Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, October 26, 1820, Image 2

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UST (y r-..*.‘’/»'»V />)•«» r.’f 1)1 fTw /*.♦.»*// ‘ 1.(.U !'■."{ i\ til> to tut JJ-tl, <>J Si plan' In r. urc 7 vow). 11, 11 lljr<i)| N W .tnl> wi»l. U. Tinley. AV f *ll, E W «Uou, 11 Fal Is, A Greg >ry, y, 1 f, 11 iiiiu, J Fi*l nnberry, \V h bearer, » l! W.i-U, .1 Miily, orph. .1 Mill, ’I Did 1 n, If S—.l U OcHiyCH, T Vil’.lgV ,it, II U (*ithersort, C & H .!’.• :>■», wi psi. .< Gai'ct, I Ghatl, J M*Ueao, II G Siimh sen, I > H n groves, M Bcrlhune, J Bos . w Mil, M Prescott. itui.T.ncii i T Wv on S Wiliams .■»'•)» orp. .1 Mr.tV i«-ri, r, il iiVfi, It l)ivis,.l TlivinlS orp, \V ;i .* in. {tin. A>>«*! .Mins'tnN rrj bans, .5 l< gg >r ~1 C.'lliis, F Lanier, 1) Drig <-i-i3, si Young-, It Scarborough. nr ft kk <i r -,n rL, .1 <’i ui.-tji, I? IVi-own, K anil T.l ... i .rp‘*. J E’iint, li H.ialh, V\ I *■» )lc.s h • U J ljuck, .) U.uldioj ‘heid’s > J VV .rnocfc, 11 VoWdl, T < loony, .( ti im, J! M'DmialJ .1 Cod', Kt: >sn< ’, VV, \V 4-'eiiny, V Stnnger, If I lamp • ) . i Lambert, 11 f Hus'). IV >, I Tf,-.:'. .vi Vlur.Bon, V ■j. j, ;1 .1 iiitiwr.s. -V Crosier, jun. A lion* jf, J Kenedy, \V .loacy, .1 I 'o’.eiier, Is ..-st. Tboihion J K.r :ml, li '■C:v«s..e, It vt.y, S Bush, Jl’ A .(lay, ILlMll, II <1 nn v ‘tx. T !' Hardin .) K.-ll;, M Shuman Jun. J; 1) .. is VV Ke-oueti, T Maim. VXMHEX !. ILbHir, Ji Wuril, I Geer, li /f ell n: 1;.,.n, J U.-tifirl), J C yZichards, ,1 j Goodhi-tad,‘l, b, aud W Hull, orps i- -ultck, 1. Osteon, wid. J Williams, T ft ct. ks, CU.ITIUM. !■', Hurling « id. m A F-ynn, a Neyle, ;i »} pupy, Lackian II Mdlntosh, I, A lUtridg.- .1 Shop, .1 Ung«.r», C Fos •. r, VVc-sieimgcr’s w id. T AidUlcbur r t, A' May, L P Johnston, J Lafilte, j AV.ison, .1 Erwin, W Henry, J Adams, M V Hester, II Jl(A s aidu, W E. M, B and li A.i'iWfc, oi'ps. U Nelson, C Di li noy i, i.j, \V Siai-f, »i l.'iiii] 1. llaruin, M i-ox, 'v al G .V,:«v, .1 Johnaton, .1 Wcvanl, A It 1. TUtn.ijm-m, S IJoopt'r, F W alia Ji tiv b. si,.! Mitel.n, .) Kingsley, A li I I' 1 , , iii VVIS. Cl. .HIKE. W Dick n, II MofiVn, It Gardner, I. )',. ;>’.ii, S Akiidgc, .1 Fa! on, A \V iir'iV.n •) Si uos sen. /*■ S— Z StuiS,.l Loi too, i, Wi'iij.’y .1 Gretm, W tl Swlnivy, W i>i,J J.e.a, .1 Osborn, .1 11 G-.iFner, \i Itinki is y, .1 E Drown, 1. Snunm-iiin, C .' . i. is, it Dougherty, T flebbehson, .1 .len'.-s, 6 Martin, will, it VVliiteiicuU w li Ji-.m, i* rim nil I on, .) I. Wrigln, .1 Y • v.-li, li miawin, F. Mitchell, It Ti»y. Jvr, UJJjtby, li M'OiiC, J Ilaym-U, \V Fay. COLUMBIA, \\ II Gin, 1) Face Sill II I) CoS by, II ., V. G Holt, W Maddox, L .'.ml. , M FuUhxi, II M Sw a.',, .( (; 7-Viui.alnuii, T i.yon, VV E tbanas s>,n \. Miilti-, T Crawl»(l, !l i'tukis, J Fu!. I r sen. li F llolliinan, \V ,1 Sdniulcis, J V mi, .1 W Dent, .1 K 9wain, F. S Waker, 1) li’>y, 11 (iarlisle, A IMi It itvawlo l, S Dtancy .( Tuliu- s, li G’.uiet, S Weuste.r, .1 Ulniun’s orplianH, YV 1 ) inn, .7 0 Mars’auil, U Newsom, \\ W u .en K Davis, F OverlcyS in-pa. It Viiniicy, M .Sullnan, O M Dossatl, 0 F. ms, li Avevetl’s orps. .1 \V hi leaker. r.t'EIXUJUM. C raw I'm d, A Grinur, li Esley, wid. I liver.-, .! VV ashing ion’s orphans, U VV'-uds, J Wilson, 0 Sei kit-ger widow, m i'.son, T Gann U, F. V.niltdge, I V. .h, J Uaist, M Ann Uuie'.y. nuuutr. ]■' Sc.uborouph, J Hates, E Ilendcn jn., 1‘ Diu.s, 0 Hendrix, J Bell, IMi ni i.. . , ,1 I) .toliiis, S Lciitucr jun F F.)W --< li, jm. !■ 'duellings orps, VV Davis, I .i iw ii s n Sllidg -any, 11 l.owiv in uv, i) Holt, I Ucnnard.J Hud, I. Teas Icy, J Chris. IvT, G Uog?i's, U Amici son, ,/ Guilders, W Jlichs, ./ Gully, 21 Vav.'ni-, 1.1 i-asiiy, !) .lam s, Pulliam jun, J (li ny, 'I Aimiun, It ClitisUer, J Talom sen i. ihv.