Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, July 13, 1820, Image 1

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* w \ Augusta Chronicle % Georgia Gazette. *,•', , - , ' • * • Jr . . .. r 4 *. I [VOl*=ltXXlls ' THURSDAY MOftNlJift, JULY <B,- 18*0. , ' [No. 1996.] —. ~c— - * i •■■"■■■■■■ i I ■■ ■ ■"■■ ■■■■■!■< ■■■ ■■■■■■■ »■■■ ■».■■■. . nwii ' «rwVi«>ni ■« m T«- i "ii.i.' m V T., ,M»ii , .~ft7 ,n, '■ ■ ■.■■•■.— THE Chronicle t$ (Sajette, is TUESDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY MORNINGS, Br Kf.ak, DctcKinck & Charltor, fablisbers of the Lawi of the United States, at six dollars per ahsdm, IN ADVANCE. V. Just Received, A FEW CASES OF GENTLEMEN'S Black fy Drab Fashionable Bearer Hats. Among which are a few of WATER PROOF, or SUPERIOR RtJALITT. Oliver Reed. .Tune .Urt-rff. Just Received. hbls. best white wine Vinegar ilreen Coffee togar - licular Tene -snt they row f Son. LOAF, [.S'. fix Sugar, do do. T, do. i done, Shoes rudforcPs, } friends and id by late ar-' ■ral and well and Gentle latest fashi st materials, holesale and luting terms, rmplete sup aed Leather, a very small ■ iP © Sale by FINE nets. B’s, 'frond. Street. bison, E imission NAH, mptly attend iE sines, s. m tlie Ware [envy Shultz, mow in com n of Cotton Ponce. fuos. Grace, on the sob he having ok Accounts to the above alien. d. ; subseriher lias LAW OFFICE to his H* !, tg on i elfaip Street, where lie •generally found, and his professi .^ es ’til the 30tb ne house at present oc-, g . J situated o>. nf tj, ee • ln a healthy and desirable po “ es9l “ a ff'Vcn or L Nicholas Ware,* I ’ ts .♦A \ r * ’ AUGUSTA CROCKERY * AND WARE STORE subscriber is now receiving an JL opening, and will continue to recriv luring the Fall and Winter months, at hi Store in MLcou’s Brick Building, near tl *O6l -Office in M'lntosh -street, leading fVn.i Stewart & Hargrave's CORNER STORE, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF CROCKERY ‘.- t ■ ■ WVaa« am\ China Ware, •-COKSJSTINO OF ■- Crates handsomely assorted with Crockery, and ’Tierces o t Glass Ware, Well selected to suit the Georgia &. Wes era Markets, which he offers for sale at » ow advance. He is now opening in order to suit those purchasers who wish to have - ' their Goods repact— Blue Printed Liverpool Ware—Also, Enameled Cups Saucers, Os every description and size. Plates, Bowls, Mugs and Pitchers, Os different qualities and sizes. ALSO , A few set of Elegant Burnish’d Gold China, Os a superior quality—consisting of A Tea, Coffee & Desert Set Complete—Likewise Lustre China Tea Sets, Os various figures, neatly put up in box es*-all of which he oilers for sale at the most reduced prices for cash, or approved Town acceptances. William H. Oakman. October 25. , 12t N. 8.-i—The subscriber earnestly requests those who arc indebted to the late firm of Erwins, Oakman, & Co. 1o come forward and settle their accounts with him, (who alone is authorized to set tle their business) as further indulgence cannot be granted. William 11. Oakman. November 26, 12m If HE Subscriber can accommodate a few Ladies and Gentlemen with BOARD H LODGING, At this Healthy place, during the Summer Months, uppn the following Reasonable Terms:— Board & Lodging per day % 1 50 A By the Week : : ; 1 25 By the Month ; ; : : 1 OOj .g Children and Servants half price. Transient custom per meal ; 50-i Bed 25 / £ Hoi se Keeping per Night : 50 | S, House Feed : : : : : 25 J ’ liIQAOWS Os all kinds—At customary prices. I further assure those Ladies and Gen tlemen who choose to call, that there shall he no disorder allowed in the House, and 'every species of GAMING is strictly pro hihited, and every attention shall be paid tu his guests, to make every thing as a greeable as his situation will permit. >N. Durkee. ■Time 20 12t •4iv»e,T‘A\ Springs, CREEK AGENCY, Seventeen miles west i f Montice.Un , Jasper county. Gen. rßTiu subscribers respectfully inform fheii JL friends and tlie public, that they stilt continue to accommodate personslnsearch of health. They conceive it necessary to state the terms on which (hey will in fu ture hoard those who may be willing to encourage them Regular boarders, for man and horse per day, 1 dollar 75 cents; man alone, one dollar , children and ser vants half price. The water has been re cent!