Newspaper Page Text
*?'. > 'i, JTJg' ; r ■■lfc; %'' - * ;/y . \ : " Ar*~jlaL- V' .■ 1 y :: •-• .y/ *y\‘ T> mM" ’' r- ■ •• *''«r^Br^ r JVyv v
’' f^ #•■• ■ .** *6Jr%i^w/y I 'fHTR - .* '^CihL,'..M. -r *%'A\ .<B|-^m-fS‘‘‘A|wi *7*'' *~-
■P|*f^.XX#f ! -| ■ . ' TUSKOAT HORJWHg, novkm'hbh - is, ft' ':+''"i'^-T l - v''- r „ ~ "'■
I 1 • • -.-j-a; ■ -.-* . ...... 1 ... *t .? * t9 ? 0 : • : gs*V. Pf% **T-1 ' '■
lp|',,, ■ iMlilifld^Afi* || fl| Ay|7H&4y•
k ij ■■
' r ‘~ ,v i , ii^a^ : mTyi)l^' l^'i? >i'*
ffarcrave s
~ «r
o\«»» w&c^y^
Crate* lutudiomflv assorted
*m Crockery, flfcy
*ws 4 jssffet-J r -*
sas* r^rS'.
to Stilt those purchaser* wUouian *
Good* repwt- ,
Bloc Printed Liverpool
Enameled Cup* fy Saucer* f
Os tsvety deKription »nd mn>
Pktes, Btrsda, Mugs and
Pitchers, ■;,•■' - ■
Os iiffprent q>uUuc* and «i*e*.
Os *«upvrior quMity--jn'W' 9 t"'?
1 tea. Gofiee & Desert Set
Complete~Llk«*-i*e , '
Lustre China Tea Sets,
Os rariou» figure*, neatly put UP in J»|«
et—ail ®f whi«h be off*** fo* W nt . t!, t
moat reduced price* for c*sl», orspproved
Tows acoeptapeea. ‘ „■'
WilUatn Oakman.
October 34.
N. aulwcrilier
earnestly redueata thoac who arc itMlt-aed
to die late firm of Erarfnf, Oakman, & <>o.
to come fonean) and petti* th«r account*
with bill*, (pho alone i*a»ijth»M««d to *et
Ue their buainew) ai iurthw mdulgencv
cannot be granted.
William H. Oakmtin.
Tfwember 26. l^ n
Coroners Sale*
, WILL be told on «>e first Tuesday In
November nest, within the usual ■aaif
hours, at the Court house in l!ie tow# -ol
Vaynesbhnmgh flu.-kr «cui)»y;
Safi acres of land, liiort
or Iran, lying in, the county of Burke, ad-,
'joining lands of Leans Wbitcfield and
others. ~
One negro man nanied
> .'lk, ana a Clijr, levied on as thiypro-
P'-ty of of Aimes Brown esq. to satiny ai
ex c itiou in favour oT John Davis, sgainii
’B’i’son Navey, .James Heowß Csq and. Jo
ph AU»\v;ty.
SV'm Roberts, Coroner.
Oetotier 7 • "•’■ 4tl*
~ LAW OVt'Wti.
TpE tuSscriber* hare fiwtred a eon-
IteSiou in tlm various blanches of prnfhs
tinnsl business, omivT the firm of Hock
'rUi.&llEriiMtw They will sUciuUoarv
busijit'ss confided to them in tl»c following
ttnmtlfs, via : •'.' ,”i *
JlaJJwutf Jntfter, ■ JlVkinton*
Joru-s, Huicarh, Pula U, if
Morgan, H mMngton, Laurent, \
Greene, Twiggt, ' .
Aiul also in the 6tb Circuit Court Os th :,
"»il*d States.
Saymd Hockxvell.
Jmrpk hi Hepburn.