-jg, i Ila !, W Evans, S f'haikle-- < >■. !, K il.idsa >, .1 Craft jun. K liuinsey, ■;j’ Fatlei'siui, j in. F. Ciidds, It iiueker. ' rn.tvKux. C Session, J Dubbins, .) 1$ aslcy 11 S— •T G6i.ii, J Vesbuts, 1! Convond, 11 Dig. pins, .1 Kogan, J Samlets, J, .! Uar gitue, .1 Uu ’, 11 llaket. It F.iyn -, VV iiaiis, ,l liivwn aeu. It S—M Hendricks Vi Freuitt, 1* l.oe wid, & orps. J Addi son F 1 aing, widi and orps. C Cnwllum, ,1 mid, .1 Murdock,. VI Uunivve!), M Hooper. S Urigtii, J Smith, J Monie, A 1100 Miuud, V\ Uanisey s-u M Suili'.s .! O (.. -1 \, VV Mays, ,t ILirriaoa, Farr’s »i. i nun-*, VV ( i,ri, It Macliell, It Dcn tn.ui,.! VV'uiu, A Savage, S Spears, VV { .i.ayili, W Muikcy, VV S F Crawford, li •Grm.n, It Luubridgu, L Crump, S tt ltn;.;ms, L Fcrdue, It Johnson, uid. 'i D rd. .i . (i-tr.bxr:. M C.<l man, A Mishap, N Fcildnr wid E .lauds u, I. K.a s, orp. M UraFl , .* 11 diii , J Burke, ti Mye»», .1 II Phi ip , J C I juts ni, S ! a leader, I) Lock, Jm An r \vi-; I Miller, U Booth, T.l >iks, VV Bo; ehu vl, VV Fun-e-Ur, ,1 Itans ni, 11 Feu. \ lield'; A D ivio, J OiVcn, VV Bruce, a Meini, N Lee, VV Fucker, ll M iccr, JL> Fa- kor, S Morris, .tun. N Thackslon, it Asbury, 1! CrossUy\s orps li Newsom ,1 Faiisoi,, G Mabry, N Lewis w.d. A it-y, l Nelms, A Andrews, .! Men, C Mien, 1) llarristui’s orps. .-\ 15 I. nit n, J Peik-ns, J M Undei, C i V i iihurn, S Tlnsuipson, It M'Keen, VV G ll.i: rie eil, VV MoiiCHi f. iUi VCOLK. !! Trip jon, J Hiown’s orps, M Skin- Tier, ), -I Uniiii, 1) Murpiiy, II tnl.-i n, s vtcr.tvrn, M 1) I’ope, II Striek l.i-d, SF. ei dime wi.lo", J Vusey jun, II Vtvun, .1 Skinuer, J She ets, J S; vey’s rp'.i.ins, VI iv, W User, I It’.nu. t, US—l' VV ]!.. id*, .1 ( •>'-ihbi i uy, L Benson, .1 tit* . , u, v, (irigit-i »c::, 1 Carter, •' V. ii‘,i.u'.»on, II Du 0 n, VV Sai.ilers .1 Hi.cit v,.lt> a . .! C'.eHlt-bci ir, J) !l . i\, I t oU'ii an, I. (i-rdy'f i rp'a, (I i-diicial'.ii,, VV -, lin uipboY JH! i'.Ji.SUX V\ * Mini ' all ti Coins nips, It Fie*' 11 , • 'I., .well i l“|l, A Wllinh’iill, S s .'■i i In . i.« |, M X Foril M.ij, N It* t -n, .7 It- 1 i, itp. C Hlcpltena, J» v mi. 1 I’).' n, .7 ifiamtirr*, J (IrunK* I• .s ,M li ii. |ik ||, G lug »I|., w, , I) i ' iH!< • 11..ii«ia, I* icLv'»ff, b W.i *. |1) II tiblj bv|l| 11 hull 1 1 I..IVuFXS J (' Pi '-, J NCai‘Kll'oUgli, J M' 11 ml - (5 e uim, VV Gilo, ,T sains m, J lli'.’s, iI. . II l|»rr>il»(rv 1 'liana »»■«. \ I. iill , J Itirliw, F. Du 1 w, ./Die V ltha!s, J LoHnn, \ Gamp )dl J Mnilh At Sii.i in M Vaeglm, jun, J Paiktr jun. S Witkea / HtF II IT. P VV arm I, I) H»wn, N T.iv*or widow. T W Bn n, F. Knight, M Murptiey, Terrell '1 Ji’L’aVlc uder’s orps. y./.vro/.v. t I) nrumon, / Gallat, P I.arr'im'ire, 1 (I'M do- in, VV J well, P IlmnbrK, F, Lott, F Stiekc, .1 Grnagp. VI May, wid. P A VVi.'ker, V- 1.-uvili, VV G I'.atoin, I York, It Knor.'s heirs,/T Mathews, M Gar'.rcll, • w ds Gli i.ioiev, B Mosley, YV (,r;oe, U Collars. VV Maliauey, .1 Ka;ly, J Grenoge, L Gross m, I f.ol, >J i.evialt, A I atom, L (I ruv--s, wid mix rosn 1! VVlil'c, J OrntiS J Sluirwood, Pr'XTGOMI'JtV. ,! Bn-vnidjr, jon. L W hitelmrst, D Mor rison, VV li .Viofilev, D Vickers. sc my rx\ .? F ee-nsn, j in. liecklcy, G Pollock, T ILng, .1 l.uinuelf, T (T'l'ton, F '!')! ling I It si. It L Dickson .1 Bail'.-.oik, A 1. B’ar.K !