} analyzed by a competent Chemist, ana pronounced to be equal if superior to any In the southern country William M‘intosh, Peter Donaldson. March 16 1 Police. V ~ \ HUFF. Months idler date I shall apply to the Cashier of the Back of Augusta. Georgia, for payment of the following Notes of said Bunk Note No. 256, right hand half, signet' Thus. Gumming President, for 100 dollar* Ho, 'No. 542 do do. for 10 do I *. Do. No. 631, left hand half signed, Au gustus Moore, Cashier, for 10 dells. Do. Ko. 336, left hand half signed, Au. gustos Moore, cashier, for 20 d;d!s. 1 The other halves of these Notes is siu posed to have been robbed from the ir.w : matched from New-Vork, on the 24''i •' ,i h last, for Savannah. Wm. r aters. Savannah, June 12—wSm ' - • *\( ■ /t - V, e ■* •* * FOR S.VI.F. ON THK A\tama\\a YUntt, iVy the subscriber WHO IS DULY Authorized & Empowered TO SELL THE SAME. viz. Three Tracis OF MOST VALUABLE jl & sr id \AS FOLLOWS. One Tract at Clarkes Bluff, 10 miles a bove Darien, containing 3546 acres, One Tract, an Island, in the narrows, AI tamaha river, 24, miles above Clarke: Bjuff, containing 400 acres, and knuwr •Ly of ViUittrr.9 9 Field. One Tract, containing 75u noros /Lmik.' above Williams’ Field, known by the name of Mitchem’s Field. The above are supposed to he three ol as fine tracts of land, its any on (lit-. Alta malm river,they will bo sold at private salt any time from the date hereof, until the 10th day Dec. next, when if not sold they will be absolutely sold at Public Auction, at Milledgcville. Any person inclined to purchase either of the above tracts of Jam!, may be most particularly informed of every thing respecting them by applying to the subscriber, iu Augusta. .lames A. Young, Mansion Home Hold, Augusta, may 23 Livery .Stables. 1 HE Subscriber Inform. Ole public that his large and commodious Stables on the corner of Jackson and Green streets, are now ready foi* the reception of Horses. From his long experience in this line ol business, he flatters himself of being abb to give full satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. He wiilbt prepared at all times, to furnish Horsei and Carriages, hy the day, or longer.— HorSes K. nicked, Trimmed and Broke t< Harness, at the shortest notice and bes' manner- He will only add, that he invite the public to call and see his complete es 'u blishment and then bestow on him tha i uronage which they really think him eu t iled to. He requests all those person who may call, not to give, any money t( ervants. | Williifm M‘Gar. Dec. 13 PROPOSALS, i'ierce § iUibiuswu, For Publishing in Grtensbornngh % f Geo,^ A WKWSPAPEH, TO B>., ENTITLED The Selector. ll THE publishers promise lillie mon than, that in point of typographical exrcu tion & useful matterthc SELECTOR si mi compare with any paper now published ii the slate.. The primary object will he t* present such a compendium of religion and political affairs, as to afford a satisf'ac tory knowledge oftltc church and state and to exhibit the state of religion in ev ery part of the world, as far as it can Ik ascertained. The SELECTOR will con tain considerable original matter, will choice selections on the most importan principles of the Christian religion. A part will also be devoted to the exhlbi lion of the naked facts, and convincnnji reasons, which announce to the boundless good that will result from early and confirmed habits of morality and rcli gion in children; together with the iin