Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, May 27, 1818, Image 4

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,' f . MOJCrULT XOTICK*i. % , NlJifc gmntiis al'Ur the date here of, application will be'lnade to the hooaraUe the justiccaaf the Infe rior Caurt for the county of Rich now), for leave to sell alt the ren» estate of William Poe, late of said coa/ity, deceased, for the benefit ol his heirs. Thomas Gumming, \ adm y ra George Watkins, J January 21 lm~9m IN*, mouth* slier dais applica -W tion will ha made to the court of ordinary of Colombia county, for leave to well the following tracts of Land, viz. one half of eight hundred and thirty-seven and an half acres land, in Richmond county, on .Spi rit cmek, joining Jenkins Whitting ton «S* co. and others, and granted to the heirs of John Walton, decea aedti.lso, one hundred acres Land in Columbia county,on the water* of the Uchee creek,joining Lands of Jos ah Boswell, Jonathan Clyette, and others, the whole belonging to the estate of Beale Yarbrough, deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of sab’ deceased. Win. Yarbrough, > Jao. S, Walton, ) Jan uai y 7 Application will be. made to tho honorable Inferior Court <d Burke county, for leave to sell 372 arret, of LAND in the county o( Bui ke, on the waters of Brier Creek, belonging to the estate of Lewis -- mimic 1, deceased, for the benefit o the heirs of said deceased. f K, Emanuel. «dm r. ; Jill— .u > ’ *■ ■iA »♦, application vvill ’.se n.adi to the honorable the court of ordinary for Columbia county .for le vc to sell 302} acres of Land 26th district, L„t No. 32, formerly Wilkinson, now Twiggs* county, granted to the hens ol Jess' M opre. Patsey Moore, Augustus Crawford, Guardian* for Pamela K. Moore. February 18 iNß'inonths afterdate applisa JNI 4ob will be made to the hono rable toe inferior court ol Lincoln cainty, sitting tin ordinary purposes, for permission to sell all the real e» tate of John Moss, sen. deceased,con ••’mg of six hundred acrufc be the same more or less, on fishing crec.. L n trill county, adjoining »d Walter and Lesseur; also, one tract ol land in foe 271a ol Wilkinson countv c« 'tuning 092* acres, to be sob frit the lieocflt «l «Wo itors «f«nid deceased. John Moss, jun. adm r. March 25 *~KiNE months from this date, will apply to the honorable tho Ini* - riorCourtof Warren county, sittn. fur ordinary purposes, tor leave I* sell nil the real e*tale of Jos. W lu.i late of said county, deceased, cons; tinsr of 18*) acre* ol Land, onLltt B Wcreek,i«*aid county, boundin'* « n lands of Putt* & Robeson, and * hCr *’ Robert White, adm’r. jdJlfarrh 1818- V'' INK months alter date, applies tion will be made to the honor »- blr the inferior court ol Columbia countv, for leave to sell one tract o Land* lying in Wilkes county, ad joining Sanders and others, it being th" real .estate of William Wintrcy. deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs and cr.editors of said deceased. Samuel Winfrey, admV. Mw 9-' . ■■ (too will he made, to the UonornUle 1 the court of ordinary of Columbia I county, for lease to sell die Mouse that .las.M*Fartin, now live*, in, and pa tof the Lot No. 67, in ti e 'own I of Wrightuborough,- being pait ot t e real estate of Jesse Bull, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cred- | itur* of said deceased. Martha Bull. Jidm x. December 24 V’lNi* months alternate uppli -31 cation will be made to the hon orable the Inferior court of the coun ty of Richmond for leave to sell ten lots of land in Hartisburgh —Num bers 33, 34, 87, 39, 117, 118, U 9 * 12'’, 127, and 128—also one tract ot land No: 231, Old WUkinson(at the time of survey) now Laurence, i> being the whole of the real estate of Jesse Stewart, dec.late of Rkhmemi county, with a few articles of per «onalproperty,to be said for the oen- e r, t of d>e heirs and creditors of said deceased. H. Bury,adtn’r. December 6,1817. m9m INE months alter date' applica Xn| tion will be made to the lionoi able court ot Ordinary of Richmond c