Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, August 10, 1820, Image 1

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Aii gosta GBnaMcl© &» Georgia Gazette. • •' > ■ ,- r ,*-r ■ ■ '■ . ‘ m&v. ~ IJ 1 • * ' ;• -5., kyttfL- • r*. ! * - ._d<„ - V '* ■■ ■ ••---•»*■■ - ■■- —l.'* M.„, , I, |— "'. I «■■■!■! MMIH—L..~ '■■ IS fDBJI* n *° . SDAY. THURSDAY U SATURDAY ’ JiORA'W'GS, . Ku*. Dvrc*X*c* & CiuntTon, Unite* «««. , T s ,x DOLL4HS PEE AWHOH. /.V advance last Received, ( hMs best white wine Vinegar | b is best quality of Green Coffee i hkils. prime Jamaica Sugar ) casks best London particular Tene- I£ir former assortment they now for sale low, for cash. Tardy $ Son rch 14 (OWN AND LOAF, SUGARS- Barrels Superior St, Croix Sugar, Hcis & Bis. Museovado do. fils.'domjlc Refined Loat do. ftiHcon. . -s of flutjfton b buitcr, 6 for Sale by B. Malone. y. 20, *B,oc\\e $ YVatsou, CONTINUE THE >tord"e & Commission BUSINESS INSAVANNAH, te all orders will be promptly attend y 7 ts storage AND immlasion Business. E subscribers have taken the Ware p lately occupied by Henry Shultz, site the Wharf, which is riow in com irder for the reception of Cotton ierchandize. Mackenzie fy Ponco. tober 27 t s Notice. v -2*..'. • '■ IE public are notified that Ira C. Day no interest in the business heretore acted by Benj. Yaruold The undat ed is duly authorised and wi'l attend e settlement of said business. . . .. T. CROONER. Iy 22—w3t Tim F THE subscriber lias »ed his LAW OFFICE to his Building onTdf.iir Street, where he he genrviilly found, and his professi servlcttf commanded. » RENT, ’til the 30th Icteher next, the house at present oc tet by the subscriber, situated on it street, in a healthy and desirable As the city, and possession given on 1 r« day of June. Nicholas Ware. «tch 11. " ts t if 1 During the absertce te Subscriber, the interests of his Cii- | w lii be attended to by Messrs. WAT < WILDE, Atlornies at Law, who 1 '‘f * 0, ‘ I soui l ' time past assisted tit the »ne E of his office, are familiar with, its ‘its-, aid who in all cases of difficulty, r.‘ through (he kindness oi irieiXUs, to avail themselves of the ta»- «Md experience of Genderoen, at the ■“ of Uieir profession. • Bi Chard Henry Wilde. °n« 2W-w6t —T f~ Notice. _ 4 ic",!, ,e "° M indebted tn the estate ol ■}j., . mner, late of the county o t. V Oyceased, are requested to rs payment to the subset', 6 Jj’,, to whom the said es ider i .it *•'' are requested t ■ ,leir demands properly attes’ <• subsetibers,for payment. Skinner, > „ , ■W 18. 5kin,,,.,-, \ Exr s »’wV ll " * , l/ollars Kewaid. ■ Nth '.WOMBAT Sia' Gl Sbtr;J >he 29ih June last, frou d ot iht-subscnber, living in C< »| unty, three and an half mi!, .* ; 3 * eet ater Iron Works, *Uoitinh Ray Horse , n'o , Ke I s lightly hip sh'.i |t !>,, , » aad on his right fore leg ► * large excresyiice or w,” hi*. reward will be given for tl Pvl T, !:ou and delivery of the .Hor.u * °r Ten Dollars for citlier o L Robert Jones. p b—r,-v p mssssszz V^^-Tr t _ 7Tir*^ r y CROCK ERY . \vn GLASS WARE STORE THE sutiscrlbcr is no V receiving and opening, aud will con hnue to recrivv > hiring the Fall and Winter taonths. tore in Micou’s Brick Build »ug. near t ■ in M’lntosh street teathngfro Stewart 0 we.s | CORKER STORE, j general assortment @F crockery lilftss ana CJAnft Wave ; •COHBtsiPVNn OF— — Crates tiandsomtty assorted with Crockery, 'and Vioxes £5 TVfeTces ot Waie, Well seleoted to Buit tfee Georgia & Wes ern Markets, hviiich ite offers for sale at a ow advance. He is ritfw opening in order lo suit those purchasers who wish to have (heir Goods riapact— P'iw 5' i Lwrpow I iir£A Iso, Enamehd Cups Saucers, Os every description and size. Plates, Howls, Mug.s and Pitchers, Os different qualities and sizes. ALSO A few set of Elegaut Burnish’d Gold China, Os a superior quality—consisting of A Tea, Col Tee & Desert Set Complete—Likewise Lustre China Tea Sets, Os various figures, neatly put up in box es—all of wind, he offers for sale at the most reduced prices for cash, or approved Town acceptances. William H. Oakman. October 25. lit N. B.