Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, November 02, 1820, Image 2

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4 "V **f ■' ; i SALES. . Sheriff’s Sale. Wnx be #oid on (be lit Tuesday in I November neat, at the Market house in ■ tV eiiy of Augusts, between the usual hears of sale. One negro man naTT)el ' Salsbury, taken as the property of Reason r> Peal, to satisfy an ex< cution in favor , of Richard G Plucket, vs John Sharp, Richard Mason and Reason f) Beal, ALSO, 60 acres of land taken e)i the property of Gilbert Longs" reet, jo satisfy an execution in favor of James. Willey, joining Farcy, Carnes and Verdv iy t pointed out by the defendant, ALSO, S acres of land with the improvements, adjoining D'Anlignac and Walior, also, two negroes, named Dick, and Usnnah, taken as -the property of Znciiarish B'll, deceased, to satisfy ami-, dry c locutions, one in favor of John Vnii jiiicl one in favor of Sopha Harris, and " four returned by the Constable to satisfy Veter TBugg. ALSO, Otic negro mart named Gilbert, taken a« the property of 1) -S»- • ,vs . t« satisfy an execution in favor of Geoige Pearson deceased,' V* Win Glus coc; and Daniel Savage, ALSO," , One negro man named Donna, taken as the properly of George •Parker, to satisfy an execution in favor of James A Black* -™-IUO Three negroes, to wit:— >t)i§ah. Wanly and Kilt, levied on as the property cf Joshua Jenkins, to satisfy sun dry executions in favor of Samuel Hawes and other*, and returned by a constable ,W. Lamkin, s. n. c. October 7 his fejTmrhf's tale. \W TILL be sold on the first Tuesday in ft November next, at the Market- House in ihe city, of Augusta between the usual hours of sale, Two Negroes, Caesar a Fellow, and Betty a Woman, levied on es the property of David Collins, lo satisfy an execution in favor of Nicholas Ware, vs. said Collins and the administrators of George Ptarann, deceased; .one in favor of Nicholas Ware vs said Collins and John Williams, and one in favor ol Nicho* Ina Wave, vs. said Collins and Absalom Kuo-les, jun. also, Sundry articles of House hold Furuiln. e, viz. 2 Pine Bedsteads, two Plainer Beds, two Pine Tables, seven Chairs, two Bolsters, one Looking Glass, one Pine Slab, two Chrsts, one small BoJv Case, four Blankets and two Bed Quilts, levied - on as the property of Thus Wood, to satisfy an exvcution (n favor of Benjamin Leigh, against said Wood, and Absalom Rhodas, jun. ALSO, One Negro Fellow nam ed David, levied on as the property of Thomas Few, to satisfy three executions, viz. Thomas Gant, ve. Thomas Few", ad ministrator of William Few; the same, vs. Thomas Few and the surviving cxe-, color of James Kay, deceased, vs. the same. ALSO, One Chest and sundry Carpenter’s Tools and a Cloak, levied on As the property of Warren Glover, lo satisfi two executions, via. John Miller for live assignees of Miller and Stouten burgh, against Willard Cass and said Glover; and Alexander Miller against the same* AUTO, 100 acres of Land, more or less, with the improvements thereon, being part of a 1000 acre tract, originally granted to the late Robert Watkins, esq. deceased, adjoining lands of A. Rhodes, esq. captain Thomas Few, and Freeman Walker, esq. levied on as the property of Gustavus Kennedy to satisfy an execu tion in favor of Salmuel Louther, vs. said Kennedy and A. Rhodes, jurr Wm. Tutt, D. ShJ. October 7 FOR S3LS. A VALUABLE PLANTATION .1 tk, confluence of Oconee und Ockmulgee rivers, containing 96S acres of wane-brake oak, hickory ana pine land, heavily tim bered, and adjacent to one of the best land ing on the Oconee; 150 acres now under cultivation. There is a Shad FuEery'ex celled by none on that river; a peach orchard of rare fhiit, which may be made to yield 500 or 1000 gallons, a Cotton Ma chine &o. Ac. T his situation ia at the head of steam-boat navigation, which at some period will become a place of deposit, and perhsps a thriving town.