Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, June 11, 1823, Image 1

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AND ‘ v° l 37 J AUGUSTA, \VEL).\IM>A V, J ONE 1 1. 1823. [.New .cries-, a IK.. ■ PUBLISHED. EVERY I Wednesday & Saturday morning, I by wm. j. hobby. I Choice old Wine. V* FEW half pipes, quarter ii half quarter casks fine old L. P. Madei- I ra, fit for immediate use, on consignment I f r om J. Howard, March & Co. will be I . o ld low. The undersigned wilj receive I orders for Madeira Wine. L. P. Malmsy, I Sercial & Tinla, to be put up by J. I j], darch & Co. who nave selected the I bed the Island affords. I J. W. Bridges. I June 1 109 ts I I The Subscriber ; I g en . 3 leave to inform his friends and the I public in general that he has coinmen- I ced the I MW SIM®! I manufactory, I hext door to Mr. John Smith, Hair I Dresser, on Washington street —where I those who favor him with their custom I may depend on their work beindone in I the first style and fa-hiou, —where may I be had full dress and half dress Boot-*, I lull dress Shoes, and water proof Boots I an( i yhocs—all of which he will sell on I the lowest terms, and warranted of the I best quality. I Ed. M’Svveeny. I June 7 tOf.i 6t Prime Pork Mackerel. 50 BBLS. prime Pork, New-York I City inspection I 50 bbls. No. 3, Mackerel I FOR SALE, AT Tfl E STORE OF I A. M. Woolsey &Co. I Bridge-Bank bvilding. I June"? 109 2t I Mineral Water. A CONSTANT supply of Mineral Water, direct from Saratoga, I FOR SAf.E BY I R. B. & D. G. Haviland, I Montgomery's Brick buildings. I June 7 109 ts I Flour, Haj, &c. &.c. 100 BBLS. first quality Richmond j I city mills Flour, IJaxulls & I Rutherford’s Brands I 50 bundles prime Northern Hay I 40 kegs Nails assorted sizes I 20 ca«k3 London Brown Stout, I For sale at reduced prices by I MacKeuiie h Ponce. I May 31 107 dt Servant to Hire. I A N excellent house servant, carriage I driver, or work hand, sober and I honest, can be had on hire by applica- I lion to A. M. Hobby. May 31 lu7 3t The Subscribers Have lately received a handsome assort ment of SPRING AND SUMMER (Ba*D3i)0 9 And expect in a few days to receive a further supply. Those goods were bought mostly at Auction in New-York, and will be sold very cheap at wholesale or retail for cash or acceptances. Bradford & Morgan. May 24 105 4w REMOVAL. W. H. Thompson & Co. HAVE removed to the Store lately occupied by Messrs. R. Walton & Harris, one door below the Post-Of ;ice > where they offer for sale the fol lowing articles : 25 lllids. Sugar -248 Bbls. do 70 Bags prime green Coffee 40 Bbls loaf Sugar 45 Hhds. Molasses 10 Pipes superior Cognac Brandy 5 do Holland Gin 10 Qr. casks Ten. Wine 20 do, do. Malaga do. _ 45 Bbls. old Apple Brandy 000 Pieces prime Cotton Bagging B 0 do do Twilled Sacking 400 Lbs. English Twine 40 Coils bale Rope 90 Kegs cut Nalls 200 Qr. Boxes Spanish Segars 10 Casks Loudon Porter 25 Bags Pepper, Pimento fc Ginger BO Barrels Mackerel 30 do. Shad 300 Bags Shot 20 Kegs Powder Gcr man & blistered Steel 0000 Lbs. Castings do. Swedes Iron 2000 Bushels Salt 24 jOS fit k m W. JACKSON, TENDERS his services to his friends and the public, as an Attorney at Notar y Public, and will be . rM y business in either capa hJ:' Hu office is in fbe N. W. corner, dement story, City Hall. •March 15 53 ,f |MRP Cotton Baskin;* &c. s on JL AFAr pieces 42 inch Colton Bagging, first quality, 100 pieces stout brown Sheetings, suitable for square bales, 100 pieces twilled Sacking, BO coils Bale Rope 600 lbs. Twine, for sale by Lawrence, Rapdye Co. Mr, Clark's Brick Building, M' Intosh-streel. December 24 qg ts Hepburn & Prince, 138 Pearl Street. NEW YORK, HA\ L received, by the last arrivals, a largo and extensive assortment of HARDWAREand CUTLERY, consist ing ol every variety,—among their as sortment are many articles selected par ticularly tor the Southern Market. They have in addition to their shelf Goods, Patent Carolina Hoes Trace Chains, round and strait links Anvil?, Vicos, Blpcksmith’s Bellows Cut and Wrought Nails