Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, July 06, 1820, Image 1

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I Augusta Chronicle Georgia Gazette. * *SdA % . - • ■ . _ y t . ———————^—- ■ -■,• - r _ » i . . ———— - - ■ - _____ J« U,^^^SSr mmm^ss = =====M " ’ • • r ~.i* ryOL. XXXIV.] THURSDAY Jl'tY 6, (BSO. tNo. 1898.] ■ 1 ' -f~* — F~«. '■/..aaiL'-a.T.' ■■«.B.";i.awr.7.-, aa-rr..::rar.ariraßii!> -•• _. .. TT 7 * * * * V , , ' a ‘ .l w n<fle? 1$ fUSHSHED THURSDAY & tuWMWW : °Buh«r« rfthe Law. of the United States, no« AM PTB AW * rM » ;]■ JN ADVANCE. i WGIXG. «*>• i '!:« PIECES prime Cotton Bagtri'\g »P* RbbU do. St. Croix Sugar pieces Ist quality Salt Sacktng th i S ß 10 Bap* Pepper 10 Q r Casks Malaga Wtne 20 Q r . Chests Gunpowder and Im ac penal 'Tea. le , Bt mdinc at the River Bank, !F«R SAW 10 W BT Wra. Bostwick $ to, Boatwright § Gla- C DOUB Ie VRE9TED S l * Saw Gins, B improved construction— fine ftecei "md for tale by fIL. 0. Gantelou Gs co. All orders for GINS promptly exe- ed? d CASES OF GENTLEMEN'S Drab Fashionable ■Beaver Hats. Imnng which are a few of Vatkr proof, V SUPERIOR atTALITT. Oliver Reed. Just Received , „ . v this, best white wine Vinegar bags best quality of Green Coffee hhds. prime Jamaica Sugar ALSO i casks jfest Lohdon particular Tene th their former assortment they now for sale low, for cash. Tardy ts Hon. tOUN AVI) LOAIT SUGARS. barrels Superior St. Croix Sugar, Ids. &20 Bis. Muscovado do. 31s. double Refined Loaf, do, 0 Bacon. fgs of Buncomb Butter, For Sale by R. Malone. y, 20. hota, Siues, tea ext door to Morgan if Bradford’ >, G« leave to acquaint his friends and iblic, that he has received by late ar from the North, a general and well ed assortment of Ladies and Gentle- j Boots and Shoes of the latest fashi nanufactured ol the best materials, retail, on his usual accommodating terms. J. H. has always on hand a complete sup ply of Northern Sole and Dressed Leather, which he will dispose of at a very small advance. * - June 27 wtf STRAW 53 ©SI SIIS ©o Art Received, and for Sate by G. ABELL, ) 7 4 r*W cases t.adie’s pine Straw Bonnets. Enquire at NORTH St UOWE’s, . Upper End Broad-Stre _June 24 ts LaKoche, Walatm, CONTINUE THE Factorage & Commissio BU , sin Es»3 in SAVANNAH, t( j to re orders will be promptly atte 1 July 7- ts STORAGE ft . AND "Business j, subscribers have taken the Ws °u*e lately occupied by Henry Shui Ppoate the Wharf, which is now in a **v? order for the reception of Cot Merchandize. Mackenzie & Ponce. Ottober 2T. ts Just JUocive^ Ind for Salp&y the Doxen or Single, t . ts H. ELY, ».T3E TRUE Mbsonie Chari OR *Mou dv CONTAINING ILL THE EMBLEMS EXPLAIN I IN THE DECREES OF Entered Apprentice—Fellow CrafV luster Mason —Mark Master—Past Mt r—Most Excellent Master—Royal Arch sioyal Master—-and Select Master: DESIGNED, And duly arranged, agreeably to the LECTURES, % R. tT. JEREMY L CROSS, G. I TO WHICH ARE ADDED, ILLUSTRATIONS, CHARGES, SONGS, &c. Second Edition. • June 24——6 t AUGUSTA CROCKERY AND OJL&SS WA RE STORE THE subscriber is now receiving and opening, and will continue to receive luring the Fall and Winter months, at his Store in Micou’s Brick Building, near the Post-Office in M’lntosh street, leading from Stewart 6f Hargrave’s CORNER STORE, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF CROCKERY am\ China Wore, -CONSISTING OF— — Crates handsomely assorted with Crockery , and TvpTees of IHasa 'Wave, Well selected to suit the Georjpa 8t Wes ern Markets, which he offers for sale at a ow advance He is now opening in order to suit those purchasers who wish to have their Goods repact— Blue Printed Liverpool VV are —Also, Enameled Cups § Saucers, Os every description and size. Plates, Bowls, Mugs and Pitchers, Os different qualities and sizes. ALSO i few tet of Elegant Burnish’d Gold China, Os a superior quality—consisting of \ Tea, Cotlee $ Besert Set Complete—Likewise Lustre China Tea Sets, ■)f’ various figures, neatly put up in box ,«—all of which he offers for sale at the most reduced prices for cash, or approved rownaccep ,ances - William H. Oakiuan- Oclober 25. N. B.