portance of avoiding every thing, which h its nature is calculated to corrupt and vi liat" the heart. Situate 1 as we are, in the interior of i state, advancing steadily in literary, benev cleat, and pious institutions; with endles stores of truth before us, from whence tt (illjud enrich our pages, we trust tha' the objects of the paper are such as may . and will be effected. Intending as we do, to exclude every thing calculated t< wound the feelings of any, and aiming ir every case to promote the best interest u all, w'e shall receive and insert with pleas ure, any information whether foreign o; lomestic, worthy, of publication for tli proposed objects of the paper. LOVICK rtERCE. /'. L HOULVSOX. c on nr ! tons THE ELECTOR , Will he issued weekly, on a medium s u et, of good quality, and handsome typ .1 three dollars per annum, payable or lie receipt of the first number, or thru oilars and fifty cents if paid within-.', mouths, or four dollars at the expiration < < o>e year, < Advertisements will be conspicuous : y inerted at the customary prices. 'j' Tiie subscribers to the FhilanHiropiv ■ e informed that they w ill be furnish* ith the Selector in its stead, unless o. <iered to the contrary. „ v j w Persons holding subscriptions wd infer a favor by obtaining as many r •onsible subscribers as they can, and r . :n a list as their names, previous to llu ilrst of June. Greenafa-ough, April 1 7th 1820 ; . .. IT Fire Engines. WM. C. lIUNNEMAN, INFORMS Cu public, that he continues , to Manufacture ins I' A TENT, FINE ENGINES, nml lias made and sold sixty one of them, via : 2to the town of Bos- 1 do Pittsfield, ton, 1 do Pawtucket, hi. Ido Nantucket, Ido Troy) 2 do Bath, 1 do Frigate United 2 do Newbury, States, 1 do Ipswich, 1 do Chesapeake, 2do Marblehead, Ido Macedonian, 4 do Lynn, 1 dp Independence 1 do Arundel, 74, I do Heading, 1 do Washington 74 I do Newton,. 1 do Navy Yard, at 1 do Brunswick, Portsmouth mi Ido Topsham, Ido do Charles 1 do Eastport, town, 1 do Ameshiiry 1 do Worcester, 2 do Portland, 1 do Gardiner, 1 do Fort Irdepen- 1 do Bridgewater, deuce, 3 do Ilnxbury, Ido Petersburg,Va Ido Salem, Ido Amherst,N. H. Ido Cincinnati, O. 1 do Windsor, VI. 2 do Augusta, Geo 1 do Montpelier, Vt 2 do Savannah, Geo 1 do (fallowed], 3 do 1 do Gloucester, 1 do West Point, I do Cotton Facto- 2 do Concord, N.ll ry, WaMi 'm, 1 dc Malden* 1 do NortlWpinpton, One of ttitse Engines was tried in the town with another Engine belonging to the town; —the Patent Engine, with 2 five inch chambers, threw 7u gallons of water 133 feet in 28 seconds; the one belonging to the town, am! selected for the purport with 2 six-inch chambers, was 43 second, tluotying the same quantity ut water lie/ feet We,.the Subscribers, Firewards of tin town of Boston, attended at the trial of one Wm. C.’s Ft he Emunks, and do certify the above statement to be correct. JONA. LOWING, JOS. AUSTIN, TURNER PHILLIPS, JOS.LOVEIUGN JOHN MACK AY. 10- Orders for the P ATENT FIRE ENGINE, addressed to WM. C. HUNNE MAN, No. 31 Union-street, Boston, or his Manufactory in Unvhury, will be executed in the best manner. March 11 mfim Notice, rii *v JL HE Subscribe: v. i»hesto contract for tl>.- Hire of Sixty Able Ilodieil Laborerh «/ By the Day, M eek or Month, to work in the improvement ot the Navigation of Sa vannah River: to commence : *i Petersburg in the lAth of July next, or so soon the e aster as a sufficient trim tier can be procu red to justify them to commence. Tin y wish to obtain thevabove number In timt time; sboukl they not succeed will con tinue lliiving until supplied, for which libera! wages will be given; and tne h> hoovers supplied with provisions by toe commissioners. Persons wishing to make apgagemen’s for any certain number of Hands, will please address a line to the subscribers at Lincolnton, who are author ised by the Board of Commissioners to con tract f v