECT FROM EUROPE. WHICH they can and will sell as low as any other house i n the stab' that are regular dealers, ami will give the highest price for COTTON and oth er Produce. Customers will be prompt ly attended to, and their favours grate fully received by ... A. Erwin* Groce k Co. COFFEE. A PARCEL of prime COFFEE for sale on reasonable terms at the >tore occupied by Mr. John Smith, next be- I low Slaughter k Labuzan. ts February 4 Erwins , k Co. Are Now Uecuving and Opsrungj Ami will continue to receive ami open during the,Fall months, at tlieir stores in Jl/icou’s brick building, in JlHntoah street, tending from A. Erwin, Groce, & Co. corner store, and i« Bridge s-.iect, near the market, in die centre of Bridge-Range, No. 6 & 7,' Jin Elegant \ ssortment of CROCKERY AN 0 Glass Ware, —CONSISTING OW-- CRATES handsomely assorted with Crockery, and bqxes ant tierces ol Glass /Ware, well assorted, suitably to the Georgia & Western markets, wfach they offer for sale at a low advance. They are now Opening in order to suit those purchasers who wish to have their goods repacked— . Elegant Lust!e & Pearl water Pitchers Liverpool Water and Milk do. Ditto Tea, coffee cups and saucers En’d. cups and saucers of all descrip tions and sizes Plates, bowls, mugs, pitchers of dif ferent qualities and sizes. — JILSO A few sets of elegant burnished gold China of superior quality, consisting o a tea, coffee and desert sets. Likewise, lustre china tea sets of va rittis figures—“ The celebrated Wedgo wood’s pearl tea ware, consisting of a tea pot, sugar dish and cream ewer.” Silver lustre tea setsi containing the same number of pieces as above. Also, Children’s Tea sets, and Toys for children of all description ai d sizes —all of which <j|vey offer for spile at the most reduced prices for cash or town ac - December 17. '• ts Lottery ngticp:. - * THE Surgical Institution Lottery of Baltimore, 2d class, commences drawing on the 23d of the present month, and wi l !- finish in Eight Drawings—ln tins Scheme, which contains only 4000, numbers, are the splendid capitals of S 100,000 8 50,000- —g 20,000 810,000, Besides several of 8 5,000, &c. &c.— Others of inferior note.- A very few TICKETS,(at.the Baltimore price) may be had, if applied for immediately, of / Francis Clarke. April 15 ts Bolting Cloths OF E VERV NUMBER, , A Competent supply just received and will be kept throughout the season, "of the genuine Dutch kipil; for sale upon the must reasonable terms, by J. S. Walker In front of Dickinson &; Starnes’ W H. v upper end street, April 4 ts 20 lilt'ds. Prime SUGAR 30 do. do. MOLASSES, Just Received and fur Hale by 11. Russell, At his Store under the Globe-Tavern, Apr 4 ? , -. ts Jas. Woodrow & co. ARE NOW RECEIVING, Regular Supplies of Suitable — Spring Goods, Which with the whole of their General v tock of Dry Goods and Hardware.' They are now disposing of on the most accommodating terms. Jf so for Sale, 50 casks London Porter, .March 21 •ts * . ,J At Private Sale, Two elegant Horses of good quality, well calculated for the harness. Also, one elegant Jersey Waggon, made of the best materials with a good tup; those who wish to purchase, can see them by apply! ig to E. Byrd at the City Hotel, or I. Thompson, At the Globe Tavern. April 18 if The Subscribers, HA VEjuit received and are now o pening about 300 packages,contain ing a very general and choice selection Spring Goods, which they offer for sale by the piece or package, on their usual accomodating terms.—Their country friends and cus tomers are respectfully invited to call. William Sims & Co. ' March 25. •. . ii lioail Lottery; For facilitating the intercourse' be- ! tween.the western parts of the state of New-Vork, and the city of New-York, through the states of Pennsylvania and New-Jersey. Drawing to commence in the city of Jersey on the firstTuesitay in May next, to be completed in twenty drawings. THE HIGHEST PRIZES ARE 1 of 70.UU0 Hollars 1 of 35,000 Dollars 2 of 10,000 Dollars 2 of 6,000 Dollars 10 of 1,000 Dollars. Besides Five Hundreds, Two Hun dreds, &c, itc. Not two Blanks to a Prize. TICKETS, halves, quarters, and eights, for sale by FRANCIS CLARK. Likewise, A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT o» Gold and silver patent lever and plain ■h.,l Watches Gold Watch Chains, Seals and Keys Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pius Bracelets, Necklaces Silver table, and tea Spoons, &c. &c. WATCHES and CLOCKS repaired as usual. March- 21 ts GROCERIES. anwio.a 4th proof 1 . ... West India,2d &3d do. L RUA J ~ n hll ! ,s ' Northern, Ist do. J and barrels Cogniac 1 Apple