—The subscriber e»rne a tly requests those who are indebted to the late firm of Erwins, Oakman, &• Co. to cone forward and settle their accounts with him, (who alone is authorized to set tle their business) as farther indulgence cannot be granted. \v illlam 11. Oakman. November 26. 12m JVotice. T.,« Subscribers wishes to contract for tr.i Hire of Sixty Able Bodied Laborers H\- ,ii‘ Day, Week or Month, to work in ie improvement ot the Navigation of Sa a tali River; to commence at Petersburg m the 15th of July next, or so soon there .' ter as a sufficient number can be procu red to justify them to commence 7'hey >isu to obtain the above number by that imej should they not succeed, will con ■.,ue Hireing until supplied, for which <eral w ages will be given: and the la bourers supplied with provisions by the . omrnissioners. Persons wishing to make igagements for any certain number of a ids, will please address a line to the oscribers at Lincolnton, who are autbor m bv the Board of Commissioners to con -t f<>r the Hire es the same. Thos. Murray, I Mark Anthony, > ■ Peter Lamar, j c mtmtXrt I fune 24 -wld Notice. VIL Persons ind- bted to Taos. Quack r hereby requested to call on the snb iber and make payment, be having isfer of all Notes and Book Account m said Grace —Attention to the abov 1 prevent suits. John 31 4 Mullen. July I—-ts BLINKS^ For sale at this office. MANSION HOUSE.--• i . ■> t £ ; rhe Subscribers have taken a large and commodious Hoijsc at the cor n»j of Green and Mclntosh Streets} which is now opened tor the recep ion of company It is situated in the most pleasant part ol tbe Town, and no pains will be spared to render the establishment worthy the pat , ronage of the Public. Rooms will be fitted up in superior Style for the Accommodation of families, as well as single rooms for gentlemen. The proprietors of this establishment have endeavored to combine ele gance with convenience. They flatter themselves their TABLE and RAH Will not be excelled by any in the Southern country. They have also prepared in an airy situation large new Stables and safe Carriage Houses. Those who are fond of good living, airy, new and clean Rooms ami Beds, and kind treatment, are respectfully invited to call aud judge for themselves. N. B. They intend keeping & Livery Stable, and will be provided with Carriages, Horses and an approved Ostler. Young & McKeen. January 22 - j~ Sfif I 4* HE subscribers have taken for »n>"' her of years, a lease of this •nid commodious establishing" Situated n the very centre of th- - lt y* lt offcrs l >e ‘ collar advantages t 0 regular and tran sient boards from the long experience l Hey have had in their line of business, they flatter themselves to be able to render their house for private and public accom modation, inferior to none in the Southern States. Their TABLE will be furnished with the best provisions the market can afford, and their Bar with the choicest Liquor*- Particular attention will be paid cleanliness in their rooms and bedding; and they pledge themselves that indecent or indecorous behaviour of any kind will never he tolerated in their house. Their Stables are furnished with the •>est of provender, and with faithful and at teutive hostlers. As the proprietors con template to make the GLOBE a permanent establishment, under their particular su perintendauce, they only solicit from their friends and the public generally, that por tion of patronage which their attention to business