Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, May 27, 1818, Image 1

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•AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, ■U* II GEOBBM GAZETTE. — . M BMMg!BgagMBBSBgB!!eBg! , -L: [VOL XXXII.] - W El) sE- UAV. MAY 97. 1818. V■ Ts ■ 11 •' , 1 11 ' 1 iil ih—n-TT--'1 4THB win i casomciß, AND BOSOM OAZETIE PUBLISHED BY , ANJHJYCKINCK& PEARRE, BUY WEDNESDAY AMD SATURDAY. e Dolors per annum , Payable in Advance ' ■' ' > '■ i ■ '■** female Asylum. THE Treasurer’s acknowledge, its are due to the Directors of the nch Bank of the state of Georgia, the appropriation and gift of the s imposed, collected and trans tea by the Cashier to the first Di ress, amounting to 67 dollars, i behalf of the Orphan, the Trea jr also acknowledges the receipt twenty-four dollars, the gift of Ive young men of the Mayor’s irt, being the amount of their fees Hhe late term. Beneficence, of ich, the foregoing are examples, 1 enable the Society to be more ensitety useful, will at once lugthen the hopes of the zealous, encourage the hearts of the timid. *ay 23 rrS?HE Commissioners for the I provement of the Navigation ot lannah River, having met in the jy of Augusta on the 20th of Vta^, 18, agreeable to the appointment najor John Wilson, engineer for state of South-Caro ina. 'resent— -John Watkins, Dr. Du* !, Andrew Erwin, and Dresdzil e, sen. who not being a s ifficient ■urn to do business, adjourned I to-morrow. May 21, 1818. he Commissioners met accord y to adjournment. resent— -John Watkins, Dr. Du , Andrew Erwin, and Or-adzil 8, of Georgia**-William No:-b B. H. Saxon, of South-Carolina, being a sufficient quorum to do ness, made choice of John Wat , chairman; and B. H. Saxon, jtary. isoived, That a cpmmittee be ap ted to attend the Engineer* of state of South-Carolina, when ing a survey of Savannah River Camble Town in the state of Oh-Carolina to Petersliurgh ju ■gia; and that Or. Duliose, An il Erwin, and Dreadzil Pace of «gia; and William Garrett of Sl-Carolina, or any two of them, Hat committee; and that John stains, William Nobb, and B. H. Iflb, or any two of them, be a com t(*e to attend the said Engineer in king a survey of the said River ait Petersburg!! to the head of na itpon. - 9tsolv j d. That the proceedings of I,meeting be published in the Au ra Chronicle. They, then ad raed until the third Monday in ) next, and then to meet in Pe lurgli, Georgia. By order of the Board, ft B. H. Saxon, Sec’ry, FOJt SALE, i Consignment. ases 1 ;i Silk Goods trunks ti-4 and 4-4 Cambrics litto Ready made Clothing jlpe old Madeira VV ine itt.» Cogniac Brandy ibis. N E. Rum. casks Porter ic above will be sold at 60 or sys, for good itaper. John Logan. iy 23 t.f •egory Hardin n" purchased ot Mrs. Gregory, her Stock of 7 ancy Goods, them at wholesale or retail very low. ALSO JUST RECEIVED, UND3OME SELECTION , OF .raaols dlow Nankeens trthern White Homespun hhds. 4 proof Jamaica bum bhls. N. B. ditto hhds. Whiskey ditto Jamaica Sugar •bis. Loaf ditto bags Coffee bbls Mackarel, id a handsome New-Ark made GIG. ay 23 If y 23 Copartnership. he Subicribe.’s having entered into under (lie firm or Farrington & Edney. At tiu- staiui occupied by j. t an ing ton, have on hand