>ir n. It olr .lia :>, w.d. G Poyliire< s, .1 Anderson, E Oliver, Z Coward, It M‘- Kinney, OGLE Til r > JIVE, David n idges, J Simmons, II fives, VV K./id, E Nix, G Cliristiau, It Johnson sen. ./M-Daoit l, VV IH-y.vil; M'C'erd, F .1 l> dil, A Brown, VV N Stokes, II Genia lly, .1 Baity*, 'l' Cummin;**, J 15 -usly, 15 Siuilh, F Patlerson, T D nscy, J Bever age, \J Si *T, B J Uan.y, J C ih’iui, .7 Uosu be rry, / A person, E Elkins J Bradford. 710.' KIiP.X. VV King, VV Tra is, !! Ball, R Rop-rs, sen. f.l Miller, wid. 0 Peavy, E VV ila.m, 5, Parham, .7 Walden, A Join s, sun il Wag .goner, \V Kinsey, I? Culpepper, J Wal ker's orps, il Chalkei, N flco'.v’s o.p> T VV Jackson, 111 Williams. A Maliiii wh, ! Iturliiialler, VV Gunn, S Tra vis, M V-Kmot. wid,./ Wood, A Rosser, 1) Harrell, It Smith, N I!an.'.veil, N. Var lu-outfii, J B B.ali, F -niter, E Ivy, B ’ J-hutfun, N Chaika.-*, li Duster, J Sandeis, ‘ It H jinicy, S Wilder, M Cailel’s orphs. J K Jones. WILKES. 1) .7 irestor, E llrown, wid. F. R Ca’a way, A Pwler, M Arnold, I Hin.lstoan, T k'Ltinion, .7 Vlilliken, F Bril. It Dear -1 mg-, .7 I. VVing(ieli), li Pope, .7 Farmer, J Bii'hi-r, I V\ orphans, J Soldo, T Worthiiain, E 11 W ingTielil, G Scut I, K Murpiiv, wid. T Ps dmond's VV Link ton, I) Brydl'nil, 11 Echols, .7 Ra ns. sen. J I) Hinton, i’J II iml, A Norman,-VV M Brook er, I. Randoij.-h, C C ine, widow, It (jot ion, G Thud. JACK SOX VV Tomlin, (1 Miilsaps, .7.7 Wilson, J 0 Wiidkins, R Biilsun, .7 Mullens A Mar lin, h WticrlOM, 15 Mu-lgi-ns, J Coiinu, .7 .7 B iStiiiii, |) llsimelt, V.dayu ud’s orps / llarlti.T, It S—!l Williuin’s orps, F, It S—T S Parker, A Cunning ham, .7 Lyle, G VVobu jun. L Bu ker, ./ Goldbtvry, .7 Monlgoiuery, jun. A Po t VV Cha-uhly , E M’Guire, \\ LI. J Ba r, L Marlow, A Hamilton, T Knell, J Red ing, A Spiingfuid, It S—VV Wade, 1 Bells, J Moore, A Srdith, .7 Townsend, .7 Monghon, .7 Leans sen, .7 Blake, D (lastlebcrry, jun. A Winters, S Willing bam, E Coven, .7 Pirkle, J Ellington, N T Gr.e-t: wid. J VV'hcolftr, II S —1) Clary, .7 Spurlock, A. Hamilton, jun. C Dunsion 1 Rutherford, M Ga lee wid, J Smilh, G 15 Gush, F. ‘.Viuiiack, G Hudgins, .7 VV.hjht, ■7 Beard a. —Wiaaa r. »wtt t'JcxMnssvu u ? -x.*n V.'O >B / WOOD /1 *A I V-. ro\g r\N I' supply of good Si ason al.-k Oak Wood for saie a the Itiver. to co!m Stupziic'iger, or Dcnjamiii Hall. October 21 ot \wv n'tEr.AUT.E '.t) an order ofthc Hovor able Court of Ordinarr ot Warren county. Wild. BE SuLD, (hi the fiist 'Pucmhtjt in Xitwmber next nt the CovH'Uonse in 11 urrenton, One Hgmihc um»l f.ot, fn said place, it being the real estate of Gkokor H Divinsoy, deceased, sold for .-the benefit of the Heirs—Terms nuuk kao'.va on the day of Side. A. WauGi’iclV ndm'r. August 17 tds KKXiOVAL~ WVV'T T\j WN\(Yi\j li SAI-I-JPE'; FFULLY inform tli-.dr cus- and 1.-. c Public that they have re uijv.-il died- Clothing Stove, To liii- house formerly occupied by Mr. & Vies. Illnl, silu..Uii bi-tween Dr. VV’hite & Wm VV luttJ brick building, where (hev offer for sale a General assortment of Ready Made Clothhig) Consisting ofgenlleiner.s and youths do 1 i-iiiiw of every description. Ladies Shawls dcarfs and Peliccs. with Hosiery and Gloves. Heard) nigs of * Superior (pialii v, A’upeiiiue Glplhes and-l'iissimeics. Ladies <!<> fu- Polices, iifc- Whicli they will sell on the Very lowest terms for mdv. Oct 10 , if STtt\.W DONNKiU FIVE GASES Straw Iliiii net $ nail Jtnidrs , Os the N. ws' Ftliliiulis. liar *i:u >n nn, ,ixit you s.ii.e nr Pratt & Mvtcuir, Kid Briiiul btiect, a little behiw 'hr Plan') l a' Hull I. Oeloiier l-I {’dunks l‘ , Oi* bale ul thin UiUi’d. 0 Trjuwn~~T j FmioNJCLE. AY UyftTA. ruußtiitr Mimaitt'l, Oi-TOURR «G, lii2o «rii' r &U ti, • lu this City, on the iHtli Oct. hi r, Capt. (amis A. Youso, in the 26ih year of his age. lie- w-scut off in tbc hluon. of Ilm and in the rtmlst of tiis usefulness leafii g a yomtg nut ffisconsolate widow, vis h lw< children, to experience the lo** ot a lender parent amt an affectionate Inis hand. In the death ofGapt. Young socle ! V ha* h< >’n In n-' of an enterprising and worthy member. r i nr, Qur.i-.N. Tapt. ’(tlackwell, of the brig Hyperion, arrived at thr. port in 32 days from (I-!