Hoop L and Cast Steel, Naylor & San derson’s stamp. •May 17 103 3m During the absence of the sub scriber from Augusta, M . l. S. '< minds will act as his agent F. J. Redfield. April 28 108 3t Just Received, At the Augusta Bookstore, A SUPPLY OF SUPERIOR 3(DIM JP®W]M!BB9 Which wdl be soul by me gross, dozen or single box, on reasonable terms. June 4 Notice. i HlEsubscriber in addition to (he Man sion House, has addcdfor.the Sum mer Season, for the accommodation of In- Boarders mid others, that healthy and pleasant situation at the Sand-Hill?, for merly the residence ol Mr. GeorgaH'yrk nett, and near “ The Turknett Spring',” and will be opened on the first day of Jims. Those wishing to stay at the Hill through the Season, or partly there, and in town, will do well to call immediately as but few rooms remain now nuo> , cMpied. William P. M’Keen. .May 17 lu‘2 lot Mackerel, Flour, &c. JL BBLS. No. 3 Mackerel 30 do. No. 2 Jo. 60 do. superior Flour 10 do. Vo 2 Shad 9000 lbs. very prime Ba ah 19 hags prime green Codec 8 hhds, Orleans Sugar 25 bids. N. E. Rum 4 hhds. very superior old llhprool Jamaica It uni 2 pipes genuine Holland Gin 3 do. do. Cogniac Brandy 20 catty boxes Hyson Tea 60 canisters Imperial and Gunpow der Tea 4 hhds. very superior Peach Bran dy 5 pipes do. Apple Brandy 15 bbls. do. do. 25 do. old Philadelphia Whiskey 5 hhds. do. do. 1500 pounds Share MouWs 32 M. Segars, assorted Which with a general assortment of GROCERIES, will be sold at low rates Wm. H. Egan, Upper end south side Broad-St. April 23 96 ts Summer Clothing. JUST RECEIVED BY J. WRIGHT, MERCHANT- TAIL OR, nearby opposite the city-hotel, A handsome assortment of Ready Made Suvmwfev Clothing 9 CONSISTING OF Black and blue Camblet Coats Mixed do do Black and blue Bombazett do Searsuckers do Black and blue Camblet Pantaloons Black Nankin Crape do Sears acker 0o Drilling Bombazett 0o Pongee Bo Stripe Jean J® Black Silk Vesta White and Stripe Marseilles do ALSUy A complete assortment ol Summer Vestings, of a new style which will be sold low for cash. April 19 35 ts Bacon and Lard. THE subscriber has on hand, and in tends keeping a constant supply ts Bacon and Lard this season, through which he will sell a* low as the market allows. Sugars, Coffee, Spirits of all kinds, Iron, Steel Castings, Molasses, Ac. W. Ligon, N 0.7,. 7, Bridpt Row March 18 84 ts MTo Kent, Till the first of October next, the House at present occupied by Mrs. H. B. Cook. May 14 102 ts Hardware and Cutlery, PLATED WARE AND FANCY GOODS. rTUIE subscriber has just imported, J. from the manufacturers in England, -mid now opened a splendid addition to his former stock: Fine Ivory and Sclflip Knives and Forks blag handled and common bone ditto, a variety Pocket, pen, 2 blade and spring back Knives, of all sorts Rogers’ best Penknives, on cards Razors and Straps, of the best quality Crown Lancets, Pallet Knives and Steels Carving Knives, Shoe and Butchers’ do. Common and fine Slock Locks, all sizes Common and fine and best Secret Pad Looks Knob, chest, cupboard & all other Locks Hinges and Screws, a great variety Home, dressing and pocket Combs Hemmiog’s beat silver eyed Needles, all sorts v Elastic'steel Knitting Pins, common do. f iles, of all sorts and sizes Pea and Table Spoons Chisels and Gouges, of all sorts, and Carpenters’ Tools in general Common and fine Buttons Gilt and plated ditto Plated Spurs, Bit s and Stirrups Drawing Knives, Trace Chains and Au gers All sorts of Brushes, Gun Flints Fish Hooks, .V,c. Sic. See. Blacksmith’s Tools, Os all sizes and best quality , PATENT PLOUGHS, PLOUGH IRONS. Together with most other articles in his line, which are offered on accommo laling terms. Merchan t are invited with confidence to examine his stock, which he trusts will be found as exten sive ami cheap as in any store in the United Slates. Reuben Leggett. May 17 103 2m J ust Received AND FOR SALE VERY LOW, i case, containing 200 pieces imitation •'earsurleer Pantaloons, suitable For the •eason. E. Manton. May 10 10) 9t On Consignment, 40 3BLS. prim< Pork 30 do. superfine Flour 20 bags Coffee, prime green 2 faggots German Steel 2 casks Shot 12 bbls. Loaf Sugar FOR SALE BY S. Kneeland. May 24 10,5 slw New Publication. JOURNAL of the Private Life and Conversations of the Emperor Napo leon, at St. Helena, —by the Count De Las Casas, —for sale at the Augusta Bookstore. April 16 91 Looking Glasses. (3 CI.ELAND has on hand, and for H\ sale, a large assortment of Look . iug Glasses, very rich and fashionable frames and late fashions, which will be .