a complete assort ment of STAPLE AND FANqY GOODS. Which will be sold by wholesale or retail as they can be procured in this market for cash or good paper, at a libera! cVedit. John M Edney, J. Farrington. v av 93 if - WV o Tic Si. (1 HARLES IfALL & Cu have re ) moved to the Store recently oc cupied by E. H. Billings, near the Market, and directly opposite A. Bugg & Co, where they will keep a complete assortment of DRY GOODS GROCERIES. May 23 o Edward Quin^Co HAVE RECEIVED per ship Portia from Bordeaux, 35 barrels Almonds 75 cases Claret, Cordial, Olives, Capers, Fruits in Brandy Sweet Oil and Prunes. ,ind h ive also on hand, 20 hhds. Sugar 10 do Jamaica Rum oO qr. casks Teneriffe, Sherry, an Malaga Wines 4 pipes.//oiland Gin 50 barrels Northern do. and domes tic ..Brandy 30 barrels' lump Sugar 70 kegs Dupont <Sj* Co’s, double anc! treble F. Gunpowder 200 boxes i'aisins 100 do /Spanish Sugars 20 kegs Northern Butter 20 barrels Train and Linseed Oil, January 28 ts Spring Goods. * JpHE subscribers" have justfeceiv ed by the latest arrivals at Sa vannah from Liverpool, the following articles; which, with an extensive as sortment of HARDWARE and CI?T LEUY.they offer for sale on moderate terms: 30 casks fine and common Olasgwar -75 boxes Crown window Glass, 8 by 10. 10 by 12 and 12 by 16 120 kegs white and red Lead and Spanish Brown 1 hogshead Marbles 10 cases single & double barrell’d Guns 25 packages Cambricks, Calicoes, Lncy Muslins,Ginghams,Checks Shawls and Handkerchiefs I bale first quality west of Eng land Cloths and Cassimeres, as sorted colors 2 hales Bo'tnbazettes 4 hhds. basket Salt 2 cases Pine Apple Cheese 6 do. M istard 41 casks London Porter 12 tons, iron and sheet Lead 1 case best quality Violins ALSO ON HAND, 40 bags Co ' l * • 30 bbls. Uyc Whiskey 100 dozen Morocco Skins Northern calf Skins Soal Leather, &e. &c.‘ Edward Quin & Co. April 1 The Subscribers, .|TAVOI just received and are now 14 M. opening about 300 packages,con taining a very general and choice se lection of Spring Goods, which they offer for sale by the piece or package, on their usual accomo dating terms.—-Their country friends and customers are respectfully invi ted to call. William Sims & Co. March 25. Just Received, 2 Razees, for two Horses 2 Carriages 2 Gigs. Which will be sold low tor Cash, bv B. PICQUET. TOR SALE, Bills on N. York. October X ts GROCERIES. Jam«ica 4th proof d n . , , w. iudi».2d&34do. t «»*;■» M'- -*) urthero. Itrt «10. J ant * bat-i eH ogniac j Apple and vBRANDY Peach J Real Holland and Country GIN hiskey L. P. Teneriffe Wine Prime Sugar and Coffee London Bottled Porter Port Wine bottled Loafand Lump .Sugar Fresh Hyson Tea Best Turpentine Soap . Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs and Ginger Plough Moulds Axe Bar and Waggon Tire Iron permaceti - ai d es (teal -Spanish Segars Powder and Shot Lotton aids, dfc, For sale by Penn & Jackson. February 21 ts William SimsdSfCo HAVE JUST RECEIVED At Mr. John Howard’s Brick Store, 2 eases Furniture PKINGL, in Sfr yard pieces, and a variety of elegant Marseilles bed Spreads. May 2 The Subscriber, flmdingnear the bridge, offers for Sale, I Pipe C. Brandy, 1 Hogshead Peach Brandy, I Ditto Jamaica Rum, I Ditto West India, 1 Ditto