—Terms made known on application. Benjamin 6-. Cray. Twenty Dollars Reward. , And all Reasonable Expenses TK7TLL be paid for apprehending and ?▼ lodging in any jail in the state of Georgia, a Negro Fellow named MARTIN Re is owned m t:..vannah, has absconded and is supposed to be lurking about Au gusta Market, as his business at home is butchering—He is shout six feet high, square built, has two of his front teeth out, and his a scar on his head —for further particulars enquire at au Office. Sept. s——ts TOHKNT. ~ A Convenient Dwelling, with Kitchen, Stable, and a Garden, an well enclosed and in excellent orderv near the Court bouse. For particulars Enquire at thU office. OstoberS. SALES. Sheriff's Sale, Postponed. WILL BE SOLD, On the Jiret Tnetday in November nexU at the Court-Home , in Jackton borough, Scriven County, between the ktun of 10 and 3 o’clock. 600 acres of Oak and Hickory Land, (more or less,) lying 0.. the waters of Big Ogechee, in the county of Scriven, taken as the property of Jas. Paf.erson, to satisfy an execution in favor of R. .Richardson. ALSO, 1 Negro Wench named Dean, taken as the property cf John Con nelly, to sai isfy sn execution in favor of Josiah*Bcott. Also, 160 acres of Land,(more •r lest,) lying in the county of Scriven, on the Augusta road, being the plantation we re. Daniel Daly, now resides, adjoining Dampeer and others, taken ns the proper ty cf Daniel Daly, to satisfy a balance due. on executions in favor of Sam. J. Bryan. ALSO, 1 Gelding, and 1 Mare, taken as the property of Wm Scott, sen. to satisfy an execution in favor of Thomas G. Walker. ALSO, 60 acres Land, lying in the county of Scriven, adjoining John Me- Wade, and Elijah Oliver, taken as the property of John Oliver, and Wm. Pick en, to satisfy an execution in favor of the estate.of Gabriel Clements, deceased, lev ied And returned to me by a constable. Solomon ILenip, s.s.c. September 30 tds Sheriff’s Sale; IK f ILL be sold at the Court House in ▼ v Warrenton, on the first Tuesday in November next, between the usual Lours of s«le. 164 acres of Swamp Land on the waters of the Ogechee, adjoiinng lands of Hunter and Thigpen, levied on as the property of Thomas Grace, to satis fy several small executions in favor of Wm. Grace ve. Wm. N- Harmon, the ad ministrator of Thomaa-Grace, levied on and returned to me by a. constable. ALSO, 147 acres of oak 2$ liicko ory land, on the waters of Long Creek, adjoining lands of Archibald Seals and others, taken to satisfy several small ex’- editions in favor of Baker and Heath vs- Zacheriah Hobsom, levied on and re turned t« me by a constable. ALSO The lltli part of 769 a crea more or less, of oak and hickory land on the waters of Big Briar Creek, adjoin tng Peremars and Williams, taken to sat isfy several small executions in favor of Thomus Rivers vs. Richard Hodo, returned to me by a constable. A. Rogers s w c. Sept. 30 Iwtds Sheriffs Sale, On the first Tuesday in December ne<xt, at the Court House in Columbia county, will be sold. One likely negro girl, by the name of Anna, to satisfy an execution on the foreclosure of a mortgage, Eliza beth Pcarre Guardian vs. James Tool Jun. W. Wilkins see. Sept 30 / Sheriff’s Sale. WILL be Sold the first Tuesday in November next, at the Court hous. in Jacksonbdrough Scriven County be tween the hours of ten and three o’clock. 60 Acres of land lying in the county of Scriven, adjoining lands of John Crawford and Richard Herrington’ sen—taken as the property of Moses Oli ver, to satisfy sundry executions in fevor of Thomas Scarborough. Solomon Kemp, s. s. c. October, 3. tds. * For Sale, 147 acres of mixed land 9 mile)! above Augusta, on the road leading from thence to Columbia court house— . belonging to the estate of BsnnettWhit- UM gton, deceased. On the premises t here are 3 tolerable good dwelling houses, with nut houses, garden and an drehard of choice Peach trees—a spring, of excellent Water, and about thirty acres of cleared land, under a good fence This lan pens to a h 're and elegant pine wood yauge. A