ihe Hire es the same. Tlios. Murray, Murk Anthony, > by the ~ , t * V Bonnl of I Ptfl* I ill mar, J commas’rs, June 24 wld NOTICE: Alt. Persons having demands against the Estate of Slainb.ick Wilson deceased, are r-quested to render tlicni in, duly at tested, tons. And those persons who am indebted to said Estate, are requested to come forward and (Settle the same with out delay. Coshy Dickinson, James A. Black, ADM! VIS ill AT OHS. Mnv 11 tf_ ' r<,jt~SALnr milF, celebrated f’aivl, now occupies' E by James Collin# on the trading mao commonly called the cross roads, iwent seven miles from Augusta, with eight hun tired and fifty acres of Land, lying aconite and near the houses, which will produce grain with, moderate attention, and a few hands to support the house, besides a con siderable quantity to dispose of otherwise. This stand is undoubtedly one of the best and perhaps better known than any other in the upper Country, is now offered fin- Mile very low for cash or ounctutd pa>. Mient, on the first clay of January next ny person wishing to purchase the said '•ml will apply to the Subscriber, living e Columbia Court House. Richard Shackelford ’ • ii' i i.i ts ;11 Vi Eof GEORGIA, y X’ ol,oK ' Richmond County. ji' herein -iven that Charles Harmon of said sia’< old county, hath applied to the honorabn the justices of the inferior court of sin. /,’jiity f«»r the benefit oft te acts giving •.•lief in cases of insolvency and impriso , ,i cn t. And the creditors of the said Ha> non are hereby notified to shew cause, my they haviy, before the said justices court house in the said county on tin };>lh day of July next, at 10 o’clock in tin ‘ ire noonoftbji day, why an assignmer. l the said insolvents estate should ■ made aed be\be discharged mavlfi, I8B). 2". I A EE \o l U H. • JXHO3F. indebted to ttie estate ol £ Andrew and Catharine Fagan, d>- I make payment to yhe subscriber v i delay, arnl those having demands _ ,|i,t it will present theyn for settlem • Robert Lekic, Admr. United ’ May 20. —————— ■—■ — * 1 I =- J— MANSIONS IHUSK. IHK Subscribers have taken a and cmtunudious House at the cor nej of (fyuin and Mclntosh Streets f which is now opened tor the i ecep* ion ot company. It is situated in the most pleasant part of tbe Town, and no pain* will be spare-1 m render the establishment woilhy the pat-, rename of the Public. Rooms will be fitted up in superior St vie tor the accommodation of tain lies, as well ns single rooms for gentlemen. The proprietors of this establishment have endeavored to, combine ele gance with convenience. They flat tor themselves then- TABLE unit It Alt will not be excelled by any in the Southern country. They have also prepared in an airy situation large new Stables* and sale Carriage Houses, Those who are fund of good living, airy, new and clean Root s and Beds, and kind'treatment, arc respectfully invited to call ami judge for themselves. N. U. They intend keeping a Livery Stable, and wilj be provided with Carriages, Horses and an approved Ostler, I r o uug & Me Keen. January 212 y _ ClliV>TV& „ TAVUrtN. TP • “ lIL subscribers have taken for «nnA)> ' )cr (li years, a lease of this well known anil commodious establishment. Situated in the very centre of the city, it oilers pe culiar advantages both to regular and tran sient hoarders From (Ik; long*experience they have had in their line of business, they flallcr themselves to be able to render their house for private and public accom modation, inferior to none in the Southern States. Their TABLE will he furnished with (he best provisions the market can afford, and their Bah with, the choicest Liquors. Particular attention will be paid lO'Cleanliness in their rooms and bedding; and. they pledge themselves that indecent br indecorous behaviour of any kind will never be tolerated in their house. Their Slabiea are furnished with tin mst of provender, and