- vnet Sluys, i forms, that In the Hr.'isii Channel. he spoke a slop from London, having left 1 licet* on the 11th of Si p terr-her. The captrdn of the ship iu fortnod him tnal the t'ial of the Queen was s’ill processing; 'hat i!v Crown bad completed its evidence, and v.twrsuy ox* the jiail of the Queen were cxntnininjj.— As far as the examination had been en tered into, the evidences in h--halfof '•h'- Crown bad been compl- fell hivu’iilni-d, and I here was htt!r cl mb' hut the Quo* u would he acquitted. — 'Vi:ler;t\:p>;. [dVe imp a -'n*' that till; rfiohrn in feltigsaoc is al ways liable to some degree of distrust. In corroboration of hs prob ability, however, it may he noticed, that onr hist advices from London were only to the 2nd of September, and tins report is ta:t diiii* Inter. T kj moss exiuninvtion t»«* had bee.i carried on with an evident view to the production of counteraction ] Ed. Pririol.. NOTIFOUv, Ocroßßii U. 1320 lutarealiug licUes. AFFAIRS OF SPA LX A friend has favored us with the follow ing' extract of ale Ur from an observant ami inleillg urt correspondent in Cadiz, in the; correctness of whose information im plicit reliance may he placed. GIo-mkv indeed is the picture widen lie diawsof the'fading hopes of liberty in that coun try—and, we most confess, that the pro ceedings of tlie Cortes have not been cal culated to inspire us with more favorable nmreasinns.—The people, in all countries as inevitably derive their national charac ter from the nature of the government under which they live, as the character and principles cf children are establish. ?d hr the example of tluir parents, or by the effect of education. Spain has fur a ;vs been curst with a government at mice conupt, imbecile and despotic ; the pre sent have been horn, bred and educated under in pestilential in ft itnice, n nd are deeply infected with tnc conta gion of its Vices. We nave often . -und in private life, a father unprincipled en ough to cheat his o.yn son, and the son, on the other him I, .inos’ilci iug himself thereby absolved from all lies of filial gra titude;' making a .merit pf refuTniug the compliment.* *Bo with the Spanish n» Lion—unconscious of those moral obliga tions, and Uiniifi itnceii by those, semi ii'.ftua of patriotism tvhieii si, mid bind a people to their gov rnmcnl; and moreo ver, their government having f> .felted ad title to their re ik. ration and respects, they have fallen into habits totally uncon genial to that free and wholesome system contemplated by the revolution : To de iratid the revenue—to impose upon and betray the King and Stale, ami make their bigotry and superstition a cloak fur every specie, of deception and turpitude, is the prevailing creed of the kingdom, reduced 10 daily practice as business, interest, am bition or necessity requires.—Does any one want a valuable contraband trade cai ned on ? a cargo smuggled ? Let bun employ the highest office. in the excise department, and the Colonel command ing the giiatd, (with the ITtest to give him absolution) and itis stfficcss is certain. 