Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, September 03, 1822, Image 1

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V / *• ‘ 1 ■ ‘ ib ■ A N D Cirorsiii i^frrtsifr. — —————■— l mm—t afc——————»—. - - ■—*- --.- - - - - u. j i-i". .I',= 1,1 „ -j. ■ gggaßßßga—amgaagg V01.36.] - * AUGUSTA, TUKSUAY, SEW EMBKR 3, 1822. [New Series— No?!] I PUBLISHED EVERY ■Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday MORNING, BY T. S. HANNON. % Mackerel, Bale Rope, 1400 Barrels No. 3 Mackerel, *175 coils Bale Rope, | 3 boxes Whittemore’s Cotton Cards, ■* No. 10, f I box do. Wool do. I 2 qr. casks Tenerifl'e Wine, 5 tierces prime Rice, ■ V 7 ((c(ni)ohno at»i & k«g<s old Irish Whis* ' FOB SALE BY [key, Henry Harper, Also , to Let , The TENEMENT west of Messrs. R. & B. Lang’s, well !! |j. BJ adapteildbr a Grocery and i ImJUHv Cotton misiness. Immediate 1 possession can be given if required. 1 Enquire of Henry Harper, OK I J. & W. Harper. V August 28 359 ts I To Rent, l(Fojie«on given the Ist of October next,) i dfefjb Tenement No. 11, 12, & 13, I j£*xfiL Bridge-Row. Apply on the 1 premises. f August 28 359 ts I Whiskey, Sugar, Coffee, Iron, &c. 10 Hhds, Philadelphia Whiskey, 12 ~ prime Sugar, 50 bags prime Coffee, 20 tons Swedes Iron, 5 hhds. prime Molasses, 8 „ superior London Porter, 10 „ Jamaica Rum, 30000 lbs. Bacon, Just received and for sale by Wm. Henry Egan, Upper end, south side of Broad-street, August 24 j. 358 3t For Sale, THE SUBSCRIBER’S PLANTATION, A DJOINING the lower end of the Ci f . Cm. ty of Augusta, containing upwards of six hundred acres—from one to two hundred acres of which is well timbered, has a good Shad Fishery. To describe this valuable property more particularly, is thought unnecessary. ALSO, From Fifty to One Hundred NEGROES, in families—most of them born on the plantation. His HOUSE and LOT, on the jaijfcß Sand-Hills, is likewise offered for sale. Bank Stock of South-Carolina, of this State, or of the United States, would be received in payment. A liberal cre dit would be given for a moity, if desira ble. Titles indisputable. John Course. June 22 310 wtf Notice. MTo Rent, from the first day of October next, the Brick House, on Broad-street, near the Mar ket, at present occupied by the subscri ber. John Phinizy. August 10 354 4tw , x Notice. ] MTo Rent, from the first day of , October next, two Tenements : in the Brick Building on Centre , street. For terms enquire of John Phinizy. ALSO, To Rent, from the first day of Novem ber next, the Brick Stores and Ware house, on Bay-street, at present occu- ' pied by Mr. Thomas M’Gran. , August 10 354 4tw FINAL NOTICE. PERSONS in the Country indebted to the Chbokiole Office, during the firms of Kean & Charlton, and of j Kean Duyckinctc & Charlton, are in- j formed that the subscriber will shortly, ( for the last time, wait upon them, with ] their respective accounts. John £. Kean. i June 3 Qy The books of the a- 1 bove concerns are in the possession of Mr B. T. Duyckinck, at the Chronicle Office. He will receive any payments that may be tendered in Augusta. June 6. J. E. K. Notice. Alfred m. hobby and r. d. TREADWELL, or cither of them, will attend to any business in which the subscriber maybe interested during his absence from Augusta. Wm. J. Hobby, July 15 34 6 ' Seidlitz, Rochelle AND Soda Po , FOR SALE BY L. Rossignol. Angust2l 357 3t Sugar, Coffte and Iron 150 Ihds. Prime Sugar 150 bags do Green Coffee 50 tons Swedes Iron assorted 3 do Plough Moulds WITH A GENERAL SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, FOR SALE BY S. HILLS 4* ALDEJV. May 11 323 ts fobT sale, To close Consignments, 250 BBLS. SUGAR 20 ~ Lo,'if do. 30 ~ Grotto Coffee 10 hhds. Rum 4 pipes Gin 4 ~ Brandy 60 boxes Tallow Candles 30 ~ Sperm, do. 10 ~ Raisins 20 qr. casks Malaga Wine 100 tons English, Swede ant Russia Iron 2500 bushel# St. Übes Salt 100 pieces Cotton Bagging. Mackenzie & Ponce O’ They offer their remaining Steel of Dry G ods, Hardware, with 200 box es East India China, on a credit of om and two years, for country paper. August? 