Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, July 08, 1820, Image 1

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I Augusta Chronk Georgia Gazette. v I [VOL. XXXIV.] SATURGVY MORNING, J(LY 8, 1830. [No. t^K] mroiucle $ ■ is pCß».mn*D ■siIAi.TitVRSDAYSt SATUKDA ■ MORNINGS, ■ t4V Dutcktwck 8c rnintTOW, K lislirr , oft he Laws of the United States, AT SIX HOLLAHS PER ANSCM, ■ IN ADVANCE ■ Just deceived, ■tF.WC.\SR« OF GENTLEMEN’* m c k ft Drab Fashionable Beaver Hats. ■ Among -which are a few of ■atbr proof, ■df SUPERIOR UUALITT. Oliver BeecL I Just Received. m hbls. best white wine Vinegar K bags best quality of Green Coffee ■ hh'ds- prime Jamaica Sugar ALSO ■ casks best London particular Tene- BthTheir former assortment they now ■for sale low>r cash. I Tardy § Son. mvv uix a, ■)s PIECES prime Cotton Digging ■ lUO Bbbls. do. St. Croix Sugar ■ 20 Piece's Ist quality Salt Sucking ■ 10 Bags Pepper ■ 10 Qr. Casks Malaga IVine ■ 20 Qr. Chests Gunpowder and Im ■ ptrial Tea. ■ Landing at the River Bank, ■d for sale low bt 9 Wm. Bostwick § Co. «(>WN ANT) LOAF, I scams. ■lltrrels Superior St. Croix Sugar* ■ills. &. 20 Bis. Muscovado do. double Refined Loaf, do. Bacon. Kgs of IMncomb Butter, For Sale by / I B. 31 alone. BViues, Snocift, Shoes ■Vxr door to Morgan & Bradford's, ■-GS leave to acquaint his friends and ■ublic, that be has received by late ar B s from the North, a general and well Bcted assortment of Ladies and Gentle- Bs’ Boots and Shoes of the latest fiishi- B manufactured ol the bept materials, Bph he will dispose of at wholesale an i ■I) °n his usual accommodating terms. BH. has always on hand a complete sun- Bat Northern Sole and Dressed Leather, Bh he will dispose of at a very small I" STRAW - p©ssmgipSo Jtut Received , and for Sale by G. ABELL, * FEW CASES LADLE'S FIXE Straw Bonnets. 1 ‘Tore at NORTH k UOWE\ Ifhper End Broad-Street .nine 24 <f Falkoclie ft Wh\svvja, ? CONTINUE the actoragf & Commission business in savannah, t 0 ea " orders W >!l be promptly utten- July 7. t s STOTUGE L # And fiuvmiftshm hus\ne»s k'i^| Cr, l )er * ' laVf> t;, ken the Wai H<-nry>.l- , Lfe , «,i r iap ‘* which is now in c."> ««<Sw£.i!“ re “ ! ’ li ™ " f r '-" n . l •'^ l|, kl‘iizic & Pi-noe. Jlctnber 27 } ts take notice. I. ? T *n*'ebte,i to the esi.'c of lillm v W and Catharine F.-gan, &. [nji • 1 ’ Payment to the subscriber w kin , ’ ari '‘ those having demand* it will present then- for senltim Robert Lekie } A dim*. attll States Arsenal, May 20. / AUGUSTA CROCKERY A vn ©ILiYSS WARE STORE subscriber is now receiving ; ■ opening, ancTwill continue to r e ring the Fall and Winter months. a> 'ore in Micou’s Brick Building, neai st-Officein M’lntosh-strect, leading fr Stewart Hargrave's CORNER STORE, I GENERAL ASSORTMENT *>? (ROCKERY lias? am\ China Wave. . e-COSSISTINO OF Crates nandsornehj assortei . with Crockery , aml Boxes ol Glass Wave, Well selected to suit the Georgia & Wes ern Markets, which he offers for sale at i. ow advance He is now opening in ord«j to suit those purchasers who wish to havt their Goods repact— Blue Printed Liverpool Ware—Also, Enameled ifaps C 5 Bauccrs, Os every description and size. Plates, Bowls, Mugs and Pitchers, Os different qualities and sizes. ALSO A few set of Elegant Burnish’d Gold China, Os a superior quality—consisting of A Tea, Coflee & Desert Set Complete—Likewise Lustre China Tea Sets, Os various figures, neatly put up in box eg—all of which he otiers for sale at the most reduced prices for cash, or approved Town acceptances. William H. Oakman. October 25. 12t IV. B.