Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, August 12, 1820, Image 1

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Augusta Chronicle & Georgia Gazette. *- — - ■ —— ' - [VOG xx av.] SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 13, <B3O [No. 1901.] ' XHK is PXJBI-IBBED iLAY, THURSDAY k SATURDAY ’ MOJWIWS* Kf . iV , DuTCKISCK k I’HAHLTOa, ttlilhtr , of the Lawi of the United States, at4 U FEU ASTNVM, /.v ji n r.ivcE ~lfust Received, iu, best white wine Vinegar biirs best quality of Green Coffee ffls-prime Jamaica Sugar ALSO . casts best London particular Tenc- S£ir former assortment they now br sale low, for cash. Tartly $ 6on. •owF’aND loaf, humus. s arr St. Croix Sugar, Ids. hVO Bis- Muscovado do. 513. double Refined Loaf, do. 3 Bacon. wj of Bnncoitib Batter, - i-or Sale by R, >1 alone, bjo., Cloche $ Watson, CO* T IN UK THE tor aw & Co.! mission BUSINESS in savannah, call orders will be promptly alter.<! rT ts Storage AND ttvnussinn Business. . 3 subscribers have taken the VVare lately occupied by Henry Shultz, ue the Wharf, which is now in com rder for the .reception of Cotton erchandize - \l tekenzie 2$ Ponce. iber 27 <*• Notice. R pubic are notified that Ira C Day 0 interest in the business hf-retore ctcd b? Menj. Yarnold' The under d is dtny •authorised and will attend Settlement of said business. T. CUOOKER. y 22 —-w3t p THE subscriber lias red his LAW OFFICE to ins Building on Telfair Street, wliere he '2 gaiu&tlly found, and his professi lervices commanded. > RENT, ’til the 30th doher next, the house at present oc d by the subscriber, situated on li street, in a healthy and desirable it tile city, and possession given on rst day of June Nicholas Ware. rch 11. ty Notice. [ ,L Persons in- .ebted to the - estate of 11 skinner, late of the county of deceased, an* requested to e immedmte payment to the subscri i * r ' J !U to whom the saW cs -1 ' J : u s indebted, are requested to l'T 1, demands properly attest L thesubsc.ubers.for payment. ** ! iun Skinner, >,, , - er.C Kvr lllv I) J " tn? ) i dollars Kctvui a. „ . STOLEY ■h-'-glu util. 29th June last, from , 3 subsenher, living inf , IJ,t '» lil - ‘ a»d an half mih „ _ •"•«»•* -t.-r Iron W >ras, 11 vliowibU fifty Horse, an! ■?».,! 4 f , mtkeds’ 1 H ‘‘ ;• “ip »Ii -U eihiJ c . , 1 his .right tore kg a , ’ x Ur i»v excresence or wen fill.-- w ’h be given for lJu . -».-!i and delivery of the Horne i. ’ u ‘ Dollars .for either of ,j T , Hubert Jones, —w4»p s* Notice. faklM;. —— ve kfi i?,«25* uce a few months U ! ° BLKr M. COOMBS, my a ***. in S. Coombs -1^ —ts the Summer t ; e .,' V h e| idcmen can be accom- / . AUGUSTA CROCKERY A JVI) GLASS WARK STORE i |YHE subscriber is ,now receiving at I I opening, and will continue to recri ■ iiing the Fall and Winter months, at I. >torean Micoa’s Brick Budding, neai r * >Bt-Office in MTntosh street, leading fr f - Stewart Hargrave's | . CORNER STORE, .1 GENERAL ASSORTMENT 9F CROCKERY iVas* ai\A China Ware, •*CONBt9TXNG OF— "'•ates namUomely assorted with Crockery, and TVeTces of Glass ( Wave, .4 ’ ' Well selected to suit the Georgia h Wes ( rn Markets, wliich he oilers for sale at u our advance. He is now' opening in order to suit those purchasers who wish to have heir Goods repact— . ( lilue Printed Liverpool H are—Also, Enameled Caps Saucers, 1 Os every description and size. Plates, Bowls, Mugs and Pitchers, « Os different qualities and sizes. ! ALSO 1 few st t of Elegant 1 Burnish’d Gold China, ' OF a superior quality—consisting of V Tea, Codec & Desert Set Complete—Likewise Lustre China Tea Sets, Os various figures, neatly put up in box es—all of winch he offers fo.r sale at the 1 most reduced prices for cash, or approved Town acceptances. William H. Oakman. | October 25. 12t 1 N. J3.