' 3< Pf
*PjWsbt*aeHb*t returns hla thank* t<
»• removed hit furniture, <W«m Brem i
i■ '^■'- <‘ iy . ■ca - •• “k
P- firetia**«s J"' -apL • 1
, v £<; * £■<*
■ ; Mti i^> Ik!'%*.& • l f i a i ■-
’*■ -. '"i ';‘i ' tiiSlsi
tlu v (.fferfiirsale a Cseaer|l assartmen; j
of needy
Couaist'ug of WiifLa do
thimr of evet-y description, y aijif-i shav/L-
Scalft and T'.'Scc*. with tif>i’*fjr and
aiw.v*a,Hw'H'mg*df* RuHi'Vfat' atiuKuC
•eH on the very lowest terms for cush
• o?" to ; '■ 1:1 ■;; ’ -if
~N»i; «*!'< L... '-!>■* t. 1,.,,
, Fryfj casks, . , ■
Straw Bonnets and Erodes,
Os the Newest Fashions.
■ ,-;#mw uafarven,
JMn mn SLfLK Br
Pratt & Metcalf,
South Side Broad-slreA| a little below
the Flantere’ Hotel. -
October 14 ■, * J ■r*
"■»;■*" ', ~t ''ii , .■.' 1 i wa*
jFllV'racTl*CTlv l.rfkr!|» tl\« ut»
'and CenHetncft of Augustuanditsvirloity.
that he will open hi* ».w*C/ V<J ACJ
DEMY,- 1 tC Green-Street, on San;nutr
the Hth of October, next, and Will contin
ue to receive Scholars until thelnsi nf Jan
uary, 1831—Parents and Ouardians who
W’ilf fiivnr him with the tuition of then
Children, may rest assured, that no pains
.■fyilFbespared in bringing them forward
in vtl»e polite accomphshmerit of Dane
‘•if- _"• ■'■;>■• . •' .
Mr. ,C. inthnda der.linihg teeping ,>•
M incing School after this ■reman—the tov
price of tuition, Und the small riomber r
schohnu, for a few months in the year,
hardly defrfljrlhe o*pet:*e«.
flays of Tuition « , *
The Day School f?> bo opened eve to
Saturday, from 9 to 12 oVhiek A. M. aiic
fi*ont : 3 to stihshLVrb'c fiig’ii School Wih ,
be Moriday and {'iidrsday.
Price of Tuition*
Ten Dollars per Quart-v for the Mm
">hool, and Bieven for the Night School
to be paid in advance No twkei
tor leas than a quarter. $ }, * ;
<£j>Ladii:B iwd G.-utlemen who may
wi*h to take prime Lessqn* ht Dancing
‘Mr C. Will be happy to wait upon them
at their Itouses. or at the Dancing Acade
my on Street.
Sept. 23 wlSc
■TJ •
TIE Subscribers will receive COTTON
on Sioragp, at. the Wsie-Honac bach
of the Plalilers Hotel j prompt attention ;
will be gir?h «on!f otd.rr for live purchase
of produce or mtirchsud-'ze, and, liberal
advances maxle fur Cotton received on
JOHN H. KIMKi;LL,& Co. .
October, 17— —. '•
The Subscribers
have formed a connexion fo/thie purpose
in' transact!hg a General Ctmmiufon - Uu~
sine m in this city, under thefirm of Cam
r.Li'U Jv Li«l*.
Liberal advances will be made, either
in*' Augusta or this place, upon Prod®e or
Merchandise, consigned to their w>utv
ibr sale,- n V ’
v P. L. Cantelou,
G. B Lamar.
October stb 1820 ts
■■ : ;v AND ' ~
General Brokerage.
(THB Subscriber offers bis scrvicca in ;>
KE ftAliP. AA/Vft,-—He will receive of
ders to buy or sell, and can Burnish info
st fWage‘for goods of every docripli ui, |*c
ran only Say that he will dfevote hi* best
•mledewitm his employers
C- G. I)uaa.
. „ October 7 ■ ;tf . ;
f, |i n 9
*ia M I*
if# ■i-Wf
■' y' }
And Savannah Stage Ofllci
TIE partnership of Whipple * Booth
of the Engle Tavern and Savannah
Stage QfUce, being lid* day dissolved by
mutual consent All debtf&ip by the
aaid firm Will be paid by said V'hippk,
and all rights due to the firm agh to bt
collected b-' him only. ;
T Joskc M’hippie,
1). 8. Boom.
