Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, November 11, 1820, Image 4
Monthly Notices Georgia, Com-)ia County. IK die Superior Court, March ‘fenr, 1820. On the petition of Ghana Fuller, ttAii'ig he was possessed of two pro. ndssnrv notes, one of which was given so Lemuel Shipp, for three hundred and at Venfv-ftt* dollars, made payable on tin . 25 1 hcl y of December 1819, to IsViivp. Puller or h -arer, and elated t|»e dav of 1817, I tic other of said notes .vat given also by 1, ‘nutel Shipp, tor one hum 2nd and eighty-seven do'na.s and fifty cen'a, trade payable on the 25th day o! December 1819, to Ishum Fuller or bear er, and dated the day of 1818. A copy of sulci notes as near a* the pe'i Vinner could recollect and annexed t isaie petition is now Hied in he clerk’s office,' together with an affidavit pursuant to the act -•>( the ——Fi brnuiV, 1735, that the aid n<rt* s were lost or neiUoyed, and prating the benefit Intended by said ac> < imi o'her circuftiitantial proof being laid' bOv-the Court, it is ordered that tin 8..;d notes of hand be CBlablislieo as diree fed by said act," on the Said Ghana Fuller, publishing « notice as therein required, un.i I n tiic si«»cc of six months in one of the public Ijittettcs of this Stale, units cause be shown, to the contrary within the a.fid sir: mouths oi other matter shall ap pear to the comp against the same. 'l'nken from ths.Minutet. A. Crawford. ri.ek’s Office, 2kth March m9m U'it Court of Ordinary, September Term , 1820, ■B UIN 1, . MAU, assignee of Minor || Winn, having filed, iiis petition, pray ing' that an order may pass directing l*c ter Lumar, adinbiistrator, 'and William Reynolds,'ir in right of his wire Prudence, «dmini*tnitrix of Richard F. Winn, deceased, to make and execute titles to him to r certain Island in Savan mdi Uivur, called Wun’a Island, in-con fin mity with a bond made by Richard F Wi.i.i, in Ins lire time, to Minor Winn, ami l»y him assigned to the said John La mar, » copy of which bond and the assign ment is to tile said petition annexed. Jt ft Ordered, That the said I’eter and M dliam shew cause t»> this court at next iuunary Term thereof, why they should «ot execute Titles in conformity with the sai l bntid and assignment, and that this oidcr be publitlicxl-once a moqth for .3 rnrnthi in one of III:; p ihlic gazettes, and at (lie court-house door of said county, previous to the said January term. "I he i,hove is :vtrue copy, taken from the minutes of the court. Wm. Harper, c.c.o. Sept. 19 0,3 m Lincoln Superior Court, June .hljourned Term, 1820. Samuel Uivis, c omp’t. v». C LV EQUITY. Robert M*li khwkt, j Jiili for Jliscovery, Relief, and If\j unction X Ul3 Bill haring been filled since the lust term - of this court, and it appealing that the defendant leaidcs out of the limits of this state, mid that it lias not been prac Vtc.iuh to effect a personal service on tin. c\„* teudmt. It it Or tiered, that the defendant per s'-nallyor by bis attomy, appear in court, and plead, answer, or ilcmm, not demni rinff alone, on or before the second'dtl; of thi. next ter n or die bill will be taken for confessed. ,lwl be it further orrf •red, That >bis rnli he published in one of 'he public Gazettes of .his .stHto,')iiCc ft month until thy next term ol litis court, and a copy of this b.ll bo served on the attorney in the original mitts a. common law. i e rlify the for going to ho a true cop; la' 1 it from ‘he M n ires of said court, this ]s'h due of l.nv , 1820, Cctcr Lamar, cVk. l.s c. June ‘2o——mat Shite of Gemfiti, i Richmond county £ iit the Superior Court, June