Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, August 01, 1820, Image 1

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■'- v j I Augusta Chronicle Georgia Gazette. B * V' _ _ I 1 ryQX, YXXTV.J TUESDAY MQBMNG, AUGUST t, 1830 [No. IS9S.J I ■ ■ -- - • ,:i ' ' the Ijrmiide if m^cue ■ it tva I.ISHKD THURSDAY b SATURDAY I MORNINGS, I HiAir. Dvtceibcb. b Charlton, K.«» oftlie U«* of the United States, ■ - 81 X »OW-*‘ ns PER ASiiUM ’ ■,* LV adi'ancr: fl^tteeetved. Blbla best white wine Vinegar IV Is htst quality of Green Coffee I LhiiA prime J» milica Sugar ■ AL *° . , » I casks best Loudon particular Tenc ■h their former assortment they non ■or sale low, for cash. I Tardy $ Son. ■own /VND loaf. Is ic-i/js. Barrels Superior St Croix Sujyar. |■L. 84?0 W Muscovado Refined Loaf. ' do. ■> Bacon. L of Buncomb Butter, ■ for Sale by ■ R. Malone. B 20- - Koes, Shoes. I HD^aisiri)£f a ■ £l daor to Morgan U Bradford ■os leave to acquaint hi* friends and Kile, that he has received by late ar ■from the North, a general and well ■d assortment of Ladies and Ce • ■ Hoots and 3hoes of the latest sash ■manufactured of the best material*, ■he will dispose of at u toiesn e .n ■ on his usual accommodating '.•mis. ■ has always on hand a complete sup ■ Northern Sole and Dressed Lcataer, ■ he will dispose of at a very small J ■*27. Is., wtf ______ ■aTELacVie £j Watauu, ■ * CONTINUE THE mtffragf & Commission ■business in savannah, ■e all orders will be promptly at ten ■ /' Iy7— ts I 'StOIIAGi I AND ■mmiasi t; Business. ■P. subscribers have taken she Ware- Be lately occupied by Henry Sbultz, ■site tile Wharf, which is now in com- B order for the reception of Cotton Merchandise. I Mackenzie fy Ponce. Btober 27 ts I Notice. UF. public are notified that Irn C Day Kio interest in the business heretore ■uctedby Beni. Yainold The under- Bed is duly authorised and will attend ■e settlement of said business. I T, GROORER. lily 22—,w3t [®A_m tP THE subscriber has oved his LAW OFFICE to'his f Building on Telfair Street, where he [ he generally found, and his professi-. 1 services commanded. 0 RENT, ’til the 30th, C iV r lu '*t> the house at present oc ued by toe subscriber, situated on ■tr .trect, ‘ n 6 healthy and dcsira/l ■ ,°* ttle c ‘t>’, and possession given on first day J .tune. Nicholas W are. Iwcb 11. V ts Daring the absence |pe Subscriber, iho interests o. (. .. » wiU be attended to bv Messrs. VV'A'" , "II DP, .irtorniit at Law, wit • * OD time piist assisted in i»i aead ol Ls oiHce, are familiar wiili it* ,5 tad w bo in all cases of dlffinUiv t *" through the. kindness. o{ “ lends, to avail themselves of the tal of Gendcrne!!, at th. •t of their profession. Richard Henry Wilde. 22 w6t J 1 -■ Notice. I' ers °n* indebted to the estate of dlim ? lnnner ’ late of the county o. **•*. deceased, are requested to _ uamediate payment to the subscri ■elnjuf k'l -* l<)se t 0 whom the sal I es *a*y be indebted, are requested t< & M* 1 t ,e ’ r dernauds properly attest ' e *ubseriberß,for payment. fokn Skiuuer, ? „ . Skiuuer, i Exr S ' •t’y u , w6w } J i ■ r -. AUGUSTA CROCKERY , AND (BOiASS WAKE STORE . JIHE snt scribtT is now receiving a I opening, and trill continue to recri J firing the Fail and Winter months, at 1 Tore in Micoa’s Brick Building, neaj : ■st Office iti M'fntosh street, leading IV ■ Stewart S’ Hargrave's CORNEK STORE, .1 GENERAL ASSORTMENT QF CROCKERY jlaa? auA C\vvna Wore, —COSSISTIRO OF Prate s nandsomely assorted rvitli Crockery , and Rotes $ Tierces oi Glass Ware, Well selected to suit the Georgia fc Wes ern Markets, which he offers for sale at a ,w advance He is now (melting in order 0 suit those purchasers who wish to have “heir Goodsrepaet — Blue Printed Liverpool Ware —Also, Enameled Cups § Saucers, Os every description and size. Plates, Bowls, Mugs and Pitchers, Os different qualities and sizes. ALSO A few »et of Elegant Burnish’d Gold Chino, Os a superior quality—consisting of 1 Tea, Coflee & Desert He! Complete—Likewise Lustre China Tea Sets, Os various figures, neatly put up in box es—all of which he for sale at the most reduced prices for cash, or approved ' Town acceptances. William 11. Oakman. October 25. 