—The subscriber earnestly requests those who arc indebted to the late fins of Erwins, Oakman, f* Co. . to come forward and settle their accounts with him, (who alone is authorized to set tle their business) aa further indulgence cannot be granted. William 11. Oakman. November 26. 12m -fr-P r - T i j ■- ■ - •Mine ml Synpiaga, CREEK AGENCY, Seventeen miles west of Monticetto . Jasper county. Geo. Tie subscribers respectfully inform their i friends and the public, that they still continue to accommodate, persousin searcl of health. They conceive it necessary y state the terms ou which ihey wi'Lin tu turc board those-who may be wilting to encourage them Regular boarders, fi r man and horse pel 1 day, 1 dollar 75 cents: man alone, one dollar j children and ser . vants half price. The water has been re i cently analyzed by a competent Chemist, and pronounced to be etrual it not superior i to any in the southed; country William MHutosh, Peter Donaldson. March 16 i The Piano Forte Tuuglit. > OESRECTFULLY informs the Indies «»; Augustaaiid its vicinity, that lie hafiro ,'ivnevl to this city, and intends to m;-ke ii s permanent jdace of residence; he will t vote entirely his time lo the instruc on of pupils on the Piano Forte. tfis attention to his Scholars lie hopes ■. ill merit a part of public patronage — 4 triplication made at the Mansion lions ’lntel, will be attended to, * July 11 if The Subscriber STILT, attend the Courts of the Middle * ? Circuit, for thejuirpose of settling ho accounts due tbelate firm of Kean. Uuyckink, and Peat re, the accounts due ■iniself, and ail others in which he may be idialed as administrator, or any thervrise, and' earnestly hopes all inter - .*ted will attend prepared to settle either . by payment ot due bill. George W. S. Pearre. 1 srA’lTi OF GEORCjA, _ Rithmond Coimty, 5 A OTfCF. is uerebv given, that Hesuv SoiTvaxAya ot aid State and county, hath applied to the lOi.orahle tile Justices »>f the Inferior ■ourt of said courts, for the benefit cftlv iMs giving relief in cases of Insolvencv if] jrnpyisoprßent. And the 1 creditors o 'iesaU Soiitfimayd are hereby notified t -hew cause if any they have, before th. j'id Justices jit the Court Hons in said .e County on first d»y of of 7.t, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon ot tha. ay, wby «n assignment of said Insolvents should not be made acd he be dis charged . June 22,——-1820 2m I !■ I ■ HIM » « •—«=Uls_. Jv, ttr FOR SALK • OV THE A\taiwulva W\veY t ilj the subscriber ! WHO 18 DULY Authorized & Empowered TO SELL THE SAME. V viz, Tlwte Tracts , OF MOST VALUABLE & ii MID S, as roxT.*ws. One Ti*act as CUrkcs Bluff, 10 miles a bove Darien, Tpotaining 35-16 aci-es. One iT ract > ai t in the narrows, Al tamalia J’iver, 04 mih> “bove Clarkes Bluff, containing 400 acn> and known by the name of Williams’ FixJv^* One Tract, containing 750 »crae 4 - }"*’ 'c above Williams’ Field, kn ->vu f** *he name of Mitchem’s Field. , Tim above are supposed to be three of as tine trapts of land, as any cn the Aita malia river, they will be sold at private sale any time from the date hereof, until the lOih day Dec. next, when if not sold they will be absolutely sold at Public Auction,- at MilledgeviUe. Any person inclined to purchase either of the above tracts of land, maybe most particularly informed of every thing respecting them by applying to the subscriber, in Augusta. James A. Young, Mansion House Hotel, Augusta. may 23 Livery Stables. m M. HE Subscriber informs the public that his large and commodious* Stables on the corner of Jackson and are now ready for the reception of Hones. From Ids long' experience in this line; of business, he iiatters himself of being able to give full satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. He will be prepared at all times, to furnish Horses ami Carriages, by the day, or longer.