Term, ,181 V rut SENT, The lion. John 11. Jtlonl * ff>imery, Judge, Tltr- STATE OK OEOHMIA, h of. v. Escheat. ' t x I.OTB in ariii.xnrixip, J rji - * 111' jury upon (he above inquest «t,' having found that the above property has escheated ’■* the Sta'e, and the proceedin gs having been certified to ftnd recorded by die each el or of Richmond ynnniy,. and returned to the clerk of the litperior court of said county: Notice is hereby given to all pers'ms concerned, that the rav'd; Adam Boyd, deceased, a native of Scotland, in the United King dom of Great-Britain and Ifr'and, who is » ipiviaed to have departed this life shunt the year 1891, without will and without heirs was the person last seized or pus- Bi'Sited ol the said ten LOTS in the village so Sftringfie’d, in said state and county knowm in the plan of said village by the letter A. and tlie numbers .36, 37, 38, 40 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, being each 60 feet in front and rear, ami 150 feet deep. Vhe heirs of the said Adam Bayd, or al others who may claim Under him are re quired to appear and make claim to tin mime within twelve months from this date: otherwise tbs said property will be pro nounced escheated and sold in terms of the act: and it. is ordered by the conn that t its notice be published the first week in even mouth, far six months. John 11. Mann, cCk. Richmond Superior Court. July Imfinv—— Notices. JLA will he made to the honorable ilu Inferior court of Columbia county, when jutting for ordinary purpose*, for permit ■aim to sill the real estate of John L. Hsy.' aic of said county, dec. Samlet** Hay, udm'r. March 28, ttt‘2o. mdin HUN H For Bale at tills OiUce. % J W Georgia, Columbia county. In th,e Superior Court, September Term, 1820. Heirs and Rr preaun t aiives"\ of Lewis (kit drier, dec*d. j In Equity yk, >B»ll for dis Administratoi's of Lewis | cover; and Gardner. Jd isuihution IT appearing to the c«iurt that the bil* has not been amended according to the motion obtained a the ln*t lerm—lt is now ordered, that this did) he amended .nd a copy of tlie same »» amuideil, be served on the defendants at least thirty days be fore the next te*’”v and that a notice b< ptlbl.stied to o , die (h feitdants resid ing out of the s . , once a numlh for six months in one of the public Giuo-Ua of this state, previ-ois to the next terra of .the court.*—'Taken from tlie M nutvs. A. I'rawlnrd % cVk. Qr'o'.'W 3 / nr;* GKOKtiIA, Columbia county \Jhjf KRI’RASJI. Bowdre and C. F's ter, iias applied for l.e'tt is of Disuiision on die (.state of Kohtilßowdre. These ar.* therefore to cite and admon ish, all and singular the kindred and crcd bil'B of said us ceased, lo be and appeal hi my office witlrin the ttmy allowed by law, to siiew cans-, (it any die; have) why said letters should not be grunted. thven under my hand and seal at office tins 3d July, I82(i. rii6m V. CriiwforiJ, cVk. Georgia, Cohn bia comity. In the Superior Court, September Term, 1820. Caroline Matilda Sanders, by her Guardian, hlizabelh Aln Equity. Stanback Comply, vs / Yancy Sundei s, Jus. Sandeis, ( (Lil for dis Leans Sanders, Philip San- f ■ .very and ders, Jf.sse Ban ' '.s, Isiiam 1 Di.itribu- Haybss and u .2, Edmoi.d / lion, ilium ami wife. ON Motion, it appearing to the court that James Sanders, Lewis Sanders, Phil ip Sanders, and Jesse Sanders, reside ou> of this slate —It is ordered that a notice be published o:ice v a month for six months in one of the public Gazettes us this State previous to (he next verm of this court, and shall be deemed sufficient service, and i.'ia' leave