Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, November 11, 1820, Image 3
I ftm the Montgomery Sep- of Oefc 18. kgj| Murder. I , .Ke frequent accounts of mur ftftHESh rnert. our eye. we do not re st jftut of one in winch » more black ft »«1 unprovoked malignity was I'lßh- ,han the ' y • , |KTuesday morning of la-; week, just | HB.'v break, a young man of apparent h 1 C.lßor 20 years of ag-, presented ft |k ' if at the house of a Mr. t.ase, about ■gST* miles north-east of tins village, in * ■ft" _,i re d place, on Hie pine plains, wi.b |rr n Vw born infant in his arms, and requesj- I «« Case [her husband being absent] I .take care of the cliild for one week, »r I s,2*“.Hired l..r<i.eS.|lUr.,|fc I % refused. He then offered her Je I to keep it for that day only. »*s. I w> still refused, but recommended If m I u Ur. Lewis’s, but » short distance lifcm I At Mis. Caseys refusal to take the I h;vl he appeared considerably ft tt\ and Lid he did not lit* to Ult it I mMr Lewis’s—that he did not like IA go I .j.jst anv more houses, as it was now p.. ft .\, S lights Adding, «It mtt mt do bbe ft with the child by daylight* Mrs. ft tise then advised him t# go to ablrs ft vlmil.all, who lived about half ahilc ft ‘soiittitWest of there, through t:-c tturns. ft „,d informed him that Mrs Kimball had ft mentioned to her, a few days beford dint ft *he had more than sufficient milk Oh her ft child. He then went but. and Mount ft «l i horse which he had left Dearth J door, ft (uv rode -off in the direction of Mrs. Kim- I baH’s- , | . I During the day, Sirs. Case hednmmg ft snxious respecting the fate of the! child, ft from what the man had said, wentJto Mr. ft Lews’* « ,lf l Mrs. Kimball’s but he aid nbl I ,j, een the-e She- immediately ii f irmed I the neighbors living oa the oppos to side I -of the woods, and described the i tan and I for horse he rode. He was easily recog ■ piled to be a person who had bet it seen ft coming out of '.he woods about m hour I sfersun ise, into a lane, running i ito the I bark part f the farm of Daniel M’Vean. I Ilf ..ii(]t*red of a son of Mr. M‘V can for I so main-road leading to this village. He ■ h"d no child with hiih. He said he had B been to Kingsborougb that night, .and got ■ Jos; in the plains. He came on in the di ll jtciion of the village, but was traced only ■ «short disianc- on the way. B We cannot but express our astonish ■ rum and regret, that the people iu that fl neighborhood should appear so indilfer- B em about the investigatiun of the busi- B n-ss. It w.s not until Wednesday after- B noon that information was given to the B proper authorities in this village. Wii- B jiL-wes were immediately sent for, wlio B ■np ieaved-on Tiiursilay On Friday, a res- B peel able number of the citizens of this B village, with a coroner, went out to search ■ for the body of the child. After con si ■ derabie search, it was discovered fying I nakeij on the ground, under, the boughs ■ efs fallen tree, about a quarter of a mile ■ southeast from Kimball’s. Tt.-e temples I had ach received u severe ctinlusion, and I %s throat was cut! I 'he body was ho'-ri ■ bly mangled, probably by vermin. Oiu ■ arm, its nose, and ears, were entirely ■ gone, its bow-els laid bare, and its chin and I th - back part of tile bend, were b.tdlv ea ■ ten. The child was a female, A coro ■ sir’s jury was called, who returned a\\ .. ■ diet of ‘ Wilful .Murder, htj tome pa-sen un- B bi(rrv’i. A small bundle of * clothes, the B apparel of a grown female, with the- ex | Sep ion of a child’s were found con ■ CfiU '’ t under a log, about sour } rods from ■ wijcr tie body ot the child was found. B T he Sheriff of thisuoiintv has of IV red fl of one hundred dollar* for the ap fl prehension of the mur doer. 