Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, June 27, 1820, Image 1

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Augusta Chronicle t Gazette fVOL. XXXIV.] •„ “ TUESDAY MOSNINT., JO nK S7 ,A -- ■ . . • - - ’ a ,* 7 > » ' [No. ISg!).] „• rt'l Hitii , .-r- I rrTiiiT ~n i „ ; , „ ' . ■ the ■ji-j-ifTc * Oajcitf IS fUßi.isht.ii B'SDAV, THURSDAY & SATURDA ■ MOItXIXGS, jjH. Kr.*x, Dsjtckinck & Chaiu.tov, Hi:,liAen« f the Laws of the United States, ■ aT Sl t UOI.T.ARS PKU ANSUM, I IjV ADVANCE. ■ == AUGUSTA I CROCKERY I axd I (B&iYSS I WARE STORE Wtit subscriber is now receiving nth ■ opening, auH will continue to recrivi |ng the Fall and Winter months, at 111 B e inMicou’s Brick Building, near tie ■.Office in M’lntosh-strect, leading fro- WKiewart & Hargrave's ■ CORNEU STORE, mrA’EIUL JSSOHTMP.XT VP ■CROCKERY 1 ? ni*4 €>>**»«• VVoro ■ -.COSSISTISO OF ' ■i/cs Handsomely* assorted Width Crockery, and l&es of (ila*.* I Ware* ■ selected to suit the Georgia St W" ■Markets, which he*-. aale ft a Knee. He is now gening tn order lit these pure—«« who wish to have | (iood- -£paCt— ■lac Printed Liverpool I Ware —Also, I meled Cups &j Saucers, ■ Os every description and size. fttes, Bowls, Mugs and I Pitchers, ■Of different qualities and sizes. | ALSO I A few set of Elegant lumish’d Gold China, | a superior quality—consisting 1 of ll'ca, Coffee h Besei-t Set | Complete—Likewise ■iStiA* Chinn r IV« Goto, Krious figures, neatly put up in box Ell of which he offers for sale at the ■ reduced prices lor cash, or approved in acceptances. [ William H. Oakman. ■tober 25. NL B.—The subscriber ie«lly requests those who are indebted \t late firm of Erwins, Oakman, & Co. omc forward and settle their accounts i him, (who alone is authorized to sel ;heir business) as further indulgence iotb? granted. William IL Oakman. ov ember 25. 12m STORAGE y ajn» lemmUsion BusUu\as. HR subscribers have taken the Ware use lately occupied by Henry Shultz, losite the Wharf, which is now in com ;te order for the reception of Cotton 1 Merchandize. Mackenzie & Ponce. October 27. ts NOTICE. ILL Persons having demands against ie Estate ©fStainliack Wilson deceased, e requested to render them in, duly at sted, to us. And thus© persons who aw debtedto said Estate, are requested t< jit- forward and settle the same with fiddly. Coshy Dickinson, James A. Pluck, A DM TXJS VRA TO it V. hhy It ts ■ V yjKB NOTICE. I HOSE T. 'dehtecl to the estate of t'u t.Y'idrew It' 4 * Catharine Fagan, dec II i&iiv ? payment to the subscriber wit h t deist*.', and those tiiivir '£ demands a list it svih present the”’ 0 * or settlement Rolvvt Lekic, Acbur. United States Arsenal, May 2d. I)B. Ib.PANN Respectfully inarms the citizen Augusta and ho vlciubri’, that he ha; moved tothis place, and intends prac ting in the different bratvfhes °t hi; ■ofisspn. He may be found ; ‘t his resi nice or Shop, both in Washington street few dorrs West of Broad street. Hay 4 h Foil k HANDS OME BAROUCHE, calcuhl i fur eillier one br two hoises, Uwiil .be sold at a reduced price so na, Apply to T hompson & Black. _ May 23. * BLANKS t* sale at tlvfs Ofik/C. Just Received, Dost. Wintos»vine Vinegar quality pt; Gl>-t-o Coffee 1 6 lihds. prime Jamaica 3S?ugs.r ;v . 4LM 3 ' . ; V - 40 cables best .London particular Jene Wine. . '■ v < AVith tlMfir,former assortment they non fer for sale low, for cash. , iTaTdy h Soil. March t4< ■»■■ —— . ¥OR SALE. A FOUR wheeled Qoachee, excellent 4. ly made and of the very best m:\teri % with iiandsome plated harness. Terms H he moderate. Apply at this office May 18. .}• ■ ( Pour doors below the Market,JVorth side i.