N. England, I Ditto Holland Gin, 1 Ditto Molasses, 3 Barrels Cordial, 18 Boxes Muscatel Raisins, 0 Ditto Prime Red Herring, 2 Do. Prime Cod Fish, equal to any in quality, 3 Kegs Buncomb Butter of excellent q Jality, 5 Casks Goshen Cheese, 9 Boxes Hnvarma Sugar, 1 Chest llySou Tea, excellent qua lity, 15 Bags Shot, assorted, and 5 Kegs FF Powder, IGOOIb bar lead 1 Keg Ginger, 200 weight German Steel, With a variety ol Dry Goods and hardware, too numerous to mention, all which he will sell low for cash only ' Lid jar d Bulan. April 25. ts Bolting vJloths,&c !’lie subscribers have just received a large supply of (he above article. ALSO A few Double Barrelled Guns, and Gold Watches of a very superior qual* ty- EDWARD QUIN & Co. May 9 tt J. BttoWA. Nearly opposite the City-Hotel. - HAS FOR SALE, TWENTY-FiY# ELEGANT G'lCfiS ? Warranted to be made of the best Materials. Just Received, and on Hand , JO PACKAGES OF 1 Shoes and Boots. I * Which will be sold cheap for CASH April 11 " ts V Ale & Porter. ’ For sale by the Subscriber. Q - | MERGES London Porter, 8 * a. dozen each, 2 Ditto Burton Ale, do. do. f 4 Firkins Goshen B it' • , x Which will be solo low to close a f consignment. George li. Bridges. May 2, ts ' The Subscriber His Received on Consignment from New York, eight TrunKs con taining 3 doz. each, Curb Bridles of a superior quality, also 6 nests well made Trunks, Which he will sell low for Cash. r —also—* 1 A QUANTITY ' SADDLER YHARDW\RE 1 Os almost every description. John Oiodrat. Jpril IS ts ■ ~ IT I.ff I l ip r ilh Roherfaßu&eti, «A8 Ji?ST UEOr#K», And#* now ortJ'i'ing for 4ale at in S tore under the Globe TkVwli, » On low And accommodating terms, to hhds. Jamaica Ruin 3 -pipes t’ogniac Brand/ 10 do Holland Gin SO hhds. N. fi. Rum 40 barrels do 30 do Apple Brand/ 10 do Whiskey 5 1-2 pipes L. P. Madeira fTinc 10 1-2 do L. P. Teneriffe Wine 13 quarter*^ asks do 10 do do Sicil/ Madeira 6 do Sherry Wine 6 pipes and 20 quarter casks Mala ga .Wine 40 casks London Porter 15 do Edinburgh Ale Cordials in hhds. and barrels Spirits and Winus on draft and in bottles 100 kegs Scotch Herrings 400 hamper* Scotch, Potatoes 30 boxes iilng Kish 10 kegs double rose Irish Butter 30 gi«ce Bottles 12 hhds. prime Sugar 20 barrels do 5 do and 3 boxes white Havana Sugar 18 barrels loaf Sugar 30 bags Coflee, 150 boxes Raisins 1 00 boxes smoked Herrings 30 casks bust Goshen Cheese • 200 lbs. double Gloster English do * 0 chesta.and 10 quarter boxes Hy son 'Pea 30 boxes Chocolate 20 bags Almonds 1 6 kegs Tamarinds Alspice, Pepper, Ginger, Mus tard, xc. &c. Powder, Siiot and Lead Iron assorted, Steel assorted, Which, together with his former dock, make his assortment the most omplete of any in the city, January 28 ts — ll ■■ 1 ■■■-- .» ■« -—. I, ■» — mmrnm y Crockery & Glass Ware Erwins, Oakman , & C>Am re Now Receiving and Opening, Vnd will continue to receive and pen during the Fail months, at their stores in J/itou’s brick building, in JlMutosh street, reading from A. Erwin, Groce, At Co. corner store, and in Bridge-sti eet, near the mar* ket, in the centre of bridge-Range No. 6 & 7, Jin Elegant esortment of CROCKERY AND Glass Ware, CONSISTING Os j '1 RATES handsomely assorted with Crockery, and boxe* and rcesot