unty, for leave to sell all the per sonal and real estate of Daniel Dill, deceased, for the benefit of the heir of tfo id deceased. * J.l)U\,admV Bovember 15# m9m NITfB months after date •pplica tioa will be made to the hop . orablc the inferior court of Richmond aunty, (or leave to sell one lot with the improvements thereon in the city of Augusta—the whole to be sold for the benefit of the beira and creditors «if the late David Dowatc, deceased. SAMUEL GOFF, Surviving Administrator. December 10. to 9 m NINE months after date applica tion will be made to the lion, the court of ordinary of Columbia county, for leave to sell one half of lot Number 294 in the 20th district of Baldwin,now Morgan county, be longing to the estate of Jesse Bull, i dec. for the benefit of the heirs and , creditors of said estate. Martha Bull, adm’x. November 19,1817. m9mp | •- ■■ ■■■■ - NINE months after date hereofap plication will be made to the honor , able Inferior court for the county . of Burke while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real es tate of Jeremiah Lewis, dec. consis ting of one tract of land lying in tuc county of Burke, containing 425 acres, to be sold for the benefit ot the heirs and cruditors. 5. ES. November 26. m°?n NINE months alter toe >.ate hereof,application will be mad® to the honorable the justices of the inferior court of Richmond county, sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell two Tracts of LAND, to wit:—-One tract containing 1000 acres, in Washington county, at the time cf survey, on the waters of the Aitam aha granted to El eater Gum ming bounded E. by Peleg Green’s laud, ts. by Kelly’s land, W. by unknown land, and N. by vacant land.—One other tract containing 200 acres, granted to Joseph Mock, on Reedy creek, now Jefferson coun ty, bounded at the time of survey, H. E, by vacant and Neilson’s land, and on all other sides by vacant land. The above being the real estate of James Edwards, deceased, and sold for (he benefit of the heirs and cred itors, John Cashin, E a?V, Nov. 8 i,n9m ; INE months date application will be made to the Inferior court of Richmond county, while itting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell forty acres of land,lying • iid ueiug in Rich-uioud county, on he waters of Hockey creek, more or ss, adjoining lands ot Dr. Anderson '■V’atkins and the!*rr ,:, '«*' 4 - 1 -- egro man s'avc named Sam. The “•ve described property will be sold <>r the purpose of making a dividend etwixt the heirs of John Lambert, creased. Holland M‘Tyrr, adm , r. October 15, 1817. m9m "VJ INK months after date appli* cation will be made to the hon iable the inferior court of Colum la county,for leave to sell 125 acres I'and in Lincoln county, adjoining ands of John H. Walker, the same >'dng the real estale of James Gor •y, deceased, sold for the benefit of r he heirs. John Ktiunon, admV, de bonis non. .Ta»pi.tpv )0 rnOiii A,! • .sK monies alter dale hereo), .L w application will be made to the ho oralile the Inferior Gonrt of Burke county, for leave to sell 250 acres of Land more or less, lying in the county of Bu ke, adjoining the lands of Gillum Hill and others, being part of the real estate of Henry I Hughes, deceased, for the benefit of 1 the neirs and creditors of said de l ceased. A -1 Ju')C Hughes, executrix. I Ma .V 9 m9m I GEORGIA, Columbia county. WILLIAM GUMiY, sen. tolls before rue a brown bay Marc, I about 5 feet high, 9 or 10 years old, I shod all round, a small white spot on I her left hip, some few on her back— I appraised by Thomas Johnston anu j Uilliiigtou M, Sanders to El 19. j Mark Price Davit. W. L. Kennon, clerk, i. c. . I May 16 St 'I ooiue. • I 4 LL persons having claims a ' I i Vghdnst the estate of Robert Maze. .I deceased, will render them in with Jin the time prescribed by law; and ] all these indebted to the estate, will | make payment to me without delay. I Henry Slaughter, ad mV. 1 May 23 , j Notice. j 4 LL person* having demands a ‘ I the estate ofGeoige Pear . I on, late of Richmond county, deceas -11 J, are requested to present them ic I rally attested—those indebted to said . { state, are desired to make payment > I i) | Lucy M.Peproon,’) . . 