N. B. The houae will still be eontiu ut
its formerly, by the subscriber.
J. Whipple.
may iff
'IV vtf
.ft. HE subscriber reapcctlplly offers bin
prof-ssional services to big friend* and
the public in general aa' AUorney atjjd
Counsellor at Law { and Ropes by imle
fiitigsble application to his profession, to
meet a liberal share of public patronage.
' Claims deposited in nip hands for col
kciion will be promptly attended to s and
Avery effort made to advance 'die interest
of his diems, lie may be seen at the
Law Office of Col, Nicholas Wire, and
his professional service* commanded.;
Charles ('nrler.
. jwiht. 36 A——3m - f' /■' -
to ar-AT.
r% ■ 'v>
X HAT part of the Tlnuae oecu
rued by Jams* L AHtvkm; Comprising: a
MiWftoiti bn front street, v-'l situat
ed tor businessi » back Store a*.::’ Cellar.
For Verm* only on ibt premises
. Pet 14 ■ ■ ‘ \(
k, : f Hantftrs fictel. \
TUP: •;
HR m»hscr3heyd;as,t»kcn the PLAN-
Tr.ftS* hotel, lately? ocmipfc# i>a
-I>y. ijkkvui. situated between li'ey
hoht and Al'Cartncy-streets, and fronting
jbnvs-street, which loads Into the,upper
part <if l|toad-street. Tin* Establishment
is the ISjgcn and best adapted for the ac
commodation of travellers' of any in tht
at»j«*r'Thefe -.are room* fitted up and
will he reserved for the accommodation
■>f families* Planters, northern and south
er?v merchant* who msy please to patronize
the proprietor, will find convenience in
■bring ih the neighborhood of the great
Cotton mart from the upper country. Sta
bles in all respects suitable to the ex
tehl of the'establishment ate provided.
John Miller
Augusta, Ort. 7 .
djf‘ I’he editors of thb Journal, Mil
(edgevillct missionary, Mount. Ziunj lU
. subfiq-ih, Savannah; Courier, Charleston;
Gazette, New-YprV, are rcquMted to
publish the above for three months, and
send their aeoniint* to the Georgia Ad
vertiser OlHfce for payment.
——« ■!.. ■—-■■ ■■ - r r .-y - ~
, *** We are authorised
toaniu f e JASON WATKINS, a candi
date for deceiver 4/ Tax Returns, at thr,
enauing Election. 1
August W 9am tills
A-LL PERSONS indebted to the estate
of George Tankersly sert’r deceased, Ute
of Columbia county, are teqdisited to
make immediate paynwet: and timed to
whom said estate is Indebted, vrill present
'•heir accounts, within tl»«time prescribed
by law, for settlement.
Dreadsil Pace,
f t^nnettflral'ton,
Geo. Tunkersly,
AitommenwroHi f
Os«n•» " :
Mrs. lu\\, i
(lately occupied iri such by Nr. Glass.)
■tuberlnst. v
Sire assures ti e thjd eveiy atten
-.. F . *w| gt , ‘f,, “ I*- ) l * ’*'',-f, T 3 ’
’ v
‘ (% \ ’V;V '
> ' _.. . ' ' ■'
■ -^iPKSBffIP
« ■•■ j«v i—-tr <>
■ AfrD , ' i
Cvmvtumitm TSuaii\fc«a.
u< J\iK subscribers We taken .five Wake.
House. fotely oebnpied hy (leijry Shultz,
oppowle the Wharf, which is now in cum
plftte order fbr the reception of Cotton
mdllerch«n<B(*,“ . -,v
La&Qcfce Watftun,
, FactorW xsommisaiov
’rt’bfrc all orders I. ill be promptly attend
. eJ to. ,•
• >» 7 — lt
ttantc. ol Augusta,
Bt/i September •» ;?<>
A-S mi opinion prevail* among many
olio cut Bank Note* in two for the gre#
ter security hf transmission by f.eUtir,
that the issuers are bound »0 pry the
wlvole of« Note* When only half thereof is
produced, the pubho are lierebvinfbrmed,
li»t» .«>*.• *'V - - s»’*ry ■
to which the issue* wml'i be exposed, hi
such an operation, this Rank nerer has,
and doer not, consider itHeltresponaiMc
f<»rAhe payment of any of iff mte% with*
out the production of the whole, or the
mom nssterialpsitsthereof *
Half Notes, haying-the signature of the
President or Cashier, arc entitled, as here
tofore, t Halflbr valufe of the entire note,
on sat islao, 4 v evidence being exhibited,
that thepreaa.,nd half has been properly
obtained, .