—The subscriber J earnestly requests those who are indebted to the late firm of Erwins, O.iktnan, k Co. . vo come forward and settle their accounts , ith him/(who alone is authorized to set <ft; their business) as further indulgence \ cannot be granted. \ W illiam H. Oakman. < November 26. 12m •Mineral ftpvings, * CHEEK AGENCY, Seventeen miles west j Jlonticelin Jasper county Geo. Tub subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they si. 11 continue to accommodate persons in search of health. They conceive it necessary to * state the terms on which they will in fu ture board those who maybe willing U. encourage them ;—Regular boarders, (or , man ami horse per day, 1 dollar 75 cents; ntuu alone, one dollar, children and ser vanfs half price. The water has been re , uently analyzed by a competent Chemist and pronounced to be equal if not superior to any in the southern country William MTntosb, Peter Donaldson. Hurch 15 1 - *“ t 'The Piano Forte I a light, 1 IP o A JO «£lli H-KSFECTFId.LV i .forms the I adle of Augusta and its vicinity, that he ha i re- t turner to this city, and intends to make it 1 his permanent place of resilience; fie will ' dcVote entire y Ins time to the iustruo- [ ion of onr-ih on li.e j Piuno I'orte. 1 His attention to his Scholars he hopes % vvill merit a pint of public patronage—jj \ ppii> alien made at the Mansion Rous: I ._ Hate’, will be . Uci.dcd to. L July 11 if s TRe Siihscrihei* T ILL attend tile Courts of the Middle VV Circuit, for the purpose of settling he accounts due thelate firm of Kean, Dnyokhik, and Fearre, the accounts due irnself, and all others in which he may be Rousted as agent, administrator, or any (hepwise, and earnestiyHiopes all inter ■sled .ill attend prepare Jto settle either r by payment or due bill. Deorgfi* S. Poam*. 1 - * ti - i ATE OF GEORGIA, f V[ It chmond County, 5dN OTICE is c hereby given, that Hrxßx Sin yhmatd of aid State and count), hath applied to the honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of said courts, for the benefit of the acts giving relief in cases of Insolvency Mir! iir.pri*«nment. And the creditors o | the said Southmayd are hereby notified t. * show cause if any they have, before th ' u( l Jusli9es at the Court Hues in said County on the twenty first day of Au-.rui s jezt, ut 10 ts’clock in tiie forenoon of iha* lay, vs I y j,, assignment of said Insolvents d • ■state 10 dd not be.n.ade and he be dis charged. June 22, —-;»20 2rn - ON TUB * Altama&a Miyyit, tjthe subscriber WHO IS DULY Authorized & Empowered TO SELL THE SAME. viz. ThTcfc Tracts OF MOST VALUABLE & A m m *.3, AS FOLIOWb. One Tract at Clarkes Bluff, 10 miles a bove Darien, containing 3546 acres. One Tract, an Island, in the qarrows, Al tamalia river, 24 miles ahov*e Clarkes Uluft', containing 400 acres, and known by the name of Willlains’ Field. One Tract, containing 750 acres, 4 miles abovo Williams’ Field, known by the name of Mitchem’s Field, The above are supposed to he three of as fine tracts of land, as any on the Alta maha river, they will be sold at private sale any time from the date hereof, until the 10th day Dec. next, when if not sold they will he absolutely sold at Public Auction, at Milledgeville, Any person inclined to purchase eitberof the above tracts of land, may be most particularly informed of every thing respecting them by applying to the subscriber, tu Augusta, James A. Young, Mansion House Hotel, Augusta. may 23 .- Livery Stables. 'V « HE Subscriber informs the public that nis large and commodious StfiLles on the corner of Jackson and Green streets, are now ready for the reception of Horses. From his long experience in this line of business, he flatters himself of being able to give full satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. He will be prepared at all times, to furnkdi Horses and Carriages, by the day, or longer.