and to the comfort of their cus tomers may entitle them to. WUliam G. Grimes, William Shannon. September 10. ts K.VT EB.T.JI3S\\Vfc.Vt', Four doort below the Market, North tide Broad ttreet, Augmia. i fHE subscriber, taking into considera tion the scarcity of money and the proba bility of provisions being lower, has fallen to the understated prices for boarding, and will spare no pains to render satisfaction to those who may favor hii» with their custom; he also returns his humble thanks to the public for their liberal patronage hitherto bestowed on him, and will feel thankful for the continuance of their lib eraiity. Man and horse per day 2 2 25 Man without horse per day 1 25 Horse without man per day 1 Single meal for man SO Single feed for horse 50 Lodging 25 Hoard by the qr. with Lodging 70 without lodging 65 Horse per month 15 1 also keep a Waggon Yard, and will Keep a constant supply of Horse Provi sions on hand for Waggoners as low as the Market will afford. IVoodson Ligon. August 4. wtf The Subscriber lIK7ILL attend the Courts of the Middle ▼ ▼ Circuit, for the purpose of settling ne accounts due thelate firm of Kean, ').iyckink, and Pearre, the accounts due rnself, and all pthers in which he may be .tereste J as agent, administrator, or any therwisc, and earnestly hopes all inter sted will attend prepared to settle either y payment of due bill. George W , S. Pearre. Eagle Tavern. And Savannah Stage Office THE partnership of Whipple & Booth of the Eagle Tavern ami Savannah Stage Office, being this day dissolved by mutual consent All debts due by the said firm will be P a * J b .v sa 'd Whipple, and all debts due to the firm are to be collected by him only. Whipple, I). S. Booth. N. B. The house will still be, continued as formerly, by the subscriber J, Whipple. may 16 FOR SALE. ON TUK Altaiwaha VVwpt, Bj the subscriber WHO IS DULY Authorized & Empowered TO SELL THE SAME. TiZ. Three Tracts OP MOST VALUABLE Db & i'J ID AH FOLLOWS. Orte Tract at Clarkes Bluff, 10 miles a bove Darien, containing 3546 acres. One Tract, an Island, in the narrows, Al tamaha river, 24 miles above Clarkes Bluff, containing 400 acres, and known by the name of Williams’ Field. One Tract, containing 750 acres, 4 miles above Williams’ Field, known by the name of Mitchero’s Field. The above are supposed to be three o' as fine tracts of land, as any on the Alt maha river, they will be sold at private n any time from the date hereof, until th 10th day Dec. next, when if not sold tru will be absolutely sold at Public Audio at MiHedgeviHe. Any person inclined nurchase either of the above tracts of )«>■ may be most particularly informed of eve . thing respecting them by applying to tm subscriber, in Augusta. James A. "Young, Mention Boute Hotel, Auguttu. may 23 MAIL , © i* it (S m &>. From Petersburg to Balti more, in FORTY HOURS. 1 HE Mail Coßch leaves Petersburg ev ery d.ty, at 6 o'clock, p m. and arrives at Richmond at 11, p. m. Starts from Rich mond at 2 o'clock, a. m ami arrives at Baltimore, via Fredericksburg and Wash ington, tho next day to dine. By this arrangement, passengers are expedited nearly twenty.Jhur hours, and the fare through is loss than by any other route. The proprietors pledge themselves that every attention shall be paid to pas seugers, (both on the road and in houses ol accommodation,) that cun be required. Returning, the Post Coaches leave Bal timore at 5, a. m, every day, arrive al Washington to the Steam Boat al 12, and arrive at Richmond at half past 4, p. rn. the next day, and lodge in Petersburg— In order to effect this arrangement, tbe proprietors from Richmond to Petersburg have provided good Mail Coaches for the express purpose of carrying those passen gers that are under the necessity of hur rying on, and prevent the