Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, July 15, 1820, Image 1

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I Augusta Chronicle & Georgia Gazette. I [V 0L - SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 15, 1830. [No. 1597. J THE I chronicle *5 itSajrtte, ■ IS FOBLisnsD BtuESDAV, THURSDAY & SATURDAY ■ 1 mornings, ■ Bt Keik, DtryCKIlfCK & CflAHtTOir, H f u bij s hei* of Ihe Laws of the United Slates, at six dollars rxn annum, ■ IK ADVANCE. I Just Received. H (S bbls. best white wine Vinegar H 25 bags best quality of Green Coffee ■ 6 hhds. prime Jamaica Sugar 1 40 casks best London particular Tene- Wine. ■*Mit>i their former assortment they now ■qtr for sale low, for cash. ■ Tardy % Son. | March 14 ■brown and loaf, I SUGARS. 60Barrels Superior St. Croix Sugar, 30 Hds. &20 Bis. Muscovado do. ■25 Bis. double Refined Loaf, do. 5000 Bacon. Keggs of Buncomb Butter. ■ For Side by m R. Malone. ■ May, 20. * tl■' —~~ ' :■ Shoes, Saoes, Shoes. door to .Morgan & Bradford's, leave to acquaint his friends and public, that he has received by latear ‘ the North, a general and well assortment of Ladies and Gentle- Boots and Shoes of the latest fashi- IHs, manufactured of the best materials, he will dispose of at wholesale and a Bui, on his usual accommodating terms. |H. H. has always on hand a complete sup of Northern Sole and Dressed Leather, ot he will dispose of at a very small yiii^HtHice. 27.———wtf m iallocho £j Watson, ir |B r CONTINUE THE xßbfforag-f & Commission ■ BUSINESS IN SAVANNAH, bißß' ere; dl orders will be promptly attend th^Bto. ■luly 7 ts J^torageT" B and wommissibu business. HE subscribers have taken the Ware ’ B ISK occll pied by Henry Shultz, the Wharf, which is now in coin j^Bte order for the reception of Cotton I, .{=■> Merchandize. bi /B Mackenzie & Ponce. l'\ o t* •iLB™" Notice. B-l-L Persons huh bled to Taos. Go ace, ■ requested to call on the sab. it ami make payment, he having a ;hci^B ns ' e r ot all Notes and Book Accounts ■"' Grace—. Attention to the above ire 'i^W 1 prevent suits. John M‘ Mullen. . 1- ts i'i uslP* subscriber has ■Tw o ftflW hiS OFFICK to bis Bv IS. 1 8 r where he 1 !*lf aeraliy fou H and his professi a « evicts commanded 7®;; KENT, ',il the 30th "^■ipied 0 b e v rn .^ xt 'the house at present oc •lvßeen«tpLf tl f su . bscril)er , situated on ' * the. \ in a beakhy and desirable „,■= fat poiMS “''““ » ive " o,l ""EsSm^*® 1 ' 01518 Wape - To~Uent. tWJ ■[ |,p J,. lit i^B' : . .f e roo f Brick Store and Dwcl ou* fK pr^e,,t occupied by Mr. J. W ■ .I 8 ® * 3 calculated for two -■ n AlSo, r ® * ma tl Dwelling House !Ul ßpr e L e n n .‘? treet > opposite the Citv Hall, H*ioti by Mr. S. Gofi—Cos e:i 011 the Ist October next — m ,tr J» s apply to ■ ,tt 'ynl_S' & co. er"‘jH the absence i, * c ‘’ ,be ‘‘, l be interests of his Cli k ® * u<?l ‘ded to by Messrs. WAT , ot *LDE, Anomies at Lavj, who ■ f r, -^Buii ies , ,fL- me v ,me P ast assisted in the his office, are familiar with it« it |ir ßil b t J il*', ' u “1! cases of difficulty, ;f l‘ : i i* a through the kindness of el * avaa themselves of the tal- I lieury Wilde. I tv *—-v6t '} AUGUSTA CROCKERY AND 1 ®flbi\SS Wi RE STORE THE subscriber is n<yw receiving *• opening, and will continue to recti' luring the Fall and Winter month* at I store in Micou’s Brick Building, neat r -Office in M’lntosh -street, leading frv Stewart Hargrave's CORNER BTORE, A GENERAL AitUMt'.UFNT •• CROCKERY - &\aa» and China Ware* • Or—— r Crates nandsomely assorted with Crockery , and hoxea £5 Tierces 61 Giaaa Ware, Well selected to suit the Georgia & Wes ern Markets, which he offers for sale at a ow advance. Is now opening inorder “ to suit those purchasers who wish to have their Goods repact— Blue Printed Liverpool Ware—Also, Enameled Cups 8> Saucers , Os every description and size. Plates, Bpwls, Mugs and Pitchers, Os different qualities and sizes. ALSO A few set of Elegant Burnish’d Gold China, Os a superior quality—consisting of A Tea, Coffee Beaert Set Complete—Likewise Lustre China Tea Sets, Os various figures, neatly put up in box es—all of which he offers for sale at the most reduced prices for cash, or approved Town acceptances. William H. Oakman. October 25. , 12t N. B.