he granted lo amend the bill ar.d to perfect service. Taken from the minutes. A. Crawford, cVk Clot k‘s Office, > 39tb Sept IB2d. 5 ra6m GKOfiGIA Columbia bounty, AVhereas t’bos Joiles executor on the t state of John Marsliali deceased has ap plied lor letters dismi.'ftorv on said estate Nowj.herefore these arc incite & admon* monislt all ami singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their obj ctions (if any they have) in my office vlih'n the time prescribed by law, other wise 'etters dismissury will be gran ted so him. Givirn under my hand at office, this Ist d.iy of May, 1820. A. Crawford, elk. May 1 m6m / GEORGIA, Richmond County, By Isaac Herbert, Cl ik uflne Court ol Ordinary of Richmond County. MF-BKAS Nicholas Uelaigh., Admin ?? is'.rntor on the estate and effects o Joseph Richer, deceased, has applied for . tiers dismissurv. These are therefore to cite and a»lmon iih all and singular, the kindred and cre •itors of tlie a.iid rU ceascd, to file theii objections in my office, (if any they have within tlie lime prescribed by law, other vise letters Dismissury will be grr ten < to bun. Given mui**r my hand and seal, al fi cc n tlie City of A igitsu tins Ist dry of • ptember, IS'2O, Isaac Herbert, c. c. t September 2 rn6m GEORGIA, ttieliuiond Comity By ilk* l lunoralile tho Court of Ordina ry of said county. To all whom it may concern. •5 AT HERE AS Andrew G. Semmes A ( l vs miaistrator on the Estate of J »hn M.m deceased, has applied to said court tor letters dismissury. Now therefore these are to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred am: creditors es the said <U;o. to file their oh Jcctirns (if any they have) in the office oi theClcik of this Court, on or before th. first Monday in March next, other vise let t-rs dismissury will be granted tob-m. Witness the bonorabie Holland M*Tyrr. oae of the judges the said court tin '2lhU tlsv of July 12 2d, ISAAC HEUHEHT, Clerk of the Court of Ordinary. July 29 m6m GEORGIA j Richmond County, ; In tlie Superior Court, .Mny Term, 182 d. Upon the petition of Nathaniel L & Samuel Stu.ges, staling that they were possessed of a Note of Hand rrade by Isai ah Chain, lo them, for Six Hundred and Fifty seven Dollars one and a fourth cents, bearing date on tlie twenty third day of .tanV.ry, one thousand eight hundred and ni’i men, pa; able four months after date, and endorsed in blank by ko vert Belcher and that the said note of hand has been lost or mislaid, so that the some cannot >tow be obtained, praying that arty of said note which is annexed to his said pe tition may be estabhslied in lieu of tlie said original, in terms of the act of the General assembly and the Rules of Court, in such case ma:le, provided, and es ab lislifd j and the said Petition being sup ported by affidavit; it is ordered, that a co py lie established in lieu of the original so foat or mislaid agreeably so the prayei of the Petitioners, unless sufficient cause ho shewn'd the contrary on or before the first day of the next term of the Superior ,'ourl of Richmond County. It is further uirdei ed that a copy of this order be pub lished in one of the Gazette* of this Start at least once a month for six month*. - Taken from the Minutet. Cverks Office* May 31,1820. JolmU. Mauu, Clk, ■ , • Burke Superior Court. April Term, 1820. Present, the Hun. J«hn IL Montgomery, Judge. RUi.E jYISJ. UPON the petition of Albert Godbee, stating that he was possessed of a certain promissory n«*tu given by Nuthan iel Cannon — bearing date the Blh cf A* pril, in the year 1819, tortile mm of three unikln J and