353 2m Removal. Walmsley & Foster, Have removed to the store recently ocm pied by Messrs. Stewart k Hargraves, OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE, Where they have now on hand a prelt] .... general assortment pf DRV GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE Nankin and Canton Crapes, black anc coloured, Crape and Rich Satin Robes, assorted colours, Cashmere, Crape and Plaid silk Ildkfs. Flag and Bandana lldkls. some very elegant Irish Linens, in half pieces, some very fine, Parasols Si Umbrellas, in great variety, Bombazetts, Plain and Figured, Cotton Flaggs and BanJanoes, White and colored Cravats, Silk & Tabby Velvets, assorted colors, Tortoise Shell, Imitation, dressing and pocket Combs, Cambric, Jaconet and Mull Muslins, Power and Steam Loom Sheetings, Printed Marseilles and V alencia Vest ings, Vest Shapes, a new and superior arti cle, Black Silk Florentine Vestings, Silk, Cotton ii Wool Hosiery, assorted, Gilt, Coat, Vest and Pearl Shirt But tons, Imitation Russia Duck and Sheeting, Damask, Bird’s Eye ii Russia Diapers, Sewing Silks, black, blue and assorted colors, Stripe Drilling, blue and yellow Nan keens, Rorum and Imitation Beaver Hats; Which are offered low for cash, or town acceptances; and one of .the firm being now in New-York, will occasional ly receive through the season such sup plies as will enable them to keep their assortment pretty general, and on the most accommodating terms. To Rent, fill the first of November next, MThe Store lately occupied by the subscribers, adjoining the Bookstore c*' Wm. J. Hobby, Esq. For terms appU as above. NEW Cotton Warchouse. THE subscriber imforms his friends and the public, that his Warehouse, in that part of Augusta called Harris burgh, is now ready for the reception of Cotton, on Storage, or for sale on Com mission It is very safely and convenient ly situated, and the proprietor pledges himscli to use every exertion to promote the interest of those who may confide business to his charge. J. S. Beers. Feb. 6 301-ts To Rent, For one year from the first day of October next, MA comfortable House and Lot, on the north side of Broad street, near the Planters’ Hotel; with a large Back Store. The House is two stories high, and is well calculated for tiie accommodation of a family, as well as for a store. Apply to John H. Mann.,. August JO 354 tIS :% James TL & Co. HAVE LATELY RECEIVED A LARGE AND EXTENSIVE AS SORTMENT OF HATS, OY EVERY DESCRIPTION AND ftUAMTY, Among which arc the following kinds suitable for the coining season, vi* u A LACK anti Drab Beavers JLX Do, do. Castors Fine White Russias Black ami Drab Imitations Youth’s and Children’s ditto Children’s Fancy Hals Men’s and Boys’ Rorams W hite and Black W ol Hats Children’s Morocco Caps Men’s and Boys’ Leghorns Bandboxes in nests Ladies’ Straw Bonnets. &c. &c. Which they offer for sale very low, on accommodating terms, so that it will he an object to country merchants to call and examine for themselves. April 27 327tf Bagging, TVmr and Ba ,d von. FRED. E. DUGAS, HAS just received a supply of Cot ton Bagging of the best Russian a Hemp, 42 inches wide. Superior Flour, Holly’s Brand, in whole and hall bar _ re Is for family use, and some prime K ‘ Bacon, consisting of Hams, Shoulders le and Middlings—which, with his general assortment of GROCERIES, &,c. &c. _ will b« sold at moderate prices. He has a few trunks of Ladies’ Kid and Morocco Slippers at 50 cents a pair. August 29 3tw Flour, Corn, &e, Qv|)(jD BARRELS fresh FLOUR, 50 half do do 1000 bushel? Corn, ■y 100 barrels Mackerel, Noi 3; 10 tons English Iron, 20 coils Bale Rope, For sale by d M'Gran & Gordon. August 8. t. J “ wnmumu* 5 - AND y Commission Business. y r|UIE Subscribershaving connected J. themselves in the above business, ') under the firm of •BnsgTOYo § GroYts. Tender their services to the Merchants ■, and Planters, and solicit the Patronage J oi their friends and the public. Their Ware-House is situated