Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, May 30, 1818, Image 1

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placeH' - ~ t.. t...i Aw... . 1 rvot., xxxn.l baturhay, may so, iliar * > ,• M« nw.l:*v* * null L, d. ig J ggMßSage ■BfiSgT.'.a isli THE ;:!«« CIl ~moBOU BJZKT2E, pufttlsHED BIT , DUYCKINCKSg PEARRR. *^K ny veonESOAY AND SATURDAY ■tildes* Dolors per annum, Payable in ftitienH Jdvance. the ition ‘'Merchants’ Bank. WoR the information of persons nee Bvvho signed th e first sub>cription is ivjShc Merchants’ Bank, it may be 1 to mention, that by a resolu i«| cßoffte last meeting, none are con iu * re a «§ subscribers to this Bank , orH'do not sign the new Articles of pay one percent. TeaiHhe number of Shares subscribed, a ciHthe Books will be closed in a few , Vs, this information is given for Bbenefit of such of the former sub rtflißbers, as still wish to retain an in vrtfßstin this institution. HjmSJ'he Bridge i'ompanjfi iv is removed to t ie centre leu- of the first brick building north 1 aße Hrpad-stieet, above the Market Juißuse. W. Y. HANSFLL, il t |R Cashier, to Rn* ay 27 St Bank of Augusta, n ■ u 'Py' 18£« Any. Iblß. MURDERED that a Dividend of S.x m 3 Dolt irs aShare, tor the last hail h(( K.,lw paid to tlie ntockholders or is B.r legal Kepresentativ: s, on ‘and to B er Ttmrsoay, the 2lst instant, on B Stock paid for previous to the 23d Mvember last; and a Dividend at 09 'H; same race on all Stock paid for \ B>sequent to that date, according to time of payment, fl Augustus Moore, Cashier RVay 2u ' y w3w Via liter s Bank. ,f. • | O ;HpUE directors having resolved on calling in’the vvhoie'aiuouui due tßthe capital Stuck; B Notice is Hereby Given, Pl»Thai on all Shares, on which Sixty . nave been paid in, Twenty IB laisare required to be paid on or j^RoreTuesday, i3th December next; the remaining Twenty Dollars, on or belore Friday, 1 4h February, t. lfl9. Holders ul Shares on whiun asArt than Sixty Dollars have been nrißd, are called upon to pay one half r >9w*li e amount due on their Stock, on or before each of the above mention 9C |p days. ments to be made in specie, or i\-xm Aoies of the Banks of this Stale. : & J. MARSHALL. Cashier. Btavannah, IStii Vlay, 1818 oeowi^F THE Commissioners for Hit yniprovtiiiieul ul the Navigation of Ijßavui.uah Kivei, having met in the IMity of Augusta on the 20th of .Via \, Ms 18, agreeable to the appointment Mt major John Wilson, engineer fur IRhe state ol, M Present —John Watkins, Dr. Du -■ Rose, Andrew Erwin, and Mace, sen. who trot being a Sufficient Muwrum to do business, adjourned Ruth to-morrow. J May 21, 18)8. I The Coinniissiongrs met accord- Rng.y to adjournment, m Present —John Watkins, Dr. Du- Rose, Andrew Erwin, Jiid Dmul/.il Raoe. of Georgia —\Villiani No .o Run ,B. H. Saxon, of South-Carolina, RhoVieing a sufficient quorum to do Business, made choice of John Wat- Rins* chairman; and B. 11 Saxon, Recretary. I Resolved, That a committee he ap to attend the Engineer of Riie suite of Sonth-Carolina, when Roaming a survey of Savaiwiah River Rrom Cambie Town in (he state of to Petersburg!) in Bbeoigia; and that Dr. Dubose, An Brew Er -in, ami Pace ol R>eorgiu; and Wiiliam Garrett ol Kuutfi-Oaroiina, or any two of them, V 0 that committee; and that John RVAtkins, W illiam Nobb, and B. H. ■Saxton, or any two of them, be a com ■n tt*e to attend the said Engineer in ■halting a survey of the said Rivei ■r<,i a Tetersburgh to the head of na Rig ition. I lleS'ilved, ln at the proceedings of ■this meeting be published in the Au- Rus ca Chronicle. They then ad poui until the third Monday in Run e mext, and then to meet in Pe- Rers iNgrgd, Georgia. By order of the Board. . B. H. Saxon, Sec’ry. M A lay 23 AUGUSTA CHRONICLE » • Building and Insurance .