—The subscriber earnestly requests those who are indebted to the late firm of Erwins, Oakman, & On. to come forward and settle their accounts with him, (who alone is act tie their business) as further indulgenC' cannot be granted. William 11. Oakman. November ttU.fKVAV STRINGS. UK can ac( uminotlatc a lew Ladies and Gentlemen with BOARD $ LODGING, At this Healthy place, during the Swnmet Mdnths, upon the following Beasonabh Terms: — Board & Lodging per day J 5 1 50"a Ity the Week ; : : : 1 25 -• a. By the Month : ; : ) 1 Children and Servants half price. Transient custom per meal ; 50-^ Bed 25 / J Horse Keeping pt r Night : 5U f g- Horse Feed V : : » « 25 J * lAQ.T BUS Os all kinds —At c..somary priced I further assure those Ladies and Gen tlemen who choose to cal!, that there shad be no disordeV allowe in the House, and every species of GAMING is strictly pro hibited, and every attention shall be pai' 1 •o his guests, to make every thing as a greeable as his situation ill permit N. Borkee. .Tone sn—l2't . •iSliVini vu . 0 0. CItKEK AGENC , leventmi wesi f Monticeilfi * Jasper county Geo, T ie subscribers respectfully inform their friends and tiie public, ~iat they still continue to accommodate persons in search f health. They conceive it necessary to grate the terms on which they will in fu ture board those who may bfe willing to mcourage them Regular hoarders, for man and luirse per day, 1 dollar 73 cents; t an alone, one dollui , children and ser vants half price. The water has been re ■ utly analyzed by a competent Chemist, o 1 pronounced to be equal if not superior . any in the southern country William MTntosh, Peter Donaldson. March 16 1 Notice.— i HRFE Months after date I shall apply the C. shier of the Bank of Augusta, il'gia, for payaient ot tiie following -trs of said Bank « No. 256, right kaigl ha’f. sh< ' bos. Gumming President, for lOD dollars No, 541 ,lo no foi to .o i. No. 6 >l, left hand ha f signe ~ At. gustus Mo< re.Uashier, for 10 dells No. 3.36, left hard half signed, A gustos Moore, cashier, for 20 dMls. i he other halves of these Notes is su> '•s;*d to have been robbed from the n apatched from N w York, on the 24 ■ ch Itvst, for ba< aim di. W th. Waters. Savannah, June -JQ— — w3« FOR SALE. OX THE A\laum\\a IVivev, 'y the subscriber WHO IS DULY ‘ nthorized & Empowered iO SELL THE SAME. viz, TVwcv; Tv acta OP MOST VALUABLE IL i\ ¥'t ID Q.j AH FOLLOWS. >ne Tract at Clarkes Bluff, (0 miles a bove Darien, containing 3546 acres. )ne Tract, an island, in the narrows, Ah . tamaha river, 24 miles above Clarkes Bluff, containing 400 acres, and known by the name of Williams’ Field. One Tract, containing 750 acres, 4 miles above Williams’ Field, known by the name of Muchetn’s Field. ThsohaM are supposed to Ho three of as fine tracts of land, as any on thu Alta maha river, they will be sold at private sale any time from the date hereof, until the 10th day Dec. next, when if not sold they will be absolutely sold at Public Auction, at Milledgeville, Any person inclined to purchase either of the above tracts of land, may be most particularly informed of every thing respecting them by applying to the subscriber, in Augusta. James A. Young, Mansion House Hotel , Augusta. may 23 Livcrj Stables, fI(H Stibscviber informs the public that uis large and commodious Stables on the corner of Jackson and Green streets, are now ready for the reception of Horses. From his long experience in this line of business, he flatters himself of being able to giro full satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. He will be prepared at all times, to furnish Horses and Carriages, by the day, or longer.— lorses Knickeu, Trimmed and Broke to Harness, at the shortest notice and best manner- He will only add, that he invite* .he public to call ami see Uis complete es 'ablishmenl and then bestow on him that i itrouage winch they ready think him en titled to. He requests all those persons who may call, not to give any money t< ervants, William M‘Gap. Dec. 13 PROPOSALS, Pierce &übuisou, Per Publishing in Greensborovgh, f Ueo.J A WEWSFAPKR, TO 118 ENTITLED The Selector I 1 J THE publishers promise lit tie mor< than, that in point of typographical ex cu tion & useful matter the SEJ.ECTOII shall compare with any paper now published in the slate. The primary object will be to present