— Horses Kmcked, Trimmed and Broke to Harness, at the shortest notice and best manner- He will only add, t hat lit invites the public to call and sec Ins complete es tablishment and then bestow on Ipm that patronage wlnqh they really think him en titled to. He requests all those persons who may call, not to give any money to ervants. j Willmm M‘Gar. Bee. 13 LJUIEb Affiasanr* Mrs. SANDWICH, |S IAeSPECTFULLY informs her friends and the public, that her Summer Scheme ■ ommencesat live SAND. HILLS, on Mon day next. The different Branches of a polite and useful Education are taught—cotnprehen ling, together with the usual Elements • fan English Education, the French .Lan guage, Music, and Plain and Ornamental jYi-edle Work. The situation is considered as health thy and pleasant, us any in the up coun try. ,!tnii- 22——ts Notice. hi I. HE Committee appointed by the Board of Commissioners to superintend the improvement of the Navigation of Sa vannah River, between Augusta and Pe fersburg, will give 1 dollar per day for a hie bodied Laboureis, to work on said Improvements, and found w ith provisions, to commence at Petersburg; and arc now ready to receive them, and for the con venience of persons who may wish to hire hands for said improvement, they will make a deposit of money in Augusta, » ith Mr. Robert Malone, where they can receive pay for the hire of the same, should any persons in that neighborhood be disposed to furnish hards. Tiiomas Murray Y ? Mark Anthony > |. Peter Lamar, j Julv 29 4' (JT LAW.' , T KHE public are tnf • :ied that 1 hate taken my nephew, Thomas Flournoy Wails, Esq, into partnership in the practice of Law. We shall he able to do business in the counties of Hancock, Warren, Lincoln, Columbia, Burke, Sc riven, Richmond and the Mayor’s Court. When not absent at the Courts, the bu siness will he attended to in all its r -. at their Otiie on Centre Street, Soulii of the market. Thuiuag Flouraoy. Blarch 2tSj ts »■■■-«■■ ■ nWniwn■ f. —ir- Fire Engines. WM. C. nUXKRBIAN, INFORMS tli« public, that he coulinutv . to Manufacture h'is FA I ENTfJJK ENGINES, and has made and sold sixty one of them, viz : 2totlie town of Bos- 1 do Pittsfield, ton, 1 do Pawtucket, hi Ido Nantucket, Ido Troy, "2 do Halli, I do Frigate United 2 do Newbury, States, 1 do Ipswich, t do Chesapeake, 2do Marblehead, Ido Macedonian, 4 do Lynn, 1 do Independence 1 do .Arundel, 74, ’• 1 do Reading, 1 do Washington 74 1 do Newton, 1 do Navy Yard, a' 1 do Brunswick, Portsmouth x Ido Topshain, Ido do Charles 1 do Raslport, town, 1 do Antesbury I do Worcester, 2 do Portland, 1 do Gardiner, 1 do Fort !n<Jcpen- 1 do Bridgewater, deue.e, • 3 do Hoxbury, Ido Petersburg,Va Ido Salem, 1d» Amherst,N. 11. Ido Cincinnati, O. 1 do Windsor, Vt. 3 do Augusta, Gen 1 do Montpelier, Vt 2 do Savannah, Gc, 1 do Hallowed, 3 do Washington, Ido Gloucester, Ido West Point, 1 do Cotton Facto- 2 do Concord, N.fl ry, Waltham, Ido Malden. 1 do Northampton, One ot these Engines was tried in fht town with another P.rgine br’vWfy.uft ft the town; —the Patent Engine, with 2tiv< inch chambers, threw 70 gallosis of wntoi 133 feet in 23 seconds; tlic one belonging to the town, and selected for the purpos with 2 six-inch chambers, was 43 second, tbiowing the same quantity ct water 11 feet We, the Subscriber, Fire wards of tin town of Boston, attended at the trial 01 one Wh. C. HwMKMAtds Fike Eno in its. and do certify the above statement to In correct. JONA. LOKING, .108. AUSTIN, TURNER PHILLIPS,.IOS. LOVKitiGN JOHN MACKAY. (Ej*Orders for the PATENT FIRE ENGINE, addressed to WM. C. lIUNNE MAN, No. 31 Union.strcet, Burton, or Ids Manufactory in Hoxbury, will be executed in the best manner. March It m6m notickT All Persons. having demands against the Estate of S turnback Wilson deceased, are requested to render them in, duly at tested, to us. And thtue persona who are indebted to said Estate, are requested to come forward and settle the same With out delay. Cosby Dickinson, James A. Black, AJmiJK'IS THAT OHS. May 11 'tf mgr; the evening of Sunday last, on the ne v