■ B A N M VJ ike ÜBOnVU. ITS Capital to consist of Two Mil lions of Dollars, divided into 20,000 Shares of 100 Dollars each, of which are to be reserved for the state 4000 Shares 58400 000 For the Marine and Fire IneuranceCompany its present capital, 4000 g 400,000 Subscriptions for the cit izens of the State at large, in Books to be kept open at Savannah, Augu.-ta,Milledgeviile and Darien for thirty days—l2,ooo 1,200 000 S 2,0 JO ,000 The Privileges to be applied to the Legislature for, are Ist—Banking on the common priii ciple, with the right of purchasing and trading in the usual manner, in bills of exchange. . 2 l~r- The privileges now belonging A*S loe Savaifdah Marine and Fireiff* suraiice Company. 3d—The privilege of Domestic, Internal improvement, viz. lst-!-To advance money on mort gage and other security, to aid in tlu erection of Buildings 2d—To erect. Buildings on Build i ing Leases, or Purcliased Land, and ol all other matters incident to Buil dings and Impiovementsof the kind, provid'd the institution shall be compelled to sell out any such Buil dings or improvements, whenever a net profit of 10 per cent on its ad | v ances can be realised. ; 4th—The privilege of taking an ; interest in and making advances on any internal improvements of Canals, * Roads, ike &c. and in short, of gen erally bending its attention to Inter nal Improvement, whether in the ad vance o) Agriculture, Building, or Transportation. At a meeting of the Subscribers to the Building and Insurance Bank | of Georgia, liarna M‘44+m«v, Eoq.waa called to the chair. Resolved, that Five Commission ers be appointed to do all things that ■ arc needful to carry the above into operation.—'The following persons ■ were appointed. i Hin. Scarbrough, J. S. Bulloch. • H. Burroughs, Habt. Isaac $• ! John P, Henry, Res dved, Tnat on ail subscriptions already made, tue payment oi 'l\v" Dollars per share siiaT be paid with -1 in ten days from tins date; and in ease of non compliance to do tlu same, such subscriptions, shall be ’ deemed forfeited, and such names be stricken ofi: and that in all future subscriptions the sum of I vv» Dollars per share shall be paid down at the lime of siib-cribing. Terms of Subscription. No individual shall be permittee to subscribe for more than Fifty Shares. In case of an excess of subscription ‘the shares will be lairly apportioned to each subscriber. The Subscr bers fi’TAVTsG be. n appom ed Com ijfi. missioners for receiving Sub scriptions to the “ Building and In surance Bank of Georgia.” give no tice, that Subscription Books will be opened at the Post-Office on Tues day next, at 10 o’clock, and contin ue opon every day, (Sunday’s excep >ed) until O v last day of June, at which time the Books will be sent to Savannah T-Orders from the country promptly attended to, and receipts sent, by tl]e same conveyance thar brings the order. J M‘Kinae, J, Fraser, R. H Musgrove, A. blaught r, R. J Meigs. fcjT The Mai -dgeville papers vviil insert the above until the la>t June. A, iy 1m —'■ I IM ■ I I . 1 W ■ . Notice. THE Board of Directors of the Savannah River Navigation Compa ny, will proceed on Wednesday,3d June next, to appoint a Secretary, to act as Treasurer; an Agent and an assistant Agent. Candidates can be informed of the duties required, a r mount of salary and security, on ap plication to the President. Mav 23 . tf_ Bank Cheeks for Sale at tide Office. .MW GEORGIA GAZETTE. * • -.y.