'The follow B ,n jt’’ '.he description of his person, cop. B *1 li’°m the Sheriff’s advertisement:— B ~ l -he murderer is a sKncler person, a- B * 0I,: middle heigh', thought to bn a litth fl of liglit complexion. ■ fi. unair, no whiskers, alioiit 18 or 20' B ? ears 'd age, soft smooth voice, and spoke B ,lIL Kuglish language well ; had on a dark B •™' bodied coat, about lenyrti .; B f generally dark, a black lur hat, to B A:*"> dreMcd ‘ c^ot ‘* a pp arenl iy B N'’ Uvit hst»nding every powihle excr- B : f h nM , b .?? n to defect the mother ■ U,. , C . U ! d ’ B> WuH a * the murderer, not I covered 1426 °* eitllerf,a * yet been dis I n xirnc! ff a letter, fi-vtn a Commercial B , u, ‘ ‘ n Uwpuol, ,ea rnpectUble Ma - B V ’ ,n <A|4 city, dated, October -jth, 1820. I OolmnM 1,a , cl l:tst tins pleasure, our I ** a, * ce h though then more depres- I S to see it Rt any I Hid fiii-th* lh i S v *’ ar * ,lnS cx P c,, ' ence d a I er- „ F dcc,mc ’ chiefly to the I public sales I acme n , aV *[ )etn brought forward, but. in I of n./T e ’ to !!,c ve, y increased Stock I Wh I"v A mi -' l 'i c an Cotton, Uhe I fend i. ° umtsauilv I ttiiit ' “'? cr,sel y great this season, and I tendency I aon^nrh 1 * J"i' 1 ' fOVen * en '’ wt,,lc * t!ie netr I tiffi.l ‘‘T ,utw C, °P will ad<! o > lit- I W:, u^i 1 t 0 I,e s,1!!le ®mi'c; SO that we I trcnt of in 011 * n ° 1,0 f >C 3 ot ’ any umend- I !l ! Kl ,m,st ‘-Vreforc can- I when the K■ w I’'IT Ul " S 'T' a ’ n ‘ r " , " e I Market ~ w V Ol lol,lt m-e brought to I «««??» B «al* n ,i, „ “ cents pnme new I wiia ft,,,’ ,J a - V . * ll ‘ answer to a shippers I h| v be givl'V^" 0 ® 15 ce " ttl reuK^ l - pridj ■ Vdi h ‘ 6(1 b y a sulc here, but they I u’" rt 1 . to, l crii |?e at prices a- I fhouid not vJ Clauds of the new crop I Ve J'VT* 11 30 to 2:5 cents - I toll , I<nlB ' low here, at9o-ii B day, »rvi i, I, ,cie is a fair donnmd to- I ««I?‘l?’ * " ,C firm > btlt no advance I creates^r’ 1 a s the 11,01 " f lilt; * ic I 8 «» lUaiJ! „'? been oh'ained I lld i but H." ybe <lttoted . at 17,1 u> . -s fl ft>r— Itio i,- y , ai Vfer y little enquired I Very slO P cr CWt. in bond— I PIIAtiMKNT. I ,llat * 11 ke a harmlesi dove, I , gua Ti) S ‘ VUCt endcarinoul keeping I a !iU ' e ffniet nest I tarlh^ °° uld ta *’ turough tire I A i, w f rld eluding, be itself I fr'l itsua-n «*”*' * ' bat ' vai,u no " Hoc uses 1 en . * '■' approving jit av-, I “ fl ° Wcr dec P hid »n rocky I only at Die Tha South cm Patriot suggests that Ui? following Songs, in Fielding’-. Farce «»t "Tom Thumb,” give a very lively notion ofwhat is now passing in F.-igland, Queen JivlUdhUn, (in a passion.) Tremble, then, all who weddings ever made, And tremble more who did this match persuade. For, like r. worried cat, i'll spit. I’ll sq jail, I’ll scratch. I’ll tear the eyes out of yon ail, ’ Xing, (very cool.) W« Kings wh.i are in our senses. Mock our consorts’ violences; ( Pickibg at their moods and lenses, Our own ways we follow. When a hnsh.uul once gives way To Ids wife’s capricious sway, or.