Sand-Hill road, a triangular shaped topaz seal- A suitable reward will be paid for leaving it at this office. July 18 —ts FOR sale: .A .HANDSOME BAROUCHE, calculat ed for either one or two horses. It will -he sold at a reduced price foi Cash, Apply to Thompson h] Black. May 2.1. C_EN Tuesday evening, or Wednesday Homing last, in Augusta, a small red mo rocco POCKET HOOK, considerably w Urn, containing sundry papers: viz. one obli gation on John Parsley, of Edgefield di strict, S. C. Ferguson as security— or.c note of baud on —— Oarreutort, for about 7U dollars, of the same place,—and a number of other notes and papers of value to the owner.* Also, one Nashville Bank no*e of 2U dollars, which 1 believe to he counterfeit—a 10 dollar bill on the Fann er’s !k Mechanics’ bank of Nashville -a three and a one dollar bill of the Bridge !>ank of this place, one silver dollar and Alter small change; also a letter directed it —.. .. Barren ton, of Edgefield district, S. C from Wm. Dixon, post master, of Greenville, Twin. Any person finding said book, h delivering it at the Giirmucle office, with its contents, will receive the thanks of the owner, and be generously rewarded. Henry Keller. of Green county, Tenn. Augusta, may 25 r _ JSieuv Market. V JL HE subscriber will sups ly all who may 1 ase to call, with fresh-meets of every . iiid in the line of his business, at his mar ket in Summerville, on Miliedge street. — The prices wifi be regulated agreeably to .he Augusta market prices, and the hours of market will be from sun rise to eight o’clock in the morning,' Days of market will be Mon lays, Wednesdays, Fridays and viiurday evening. As be has been o>t con siderable expense to erect !iis market; uul intends that there shall be nothing icking on inspar* to keep the market well .applied with the best tn«*ets the countr. eau afford— -he tb uetore receiv. ~ pr ipai tiote.ole share of patronage, ‘i h* naiket is now open, and will bC, i 43 long as it will lie supported. Henry Mealing. Tune 27. —’f > blankh; For sale at this oilice. » ■' i' ■■■ ■■ waai lit,^ SUASION lOUjiK nv|l I■■ mmimtha .rvr . . Ifertfc iJK -» / i HR Subscribers have tak**n a largo and commodious House at the cos, ea of Green a nil Mc.ll/Uosh Mt reefs; which is now opened for the rccepa "it of company It in situated in the most pleasant part ol the Town, ud no pains will l>e spared to render the establishment wtqthy tlte pi>Uj ’ HWge of me Public. Rooms will he fitted up in so; erior Styfoj'.p ■.ucotniniHfotibtt of tarnilies, wVH as single rou 111:1 lor gentle>ucli.’ The proprietors of litis .establpdin.cut have »-nde«\orf*o to Hei 1 »rice with convenience. They Hat tar tiieniselves their TAllLt and BAli ■ til not be excelled by any in the Southern country. They have also • .’•(•pared in an airy situation large new Stables' and safe (Vriagu 1 louses. Those who are fond of good living, niry, new and clean Rooms an 4 • ietls, and kind treatment, ate respectfully invited to call and judge sos 1 themselves. N, ii. They intend keeping a Livery Stable, and will be provided wife Carnages, Horses and an approved Ostler- Young & Me Keen, January 22 > lAV^i^ ; iT. H ,?' s " ! ’scriDei-s have taken for «mi'm. wpj U years, a lease of this well known nicommodious establishment, situated e ', .‘r? 7 CC,ltre of t,le cil V. .it offers pc -1 ' iluradvamages both to rtgulftraud trun l , |;i!, K oarc ! er f from the long experience ) .. y lav f had lll their line of business, they latter themselves to be able to render « . Ueir house for private and public acoom- i modation, inferior to none in Hie Southern s nates. I heir TAULE will be furnished u with the best provisions the market can c 'ford, ana their Bar with the choicest Lit/iii ts. Particular attention will be paid to cleanliness in their rooms and bedding} and tln.y pledge themselves that indecent or indecorous behaviour of any kind will never be tolerated