By Order.
Augustus moorr, cuahler.
September 12 ' \ ,
To Rent.
1 HAT Commodious OaeWej’ thiue on
Telfalr-strayt, wuh all necessary Buil
dings, and agoo^iCardgn attached to it—
asks try ear occupied by the subscriber—
Possession will be given on the first Octo
ber next.'
iJO ‘ atlao f :<>
Tlio DwcHiug Tlmisc on
Green-Street, witlt all 'necefeaarv Rnihl
lags, and a good Garden attached te ir # at
present occupied by IJollaml M‘T>re, eStj.
Possession wi ll be. given on( the Ist of Jan
uary next- Pnv jemi apply to
' B* t rcm»hart.
Sept. 19— —ts . 1
Administrators Sale.
AGREEABLE to an order of (be court
of Ordinary of Elbert county, Will he
#ol 1 at the cotfrt house in said county, on
the first Tuesday in December next, part
ofa lot ofland situate in the town of Ruck
ersvdle, in said oouaty, and known as Jot
No, 3, belonging to the estate of James
Hoysl, dec. and to be told for the benefit
of the heirs of said deceased. Terms wtH
be made known on the day of sale. ‘ ,
Solomon Jones,
Abraham Royal,
Oct'B V Jidminittrtitort
* factorage ;
Ml ' f 'U
ComaMtm ftafilmM,
<IXIIE Subscriber oners his services in
I. the above line of Business, at
•on’t irAa//—Liberal made On
PRODUCE, orders for GOODS will he
promptly executed, fend Good* forwferdm!
wiih despatch. ' “ . .
* Benjamin Howard.
Sept. 86 W4t /,
Ten Dollarsßeward.
Ldsr, between Cotton Range and Tie
sort's, Lane, Bedford, « Red Morocco
♦'OtJKBT BOOK, containing about 45
dollars via one twenty dollar lion the
Bank of Darien, and one five dollar bill
on the Eire Insurance Company of Savan
nahs the rest were all in two doiUr Mite
<m th« Maoten’ Bank and Bank df Ole.
State of Georgia, one note of hand on
KuhraUpb Whittington fur fifty dollars.
. r; Joseph Dalor.
■i hSl «*i
■ |3p a cabd, yCH ••• j
i jSMi&aaft
| WNkWtigJi!.
'■!?- Jf“ { '- • .-/i‘ ■' '' !• 1 J '
’ ■ '-sfjs; r^i'*r jL.-. % '. ’ ■ A> : *t
y » * -t. ■•.■•*■ ‘ » , ’-5.A V* # ..._* ' » l k r .* *v > ...v?* ■
J fFhecltr, Drwflcff fy Co,
J,l « C Hmrafr.iSf, *, rr .u of ■
■ jtorwm,
V *M« &*&*«»
QttgHw-ft) w 3f
-'••!. • a —atSrt* , ; -• /
;. Conwn\„iau Bn»ia«M.
, lf i ■?' .■£***•* lh» ? 4ft of rrat*
pESfeISP’ -ft***** ! '«
: :WA3|fe.
»«» ;
f V&nmimm Unslue**
Jiff T«.
I frlewlsthat he h;«b:„h. i ar g, e
si-sauj Stores, thought to be one uP tin*
Augusts, both hr vu/Viv
W d w" Vc, H ~cf,, ' ath * Btl * ct,, ‘ v,i 4 i
lie Ware H-iuse oecupM bj* > him tU
**?** season,.. >tl. cf a-hU s«‘£
jjftendecl to.
* . Mu Barton
October S*w*w4t
Sjienff’s Sale.