12t N. B.—-The subscriber earnestly requests those who are indebted m she 1 ate _firm of Erwins, Oakman, 8c Co. to come forward and settle their accounts vtith him, (who alone is authorized to set tle their business) as further indulgence cannot be granted. William 11. Oakman. November 26, l2rn QU AYk STIUNTS. vi, HE Subscriber can accummodate a few Ladies and Gentlemen with BOARD t; LODGING, At this Healthy place, during the Summer Months, upon tlu; following Ileasonubh Terms: — Board 8t I.odging per day g 1 50 V By the Week : : : : 1 25 V ((. Hy the Month : : : : I Uoj>§ Children and Servants half price. Transient custom per meal : 50 q Bed :::::::: 25 I $ Horse Keeping per Night : 50 r ~ Horse Feed : : : : : 25 J Liciu im^ Os all kinds—At customary prices. I further assure those Ladies and Gen tlemen whochooscto call, that there shad be no disorder allowed in tlie House, and every species of GAMING is strictly pro hibited, and every attention shall he pah o his guests, to make eve.ry thing as a greeable as his situation will permit. N. Darkee. June 20 12t *M‘u\ei“<v\ Springs, CREEK. AGENCY, ' Seventeen miles west of Manticello, Jasprr county. Geo. Tux subscribt rs respectfully inform tlveir friends and the public, that they still .loutinue to accorrgitodate persons in search , .jf health. They conceive it necessary to state the terms on Which they fu ture hoard those who may be willing to ;icOutage them :—Regular boarders, for man and horse per day, 1 dollar 75 cents: osh alone, one dollar; •;«dldren and ser vants half price. The water has been re-' -sully analyzed by a competent Chemist, ■ .1 pronounced to be ecu*! if not superior > aiii in the son there country William MTntosh. Ueter Donaldson. March 16 1 ! he Piano Forte Taught. 'Po® JUL&BBIB V 1 r.IiESPF.CTFULLY informs the Ladies 1 I Augusta and us vicinity, that he has r< urned to this city, and intends to make d i us permanent place of residence; he wi devote entirely his time to the initruc >ou of pupils on the Piano Forte. Ois attention to his Scholars be hope merit a part of public patromuc — plica’ion made at the Munf if!l Sous trf, will be attended to. Jijiy la ■■■<? ' ' * FOR SALE. > ON THIS AltamaVia Wl\er, Ij the subscriber WHO is DULY Authorized & Empowered TO SELL THE SAME. viz. TVvree Tfacts OF MOST VALUABLE a» id AS d o'.L»Wh. One Tract at Clarkes Bluff”, 10 miles a bove Darien, containing 3516 acres. One Tract, an Islam!, in tb<* narrows, Al tamalia river, 24 miles above Clarkes Bluff, containing 400 acres, and known by the name of Williams’ Field. - ‘ One Tract, contain”ng 7s() acres* 4 miles above Williams’ Field, known by the name of Mi ichem’s Field. The above are supposed to be three of as fine tracts of land, as any on the Altu inaha river, they will be sold at private sale any time from the date hereof, until the J 10th day Dec. next, when if not sold they will be absolutely sold at Public Auction, at Milledgeville. Any person inclined to purchase eitherof theabove ’racts ofland, may be most particularly informed of every thing respecting them by applying to the subscriber, in Augusta. James A. Young, Mansion House Hotel, Augusta. may 23 Liverj Stables. THE Subscriber informs the public that his large and commodious Stables on the corner of Jackson and Green streets, are now ready for the reception of Horses. From Iris long experience in this line of business, lie flatters himself of being able to give full satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. He will be prepared at all times, to furnish Horses and Carriages, by the day, or longer.— 1 Horses Kiflcked, TrimmedTand Broke to Harness, at the shortest notice and best manner- He will only add, that he invites the public to call and see his complete es tablishment and then bestow on him that patronage which they really think him en titled to. He requests all those persons who may Call, not to give any money to ervants. j W illiam M 4 Gar. Dec. 15 , . . 