Glass Wan, well assorted, uitably to the Georgia Sc V'. estern Markets, which they oiler for sale at . low advance. They are now opening in order to suit those purchaser's who wish to have their goods epacked—• Elegant Lush e & Pearl water Pitch ers Liverpool Water and Milk do. Ditto- Pea, codec cups and saucers < En’d. cups and saucers of all des criptions and shces Plates, bowls, mugs,- pitchers ot different qualities and sizes. — ALSIF— 1 A few sets of elegant burnished j ;old China of superior quality, ton dsting of a tea, cott'ce and desert sets. Likewise, lustre china tea sets of vantus figures—“ The celebrated vVedgewood’s pearl tea ware, con sisting of a tea pot, sugar dish and n am ewer.” Silver lustre tea sets, containing Hie same number of pieces as above. Also, Children’s Tea sets, and Toy.- for children of alldescription ai d si zes—all of which they offer for sale at the most reduced prices for cash «• own acceptances. December 17 ts isham ihoiupsoii AND James i; Black, HAVE formed d cornu?-lion i >he -Auction and Comndssvm Hus >irn§ in the city of Augusta. und he Arm of THOMPSON au- BLACK—and respectfully lendr f heir services to their friend* am' <be public. Isham Thompson James A, Black. April ZJ ts . ... ... » CHOICE OLD MADEIRA. ! The subscribers Hart on Cot siginumt from Madeira, a few HalfPipcs and Quarter Casks superior WINE, WARRANTEE FIVE TEARS - OLD * They will receive orders for any of the different WINES of that Island, which will be promptly executed b\ one of the must respectable Houses there. II & R. Thomas. _ May 9 lawxiin' A Great Bargain AT iMUV \TE SALE. Till the first day of next month, an In voice of Goods, CONSISTING OK Blankets, Cloths. Cassimcres Flannels, Suausdowns, Toiitnets an*! Jeans, Marseille* Quiltings, Cotton Cassi mer^s Dimities, Velvets, Irish Linens Cotton t-hirtings, cotton and wool len Hosiery Muslins of all descriptions Silks, Carpeting, Calicoes, Tapes. Ritibons, Ferrets, Nankeens, Ginghams A variety of Handkerchiefs Galloon Binding, Sowing Silks Cotton and Flaxen Thread, Strain ' ing Web Diapers, Domestic Goods, Guns and Pistols, AND A VARIETY Os Iron Monger/, HARD- W iRt <NDt UTLEtIT Comprising a general assortment, a mounting to upwards of 30,000 do. Jars, a Hording a great opportunity f.» individual, or a company to becom posscssed of a stock on better term • than any northern market can afford —die whole of the GOODS being ..! late importations, ai.U Inw mat in best European and continental mar kets For approved paper,secured br imloisers either in the city or countn a credit will be given till the first b. January next (or one third; till the firs! of April following for another third, and till the first of July, 1819, for tin ' remaining third.— The Goods may be examined at any time, and the sale will be made either at cash rates bear ing interest, or at a specified advance, on the credits above mentioned F user & Bowdre. The. Milledg eville Journal, ami ashmgton News, will insert the a hove until the first of Jure, and for u ard their accounts to Fraser \ Bow dre. May 6 ( ts FANCY Retail Cash .Store, 7jjnilE subscribers having declined J. the retail business at the Store they now occupy, inform their ,tow> and country customers, that they are inening at *.r. John .