1 John U.M, m , j j May 16 2m War Department, PENSION OFFICE, Makoh 26th, 1818. Rules and regulation* for substantia ting claims to pensions, to be obser ved under the Uw of Congress of the 18th of March, 1818, viz: The commissions of officers, and the discharges of the regular soldiers of the army of the revolution, (if m existence) applying for pensions un der the above act, will, in every in stance, be furnished to the War De . partment; and ti r signatures of the respective judges certifying in these cases, must be attested by the -seal of the courts where such judges pre side. The person applying for pension to declare under oath,before thejudge, that, from his reduced circumstances, he needs the assistance of his coun try for support. (Approved.) J. C. CALHOUN. Q3r The publishers of the Laws wil give the above insertion in their res pective papers for two months. April 18 3m By the President of the United Ht&t-J >. «7 HERE AS, by an act of Con t T gross passed on the 26th o March, 1804, entitled, “ An Act ma king provision for the disposal of the, public lands in the Indiana Territo ry, and for other purposes,” and an act passed the 3d of March, 1805, cn - tilled, “ An Aol supplementary to the | act, entitled, an act making provis ion for the disposal of thfe public lands ’ in the Indiana Territory,’’ and an ac( passed on the 25tli of April,4Boß, on -1 titled, “An Act supplemental to an 1 act regulating the grants of lands in 1 the Territory of Michigan,” the Pres ident of the United States is authori zed to cause the lands in the land dis trict of Detroit, to be offered for sale when surveyed; and whereas a part of the said lands have been surveyed: Therefore I, JAMES MONROE, President of the United Slates, in con formity with the said acts, do hereby declare and make known, that public sales for the disposal (agreeably to law) of the said lands, shall be held at Detroit, in Michigan Territory,viz: On the first Monday in July next, for the lands contained in ranges 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, south of the base line; on the first Monday of Septem ber next for the lands contained in ranges 13, 14, 15, 16, ami 17, north of the base line; and on the first Mon day in November next, for the lands contained in ranges 9,10, 11, and 12, north ofthe base line; excepting such lands as are, or may be reserved in said district, by law, for the support of Schools, and r.,r her purposes, rue sales ehall continue open for iwo weeks and no longer, ana shall com mence with the first section of the lowest number of townships and ran ges, and proceed in regular numerical order. iven under my hand at the city of Washington, the thirty-first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, JAMES MONROE. !Jv the President, JOMAH MEIGS, Comm'r. of the G< neral Land Office. rC?* Printers of newspapers, who are mthorized to publish the laws of the United States, will insert the above I ■i week till .October next, and send their bills to the General Laud Office for payment. ___________ tiy the President of the United {States. . WHEREAS by an act of Con gress,passed on the 3d March, 1813, entitled “ An act to provide for the ascertaining and surveying ofthe boundary lines fixed by the treaty with the Creek Indiansand for other purpo scs, the President of the United States is authorized to cause the lands ac quired by the said treaty to be offer ed for sale when surveyed, and where as a part of the said lands have been surveyed: Therefore I, James Monroe, Presi dent ofthe United Stats, do hereby declare and make known, that public sales for the disposal of certain lands south of the Tennessee river and in the district of Madison county, shall be held at Huntsville in said county in Alabama territory, viz. On the Ist Monday in July next, fur the sale of the lands in ranges 1,2, S, 4, 5. On the Ist Monday in Sep tember next for the land in ranges 6, 7,8, 9, and on the ist Monday in November next, for the lands in ran ges It), 1 1, 12,13,14; excepting such lands as are or shall be reserved ac cording to law, for the support of .chools and for other purposes. Each sale shall continue open for 2 weeks, md no longer, shall commence with the section, township and range of the lowest number, and proceed in regu lar numerical order. Gives under my hand, at the city of Washington ,this 31 st day of March 1818. JAMES MONROE. By the President, JOSIAH MEIGS. 