'l’iiey arc as accessible as the veriest me nials, and the bribe as consoling an hoc lion to their elastic consciences. If :,i lias accounts to a ijust at the State De partmems —demands but of simple .jus tice to make, n doceur, is if.d’.spoireible to obtain the altenliou or the pj-Oj er officers. He must go to the incumber—to the secre tary hints, if, the biibe is accepted and l ie business done. If he has a suit at law, a bribe alone will o* c.ide it ; and he gets the judgment who pays the Judge die i most. If a murder is committed, a bribe at all proportioned to the public feeling, 4*cities the account wish justice, an lliic cuip:it escapes w ith impunity, in short, uocuouuity, however ti. grant, but find a atonement and expstiou in liie Pope's dull —if paid for. Tins we are ass bred by those who have long resided in Spain, is the common, daily practice in fat country, liis the civil rubric which ail, are educated in, and it is no inure iku-m --ed vuc, limn tbc very opposite would be considered virl,.a Alas! what can we hope from such a state of society without unparalleled eu ergv aui wisdo uin titc Cories ?—ls it tea sonablelo snppise (hat the spirit of in trigue and faction will lay dormant when there are so many materials for u to feed upon; and so liitte precaution to restrain 11 I The Curies of Ibid, is allowed to 0. e been ityiimlciy w iser than the pre sent, und yet the same system prevailed. It was the /mbits of the peujde, winch sim ple Icgisation cannot alter Heller laws may be mad';, and less temptation left to ao iso thorn ; but the hub'tiH to despise on ia.v dial comes in llu. way ut iutcicst —ami where th tttorn ity is so egre.pou dmi legislators and jurist, cannot wi’li.a iy appiaranc of decency excite it, ii-Co-int is tor seltlcmeni m tut. solid, iiirxiigb tile i«i«-iliutiou >1 .nv. priest-- ai d the I* , wlm mh » in*, me «—VI ho has c-nnmi i. d g -'C.- ci I ail l Is up6u a in.lion ilia.l il.c Spanish Kmg f Who haa.. fmi uni tell yrvatci 1, a.a upiiiaK mg tb.'ti the un.sii n.i. in i f It ,m a . die parln-a n -'w to I'n •i w com pad t liie* same Kmg sm the -an pvupii ! . tie tm'. will to Spain-wwihL si I y »e* h r ms grt sis* »h - proilnv dso 1., 11, u lieii llu i i,bK tp ■ mms ui. 4 l(ir> nt, with dimr ps'iiolio ha tin b.ukc tin gcpiru ul lyiMimy rod emwipli m, und <UUI uiumivi tut! chsiatuflUc Inpab., tion { hut we few the *. < ;*t M*c feilr flint the er'.hu»iii«m v hich ii**jiiitd the brave Spnaish snldieM, to achieve the in depi-ndeiiCM of cm.iitn, wi t not find a conget ia! waimth in tlie heurti of tlvir co"nirj’it>cn ; or tliat like the evsn. scer.J flaxh of v-. eK rtiir rh,u I, it will only illumine to leave llnm in greatci daiknesr. “ C tnfr,, Att'g, 26 « I !i«vf never beh-lii greater hupiie. tilde ai d n'.ore pambtl ap;m licnsior.s for the« of a revolution ihmi is exhibited by the people of tlii" pl.-.ce—l'licy have lest almost all corlidence in toe, nieasurts of tin' Cortts. w ho ih-.y sm have yet done nothing—mean time tbe King and liis Ministt'i'S iss io orders tlinl »;iea*.e tin; strongest doubts of the .integaity of their intensions.—Hit-go has been uultn-d to move his am y limn l»bi to another station, and other troops have been ordered to rep la e him 'laice l\e hwn refused U> * ob’ev lb. order, and the peoph* here in pltite him to persist >u the rcsolu'do:) Tiic troops ordered i stead are known ■ to be* commanded b €»'■ ■•«. ,i iuimieal tt> ■ Hie new system, a-d t . ■ tus of Freyrt-, 1 famnana and the oilier devils ir-ciruate > of (he fatal IClthof .\!.uc’t, who haveyet .v.ificieil itoiliiog for i;u l" hellish batlaui tv, aod .for wl.icb the people cry aloud to ’ jtiatide and to vengeance. K-v-n 'be vo mon of fh.ilis : ..war they will defend tii gate- "gain*.' the entrance of the Ir.mps de tiovd to garrison it, nod every day pla Cards appear ’mail the public places i -s'.i --- big • c;i; responding feeling in all class es li.