-old verj cheap for cash. April 30 98 ts E. Hurley, Dentist, PURPOSES leaving town Shortly, and requests those persons who may yet require his professional services, to make immediate application. He may be found at his room over the store of Jacob Uanforth, Esq. during business hours. February 13 70 tl J ust Imported, And for sale at the Augusta Book store, 1A RGL superfine middle wove Letter _J Paper Memorandum Books Children’s Books Blank Cards Dost Solid Lead Pencils Neatly ruled Black Lines Imperial Cabinet Ink, in large and small bottles VValkden’s Japan Ink Pink Saucers, large and small Indelible Ink Children’s Paint Boxes Silver mounted Spectacles Ditto green glass Pen Knives, assorted Spanish Knives, &c. Sic. April 9 92 Mount Enon. PETER LEQUF.UX respectfully no tifies the public that he will be pre pared on the 15th of June ensuing, to furnish board and lodging to persons visiting Mount Enon, that well known elevated and healty situation, during the summer. Having a pleasant house, he trusts his accommodations and terms will be satisfactory to those who may call on him. May 28 106 « (tT* Tax Collector’s NOTICE. I WILL attend at the store of Mr. Simeon Russell, until the first day of July next, for the purpose of Collecting ■ die State and County Tax, for the year 1822, Persons in arrear will do well to avail themselves of this opportunity,— alter that time executions will issue. E. Ruggf, t. c. June 4 108 td Monticello FEMALE ACADEMY. MISS USHER respectfully iulbrms the. public, that her school was opened lot the reception of young ladies, the second Monday in .May. She tlatiers herself, from the encour agement site has received, for the four lust years in Ydrkville, S. C. she will be able (ogive equal satisfaction to those parents and guardiaks, who may place’their chil dren under llcr care, in this state. Every attention will be given to their manners, tnomls and expenses. The high ajid healthy situation of this Village, will Invite people from the low and uulicalthv parts of the country, to place their children here, that their stu dies may not bp interrupted by a long va cation to escarie sickness. The rates of tuition will he the same as at Yorkville, Good boarding can bo obtained on as reasonable terms, as in any other Village in the up country. A number of young ladies can be accommodated in Mr. Uuslier’s family. Miss Usher has testimonials from gentlemen of the city of Hartford, Con necticut, likewise from the Trustees of Tie Female Academy at. Yorkville. Terms cj Tuition. per quarter, Reading and Orthography, $3 60 Tire same, with definition of words i pud writing, 450 All the ■•bovc with English Grum i mar and Arithmetic, * 650 The above, with Composition, Gc [ ography, Astronomy, The Use of , the Globes, History, Rhetoric, Philosophy, &c. 8 00 In Addition to the above, Noodle-work and plain sewing, 1 00 Drawing and Painting, Tambour, Filligree and Embroidery, 2 00 Drawing and Painting alone, 8 00 Drawing, Painting, Filligree, Tam bour and Embroidery, 10 00 Music, 15 00 June 4 108 3t i MTo Rent, On the Sand Hills, a comfor table Dwelling House, conve nient, to a good Spring of Water, also, an excellent Well of Water in the yard.— For further information apply at this of fice, or at the Augusta Bookstore. May 28 106 4t To Rent, And immediate possession given, The dwelling part of the 11 lenient in the Bridge Bank Building, directly over Aur.