such a Compel dinni of religious and political affairs, as to afford a sausfac tory knowledge of the church and state; a id to exhibit the stale of religion in ev en part of the world, as far as it can be ascertained. The SELECTOR will Con tain considerable original matter, with choice selections on the most important principles of the Christian religion. A part will also be devoted to the exhibi tion ot the naked facts, and convincing reasohs, which announce to parents tin, boundless good that will result from early | and confirmed habits of morality and reli gion in children; together with the ini > port ance of avoiding every thing, which in its nature is calculated to corrupt and vi tiate the heart. Situate 1 as we are, in the interior ol a Tate, auvancing steadily in liteyary, benev olent, ami pious institutions; with endless stores of truth before its, from whence to fill and enrich our pages, we trust that the objt cts of trie paper are such as may, and will be effected. Intending as we do, to exclude every thing calculated to wound the feelings of any, and aiming in every case to promote the best interest of all, we shall receive and insert with pleas nro, any information whether foreign or loniestic, worthy of publication for the proposed objects of di-' paper. LOVICK PIERCE. P. L. ROBINSON. C(llsli) T I O N S THE rELEC Will be issued Weekly, on a medium sheet, of good quality, and handsome typ n three dollars per annum, payable or the receipt of tlie fiiui number, or_thr< 'ollars and fifty cents if paid within si oonth», or four dollars at the expiration i be year. Advertisements will be conspicuous wrted at the customary prices. 'j- The subscribers to the Fhilcndm »v -*v informed that they will he furnisio th the Selector in its stead, unless < G rid to the contrary. /Peisons holding subscriptions w ,nfer a favor by obtaining as many i i onsible subscribers as they can, and r iru a list of their names, previous to tl ns of June. Greehsbortugh, April Vfth 1830. , Fire Engines. wkc.imiKRMAK,- INFtwMa ti\« public, that ht- ciuitiaiu to MaiuVfawure bi» I’/CIENT Mitt ENGINES, and Iks made and sold sixu one of them, viz : itothe town of Bo - 1 do Pittsfield, ton, 1 do Pawtucket, hi. Ido Nantucket, Ido Troy, 2 do Bath, I do Frigate United 2 do Newbury, States, I do Ipswich, 1 do Chesapeake, 2do Marblehead, Ido Macedonia)', 4 do Lynn, 1 do Independence 1 do Arundel, 74, . I do Reading, 1 do Washington 74 I do Newton, 1 do Navy Yard, at I do Brunswick, Portsmouth xn Ido Topshtui), Ido do Charh s 1 do Eostpon, to-n, Ido Aiuesbury Ido Worcester, 2 do, Portland, I do Gardiner, 1 do Fort Indep it- 1 do Bridgewater, dene-, 3 do Roxbnry, Ido Petersburg, Ido Salem, Ido Andierst,N.'L Ido Cincinnati, 0 1 do Windsor, V, 2 do 'Augusta, Geo I do Montpelier, ft 2 do Savannah, Geo Ido Hallowed, 3do Washington, Ido Qloucer.ter, Ido W est Point, 1 do Cotton Fact). 2 do Concord, N.H ty, Waltliam, \ 1 do Malden. 1 do Northampton^ One o' these Engines was tried in the town with another F»gine belonging to the towns' —vhel’oiem u.i»h 2iiv». inch chambx'x threw 7U gslious of viper 133 fact the one belonging to the town, acl selected for the ptirj <<si with 2 six-iuc: chambers, was 43 second, throwing the pmy quantity ol water 110 feet L We, the Sto scribe vs, Fi rewards of the town of Bostufi, utteiulcd at the trial of one Wm. C. Finn Em oinks, and do certify the above statement to be correct. JONA. T.ORNG, ,103. AUSTIN, TURNER Pill LIPS, JOS,LOVERIGN JOHN MAC I AY. (Xj- Oilers for the PATENT FIRE ENGINE, addressed to VVM. C. HUNNE MAN, No. SJ/Umou-slnet, Boston, or his Manufactory in Uoxbury, will be executed in the best manner. March It , m6m Notice, TuK Subscribers uisliesto contract for i'ii Hire of Sixty Abh Bodied Laborers By die Hay, W eek or Mouth, to work in the improvement of the Nav girion of Sa va nah River; to commence at Petersburg in the 15th ol July next, or so soon there after as a sufficient