1 Comm’r. of the General Land Office |C7* Printers who are authorized to publish the laws of the United (States, will publish the above once a week till October next, and send their bills to the General Land Office for Copperplate A/apsofthe above lands may be had at the office of the Survey or-General, at Huntiville, or at the General loind Office. Sheriff’s sale. WILL be sold at the Market-House in the city of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in June next between the usu al hours of sale, 3 Cows, 2 guns, 1 looking glass, i lot of glass ware, 1 lot of earthen ware, 1 lot of tea and table spoons, 19 books, 1 lot knives and forks, 7 wait ers, 4 window curtains, 1 lot bed clothing, 1 lot tools, I axe, 1 lot home espun and pavillious, I lot table cloths, 1 lot spun cotton, and I meal bag, le vied upon as the property of Peter Do naldson, to satisfy an execution in la vor of John Phinizy, vs. Peter Donald son. , Also —2 Negro men, Prince and Friday, levied upon as the property of Alexander and Daniel Hannah, to ' satisfy sundry executions Walter Leigh, for the use ot tlie or • plians of Cox vs DaniO Hannah, Alex ander Hannah, and William Glascock, administrators of L. 'Collins, lor the use of Wm. Mathews vs Daniel Han nab and William Glascock, trustees of Richmond academy vs Daniell Han nah, Alexander Hannah, and William : Glascock, and Walter Leigh, for the use ofthe heirs of S. Bugg, vs Daniel i Hannah, Alexander Hannah and Win. Glascock. „ , , Als—one Cow and Calf, levied up on as the property of Beoj. Aden, ■ lee. to satiyfy an execution m favor ofthe administrators of George Wal ton, vs Allen and Walton. t Also—l3s acres prime Land oh tie waters of spirit creek, adjoining lands ‘ of J. B Robinson and D.Berrv, levied on as the property of Thomas Sloan, to satisfy an execution in favor of Win. M. Cowls vs Thomas Sloan. A. Bugg, sheriff. May S ts Sheriff’s Sale. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in June next, at the court-housein Co lumbia county, Three Lots In the town of Wrightsborough, ad joining Dooley and Messingale, with the improvements-—levied on as the property of Charles M. Lin,tosatisly an execution in favor of Wright and Marshall vs. Brown and Lin and others. ALSO, One likely young Cow and Calf, le vied on as the property ot Peter Do naldson, to satisly John Phinizy’s exe cution. , W. WiWcins, acting s. o. o. May 2 tds Sheriff’s Sale, WILL be sold on the first Tues day in June next, at the court house in Jacksonborough, between the usual hours, 2CK) Acres of pine laud, lying & being in the county ot Scriven, ad orning lands belonging to Haruy Per jry, Adam Brinson and Caleb Parker, levied on as the property of Solomon Wilson, to satisfy sundry executions in lavor of William Smith; property levied on and returned to me by a con stable- —ALSO— -10 Acres of pine land in the county aforesaid (more or less) adjoin ing John M‘Wade and Hannah Oliver, taken as the property of John Pickren, to satisfy sundry executions for costs issued out of a Justices court of said county—property taken and returned to me by a constable. —ALSO— -400 Acres of pine land lying m the county aforesaid, (more or less) adjoining Arthur Robbins and others, taken as the property of Jollif Conna ly, to satisfy sundry executions in fa vor of Janies Scott; property levied on and returnedto me by a constable. Holoimm Kemp, s. s. c. April 29* tds. sheriff’s hale* 4 T Lincoln court-house on the 1 iV. Tuesday in June next, will be sold