sixteen dollars, which note is now lost or mislaid that it cannot U nund, a copy of w hieh is now on file in he clei ks office of this court, as near as the said petitioner cun recollect, logetluu with an affidavit, staling the loss of the or iginal.' It is ordered t at a copy of said note he established in Hen cf the original, unless cause be shewn to the contrary at tlie next term of this court. And it is fur (her.ordered that a copy of this rule be published in one of the public gsiscUes ol iliis si at' 1 , once, a month for six monihr preceediug the time of shewing cau.v thereon. Extract from the minutes, John Carpvuter, d’k. may 31 m 6 WPBOMCI.%. Superior Co^rKX lliirke County. C '* n "' el 1 J j Present toe lion. Robert (i. Held, Judge. William Perkins, } nuJfefirtfthou-siablish , ment of a lost note W HEUEAS a petition has this cfi»\ been filed for the establislirnoTU of a plxri missory note from .Totsn Dick, to Willium Perkins for one hundred and eighteen lollars. And the said Williams Perkin* having made ouili to the former existence and loss or dost me ion of said note, and., other proof being laid before the court. * On motion it is ordered that the note be established on thy first day of the next term, unless cause be shewn to "he con trary. And it is further ordered that t. copy es this rule he published once (■ month until the first dav of the nev Urm in one of' the public Gaz- ties id in is state. John Carpenter, c\erk. (tRO!K>I.\ Richmond fly I uac Herbert, Clerk of the Court of Ordhiary of WicamondCounty WIIEHEAS Hubert Leckie,.Admu»is , ator of Ai drew Pagan, ai.d Catharine Pagan, deceased, lias applied fur Letters Dismissory. These me therefore tq cite and adtmr, ish, all and singular, the kindred and cred dors of said deceased, to file their objec tions in my ollice (if any they have,) or «r before' the fiist Monday in March next, otherwise letters uismiasory will lie gran left to him. Givt n under my hand ap.l seal at office', in the city ot Augusta, this Ist day of Sep ■ .tuber, 1820 Isaac Herbert c. c. o. ‘d T ' *b " 6rn r TiCi’iil S tlliC, the first Tuesday in December next, at the Court House in Columbia c-mnty, wiP be soid, 'iih* likely negro girl, l>y the name of Anna, to satisfy an execution on the foreclosure of a mortgage, Elixir belli Pearre Guardian vs. Janies Tool .Inn. t W. Wilkins s c c. S-pt 30 For Sale, *47 acres of mixed land 9 miles above Augusta, on the road leading from th' nee to Columbia cuv.t bouse— belonging to the estate of UennyttM hit , ringtail,deceased. On the premises there are 2 tolerable good dwelling houses, witli out houses, garden and an orchard of choice reach trees—a spring of excellent water, and about thirty acres of cleared land, under a good fence This lan °*o pens to a h and elegant pine wood range. . A further description is deemed .r,necessary, as any person wishing to pur chase, would wish to view the land before ihey purchase. The terms will be very accommodating—any person wishing to lorchase, can call on Arthur Foster, of Columbia county,-or mrs Small Whitting ton of Hiclnnnnd county. S trail Whittington, cx’tx \ rtlmr Foster, e\V, .... o> I Oil SdLi'j, V VALU ABLE PLANTATION at tin ooiifim-nce of Oconee and Ockimiigre uvers, containing 96 J acres of cane-brake ■ink, hickory and pine land, iu-.aviiy tim b red,.and ad jacent to one (if the beat land tngon the Oeonec; 150 acres now under cultivation. There is a Shad Fishery ex celled by none on that river; a peach jrchard of rare fvuit, wlticli may be made o yield st>u or IddO gallons, a Cotton Mu. i biiie &c ec 'I tiis situation is at the h'.ad off steam-boat navigation; which at eonu period will become a place of deposit, and perhaps a thriving town.