Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, September 26, 1818, Image 1

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I Augusta Chronicle Georgia Gazette. ■ ■■•.£ —-- ■ ■-f I [VOL. XXXII.] *A t'UttD.VY, SKPTKMHBR M, 18(8. [No. 1657.1 £ ~ - - - j- . -- - • J p THE msVSTA CHROXICLK I BORGIA GAZETTE, "fi mutREO iv An,DUYCKIVCK:&PRARRE. |HrY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY |S» Dollars per annum. Payable in 't Advance. jl have a few -asks superior I BUTTER, ■nd some excellent Goshen C iEK'fi, ir family use, which 1 will ■ if applied for soon. B. H MEIGS. fttenc i-»ever batches. VHK subscriber! have just re |Ked, a new supply of Ladies* «■> Gentlemen’s elegant gold S[ent Lever Watches. | Huntington ?* Burrill. Sitne e g Hi, 11 assume . ia— >» E Kugar & Coffee. WfiO hhds. Sugar, *OO bags Coffee, Br Svt* Inf S Mackenzie ts P«»o«. I (HSwU ■•*■ 1— m*** l >erson9 having busi ■ss with the suuscribers duringtheir ■ Bnporary absence froni the city, All please make application to Mess- A. M-Laus & Holt, who are authori- Ad to acton their behaT. L. L. Lawrence & co. 8 June 13 ts _ I /Shingles. JmA NY quantity of the best Cy- BfV press Shingles may be had oh Application (at the house of Duel, flwatkins) to M Leonidas Watkins. ■ July 22. i ■n i B THE SUUSCHIBKUS I I HAVE JUST RECEIVED. BO Kegs - , Dupont ts co’s. dou y ble and treble K ■GUN POWDER. p t dwal’d Quin & Co. ■ jnly.yl 1- .. . .\ f ■r| >HK subscriber wishes to ire. [I X. Six or Eight good hands to cu I Rood,by the month or cord, to whom I liberal wages will he given. G. B. Marshall I Augusts. -I ■ *■ -I '.iHm ■' ■ l - BACON. i o non lbs of Bx “ I u,uuu con, well Smoked, and inferior to none ev. • brought to this market. ForNale by Richard Mason, Near the . Market .ToU 3 . Just revived and lor rtAie By T- 1.. ELY, Women or Pour et Ponte. By the author of Bertram. September 5 ts MU. COLMK*NIL R RETURNS hi? gratelul toank* to the citizens of Augusta to the liberal encouragement l»c has re ceived from them during the las< month, aud begs leave to inform hi< friends and the public in general, tha' he will return in the early part o next fall to re-open his Dancing Aca demy in this city. May 20 ts TO RENT. AND possession given Ist Octsbe ensuing, the house on the soutt side of Broad street, at present occu pied by Benjamin H. Meigs, Esq. a an auction room.—Also, the uppe story of our brick store, which is wel suited for the comfortable accommo d;.tion of a small family. A goo* garden and necessary out-building are attached to the premises. Morgan & Bradford. August 8 ts *** Mr. William Book* is empowared to act for Geo. H udsoi individually, during his absence froi *he state. June 20. —ls I GROCERIES. i R »“ '•«"! f**— i ogniac i Apple and i BRANDY Peach J Heal Holland and Country GIN •Vhiskey L. P. Teneriffe Wine Prime Sugar and Coffee London Bottled Porter Port Wine bottled Loaf and Lump Sugar Fresh Hyson Tea Best Turpentine Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs and Ginger Plough Moulds Axe Bar and Waggon Tire Iron permaceti andes Real Spanish Segars Powder and Shot otton ards, tfc. 4*c. For sale by Penn Ac Jackson. February 21 ts —i ■ - ,• Darien Rum. 31 Puncheons high fourth proof D VHIEN HUM—for sa eby fi. & G. I. Burroughs April 13. if Bolting (:loths,&c The subscribers hav* just received a large supply of the above article! ALSO A few Double Barrelled Guns, and I Gold Watches of a very superior qual ity. TOWARD QUIN & Co. May 9 ts FJjycr letait Cash Mtore. JjXilE subscribers aaving declined lL the retail business at the Store ey now occupy, inform their town id country customers, that they are •ening at Mr. John ioward’s Brick ;ore, an extensive and complete aortmentof FANCY # STAPLE GOO OH, Thich will be sob. very low at retd r cash only. Wm.' Sims & Co. \ nrU 4 ts & \Tr.. i ARLBSS D Wll. I AMS is appointed Agent ol the su< •ribt-rs, and is fully authorised to re vive all amounts due to the latejcon- of A. Erwin, Groce <§■ Co. aod i every respect settle the accounts of fid firm. John M'Kinne, Widiam Sims, George Hargraves, Barna M*Kinne, Assignees. Augusta, April 25 ts Healthy iluatioii rjIOJIAS HUS ON. from Charlotif (JS C.J * WAS opened a BOARDING i HOUS Ein Jackson county, t Jefferson—Families