— Horses Kuicked, Trimmed and Urcke to Harness, at the shortest notice and best manner- lie will only add, that he invites the public to call and see his complete es tablishment and then bestow on him that patronage which they really think him en titled to. He requests all those persons who may call, not io give any money to ervaats-l William M Gar. Dec. 13 hJMIE6* Mis. SANDWICH, * XYoSPECTFTiLLY informs her friends and the public, that her Summer Scheme commences at the SAND FULLS, on .Mon day next. Tile different Branches of a polite and useful Education are taught—comprehen ding, together with the usual Elements of an English Education, the French Lan guage, Muiic, and Plain and Ornamental Nedle IVork. IfY The situation is considered as health thy and pleasant, as any in the up coun ti v. June 22 -If iSotlCi. THE C> mittce appointed .by the Board of commissioners to superintend,, the improvement of the Navigation of Sa vannah River, between Augusta and Pe tersburg, will give 1 dollar per day for a b!e bodied Labourers; to work on said . Improvement* and found with provisions, to commence at Petersburg; and are now ready to receive them, and for the con venience of persons who may wish to Lire hands for said improvement, they will niuke a deposit of money in Augusta, with Mr. Hubert Malone, where they can receive pay for the hire of the same, should any persons in that neighborhood be disposed io furnish hands., Thomas Murray Y ? Mark Anthony > Peter Lamar, j .[.Jv 29 4t ~ {/3 d LAW. VHN a. HE public are informed that 1 have Liken my nephew, Thomas Flournoy Walls, Esq. into partnership in the practice of Law. V’e shall be able to do business in the , counties of i Hancock, W arren, Lincoln, Columbia, Burke, ', Scriven, Richmond and the Mayor’s Court. ’ When not absent at the Courts, the bu siness will be attended to jn all its branches at their Ofile on Centre Street, South of h the roaiket. ' Thomas Flournoy. Match ts • ■ • - ——— y i # - • ■*• '.- Fire Engines. WM. C.HITKNEM^N, INFORMS tin public, that he continue* to Manufacture his PATENT HKF. , ENGINES, and has made aud sold sixty one of them, viz 2to the town of Bos- I do Pittsfield, ton, 1 do Pawtucket* ua. 1 do Nantucket, I do Trey, 2 do Ksth, I do Frigate United 2 do NoWiHuy, States, ■ tdo Ipswich, Ido Chesapeake, •2 do Marblehead, Ido Macedonian, 4 Lynn, 1 do Independence r 1 do Arundel, 74, 1 do Dv. ading, I do Washington 74 1 do NeV. ton » 1 do Navy Yard, at 1 do BrunsV.ick, Portsmouth \u Ido Topsham, tdo do Chailes 1 do Eastport, town, 1 do Aniesbury 1 do Worcester, 2 do Portland, h do Gardiner, 1 d® Fort Irdepen- 1 dt> Bridgewater, dence, 3 do tyoxbury, 1 do Petersburg, Va 1 do Sat< m » 1 do AraheretjN.y. 1 do Cincinnati, O. 1 do Windsor, Vt. 2 do Augusia* t* eo t do Montpelier, Vt 2 do Savannah, sco ■ 1 do Hallowi-dl, 3do Washington, i Ido Gloucester, Ido West Point, i i do Cotton Facto- 2do Concord, N.II ry, Waltham, Ido M ihloO. I do Northampton. ' ■ . Oat: ot (licrf *',i.glnd> was tri d in tht I 4 own with another Erg) ,e belonging' to '' the town-the Patent Engine, with 2 five incSchambers, threw T(J jajlohs of wal tc* 133 fee?i! l 5 s ,- c mis- \liTobc belonging to the town*, 1 elected for the purpose with 2 eix-inco chambers, was 43 second, tin owing the same quantity ol water ll<i i feet • We, the Subscribers, Virewards ot the town of Boston, attended >t the trial ot one AVk, C. Husnoflu i’* Fi H.vjEtutsEß, and do Certify the above stale meXt to be correct, JONA. CORING, JOB AUSTIX TURNER PHILLIPS, JOHN MACKAY. (Ts- Orders for the PATENT FIFE ENGINE, addressed in AVM. C. HLNNE MAN, No. 31 Union-slreet, Boston, or his Manufactory in Roxbury, will be executed in the best manner. March 11 . itifim' NOTXCK. AI.L Persons having