between the usual hours, 1 bay Gelding, taken as the property of Fleming Goolsby, to satisfy, sundry executions against said Goolsby .Terms cash. Stephen Stovall, o. s. l. c. Mav 6 Administrator's Sales. VMTILL be sold, on the Ist Tues -7T day in July next, at Qolumbia court house, by order of the court of or dinary, for (he benefit «jf the heirs and creditors of Win. Bryan, deceased, the followiug Tracts of LAND, belonging to the estate of said deceased. No. in 9th district, Baldwin cpvnty, on Cedar Creek, containing 2021-2 acres—Also, No. 40, in 21st District, Wilkinson County. James Burroughs, Adm'r. May 6. H Blanks For sale at this Office. Entertainment | AT THE SIGN OF THE I THE Subscriber has opened in th r I upper part of Camden, a HOUSE to: I the reception of travellers —he *m-j ters himself Uvat those who will d. I him the favor to call, will he satisnei J with the treatment they vviH receive, j as his establishment will be provide! I with all the convenicncies requisite I as far as the state of the market will I permit) for the use of travellers. 1 J. B. Mathieu. I N. B. A few gentlemen already J provided with Lodging, can be ac- j commodated with Hoarding. j PT The Editors of the Augusta Chronicle, and Fayetteville Aineri j can, are requested to insert the a-1 b;»ve three times, and forward (heir I accounts to the office of the Cunulei. I Gazette for payment. I Mav 23 _ J The Bell Tavern, Went end of the City of Avgv*ia» formerly occupied by Mr. JV/iite. THE subscriber respectfully in forms his friends and the public in general, that he has leased the a bove commodious and elegant Estab lishment as a House of Entertain ment for Gentlemen Travellers and others; and he assures them that every attention will be paid towards their comfort, having laid in an as sortment of the best &c.— Mis table will be always plentifully supplied with the best the niarjeet can afford—-His Stables are in excellent order and with plenty of Provender, and careful Hostler, he hopes to give satisfaction to those who will call. N. B. A few Gentlemen can be accommodated with Board by the | Year, Quarter or Month, on mode-1 rate terms by the publics obedient servant I Samuel Commander. 03" To Rent until tne first of Jan u ry next, the House,, f hop, and large Lot lately occupied by me or Broad-street, below the market, op- j posite Mrs. Silberts—For terms ap ply to capt. Russell, or S. C. M-ay 23 ts GOLDEN BALL THE subscriber offers his lloust fur the accommodation of gen teel sober Travellers and Boarders and feels a confidence when he in vites such, that nothing shall be want ing on his part to render their tirai comfortable—he pledges himself tha: gambling and drunkenness shall be excluded his house; he therefore in vites all such to stay away. He ha* lodging rooms for the accommodatio. of families or gentlemen—six or eigh* town boarders more canbe accommo dated. J. D. Green, At the corner of Green and Cen tre streets, Augusta. N. B. A professed hostler from the northward is engaged to attend tc the stables. January 91 6rn Liverpool Hotel , Yam acravv, svv vnxau. MR. GREAVES, FROM LONDON, BEGS leave respectfully to call the attention of ladies and gen tlemen to the above establishment, where thev will find every attention paid to their comforts, should they honor him with a visit. The Hotel is well calculated for the accommoda tion of ladies and families, who, it is well known, have felt the want of such an establishment in Savannah. One wing of the hotel, containing an airy portico on each side, a large el egant setting room, and several large bed rooms, may be previously enga ged on application to Mr. Greaves. N. B. A good stable, coach house, and shower bath, are annexed to the hotel, which was the residence of Richard Richardson, esq. in Ya ma cro w, and will be easily found by u •dng his name. Mav 2 ts Healthy Situation THOMAS HU SO AT, from Charlotte. , c.j HAS opened a BOARDING H O U S E in Jackson county, at Jefferson—Families removing from the low counties, and travellers, may be assured of comfort and convenience if they please to call on him. The Savannah Editors will please to insert the above in their repectice papers for 12 months, and forward their accounts to this place for pay mcnL ■ ■ ■ ts oauK Checks For Sale at thie Office. I rOUKG LADIES' W Boarding & Dal SCHOOL. 