further description is deemed unnecessary, as any person wishing to pur chase, wojiud wish to view the land before they purchase. The terms will be very accommodating—kny person wishing to purchase, cart call on Arthur Foster, of Columbia county, br rnrs Sarah Whitting ton of Richmond county. Sarah Whittington, ex’tx Arthur Foster, ex’r, may 23 8 10 Reward. RANAWAY from the subscriber in the early part of August last, a negro man named HARLIY* about 5 feet 4or 5 inches high. He was employed for some time on the Savannah river, by the Steam boat Company, and mso well-known that a particular descrip tion of has person is deemed unnecessary He is very talkative, and professes a great «eaL It is very probable he may be lurk mg in Savannah, or at some of the inter mediate placet on this river, between that place «nii Augusta. > N. BARRBTT. Sept- w; If. f, SALKS. Sheriff’s Sale. On the Jirft Tuesday in Jforrmber next, ut the Court-Home in Colund'io county, WILL BE SOLD*, gfiO acres of Land on the Big Krokee, adjoining landof Shackleford an 3 McLane, to satisfy sundry executions, James Cary & co. ai d others, vs. Nathan iel Pearre. aiso, 821 acres of Land on the Kioke waters, adjoining Lamar, Jones & others, to satisfy sundry executions, Thos. Butler and others, vs John L. Zachry. Also, 1 Negro W oman by the name of Lucy, and her civile] Dave, to sat isfy an execution, Stuart and Margraves, vs Wm. Pearre, also, sundry executions, Jesse OfTutt, vs. William Pearre. Also, 4 LikMy Negro “Boys, Rob, Washington, Jack and Major, to sat isfy sundry executions, James Yarbrough, e\’r. vs' John L Zachry, principal, and John T. Allen, security. ALSO, 1 Bay Filily, 1 Cow and Calf, and two Yearlings, a small stopk ot Hogs, 2 beds, bedsteads and furniture, together with some other articles of house hold and Kitchen furniture, 10 satisfy sundry executions, Wm. Y'arbrough, vs. Leonard Maddox and Berry Olive. ALSO, 850 acres of Land on the Milledgeville road, adjoining Butt and Ke.ive, including that valuable and public stand at present occupied by James Col-' lins, ALSO, 635 acres of Land, acb joining, the former tract, and land now owned by James Collins, to satisfy two executions, J Uriah Harris, vs .Richard Shackelford, and one execution. William Jones, vs Jftchard Shackelford, v ALSO. A crop of Cora and Cot ton, standing in the field, to satisfy an ex ecution John friar, vs John Y, Bayliss. • also, i SOp acres of Land on the waters of Green Brier Creek, adjoining Land of W Iborn and Pitman, to satisfy an execution, John Sandiford, vs Jas. Wood. \V m. W ilkins, «.c.c. September 30 tds Sheriff’s Sale. vv ILL be sold on the first Tuesdays r. November next, at the -court-house in Waynesborough, (Burke county) between the usual hours oi sale, Two negroes, {to nvit) To ber and Rachel, levied on as the property of Artenias Powell, to satisfy sundry executions issued from r justices court in favor of John Adams, and others— returned by J, Mutkey, constable—The above negroes were advert sed to have been sold last sale day, but were not deli j vered to me. ALSO Four negroes, (t© wit) Nancy, Luke, Violet and her child Smart, levied on as the property of Charles Cav anah, to satisfy sundry executions from a justices court, in favor of sundry persons —returned by constables. ALSO 200 acres of oak Sj hicko ry land, levied on the property of L. Cav anah, to satisfy sundry executions from a Justices court in favor of W. Taylor and ottiers—returned by so constable. The a- Hove land will be sold at the risk of the .••suer purchaser. ALSO 266 acre* pine land, levi ed on as the proper. 7 o» Basdd Shepard, to satisfy sundry Fi Fa’s from a justices court, in favor of Arthur Bell, adtn'r. vs Thomas J >iner and B. Shepard— returned by E. Lester, constable. ALSO Two tracts of land, viz: 250 and 150 acres lying together, joining Thompson and Sapp, levied on as the pro perty of Aaron Thompson, to satisfy sun dry exeentions from a justices court, in favor of Mary Kimball, pointed out by de fendant—returned h'y A. Roj at, constable tALSO wo horses, 300 bushels com, 6 stacks fodder, two feather beds, bedsteads and furniture, 3 Sows and 14 Sigga. 