‘ Broad street, Augusta. r HP, subscriber, taking into considers son the,scarcity of money and the prbba odrty of provisions being lower, has fallen . ! ‘U«; understated pricesfor boarding, and will spare no pains to render satisfaction to those who may favor hjm with their custom; he also returns his humble thanks to the public for their liberal patron Se-e on ur rlu .nankfid fop-the contiiuisnce of ti, t ir Jib J erality. Man and horse per day g 2 25 Man without horse per day l 25 , Horse without man per day : H Single meal forman 1 jingle feed for horse 50 lodging 25 l Board by the qr. with Lodging FQ without lodging 65 Horse per month 15 I also keep a Waggon Yard, and will keep a constant supply of Horse Provi sions dn hand for Waggoners as low as the Market will afford. fioodson JAgon. A -igust 4. _ wtf IkicUmoiid . f|i A HE ofiice ot third English Teacher in the Richmond Academy having become vacant by the resignation of Mr. Fiveash, the Hoard of Trustees will on Thursday •he 29th of the present month proceed to fill the vacancy. Iversons desirous ofob hy letter addressed cation without delaj, . President to Colonel Nicholas Ware, ' . of the Board. The 9ah»7 19 SIX ,m " dieJ /I/alLuhb.. 13y order of the Bor.rd. Isaac Herbert, Clerk. June 20. ts lvVe\mutivA • ! ThR Examination ol the Students in the Richmond Academy being over, the Trustees have allowed of a vacation until trie first Monday in July, at which time the exercises of the Classical Department will be resumed at the Sandhills, under tbe special superintendance of the Rev, Mr. B:an*ly, and will continue at that place for four months. The English' School will likewise be opened on the first Monday in July at the Academy in this city, under the superintendance ot Mr. Cook. Tickets will be issued for four mouths in the Classical Department; and in the English Department; by the quarter, as heretofore, to be -applied for previous to the day on which the Academy will a gain open. Isaac Herbert, > Clerk to the Boar (I Trustees. ' June 20——r’s LalUiClie, 6) VV aAsuu, i CON' INGE TUB Factorage d‘? Commission BUS] N ESS IN SAVANNAH, Where fill orders will be promptly attend «d to. ;t July 7 T - t'u per Hanging. .life*. COGUIA JV*. '* (I ately from New-York ) MOST respectfully informs the citi zens of Augusta and its vicinity, that lie inlands comniencoing the above business in ail its various branches; and he flatters himself from the long, experi ence lie has iKidm .tile prosecution ot that art, that those who may need his services, he will most assuredly give general satis e taction. As employment Is his principle - consideration at present, he wishes to make known that his charges will be as j. rrtoderateas it could be possibly done in t any of the Northern Stales, and in a stj Ie equal, if not superior to any undertaken in tins city heretofore—Those who wish to have their ilqiisos papered after the neatest manner, will please call at the , Store of Messrs. Mumford & Mu Haley’s, ( iext door to Mr. U n-id Ralston Bridge. roW, Where he catrhe seen, and all orders left Lirall lie gratctully rccen ed and punc- ! S tuallv ati-.nded to. ; s may 23. ]j* >- Administrator's hale. *’ *IHLL be sold at Goshen, in Lincoln V T county, on Saturday the fifteenth July nex-, the personal property of Joseph Russell, late*, of said county, dec. consist ing of a negro woman anil sundry othet t property. Terms of sale made known oii the day. or John |&cDowell, ham r. May 30, t( ls (P 3 ’ Jiui’ing the huiumer >!jntiis, a few Gemlemen can be accom uidated with BOARDING, in a Private Family, on tie- Sand Hills, Juris 22 PROPOSALS, Bj Ffoxce Wohinson, e or&ttffhehihg in OreendiorougL, f Gen.