—Terms made known on application. Benjamin G Cray. » 10 He ward. RANAWAY from the subscriber in the early part of August last, a negro man named , 1 ° HAUNT, shout 5 fret 4or 5 inches high. He w*« employed for some time on the Savannah river, by the Steam boat Company, and is so well known that a panicuhu descrip tion of his person is deemed unnecessary He is very talkative, and professes a great deal, it is very probable he may be lurk mgiu Savannah, or at some of the inter mediate places ou this river, between lha* place and Augusta. N. BARRETT. Sept. 17. »f *** e a re Rutljorisecl toannounce JASON AY ATKINS. a c.ndi date for Recen*r of Tax Return* at the ensuing election. Attfuat 15 till* '. | <♦ BY THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNI, - TED SI AIES. Whereas, by various acts of Congress J the President of the United Slates is au thorized to direct the public lands whic have been surveyed to be uttered L sale. Therefore, I .fames Monroe, President of the United States, do hereby declaim and make km wn, that public sat s for the <lis(»o»al (according to law) of pub he lands, shall be held »s fellow's, vl?.: At Prank’tn, in Miss airi, no ft st Monday in Jantwrv nekt, lor l!,e ive «.) Town-hips 5i to do, in range 26, west ol the s;h principal,meridian hue. 5 j to 55, rangt s 27 ana 28 do. 51 to 55. range 29 do. _At me same place, on ill'- first Monday in March mxl for t4r«- sate of Too nstiips 51 and 56. in range 30 west of Hi- priuciprl meridian line. 5U in 56, in ran." 31, 32, and 33 do At St. I/ uis, in s-tld state, o:i die fit's' Mon,lav in December next, for the ShJe ol T**vfi;V.ip.» ea iq 44, in range 4 u.wt If, < Mst ■-f itie 5. •f principat >1 licd aii '.ne. At >h** h'llue place, on the first Mon day in Carr*' next, for the sale of fowtijhips ~5 and 44-, in, langtsJ aud 4 c st. Pi lit'.* sfitr.e, ut (he Ist Monday it: V;iy I.<•«,'. fir ill- H.dc of ri-wns'i jjK 35 iu.d 44, in range 5 6 r.i.s'.un.l 0f43 44. in riingr 7 cum. At .tack-son, in 'he cimnly of (' pi G - rarriesn, in M o said aide, on the first Mon day in February m-xt, for the s 4,.- of loh iislnpa >4, in lunges t and 14, of thd ■iih jirincipai meridian line. 33 rang- 4 east do. “ 29 30 and 31 5 do. 31 32 and 31 5 do At Edwardsvillc, in the stale of Illinois on the first Monday iu January nexr, foi 'lie stile nf Township 8 and 13 in rafige 9 west of the 3d principal meridian line 11 to 13 70 and 11 do 9to 16 12 -nul 13 , do 8 to 13 14 At Vamiaii? in the said state, on lb, 3d Monday in January next, for the :c ot Townships 5 and lo in range I,' ol >d principal meti,iif-n line. 7 to 10 2 8 o 10 ranges 1 4 5 and 6 18 9 and 10 range 7, east- , I 6 7 8 9 and 10 8 - j At Palestine, inlaid state on the aorond Monday in Febniary next, for the sale of Townships 6 to 10, in ranges 9 10 and il, c.,si of the 3d principal meridian. jine; (, 5 lo 10 range 14 west of 2d princi pal meridian line. 8 9 and 10 rouges 12 and 13 At Detroit, in Michigan territory, on he first Monday in November next, for flic sale of Townships 8 9 and 10 S la ranges 4 and . 6 east. 8 and 9 6 7, 8 and 9 7 afid 8 F.xcept such lands as have beep or may v.t- reserved by law for the support of schools, or f)i other purposes The lands shall be sold in regul .f numerical •■rder, beginnug with the lowest number •f( sections, township's and ranges. Given under my hand at die city ol Washington* this nineteenth day of JAMES MONROE. By the President. JOSIAIf MF.JGS, Commissioner of lire General Land Or (ice. Printers who are authorised to publish the laws ot the United Stairs, will pu« lish the above once a we.rk till the fi, .v of May, and send their hills to the Gen eral Land ollice for payment. Scptenbc 1820. 