—The subscriber earnestly requests those who are indebted to the late firm of Erwins, Oakman, & Co. to come forward and settle their accounts with him, (who alone is authorized to set tle their business) as further indulgence cannot be granted. William H. Oakman. November 26, 12m STRINGS. UP„E Subscriber can accummodato a few Ladies and Gentlemen with BOARD $ LODGING, At this Healthy place, during the Summer Months, upon the following Reasonable Terms;— Board & Lodging per day SI 50} “S' By the Week : : ; ; 125^ By the Vlonth ; ; ; : 1 OOj.S Children and Servants half price, framieni custom per meal : 50 -» Bed 25 / ? Horse Keeping per Night ; 50 f S Horae Feed t ; : : : 25 J * lAQCORS Os all kinds—At customary prices. I further assure those Ladies and Geu ilenusn who choose to call, that there shall be n.> disorder allowed in the House, and every species of GAMING is strictly pro hibited, and every attention shall be paid *« his guests, to make every thing as a greeable as his situation will permit. N. Durkee. .Tune 20—12 t *M\iifcvaV Springs, CREEK AGENCV, Seventeen miles west »f MonticeUo , Jasper counltf. Geo. rfIV.K subscribers respectfully inform their JL friends and the public, that they still 1 continue to accommodate ptrsonsin search of health. They conceive it necessary to stale the terms on which they wi'Lin fu ture board those who may be wilnng to encourage them s—Regular boarders, tor man and horse per day, 1 dollar 75 cents: man alone, one dollar, children and ser vants half price. The water has been rt cently analyzed by a competent Chemist, uid pronounced to be equal if not superioi to any in the soi therr country William M'lntoah, Petti* Donaldson. March 16 I Notice, THREE Months after date I shall apply to the Cashier of the Bank of Augusta. Georgia, for payment of the following ( Notes of said Bank * Note No. 25fi, right hand half, slgne< - Tbos. Gumming President, for 100 dollars. Ho. No. 542 do. do. for 10 do^ > Do. No. 631, left hand half signed, Au s gustus Moore, Cashier, for 10 dolls, x Do. No. 336, left hand half signed, Au gustus Moore, cashinr, tor 20 dolls, f T'he other halves of these Notes is sup • posed to have been robbed from the mai’ r dispatched from New-\ork, on the 24th March last, for Savannah. Wm. W r aters. Sarjcj.nah; June 12——,v3ij» FOR SALE. oir THE Altamiiha Tlivpr, •y the subscriber WHO IS DULY Authorized & Empowered TO BELL THE SAME. viz. TViree Tracts OP MOST VALUABLE ■IL SHD b 9 AS POtIOWS. One Tract s Clarkes Bluff, 10 miles a bove Darien, containing 3546 acres. One Tract, an Island, in the narrows, Al tamaha river, 24 above Clarkes Bluff,"containing 400'acres, and known by the name of Williams' Field. One Tract, containing 750 acres, 4 miles above Williams’ Field, known by the name of Mkchem’s Field. The above are supposed to be three of as fine tracts of land, as any on the Alta maJia river, they will be sold at private sale any time from the date hereof, until the 10th day Dec. next, when if not sold they will be absolutely sold at Public Auction, at Milledgeville. Any person' inclined to purchase either of the above tracts of land, may be most particularly informed of every thing respecting them by applying to the subscriber, in Augusta. James A. Young, Mansion House Hotel, Augusta. may 23 Liverj Stables. THE Subscriber informs the public that his large and commodious Stables on the corner of Jackson and Green streets, are now ready for the reception of Horses. From his long experience in this line of business, he flatters himself of being able to give full satisfaction to those who mav favor him with their .custom. He will bt prepared at all times, to furnish Horses aud Carriages, by the day, or longer.