^ a jißvvSriPEn, ro bk E^riTtEii The Selector. t v ■ ~^ r * - X The publishers promise little iron i han, that in point of typographical execu ‘ion & useful matter the SELECTOR slial compare with any paper now published ii the stale. The primary object will be tc prose?lt such a compendium of religion; and political afhtirs, as to aflord a satisfac ton- knowledge of the church and state and to exhibit the state of religion in ev ery part of the world, as far 03 it can b< ascertained. The SELECTOR will con •am considerable original matter, will choice selections on the most impwrlani principles of the christinn religion. A part will also be deVotcd to the exhibi tion of the naked facts, and convincing reasons, which announce to parents tfu , I)nl ' n|ll( ‘* s good that will -result from, early I and coiifii’TTfod habits of morality and rcli gion in children; together with the im portance of avoiding evej.;.- thing, .which in its nature is calculated to corrupt and vi tiate the heart. Situate las we n»«. in t| w Interior a state, a-ivancing steadily in branny, | Je nev. olent, and pmus institutions; with endless stores of truth before ns, from whence to till and enrich our pages, we trust that the objects id the paper are such as may, and will be effected. Intending as w- do, ri) exclude every thing calculated to wound the feelings of any, and aiming in every case to promote the best interest of ad, we shall receive and insert with pleas ure, any information whether foreign or domestic, worthy of publication for the proposed objects of the paper. L.OVICK PIERCE. L. 11 OBEYS OX. CONDITIONS THE SELECTOR , Will be issued weekly, on a medium ’eet, of good quality, and handsome type, at three dollars per annum, payable o« the receipt of thq first number, or three dollars and fifty cents if paid within six '‘Ttnvervi s ‘c 6 nifp' 1 c6'6lSs , i)f iserted at the customary prices. Oj’ Thc subscribers to the Philanthropist, are inftrim‘d that they will be furnished w-ith the Selccf.tjr in its stead, unless or dcred to the contrary. X]r Persons holding subscriptions will confer a hy obtaining as many re- - sponsible subscribers! as they can, and re turn a list of their names, previous to the first of June. j Greenshoroliffh, April 1 7th 1820, Fire Engines. WM. C. MUJiNEMAN, INFORMS th« public, that he continues to Alanufilcture his PATENT FIRE ENGINES, and has made and sold sixty one of them, viz : 2 to the town of Bos- 1 do Pittsfield, ton. I do Pawtucket, hi, 1 do Nantucket, 1 do Troy, 2 do Bath, 1 do Frigate United 2 do Nwwbury, States, 1 do Ipswich, I do Chesapeake, 2do Marblehead, Ido Macedonian, 4 do Lynn, 1 do Independence 1 do Arundel, 74, 1 do Reading, I do YVashingtnn74 1 do Newton, I do Navy Yard, at 1 do Brunswick, Portsmouth nh Ido Topsham, Ido do Charles 1 do Eastport, town, 1 do Amesbury I do Worcester, 2 do Portland, 1 do Gardiner, 1 Fort Irdepen- Ido Bridgewater, (fence, 3 do Roxbury, 1 do Petersburg, Va I do Salem, I do Amherst,N, H. 1 do Cincinnati, O. 1 do Windsor, Vt. 2 do Augusta, Geo 1 do Montpelier, Vt 2 do Savannah, Geo 1 do Hallowell, 3 do Washington, Ido Gloucester, Ido West Point, 1 do Cotton Facto-2.d0 Concord, N.H ry, Waltham, Ido Malden. 1 do Northampton, One ot these Engines was tried in the town with another Ei giue belonging to tile town —the Patent Engine, with 2 five inch diambers, threw 70 gallons of water 1,33 feet in 28 seconds; Abe, one belonging to the town, and selected for the purpose with 2 six-inch diambers, was 43 second, thiowing the same quantify of water 116 feet We, the Subscribers, Flrewards of (lie town of Boston, attended at the trial of one Wk. C. lluxxbjbax’s Fiue E.v&ines, and do certify the above statement to be correct. JONA. LORfNG, JOS. AUSTIN, TURNER PHILLIPS, JOS-LOVERIGN JOHN MACKAY. (Fj- Orders for the PATENT FIRE ENGINE, addressed t«i V. SI. C. HUNNE MAN, No. 31 Union-street, Boston, or his Manufactory in Roxbury, will be executed in the best manner. March 11 mCm^ State of Georgia. 