11V THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED Si'ATES. Wbergas, by an set ot Congress passed on the 17lU of March iB2O, entitled “A) act to anlltorize the President of t lit I States to appoint a Receiver ot the Publi- Monies aw] Register of the Land Ollic for the district of Lawrence county in th. ,\i kai.Siis u-n itory,” il is enacted, tha' any person, having a claim t»i right ol pre-empt urn within the said 'list riel, khai make known his cinim and location, ac cording to the provision of the Jaws now in forqe, to the Register, at least six Week before tile time to he designated by tin President of the United States for issuing patents to the soldiers of the late army, entitled to bounty land in said district: Therefore, 1 James Monroe, Preside!!' of tin- United States,do hereby designah 'he fourth Monday ftf November next, a; die time at which patents as nloresaie dial] commence to issue Given under my hand, at the City of AV'ishingtdn, tile eighteenth April, 1820. JAMES MONROE By the President, Just ah Mares, Commissioner oft be General I and HIT ct . y AWD Commission Business, p - S HE subscriber returns thanks for the cncourageiutnl heretofore received in the above business, and informs friend*, and the public that he is now enlarging his VVafe-House, situated at the upper end ol Hmsd Street, which will be in compote order for the red prior, of Colton, ami hopes by his attention to merit a share of oubli i patronage. JAnsley 9ept. 21——w6w LOST or KIONAPPKU. FROM the subscriber, living near Co lumbia Coiul House, on Monday the 23rd instant, a negro MALE CHILD, be tween two and three year's old, stout and low set, named « MOSES. To which he answers readily j from cir cumstances there is reason to apprehend, he was kidnapped, at the time he wa* lost, he .was clothed in a brown cloth frock mended in front with a large patch of homespun cloth ; a liberal rewarc- will b given for any information of said xhdd. ihat will lead to his recovery Georg© Cary* October 31 4t ° PiiQJP&Uu'* torlublishing. K T° B* SSTITLen Tlu W MonlgomcryH'fubliu^ canveiiKiicck, ar.:.,n K lt [ Ui J * lO ? *»%3J > <■• is wuii (tiliiij.. ICI .. " f elfas b «»«K t u \V V’nment ot a paper | hi * UL ° !l * i I •I.U my JNej.fl arrange, :,Ciii S J.u]*' l,u * I liil enaufe („ c to pj i3l .' ‘ l,c “A I ,t * l K »« Uie..,, wi,.Jic I e *« relation lu • I DllK I- PiK'Jt'cls, «'hli-u In “ Sl «» I ‘" a * *'«* raider it n.i a UI l‘ lUtM 7 I ptulne toother*. uia I ■, nil tliisdCChiinn w I *•«*« «*»■•.frviie,,., I r . l0,!3 ■»’■«<» t.J ih, . :( j 4 k . K |l ‘ng I t! ° ,n '<*'*> I ’• ;r specie, H jircrrn-t f. i, ' ’ a, ‘ of I 'listed to deceive ' ..V**?* I rv< > re»:. # rhi- >? t!,*- • I ’s principle* ,i ‘ ,a '^ c pro. ■ «--U beftUy ,-xc \l I to (iron, fjt<* l!t e n '■"•da*. I *nd infri, sbof i(i-’‘ of ll, « I f !'-i fwpcivisU) l v i SSUvI : ‘ ! |ac * I roiiMKHr, formerly raij. a ~ I ■aidy K..,v Aia'ama u -. ]' S i ? 1 !'* n l « I -V r:/vm. r cs t .v'lr';! , ilu - I -•MnrkJ N 1,1 Georgia. ..ndiheiat V,!*' * I l>t\U V'tstf. both having Ivio, A> I U:d In (; one town by dm k,. i „V' ,l,: I **..« I inthe healthy L f I .eMfelLmnlj. of OitArn, mite ‘rflrj I i-ttn.,l l <*■-,» uistinguished u.anvV i„ P ,i* I ' 1,1,30 h the republic, d,,iV! tot ! i# I t!