with faithful and at tentive hustlers. As the, proprietors con-, template to make the GLOBE a permanent establishment, under their particular su perintendauce, they only solicit from thcii friends and the public general)), that por tion of patronage which their attention to business and to the comfort of their cus tomers may entitle them to. WiUiam G. Gpimes, William Shannon. September 10„ ts V..VT t, WT.II.V.M V..VT, Four tl'jhra Uflow the Market,North side Itvoad ttreet, J!m;usta. THE subscriber, taking into considera tion tli# scarcity of money and the proba bility of provisions being lower, has fallen to the understated prices for bom.ling, and will spare no pains to render satisfaction :<> those who may favor him witli their ci,stout; he also returns his humble thanks ui the public for their liberal patronage hiilierto bestowed on him,and will feel iVmkfulfor the continuance of their lib erality. Man and horse per day 2 25 Man without horse per day 1 25 Morse without man per day 1 Single meal for man 50 Single feed for horse 50 Lodging 25 Board by the qr. with Lodging 70 without lodging 65' Horse per month J 5 I also keep a Waggon Yard, and will ■.'cep a constant- supply of Horse Provi; -ions on hand for Waggoners as low as the Market w ill aliurd. Wuinison I Agon. August 4» , wtf Tile Siibacriiter * IJILh attend tlu Courts of the Middle ‘i f Circuit, for the purjiose of settling accounts due thelate firm of Kea:t, t.ayckink, and Pearre, the accounts due self, and all others in which he may be e.vesteci as agent, administrator, or any ierwise, and earnestly hopes a)I inter ■ I ' ill attend prepared to seltic either v payment o* due bill. George \V , S. Per.iT?, Eagle Tavern. r 4 ' • ** f * And Savannah Stage Office rarrn oaHm-’suip of Whip; ’<■ 8- Booth fi o 1 ’ lli-• F, :<jde F.iven: fti'd Savannah Stage Office, h •in'- ibis day dissolved by in"tuiil consent. All debisdue by (be •mid firm will be paid by mid Whipple, nnl ull debts due to the firm arc to be collected by him only. Jesse Whipple,» I). S. Booth. N.B. The house will still be continued as formerly, by the subscriber ’ s * J, Whipple. may 16 Wanted \ S an Apprentice to the Confectionary and Distilling business, a smart active l-ac| between 15 and 17 years ofugc. Apply to / HENHY ROBEKT’S Confectionary Store, 4 doors bedow the Globe Tavern, Broad street, Augusta. Am il 18 ts ■■ - ■ ■■■ ——i —■■ -r b l 5 He ward. Wn... Be given for JO 1 1,\, fVc car, riage driver, a tall yellow, very art fid and likely’ fellow, of 22 years old, of a coarse nice, had on.when be went off, a glazed leather hat, dark homespun pantaloons and ■ round jacket, either of blue cloih or nfriped homsptin. .Ibhn being unv. i'it)£ to be left at a summer residence in Fair held District, South Carolina; took on die eleventh instant one of bis masters carri age horses, took also a spare bridle round bis shoulders and made Ids escape to go, is he said, to the plantation on lllack Swamp, St Pliter's Paiisii, S. Carolina.;-. I Ife rode ban hack I,' was traced unto ( Granbv ferry below Columbia. He there 1 rode the same large bay horse on whto» ! he made bis escape, the horse b th trM*— — j and pa-- es, a Star In his f uhead. Jus hind feet or pasttu p joints appear as if they } were swelled, and it is believed he has one or both hind feet white. Five o bus aal w.iu be r - ■ • :.•. ,u ■ .... v>c. It is I presumed Joim will u deavour to make ] )ii» way-to Augusta, wln-re lie Jui.i an -ai cle a free yellow man, pejbaps by die name of Kitt, from whom lit* may eh tain a Crop pass, may alter his name and dress, ■md try to make bis escane to Virginia, or he ma) be employer! on the river as a bat ban I. kny person \v!io appr bends said John and secures him so well in some safe jail, as that the subacrlbi-i gets liim shall receive the above reward. Hbrck Swamp, St Peter’s, April 1820, James Lowry? , . “