-us. b reechesbc, next day, May go v. lump and hollow. LIST Oft'tr Fortunate Drarvere in the L. LOTTERY up to the 4-th October. HULLOcn Abner Stubbs, N Sweet jr. ;T T P Jones,.! Lanier sen. W Hendrix, It Rurk will, .1 llolliway, It Thompson,*.! Thonins, M Jlowen, .1 Jones, .1 M Wilkinson, It V>‘ Call wid, J C Hodges, \V Dollar, J Hus sell, id Norman. BUR UP.. James Todd, S Murray, A Sikes, .1 Hol iday, D Gaines, F Fryer, A Moore, W lit)wen, J Lawson, A Randolph wid. S Hi net, G Oxley’s orphans, A Ussery, M Spence, II Powell, T Weeks, D Stewart, I Stewart, J Prior, J Dair.ey, orphan, W Fisher, J llroxton, S Ihly, A Boswell's orphans, M Duke, W Edmunds, .1, B, W, 8 and It Cox orphans, T Gabon!, N Beal, R Lasseter, M D.ujk-I, J Murray sen. VV. Grineway, W Church well, D Smith, J Wade, F. Iloyals, H Murray, J Aslilcy, S Sikes, A Bell, S Moore DRY IK. fcjizabeth Maxwell wid, J Sikes, W Williams. CAMDF.K. i Jokn Holts, ft Ripley, D McMillen, II A Copp, J Moore, W Williamson, J Sluy, I Crews. CU.IT/IAM. Thomas Clarke, J Seagreen, J Law. rence, Maria A, & P Stevens, orphans, H W| Hills, S Martinaiigel, U Bandy, C Look, C J Grliri'-s, A Cui rie, A M’Lc'an, M U Forsyth, j D-Lyon, M Maxwell, wid it Sc der, W Hichai-dson, jn.o. C Howard K Hoflman, J Farmer, P Schenk, F. S Jenny, J Zi'oberts, J Cabo,, G Hendley orps. H Wilder, P Kdlar, A Sheftall. CLARKE. Dankl Summers, J Fletcher, Z Branch, L I learn don, J llardegret, S Stokes wid Nf Naull, W Morns, S Parcn, M E«*h II Morris, Q Shipley, W R Moore, K Ha gun, S Ileale, \V llardigme, W Falwavds, G W Allen, W Wo.Ktliff, I) Lummcrs, J H Mead, J Sell man, W Clifton, W Hos seller, A Johnson, G Clifton, sen. 1 Whitten, JF iltbn, M Milford wid. T ltd- I'lp# W Caldwell, J Miller, N Gaun, A Moore, \V C Reese, Ji N ulcn. COLUMBIA Jesse Morris, s n T Malone, J Collins, V Hanson doct. 1 Puller, W Pace, E flawdre, 1) M'Neal, W S’liepherd’s orps. W 8 Dunn, JNappin, J Mellon, E Heed, J Culbj-eath, E VValker, C Jjhnson, J J Canledge, J Wilkins, W Brown, C Eubanks, A Adams, T Avery, N Sims, •’! Fuller, It Daggett’s orphans, G Harvey C Jones, M Collier, wid. J Fuller, jun. / Durden, W Lovcl, G Welch, J Moon jr * V. Candler, J Douglass, J Fiin, sen- J nmnis. RFFTXGfTJUt. j'homn.iCrosby, S Wellman’s orps. E teiglcr, J .Vnltus, W H aldhaner, J Wil son, JKuyler, T Carlish, J Dugger jun. V Magahagan, G J Zitroner E M IKUEL. Lewis Gray’s orphans, >!■Roberts, wid. 1) E Rich, S Findley, M .Spain, J Fir mer’s orphans, S Middleton, J /foberls’ opliaus, II 'rllne, J Edge’s orphans, J Curry, J Hicks. B Lane. FRAXKUK. Martin Anthony, M Sims, J Clarkson, J Morris, Pullen’s orphans, W Clash, S Eurel’s orphans, U Hooper, W Hearndon, 'V Pierce, 3 llurris, T Angle, J M’Carty, W Walker’s orphans, I M’Coy, M Pilgrine It S —T BritMier, W Barber, A Burton, IF IFilkiuaun, J Gitten’s orphans, M ’ A'u-oud, 11 Taylor, IF Kull, IF Devenport, j' Townsend, jun J Johnson, C Gilley, ■ 1) Neiins, A Hix, S Dixson, J Yates, S . Power, J Brown, G llemtey, J A'tonecy . pher, W Hays, M Bine, wid. J Colycr, , H Crump sen, At Trimble, B Brown, t C Chatham, C Jones .1 l ate, II Uaviti, . L Jlf dder D D A'hiuniUe, H Bagby jun. i F Bush. ' , OREEKF.. - Jackson Moore, J R iJuniels, W WH . iiams 8 Mencri f, p Nowell, P S Barnett, W Willimr.s, J Woqiitam, A Hodge W 1 White, \V ilarlimlule, J D Bridges, S IS.n-kfr, v.i.l J Moure,,U Champion sen, r J Williams, A Swan, )' Aolin, P Gatiiu. . W Barnett, H Peek, I Lovv, N Wiukficld It Garrett, V Sanford jun, S Smith . . Nir.olson, W Owen, G Gr.dclle, J Grimes, . I) P Tuompso.t, N Daniel’s orphans, E . Stevens J K.nuuy, II