— Horses Knicked, Trimmed and Broke to Harness, at the shortest notice and best manner- He will only add, that he invite* the public to call and see his complete es tablishment and then bestow on him thar patronage which they really think him en . titled to. He requests all those persons who may call, not to give any money to ervants. William M‘Gar. Dec. 13 PROPOSALS, Tierce W6bu\son, For Publishing in Greensborongh, (~ Geo. J A VI wspai-er, to h>: entitled The Selector. Tthe publishers promise little more I than, that in point of typographical execu tion & useful matter the SELECTOR shall compare with any paper now published in '.lie state. The primary object will be to present such a compendium of religions and political affairs, as to afford a satisfac tory knowledge ot the church and state; and to exhibit the stale of religion in ev ery part of the world, as far as it cun br ascertained. The SELECTOR will con tain considerable original matter, with choice selcctioiTs on the most important principles of the Christian religion. A part will also be devoted to the exhibi tion of the naked facts, and convincing reasons, which announce to parents tin boundless good that will result from early and confirmed habits of morality and reli- . gion in children; together with the im portance of avoiding every thing, w! ch in its nature is calculated to corrupt and vi tiate the heart. j Situate I as we are, in the interior of a state, advancing steadily in literary, beuev oleut, and pious institutions; with endless stores of truth before us, from whence to ; fill and enrich our pages, we trust that die objects of the paper arc such as may, and will be effected, intending as we do, ;o exclude every thing calculated to wound the feelings of any, and aiming in every case to promote the best interest of •d], we shall receive and insert with pleas ure, any information whether foreign or domestic, worthy of publication for the proposed objects of the paper. LOVICK PIERCE. P. U ROBINSON. CONDITIO NS THE SELECTOR, Will be issued weekly, on a medium sheet, of good quality, and handsome type, at three dollars per annum, payable on the receipt of the first number, of three dollars and fifty cent* if paid within six nonths, or four dollars at the expiration >1 the year. Advertisements will be coi»picuousl; isorted at the customary prices. The subscribers to the Philanthropis' are informed that they will be furnishe with the Selector in its stead, unless o dered to the contrary. Unpersons holding subscriptions wii. confer a favor by obtaining as many r< sponsible subscribers as they can, and re am a list of their names, previous to tin first of June. Gr eentJir"OV£fif Ajgil J7d 1320^ Fire Engines. WM.C.MUNNUMAN, INFORMS the public, that he continues to Manufacture lua PATENT FIRE ENGINES, and has made and sold sixty one of them, viz v 2to the town of Bos- I do Pittsfield, •rim, I do Pawtucket, m. Ido Nantucket, Ido Troy, 2 do Bath, I do Frigate United 2do Newbury, ' Stales, 1 do Ipswich, 1 do Chesapeake, 2do Marblehead, Ido Macedonian, 4 do Lynn, 1 do Independence 1 do Arundel, 74, 1 do Heading, 1 do Washington 74 1 do Newton, 1 do Navy Yard, at 1 do Brunswick, Portsmouth nii Idp Topaham, Ido do Charles 1 do Eastport, town, 1 do Amesbury 1 do Worcester, 2 do Portland, 1 do Gardiner, 1 do Fort Irdepen- 1 do Bridgewater, deuce, 3do Roxbury, \ 1 do Petersburg, Va 1 do Salem, 1 do AinhersqN. H. 1 do Cincinnati, O. 1 do Windsor, Vt. 2 do Augusta, Geo 1 do Montpelier, Vt 2 do Savannah, Geo 1 do Hallowttll, 3 dh Washington, Ido Gloucester, Ido West Point, 1 do Cotton Facto- 2 do Concord, N.H ry, Waltham, Ido Malden. ‘ 1 do Northampton, One oi these Engines was tried in the town with another Engine belonging to the town ;—the Patent Engine, with 2 five inch chambers, threw 70 gallons of water 133 feet in 38 seconds; the one belonging to the town, and selected for the purpose with 2 six-inch chambers, was 43 second, throwing the same quantity of water 110 feet We, the Subscribers, Firewards of the town of Boston, attended at the trial of one Wm C. Hunnkman’s Fibe Enuini.h, and do certify the above statement to be correct. JONA. LORING, JOS. AUSTIN, TURNER PHILLIPS, JOS-LOVEUiGN JOHN MACKAY. (Tj* Orders for the PATENT FIRE ENGINE, addressed to WM. C. HUNNE MAN, No. 31 Union-street, Boston, or his Manufactory in Roxbury, will be executed in the best manner. March IL m6m Notice, m X HE Subscribers wishes to contract for Hi- Hire of Sixty Able Bodied Laborers By the Day, Week or