Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, March 28, 1820, Image 4

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• Notice. VTTTLL "be sold «t the court house, V v Wayncsboroiigh, Burke couiity on the Ist Tuesday in May next One negro woman nam ed Nan, belonging to the estate of David Bcdingficld, dec. sold for the benefit of heirs and creditors of said dec.—Terms rush. Elizabeth 6? diogiidd, a’x. I* 8 The above property was sold on tJie first Tuesday in February last, and the purchaser failing to comply with the terms of sale, will be re-sold at his risque on the above day. K. Bcdingfield, ad’inx. march 17 —tds Notice. THE Subscriber contemplating to re move to the. Western Country in a few weeks, feels desirous to sell off the balance of bis stock on Wand, consisting only of genuine groceries, which art laid iu »t the most reduced prices (being bought for cash only) and immediate pos session of the store and house given—any fic-rson who feels disposed to purchase the >kc coaceni, will do well to ckl) previous to the first of April, The stand cannot be surpassed by any other situation iu the City for busuiisi. * . . John Grnce. Next door to Mr. John Rash in’s Store, and th« fifth door from thcMwkct corner, Augusta, March 14 Ita Dissolution. THE firtn of LANE fc TURPIN, (at Mobile,) was dissolved hy mutual con sen tyi the 15th January last February 12 , m3ro To Let. » A dwelling House lately occupied hy David McKinney. For terms apply to the s .bscfiber, or Edward J. Hardin. Jeremiah Darby. Fob. 19 _ Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Smith Jones, dec. are requested to milk*- immediate payment —and all those who have di mululs against the said estate will please present their accounts ugully authenticated lor settlement. Robert Jones, } . , Khess IWick. 8 March 31. " w6t ' Fire Engines. WM. C.HUNNKMAN, INFORMS the public, that he continues to Mamifacture his PATENT FIRE ENGINES, aixT has pnade and sold sixty cue of them, via ; Clothe town of Bos- 1 do Pittsfield, ton, 1 do Pawtucket, hi. 1 do Nantucket, I do Troy, 2 do Until, 1 do Frigate United 2 do Newbury, States, 1 do Ipswich, 1 do Chesapeake, 3do Marblehead, Ido Macedonian, 4 do Lynn, I do Independence 1 do Arundel, 74, 1 do Reading, 1 do Washington 74 1 do Newton, I do Navy Yard, at 1 do Brunswick, Portsmouth ku Ido Topsham, Ido do Charles 1 do Eastporf, town, 1 do Aimsbuiy 1 do Worcester, 3 do Portland, 1 do Gardiner, 1 do Port Irdepen 1 do Bridgewater, deuce, 3 do ttoxbury, Ido Petersburg,Va Ido Salem, Ido Amherst,N. H. Ido Cincinnati, O. 1 do Windsor, Vt. 2do Augusta, Geo. JL do Montpelier, Vt J do Savannah, Geo. do Hallowell, .‘1 do Washington, 1 do Gloucester, 1 do West Point, 1 do Cotton Facto- 2 do Concord, N.H. ry, Waltham, Ido Malden. .1 do Northampton, One of these Engines was tried In this tbwn with another F.i gine belonging to the town ; —the Patent Engine, with 2 live irtch chambers, threw 70 gallons of water 133 feet in 28 seconds; the one belonging to the town, and selected for the purpose, with 2 six-inch chambers, was 43 seconds throwing the same quantity ut water 110 -icet. We, the Subscribers, Firowards of the tow n of Boston, attended at the trial of one Win. C. Houseman's Fjiix Es lines, and do certify the above statement to be correct. JONA. LOR.NG, JOS. AUSTIN, TURNER PHILLIPS, JOS.COVERING JOHN MACKAY. Carders for the PATENT FIRE ENGINE, addressed to WM. C. lIUNNE MAN, No. 31 Union-street, Boston, or his 3%iulaciory in Koxbury, will be executed in the best manner. March 11. infim For Sale, or to Rent For the ensuing season, Or by the lear. ONE of the most desirable and healthy summer residences on the Sand-Hills, containing a convenient and well finished Dwelling House, office Rooms, a Pantry, Kitchen, Carriage House and Stable, kc. &c. With a good Garden, all well encW od. Also fop Sales vacant audendosed lot of one acre adjoining the above premises, for further particulars apply at this office. Feb. 26 w6w Notice. ALT. persons who purchased Lots in, the town of Brunswick in May last, at the Extra Tax Collector’s Sale are re- } nested to came forward on or before the st day of April next and pav for them, and receive their Titles, or the said Lots will be advertised for sale on account of the former purchaser. I. Abrahams .t c. CHf Ttic Editors of the Augusta and WlwdgoviUe Papers are requested to pub. Bwi