F Scott, B Moor- , , J Ballard, W Burnell, J Bridges, W Ea } munson, W Furlow jun, J Maddox, I". ,- Ames, J Morgan, I Moure, K Co--.e, W . King, A (.Peer, F Whatley, J Nicholson, . f> Underwood, W T Clement, W L FieUler’s orphan-, I*. Uiassingame. JU.VCOCK. , J A Christie, W Login ,en R S—S Han . son jun, W Davis’ orphans, S Hurl’s or i plians, N Dent, W Barer, W S Hanmel, . J Latimer sen, J Ashly, W Dickerson, ; L Hall, E Jones, J Hunt, J Howell, W Scott, G Marlin, P Mills, Dr W Thomas, . ft W ilson, S Strain wid J Archer, L Ty s as, M Griffis, R Holloman, M Millions R j S—T Parmer, W Harper, sen, ■ H S—S . Tail, I| Fields, J Gunn, T Glenn, E Ham ilton. JACKS OX J MG Montgomery, G Williamson, W Brook’s orphans, I Ed wauls, A Jfoherts, > it M M’Cune wid, IV Hendrix, 1 Brewer, ; N Willis, H Potts, J Bradley, B Welch. U S—U & G JJ'homas, J Peoples, J Maddox, 1 Weer, T Hix, j Dcen,. I Williams, M W Ison, II Mann, W Wood jun. J Osborn G Hartliiie, It Johnston, B Ship, G Haden W Bridges, P I'hoiutun, J M‘Cea’. • r, W * Bowen, D Young wid, E Otwdl v/id, M - Sluw U S——V Season, 1 Mobley, it Jolm son wid, F Avrea wid. JEFFERSOjY. James Hammett, 1 Peebles, L Drake, - W Howard, It Watson, C Cooksey, V Carey, I Barrington, ft j'retwell, H Wot ngtßr», J Sample, If, Whitehead. J hall, Ti Brins in, ,\l M Wood, I’ Johnston Slater, S HiJI-'y, S Greciiway, J Smith, Fleinmi Ig, 11 Buddie, Q M'Kiftsey. LIBERTY. John Harrell L Morgan, W Winn, W Potcli, J Ferris, L l.e Conte, J M’Cranie, *V Smith pen R ,f Wheeler, J 8-haw sen L Mallard widow, A Trior, G Kershaw, J Thomas, J Cash’s orphans, ,1 Robert’s orphans, J Parser. j.. wrens. VV Smith, T Il.ilLl. Linder. W Wright, II tlibhofis. J Dorse}', H Tisnn will. S Eilinglnn, N r.amhert. It Tlarrelson, I B Davis, S Wilks, M Waller will. E Stevens I) Shiver, L Nelson, 1 Renton, W Wright .1, W Mart, W CJl'lson, .1 Brant ley, .1 Miller, (5 Bailey, T Register j'tit. II Urn ml) !y, D Trainin'.!!, S Sivor, J Col lier jun, J Oa}’, C W Morgan. MONTGOMERY. Mitchell Sillivant, M P.-tei son,' .T Wil liamson, I! WinilseV, A McJlfillon, .! .1 'cl.eod, 1) J Smith, 1) David sen. A J!l Durant. ocu:tho"e - William ft U rooks, C Carter eon, A Tnrner, S J?hodes, W Hailey sen. II Clanton, I* Ward, J Stewart, M lln k well, J Hitchcock, W Andrews, J liilson It (Jaynes, T E Scroggins, A Jlfoorc, J S Huddleston, W Tipper, J Birdsong jun, H Fonder, J Thompson, U llareman, 7. Kidd, G Ltimpkin's orps. A Kilgore, ft Finch, T ll Dossey, II Johnson, J ftrock man, I, Lunsford minor, W C Goolsby. WARREN. Wilson Rates, P Cody, S Jackson, A Osborn, C Usry, I AfcDowell, J Lockhart S S Parker, Eldrid Barton, .If Darden, T Rowland, T.fnsly, ,( Wood, C Camp’s orphans, L A Jernigun, D A Weaver, 7. AfOfaih, J C Johnson, U \V Holliday, .1 Barfield, P Imre, R Powell, J flays. H Edwards, V Pratt, .1 Sims, .1 Wheeler a Hicks sen, S .Varies, W Crawford, .1 Pitman, A Harril, L IJtill wid, J Cody, 11 Bull, S Williams wid, .1/ Kinsey, 11 S ew art, J Pace. WILKES. William Littleton, C Wheatlcv, H Har ris, U Chivt rs, N Powel, .1 JUurgan, J Hot dine, R Graham, S Carter, J Kidson, W S Howard, S Gibson,./ S Lee, C .Voore 1) Bruckner jr. \ Brewer, B Caltowuv. E W,|tis, wid. J T Kent, II Shank. J G Hailey, C Coats, R King, D A Jl/krfm,. C Hulls, J Clarke, A (lugulcy wui, II Otll, I Blakey, D Ogietree, S R Nor man, G Owen’;’ orphans, .1 Turman, J j Harper, IV f,it tic, F Shank minor,.! Floyd ,1 Shevt-rs, W Harper, ,1 fJTills, J