*V * % , # KTffiiTwaT i' TT f |-J U| j- t . €>NOTICEv—The commit-1 tec e itrusttd with mak-«vg arrange- J for erecting: mi j; ■ORtfßCnih this city, have resolved’,', that no time be lost in-effecting an * object so desirable, and haw empow ered Augustin Slaughter, Esq. to rc p ceive trom the original subscribers , an instalment of tweaty per cent on j the amount of their subscriptions. Whilst the committee acknowledge' with pleasure the liberality of the ( public, they venture to hope* that the attempt will meet such further en couragement as will enable them to erect a building which shall remain for ages a splendid memento of the taste, liberality, and Christian zeal of the inhabitants of Augusta. I K. Tubman, John Tourse, * F. Walker, Samuel Hae, A S aughter, L, ( . C ante on, 1 1. C. Winter. Vfav 13. ts r ' ' ■ ■ I - ■■ ■■ * Female Asylum. THE Treasurer’s acknowledge . ments a» e due to the Directors of the Branch Bank of the state of Georgia, for the appropriation and gift of the . fi.ies imposed, collected and trans -1 fitted by t>»e Cashier to the first Di . lectress, amounting to 67 dollars, , In behalt of the Orphan, the Trca . surer also acknowledges the receipt . if twenty-four dollars, the gift of j twelve Jurymen of- the Mayor’s , Court, being the amount of their fees i at the late term. Beneficence, of , which, t!ie foregoing are examples, t will enable the Society to be more , extensively useful, will at once strengthen hopes of the. zealous, , >i nd encourage the hearts of the timid. I v O 1 'llie u uiiscribers , KT this day entered into Part- UlLnership for the purpose of trans ‘ acting business under the finu of " M ALONE & CAMPBELL, at the \ stand recently occupied by Robert I , Malone & Co. They have at present ( an extensive assortment of British, ’ French, and India Goods, together 5 with a general assortment of Gro* ceries, which they otter on moderate * terms for rash oropproved paper. Robert Malone. Jas. (Jainpbell. ’ May 27 3t Notiue. 1 THE Partnership of the subscri bers in this place under the firm of HDBFRT MAI ONE St CO. is this ; day dissolved by mutual consent.— ' The unsettled business of the conjj ’ cern will be attended to by Malone & Campbell, To whom those indebted are re quested to make payment; and to whom applications are to he made for all demands against the late concern of Robert Malone & Co. R. Malone. James Fraser, for himself ' and Robert Campbell. May 27 gt LINSEED OIL. S 8 Barrels Linseed Oil. With a General Assortment of PAINTS. For Sale by F. W. Masters. May 20 ts MR COLMKSNIL 3J5 RETURNS his grateful tanks the citizens of Augnsta for the liberal encouragement he has re ceived from them (luring the last month, and begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that ie will return in the early part of next fall to re-open hisDaucing Aca demy in this city. May 2Q ts The Subscriber Has Received on Consignment Nrtc-Yoik, eight Trunks con taining 3 doz. each; Curb Bridles of superior quality, also 6 nests well made Trunks, Which he will sell low for Cash, —ALSO I — QUANTITY SADDLERYHARDWARE Os almost (every description. John Giudrat. - - * P . 1 Copyp^mhlp. The Subsed ' Copartnershi p uhderdm firm of Farrington & Etfney. At the stand pccupiecl by J.barring ton, have on hand a complete assort ment of STAPLE AND FJINpF GOODS. Which will be sold by wholesale or retail as lowias they can be procured in this market for cash or good paper, at a liberal credit. John M- Edney, J. Farrington. May 23. ts WOTJCE. I CHARLES HALL & Co have re moved to the Store recently oc cupied by E. H. Hillings, near the Market, and directly opposite A. Bugg & Co. where they will keep a complete assortment of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. May 23 o Edward Quin S'Co HAVE RECEIVED per ship Portia from Bordeaux , 85 barrels Aunoi;«ls 75 cases Claret, Cordial, Olives, Capers, Fruits-in Brandy Sweet Oil and Prunes. * And have also on hand, 20 hhds. Sugar i 10 do Jamaica Rum 60 qr. casks Tcneriffe, Sherry, ami Malaga Wines 4 pipes Holland Giq 50 bar if Is Northern-do. aqd domes tic Brandy j 30 barrels lump Sugar 70 kegs Dupont $ Co’s, doubl* and treble F. Gunpowder 200 boxes Raisins 100 do Segars 20 kegs Northern Butter 20 barrels Train and JLinMad Oil, j -Jaiwwafoga. .... 