removing front he low counties, and travellers, may e assured of comfort and convenience f they please to call on him. The Savannah Editors will pleas o insert the above in their repectic" lapers for 12 months, and forward heir accounts to this place for pay nent. April 22 tl Notice. Copartnership heretofore cx -1 istingat the Eagle Tavern,and Sa mnii’a ' Stage Office, under the firm of Chisolm & Shannon, was dissolved this day by mutual con tent; all claims against the concern, tnd all debts due the same, will be settled bv William Chisolm William Chisolm. William Shannon. jfugusta, Jan. 10th, 1818. TO THE CITIZENS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY. *** We are authorized to announce Jabez P. Marshal u can didate for a seat in the Uepresenta live branch of the Legislature, at the ensuing election, September 2. ts To RenC Two UPPER RtsO.HS on Centre Street, near t e .»ridg —Apply to James Jobueou^*. mß^msmamßsmssssssamassmssi | Livery Stables. } subscriber having purchase ■ i. ed the interest of Mr. William I Megar in the Angusta Livery Stables, Respectfully informs the public tha s they arc amply provided with Ca> riages, Horses’, and careful hostler —and that no exertion shall bv wanting to render general satisfac lion. FREEMAN LACY July!. ts NOTICK. lAHE copartnership of Meigs k Hand expired on the firt insl by limitation. Augustus F.Hand is duly authorised to settle the business of the concern. Daniel Meigs, A(i , "»i»mis P Hard. e Police" * ■'• HE copartner^,ip heretofore ex 9 isting between H AvereH o* Charleston, 8. C. and Luke Reed under the firm of Luke Reed, & Co. Augusta, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having demands against the above concern will please present them, and a! persons indebt(d, are earnestly call ed on t. make immediate payment to j Luke Reed, on whom the settlement of the concern devolves. Luke Reed, H. Averell. August 8. 6w ‘ i he Subscriber HAVIN G purenased Mr. Daniel I Meigs’s interest in the, late concorn of Mf.ios A Hand, offers for sale at the stand they occupied, either at wholesale or retail, a very genera! assortment of Dry Goods. Hardware and Groceries, at the most favorable prices, for cash, or on ere (lit, with seen*ity. '.ugustus F. Band. June t? f/ Mr. W ILHAM ViAHSHALL is authorised to act as our uitorne\ during our absence from this state— Those indebted to us will please make oayment to him D- Woodruff, & f.o June 17. St 4* Ini tO Notieo. \ LL persons indebted to the es \ tate of Michael Silbert , dec. ax ■lessred to make immediate payme- Vnd those having any demands, at requested to present them legally a* tested to Mary Silbert, adm’x. A. J. Dill, arlmV. July 11 ts 100 Packages of ; HOES & ROOTS, a ell assorted, md just received, for sale bv Wellington & Hines. September 16. 2wjw For £ale, A sweet toned Piano Forte, A four wheei t ani -ge, ofexcelten. materials, and • uited for a family A Barouche with harness for two Horses. Enquire at the Printers.’ June 3 ts To Dent. Dwelling part of the Brick f House nexf door to McKJN I ZIE, BENNOCH 4* Co. now in ’ the occupation of the Subscriber possession may be had on the firs’ October next, for particular apply on the premises John Taylor. ’ August 1 [ ts f To Rent, AND possession given the Ist of Octobtr next, the Brick Sto/e ’ j lately occupied by A. & J. Kerf, south Broad street. For terms ap i ply to P. H CARNES. August 5. ts Wanted, A FEWJourneymen 'arp enter 1 /jL who know their hasiness; ■ such liberal wages and constant em ployment will b« given by the sub senber at the United States’ Arse nal, near Augusta. A. Fagan. August 26. im notice: (4 GORGE A. JURKNETT wi! t act as my attorney during my absence from the Stab 1 | GEO. ALLEN. June 2»l. ts SBanaaaaaaß'aßssssaaaaßßßß J. WOODROW Co. ffavs Just Reenved. per ships Oton- Ajj mad Jans, from Liverpool, ana per the Eliza and Science f vpm Greenock, A very Kxtenaive & General . ■ snoriment of BBASUNABLE DRY GOODS, AMONG WHICH ARE— jCOTt/H Homespuns, kj Oounterpanes dt Bed Quilts, Mi«e Lio n in half pieces, u«w priced ditto, ''team Loom Suirtings, figured Cambrics, Hi own and white Platillas, A great variety of Lenues and Milli net for Pavillions, •superfine Broad Cloths, Vigonia ditto, Pelisse