ilotli day, T Rinsey, J Colloway, .1 Funns worth, .1 Harris, H HampP n’r, orphans, IV O Rutledge, !J /Fade, J Pin dor. ■ -Pfwni—swnr if— t hi i>—i>i~iiiiiriiHMniiT*«irißi* Having disposed of my intefes*. i tlie En',. dir iment of lV AUGUSTA CHRONICLE if GEOR GIA GAZETTE, to Mr. J K. M. Charlton , the subscriber tenders his best thanks to the community lor the pairon age he has hitherto enjoyed, and ear nestly recommends his friend to their consideration. BENJAMIN T. DUYCKINCK. November 11 BT mCHOhAH WA SH, Mayor of the City of Au gusts. A PROCLAMATION. Tup, signal manifestation of goodness and tender mercy, towards the Inhabitants of this City and its vicinity, during the past Summer and present Autumn', de mands public testhnoniuis of gratitude and obligation to the Great Author of all the blessing* that we enjoy.—When we look around ns and survey the melancho ly mortality which disease of (he most ma lignant type has visited upon our fellow citizens, and especially oit the inhabitants of the city of Savannah, (for whose afflic tions and sufferings all the sympathy of our nature has been enlisted) we curt but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the health which the citizens of our City and its vicinity, bat e been permitted to en joy, audit is considered proper and high ly becoming, that this community should in au exemplary manner, testify their acknowledgements for tbij gracious dis pensation of Providence. 1 do there fore by virtue of a Resolution of the Ci'y Council of Augusta, issue tins my Proclamation, recommending that WED NESDAY, the 15th iiist. be sot apart ami observed i.i this City and its vicinity, as a Diu ofP /bl'C Humiliation, Thurl rghhii' and Prayer— -and the respective Churches if this place are desired to assemble i heir Congregations on that day, and perform Divine Worship suited to the solemnity of ■he occasion—and the citizens arc respect s ,lle inv ted to abstain from all secular em .loyment* during a day that should be consecrated to religious purposes. Nicholas Ware. itj the Mayor , • 1). Clark, c. c. NOTICE. I_9-ANAWAY from the Subscriber, some ime iu January hug, a NECiilO WOMAN named Hannah, (but will perhaps, call herself Auny or Nancy;) about forty years of age; nothing remarkable by which she can hd-known. She will, perhaps, on in terogation, say site belongs to Skelton, Stallings, or Culberson. She left home in January last. Any person who will give the subscriber, or W:n Lamkin, (sheriff of Richmond county,) intelligence of her, will receive a liberal reward. VVm. 11, Ray, Administrator of C. Culberson, dec’d. November 11 3t 03»l'he Editors of the Georgia Journal are requested to give the above two in sertions, and forward their accounts to Groenshorough Post Office for payment. Notice. ILL be sold, on Saturday, the 30th December next, at my plantation in Co lumbia (.minty, the Goods and Chattels, of Silas Adami, deceased; consisting of two new Waggons, :.ome Wheels, and sundry other articles I). Face, adm’r. N«TC|a, ll w3t # * AUCTION. On Tuesday Hie nth inst. WILL BE SOLD, f Before the Globe Tavern. J Pieces COTTON BAGGING, Without reserve. Sale to Continence at T 2 o'clock Terms Cash. Isluun Thompson, AUCTIONEER. Nivcmber, 11.—— ' 'Public sales Ct Vhv.itiU'uviy Stottli vt . AUI the 'JOth Decettiber 1820, HP- wib»crihcrs offer for rale their rdan'atinn, known as HORSE CUKKK, in South Carolina, Ic*s than two miles below the City of Augusta on the Savannah 111- ver.