on the river bank, near the Steam Boat Wharf, (for merly occupied by U. & W. For,) - which is now in good order for the re ception of Cotton and every descrip * tion of Merchandize, to the care of which the personal attention of one of the firm will be constantly devoted. ’ K. H. Musgrove, Sylvanus B. Groves. June 24. lawtf j —— J Insurance Against FIRE ! Charleston Fire, and Marine Insurance Company Agency. r fjpHE Subscriber offers to take risks 1 A against Fire on Houses, Out-Build ings, Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, * in Augusta and its vicinity. e Timothy Edwards, Agent. Broad-street, Between the Post Office ii Globe 'Tavern, December 20 y Notice. ii ALL persons are hereby cautioned r -cjL from trading for a Note of Hand, drawn by J. Grey, jun. of Edgefield Dis - trict, S. C. in favor of Suttie & Elder, of Augusta, Geo. for $250, and payable ten days after date, —tho said note ha ving been either lost or mislaid. s J ohn Elder, , Surviving Partner. August 21 1 357 3t f - (tJ 0 re authorized ■ to announce CoI,',JOHN PARKS as a s candidate for a seit in the House of Re -6 presentatives, at the ensuing election, e from the county of Columbia. August 7 343 tde 03® During my absence from the state, Mr. Edward Campfield will act as my agent. J. M. Hand. r August 14 355 ts - 3A.MES TOLHILL, 11 Attorney at Law, ° r TTAS located himself at Waynesboro’, II jLI Burke county, and will with plea sure transact any business in the profes sion of Law which may be entrusted to his care. May 22 331 ts ... BBSMMBBSBSBBBBi ja» * ißvwyvar* .- Atentist, HAS ihr pleasure of offering his ac k -ovlcdgments, for the liberal encourHgjfnent tie has received since his arriv.d ni Augusta, and would inform such ns rStill lequire his profession al service /that as he contemplates re. mainiug i.A town but a short time, ap- him should be made im mediately* * August 19 ts. t To «tnt or for Sale, A House and Lot, ad iiSßlfeL *b e resident! liiiiSWl of the subscriber; flu House is nearly new - Persons wishing to purchase or Ren the above premises will apply to flu subscriber for information. C. Fletcher, On the corner of Greene and Jacksoi streets. August 29.1—ts * "’T Prime ¥\our, Pork, LBS Prime North Ca rtdina Bacon, 3-4 mid 1 dlings, 100 Bbls. New Philadelphia Flour, 20 Bbls. Prime Pork, N. Y. city in spection. On Consignment, 10 Hhds. N. O Sugar, 10 Boxes Muscovado, do 10 Boxes Havannah Brown do 20 Pieces Inverness Bagging, Just received and for Sale by J. & W. Harper. August 29 3t AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. FIIHE subscribers Inform their friends X and the public in general, that they continue the above business at the same stand which they have occu pied for many years. Their WARE HOUSES arc in good order for the rc> ception of Produce and Goods, and as their undivided attention will now be given their blanches of businses, they respectfully solicit a continuation of the patronage they have heretofore enjoy ed. A. SLAUGHTER & C.LABUZAN- Augusta August 29, 18 i‘2. 12t TO RKM\ the first of Oc- X tuber next, the Stoic House at present occu. pied by Mr. John W. Head, on Bridge Row, at the Corner of Centre &. Reynolds streets, next door to Messrs. Win. 11. Thompson, & Co. Kt Messrs. Crayton & SI- an. It is large and well calculated for an extensive Grocery Establishment, and the stand is generally considered good.—Ap oly to, A. SLAUGHTER & C. LA BUZ AN. Augusta, August, 29th 1822 4t Wb JNDLES of XoTlUevu Hay, For sale at the Ware-House of McKenzie & Ponce, May 23 if Sjtrayed, IjIROM the Sand-Hills near Augusta, two HORSES, one a Roan, old, and about the middle size, the other a light Sorrel, a tall Horse, and much younger than the Hoan—-both are a good deal marked by the Harness. A suitable reward will be paid on the de livery of both or either, to Mrs, Ann Anderson at Mount Enon, or to A. SLAUGHTER ii C. H4RU/.AN. August 29 2m Thomas Watkins’ Baw Grist Mill. riMIE subscriber’s Mills are still in X operation, both SAW and GRIST. He