7 ' Scriven County. \ JkJ'INE Months after date application Xxi will be made to the Honorable, the ud'erlqr Court of Scriven County for leave to sell a certain tract of land, being all the real Estate of Joslah Daniel Sen. dec. in said county, in order to effect a division among the Heirs.. SIMEON R. CAHMON, ALEX. M’CO.SN, BENJAMIN 3 BOSTICK. April 29, 1329. l»9m t ~ I*TX? V t*T£l Xt T^ r*> ruutoifrk nqt" , *>»«*. Wwfsr*, ■<; / A J»'fe'w' , rA» t> WE THE PEOPLE. Iv has become an usage, a nev is to be established, to give a pros pectus; in it great and fair promises art made; in it are set forth the principle! e which animat? the editor, and the politic; '* he intends to advocate. Hut it has happen ii ecl that many editors have materially dt n viated from those promises; owing e'ithci 0 to a mental reservation, originally taken »s not to comply with them, or to being le.; '• “Stray by political connexions, or private n considerations to promote the sjews o( some ambitious citizens, to the detriment e ol the welfare and prosperity of the people, I* collectively. Tfit editor of JVc the People, h will not make promises lie cannot keep— it l he will not advance sentiments he does not \ i feci; he will not support measures nor advc i- cate principles lie. will think contrary to g the best interest of the country. In the e undertaking now contemplated, all he y as ks, is a fair trial; if he fails in the plan i- he has trace'll, if he swerves from the i- cause of the People, “ may the moment n of the defection of fVe the Penitie, be the i- last of its cxiilctoe.” i It is well known that the task of an edi » ,tor U arduous; sometimes disagreeable, - and often t^pivhioiive; he has to stir s mount many difficulties—envy— party spi , nt—-the concealed attacks of the enemies t • ol all republican forfn* of government ; , | often an editor toils, and toils ;—and all ids > | endeavors remain unrewarded with the \, applause nf his follow citizens, aijd an ho -1 nest iivA; ood, ‘1 /> 1 !\ e a(lvoc atc<l in Tfe the t cople, will be those of republicanism ; the ■ government supported, the one now ex is ting;, and the union defended, will he Unit union faurtdctl on the mutual interest am safety of the states, and on the regard and good will %y ought to entertain to. wards each-other— that union which if put asunder, will occasion the downfall of our glowing empire. 'J he editor will unentii. • vocally and .strenuously, support the me sent administration of t!ie government, as long as it will continue to he guided by the spirit that inspired Washington, Jef ferson and Madison, in the performance of of their duties, as chief inagistraU’s of the JJAtIQIh -.. The columns of H e the People, will be Pfifil* UuU UtSiaU'-Aud ipUiical commuui ers. The Editor pledges himself that Ins press will never groan under the attacks of personal enmity, or private animosties ; to the conl rasy, it will sigh under the pro ductions of-th* virtuous patfiiut, the politi cal gcipus, and the conscientious Christian. — Its the People, will be printly weekly, on a medium slmet, anil on | new and elegant type* at Three Dollars per annum, payable in advance. Adver- ( tisements inserted, and job-printing neatly executed, at the Augusta prices. Notice will be given when the first number shall appear. May 6. —11 ———- — Eagle Tavern. And Savannah Stage Office TUI! partnership oi' Whipple & Booth of the Eagle Tavern ami Savannah Stage Office, being this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due by the said firm will be paid by said Whipple, and all debts, die »o the firm are to be collected by Uiu» only. Jesse Whipple, v ]). S. Booth. K. 