—Horse Creek Plantation contains 804 Acres of Land, nearly one half of which it is supposed is swamp. About one half of the Plantation is cleared land If not disposed of at private sale previous ly, the above Plantation will be offered at public Sale, on the premises, together with Slock, Corn, anil Fodder, Plantation Utensils kc. Ike. at 11 o’clock, on the 20th next month. Toe terms of sale, which will be libc ral, will be made known on the day of sale. A copy Plat of the Plantation will be left with the Overseer for inspection. Tor further particulars, apply to LEMUEL KOLLOCK, Savannah. Or to E. F CAMPBELL, Anemia. CO* The Editors of the City Gazette, Charleston, the Savannah Republican, h Georgia Journal, MilledgevHle, are request ted to insert the above once a week, until (he day of Sale, and forward their account to the Office of tbe Augusta Herald for payment. November 11—e-wwtds. > f . \ v Notice. w ” ’ H.L be sold, on the 20th December .nevt, at the late residence of Wm. Mays deceased, all the personal property of the said deceased, consisting of Horses, Cat tle, Hogs, Sheep, Household and Kitchen Furniture, and un extensive assortment ' of Dry Goods ami Groceries, two Wag gons and Geer, two Cotton Gins, one Threshing Machine, Plantation Tools, &c. Also, tw- Plantations to rent, and Ne groes to hive.— Terms made known on ’he day. —The sale to continue from day to day, until completed. Mass a Mays, adm'rx . November 11 3t Notice It her e hy given to all my Creditor», r v 4 ii at i nive made application to »he J honorable the Justices of the Inferior Omirt, for the-benefit of the several Acts of the Genera! Assembly of the state of Georgia, passed for the relief of •insol- Vi. nt Debtors; and that they have ap. pointed Friday, the 22d day of Decem ber next, f.vr the examination of my case; at which time imr Creditors will please at tep*l at the Court House of said comity, to'rffi. w tause, (if any they have,) why the said Inferior Court should not extend to ' me, the benefits of the said acts, and I be relieved from my present confine ment r AS Milton, Kov 11 Administrator’s Sale. \ GREEABLE to an order of the Ho arable the Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, between the usual hours of sale, One hundred fifty a cres of Land, more or less, in Burke county, adjoining Thomas Forth, and o thers, pit Rocky Creek. ALSO. Two negroes, viz. Suekey and her child Poison, about 7 years old, sold as the property of William Luke, deceased, for the benefit of hia heirs and creditors.—Terms mode knows on sale day. Robert Dickson adm'r. November 11 Sheriff’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in December next, will be sold, agreeable to an or der of the honorable the Inferior Court of Burke county, at the conrt house in Wayueaboroughj between the usual hours of sale, between 5 Sf 700 bushels Corn, more or less, attached as the pro perty of Bryant O. Bunion, to satisfy two attachments in favor of S. & N. L. 9tur ges, and Redfield Gailick k Co.