7 1 UttpUOSAUS, 3 3 Vleree tj IWbiuson, For Publishing ri Greensboroitgh, f Geo. J A SKW-SFAPEH, TO lIK JESTITLEU • The Sel T X THE publishers promise liide more han, that in point of typographical ex< cu inn & useful matter the SELECTOR shall mmpare with any paper now published in Pie state. The primary object will he to present such a compendium of rebgious and political affairs, as to afford a satisfac tory knowledge of the church and state; and to exhibit the stale of religion in ev cry part of the World, as far as it can he ascertained. The SELKC FOR will con lain considerable original matter, with dioice selections on tfie most importan principles, of the Christian religion. A part will also be devoted to the exhibi ion of the naked facts, and convincing reasons, which announce to parents the boundless good that will result early and confirmed habits of morality and reli gion in children ; together with the im portance of avoiding every thing, which in ns nature is calculated to corrupt and vi tiate the heart. Situate 1 as we are, in the interior of a . state, advancing steadily in literary, benev olent, and pious institutions; with endless stores of truth before us, from whence to rill and enrich our pages, we trust that the objects oftlie paper are such as may, and will be effected. Intending as we do, v> exclude every thing calculated to wound the feelings of any, and aiming in every case to promote Ahe best interest of ' all, we shall receive and insert with pleas ure, any information whether foreign or domestic, worthy of publication for the imposed objects of the paper. LOVJCK PIERCE. P. L. ROBINSON. CONDITIONS THE SELECTOR, Will be issued weekly, on a medium Mee\ of good quality, and handsome type, u three dollars per annum, payable on be receipt of the first number, or three *,>liars and fifty cents if paid within sn onths, or four ddllart at the expiration o‘ •e year. Advertisements will be conspicuously sorted at the customary prices. The subscribers to the Philanthropic >re informed that they will be furnish t vith the Selector in its stead, unless «v --u-red to the contrary. Persons holding subscriptions wi :oidtr a favor by obtaining as many re por.aible subscribers as they can, and re ■rn a list of their names, previous to tin irst of June. Qr;traii‘svf\ April 1 7th 1620, Fire Eng ., MM. C. DUN NEMAN', INFORMS th« public, that he continue to Manufacture his PATENT FIRI ENGINES, and has made and sold six I ; one of 11 >etn, viz ; I 2to the town of Bus- 1 do Pittsfield, ton, . 1 do Pawtucket, hi I do Nantucket, 1 do Troy, 2 do Bath, I do Frigate Unite 2 do Nuwbnry, States, 1 do Ipswich, 1 do Cbesapi ake, 2do Marblehead, Ido Macedonian, •1 do Lynn, 1 do Independent 1 do Arundel, 74, 1 do Reading, 1 do Washington7^ 1 do Newton, I do Navy Yard, .. 1 do Brunswick, Portsmouth s. Ido Topsham, Ido do Charh; 1 do Eastport, town, 1 do Anit sbury I do Worcester, 2do Portland, t 1 do Gardiner, 1 d» Fort Indepcn- 1 do Bridgewater, deuce, 3 do Roxburyf, , 1 do Petersburg,Vajl do Salem, Ido Amherst,N. 11. Ido Cincinnati, O. 1 do Windsor, Vl. 2 do Augusta, Get-. 1 do Montpelier, Vt 2 do Savannah, Ger 1 do Hallo well, 3 do Washington, Ido Gloucester, 1 dqt West Point, 1 do Colton Facto- 2 do Concord, N.H ry, Waltham, Ido Malyien. 1 do Northampton, One of these pr. f ues was tried in ths town with another U gina belonging to the town; —the Patent Engine, with 2tm inch chambers, threw 70 gallons of wate. 133 feyt in 2S seconds; the one belonging to she town, unit selected for the purpose with 2. six-inch chamber.