-go is s'.rromided vvlien he appears in pubbe, v.idi d.o li a! cry of.“ dmi’t I at i-us for (i'-d’s sake. ” —His own f- ci and that <,f ’.isc-impatriols and sol df-tr, are in unison vriiii the people’s, nor does lie think paiiiodsm fork* is the course he look, thoiigli it would appeal to be in hostility to tiiesav. i eiguty of the Government. But the asittssius of the lb! ii of Match yet. live with i i.puuity. t’alz cries aloud for protection—tue Cortes lias yet fuHi!fed none of die engage incuts with the liberating army—die or der.*. of the Minister of War have a most suspicions feature of a counter revolu tionary protect, and tie army of die Isla, conscio .sos their strength in die aflec tion of the people, have dated to resist the Ouicia! mandate A painful interreg num is thus created in the affairs ol Spain, and wlio will yield, the Government or Hi ego is a (ju* s ion of difficult solution. “In Malaga a similar feeling exists in . consequence *>f an o'tier for a change of tue garrison there, and tlie people threa ten to interpose to prevent its execution. In this dilemma the Minister of War has resigned. “Although the monopoly of tobacco is still declared to ,_exist, there is no article more publicly exposed for sale in this place, ami the authorities find it impossible to prevent it. it is one of the many melancholy proofs every day visible in Spain since the. adoption of tile constitu tion, that the interpretation give top by nine tenths of the nation is perfect liberty,- that is, the liberty of every man’s doing as he pleases. Out of this tlnarchy, it is too much feared the horrors of a revolu tion arc yet to come.. He assured it is very far fom being complete, and that ■Spain at this moment ;s as much in the en joyment of die old s . stem, ns tlie new. Such is the deplorable state of parties in the country —But a little time must deter mine, “ The n v.iit’es for Venezuela have sail ed— the otlu rs an* here.” Lxtract of a letter to the Cdi’or cf the Ballimo"c Patriot, duicil Na.simu.ii, (T>:*r.) 3ept 26. “Your opinion of our ragged policy or paper bank system, coincides with my own and I belt, ve, wi'h a 1 .rge majo: ity of on l ' cUtz uis. (tv'iierai .licxs'iv used his best exertions to b event the .usage of. the law winch created the new bunk, a measure hlas'iug to tne hopes ofaspee <ly return to specia payments. In fining this he ought have used language offen sive to tne ears of those legislators who are predetermined to carry Brough their favorite though ruinous project. For this t observe you have thought proper to deal with him a little unceremoniously—per haps a nicer mode of expression might have been chosen in a co der moment, and better adapted to the feelings of a grave legislator—hut a legislator ought s.. to conduct hirnne'f in liis' official capaci ty, as not to outrage bnldic feeling. The remarks you have thought mv'per t.• make, are confined to some high scasr.n ed observations; and it is pleasing to ob servo, that you bear honorable testimo ny to the well earned fame of the Gen eral. Your motives, I don't doubt, were go id; and when an E litof comes out open upd above board, lie is above suspicion. Any thing ol this stamp, bottomed upon a feeling of independence, whether for or against us, will always be well receiv ed in the West. I have only time to pray for your suss css, and to solicit a contin uance to me of your use in i paper.” DREADFUL FIRE. St. Johns, (N t . B.) Sept. 26. g . ■ Since our last we have received con • or ating accounts ofan extensive & calamitous fire, which lias spread its ravages for near 100 miles in extent over