—Terms, Cash. Wilson Navey, s b c i Nov 11 Georgia, Warren County. Clerk'» Of.ce of the Court of ’Ordinary. WHBREA9, William Shivers applies for letlcro of administration on the es tate of James Brady, late of said county deceased. This is therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have,) at my office, otherwise letters of adminislra lion y/ili be granted to him. Given under my hand at office, this 6th day of November, 1820. John Torrence, c c o. November 11 We are authorized to announce ANSELM BUGG Esq, as a candidate for the office of Receiver of fas Returns, for Richmond county, at tins ensuing election. * November fl tda , Notice. JOHN CABUIN. Has removed Ills rtorc to Hie ipper end of llrnad-alrept, epposi'e to she ter* Hotel. Where lie oilers for »,,1 -,, choice assortment of Liquors, Wines, a# Groceries. London Porter, Salt, Ik* , , c . London Duffle, Point ami Rose, BLrdc. i«, Negro Jackets and Trow sets. Coarse idim a. he. With many other articles suitable fir the present season, all of which he will sell at fair prices, tor Cash or produce. November 11— w6w N 1L Oi-dora for Lumber, left at (he store will be attended to with punctuality Ircriox. On Tuesday thu 14th uist. At to o’clock, W\\\ be Sold, before the Globe- Tavern, without resent,- $ PIPES Holland Gin, 3 do. Northern do 1 Hhd. Jamaica Rum, and 20 libls. Mackerel. A LSO, 20 Pieces fine and super Broadc!ol!j« Id do 5-4 I)rail do 30 do coarse and fine Cussimerea "0 do Si’k 3tripe Toil?netu-s 100 fine Cassiuicre Shawls, 30 dozen Mack wois'ed Hose 15 do Lamb's wool half do 100 lbs Scutch sewing' Thread 1 Leno and Cambiic Muslins, he. Together with a number of ~u,.-r arlit clcs in the Dry Good and Grocery line. Terms at the sale. Ifiham Tliompsf n, „ . -WCTIOoVEEB. November 7 ■■ —tds A CAJSD. Isliam Thompson. OfTWRS his service* to his friends am! ’he public in the •Auction Commission Fit si ness. Ho occupies the stand lately held bv I hompsonand Black, where all favours will be received and duly attended to. November 7. Dissolution. ■. • i Co-partnership heretofore eilrfb, mg between the subscribers, uwler tho fim of | mompsov « Black, i„ this day dissolved bt mutual conser t AH persons having demands against said firm wdl present them to ,lun- » 'Hack f»r settlement, and persona ... :i y. ’cam, will make immediate pnym< nt to (he same, who is duly authorised to acttle the business of said concern ISHAM THOMPSON. JAMES A. BLACK. November 7 3t <>. w 3t ly, at this Ofiv-e, two .Tourrevinm. |>rin, ters, who understand their business November 7 TO PFVT, \ TENEMENT (Wo. 4! In Bridge t?o W for particular* apnlv to the Suhv.-;i, er . James Johnson, sen. ■ KKMOVAL. T J. HE subscriber respectfully informs hA customers and the public, that he has tak en the brick store directly opposite hit. former residence- where he offers for sale Ji General Assortment of HATS •And Military Goods , On the lowest wira, for Cash, or town acceptances. J. Barry. October 24 fit Fresh and Fashionable ■ WDWI Just RECEIVED, and for Sale, f»V Cath only J at. the Store of l)imock Marsh, Opposite City-Haul. October s—l St Lost (he 2Sth ult. between (he Store of Edw’d. QUIN St Co. and the Bank of An* gusta, Jos. W. Luckelt’a draft on Felix G. Gibson Sc Co; for §448 72 cents, dated in Augusta, 7th July 1820, payable 4 Months afterdate, to the order of Edward Quin Sc Co, and endorsed by them* All Persons are hereby Cautioned a gainst trading for the above acceptance, payment of which has been stopped I'lkj Finder will please leave it at this office. November, 4 Doct. l a, de Beauregard 11E3PECTPULLV tender* hi* services JCe to the inhabitants of Augusta and its vicinity, in the different branches of his profession. Until further notice, he may be found at the residence of Mr, Joint Caam a, upper cud North side Broad Street. October 26 ... ■ Ct Blanks For Sale at Uum Office. I ' ■