ditto, Bombatettes, and .legant Canton Crape Shawls. —Ji LS best quality London Porter in bottles Ditto Gun Powder Tea in 2lb. boxes Ditto do. Imperial do. in 7 do. :«orthern Homespuns, and s(f Crates assorted Crockery Ware. June 20. - 1 ts Gregory ts Hardin Having purchased of Mrs. Gregory, her Stock of Fancy Goods, Offer them at wholesale or retail very low. also just bf.ceived, A HANDSOME SELECTION OF Parasols Yellow Nankeens Northern White Homespun 6 hhds. 4 proof Jamaica Rum 30 bbls. N. E. ditto 17 hhds. Whiskey 10 ditto Jamaica Sugar Sbbls. Loaf ditto .15 bags Coffee 20 bbls Mackarol, Anrf a handsome New,Aik made : _ GlO. : ... May 23 ts J. C. Holcombe, |JIVING taken the Ware-House AI lately occupied by Flewellin 6c Dickinson, offe* s his services in the FACTORAGE AND CommisionLine He is naving his Store Houses pu* . 'I complete order for the reception •fall kinds of Produce, Merchandize &c. Ike. and strict attention will u* i-aid to all business entrusted to hi 1 ■ire. Augusta, (Gen. July 8. The Bell Tavern, WeA end of the City of ugust' formerly occupied by Mr, White. ■ MIE subscriber respectfully in B forms his friends and the public in general, that he has leased the a buve commodious and elegant Estab lishment as a House oy Entertain ment for Gentlemen Travellers ami others; and he assures them tha* every attention will be paid towards their comfort, having laid in an as •-•ortment of the best Liquors, &c.— His table will be always plentiful!' •applied with the best the market can afford—His Stables are in excellent irder and with plenty es Provender, and careful Hostler, he hopes to give satisfaction to those who will call. N. B. A few Gentlemen can b<- »cco mm orated with Board by th. Year, Quarter or Month, on mode rate terms the publics obedient servant Samuel Commander. To Rent VT the Market-House in the cit-. of Augusta, on Wednesday tl 1 . 14th day 01 October—That valuaN • : wamp Plantation, about 4 miles be low Augusta known as Samuel Bug*.-, lor one year, commencing from th* Ist January next. V. Walker, One of the 'Trustees. September 16 I*o ~TO RENT For one Year frmm the Ist October ONE Tenement in Cantelm-’- Brick Stores, opposite the City H jtel- Apply to J. W. READ. Sepieaqer 16 ts SAVANNAH RIVER Navigation Company. fcT It 19 suggested to connect with the above company, an Insurance , Office, and to the capital to one Million Dollars. When it ir considered that there is anualiy from fifty to one hundred thousand dollars sent abroad for this purpose, and the obstacles thrown in the way of recov ery from the underwriters—son e ’hing of this kind is a desideratum which has been long wanting. June 27 ts NO 11 E. Augusta, 1 ugust 25,1818. SAVANNAH RIVER N VIG TION t Ofvjp I NY. k N Instalment of 5 per cent on ,/ V the . apital stork of the t.oin pany is required to be paid in to the Treasurer on or before 2d ol November next. / By order of the Board. J. W. L. J'inioums, Sec’iy The, A'dilor of the av.uinah Republican is requested to publish the above until the time expires, and forward Ids account to the com pany ’s Office for payment. NOTICE. Augusta,.August 25, 1818. Savannah River Navigation Company. AT a ii.erting of the Stockhold ers of this Company on J uly 2‘Jd last—lt was Resolved by the mem bers present, That a meeting of the Stockholders is requested to take place at the Globe I avern, in the 1 i ty of Augusta, on Monday the 26th of October 10 oMnck A.M. The meet ing being called for important (purpo ses, punctual attend:! nee is required J. W. L. Simmons, Sec’y. fyr The Editor of the Savannah Republican is requested to publish the above until the expiration of the tiino mentioned, and forward bis ac count to the Company’s Office for payment. Bank State of Georgia, 1 Savannah 21 August, 1818./ Resolved, that twenty pei cent of the Capital Stock of his Bank, be and the same is hereby - tquiied to be paid in, on or before the first Monday in November next ’>y the Stockholders thereof—the same to be paid in specie, or Bills of either of the Banks of Georgia. By Order of the Hoard. Anthony Porter, C'ishier. Note— Stockholders may pay their S2O per share at the Piincinal Bank in Savannah, or at eitner of the Branches in Miltedgeville. Washington and '>ugusta, and obtain a receipt