will delivisr Lumber in Augusta, at gl2 per thousand, and will cause every attention to be paid to each branch ol his business. —“ Hi* customers n il! he jab ly dealt by," Thus. Watkins. April 8 ts To Rent, And possession given on the first day oj M October next, Three STOKES, belonging to the Estate of John Fury, dec. situated on the south side of Broad-street —all well calculated for a Grocery bu siness, Martha Fury, adm'x. N. B. For terms apply to Wm. P. Uearmoud. August 21 357 St MFor Sale, A House aud Lot, fronting on Broad-Street, about seventy eight teet and extending to Ellis-Slreet, with the same front. It is situated in the most healthy and desirable part of the city, for a private residence, adjoining J. 11, Mann, Esq. and directly opposite Judge Montgomery’s—The above pro perly will be sold low for cash, and in disputable titles will be made. —Apply to G. JB. Marshall. July 24 349 ts Greensboro’ Academy d T offer for sale the tract where I now e Xlive, adjoining this place, being a part n of the 50G0 acre tract, which was recent ly Hie property of the University of Geof .. gia. Containing upwards of 500 acres ; between 3 and 400 of which are cleared I. and fit for cultivation—with Dwelling and Overseer’s houses, a well framed and spacious Gin-house, Cabins, calculated -for upwards of fifty Negroes, with other suitable plantation houses. The situa tion selected by mo for a dwelling place, i- is -elevated and beautiful, and lies about :e a half mile from this place, of which it af ie fords a commanding view, v. ALSO, * One other Tract, about ie four miles off, lying on the road to Lex ington, and formerly the property oi William Rhymes. This tract contains m 500 acres ; 200 of which are cleared and undermost excellent/encing, and uncom monly well provided with good dwelling “ and plantation houses. [D J Terms can be made accommodating. Matt. Wells. j Groensborough, August 14.-355 ts. «To Rent. The dwelling House at pre sent occupied by John Bones on street.—Possession given on the first of October—Apply to John & Thos. A. Bones. August 31 3GO-3t To Rent, AjMl A Store & Dwelling House on Broad-street, near the i JBL Planters’ Hotel. For terms, apply to B. G. Sims. August 28 359 2tw is To Rent, R The Store & Dwelling-house, t |JGIUj near the Market, at present ec i- *—*■■» ucpied by Messrs. E. Wood U 1- Co. and possession given Ist October next. !• Enquire of 8 John Sharp. y August 10 354 If ! To Rent, ~ And immediate possession given, jjaaKL A House on the Sand-Hills, suitable for a small family, ~ b3sS@ adjoining Mrs. Moore’s, Mr. Hopkins’ and Dr, Fendall’s lots. For terms apply to J.& W. Har * per, Augusta, or John Neilson, near the f Quaker Springs. August 14 355 ts p ENTERTAINMENT r JsgSsflL. *TpHB subscriber informs Mn|l X hi-, friends and the pnb ii!«!l3w be* that he has taken kB9bHBi the Stand lately occu * pied by Samuel Paul, F,sq at the forks ‘ of the Road 27 miles from Augusta, on (he direct road leading to Milledgeville ■ His House is undergone such as will render it comfortable. Rooms will be ' fitted up for the accommodation of pri vate families His fare will be equal to any in the upper country. His stables will be at all times well supplied with Provender and attentive Hostlers. From his unremitted attention to Bu siness, he hopes to please and succeed in making friends and money. , John 11. Wright. I August 22 -ts BLWBB TJVYBB^. '■''HE Subscriber informs his friends X and the public, that his 1 READING ROOM, is jus* arranged, and that his Bar is much more convenient. And on ac count ot changing the situation of the latter, he is better able to provide for the accommodation of hia customers; and can safely promise them, that as far as his means and ability to comply with his wishes can go, he will attend to the comfort and convenience ofeve ry guest who may honor him with a call. y (fj- The Savannah and Washington * Stages put up at the Globe. „ WM. SHANNON. December 20. Notice. ALL persons who have neglected set tling their