*, was 43 second, tin owing the same quantity of water IL’’ feet We, the Subscribers, Fin Ward/ of the town of Boston, attended at the trial of QUO Wm C. Hu.VJiEMAv’S Flat E.tUK.ES, and do certify the above statement to b< correct. JONA. LOWING, JOS. AUSTIN, TURNER PHILLIPS, JO3.LOVERIGN JOHN MACKAY. Orders lor the PATENT FIRE ENGINE, addressed to WM. C. IIUNNE MAN, No. 31 Union-street, Boston, or his Manufactory in Roxbury, Will be executed in the best maimer. March J1 m6m NOTICE. All Pert* is hiving demands against, the Estate ut Stainback Wilson deceased, are requested to render them in, duly at tested, to us. And those persons who arc indebted to said Estate, are requested to come forward and settle the same wAb out delay. Cosby Dickinson, James A. Black, admiNis rn. irons . May U If LOST, On the evening of Sunday last, on the new Sand-Hill road, a triangular shaped topaz seal, A suitable reward will be paid for leaving it at this office. July Iti" —ts , Notice. The City Council will at their meeting on the first Saturday in August next, ap point a City Surveyor* The duties requir ed. and fees allowed, may be known on application to D. Clarke, c. c. fiily IR *—*3t FOR SALE! A HANDSOME BAROUCHE, calculat e l for either one or two ft will be sold at a reduced price sot Cash, Apply t.» Thompson § Black. Mny 23. LOST. On Tuesday evening, or Wednesday morning last, in Augusta, a small red mo rocco POCKET BOOK, considerably worn, containing sundry papers: viz. one obli gation on John Parsley, of Edgefield di strict, S. C. Ferguson as security one note of hand on ——— Barrciiton, for about 70 dollars, of the same place,—and a number of other notes and papersofvalue to the owner. Also, one Nashville Bank note of 20 dollars, which 1 believe to be counterfeit —a 10 dollar bill on the Farm er’s b Mechanics’ bank of Nashville ~a iliree and a one dollar bill oftlie Bridge bank of this plate, one silver dollar and ither small change; also a letter directed i o — Barrenton, of Edgefield district, S. C from Wm. Dixoo, post master, of Greenville, Tenn. Any person finding Hild book, 8i delivering it at the Chronich .ftice, with its contents, will receive tin hanks of the owner, aud be generously re warded. | Henry Keller. of Green countj, Tenn. Augusta, my 25 VTA I E OF GEORGjA, ? Vs H climond County, 5 OTICE is mrtby given, that llEsm Soi thmavd < F aid fctste and comity, hath applied to tin lonorable the Justices of the Inferior loun courts, for the benefit of tin ac's giving relief in cases of Insolvency aid imprisonment. And the creditors o ue said Southtnayd are hereby notified t , iow cause if any they have, before the ■id Justices at the Court Hints in sum ■ ounty on the twenty first day of Angus' •t-zt, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon ofthai •iv, why an assignment of said Insolvents - state should not be made and he be dis .urged. June 22,—2® . y V f , . V »' ' ' « -,• v J. ■ MANSION HOUSE. jfrrt HtfMMii Ilillßillli ffiv •*! -p ' , ]L HR Subscribers have taken a large and commodious House at the cor* ej wf Qreen and Mclntosh Streets; which is now opened for the recep* n of company. It is situated In the most pleasant part of the Town* nd no pains will be spared u> render the establishment worthy the pat-* ionage of the Public. Rooms will bt- fitted up in superior Sty It for Uwr . tooinniodfttion of families, as Well as single rooms fur gentlemen. The proprietors of this Establishment have endeavored to ‘combine ele« I'-ince with convenience. They flatter themselves their TABLE and BAR ailt not be excelled by any in the Southern country. They have also prepared in an airy situation large new Stables and safe Carriage Houses. Those who are fond of good living, airy, new and clean # Rooms and Beds, and kind are respectfully invited to call and judge so t themselves. N. B. They intend keeping a Livery Stable, and will be provided wit Carriages, Horses end an approved Ostler. Toung & McKeen. January 22 GLOBE , TAVERN. 