from the Cash ier on the back of their Scrii Certificates for the payment thereof. Planters Bank. i’HE Directors having resolved on calling in the whole amount due on the ('apital Stock; Notice it Hereby Given , That on all Shares, on which Sixty Dollars have been paid in, Twenty Do'iars are required to be paid on or before Tuesday, 15th December next; and the remaining Twenty Dollars, on or before Friday, 12th February, ’gl9. Holders of Shares on which more than Sixty Dollars have been paid, are called upon to pay one half of the amount due on their Stock, on «<r before each of the above mention ed days. Pay ments to be made in specie, or Notes of the Banks of this State. J. MARSHALL, Cashier. Savannah, 13th May, 1818 oeowl2* ON The Augusta Herald, a<.d Chronicle, and Mil ledge ville Journo will publish the above once every tw* weeks until 12th February, 1819 Notice. rHE Copart.ei viip formerly ex isting under rhe firm of \Vo<• I folk and Oearraond, is This Dav Di« s dved by mutual consent,all the nr rttled business of the firm will b 1 (ended to by Wm. P. Dearcor.ii. John Woolfolk. W P. L/earmond August 21 tt Wanted to Mire, }*HREE . r our siout Negroo> I at the U. Stares Arsenal, whom constant employ and libera wages will be given, by JNMEg COLVIN, *or R. Leckie toepteober 10. John 11. Kimbcll And < o. HAVE JUST RECEIVED, •And ar» now offering for Sale, in addition to their former Stork , 7()0 *** e< ? es l ),lme Inverneaa iiagmg, ' ' 2() tons well assorted Iron, lOU barrels Norlbt rn Whisker* S 2 barrels & 24 hhds. N E Rum, 48 lihtls. Muscovado and Jamaica - Sugar, •> 16 qr. Chest Hyson Tea, 50 kegs assorted Cu Nulls, IS casks Trace Chains, Pepper, Spice and (linger, Bur Lead and Shot, They have constantly on , hand a well selected assortment of spihits, suitable to Town and Country cus turners all of which will be so d on moderate terms, for Cash, or good ! own Paper. July 11. IwtO To Rent, tenements on the North M. side of Ellis street, opposite Mr. Sturges’s —Possession will be given on or before the first of October next, —For terms apply to '•*- • John Mullen. Sppitemhe-1 r r Fraser & Ikiuclre OFFER FOll BAI.E, THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES —viar— ;so hhds. Philadelphia Whisky 12 do. Northern Gin 2<) do 4th proof Ru n 4 pipes Cognac Brandv 50 bbls. Philadelphia Whisky 20 boxes 2i dozen each Niedeir* Wine 3 casks Vidonia do. in bodes su perior qualify 150 obis. Shad 100 boxes Soap 300 reams Wrapping Paper 30 bales Domestic Goods 200 pieces Inverness Bagging, supe rior quality 200 ditto Kentucky ditto ditto 20 cases Shoes and Boots 30 Stills. &< &(. assorted sizes 50 crates Crockery AO IrWt*. 'litto assorted 100 Grindstones best qualify 10,000 lbs Iron 20 boxes Imperial Tea, 1 Imports, 20 ditto Gunpowder do J August 29 4w The Copartnership, HERc lOKutlf. existi ig under the firm ofG. B. Marshal and Cu. is this day dissolved bv mut al consent, ai> demands against the concern will lie puid by O. B. Mar shall, and all deb's due to the con > era will be p.»'H »o him >n|y. G. B. Marshall, Haul I /Utn, Nathan Leeds. September 1.1 m Business of Coach Making in (General, will be continued by the Subscriber at the shop occupied by the late firm. G B. Mar-hall. September 2 , m Notice. * SPOUSE persons indebted to Doc J| wr M*Wimrter, will pleaset ‘rone forward and settle their ac counts, as further indulgence cannoc be fpven —He is sorry to be comp. l led in justice to himself to give a no tice of (his kind; but as his own en deavors to obtain what is due to him have oe n exlre.. ely unavailing, he is obl'g’* to have recourse to the assis fance of others, who may probably jc more sue cessful. If satisfactory ar. t.ingements are not made within a month from (his time, all account* and notes due him will br i.ja <>,| without exception in the hands of ii.e oroper officers, J. G. M*Whorfer. September 5 ,f Til lip li L . Four ton Range, • > the pu-ohase of Produce; and a- a ( ofton vVare-llouse will be erected immediately in ihe rear, will render rlu-m very comenient Possessi >n nmy be had on the Ist November— For particulars enrini e of - Taylor. Augas* 2d t; lo Bent, ~ "I'HK WaRF ! iI|L'SK -.t.lroc ■ cuiued by F. l ljpd*.. Wp-1 j John & Tap*. A. Bones. Scpiunbe, 23, * - v