in their house. “ , 1 h «* s tables are furnished with the •<est ol provender, and with faithful and at. tenUve hostlers. As the proprietors con- * teriijiiate to make the GL(>HE a permanent establishineut f under their particular sm ’, they only solicit from their , men Is and the public generally, that par- j Non r t patronage which their attention to 1 busmens and to the comfort of their cus> I I copiers may entitle them to. 4 VV»lli;un G. Grimes, s William Shannon. September JO. 1 ~ 1 Washington Hall. , 1 rii ' l I I. FIE Subscriber offers for sale, tbcun- v P expired lease of that large and convenient 1 ’ Public House, known by the name of a ' tVasHijwoxov llar.t, situate on the corner s . of the Bay and Jefferson street, at present ti occupied by him. lie will also dispose of fi die household and kitchen furniture. The e lease of the building will expire on the Xat a day of November, 1823. h Ko situation in Savannah affords greater a advantages tor a public house—and the S present reputation of the Hall, the sub- I: amber flatters himself, will be an induce- ( ment to purchase. It is alone in conse- r qucnce of bad health that he is willing to f nake a sale of Ids interest. a For terms apply to Mr. Fitters Sobheu. f 11. Newcomb. v Savannah, Juiy 18——til — . Y . „ h > ovv in Richmond Jail. c V r" IXEOItfJE, about fifty years of age, 5 ! hel6 or 7 indies high, dark complected, j| | ueloiiging to Saatfuei Lockhart, ofßullock county, Georgia. Alfa MARY, about 25 years of age, 5 feet 5 ,’jj or Cinches high, dark complected, says she belongs, to Thomas Jones, of Cciurn. j;a county, Georgia. The owner* are requested to come forward ana prove property, pay charges, atgl take them away. SVm. I^amkinj Jailor a* c# i Ang, A * Eagle Tavern . i And Savannah Stage Offic# filllE partnership of Whipple 8t ftoottt 1 of the Eagle Tavern &ud Sa'auuatl Slagc Office, being this day dissolved b / mutual consent. All debts due by tha said firm will be paid by said Whipple* and all debts due to the firm are 10 b$ collected by him only. » Jes*e Whipple, I). 8, Booth. N, B. The house will skill u conli uuQ as formerly, by the subscriber. J, Whipple. ruav In . _ Wanted .A.S an Apprentice to the Confectionary and Distilling business, a smart active I,a<s between 15 and 17 years of age. Apply to HENRY ROBERT’S Confectionary Store. 4 doors below the Globe Tavern, Broacj street, Augusta, April 18 ts 8 15 Upward. W H.T, Be given for JOHN, tlie caN. riage driver, a lull yellow, very artful ami likely fellow, of 22 years old, of a coarsa voice, had ou when he went off, a glazed leather hat, dark homespun pantaloons and h round jacket, either of blue cloth «.? striped homspim. John being unwilling' to be left at a summer residence in Fair field District, South Catalina; took on thm eleventh instant one of his masters carri tge horses, took also a spare bridle round Vis shoulders and made his escape to go, is he said, to the plantation on Black Swamp, St Peter’s Parish, S. Carolina.—" He rode bare backed, was traced unto Granby ferry below Columbia. He thcra rode the same large bay horse on which he made his escape, the burse br th trot* and pates, a star in hi. l - forehead, his hind feet or pastern .joints appear as if they were swelled, and it is believed lie hai* one or both lend feet white. Five dollars r ward will be given t or the horse. It b presumed John will endeavour to mak> [iij way to Augusta, where he has an un» cl a free yellow man, perhaps by die ia'' niO of Kitt, from whom he may obtairy. re c pass, may alter his name and dress, \ ml try to make his escape to Virginia, *ir m ,e may be employed on the river as r» oat hand- Any person who apprehends • ’ i John and secures him so well in some V. jail, as that die subscriber gets him hall leceive the above reward. Black Swamp, St Peter’s, April 20L -820 .Tames Lowry. Ap’il 25 ntiheriiTs Titlt\s Fur Office*