delay in Rich mond, so much complained of That pas sengers shall not be detained in Rich mond, that are in the Regular Line, i n who apply in season for seats, extra Car riages shall always be in readiness. (L/' Charlottesville Coach h aves Rich mond on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6o’clock a. m. / Lynchburg Stage leaves Richmond on Tuesdays and Fridays; at 9 o’clock, a fn. Williamsburg Stage leaves Richmond on Mondays; Wednesdays and Fridays, at 3 o’clock, a. in. The Petersburg and Richmond Accom modation Ceaclus, leave their respective places every morning, at 6 o’clock The Proprietors. Union Hotel, Ist May, 1820. 2m Notice. f|V - J HREF, Months after date I shall apply to the Cashier of the Bank of Aiijs'Lia, Georgia, for payment of following Notes of said Rank. i ' Note No. 2$A hand half, signed o.iiurmng President, for 100 dollars Do. No. 542 do. '* do. for 10 dori. Do. No. 6 >l, left hand half signed, Au gustus Moore, Cashier, for 10 dolls. gusftis .b?‘£(tuo.uui. An.. The other halves of these Notes is sup posed to have been robbed from the mai dispatched fismi New-York, on the 24th March last, for Savannah. Win. Waters. Savannah, June 12— —w3ni Was Lost, A PROMISSORY note (fiven by Simon Lowry to Benjamin Phillips for 75 dollars, payable Ist January, 1821, and given 51l December, 1819. I forwarn all persons 'Vom trading lor said note Benjamin Phillips. Burke comity, June 1 Livery Stables. 1i HE Subscriber informs the pftblicthu' his large and commodious Stables on thi corner of Jackson and Green streets, art now ready for the reception of Horses. From his long experience in this Hue ot business, he flatters himself of being abl*- lo give full satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. He wul bi prepared at all times, to furnish Horses and Carriages, by the day, or longer.— Horses Kuicked, Trimmed and Broke to Harness, at tbe shortest notice and beu manner- He will only add, that he invite, the public to call and see his complete es tablishment and then bestow on him dial patronage which they really think him en titled to. He requests all those persons who may call, not to give any money to ervants. William M‘Gar. Dee. 13 31 ATE of GEORGIA, /%’ 0 1 fI -E • Richmond County. 5 . J lert ' b .riven that Charles Harmon of said sfuU and c ,unty, hath applied to the honorabh the justices of the inferior c«urt of sau county for the benefit of tie acts givin K relief in cases of insolvency and imprison Tient And the creditors of the said Hai non are hereby notified to shew cause, il they have, before the said justices a’ he court house in the said county on thf 19t h day of July next, at 10 o’clock in tlu fjre noon of that day, why an assign mem * the said insolvents estate should not he made and he be discharged, may 16. 1890. 2m Lo*t, V F RW weeks since, a long single bar SHOT GUN, half stocked, and Stef muted. It was exchanged by misiak r one which is soßiething s iuilar, but w few inches shorter, which Gun is now i" ;i\ possession. The person who has in .iu!i will please be so kind as to bring • ome and take his own. Basil Lamar, July Q\S*TK.IiU SPRINGS. if HE Subscriber can aceummodate tt few Ladies and Gentlemen with BOARD $ LODGING, ? U this Healthy place, during the Summer 1 . ifontht , upon the following Reiunmild* terms;—. Board & Lodging per day K 1 50") *1? By the Week, = : : ; I2i(^ By the Month : : : : .1 0OJ,» Children and Servants half privy. I'runsieut custom per meal ; 50 ■» Bed : 25 ( 9 Horse Keeping pi r Night ; So r A Horse Feed s , : : , ,25 J ’ Os all kinds—At customary prices. I further assure those Ladies and Gen tlemen who chouse to call, that there shall' be mo disorder allowed in tire House, and every specios of GAMING is strictly pro hibited. and every attention