II L be sold, at (he Court Ronae.i*
" on the first Tuesday f n im.
xember next, between the usual hours of
too acres of on rim '•
waters of kocky comfort, adjoining Mi
of Michad Rogers and Thomas Lorfcptt,
wfHU the improvements tbeacon, it b ii.ip'
the place where James Cady now live?.
Thwc nefooji, a woman
«1«1 hyr two Children, to wit, Hem, Sit
mon ami Rachel, Hurt (wo Father
ami Furniture, one Cock amt Table, one
Secretary, one Chest of Drawers,'on*
Side Hoard, six Setting C> si*. „ ie yoke /
of Oxen nhd Can, one W* K jta ~ ten head
Wogt. about thirty biurets of Corn,
150(1 hundred I hi. of Pnddei} some other *
small articles too tedious to mention, Icv^
Led on the shove as the pron-r't' of
Israns Cs**y, to'4'itisfy >evem)exrcu in a ■ ’■>■
ip fsVhr ot Stewart & Hargraves,'’’l on*.
V Hattie, and others, property pointed
put by the defendant
. iaso
Five ncgfties; one man
by tlic name of Tom, age 35 yearn, wo.
w-*v ,hv file liame of Silvy, age 22 year*
yud her three children, names as follows,
TUfey, 4 ybara old, July 2, Vines, also
tine Lot, Containing half acre of land,
with the' improvements' on it, adjoininr
Nubian 1 other*, it being the lot that Jaa.
J Isdtde now lives out also, one sorrel
Hcrsd) Raddle and Bridle, one hone (Tart,
foaj* stall fe-dllrevcs, fifteen head cfiioga
V'lnch will he sold in Pork, forty p- fifty
barrels o*t Corn, 1500 lbs. of Fodder, two
feather Beds ami Furniture, levied <*v aa ■ \
the property ofllauiet Cady, to satisfy
Several executions w favor of Thonjw
iVtule, Gregory & Harden, atid others, »a
X U. Cady,property pointed out by B Cm*
*>'• v . ' .
- ■*; - AtSO , ,
197 acres of Land, more
OP leas, on the waters of Hart Creek, ad«
Joining lands of Greeson and others, with
good improvements, it being the pi ch
where the defendant now lives, levied'on
to satisfy a Fi.Fa. In favor of 5, Butt, vs.
Benjamin S llartison, ppluted ont by Um
defendant. um JTV
and 4th part of the cotton, that' was
made on the plantation of 9. M. Willson,
levied on to satisfy an execution hi favor
of Win. JMUitney, Vs. Samuel ; ,,iywUl»
®Oh*_ also ' -
One negro boy, by -the
name of Dave, levied on to satisfy an ex«
ecution in favor of Karris iFKinney, vs.
Joel Kirsey snd RdwSrd Kinsuy: pointed
out by E* Kinsey,
443 acres of pine Lands
bn the-waters ( »,t «ncky Gotsiict, adjoin
ing Harrell. Neal; and othert, U lreinja
the place wnera the defendant nuw livyss
levied on to satisfy «.n execution in fs*
vor of Bak r N Heath, va. Martio Kinsey,
{minted wit by H. Kinsey. ;
i negro boy by tlie name
sey. piDtotedoat by Willis Kwsu
of Thomw Lockett, wd with
October 31 * * «;st'
' k'S _ , M*s X, .
I fte eataUi of Goto* Of*ee*, deccwed, sro
{fMucttei ttrtMijrtliit# in daly »u<ru-
I edt *»4 *<*« p*mm« who>n indebted
it *;'.':• * -Jffl
l»i ■ * • vi , 1 *dr -4%
'■■ J*' r ’ Sh§ .’»£ -yJW .-• /-*■•-;• ■
•’' -’ *.*. i, f ", ••■ 'J\ %.- $» * '■‘•s '■ '■ 'S' A ' V : ,\'i :> Vv\*!
&&/ ■>' - yA-"' '* * ' ‘ , ' ■I 1 ’ >,* /•■'A x
, ■<*?* * v v S'i . «* .<■■ • --v