accounts with the sub r scriber, (relative to the estate of E. ' Hawes,) are requested to call on Mr. E. v Manton, who is authorized to settle the 3 same, with all other business interesting j myself. Joseph Hawes. July 10 345 ts Notice. THOSE indebted to the estate of the late Mr. John Cashin, are requested o call and settle the same ; while those who have claims against the said estate, will please to furnish them within the 1 usual time. Catharine M. Cashin, r. Executrix, e July 27 350 ts I Notice. - “TVURING the subscriber’s absence, • U Mr. William P. Kathbone and Mr. ) John Usher will act as his attornies, E. Manton. August 14 355 1m LIME. On the River, and will be sold low nt the \ 6) Landing, L CASKS superior Dexter-Rock STONE LIME. Rathbone & Andrews. August 28 359 3t (J3 3 * Mr. Wm. Rankin is authorized to attend to the besiuesa of the subscriber (luring his absence. Wm. Henry Egan. August 21 357 4t Richmond, &. Baltimore Howard Street, Superfine Flour, FOR SALK AT Mackenzie & Ponce’s Warehouse. August 21 357 6t {jtj 3 ’ Several genteel young men can be accommodated with Board, in the middle tenement of the Bridge Bank. August 28 359 ts For Sale, A LIKELY NEGRO WOMAN and Child—for cash or Groceries.—Ap ply to Jno. C. Green. August 31 3CO-lf 0 for Sale. fINHE subscriber will offer at Public X Sale, on the premises, the 4th of No vember next, (if not previous to that time disposed of at priva'e.coutract) his Farm on Savannah river, lOfiniles above Augusta, adjoining Lands of Messrs. Nelson, Keith & Howard, containing 781 Acres, 300 of which is cleared and in good repair, the present crop if viewed will recommend the fertility of the soil, the part to clear is well wooded and timbered, the improvements are a tolerable dwelling house, a New Gin lionsCorn.Houses &c. For terms apply to Waiter Leigh, Esq. or to the subscriber. At the same time and place, will be sold, 1000 Bushels of COHN and several thousand lbs. of Fodder, with many other articles appertaining to the Plantation too tedious to enu merate. Wm. Collier. July 29 if For Sale, A MOST desirable SUMMER RESI DENCE on the Sand-Hills, near the brunch of the Richmond Academy, with any quantity of land not exceeding forty or fifty acres. The dwelling house is large, commodious, and neatly finish ed, having two stories and eight rooms, besides passages ami a garret, and a piaza on one side of the building, and a portico on the other, together with * ten or eleven comfortable out houses; a good garden; as collection of the most choice fruit trees, grape vines, &c. and a spring of pure water within se venty or eighty yards of the dwelling house, and a spring house.—Apply to Wm, W. Holt, Esq. or the Office of the Augusta Chronicle. May 30 ts FOR SALK. A. PLEASANTand retired residence on the SAND-HILLS. Appl> to J. S. Holt. fune 27 ts Very Valuable Real Estate for Sale, within 12 miles of •Augusta . I OFFER for sale my Valuable tract of Land, lying on the road leading from Augusta to Washington, distant from the former about 12 miles, containing four hundred Acres of prime Upland, well adapted to growing Corn or Cot ton, situated in a healthy, and respect able neighborhood. This tract has sev eral orchards which bear as fine fruit as the country afford". Presuming none will purchase with out examining, it Is thought unneces sary to enter into particulars. But per sons wishing health and fine land are requested to call. Terms can be made known by applying oa the premises to the subscriber, or to John Cashin, or Hays Bowdre, in Augusta. J. W. Beall. June 20 ts Administrators Sale. WILL be sold at Columbia Court House on the first Tuesday in October next, the real estate of Sarah Marshall, deceased, containing 28 acres ofland, including a valuable Grist Mill, adjoining Marshall and Jones.—Sold by order of the Court of Ordinary for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Nathen Crawford A for self and > Adm^t- Thos’ 8. Bayliss. August 8 ——Bids Powers of Attorney For sale at tha Augusta Bookstore