Month, to work in the improvement of the Navigation of Sa vannah River; to commence at Petersburg on the 15tii of July next, or so soon there tfter as a sufficient number can be procu red to justify them to commence. They wish to obtain the above number by * that time; should they not succeed, will con linue Having until supplied, fur which liberal wages will be given; and the la bourt rs supplied with provisions by tbe commissioners. Persons wishing to make engagements (or any certain number of Hands, will please address a line to the subscribers at Lincolnton, who are author ised by the Board of Commissioners to con~ tract far the Hire es the same. Til OS. Murray, 1 d 1 f appointed -Murk Anthony, > by che / Peter Lamar, J *IZiJ'L June 24 wtd ~ notice: A.U- Persons having demands against the Estate of Sturnback Wilson deceased, ire requested to render them in, duly at tested, to us. And those persons who are indebted to said Estate, are requested to come forward and settle the same with out delay, Cosby Dickinson, James V. Black, ADMINISTRATORS. Mav 11 tf_ * FOR SALE. 7JIHE celebrated S’and, now occppie' I. by James Collins on the trading roa; commonly called the cross roads, iweut seven miles from Augusta, with eight hun dred and fifty acres of Land, l>ing aroiiiio nid near the bouses, which will produce grain with moderate attention, and a few bauds to support the house, besides aeon siderable quantity to dispose of otherwise. This stand is undoubtedly one of the best and perhaps belter known than any other in the upper Country, is now offered for sale very low for cash or punctual pay. nient, on the first day of January next Any person wishing to purchase the said stand will apply to the Subscriber, living at Columbia Court House. Richard Shackelford. April 15 ts HI S I K of .GEORGIA; / % OIiCE i Richmond County. ) hereby given that Charles Harmon of said state ,nd county, hath applied to the honorable •be justices of the inferior court of said county for the benefit of acts giving relief in cases of insolvency and imprison, nent And the creditors of the said Har non are hereby notified to shew cause, it .ny they have, before the said justices a* he court house in the said county on tin 19th day of July next, at 10 o’clock in th* i-re noon of that day, why an assignmen f the said insolvents estate should no! ie made and lie be discharged may 16. 1820. 2m T XKENOTIcE. '■THOSE Indebted io the estate of tin X Andrew and Catharine Fagan, dec ,|J make payment to the subscriber with it delay, and those having demands . ,ainst it will present them for settlement Robert Lekie, A dmr. Unite J ‘■ ; 'a , ex Arsenal, May 20. ' MANSION' BOUSE. t * . . ■ • ’ 4 • 'f V , flßc v * , S.3s^SBSWroBiiBMS |L HE Subscribers have taken a large, and commodious House at the cor nea of Green and MehUoib Streets f which is now opened tor the tecep ion of company. It is situated in the most pleasant part ol tbe Town, and no pains will be spared to render the establishment worthy the pat', ronage of the Public. Rooms will be fitted up in superior Style for thn accommodation of tamilies, as well as single rooms for gentlemen. The proprietors of this establishment have endeavored to combine ele gance with convenience. They Hatter themselves their TABLE and BAR will not be excelled by any in the Southern country. They have also prepared in an airy situation largo new Stables and safe Cai ; iago Houses. Those who are fond of good living, airy, new and Clean Rooms and Beds, and kind treatment, arc respectfully invited to call and judge (or themselves. N. 13. They intend keeping a Livery Stable, and will be provided with Carriages, Horses and an approved Ostler. Young &. Me Keen. January 22 —■ ■■ ■ ■*■«■» » GLOBE 1 HE subscribers have taken for anum ’ ber of years, a lease of this well known and commodious establishment. Situated in the very centre of the city, it offers pe culiar advantages both to regular and tran -1 sient boarders From the long experience • they have had in their line of business, they flatter themselves to be able to render their bouse for private aud public accom modation, inferior to none in the