tlie most f-rtdc proportion of the North a id Wes tern parts of Neva Scotia, from tlie neigh borhood of Yarmouth to the county of Annapolis, The fire continued to burn for the space of three days, and such was its intensity that the very potatoes were burnt in the earth; housi s, barnes, f nces, fields of grain, stock (full kinds, wit de v. I,ages and sett! ruenls.lVH a prey to die devouring elements, und not a ves 'age of v. gilmitm or herbage remained— several lives slso are lost. From ut«ung several siatements we select the follow ng, ns continuing a simple, but affecting r< P' v sc Miikon cf the mi fid scene; and u 'liis writer r-lutes of the distresses Which happened to ids family, und liis immediate neighbors wiilliu his o'aciva .1 nt, be «nie, what must have been the .ffriietid citl.'iiiitj 1 I »*e spree of count) i •ai 110 he laid Mr.-ilc, Mo travelli /, oil tie glial. I' Spiee between tlie ev ilvut ft, \ il'u.ut ik lunue, is I) el we i V ur< '•mit t ual Suin i u Hut i, , yen cen Uiiiss-th.- setl|#l|. id si 'lo||'j;)p,|, ulltllC *o > II'US SeVcl *| lii'jicied sauiu .Faiiutd %J n A’tc J,r i ,\/r ,Uf,u H’tlmre • # In III * *O,l ,11 l/ds 1 Iy, . “Oj, fujornlug In'.iui V ii'i'i.mili, we mu j i iiat liarw pol»», to; llui i Mll'l ft ry|, !tii|4ii/ titer ti Iy V* it up wif In n igw inn* 'tiviiu viwuiil l'#o hj.akvis, »m\ vulh* ‘ |S M < m . out »tPIV-U({ ( Mir-, r , nfl who!; sl«,rc h, ( ■» ' t: ‘ r «’•:*n‘» !M i f »ai.j, * M »°un<l Black J'oi,,. !,* .•* ” '*• Itunicaur, the "■* ,* Bl moiue lire behind ‘ -i ,'- *■■ tlircalUK.l ,! c , Jl)C(i)t ' • BB w t,l -I- mm «* ot l'«mt sale, B| selves s-.f.:-u%t r„ BB who v.ero rn —\ o |„^ ,s j. «»* r.£ Bis |U Haw. ru.,l , ilhu .; * *t\ lu ; IS ,lu: 9n()k '—' u-f n a .e„ , , ! '° “tnf. IS r.nnults—i\!i,• 1 -s u . ;KM ;;-c» crying. “cliir! , -!■. L |f| a. c .*7 Ml! .'.i“ s ' «r t - H I.u I) n.„ g hrs , iv ,; 1(l -■ 1 c ;,i I'S >:,r V*. :!u;l v.r.j, J Is ~r,n'-«vn '-«v K t,‘ u v ,. *> >a Bii 4> I -ids f>! I'hlio ' ' - UiroijrV HI &p - well—| IS woollen ]*;♦ 7 \ a:ic ♦ietU H^B 5. >u-.r of I..;:!- I. „ Bb i.«n, IcH ajjtuii, ima-ly ht s:( 0. 1:1 d v ill * m „ k - . B 'U'Hv an,l fell I; 1 !•-=•• fl 01 > m s ahead Wfo,,i >Cl fIA ■ the hie,they met itic, *„> , v „ rot ,cuter BB • v ‘; c 1 hrough 'Tr. f «,*; ‘ H** l “rL e j Bl i| a book in his l, :i , u |. _r- • ,e '•? with 19 j all in the w c i. ~f cn f, moie , fll us potatoes swept clean ‘ \u. Bl ncH much Imw.v.l, aVe ;i j,' H-.o* Bi n-e mercy of ca'.Ue and I.UJ ( ’ P?n *» Bl ()»iuci my Uo-ise and C-idJ v at . >U|lset H cro'.vdtd wiili vomen nn-1 c k;i, ' Lhanie|, » Bl left their all ami fled h,.f. ;rc , ‘' rfcn > »h tt B P ess r i^»\ the S te -®- B ednea t.->■ nmi-ni. IJ? , 7 B fine r.nii winch deadened the h r l' I'*' 1 tlse auUlc-mr-ut at Beaver .>• ro —heard Bj elf wsi-t to their assistancelf n '?' fl t!»ic-e houses stamliiip f„ r sixTh' but B ,en *r lh *. Tl.j.i ia sTrJi lasMh ;J«m B now *fr. B l and saw mill, , Wo b#| se - B ?r-u". hay, &c. a yoke of oxen ,J B two o- three cows, several h-l B furniture and a li.tlc hoy 4 B ournt in the house, haring ce., i,o <l fl cradle, and wts fef< unpero-ivLi l . e B er with a trusty do* which lay*,’ jW 1 ’ fl Daiu.d has lost all; the word i I to escape tor their Ih vs \. v * I took u;> his child an J hid his wife i t' I h m and ,r.y brother Banna- ( .tl lers cZI I »w,i"h uay shall we fl } ! answer, to the ■ I Lane: same reached u, others cm „ff.ns I dmve up Ike n«lf,l (ore an openm- uas fonnd to H, e Sfa . I shore. Rusbands a-,d wives were parted I by the fire and smoke, and did J * I until next day. Banna watted in I to Ins neck, and there slot cl 13 houre I Ihe fire ohm streaming in his hce v , ™ I he was obliged to sink under then rise I and take breath— -found him 0 n VV-dr.