the above once a week for six weeks, •aft forward their accounts to tills office Ibr payment. Brunswick, February IS Blanks^ For sale at this office. t - • 01AHV& TAYEIBX. T I HE subscribers have taken for a num ber of years, a lease of thjf well known ami commodious establishment. Situated in life very centre of the city. It oflV.u a pe tailiur advantages both to regular and tran sient boarders From the long experience they have had in their line of business, they flatter themselves to be able to render their house for private and public accom modation, inferior to none in the Southern States. Their TABLE will be furnished with the boat provisions the market can afford, and their lUu with the choicest l iquors. Particular attention will he paid to cleanliness in their rooms and bedding; and they pledge themselves that indecent or indecorous behaviour of any kind will never be tolerated in their house. Their Stnhles arc furnished with the ocst of provender, and with faithful and at tentivc hostlers. As the proprietors con template to make the GLOBE a permanent establishment, under their particular su perintciidance, they only solicit from their friends and the public generally, that par don of patronage which their attention to business and to the comfort of their cus tomers may entitle them to. \V»lliam G. Grimes, William Shannon. September 10. if , Notice. i /ft I.!, persosns indebted to the estate of Joseph Ford, late of Warren county, dec. are requested to make payment without delay, ind all to whom the estate is indebt ed to vender in their accounts properly attested within siz months from the date hereof. W. W. Ford, adm'r Dec. 13 Georgia, Warren County* Clerk* office nf the Court of Ordinary. WUKKEAB Holly Berry, Walker and Amos Person, have applied for let. ters of disrmssory on the estate of Joel Walker, deceased. These are therefore to cite & admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said dec. to he and appear at my office within the time proscribed hy law, to shew cause (ifany they have) why said letters of dismissury should nut he granted. Given under my hand at office thisfit day of March, 1820. Jno. Torrence, c.c.o.w.c. march 9—rafiin For Sale, liTJHAT value, •. corner lot, adjoining iJL the suhsenoer s dwelling on Hey mild street, anti Call’s alley', with a com pietc dwe ling house and out-houses, con tainmg 66 feet in front and one hundred and twenty feet in depth. It is situated in an agreeable neighborhood, and believ ed very healthy.—Also, one hundred and fifty acres of land lying upon the Wash ington road, seven miles from this city mostly timbered with pine of an exeellen growth. This lot of land joins the sub scribcr’s summer seat. For particular enquire of Isaac La Roche, A Co broad street, upper end. Isaac La Rorlie. January 13. • wtf > Notice. HE Academy at Edgefield Court house has been lately recommenced underthe di rection of Mr. McClintic a gentleman of liberal education, and whs has taught in similar institutions for the last six or sev en years Boarding can be obtained in genteel fa milies for §IOO per annum, and terms of tuition are as moderate us in other Academies in the back country. From the high testimonials of character and competency which the politeness of Mr. McClentic has submitted to the Trustees, they can but flatter themselves with the expectation, that this Institution under his management will regain its former char acler, and realize the best wishes of its supporters. Feb 26. w3w COMFORT OA' MOD Eh ATK TERMS. WALTER A. APPLING, would ap prise his friends and the public, hat he has opened a HOUSE of entertainment, at Columbia Court House. Inspired with a wish to be useful in his day and gen. r atien, he will endeavour always to spread plentiful and savoury Table ‘for (he lum g-ty, and supply soft and sw'eet Bed* for the wear)’. His Stables ample and well supplied, will be an object of his special care; and if his utmost exertions cap e.f. • n ct aught of the kind, the wings of Peace ehjl* n ‘ Bt '’P on his dwelling and its inmates, d Content reign throughout his apart n, ents. i Columbia Feb. J 5 3m Fity Tax Collector’* Sale. WILL be sold at the Market House, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in April, one Negro Woman named Jeiinv, evied upon as the property of John Miller, to satisfy his road and well tax, and the road and well tax of Miller and Stsuten burg, for the ysar 1818. A. Bugg, c.t.c. March 4 wtd> • # Livery Stables. fHE Sdb.cribcr.tnfiirnHthe pulilicthnl his large and commodious Stables on the corner of Jackson and Green streets, are now ready for tiip reception of Horses. From his long experience in this line of business, he Halters himself of being 1 able to give full satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. He will be prepared at all times, to fhrnisli Horses ami Carriages, by the day, or longer. — Horses Knir.ked, Trimmed and Broke to Harness, at the shortest notice and best manner- He will only add, that heunvile* the public to call and see his complete es tablishment and then bestow on him that patronage winch they really think him en titled to. He requests all those persons who may call, not to give »ny money to ervams. William M‘Gar. Dec. 13 Mrs. N. Thompson having removed to the house of Joseph Hutchinson, Esq. (formerly the residency of Col. Erwin) two doors below the mar ket house, on the South side of Broad Street, would be willing to icceive a tew additional boarders—and as bet house is large and convenient, she trusts she shall | be enabled to furnish genteel travellers with satisfactory accommodations. And for horses she is provided with excellent ‘ stables and a good hostler. September 27 Administratrix Sale. ILL be sold at Wayncshorough, Burke county, on the first Tuesday in April next. 330 acres of Land, more or less, lying on the waters of Mcßeen, be tween thirty and forty acres of the Land cleared, with a mill seat on it adjoining Lands of John Fryer and others, being all the real estate of George Weathers, dec. late of Burke countv, and sold for the ben efit of the heirs and creditors, conditions made known on the day of sale. * Mary Weathers, adnmx. jan. 16 tds Land for Male. 1 T ■ J. HE subscriber offers for sale, one ' thousand acres first quality pine land, in Scriven county, Rocky creek, on which 1 there are three saw mills, rims through this 5 nody of land. It is within a mile and a ‘ quarter of Crawford’s mill creek, on which rafts may be easily taken to the Savannah * river This land whichis well timbered ami lies on each side of the road leading from Augusta to Savannah called the River Uou.l, is offered for the sum of three thou , sand five hundred dollars, at a credit of one and two years, with interest from the time of sale. Persons desirous to avail • Ihemsehes of this off er which is thought • o be a very advantageous one, are reques ted to apply to W. W. Holt esq. in Au gusta, or to Mr. John Green, or the rev. John Crawford of Scriven county, who resides near the land. , Thos. G. Walker. Jan 20 To Rent, hntil the first of October next. Desirable Store and comfortable dwelling House, situated on Broad Street, with large back Stores, a dor bit Kitchen, Stable, Carriage Tlonse, &.c. com plete, well calculated for a small family. Application to be made at this office. February 3 Notice. I 1 il- HR undersigned Committee huye been appointed by the City Council to receive ''ROPO3ALS for placing MPlntosh street continued, in good travelling order from Velfair street to its intersection with the Savannah Kond. The above work is to he completed within three months Persons disposed tollHfeict for the same willap ply to thelNHatlcc for further particu lars. . r Win. Gumming, A. Waterman, Committee. Feh. 1 For Rent. UNTIL the first of October next, the Brick Tenement and Lot, recently occupied by Fendell & Galpliin, for terms apply to Kerrs Si Graham, or to M. Galpliin, March 9 1 Strayed r*OM D. Meigs’ Stable on the Sand- Hills, ten day* since, a sorrel Mare, six years old, 14J hands high, well formed for service and remarkably good conditioned, having 4 white feet, and a white face. She was brought from Edgefield district to Au gusta, not long since. A liberal reward will be paid for the restoration of said Mare. Feb 19 ts The Subscriber VSfILL attend the Courts of the Middle v ? Circuit, for the purpose of settling the accounts due the. late firm of Kean. Duyckink, and Peacre, the accounts due himself, and all others in which he may be interested us agent, administrator, or any otherwise, and earnestly hopes all inter cslcd will attend prepared to settle either by payment or due bill. George W, S. Pearre. Feb. 26 blanks, " For sale at this office. COLUMBIA j THE Columbia Academy, distant from tl the county Court House 6 miles on the Washington road, occupies a pleasant sit uation, and for the purity of the water and ° healthfulnois of the air, can be excelled by no institution in the county. This literary institution, recently es- ’ tablished and conducted under the super- ' intcndence of Mr. E. 11. Burritt, has late ly received J|rge improvements and ad ditional -biuumTgs, suited to the conveni ence of several teachers, and will be open on the first of the ensuing year for the ; admission of pupils /in every branch of t English and Classical Education. Board- j ingcanfae had on terms as reasinab'e as ( at any similar institution In the state, where j the most vigilant and scrupulous regard , will be had to decency of manners and refinement of morals. The principal branches taught in this school are the Languages, Natural and Moral Philosophy, Chemistry, Materia Medics, Elementary and Practical Astro nomy, Pure and Mixed Mathematics, Al gebra, Navigation, Surveying, &.c. &c.— 1 Khetoricb, Belles Lettres, Use of the Globes, Geography and Geographical Pro- 1 jections of Maps, Arithmetic, English Grammar, Reading, Writing, he. Etc. The Institution will be conducted under the management of E. Hinsdale Burritt, Esquire, and Doctor Silas Machain from New England. From the talents and es tablished reputation of these gentlemen in teaching, the Trustees feel confident in assuring the public, that the different branches of English and Classical Educa tion may be acquired at this Academy with as great facility and expedition as at any similar institution in the state William Magruder, John Watson, Zacb. Williams. TRUSTEES. Dec. 22 m3m The Editor of the Savannah Republican is requested to insert the above once a month for .3 months, and forward his ac ounttn this Office for payment. Sheriff's Sale. Will be sold at tbe Court House in Warrenton, on the first Tuesday in April next, between Hie hours «d sale. One black Mare and one Bay Horse, two Cows and Calves, one yearling, levied on as the prt.per.ty of Basdel Wright, to satisfy an execution in favor of Rebecca Posey, admx. of S. Posey and others. A: Rogers, Sbff. w. c. March 2 Wanted To hire for ihe present year, Three or four boys, from 14 to 16 years of age, to work on a Plantation in the vi cinity of this place.—Apply at this office. February 3 ts ■' : r—■ - ■ - Notice. .I?ERSONS indebted to the estate of George Pearson, dec’d. are informed that they will have an opportunity of making payment to the subscriber until the first pay of April next,after that time their notes and accounts will be placed in the hands of an Attorney for collection. JOHN H. MANN, acting adinn’r. Febmurr 12. • tla Sheriff's Sale. -VCnLL be sold the first Tuesday in ▼ ▼ April next, at the Court House in Jacksonlmro, Scriven County', between set. usual hours of ten and three o’clock. 100 acres of Land, more or less, lying in the County of Scriven, also one Saw-Miil, taken as the property of Thomas Green, to satisfy sundry Execu tions >n favor of Wm. Me Giu'nis and Fel ton Kemp, against the said Thomas Green and Stephen Knight, levied and returned to me by a Constable. Also 200 acres of Land, more or less, lying in the County of Scri ven, adjoining John Hodge and others, ta ken as the 'property of Daniel Daly, to atisfy a balance due on an Execution in vvor of Samuel I, Bryan. Also 4450 acres of Land, lying in the County of Scriven, adjoining lands o( Hezekiah Anderson, Thomas Gib bons and others, taken as the property of James Platt, to satisfy an Execution on Mortgage, in favor of Jamee Dunwoody— Also, 600 acres of Land, more or less, lying in the County of Scri ven, adjoining lands of Robert M. William son, seu. & it. Heinngton, Sen. taken as the property of J. Nicholson, admr, of Ridley', lo satisfy an Execution in favor of James Roberts, guardian of the heirs of Ridley, deceased. S. Kemp, d. s. s. c. Scriven County', March 2nd, 1820. Sheriff's Sale. ’IITILL be sold on the first Tuesday in ? ▼ April next at the Court House in Columbia county One Negro Girl by the l name of Lint?, to satisfy sundry executions, Nelson M. Benton and others vs. Nathaniel Pearre. also One Negro Girl by the namt of Hannah, to satisfy sundry execu tions, Juriah Harris vs. Andrew McClane, all levied on and returned to me by a cons table. also 425 acres of Land on tbe < Miffedgeville road, adjoining Sampler and Shackelford to satisfy an execution* Jes- 1 se Cawthon vs. Jesse Oliutt. 1 also. I S4O acres of Land more ; or less, on the Uehe waters, adjoin- i ing Walker and Magruder, and 300 acres i pine Land, on the waters of the Uche also, 1 adjoining Pricket and ethers, to satisfy j three executions two in favor of John T. : Allen vs. Robert Bowdrc, and one io favor of John Foster vs. Robert Bowdrc. , W. Wilkins, t. c. e. Feh.39 ttft Removal. . • . » David McKINNEY, respectfully in forms bis friends and customers in general that he has removed his establishment cl sAuvhmr, &c. &c. on the south side Broad-street, opposite die Planters Hotel, where he continues to keep an assortment in liis hue; and the old stand is still kept, supplied by him with the same articles. He Jso'offers for sale at a low price 2 light 4? wheel Carriage with a fall Top, upon a new construction. P S- He respectfully solicits all those indebted to him. by Notes or open accounts to come forward ami settle the same, trust ing- that the indulgence which he has gen-, erally allowed to ail, will not fail to impiess his debtors with a willingness to fulfil then contracts. Teh. 29 2wtf tjftainU/icj. SERA, respectfully tenders Ids services to the Ladies and Gentlemen o! j Augusta, as Portrait Painter, during his short stay in this place. ‘Application can be .made to Mr. A. Brux who will give an idea of hie talents. Terms will be mod erate. Feb-tiarv 15 rs \ Broke (be Jail, dN Waynesfcf>pi»njti, Burke Comity,, on tin- Bth inst. three prisoners, viz, Peter Perry, about 25 or So years old, about 5 feel d or 7 inches high, has :» fair skin, and rather a sus;«- cious countenance, but quite volatile—was, committed for Burglary and Felony. ALSO Toney, a negro man, 30 or 36 years old, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, said he runaway from John Gerald or Filgerald, of Charleston, South Caroli na. ALSO ' ’ Pliilis, a negro woman, about 50 j cars old, 5 feet 4or 5 inches high, said she belongs to Harris Horn, of Jones county, Georgia. I will give a reward of 50 dollars for the above prisoners. delivered to me at Wayneibnr.mgh, or 30 dollars for Perry, and tell dollars each for the ne groes. Wilson Nayey, s. b. c. march 14.—w2w 30 dolls. Reward. RjANAWAY, fiom the subscriber, on Wednesday night last, a tall mulatto girl, named AMY, about 25 or 30 years us ago— her upper fcrc teeth out, no other distin guishing mark recollected. She lived in Augusta for some years past, and was for merly the property of Mark D. Chirk. Tire above reward, with all reasonable expenses, will be paid, at this office, for securing the said negro in any jail, so that I get her again. John A. Williams. February 5 2aw4wp Sheriffs Sale be sold on the first Tueay hr April next, at the Court House in the town of Waynesborough, Burke county, between the usual hours of sale. One negro boy, named JIM, levied on as tne property of Andrew vFulwood (v» the foreclosure oftwo mortga ges in favor of Felix J. Burns, ALSO Three Tracts of Land, viz. 375 acres adjoining Sapp & Hannah, 283 1-3 adjoining Copq 5c Warnock, and 100 acres adjoining Cope and others, levi edon as the property of James H. Bryan and Frederick Bryan to satisfy sundry ex ecutions, issued from a magistrate’s court, in favor of Daniel Thompson, guardian ror Nicliodemus Thompson, returned by Asa Royal, constable. ALSO 100 acres of Land, (more or less) levied on as the property of William Bell, to satisfy sundry executions, issued from a magistrates Court, in favor of Taft 8c Fisher and others, ahd returned to me by William Wallace, constable. ALSO 400 acres of Land (more or less) adjoining Mallory & Doyle, levied on as the property of Rhhard Foster to satisfy sundry execution in favor of tlurad ministrations of W. C. Lawrence and oth ers, against R. Foster and George Foster, pointed out by R. Foster. ' Wilson Kavcy, s.b.c, Burke county-, March 1 wtds Samwe\ A. Hailey, Attorney and Counsellor at Late , HAS opened an Office on Washington Street, one door above that of W. W. Holt, Esq.—Besides the several courts held in this city, he will attend the«upe rior Courts in the counties of Burke, Co lumbia, Warren and Hancock. Augusta, March 14, 1820.—2aw&w3tp Georgia, Warren County. Clerks office of the Court of Ordinary. WHEREAS Rachel Persons and Tho mas Persons, administrators of the estate ofJosiali Persons, late of said Countv deceased. And whereas Zadock Bass, administrator of the estate of Batson Bass, late of said County, dec. have each applied by their petitions, for letters disnnssory from their said respective administiations; these are therefore to notify ail persons concerned, to enter their objections against the pray ers of the said Petitioners (if any thev have) in this office within the time pre scribed by law; Otherwise letters of dis mission n il] issue accordingly. Given under my hand at Office, this 6th day of March, 1820. Jno. Torrence, c. w.c.c.o. narotft-. Sm Eagle Tavern. I *■» ' > */ And Savannah Stage OJicti . rjTUIE subscribers having purchased tl® 1 interest <-i ('apt. Wn. Chisolm in tb® large mnl communions establishment wLiq| has recently undergone consiaeiabltj m® provemehTs, tender their services unlit® friends and to the public generally ® though In a cenu al part the Ci'ty,t® Eagle Tarcrn is pleasantly situated ;® retired, and within the Immed!;® vicinity of business. In the managenu® and arrangement of their hoi: se, a stf® and particular regard will be always pi® to the comfort -.u.d quiet of their custo® era. The slightest breach of decorum c® not be tolerateil within their doors. The® Table will he furnished with the best p® visions the market affords, and tfacirl® with the choicest liquors of every d-scri® lion. In their rooms and bedding ac® staut attention to neatness and cleanlir.t® will be observed. 9 Their Stables are well supplied w® provindcr, and attended by active a® faithful hostlers. And they hope theirs® ertions to please will be such as to them to a liberal share of public custci® Jesse Whipple® D. S. Boothe. ® March 2 ® JkvieVrs & Silver Wan® AMONG WHICH ABE- I 1 T I ’ iiADTES’ Elegant Gold Patent be® Watches, with latest fashion lie® Chains, Keys and Hands, ® Gentlemen’s Gold and Siver ditto, I Fine Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, ■ First Rate Capt and Jewelled Hunt® Watches, A variety of Capt, Jewelled and otherge® r qualities of common English VVatd® Beads, ® 1 A variety of Ear Rings, Finger Riri® > Breast Pins, Bead Lockets, Bncck® Scissor Chains, Btc. &c. ® * Musical Boxes; ® 1 -Steel Chains, Keys and Seals, ■ Gilt do. do. do. M ■ Silver Spoons, Ladles and Sugar Too® manufactured here by me, of usp®| ; silver as silver dollars Whml® 1 quested, and bespoken, the silver®! be refined as fine as any can is, to the specific gravity of 11-a|® water being unit—and spoons, made thereof. a Clocks and Watches® Os every description Repaired and Regfl® i lated with the greatest care, ; the completest manner possible, : pecially when particularly requei®! to do so, and warranted for a yeuj® I go well. ® r Watch Crystals ■ 1 Os every description, consisting of Glasses, which are suitable tor the ®| quality ofGold Patent Lever W:itcl®| j Patent, thick &. strong double flint Flat, common and Hunting w atch .®| | glasses, Fine hand dials for seconds, and a van®| t of other watch dials, Fine gold watch hands, and a patterns of other gold hands j® [ Fine swelled steel hands, suitable quality of gold I,evers, J® And a variety of other qualities & arti®|| <bfc. &c. J® John Guimann, M j i North side of Broad-Street, about I yards distance from the Marker-b r ® and not as tar off from it ai the i®|| Hotel is. r.VEBY DESCHIPTIOX OF UllYgß, Tiiukets, ■ or oilier arlielcs in my line, MENff£®B the shortest notice. February 29: v6w HOUSE OF U EN’TTAVi'AIXMEb® Four doom be'n-.j the Market, J\'orlh ®B Broad street, Augusta. TIIE subscriber, taking into tson the scarcity of money and the bilily of provisions being lower, to the understated prices for will spare no pains to render to those who may favor him custom; h.e also returns his humble ,u3 ®P to the public for their liberal P at .^ n ®|| hithfcrto bestow ed on him, and will thankful lor the continuance of then ®g erality. o^® Man and horse per day e» “ Man without horse per day ' *®j| without man per day * ; ®B Single meal for man Single feed for horse Lodging v Uotud by the qr. with Longing ‘ ® without lodging Horse per month ,^® 1 also keep a Waggon Yard. »»■; keep a constant suppTv of f1,,, ' 5e ‘ sions on hand for Waggoners as iw" -‘®® Market will afford. Woodson ligo r - : ■ 4. l^-®5 Administrator’s H W ILL be sold at the house oft scriber in Columbia county, on i 14th of April next, all the per? ®B perty of Marga Vet Davis, dec. ®V JohnDavb.*; 11 ® March 2. I®