number can be procu red to justify them to commence They wis i to obtain th«. above number by that time; should they not succeed, will con tinue Miming untd • jpjJied, for which liberal wages will In given; and the la bourci s supplied with provisions by the comiuissniiu rs. Persons wishing to make ciigagi nu n's lor any certain nurnbei of Hands, will pl-ase addles* a line to the s-iOScribers a, Einculnton, who are amhor ■ s<"i b\ the Board of Commissioners to con* ru •( f•• <lu' Hire es Hie same Tims, tlurray, } • 1 w apjinmleel Mark \ntiumv. > y the * I, . I ’V Hwrd °f I Ct<"l* Laill ill*, J commiss'm. June 24 ——w(«i ~ jM)TI€E. /\ I.L Persons Jiaviug demands against he Esta) c f Stainb.u.k Wilson deceased, .re requested to render them in, duly at tested, to us Ami '.use persons who are indebted to said Estate, arc requested to come i-rwalu and settle the same with out dc lay. Coshy Dickinson, Jsuncs A. lilack, JtPMI.VIS'I'HATOHS. Mr.v 11 ts you s ua:. celebrated fdaini, now occupie L by James Collins on the trading roat commonly called the cross roads, twent seven miles from Augusta, with eight him dred and fifty acres of Land, lying aronmr ami near the houses, which will produce grain with moderate attention, and a few hands to support the house, besides a con siderable quantity to dispose of otherwise, fins stand is undoubtedly one of the best and perhaps better known than any other in the upper Country, is now offered for sale very low for cash or nunctiial pay. Tieiit, on the first day of January next \ny person wishing to purchase the said stand will apply to tiie Subscriber, living ;il Columbia Court House. Richard Shackelford. \ pr*l r ts A IA I tj ol (jhO.RilA, / Oil' K I Richmond County. y hereh given that Charles Harmon of said staU 1 1 c- unty, hath applied to the honorabl, ie Justices of the inferior Cenrt of sa" unity for the benefit of t .c acts giving ■ •fief in cases of insolvency and imprison , n t And the creditors of the said IJai on are hereby notified to shew cause, V. iy they have, before the said justices a court house in the said county on tin 19,.h .lay of July next, at IU o’clock in tin >e noon of that day, why tot assignmen he said insolvents estate should no; m made and he be discharged, mavlfi, 18*>- 2m Notice. HE creditors of BENJAMIN VAR )L1) are desired to meet at the G 'lobe. Tavern on ThcMdatj the 6th inst. at 10 o'clock, a.m. Jill# 4—— 2t?«« , 1 - -T MANSION HOUSE. 1 HR Sub xcriborh have tak (, n a large and commodious House at ti e ?or« nej ol Green and JMclntosJi Sirens; which is jmw opened for fuc recep ion of company It is situsteu in/the must pleasant part of ibe Town, : nil no pains will he spared to render the establish men* worthy the pat*, ronage of the Public. Rooms will he fitted up in superior St) le lorthe accommodation of lamilies, as well as single rooms lor g.-ntleiuch, Ihs proprietors of tins establishment have . nde.ivored to combine elf* ■m *l*n^K^Hfu'utleerii 1 *“u hfrji. * prepared in an airj situation large new Stables and suie (’avnago. flouses. Those who are fond of good living, airy, new and clean Itoou’S and, Reds, and kind'treatment, are respectfully invited to tall and judge lor themselves. N, H. They intend keeping a T.ivefy Staldc, and will be provided with Carriages, Horses and an approved Ostler. Loimg & McKtcn, January 25 HE suhscriuers have token for nnum bcr ol years, a lease of ibis well known and commodious establishment. Situated in the very centre of the city, it oilers pe culiar advantages both to regular and trim* sient hoarders • Ei'otti the long experience they have had in their line of business, they Hatter themselves to be able to render tbeir house for private and public accom modation, inferior to none in the Southern Stales. Their TAfll.E will be furnished with the best provisions the market can a(h»rd, and their Hah with the choicest Liquors. I’anicuhr attention w ill be paid to cleanliness in tbeir rooms