- s. I day an<l to< ft him home with me ii c | la( i eat nothing for twenty four hours - It was a melancholy scene to see fences swept away, fiel.a of grain, potatoes a d turnips all burnt up—great numbers of cattle, sheep, and hogs lying dead bv or near tiie road—some.persons were ski--, ing caHle which were hot too much burnt —otherslooking i.p their stock. I M :wo large hogs lying together alive, burnt so as not to wals. And we are not alone. 1 have j-ist licard from Yarmouth, Cle bonge, that Much damage is done, many houses, barns, mills, &c. burnt, and also through the French settlement above Mom. tagan, a great many houses, bm ns, mills, 6. are destroyed—the French Chape 1, with the Priest's house, aae consumed, one old negro burnt up—so mm b hay but that it is supposed half the s'nek cannot be wintered. People from Yarmouth, on hearing our distress, came up with ox and horse - arts, chairs and horses, to remove the sufferers and 1 believe there was rot two carts of furniture saved ; ul of sixteen houses, from John Clark’s to K Corning’*, seven miles. Daniel has nothing left but a shirt'and trow seis which he had on— h:s wife and child nothing bet v,hat was on thy-ir backs, and set cut for Yarmouth on her slocking feet the lastl licai d of her —but where the." will go, or whai lie wiLl do this winter, I know not ; he has noth ing to eat, or wear. “ Saturday, 16lh;—News has just arriv ed, that as far as Annapolis, lOd miles a bove tills, is iiK'stly in ashes, many lives lost, grain and hay'mostly destroyed; lion we are. to live through the winter 1 k.,ow not. Daniel has not yet come here; ner haps he has followed his wife to Yarmouth, or he may he trying to save some of Ills potatoes, &c. I shall finish this at.d go in search of him. IV'e are all employed, (that is me and my tw ; o boys,) in trying lo wave what little crop 1 have left. My buckwheat is nearly lost.” Extract of a letter from an intelligent ge-ii'.lfiuai'i in Glasgow, dated August 24, XS2J. “ J'he enquiry going on in the Parlia ment house, with respect to the Queen, has now assumed a most interesting char acter. The strongest feelings and p.-.ssions were excited in favor of (he Queen. A great majority arc undoubtedly for her, ng hi her iimocence. / ‘ If the measure is pursued against her, it will lead to a bioodv term oat ion there is no manner of doubt. Ministers begin lu feel for their h.cads A civil war will oe the inevitable conse queuce of a conviction. The people be lieve her innocent : and they believe t- #<>, that if she is convicted, it will be by the evidence of suborned and per jured w it ness >s{ therefore, they will not heed any* decision made by an ex parte tribunal oft the evidence of perjury alone. There will be a light, and a bloody one,, before it .s over, depend upon it.” j\at. Intelligencer. Lomov, 2^l Nearly 200 Hanoverian troops are alrea dy hud (1 and a w hols rcginn’ri’ is on their w aj lo Londiui, to form, it is wad, a person al bndy-guitid lu the King .An tilue is 1. 'ken, No 4li Dukc-slitet, tit Junes bip iut , f..r the manuguntnl of then do*! IITIUIT uv A M.TirJt, BAIT.U. ••(1011 INI.BN, (Ufinuii.),) Jtdy. j ,w> *• <>m l nivi nlfjf I* ni pi cut lit liffl 1 n |j ('•I by a* huUtti'' i! »n . ■• t'ivihsi d nsiiiiiiu, iitim'ii w.ilch **• v ' f > fliS HI Thrie MIC ll< • • V** 1 ' • * ’•' • ° I'm li t min (in oii),|& llittit' I »•*■ * I ,M • u Ml I dd|) ImtlK'l nf odli t (’••111 •“( I" *•' "d l»> (ins way it an umw il> '‘i'o •luII I bml i f K*rO» , l«ll»t»ry dc Jniun.tlil |jf ttit'iiic.