1 *f , Spring Good's. rr*HE subscribers have just receiv- JL ed by the latest arrivals at Sa vannah from Liverpool, the followin articles; which, with an extensive as - sortment of HARDWARE and CITJ LERY,they offer for sale on moderate terms: 30 casks fine and common Glasswar 75 boxes Crown window Glass, Bb> 10, 10 by 12 and 12 by 16 120 kegs white and red Lead and Spanish Brown 1 Hogshead Marbles 10 cases single & double barrell’d Guns 25 packages Cambricks, Calicoes, fancy Muslins,Ginghams,Checks Shawls and Handkerchiefs 1 bale first quality west of Eng land Cloths and Cassimeres, as sorted qDlprs / 2 bales Bonabazettes 4 hhds. basket Salt 2 cases Pine Apple Cheese Q do. Mustard 41 casks London Porter 12 tons,lron and sheet Lead 1 case best quality Violins also on hawd, 40 bags Coffee 30 bbls. Rye Whiskey 100 dozen Morocco Skins Northern calf Skins Soal Leather, &c. &c. Edward Quin & Co April 1 1 ■ ■■■' ' 'W ' * ” The Subscribers, HAVE just received and are now opening about 300 packages,con taining a very general and choice se lection of Spring Goods, which they offer for sale by the piece pr package, on their usual accomo dating terms.—Their country friends and customers are respectfully invi ted to cadi. ‘ " A William Sims & Co. March 05. „ \ -■ - *l I 1— Just Received, S Razees, for two Horses 2 Carriages 2 Gigs. Which will be sold lo*, for Cash, by B. PICQUET. voa SALE, Bills on N, York. October I ts v- f - . . ■_ ' ■ • 'i* - 9 * t. r\ . a Robert,.Bussell, I. HAS JUST bkChIVMV..( \ndis now ottering for sale at his S tore under the Globe Tavern, On taut and accommodating terms, I 10 hhrts. Jamaica Rum 3 pipes C’ogniac Brandy 10 do Holland Gin SO hhds. N, E. Rum 40 barrels do 30 do Appl£ Brandy 10 do Wliiskey 5 1-3 pipes L. P. Madeira Ifinr 10 1-2 do L. P. Tenerlife Wine 12 quarter casks do 1 10 tjo do Sicily Madeira 6 do Sherry Wine 6 pipes and 20 qua;" er cast.s Mala ga Wine 40 casks London Porter 13 do Edinburgh Ale t oi dials in hhds. and barrola Spirits uud Winns on draft and in bottles 100 kegs Scotch Herrings 400 hampers Scotch Potatoes 30 boxes Fish 10 kegsdoqble idse Irish Butter 30 gioce Bottles “ 12 ®0 barrets A do 5 do and 3 boxes white Havana Sugar 18 barrpls loaf Sugar 30 hags Coffee, 150 boxes Raisin. 100 boxes smoked Herrings 30 casks best Goshen Cheese 1200 lbs, double Gloster English do 6 chestsand 10 quarter boxes Hy son 'Tea 3(1 boxes Chocolate 20 bags Almonds H> kegs 'Tamarinds Alspice, Pepper, Ginger, Mus i taid, ike. &c. Powder, Shot and Lead Iron assorted, Steel assorted. Which, together with his forme' stock, make his assortment the most’ ' omplete of any in the city. January 28 ts Crockery & Glass W are Erwins, Oakman, & Co. ire JV*aip Rumdnm I Vnd will-ci>»tftrirjo to receive ami o pen during the Fall months, attheii stores in J/icou’s brick building, in Jlf‘fntosh street, leading from A. Erwin, Groce,-V Co. cofner store, and in Bridge-sti eet, near the mar ket, in the centre of bridg«-Rang\ No. 6 <Sr 7, An Elegant 'ssortment of CROCKERY AND Glass Ware, — consisting or— CRATES handsomely assorted with Crockery, and boxes am Mercesot Glass Ware, well assorted suitably to the Georgia & V*. ester; markets, which they otter for sale a' i low advance. They are now opening in order to -uit those purchasers who wish to have their goods repacked— Elegant Lusti e & Pear) water Pitch*} era Liverpool Wafer and Milk