5 year old hogs, 2 mahogany tables, pine tlblety, one pairbrassandirons,one shovel and tyngs, 2 pots, one oven, and one tea kettle, levied on as the property of William Key, to satisfy two executions, one in favor of William Schley and the other in favor of McKenzie, Bennoch, & co. pointed out be defendant. ALSO : 166 acres o*k $ bicker y land (more or less) joining V. Walker an.! others—levied on as the property of 1 Eli jah Hill, to satisfy sundry executions from a justices court, in favor of A Walker pointed out by defendant—returned by R. Fryer, Constable. Wilson Navey, Shff. n,c. October 3 • tds , iN otiee. TThREE Months afterdate application will be made to the court of ordinary of Richmond county,, for leave to sell tbeNe groes belonging to the estate of Major Ferdinand Phinizy, bite of said county, de ceased—for the benefit of the heirs «nd creditors. John Phinizy, . Acting adtn'r. of the ettate of A Phinitv . July 15 wlfit TO BUNT, THE Stow No. 3, Gotta. Bulge, a ] aot the upper part of No. 1 &2, in the same Range, well calculated Tor a small family. —For terms apply tp, . John P, Andrews. I —Bt u MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA, I Pit OP OSJILS For Publishing a Newspaper t TO BX miTUS THE f Montgomery Republican. I AWARE, th - my new and difficult era. c ployment, w ill subject me to many in- * conveniences, arising from want of expert t encc, it is with clilfidenCe I announce my- 1 self as being about to undertake, (inaddi tion to other engagements) the arduous } task of superintending the Editorial de- 1 part merit of a paper I, however trust * that my JVfcw* arrangements will be such, as will enable me to present the ci< izens of Alabama with a Journal, not entirely unin teresting to them, while my exertions In j • procuring facts in relation to that State and other subjects, aided by some literary < friends, will render it net altogether un acceptable to others. I must, on this occasion, he permitted to j depart from the general custom of giving laborious details of the advantages result- ' ing fi’Oin Newspaper publications, and of making specious promises; the one being * already sufficiently understood, and tbe vOlher calculated to deceive 1 offer neith- * er; merely remarking that its name pro j claims its principles, and that my humble efforts will be freely exercised in endeav miring to promote the usefulness of the * oaper and Interests of the people. It may not be amiss to give to those un acquainted, a short sketch of the place 1 whence the paper is to be Issued. Moxtbomeut, formerly called Hostih lately East Alabama and New Phi ladelphia, (the foriper established by a Company in Georgia, and the latjer by A Dexter, esq, both having been incorpora ted into one town by the last legislature) is situate inthe healthy, fertile, and thickly settled county, of the same name, ofwhic; it is the seat of justice—intended to per petuate. two distinguished martyrs* to th« cause of the republic, directly opposite the caslenn point of that highly cultivated, extensive,,and fertile tract of land, known by the name of the “ Pig Jiend. ,> It a/i joins tile “fraction on which the town o'. Alabama stands, and bordering on the celebrated iriver of that name, to which it k is navigable at all seasons from the Gulf of Mexico,for steam boats of a large class —distant about two hundred miles Iron Milledgeville; a similar distance from the , sea ports of Mobile and Blakely; about 55 above CaJiawba, the seat of government, and about 12 miles below the junction ol -the Coota and Talapoosa. It is the por at which the .Atlantic mails reach thei> first stopping place in the state, and fron whence JVbwn may be distributed through the country with great facilities. Mont gomery, from its high and airy situation, the