and i BItANDY Beach J Real Holland and Country GIN Whiskey L. P. tVucriffe Wine Prime Sugar and Colic* London Bottled Porter Port Wineboltled Loaf and Lump Sugar Hyson Tea Best Turpentine Soap Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs and Ginger Plough Moulds Axe Bar and Waggon Tire Iron Spermaceti CaniTei ' Real 6’panish Segars \ Powder and iliot Cotton Cards, dj*c. Sfc. For sale by Penn fie Jackson. February 21 ts - *--■-* i iii /n Just Received By the Steam-Bout Carolina, in ad dition to former supplies, AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF Gentlemens New and Fashion able <■ Beaver HATS. Among which is i case of superior WHITE BEAT Eli. - Two Cases of Ladies’ Beaver Hats * Oliver Reed. April 16 ts Spring Goods. THE subscribers have just received by the latest arrivals at Savannah from Liverpool, the following articles; which, with an extensive assortment of HARDWARE and CUTLERY, they oiler for sale on m oderate terms: 30 casks fine and common Glassware j 75 boxes Crown window Glass, Bby 10, 10 by 12 and 12 by 16 120 kegs white and red Lead and Spa nisn Brown - '•••-• «■ -|f 1 hogshead Marbles. 10 case 4 single&duubiel>arr’ell’d Guns 25 packages'Uarnbricks, Calicoes, fan cy Muslins, Ginghams, Checks, Shawls and Handkerchiefs 1 bale first quality west of England Cloths and Cassimeres, assorted co lors - 2 bales Bombazettes 4 hhds. basket Salt ■ ‘ 2 cases Pine Apple Cheese 6 do. # MustarH 41 casks London Porter 12 tons*lrori and sheet Lead 1 case best quality Violins ALSO ON UANDj 40 bags Coffee SO bbls. Rye Whiskey 100 dozen Morocco Skins Northern calf Skins Soal Leather, &c. &c. Edward Quin k Co. April 1 .' FOR SALE, ALIKE!.! middle »g**d Negro Wo man, fit for house or plantation ser vices Enquire at this offieg. March 11 } 13 | * \ Hubert jytiitttytf: HAS JUST RECEIVED, - j ' . And is now offering for sale i t bis StM* - _ under the Globe Tavern, . > " nrf , acco . *em«> •; , 1 10 hhds. Jamaica Rum . ’ * . ' s pipe* CVniac Brand » 10 do Hbllaml Gin 7 , - , •SO hhds. N. K. Rum . 40 barrels do SO do Apple Brandy 10 do Whiskey i 5 1-2 pipes h. P, Madeira fPia^ 10 1-2 do L..P. Teueriffe Wine ,12 uuartercasks do 10 do do Sicily Madeira 6 do Sherry Wine 1 6 pipes andffiO quarter casks Mala* ga Wine 40 casks London Porter -15 do Edinburgh Ale Cordials in hhds, and barrels . , Spirits and Wines on draft and in bottles , . 100 kegs Scotch, Herrings 400 hampers Scotch Potatoes SO boxes t,iag Pish 10 kegs double rose Irish Butter 80 gioco Bottles 12 iibds. prune Sugar 20 barrels do -, ;r 5 do and 3 boxes white Havana ' Sugar . v 18 barrels loaf Sugar 30 bags Coffee, 130 boxes Raisittt 100 boxes smoked Herrings 30 cask** best Goshen Cheese 1200 lbs. double Gloster English da d chcstyind 10 quarter boxes Hy son Tea > SO boxes Chocolate 20 bags Almonds 16 kegs Tamarinds A1 spice, Pepper, Ginger, Mus tard, &c. &c. Powder, Shot and Lead Iron assorted, Steel assorted. Which, together with his former stock, make his assortment the most complete of any in the city. tf Edward l^uin« Co; HAVE RECEIVED per ship Portia from Bordeaux, 85 barrels A, moods 75 cases Claret, Cordial, Olivet, Capers, Fruits in Brandy Sweet Oil and Prunes. * And have also on hand, SO hhds. Sugar 10 do Jamaica |luM 6b qr. casks Teueriffe, Sherry, and Malaga Wines 4 pipes //o|land Gin 50 barrels Northern do and domes tic Brandy SO barrels lump Sugar 70 kegs Dupont if Co’s, double (Had treble F. Gunpowder 200 boxes Raisins 100 do Spanish Sugars 20 kegs Northern Butter * 20 barrels Train and Linseed OJ|, January 28 ts Selling Off. THE SLii JiilttlU Intends closing his business in tills city the first of May next, AN& OVFEHB HIM HItMAIMNG Stock of Groceries AT u lit AT BARGAINS!, ArJ\*o. 1, Uhioge-Uow, 6 hhds. 4th proof Jamaica Rum 50 barrels N. E, Rum 20 do Apple Brandy 10 do Cordial^, 10 do Cherry Brandy f t . 25 hhds Molasses 2 do sftid 10 barrels Sugar : 8 barrels loaf Sugar ' 8 barrels bottled Porter 50 bags prime Green Coffee ’ . S pipes 4th pi oof Brandy , ,25 boxes Raisins 70 Grind*ton'*B. Mso on Consignment* 40 boxes Codfish 50 barrels JrUfi Potatoes 15 casks best Gushci Ciieese. Isaac LtonariL March 28 ts - -■- -- ■ - 1 ' • I'm; ou.i.-ii'ioor Has Landing from lh‘' strum*iida f* Sj A Tierces Lm don Porter Bags Coffee 10 bblg. N. K. Ruin and Northerlk Whisky < T - Willi several hlids. Sugar* Together with an saortment ih the Grocery Line On hand, which will be *oiu on moder ate 'oms. Previous to removing fr-to town du* ring the summer months, v ill dispose of part or tIH whole balance on hand, at a credit for approved paper. - j ‘ V«ii«.*ita* ; I <r