shall be paid to his guests, to make every thing as a greeable as his situation will permit N. Durkee. June. 20 !2t M iuga, CHEEK AGENCY, Seventeen miles west of Monticello t Jasper county Geo, Tnv. subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they still continue to accommodate persons in smirch of health. They conceive it necessaty to state the terms on which they will in fu tore board those who may be >viir,u(‘ to encourage theth j— Regular boarders. tor man and horse per dn,l dollar 75 rents; man alone, one dnlhu . children and ser vants half price. Th' water has been re cently analyzed by n competent Chemist* and pronounced to be ecual if not superior to any in the souther* country William Mclntosh, Peter MouaUlson. March J 6 t FRO I*OS, B S Vierce § VUthiusvm, For Publishing in Green»bor<nrgh, f Geo. J A NEWSPAFan, TO Hi. f.NTITLEB The Selector. T, „ I' puMi altera [.roniis. liulr more than, that in point of typographu al execu tion h. useful matter the SELECTOR shall compare with ai;y paper now published in tlie slate. The primary objeci will he to present such a compe l di im of r« ligious and political affairs, as to afford a sa' isfac arra to oritun %.*,+*. ■ ..»... ■. L cry part of the eVtld. as far as it can lx. ascertained. The SELECTOR will con tain considerable original master, with choice selections on the most import a it principles of the Christian religion. A pari will also be devoted to tin; exhibi tion ol the naked facts, and convincing reasons, which imnounce to parents tin. boundless good that, will resui* front early an I confirmed lialiits of morality and reli* gwn in children! together with the no portance of avoiding every tiling, winch in os nature is calculated to corrupt and vi tiate the heart. /Situate I as we are, in the interior of a uaio, advancing steadily in literary, !»•* - * ..lent, and pipits institutions; with cidit ■* stores of truth before iis, from whence > till and enrich our pages, we tr s', that ihe objects of ttMf paper *ve -such ~s may, and will be effected. Intending » *' '. to exclude every thing chlculk; k> wound the feelings of any, and ainiu g in nvery case to promote the hex) uvn - N f .•ill, we shall receive and insert with ph av ore, any information whether foreign or domestic, worthy of publication lor th» proposed objects of the paper. I.OVJCK P IF. BCE. P. U H&HWSON. CONDITIONS THE SELECTOR, Will be issued weekly, on a medium sheet, of good quality, and hundsfirrn type, at three dollar* per an mi in, payable »u die receipt of the first number, »r throe dollars and fifty cents if paid within sit months, or feur dollars at the expiration of die year. Advertisements will be conspicuously iserted al the customary prices. vj-T|ie subscribers to the Philanthropist, .re informed that they will be furnished ; ith the Selector in its stead, unless or dered to the contrary. ,T Persons holding subscriptions will onfer a favor by . obtaining as many re sponsible subscribers as they can, and re turn a list of their names, previous to the first of June. Gr'eevsh'irouifh, ,ipri! \7th 1820. FOR SALE. IVHE celebrated S'aud, now by James Collins on the trading ■nmonly called the <jross roads, twedr •:.iven miles from A'UT'iW. witUjMlffluin dr-d and fifty acres of 12lM,T>m£ ■‘ ro, i ,,a •d near the houses, which will produce grain with moderate attention, and a ft w uoidsto support the house, besides a con >,derabte quantity to dispose of otherwi-e. •' us stand is undoubtedly one of the ftest 1 i„d perhaps better known than any other the upper Country, is now offered for *le very low for cash or punctual pay cut, oil the first day of January next . pt-rson wishing to purchase the said ,d will apply to the Subscriber, living olumbiii Court House. fj Richard Shackelford. 1 April 15 ts