15. The house will still be continued as formerly, by the subscriber. J. \\ hippie. may 16 Administration Sale. 1:y ILL he re-sold on the first day of A 7 August next, at the Court-house-in Waynesborough at the former purchasers risk, 200 Acres ofland lying in Burke CcunUi-adjoining lauds of Elijah Byne and others, belonging to the estate of John Carswell tlec’d he said Land was Sol I according to law on the 6th da\ of July by the administration of said f ' SdH ' A. k M. CARSWELL, Mmr. June, 1- w6od Was l ost, \ ppnViTSSOiIY note given by Simon Lowrv to Benjamin Phillips for 75 dollars, payable Ist January, 1821, and given Stl; December, ISIS, | forwarn all persons from trading for laid note Benjamin Phillies. Burke county, june 1 i ■ ■■ ‘f I . \ ' ' " ' r''' At 7 fob salb. OV THR Z AUvuwwlia lUypv, - Bjthc/subscTiber d* WHO IS DULY 5 Authorised & Empowered [ TO SELL THE SAME. viz. - Tracts O OF MOST VALUABLE ; lb ii 'iD as pom.owh. e 0n ? Trs , c ’ a ; Clarices Bluff. 10 miles a t l>oVe Darien,'containing 3546 acres, e ne * I l acl, , an I»J»ud| in the narrows, Al tiimaha river, 24 miles above f'larkos Rlufl, containing 40U acres, and known py the name of VVillLvmH' Field. - One Tract, containing 7£f) news, 4 miles above Williams’ Field, known hy the s name of Mi.them’s Field. ■ The above are supposed to he three of s »s fine tracts of land, as any on the Alta • maha river, they will be sold at private sale • any time from the date hereof, until ilu 10th day Deo. next, when if not sold they wdl be absolutely gold at Public Auction at Milledgeville, Any person inclined to purchase either of the above tracts. Os land may he most pat ticularlv informed <)fevery I lung respecting iln-m by applying- to the subscriber, in Augusta. James A. Young, /uHsjoji IJvust Hutvk chiD nslct. nny 23 dJ* THE suhseriljtr has his I.AW OFFICE to his New Building on Telfair Street, where he may h.- gent rally found, and his proftasi onal aerviees commanded. cupied by the subscriber, situated on Green street, in a healthy and desirable part of the city, and possession given on the first day cf June. Nicholas Ware. March 11, ts C3-TAX?.' IHE public are IhfbrmttT that 1 have taken my newphtw, Tliotnas Flournoy Wslls, Esq. into partneuhip in die practice of Law. V e shall be able to do business in the counties of /", . ■, Hancock, Warren, Lincoln, Columhia, Burke, Scriven, Richmond ami the Mayor’s Court. When not absent at the Courts, the bu siness will be attended to in all its branches at their Offie'on Centre Street, South of the market, 'f'homas Flournoy. Marcli 28 -ts Notice. Agreeably to an order of the honor able the Inferior Court of Richmond coun ty, will be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, 250 acres of Land, more or less, lying on the river, 5 miles below Augusta and adjoining land of Basil Lu-' mar, Osweil Eve and others. Also The undivided interest of 400 acres in the back swamp, adjoining Carnes, Turknett, Eve and others. Also One house Lot in the city of Augusta, on the lower end of Green street, if being the real estate of Jacob Bngg, deceased, and sold top tiiojiencfitof the heirs. S. Lark, S May 30. ts Livery Stables. TTIF, Slitwcriliepinfoi-ms the public th*t his large and commodious Stables on lh<- corner of Jackson anj Green-streets, are now ready for the reception of Horpes. From his long exjierience in this line of business, he flatters himself of being ah!- to give full satisfaction to those who mai favor him with their custom. He wii) hr prepared at all times, to furnish Horses and Carriages, by the day, or longer.