4a HE subscribers have taken for anum* her of years, a lease of this well known and commodious establishment. Situated in the very centre oftlie city, it oilers pc* culiar advantages both to regular and tran sient boarders From the long experience they have had in their line of business, they flatter themselves to be able to render their house for private and public accom modation, inferior to none in the Southern States. Their TABLE will be furnished with the best provisions the market can afford, and their Bah with the choicest Liquors. Particular attention will be paid to cleanliness in their rooms and bedding; and they pledge themselves that indecent or indecorous behaviour of any kind will never be tolerated in their house. Their Stables are furnished with the -est of provender, and with faithful and at. tentive hostlers. As the proprietors con. template to nuke the GLOBE a permanent establishment, under their particular su. perintendancc, they only solicit from their friends and the public generally, that per. lion of patronage which their attention to business and to the comfort of their cus* tomera may entitle them to. William G. Grimes, William Shannon. September 10. ts Washington Hall, T A.HE Subscriber offers for sale, theun expired Ichlc of that large and convenient Public House, known by the name of VVashinotok Hall, situate on the corner of the Bay anil Jefferson street, at present occupied by him. Ue will also dispose of the household and kitchen furniture. The lease of the building will expire on the Ist • ! ay of November, 1823. No situation in Savannah affords greater 1 advantages for a public house—and the 1 oresent reputation of tlie Hall, the sub- 1 scriber flatters himself, will be an induce* ment to purchase. It is alone ia conse quence of bad health that he is willing tO nake a saleof his interest. For terms apply to Mr. Fh ahcis Soublil. R. Newcomb. Savannah, July . <>t The Subscriber IIJTILL attend the Gouty of the Middle f v Circuit, for the purpose of settling he accounts due thelate firm of Kean, i ii iyckink, and Pearre, the accounts due ] ■ mself, and all others in which lie may be I iterested as agent, administrator, or any < lierwise, and earnestly hopes all inter ' sled will attend prepared to settle either I •y payment or due bilL George W, S. Pearre. ] %* The subscriber has ! appointed Mr AJ.0K7.0 B. HIQE ! '.OH', his Attorney during hit. absence f om this place. Barrett Ames* July I -4w Eagle Tavern. And Savannah Stage Offic# THE partnership of Whipple fc Booth of the Eagle Tavern and Savannah Stage Office, being tbit day diis»lved4»y mutual consent. All debt! due by said firm will be paid by «aid Whipple* and all debts due to tht firm art to PC collected by him only. Jesse Whipple, D. 8. Booth. N. D. The house will still be as formerly, by the subscriber. J, Whipple. may 1$ , Wanted As an Apprentice to the Confectionary and Distilling business, a smart active Ij*<l between 15 and 17 years of age. Apply t® HENRY ROBERT’S Confectionary Store, 4 doors below the Ulobe Tavern, Broad street, Augusta. Anril 18 *■ - *7 B Id liewartl. Wax Be given for JOHN, the C6r*» riage driver, a tall yellow, very artful anil likely fellow, of 22 years old, of a coarse voice, bad on when lie went off, a glazed leather hat, dark homrapun pantaloonsand a round jacket, either of blue eloth or striped homspun. John being unwilling' to be left at a summer residence in Fair* field District, South Carolina; took on the eleventh instant one Os his masters carri age'horses, took also a spare bridle round bis shoulders and made his escape to go, as he Said, to the plantation on Black Swamp, St Peter’s Parish, S. Carolina.— He rode bare backed, was traced unto Granby ferry below Columbia. He there rode the same large bay horse on which he made his escape, the horse both trots and paces, a star in his forehead, his hind feet or pastern joints appear as if they were swelled, ana it is believed he has one or both hind fcet white.’* Five dollars reward will be given top the In we. it presumed John will endeavour to Qak a his way to Augusta, where hi htu u. n cle a free yellow man, perhaps by the name of Bitt, from whom he may obtsii\a free paisa, may alter his name »nd dress. and try to make hia esCane to Virginia, or he may be employed on the river as a boat hand. Any person who apprehends said John and aecureshim so well in some safe jail, as that the subscribei gets him shall receive the above reward. Black Swamp, St Peter’s, April 20, 1820. James Lowry* April as