demands against the Estate of Stainback W ilson deceased, are requested to render them in, duly at tested, to us. And those persons who are indebted to said Estate, are requested to come forward and smile the same with out delay. • Cosby Dickinson, James A. Black, ADMLVIS I'RATOUS. May 11 ts ; ~ LOST, On the evening of Sunday last, on the new Sand-Hill road, a triangular shaped topaz seal- A suitable reward wdl be paid for leaving it at this office. July 18— ts FOR SALE. A HANItSOME BAROTTCHE, calculat ed for cither one or two horses, It will be sold at a reduced price for Cash, Apply to Thompson £5 Black. May 23. y, >/V ~ r . " 1 O.V Tuesday evening, or Wednesday , morning last, in Augusta, a small red mo- , rocco POCKET ROOK, considerably worn, containing sundry papers: vjz. one obli- j gatimt on John Pursier, of Edgefield di- , strict, S. Vj. Ferguson as security—. | One note of hand on ——— Uarrenton, for | . about 70 dollars, of the same place,—and a number of other notes and papers of value to flic owner. Also, one Nashville Bank ;io to of 20 dollars, which 1 believe to be counterfeit —a 10 dollar bill on tiic Farm er’s I* Mechanics’ bank of Nashville--a three and a one dollar bill of the Bridge bank of this place, one silver dollar and other small ebauget also't letter directed | to Barriiitou, of Edgefield district, S C fnhn Win. Bison, post master, of Greenville,*Tenn. Any person finding said book, & delivering it at the Chronicle (/tfice, with its contents, will receive the thanks of the owner, and be generously rewarded. Henry Keller. , of Green county, Term. i Augusta, may 25 T'eacViei*. Wanted immediately, a young gen tleman of good moral character, who can come well recommended as a Teacher of 1 a common English Schools—Such, if ap plication be made immediately, can find suitable encouragement. For particulars nquire at this office. July 18— —-tw2w . ■ ■ Notice, 11lrTNT. my ab..euoe for a few' months t have left ROBERT W. fjOOMBS, my a- , genu John S. Coombs Tune 27 ’* (£/“ During the Summer Months, a few Gentlemen can be accom- • modated with BOARDING, in a Private , Family, on the Sand J/illt. f June 22— —*f . (b _ >— BLANKS, For sale at tills office- *«v> s’ * y'l .f I USE TllE Subscribers bate taken a large House T fho^or. ■ nea of Oreenxu.d Jtfclnloth Streets; which is now opened for the cc»p- Hvii of ctnapaiav His situated in U>>. most pleasant part yf tipj 'fWii, >it(l I'.o jiaifiS will 're £t;fu. ,'i to ieiitlcv <.llll' iTr ftttftvtuiient v^orthy tlip pat foßHge of the Public. ‘ Rooms will bo filled up in .superior Style for live accommodation ol families, os wvl! as single rooms for gentlemen. The proprietors'of this establishment have endeavored to combine ele gance with convenience. They flatter themselves their TABLE and HAR will not be excelled by any in tho Southern country. They have also prepiirod in an any situation large new Stables and safe Carnage Houses. Those who arc fond of good living," airy, new and clean Rooms ani Beds, and kind treatment, are respectfully invited to call and judge set themselves, N. 11. They intend keeping a Utrery Stable, and w»H bq provided wit Carriages, Horses and an approved Ostler, Touvg & Me Keen. January 22 ui.ura. 9P %X HE subscrioers have taken for a num ber ol years, a lease of this Well known andoornijuodiuus establishment. Situated in the very centre of the city, it offers pc culiar advantages both lo rey liar and tran sient hoarders From the long experience they have had in their line of business, they natter themselves to be able to render their house for private and public accom modation, inferior to none jn the Southern States. Their TABLE will be furnished with the best provisions the market can afford, and their Bar - with the choicest Particular attention will be paid to cleanliness In their rooms arid bidding; and they pledge themselves that indecent or Indecorous