1 rHIS Institution, under the -JB perintendence of Mrs. S..!®. wic», and Mrs. Hvrlbvrd. win Ml .-moved to MOUNT SALUBRIJfc n all next month, at which place ®| will continue during the summer.® - I lutumnal months. The shuatitn® | healthful, pleasant ami retired, jl .j I llfl'erent branches of an English P® i cation including Embroidery, l) r ®| ing and Music, are taught as usual* I May 2S * WARF.KX ION § ACADEMTI THE examination of thestudeiß of this Sendiniry will commeoß j on Tuesday, the 9th of June; the ;® j term will clos-e with an exhibition® I Thursday, the 11th; Parents I those having the care of their edii®[ I tion are invited to attend. H I The 2d Penn will commence® | Monday 22d June, and persons wiflj I ing further <o patronize this 1 tion are informed that good and K I venient Board may be had in ®| I neighborhood for 100 dollars, orKJ J town for 120 dollars; and from tließ I siduity and attention of its Tea® I ers, and the healthiness of its ci® Iwe hope it will be encouraged, ® I By order of the Board, H Thos. Gibson, SecrclaiU I May 9 lavrtf® I Sparta I f | -HE first semi-annual examin® I X tion of the pupils in this limit® I tion, will be held on Thursday a ,® I Friday, the 18th and 19th of L.® j next. Those interested, and t|® I public generally, are invited to ® j tend. There will be a recessfr® I the examination tilt Monday, the i® I of July, when the second term ® I open. P J The very liberal encourages® j this institution has experienced, r ® I ders it advisable for those who inte® I ulaciug their children under ® are, to make cany application to ® 1 treasurer of the board. ® I John Lucas, c® J President bwdru of- o I May 2ft .k’2w A Notice. I I \ LL persons are cautioned I I . m. gainst trading for a Note® I land,tor £Boo—dated Tth January® I . 818—and payable Ist April fullg® I (ng, with interest from date; in faifl I .if Henry Hardin, and signed iH I Francis Flournoy-—which note I® I »een lost or mislaid, and the p® I nent is consequently stopped.- j I A reward of Five Dollars will tM I given, if delivered to Henry Hard® . I n Franklin county, or to Edward jF I Hardin in Augusta. * I May 20 2t\v ; . Notice. i A LL person* having any deman d against the estate of Geur.p Weathers, late of Bui k.* county, dew a?e requested to present their ac counts duly attested as the law r># quires; and those indebted to saiji estate, to make payment to the slIj& server. Mary Wealh* rs, fidm’iL May 23 3p Notice. ILL be soldbefore the Marke If House in the city of Augusta! on the 15th of June next, one W.tgj on and Geer,and iw»> Wagon Horsts it being part of the person ! ! proper!) of Robert Maze, deceased, Henry .Slaughter, adm’r, May 93 Notice. I T>R Subscriber having remove from this state, desires that ad i"'|| sons having a>iy demands against lirl will present them for payment i Thursday, 4th of June next, at hi former house of business at the upper end of Broad-street; and all thoso that are indebted to him, will ph 9 / e to call and settle their accounts, i" r after the 6th day of June all •accoatih unsettled, will be put into thehamh of an officer. Thomas I’ve- Mav 23 H TjJKTUBftEAS 1 have reason to w ff lieve that the buyers of Can. J dies have been imposed on in buying] Candles said to be manufactured by! the Subscriber, which were northward made, as there is in Augusta at this time northward Candles sold at from 11 to 20 cents per lb. This ; ,9 to in form the public that there is none id my Candles sold by the Box hut at my House, five doors below the mar ket, north-side Broad-Street— d' c boxes are all marked B. P. M. Payne. . May 13 wO_ To Rent, THE Store lately occupied ty John M. Edney, until the Ist of Oc tober next. Apply to Farruigtoo 4* Edney. May 23 ts