>c ea iu rn point of that hi s hly ISSS? I extensive, and fertile tract*,.t t ■ I .lo.ns Hu fraction on which the to‘„ i I Vlahama ma„d 3 . and honkrmg Z\!* I celebrat ed river of that name, to * I o >s nav.gable at all season. f rom I ot Mexwro, for steam boats 0 f a larjf. r,J, I —iistant about two huudred r * I «Mr«. I .Ml.onsof Mobile »„| ii| ah ., I above Cubawba, tin scat of I and about 12 miles below tin- I the Coout and Talajioota. It is the • I at which the Allan L mails S& S I first stopping place in the state, a W I I whence Mwt mu\ be distributed thronrt I the country with great facilities Moou I gom fry. from its high ana airy situatiol I the purity of its waters, flowing {mntj I several sr. nogs, and th- elevation idtU I banks along the river on both sides, v l U ch I exclude stagnant waters, iscnnsidereil n«. I culwrly heaEiltyi indeni, many res , n to I that section during' the summer mom!* I on trial account; It contains many I t.c,as well as level sites for building, and I for an infant maybe cslU fl - d a pleasant, flourishing, town I , •' MA’» MXLB. I Savannah tuly 17, 182 C I • . . ■ \ I ./ thrfoinWj w«j named inj of the nIM I Major Moiitpomcrj', woo ft|| a r . Horn- SW: ini I , "iwn iterivri. m u!a‘, fror imnuMln. mi.>h| I who nhar< <i ;,»(• x.\iru: liilc ;ti n jet, mmd ttrlv I noil of clu* JlcToluiiuiiMry war* I /Vwi.i/'iV I Tlu; ItsimnncAN wul bp printen. im * I oyai sheet «J>ce a week, .inti! ,1s ; ,m.n. I age jusfifiiis its appearance twice a t <_k, I nt sd> Hat s per annum, in advance, ,« I rectipt of'f e first number, viltidi nu! i* I '.ssned as soon «s practicable alta the adds die of November next July 2y ts Notice. In answer to a p ; ece in the Anirvt* r ltrooicle, dated the 21st Sent., Jivr, 1820; —application was wanted nf 1000 acres, in the up co intry; for » i fl»' cash .would he paid;—The subscriber fiK forsale, a Ph.nta-.ion in the unper pn of Abbeville District A’outhCarolww, indoa Hockey Kiver, that unswersi the tion, as '.veil, (perhaps) us upy otfirr r.tte District, a very Elevai. il, fertile, iLr*h> f 'l, and well improved plantation »!•* bout 800 ticcs, which he wtltseM a 'an gam, for cash pair! down. — there tf* coosldcrabie plsiitatipr., excellent pv;i*t* aniU now in euiiawtjo,, „n.l if K»i* I .and is wanting; theie is anclhep ti»d tidjeining the above, and lying on i«e ap. posite side of Vlie river of 400 sere*, » T A f an excellent »j slity, ttnituivvwl kaowiiby the name of fort Imlcpti Irani, now for stile. —Tuc sabsr l«sf would also soli the gpester pari of hi* crop of corn an t fodder, with the pus* ter phi of his stock* o 1 ’ every kluf/ — endeavor f<» give poss f , ssitf***> dm Ks • .laiuiary next—The premises tuti) be see* by applying to the A'nbscriijicronifViKh Steplien tfDiisidiJiU Octo'>ev C —f Strayed pi* f-toleu A BOL’T a raontli ago two horses***• grey horse, about eight year* t*l4 ba mirks of die collar round his fast a*. ■lie otlie'r is a siuah bay uora , b.dl ti e* wuicli extenm over the gieatest part 1 * ins nose, bis lv, o bind feet wh te. S'J person who take up the »J-ave b'JseA will receive ’t en Dollars reward, or • ’*• b dais fur either, by dr!i v «ting thts« ■•■ L. I*. Dugas at Stone} Uhtff, B'.ti ki Co*#* i>, or Hit s bsciibers :a Angesia ti DUttAS. October, J1 6t. TO UK NT. A Convenient Dwelling, with KitchNa Stable, and a Gulden, all well und in excellent or '<■.<■, near the ta*" pouse. l f or parkieular* Encjaite a' d** ifioe. October S. A CAKU, tP,IB Cilii n. iif A«gusu are *a ,e ”"*s t lie. t>el e, Ml. of Tuition i« “■ J> 1 ' ' I vs’ Select Svlpun do-.■ yotys , . .. r < *'IC-<1 at M w r *ent quarter, Oetabe* ***** ~*~