— Horses Knicken, Trimmed and Broke to Harness, at the shortest notice and best manner- He will only add, that he invite* the public to call and see his complete es tablishment and then bestow on him thn 1 patronage which they really think him t-n titled to. lie requests all those person: who may call, not to give any money U ervants. , 1 William M‘Gar. i Dec 13 * • OLOtyg, tav^n. b^n-^ avr *®ken forTkttnrr -Iml IS’ 8 ,cnh t;« f ‘W» «'el.» fcrnwn in vT " J ’ ,S es S**i"»M"ent. J? itvutle., •" the very centre of the city, it offers sienthna'r^ 11 . 8 ® 4 ' B^ 0^1 rfi !?ular ami Wmi flmvh f » f , *f. the long* exv>€inotice >a ‘ '? * ,ie ' r ,u ‘ kusinask/ they , *0 he rtfe to nr wi*r •ur house for private a "(!• public » t r, Vny n odahen, infer l '/ 7 - to none in the South tn* SSnw7 , l r TAJ^ LR wi » b « *"&3 • '«•* * , ,e he« provisions the market ca** , IV W '* a,u * tVir Hah with the choicest* , focleanli ' alte,,tion he nmiL Ira he! ? 8 , in th «‘ r **»*««! beddfif ■? ' ’ .*}** l 'hcmselves that indeoeW ■ never he r7* fV' Vly,ir ()f R »y Itind wi’U nevei be tolerated in their house. , J, u '! r Stabl ‘ , « are furnished with the*. ' n!° P /°7 n<!er ’ anfl w,th faithful and ?u ’* ,st e ’'?' the proprietors coil~. ™F e '° rn " kfi ,be < sr -°«S « permanent., establishment, under their particular su per,ntendsneo. they only solicit from their t; lend* and the public generally, that par-. non of patrnnngv which their attention to business and to the comfort of their cus tomers may entitle them to. ’Hjlliam G. Grimes, William Shannon. September 10. ts BKOWN AND l OAI-r SUGARS. €0 Darrels Superior St. Croix Sugar, 30 &20 Uis. Muscovado do. lyeggs oTßancunTo rtfbtnf J- ... For Salt by ■ B. Malone. May, 20. * itS an Apprentice to the Confectionary, and Distillinghnsiness, a smart active Lad between 15 and 17 years of age. Apply to HENRY WOBRUT'S Confectionary Store, 4 doors below die Globe Tavern, Broad street, Augusta. April 18 if STATE of GEORGIA, ? \JOTICE i» Richmond County. 3-i ’ hereby given that Charles Harmon of said state and county, hath applied to the honorable the justices of the inferior court of said County for the benefit of tie acts giving relief in eases of insolvency and imprison ment. And the creditors of the said Har mon arc hereby notified to shew cause, if any they have, before the said justices at the court house in (lie said county on tho 19th day of July next, at 10 o'clock in tho <■ fore noon of that day, why an assignment iof the said insolvents estate should not he made and he be discharged, may 16, 1820. 2m GEORGIA, Columbia County. A List of ESTRAYS ton FCBLTCATXOX, % Gasawav SIMS Tolls before me cm* Roan Horse, 4 feet 6 inches high, suppo sed to be 16 years old, blaze face, all four’ of bis feet and legs white—Appraised bv Joseph Crafton and Wm Zachry, to fcj: Dollars, this B f b April, 182 U. Dietrict, No Jas. Yarbrough, p* fjn i HOMAS LOWT? Tolls befor • me on« Hright Day HOUSE, about 5 fe*t high, 5 or 7 years old, brands,l on Ui * near 1 nt •ock 9, switch tail, trots and carters —Ap- praised hj Wm. E Olfutti and Jus-B.ouut, to 75 Dollars,.April 29, 182t> JJhtnci, No. 2. Wm. Booker, j. p. I?ACC RAMSEY Tolls before me one Small Sorrel MARE, 4year-5 old, 4feet, 8 inches high, no brands, sv. sib tail, shod «u "wind, a small blaze in her’ face, and at.>p ■ on her nose, trots and cant. »rs —Appraised 1 iy John CulLrcaiJi and Zac hurinh Marshall, I ;o 3d doh si's, lb's IsfMav, I&2X ' M District , No, 2. I Win. Booker, j. p.jr 1 Taken from the R csrrL Jp I <h N . I June 22—-ts fl Notice. I A-U. persons i . «.ti to thp instate of ‘K»or. .John >V. Eigon, late of Coluihb’a B minty, deceased, arc requested to make I mMediate payment, and all those ha"" r fl e mands against-said estate, arc reijtte. I ’.-' B I d to reader them in projferlv attes' n;S B the law directs to ■ J Uriah, Harris, c’xr. M June 15—JJ I