purity of its waters, flowing from its ; several springs, and the elevation of tin banks along the river on both sides, which exclude stagnant waters, is considered pt culiarly healthy; i ndeed, many resort t< thpl section durjng' the summer month on tuat account: It contains many roman tic, as well as level idtes for building, am l for an infant establish unent, it maybe call ed a pleasant, flonris) ung, town J. BA'J’Tr.LLE. Savannah tuly 17,1-82 C „ . \ • The County wai named i n fcoui of the gallant Major Montgomery) wiic fell a ’ the Hone Shoe; and J the town derived iti title, fror > immortal general : Who ihared Die same fate at Hioee, at an early pe ‘ riod of the Hevolutiunary war. TEIIMS . The Republican will be printed on a royal sheet once a week, until its patron age justifies its appearanc ;c twice a week, at 5 dollars per annum, in advance, or on receipt of the first numberwhich will be issued as soon as practicabb; after toe mid die' of November next. July 29 ts PURSUANT to an order of the Infer or court of Columbia comnty, when sittingfo- ordinary purposes, will be sold at the, court-house in the sai d county, on the first Tuesday in December next. One half a centaln Ne gro Fellow by the natty: of ITA.IN —Also one half of a certain Tract of LA ND, con , tail,ing two hundred and fifty acres, more or less, lying in the said Littb | River, adjoining Ship Cartledlge and oth ers, belonging to the estate of Samuel Sullivan, deceased, to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms made known on the day ■ I of sale. ' I Obidiah Sullitan, 7 , i c sV '' > exr » i Jas. o. hregorj/j j Sept. 26,——wtds > Notice. - T I AN answer to a piece in the Augusta , Chronicle, dated the 21st September, : 1820-—application was wanted of about 1 1000 acres, in the up country; for which i cash would be paid,—The subscriber has , for sale, a Plantation inthe upper part of Abbeville District South Carolina, and on Hockey River, that answers the descrip tion, as well (perhaps) as any other in the District, a Jvery Elevated, fertile, health. , ful, and well improved plantation of a , bout 800 acres, which he will sell a bar gain, for cash paid down.—There is a ' considerable plantation, excellent repairs, and now in cultivation, and if more ’ Landis wanting;there is another tract ' ‘djoinirg the above, and lying on the op. posite side of the river..of 400. acres, and . qf an excellent quality, unimproved,. , "Known by the name of fort Independence tract, mjw for sale.—The subscriber would also sell the greater part of his crop of corn and fodder, with the grea i ter part of his stock of every kind—and f endeavor to give possession by the Ist of - January next—The premises may be seen i by applying to the Aubsiqriber on them. : * Stephen Crenshaw. October 24——ts — l — s — T ...i /. , , * Lout or Stolen. A COMMON PLACE BOOK, (Locke’s plan) containing memorandums of a tour through South Carolina, fee. Any per r son into whose hand Soltis may have fallen ■ will be rewarded by returning it to die subscriber. Luke Clint. Theatre, Augusta. A Oct XT, St BY THE PRESIDENT of Tlie VVI I TED STATES Ul ' V Whereas, by various acts nr r< H the President of the Unite,} <?,« .**•» ■] thorieed to direct the p, 5 c “ *»• U and make known, that nuhi;/., ** S the disposal (according to | aw i J* fw B lie lands, ahall be held as Pl,b * B At Franklin, in Miss mri on Monday in January next, for th e ®i K& Townships 51 to 35, in rang-e ”0 the sth principal meridian* line’ We,t of B 50 to 55, ranges 2 7 aod' 28* ,u H 51 to 55, range 20 *r' At the same place, on the first U,«5 H in March next for the sale of Mon(l ay H Townships 51 and 56. in ranee "o . of the principal meridian ii„ e , 3 ert H s- • 50 to 56 > range 31, 32, and St a H At St. Lotus, in said slate, on t h» S Monday in December next, for the «*!.