do Ditto Tea, coffee cups and saucers En’d. cups and saucers of all des criptions and sizes Plates, howls, mugs, pitchers ol different qualities aud sizes. —ALSO— A few sets of elegant burnished j;old China of superior quality, con sisting of a tea, coffee and desert sets. Likewise, lustre china tea sets oi varitus figures—“ The celebrateu Wedgewood’s pearl tea ware, con - sisting of a tea pot, sugar dish and cream ewer.” Silver lustre tea sets, containing the sgme number of pieces as above. Also, Children’s Tea sets, and Toys for children of aildescription a 1 d si zes—all of which they offer for sale at the most reduced prices for cash or town acceptances, fleroruher 17. ts ishaiu 'I iioinpson ND James A. Black, If WE formed a connection in the Auction and Commission Busi■ < m*s in the city of Augusta, under the firm of * THOMPSON and BL\CK—and respeetfully lender j their services to their friends and the public. Isham Thompson, James A. Biack. April 21 if , - -■ *•_ i ■ * ■ *'■ 111 mmnm\ 'T . ■■■- '■ T'. OLD MADEIRA rm sußsmimk* * llavetm Cm rignmeiß Horn M«deif#| a few Half Hi pcs and Quarter t&ffc# superior W 1 N E* : fVJiRRjLYTEI) Fir# lEjAff OLD They will receive orders for any nf the different VV USES of that Island* which will be promptly executed by one of t|ie most respectable House | there. 11. & R. Thomas, Vav 9 iaw£m *» —■—r— : *n% A Great Bargain AT l*ii|V iTE SAL?*; Till the first day .of next mopth, aij Invok'd of Good#) Qfi 1 Blankets, Cloths, Cassiwares Flannels, Swansdowus, iopenets ai>4 Jeans, Marseilles Quiltings, Cotton Cftas|-. ineres Dhnt*ie*« Velvets, Irish Linens . Cotton Shirtings, cotton, and wool? len Hosiery Muslins of all descriptions Silks, Carpeting, Calicoes* Tapes* Rinbons, Ferrets, Nankeens, Glngrti;a*[ \ variety of Handkerchiefs Galloon Binding, Sewing Silks otton and Flaxen Thread, Strait}* lug Web Diapers, Domestic Goods, t;uiu Pistols, AND A VAUipTT Off Iron Mongo ft, FI ARIF UU. iXD rVth# *f% Comprising a general assortment J i.’io.uuTing to upwards ot „(M!V oof. ,us. atlordinga individual, pc a eotrfjiany to hreotyg possessed ul atucjc op betfffp, te, ipa northern market ran afftrn 1— Ihe whole of the GviDltS being flf late importations, and laid in ,at t|]g >est and continental maff* .fits - rw ap|n | inpr-r, miriiTpjv Ifjr iudoiaers either in the c : ty nr c.iip.tJX i credit will he given tid ti*** first pf I a unary next ! or one third; tiH the hpsj f April following for another thj. sh tad till the first of July. (H)9. •-maining third. — Ti e ft**'f}s may j»g xaintned at any time, ttii'l thp sgig > jjl be made cither at ,c; sh ratps ng interest, or at a spe ified advargg. a the credits above mentioned. F asep f‘? Howdre. Hie Miljedgeviile Journal, ashmgtou News, will ir sert thp ■ve until the first of Ju -e and fpp t ard their Recounts so Fr{mr <s Roma re. , May 6 ts VAYCV 5 Retail Cash Store, subscribers having thfc retail business aT the Storg hey now occupy, inform their towi| nd count'y customers, that thev app _<,iening at Mr. John pwanFjs JJnr£ •lore, an extensive and coniplelg assortment of FJLWV ,$• STIFLE GOODS,; Which will be solo very low at yecaj. for cash only. Win. Sims & Co. April 4 t s • * r-vsfa James U uudrunr Co. ARE NOW RECEIVING, Regular Supplies of buitnide Spring Goods, Winch with the whole of their (iejigj rai took of Dry Hoofs and llardtcqre, They are now disposing of on tty# must accommodating terms. jilsu J'ui' Sale, . 30 casks London Ported 4 . .t/arch gl { ~ £>* Mr. John ii r^V* ly aiAhojasetl to transact any fiusip. s# »f mine during tn’y absence., . A. PrummQfitJ* May Td- , - 30 hhds. In me SHrJ# 10 do. do. AiOMWMfy Just Received and for Sfilf by \t his Store ut}der the April 4 ff -'1 A