behaviour of any kind will never be tolerated in Uieir house. Their Stables are furnished with the L.cst of provender, and with faithful and at tentive hostlers. As the proprietors con template to make the GLOBE a permanent establishment, under their particular su perintendaude, they only solicit, from their friends and the public generally, that por tion of patronage which their attention to business and to the oomfurt of their cus tomers may entitle them to. William G. Grimes, William Shannon. September 10. if Washington T I. HE Subscriber offers for sale, the un expired lease of that large and convenient Public House, known by the name of \V Aiitiji gton If am., situate on the corner of the Bay and Jefferson street, at piesenl occupied by him Uc will also dispose of the household and kitclfi-n furniture- The (ease of the building will expire oh the Ist day of November, 1823. No situation in Savannah affords greater advantages for a puh'ic house—aud the 1 present'reputation of the Dull, the sub scriber flatters himself, wilt be au induce ment to purch'se. it is alone In conse quence iif bad health chat he is willing to make a sale of his interest. For terms apply to Mr. Khaxcis Sonant, H. Newcomb. Savannah, Ju y 16——dt Now in Richmond Jl.ll. IjTEORGF., about fifty years- of age, 5 feel ft or 7 inches high, dark complected, bi longing to Samuel Lockhart, of Bullock county, Georgia. a r7O MARY, about 25 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 itichcs higii, dark complected, says •»be belong* to Thonias, of Colum bia county, Georgia. Tire owners afe requested to come forward ana prove property, pay charges, and take them away. Whi. Lamkin, jailor n, c. Aug . I Eagle Tavern. \ ' ■ ,*" ’ ’ i ; And Savannah Stage Offices ; ri'dlK partnership of Whipple U Booth > JL of the Engle Tavern and tJavannah • Stage Office, being this day dissolved by ■ mutual consent. Ali debts do by the i said firm will be paid by said Whipple^, and all debts due to flu; lirm arc to be collected by iiim only. . Jes*e Wluppie, 11. S. Booth. N. B. The bouse will still be conti uuO as formerly, by the subscriber *l, Whipple. may 16 ' Waul Ktl • A.S an Apprentice to the Confectionary and Distilling’ business, a smart active l.ui i between 15 and ifyears of age. Apply tc HEN MY HOBEUT'B Confectionary Store# 4 doors below the Globe Tavern, Broad etreet, Augusta. April 18 If » 15 lleward. diVIIX lie pivtn for JOHM, t!.c err. riage driver, a tall yellow, very art mi and likely fellow, of 22 years old, of a course voice, had on when T \u nt rdf, a glased leather hat, dark homerp.m paidaloommui around jacket, either of blue cl uh o* stripedhoenspun. ilcthjv being nnwiHipg .. to he Icf r.f a summer residence inF ir field IK strict, Snrith Car >!ma; look on the eleventh instant one ot his musters, carri age horses, took also a sj, ,re bridle, found his Shoulders and made hrs escape to go, a be said, to the plantation on Black - Swamp, St Eater's Parish, 8. Carolina.- He rode bare backed, was traced unto Gianby ferry below Colombia. 1J« there, rode she same large bay horse on which he made his escape,-the horse b. Ib/rots and*psce«, a slat in his forehead. Ins bind ( feet or pastern joints appear as if they were swelled, and it is believed be ba« one or both hind ti-et white. Tiv do liars ward will be given tar the horse. It is - presumed John w II endemoui 'o make bis way to Augusta, wheat he has up tm clj a fret yeiipw mud', . fbaps ,hy the nft( ,nie of Kilt, from Whom he may obtain f re pass, may alter bis name and dress, and try to make his csca.e Lo Vjrginia, nr , i, e mat-be employed on the trygr <a. boat hand. Any person wlm I Vd .Tnbn ajvl srou-eßlivsn so well ip siif • jail, as that -he subscribes gets Ijim I shall iiceive lbe above re card, > Black Heatup, 8t Peter's, April 20# James lowry. ; Jfr if r s tfhei itt’s "'titles j For Sale at this f :i 1 -f V. * • *