-i s • i oelsey’s Store, very commodi ous lor a family, having six Rooms, an excellent Kitchen, Smoke House, Sic. Sic. I Apply at the Bank of Augusta. January 16 58 ts , CC/* The subscribers to Joseph Eve’s Poem ol “ BETTER TO BE,” are informed. Unit they may receive tbeir Copies, by calling at the Bindery and Stationary Store , in Mclntosh-street, and at Ike Augusta Bookstore , where others also may be furnished. February 22 74 If JOHN S. HOLT, Offers his services to his Friends and the Public, as a F oiwmission ALet chant AND Ware-House Keeper, AUGUSTA, GEO. He continues* to occupy the Ware- House &i where McLaws k Holt lately transacted business, which arc in good order for the reception and safe keeping of Produce and Merchandize. — All orders to purchase and consignments for sale of Cotton, Merchandize, or any species of property, will be thankfully received; and he pledges himself, that evety exerlion shall be used, to make sa tisfactory returns of all business commit ted to his care. ON CONSIGNMENT, A FEW BARRELS Super.Fre»\\ Flour, AND A FEW CASKS Unstacked Slone Lime. September 5. 2 ts Notice. NOW in the Augusta Jail, a Negro Man by the name of George about twenty-three or four years of age, who says he belongs to John R, Mahon, ol Putnam county, Georgia. The owner is requested to come forward, and com ply with the law and take him > way. Jas. S. Shaffer, Jailor. May ?8 106 w3t FOR SALE, At the Augusta Book Store. i a IHE Trials of Margaret Lyndsay, by I the author of Lights & Shadows of Scottish life, Justiua, or the Will, a Domestic story. May 31 Mere Leghorns. 1 case Ladies Gipsey Leghorns, from No. 30 to 60, ol a superior quality, receiv ed this day, whieh, in addition to those on hand, make our assortment nearly complete, consisting of almost every kind and quality. ALSO, An extensive assortment of SPUING GOODS, Consisting in part of the lollowing, viz, SUPER black, blue and mixed Cloths and Cassinicrcs Valencia and superior Aiarsailes Vestings Yellow Nankins, long and short pieces Blue do. ol the Nankin dye, warranted not to fade Plain and striped Drillings Colton Florentines and Lassimerea Scotch Stripes and Checks—Dish Linens Long Lawns and Sheetings Linen Cambrics and Hdkls. Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ black, white and mixed cotton and silk Hose, and hull do. an extensive assort ment Doole, buck skin, nearer, castor, kid and silk Gloves 6-4, i-4, 8-4 and 10-14 Table Diaper Russia Diaper, Duck and Sheetings Striped Jeans and figured Spring Cords f rench and common Bombazines, a great assortment, and a part very line Plain and figured book, mull, jaconet, Swiss and cambric; Muslins 3-4 anil 5-4 cambric Ginghams German and Hag Hdkls. Nankin and Canton Crapes, Robes and Shawls, plain, striped and figured, black and assorted colors Black Canton Camlets and superior black f * India Satina and Levantines Black, white and green Italian Crapes and green Gauze Black, white, green, blue and pink Flo- I fences and Satina Black figured Levantine I Plain and figured Ribbons ol almost eve ry wid li, color and dcscni (ion I Merino, camel’s hair, cashmere, velvel ine, Zelia figured Laces and fan cy silk lldkfir. Cashmere Robes, a rich article ( Needlework muslin Kobes Scollop and inserting Trimmings j 10 trunks 3-4. 7-8 and 9-8 prints, c hintz, plait, and furniture and Calicoes . figured Muslins A few pieces very superior 9-8 canibrb Prints Italian «awini-Bilks, black, blue and as. sorted Black, blue, green and dove colored silk Velvets Scarlet silk velvet and satin Ribbons, suitable tor masonic use Bandboxes by ho package and dozen, &c. &c. &c.. also, . On hand a good assortment of fashionable Straw Bonnets. The above, together wit., a great va riety of articles not enumerated, com prise an assortment superior to any that we have o er offered lor sale before, which we are disposed to sell for cash, j* or on lime for approved paper, on reason able and accommodating terms. A genc ’ rat invitation is given to all who are in want of Goods, to call and examine ours, and particularly to our old customers, who have been in the habit of paying as well as buying. Jewett, Abell & