Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, June 22, 1820, Image 1

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I Augusta ClmmiMc 4 ©eorgidfeazette. ■ [VOL. XXXIV.] THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE S 3, isso. "[N«. 188?.] HH| THE ■uuTf t$ GayMc -3P j |B ,s pvoitsnnr Z? >■£s*}■;} Hf, THURSDAY h SA'ITTKD.V H MOBm^raa, m. i K ,’nu. Laws of the UnitrAStates, K IX IIOIIA'IIW Pin AN-VCM, W IK ADVANCE. ■AUGUSTA ROCKERY A.YD taab^ss /ARB STORK inscribe! - is now receiving and (Ins', and will continue to recrivt e Fall and Winter mopths. at his licou’s Brick Building, near the e in M’lntosh street, leading fron. va rt & Hargrave's CORNER STOjtE, 'E7IAL assortment Of' ROCKERY uv-s-A t’VAvxo, Way, ft, -CONSISTING OF—— stiandsDincly assorted \lh Crockery, and s oli OVasa Ware, , 'd to suit the Georgia h Wes stl vhich he offers for sale at a ts » ' ♦is now opening in order' e 1 . ’(* who have. sr» purely Is repact— • Printed £<JTevpool Ware--Also, M Cups A* Saucers, very description anA 51 *£• , Howls, Mugv? aria Pitchers, (Terent qualities and sizes. i ALSO— .1 .? fro set of Elegant t lish’d Gold' China, • iperior quality—consisting 1 of | iXoiicc h Desert Set ! 7 * \ Complete—Likewise re China Tea Sets, J is figires, neatly put up in bos f which he oilers for sale at the J icnl price* far cash, or approved eplanccs. j William H. Oakman. ' r 25. 12k c ' , a B.—The subscriber requests those who are indebted ( e fins of Erwins, Oakman, & Co. ( brward and settle their accounts ( , (who alone is authorized to set btisiiu ss) as further indulgence granted. . j Viluam 11. Oakman. . ber 26. 12m _ STORAGE AND mssum Wusme^s. uhscrlbeps have taken the War*> iteiy occupied by Henry Shultz, the Wharf, which is now in corn ier fur the reception of Cotton chandizu. Mackenzie & Ponce. rr 27.' ts NOTICE. I’rrsm-, having demands against Re of stainbavk Wilson deceased, Kited to render them in, duly at aus. And tiiose persona who are uto saul F. it ate, arc requested to sward an 1 settle the same with- Cosby Dickinson, Juines A. Black, AIKHLVIS rit.’lTOUS. 711 ts I’AKW MvIICD, Indebted to Uic estate of the and Catharine Eagan, dec. <c payment to the subscriber with ’> “iid those having demands a "‘ill present ilrcm tor settlement. Robert Dckie, Adinr. Arsenal, May 20. UIT.I*FANN I J 0 rFUI.’.V informs the citizens m* and its vicinity, that he has : fatliis place, and intends prac I the (ufTereui branches of his w * Oc may be f md at his rest-, rSl 'op, both in Washington street, n ' r ' 'a’cst of Broad, street. V 4, bOil JSALri. n ’O3OME !l UtorCIIE. calculat ■'i.'u-r one or two horses, I “ddat a reduced price for •i»h to r ■ Ibompgou l' } Clack. I BLANKET this Office. Just Received, best white wine- Vinegar ‘25 quality of Green Coffee 6 hiids. prime Jamaica Sugar ' ‘ ‘ . ALSO 40 casks best London particular Tene ’ de Wine. .With their former assortment they now uer for - sale low, for cash. ■ Tardy § Son. March 14 TOR SALPk VFOUU wheeled Coachee, excellent ly made and of the very best mated t»i with handsome plated harness. , Terms ill be moderate. Apply at this ollice May 18. ts VAVT U VtT AV.V.MVi.Vi Four doors below l,\e Afarkct,North side Jiroad street, Augusta. T „ A HE subscriber, taking into considera tion the scarcity ofmoney and the proba bility of provisions being lower, has fallen to the understa'ed .pricesfor boarding, and will spare no pains Jto render satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom; he also returns his humble thanks to the public for their liberal patron up hitherto IwtoircJ" mi tlltn, aifcl. Will feel thankful for.the continuance of their lib erality.. Man and horse per day g'2 25 Man without horse per day 1 25 Horse without man per day" 1 Single meal for man 50 Single feed for horse SO Lodging 25 Board by tiie qr. with Lodging 70 without lodging 6,5 Hors.: per month 35 I also keep a Waggon Yard, and wilt keep a constant supply of Horse Provi- 1 sions on hand i'ev Waggoners as low as the Market will afTo.”d. fVi'odson Ligou. . August 4. wtf . 1 11. 1 11 \ *’ ~ ” ' ' To Gubhiftt rv Jt HE subscribershave the vy-tisiactinn to inforTt all persons engaged in , the above Ji ie, tli'M they have just put inV opera tion, in U'i'C f ; ity of Charleston, thch S AW MILL, the only one at present it, the Southern States) erected for the sole a r > pose of Sawing Mahogany into Vapeet. ‘ ing, &.C. From the samples produced of its cut. ling, and inspection of the Machinery, it has been pronounced by the most com petent, judges. to bo **—>• ui.^. Northern States. They now offer to supply such persons as may favor them with tlieir custom, with any quantity & quality of Mahogany boards or Veneering, agreeable to order and at th shortest notice. Having supplied themselves with nlarge and choice assortment of the above Wood, they will be able to supply their custom evs on as low, and perhaps lower terms than thev'fever had'before. All orders from abroad, directed to the subscribers, post paid, and With due refer ence to some person 1 in this place, will meet wiljl the strictest attention, by Joim Eglcston, Os B. S Ridgeway. Charleston, S. C- March 11. The Editors of the following pajvers will publish the foregoing advertisement once a week for lliree months, and forward their hills to the olHce of tlie Cliarlcslon City Gazette —viz: Intelligencer, Peters burg, Virginia; Cape Fear Recorder, Wilmington, N. C.; Centincl, Neivbcrn yj. C. Observer, Fayetteville, N, C-: Iff gister, Raleigh, N. c'; Chronicle and He rald, Augusta, Georgia i Itepublicsn, Mu seum, and Georgian, Savannah, Georgia LaklocUft t*s Watson, CON'ilM E THE Factorage & Commission BUSINESS IVSAVANNAH, Where all orders will be promptly attend cd to. July 7 1 f Paper Hanging. MR. COGIILAX, (I ;itely from New-York ) Most respecfnliy informs zons of Ai;gu» a ami its vicinity', ti;, Re intends commcue.eing the aliove bnsineisin all iis various branches; and he flatters himself from the long experi ence he has had in the prosecution of that art, that these who may need Ids services, be will most assuredly give general sati.s fac'ion. As employment is Ins principle consideration at present, be wishes to make known that his charges will be as it could be possibly done in a .-.y of the Northern States, and in a sty le equal, if not superior to any undertaken in thu city heretofore. —Those who wish to have their Houses papered utter the neatest manner, will please call at the Store of Messrs. Mumford ft Mudaley's, next door to Mr. David Ralston llrioge. row, where he can be seen, and all orders left .shall be gratefully received and punc tually attended to, iwiv 21. 1 Ad mm is Iru tor's hale. W> H.L be sol I at Goshen, in Line ■ > cuanty, on Saturday the fifteenth July next; ihc penonal property of Joseph Russell, laie, of said county, dec. consist ing of b uegio wonem amt sundry other property. Terms of sale made known on 1 fie day. Joliu MeDoweHj ndm'r. May SO, f , • ‘ , ' * ' 1 PROPOSALS, Uy Wwft 6j| B»obxt\«an, » f ' or Pnhl'ihiag tft Crsenslioraugh, ('Gea.J A SKwspiafcß, ro ns EKtintD The Selector . j T-niF. ptthli s' ecs promise liltle more .ban, that nppnlnt of typographical execu don St useful matter tlie SELECTOR shall compare with any paper now'published it the state. The object will be to present stich :\ cnAper.dium of religious and political affairs,as to afford a satiMac s »>ry knowledge <d the church and state and to exhibit the state of religion in tv ery part of the world, as far as it can be ascertained. The SELECTOR will con . tain considerable original matter, wit! choice selections on tlie most importiin principles of-the Christian religion. il part will also be devVed to the exhlbi tion of llje nalfad facts, ami convincing reasons, whirls announce to parents th< j boundless good that will result from early . and confirmed habits of morality and reli j 1 ffibn in children {'together with the ini ~ portance of avoiding every thing, which it 9 its nature is calculated to corrupt and vi tiate the heart, I SitUAtC tas We are, in Vfie inlci’lor of S state, advancing steadily Ln literary, benev olent, and pious institutions; with endless stores ot truth before us, from whence to fill and enrich our pages, we trust tha( the objects of the paper are such as may, •ami will be effected. Intending as we do, to exclude every thing calculated to wound the feelings of any, and turning in every case to promote the best interest ol all, wc shall receive and insert with pleas ure, any information whether foreign or domestic, worthy of publication for the proposed objects of the paper. LOVJVK Fip/ICF. r. l. uoadxsojv. CONDITIONS THE SELECTOR, Will be issued weekly, on a medium sheet, of good quality, and handsome type, at three dollars per annum, payable on die receipt of the first number,’or three dollars and fifty cents if paid within six months, or four de.liars at the expiration of the year. Advertisements will be conspicuously' iserted at the customary prices. ' iTt* The subscribers to the Philanthropist, are, informed that they will he furnished with Selector in its stead, unless or nniffoTg Subscriptions will confer a favor by obtaining as many re sponsible Bubx’cri:\.Tß as they can, and re turn a list of th v if i.'umcß, previous to the first of June. Grrensboroiigh, Ajwil 1 7th 1820. Fire Engines. WJI.e.UUNNEMAK, INFORMS th* public, that he continues id Manufacture his PATENT FIRE ENGINES, and has made and sold sixty one of them, viz 2to the townofßos-U do Pittsfield, ton, I do Pawtucket, nt. 1 do Nantucket, 1 do Troy, 2 do Hath, 1 do Frigate United 2 do N'--winin’, Slates, I do Ipswich; 1 do Chesapeake, 2do Marblehead, Ido Mace lonian, t do Lynn, I do Independence 1 do Arundel, 74, I do Reading, 1 do Washington 74 1 do Newton, I do Na-y Yard, at 1 do Brunswick, Portsmouth vii Ido Topsham, Ido do Charles 1 do Easlport, town, 1 do A meshn ry I dn Worcester, 2 do Portland, 1 do Gardiner, 1 do Fort Irdcpcn- I do Bridgewater, deuce, 3 do Roxhury, 1 do Petersburg;Va.l do Sajem, Ido Amherst,N. H.II do Cincinnati, O. 1 do Windsor, Vt. U do Augusta, Geo 1 do Mtmtpelier, Vt 2 do Savannah, Geo 1 do Hallowed, 3 do Washington, 1 do Gloucester, 1 do West Point, 1 do Cotton Fac'o- 2 do Concord, N.fl rv, Waltham, Ido Malden. 1 do Northampton, One of these Engines was tried in Ins town with another Er.ginc belonging to the town; —the Patent Engine, with 2 live inch chambers, threw 70 gallons of water 133 feet in2S seconds; the one belonging to tlie town, and selected for the purpose with 2 six-inch chambers, was 43 second, tin owing tlie same (quantity of water 110 feet. We, the Subscribers, Firewards of the town of Boston, attended nt tire trial ot one V,’h. C. Hi xxtmax’s Finn Exclsr.s, and do certify the above statement to be correct. .IONA. LOTTING, JOS. AUSTIN, TURNER PHILLIPS, JOS-LOVEUiGN JOHN MACKAY. (Tjf Orders for the PATENT EIRE ENGINE, addressed to WM. O. HFNNE MAN, No. 31 Union-street, Boston, or his Manufactory in Roxhury, will be executed in the best manner. March JI. ’ . m6m State of Georgia. 7 Scriven ,C:>ant’j. Months after dale application will be made to the Honorable, the interior Court of Scriven County for leave to sell a certain tract of land, being all 1 the real Estate of Josiah Daniel Sen. dec. in said county, in order to effect a division among the Heirs. SIMEON T>. CARMON, ALEX. M CONN, BENJAM.NB BOSTICK. Apr-1 29, 1820, lw9m f v : : W*. . i*!tospectus, For Pybjb’Jite An l r ;::hr.’gton, Irakis' (■- tfunty, (t, (j/girf, J * hrwvruq ru WE THE UEOi-EK. IT has become ai) wlien a new paper is to fie cstafilVhed, to give a pros pectus: in it greataud fajr'pnreus -s arc made; in it are s(l forth the principles c wliich animate the alitor, and the politics I- he intends to lu'iurefe. But it has happen -11 cd that many edilire have materially de li viated'frcm those jihomisea; owing either 0 to a mental reservJion, origin; !ly taken, is not to comply - witliihcin, on to b’cing'led :■ astray by political ionne.xions, or private ;; consideration! to promote the views of r- sonic amhbfaus ci/izens, to the detriment ic< of the welareandjircsperity oftho people, II- coliyctivoy. TIR editor u i o’e the People, ;h will not »*ke prSmises lie capnot I: . j)— it he w ill i'/t advmipe sentiments he 'ns not A feel; hes dl not support measures nor ndvo i-1 cate p/nciples he will think Coiitfaiy to ig| the h<f interest of the country, 4n tjic ie; unde/Nking now contemplated, alt he |y j asksJ ß a ftit trial; jf he fails in the jilan i-1 he l/s traced, if lie swerves from the 1. j cauP of the People, “ may the moment, n ' of fie defection of lie the J’eoplc, be the i- 1 las/of its existence.” | ft is well kpown (fiat tl;e task of an ecii a ; tot is aijlmuu ; sometimes disagreeable, tmA fittefi unproductive; helms to sur ,s j moult many c.ifKcnUies—envy—party spi -0 ; r ‘t—\he concealed attacks of the enemies ' of alwepuklican forms of government ; r, | oftenlii editor toils, and toils ;—and all his >, i endc.iyr* remain unrewarded with the ~ applauk of his fellow citizens, and an ho n nest litlhhccel. ,f The prittcipies advocated in IFe the j. People, , ill fie those of republicanism ; the r govern lent supported, the one now <x e isting; mid the union defended,/ wdll he that un >ll founded on the mutual interest and saf ty of the states, and on tlie regard and gout will they ought to entertain to wards (tich other-—that union which if put asumlcii will occasion the downfall of our growhi]- ea'itire. 'l'he editorwill unequi vocally md strenuously, support the pre senfadiiiMistration of tlie government, us long as it will ionlinUe to be guided by 1 the spirit that inspired Washington, .Jes , ferson .md Madison, in Ihc performance of 1 of tlieir duties, as chief ivugistrates of the 1 nation. : The columns of We the I'epple, will be f open to all literary and political communi j cations, when genius, talent, and patiio r tism have directed the pens of the writ ! su ar gi^^arsJSifeiSKA. [ I of personal or private ; to the (vmtGU'y, it will sigh under the pro ' i (lurilotis of the virtuous patriot, the politi cal geniits,and the conscientioiis Christian. I Condtioss. — He the People, will be 1 printly jrdekly, on a medium .sheet, and on. new and elegant type, nt Three Dollar » per annum, payable in advance. Adver tisi ine(Ws'in#ei-ted, and job-printing neatly executed, at the Augusta price*. o"}’ Nolice will be given when the firjt nunifier shall appear. May 6. Engle Tavern. And Savamiari Stn r ~e Officu riMIE partfterfljiip of '.V hi pule St llaoth H. of the Eagle Tavern and Savannah Stage Oflice, lu-ltig tins <'av dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due by the < said firm will be paid Ity said VI hippie, and all debts due to the firm are to be. collected by him only. JeSHo Wliipplo, B. 8. Bootli. N. B. The house will still be continued as formerly, by the subscriber. J, W hippie. may 15 Administration Balc. WILL be re-sold on the first day of August next, at the Court-house in Wnynesborough at tlie former purchasers risk, t t 200 Acres of land lying in • Rnrke County adjoining lands of Elijah Byne and otlu r , belonging to the estate J of John Carswell dec'd he said Land was I Soli according to law on the 6th day ol July 1819, by the administration of said Estate. _ , A. & M. CARSWELL, Adm r. June, 1. *60(1 ; Was Lost, . » • I A PROMISSORY note- given by Simon • l.owrv to BenjaniiivPhillips for 75 dollars, ‘ payable Ist January, 1821, and given sth December, 1819. I furwarn all persons ft om trading for said note. Benjamin Phillips. Rurke county. June 1 - - V OR SALE. (tv TIIK A\UimeA\a lUver, Bv the su!)scriber WHO IS DULY Authorized (j? Empowered -TO SELL THE SAME. ThYuft Tvaets OtJMOSX VAUJABLi: a & « 5© v as foumvS. One Tract at Ckrke* Bluff, 10 miles a bove Darien, containing 3540. acres.- One Tract, an Island, in the narrows, Al ta malm river, 24 miles above Usuries R':uH, cmitainirtg 400 acres; and known by the name of V/iliinnis’ Fields One Tract, containing 7SQ acres, i milfis above tv illiauts* Vleld, Unawu l»y (fir njt’te of Mi.i benrs J-'iclcl. The ; bove arc supposed to he Throb r;f as fine tract? of land, as any on the Aha mafia river, they will he sold il private sale any tune from the date hereof, until the lOtli day Dec. next, when if not sold A y will be absolutely sold at Public Auction, at Milledgeville. Any person inclined to purchase either of I ho above tracts of land, nmy fie most particularly informed of every thing respecting (hem by applying to the subscriber, in Augusta. .fames A. Young, JUtiimian House Hotel, Augusta. mnv 23 Qy= THE snhßcrihor has reiraived his I. ATV OFFICE to his New Building on Telfair Street, where he may he generally found, mid his professi onal services commanded. To -RENT, ’til the 30th W» r ; * A'tuated «; Green Street, in a healthy and desirable part of the city, and possession given on the first day of June. Nicholas W arc. March 11. 1 • 1 if qt i Air.^ TIIE public are informed that I have taken my nevvphew, Thomas Flournoy IVylls, Esq. into ])lii-tnership in the p-actice of l av/. V e shall be able to do business in the counties of Hancock, Warren, Lincoln, Columbia, Burke, Scriven, Richmond and the Mayor’s Court When not absent at the Courts, the bu siness will he attended to in all its breeches at their Ossie on Centre Street, South of the market. Thomas Flournoy, March 28 'tf Notice. Agreeably td an order of the honor able the Inferior Court of Richmond coun ty, will be sold on the first Tuesday in August, next, 250 acres of Land, more or less, lying on the rivt r, 5 miles below Augusta and adjoining land of Basil La mar, Os well Eve and others. Also The undivided interest of 400 acres in the hack swamp, adjoining Carnes, Turknett, Eve and others. Also One § Lot in the ..eliv of Augusta, on the lower end of Green street, it being the real estate of Jacob Ungr, deceased, and sold for tlie benefit oi tlie heirs. K. u j c guard s S. Lurk, > May 30. ' ts Livery Stables. TIIE Subscriber informs the public that his large and commodious Stables in the corner of.Jackson ami Green streets, aye now ready for the reception of Hope*. From his long experience in this line ol business, he flatters himself of being abb to give full satisfaction to „. >»e who tuny favor him with their custom. He will bi prepared at all times, to furnish Hom-i and Carriages, by the day, or longer.