and bedding; and they pledge themselves that indecent or indecorous behaviour of any kind will never be tolerated in their house. Their Stables are furnished with the <est of provender, and with faithful and at. tentive hostlers. As the proprietors con* template to make GLOBE a permanent establishment, under their particular sn perintendaiiCc, they only solicit from their friends and the public generally, lit at por tion of patronage which their attention to business and to the comfort of their cus tomers may entitle them to. VV'Uiam G. Grimes, William Shannon, September 10. if V..VV Four door a helovi the Murkrt,North si Jr Broad street, Augusta. T JL HE subscriber, taking into considers Ison the scarcity of money and the proba bility ofpixnisions being lower, has fallen to the understated prices for boarding, and will spare no pains to render satisfaction to those who may favor him with tbeir custom; he also returns his humble thanks to the public for their liberal patronage iiitherto bestowed on him,and will fed thankful for the continuance of their lib erality. Man and horse per day $2 25 Man without horse per day 1 25 Horse without man perday 1 Single meal for man 50 Single feed for horse 50 Lodging 25 Hoard by the qr. with Lodging TO ' without lodging 65 Horse per month 15 I also keep a Waggon Yard, and will keep a constant supply of Horse Frovi. ] sions on hand for Waggoners us low as the I Market will afford. Woodson Ligon. August 4. wtf i’lie Subscriber i attend the Courts of the Middle f* Circuit, for the purpose of settling lie accounts due thelale.. firm of Kean, Kiyckink, and Pearre, tin- accounts due i.nself, and all others in which he may be tercsted as agent, administrator, or any and earnestly hopes all inter ■ted will attend prepared to settle either ■y payment or due bill. I George \V, S. Pearre. .—^ Eagle Tavern. And Savanmh Ptiige Office flllfß partnership of Whipple h 15 oth I. of tin- Eagle Tavern and Savannah Stage Offico, being this dnv dissolved b)' mutual consent. All debtsdn< l<v the said firm will be paid by sard W hip, If, and all debts due to the firm are to bo collected by him only, Jeß*<? Whipple, N I). S. Booth. N. R. The house will still be continued as formerly, by the subscriber J. Whipple. inky 16 / Wanted Afi an Apprentice to the Confectioner? and Hisl'dling ImsiiTcss, a smart active T,, d between 15 and 17" ye ars of age. AppU to HENRY ROBERT'S Confectionary S'roe, 4 doors below the Globe Tavern, Bread street, Augusta. A ill 18 ts 8 15 lit; tv ai d. 1, u,,, n.- ffivi'ti for JOHN, (lie car. riage driver, a tall yellow, very artful net likely’ fellow, of 22 years old, of a cov’s* voice, bail on when be went off’, a gla< ,1 leather hat, dark homespun pantaloons aid a round jacket, either of blue chub on, striped hornspun. .John being iimfilh-'g to be’ left at a summer residence in 1’ >•- field l)istrict, South Carolina; took cm 'ur eleventh instant one of his masters carri age horses, took aiso a spare bridle i< ’ d his ahotdders and made bis escape to cn, as he said, to the plantation on Jf,■ ■ k. Swamp, St Peter’s Parish, S. Carolina.— He rode bare backed, was traced until Granb) fern below Columbia. !!<• lb re rode the same large bay horse* on which he made his escape, the horse b lb tn ts and paces, a star in bis forehead, bis U> d 4 feet or pastern joints appear as if j were swelled, and it is belt, ved lu one of both liiml feet reward will be (riven for tlie ft Trse. It is presnine'l John will endeavour to iuiko his way to Augusta, where be has a . no cle a fre< yellow man, perhaps b. U;c name of Kill, from whom he mayot trio a free pass, may alter his name and el and try to make his cawne to Virginia, * ;■ he m»v be* employed on the liver :n a boat hau l. Any person who apprehends said. John and se cures him so well in son » safe jail, us that flu* subscribe) gets l:.;a shall receive the above reward. Black Swamp, St Peter’s, April 1820 Jame* Loivrv