•"» Townships 3S to 44. in range 1 * d ? c ast of the sth principal w"rtedian li„J At the same place, on the first ul ‘ H day in March next, for the sale of ° n ’ P Townships 35 and 44, in ranges 3 mi 4 I IU the same place, on the l st Monday In ' I May next, for the sale of 1 I Townships 35 and 44, in range 3 ml t I cast, and of 43 and 44, in Hinge 7 east ' I At Jackson, in 'he county of Cim .'«• I -a'deau, in.the said side, on the firs Man! I day in February next, for the sale t) f * I Townships 34, in ranges 1 and 14, of the I sth principal meridian line. I 33 range 4 east ,t n • I 29 30 and 31 5 Z' 31 32 and 33 d At Bdwardsville, in the state ofHVmoi* on the first Monday in January next, for the sale of ' Township 8 and 13 in rantre 9 west the 3d principal meridian line • J1 to 13 10 and 11 d„ 9 to J 6 12 ami 13 do i Bto 12 14 Jo ' At Vandaha in the said state, on the 3 1 Monday in January next, for the saie of Townships 5 and |0 in range 1, east of Id principal meridian line. 7 to 10 2 ' 8 »o 10 ranges 3 4 5 and 6 18 9 and 10 range 7,' cast 16 7 8 9 and 10 8 it Palestine, in said state, on the second , Monday in February next, for the * !,. 0 f Vownships 6 to 10. in ranges 9 10 aid | U, east of the 3d principal meridian line. 5 to 10 range 14 west of 2d princi pal meridian line. | t 8 9 and 10 ronges 12 and 13 At Detroit, in Michigan territory, on ! he first Monday in November next, for ‘ he sale of Townships 8 9 and 10 S in ranges 4 and 6 east, 8 and 9 6 7 8 and 9 J and 8 Except such lands as have been or may jc reserved oy law for the sij.port T schools, or for other purposes The lands shall be sold in regular numerical order, beginning with the. lowest number if sections, townships and ranges. Given under my hand at the city of Washington, this nineteenth day of „ JAMES MONROE, ii By the President. JOSIAH MEIGS, Coipmisaioner of tlie General Land Os. lice. a Printers who are authorised to publish 1- the laws ot the United Siatrs, will pub lish the above once a week tiil the fust n of May, and sen 1 their bills to the Gen eral Land office for payment. 1820. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UM TED S TAJfcS Whereas, by an act of Congress passed r on the 17lh of March 1820, entitled “An tl act to authorize the President, of die U. n States to appoint a Receiver of the Public Monies and Register of the Land Office , for the district of Lawrence county i t die Arkansas territory,” it is enacted, mat any person, having a claim to a right of 1 pre-emption within the said district, shall e make known his claim ami location, ac • cording to the provision of the laws now [■ in force, to the Register, at least six, wt-eks before the time to, he designated by die ® President of the United States for issuing 1 patents to the soldiers of the late army, i entitled to bounty land in said district: Thsreforei I James Monroe, President of the United States, do hereby designate I the fourth Monday of November next, as the time at which patents as aforesaid shall commence to issue Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, the eighteenth April* 1820. JAMES MONROE. By the President, a Jo.siah Mzias, • Commissioner «f the General Land Office II . .. ‘ 11 . 1— \ »10 Reward. - Run AWAY from the subscriber in • August last, a likely looking black girl, • named PJICF.BE, about 25 years of age, • sous- feet sor 6 inches high. She bus lived » in Augusta for some time, and it is p ba* » hie is either lurking about town, or has s made off for Point Comfort, on Savan ai» 1 river, where shd has a husband living The above reward with all reasonable ex -1 penses wilt be p.,id for delivering her to ». me, at my residence in Edgefield District, ‘ 8. S. or fqr securing her in any jail, so that r 1 get her again. ] 1 Doctor Bunch. I Sept. 14 ts f | t- 1 r* 1 Q3* The public are (noti fied that Divine Worship will be recoin* mcnced in the Episcopal Church on Sab bath next. October 28 To Rent, Aa, immediate possession given, the Brick Tenement, ‘Lately occupied bv Mr. A. I Huntington, For farther particulars apply to M’Kenzie, Beimoch October T w3w