- Horses Knlcked, Trimmed and Broke ti Harness, at. the shortest notice and bes manner. He will only add, that he invite the public to call and see his complete es tablishracnt and then bestow on him tha patronage which they really think him er ’ tided to. He requests all those person ; who may call, not to give any money t ervants. . ’ , _ William 3FGar. Dec. 13 d ■j ‘ / mtttiriiriiiiTrrn m UVolVta *7 "J - t uhscriicrs have token for a v:;.v M \ n ) a h'Rfc. of this veil f. aun commodipus cstnhlisluncut. Situated m the very centre of the city, it oilers pc uulisr advantages both to regular and tran ?J C a fd< rs From the lon.c oxpcrieTtcc 'ey ha, e bad in their line of business, the •’ . (T . r . themselves to he able to rend-.' ‘ ■ ,r '.‘tttisc fur private and public aecot. modation, inferior to none in the floutlu r. , Their TABLE wdll he fnroishi i W n- lP *’ c?t pFCv-isions the market run ufrord,, and their Bab with the choicest, Liquors. Particular attention will be paid to cleanliness ii\ their rooms and bedding; (itul (luey pfiwljju <li.mMlt-»« (Uuf in.U ce lit or indecoivui? behaviour of auv kind v ill ■ never he tolerated in tlieir house. Their Htjibles arc ’ furnished with the t.est of provender, and with faithful and at. tciitive hostlers. As the proprietors ci n temjnale to make the GLOBE a permanent, establishment, under tlieir panicidar su pevintendance, they only solicit from tin ir friends and the public generally, that pe r* tion of patronage which tln-ir attention to business and to the comfort of tlieir cus tomers may entitle them to. William G. Grimes, William Shannon. September 10. ts BROWN AND LOAIC SUGARS. 60 Barrels Superior St, Croisr Sugar, 30 fids, 8t 20 Bis. Muscovado do. 25 Bis. double Refined Loaf, do 5000 B-ioon. i Keggs of Bimcomb Butter, - For Sale by R. Malone, May, 20. Coffee tj Tobacco, Dili ILr.S prime Green GcrfTee, 30 Kegs Harris’s best Richmond Mauu fucturrd Tobacco, dust Received, and For Sale by C. L. Laurence, & Co June 6. J n v Notice. W f v ILL be Rented at the Market Hones n the city of Augusta, on the 22d inst. for one year, from the Ist day of October next, the Houses and Lots Belonging to the estate of Ferdinand 1 Pliinizy, deceased, among them are good Store and Dwelling Houses. John Phinizy, Acting ndm'r of the Estate nf F. Phiniip June 8--—if Wanted A.S an Apprentice to *bc Confectisnnry and Distilling business, a smart active Led between 15 and 17 years of age. Apple t o HENRY ROBERT’S Confectionary Store. 4 doers below the Globe Tavern, Kroa-t ‘ street, Augusta. v April, 18 • ts ■■ - »- " < Notice. [' 4 iIFTER the expiration of nine month®, f applicatiou will be made to the Honorei ble the Inferior Court of Burke county for leave to sell three hundred acres ! Land, as the properly of John Bearfich’f , deceased: Lying in the county of Burke, , adjoining lands of Isaiah Carter dec’d-an-.', < otliers. William Tl car Held ’ Administrator dc bonis non. i w ov. 8 STATE of GEORGIA, JVjdTIOE ?» Riclnnond Comity. )i T hcrefi;- given that Charles Ifarmon of said stiifi und county, hath aqiplieil to the bonornfi!,» .the justices of the inferior court of sold U, countv for the benefit acts giving e elief in CSS' Sos insolvency and inipri'-nu e ment. And the creditors of ihe.saitl Har mon are hereby notified to shew cause, if, ,f joy they have,before the -aid justices * , the court house in the said county on thf y 19th day of July next, ut 10 o’clock in thti t fore noon of that day. why an assignment; .j, of (he said insolvents estate should not; be made and he be discharged, to may 16, 1820. 2m Hi ■ “ Notice. at rt s .. . n- Ut months after date application nu ns i,e made to the honorable the court - to dimiy of Burke county for letters d'h iriry -on i ho'estate of John Stewart. J)emi& Glisson, June 1 w * 6m