Southern States. Their TABLE will be furnished with the best juovisions the market can afford, and their Bar with the choicest Liquors. Particular attention will be paid to cleanliness in their rooms and bedding; and Ujcy pledge themselves tbat indecent or inifecOrons behaviour of any kiixl will never be tolerated in their house. Their Stables are furnished with the oest of provender, and with faithful and at tentive hostlers. As the proprietors con template to make the GLOBE a permanent establishment, under their particular su pe tin tendance, they only solicit from their friends and the public generally, that por tion of patronage which their attention to business and to the comfort of their cus tomers may entitle them to. William G. Grimes, William Shannon. September lU. ts Four doors below the .Market,North side Broad street, Augusta. fP 1. HE subscriber, taking into considera- Ison the scarcity of money and the proba bility of provisions being lower, has fallen to the understated prices for boarding, and will spare no pains to render satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom; he also returns his humble thanks to the public for their liberal patronage hitherto bestowed on him, and will feel thankful for the continuance of their lib crality. Man and horse per day g 2 25 JAou without horse per day 1 25 Horse without man per day • 1 Single meal for man JO Single feed for horse 50 Lodging 25 Board by the qr. with Lodging 70 without lodgmg 65 Horse per month 15 I also keep a Waggon Yard, and will keep a constant supply of Horse Provi sions on hand for Waggoners as low as the Market will afford. Woodson Ligon. August 4. wtf Tlie Subscriber WILL attend the Courts of the Middle Circuit, for the purpose of settling tie accounts due thelate firm of Kean, Uuyckink, and Pearre, the accounts due imself, and all others in which he may be iterested as agent, administrator, or any therudse, and earnestly hopes all inter sled w ill attend prepared to settle either ay payment or due bilL George W. S. Pearre. “* * -V Eagle Tavern. \nd Savannah Stage Office 11IIE partnership of Whipple A Booth of the Eagle Tavern and Savannah Stage Office, being this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due by the said firm will be paid by said Whipple, and all debts due to the firm are to be collected by him only. .Tease Whipple, D. H. Booth. N. B. The house will still be continued as formerly, by the subscriber J. Whipple* may 16 Wanted iVs an Apprentice to the Confectionary and Distilling business, a smart active lad between 15 and 17 years of age. Applt to HEISHY HOUKUT’S Confectionary Store, 4 doors below the Globe Tavern, Broad street, Augusta Anril 18 ts 8 15 He ttartl. W ILL De given for JOHN, the car. riage driver, a tall yellow, very artful and likely fellow, of 22 years old, of a coarse voice, had on when he went off, a glazed leather hat, dark homespun pantaloons and a round jacket, either of blue cioih or striped homspun. John being unwilling to be left at a summer residence in fair field District, South Carolina; took on th> eleventh instant one of his masters cam. age horses, took also a spare bridle round his shoulders and made his escape to go, as he said, to the plantation on Black Swamp, St Peter’s, Pari ah, S. Carolina.— .He rode bare backed, was traced unto Granby ferry below Columbia. He there rode the same large bay horse on which he made his escape, the horse bx th trots and paces, a star in his forehead, his hiiti feet or pastern joints appear as if they were swelled, and it is believed he 'ifinr 1 ' one or both hind feet while. Five dollars reward will be given for the horse, it ie E resume J John will endeavour to make is way to Augusta, where be has an un« cle a fret yellow man, perhaps by the name of Hitt, from w hom he may obtain a free pass, may alter his name and dress, and try to make his escaoe to Virginia, or he may be employed on the river as a beat hand. Any person who appr> heads said John and secures him so well in some safejad, as that the subscribe! gets him shall receive the above reward. Black Swamp, St Peter’s, April 1820. James Lowryi A rlias L *