©ward's Brick .-'tore, an extensive and compleb assortment of FANCY $ STAPLE GOODS, Which will be.sold very low at retail for cash only. Wm. Sima & Co. April 4 ts James VI uodrow Co. ARE NOW RECEIVING, Regular Supplies of Suitable Spring Goods, Which with the whole of their Gene ral tock of Dry (-roods and Hardware . They are now disposing of on the most accommodating terms. Also for Sale , 30 casks London Porter, J/arch 21 ts John Logan, is du t authorised to Mat s ct aiiv busim - of mine during my ah-e-ir,e A, Drummond. May Ifi 20 lihus. Prime SLtr-lH 20 do. do MOLASSES, Just Received and for cle by . huts'll 1 \t his Store u» *.r the Gjobe-iavern April 4 tf 1 - - I N " t mssoLunow. ; 1 ™ co l'*rii»erHh»p oj t/, \ i: u i, this day itwsnlt* ”VVS e ,lt ’* !h ot -*««*» Roddon <"i o tie copartners. All persons 'Z'Wr?** *gatn«f &e c«n --) vvpjtk. . h t , <or,ner con.-mi «f J. i* • i e '^ > A (<j. will pirn( r'* them in^bGd‘u "o ' f aymn '* d 4 , bt « f " eulier, will ilo well tn call - uud ® akc P a ;UK*ut vvitUoMt de|*y, auction. W,H Wrf u s‘ i , “, blic A “«™- •» V\ rdnesdi V the iTth in-t ilu* whole Stock in i ratio. IWP "'f 4, J.* 1 assort in of Hi j AJooilsj Hardware and Gnu cries, I he Conditions , f thesaj. will be for, ah sums under one hundred dull at % ' as h f aums between u>ie hnudiccl and one thousand dollars, six (norths rreditjau' 1 all over one thousand i.ollars, uimv months. Rood arul ab« jirovcul equiltHl by A. U. Hneed, i. I). Weather?, owvivir.g Mrta.-rt' May 10. v Paten t Pilot vV* etc- tork i otic. Maknrvl and H husky. ***• subscriber liasjiNt received a t‘unsigmnent of W hands Patent Pilot Rioad, 10 Rands Mew-York Pork, 7 Do. Muckarel, 24 Minis. J Rrooklin 16 Barrels J Rve W hilky. or sale on good terms, Jt>(lN (i. < OWING. “ * ■ r><; Relief Lottery, Authorised by tins »ute of fihHitli.i’M rolina, W U-I-* commence drawing at tr v PendleU)nCuqji- House on .Uta nisi luesrhiy in July, umiuisv pjtm:& One of 10,00? HUUnUt* IWO of 5,000 do, Four of g,(.(»0 d«. Five of 1,000 do, - I M'KETiS at Five Pol lam. Mat 16 tj- Medical College Lottery , VTOW drawing regularly twice* week in Rrltiinore— ten dan drawing over, and the following rju 'tal and minor prizes stid in tb« wheel, viz;-—, 83 *,OOO. 20,000, 10,000 10,000. 3,000, I,O(WL dvc of 1000, thirteen of 300, eighty o! 100, & c . Ac, Gain of the whe-j ,t.o>va.d 3 000 (dlars,—TICK.E I S *a ranted tin* Irawu for sale by Huntington $ BurvlU, i an urges &T7”7, rHE subscriber has jost receiver! some well finished and h ml* Four W heel ( arriageg air Gigs, w icH he wi.| dispose us at a mode rat* p ice IVith an Jiaaoitment ih the Saddlery Line, as usual. P, Me K INN I y. May?. u Gtp t o >i , \ C ommodious Tenement, * J1 I V lit) »< ill in;: ■!; |de of y Bioan-street having suitable ao-. roiiiitiudafii>n both for a family am| or business—For twins enquire of Messrs. slaughter k Labuzan. lo Li t JfN IIL the 15th «l Qcti ber next, a -tiperigr Statid tar Groct ri' s, I’uateuun Broad-street, witi a largo nd sommddiOHS. Rack-Room, cm* eeted "ith the front Store, will b* ct low if applied for immediately—« nquire ot 1 V , Hull A Co. C ,^ 11 h—«■ . -'«■ ■» Louch >r Sale—Apply at Rug Uftjve, May $ ts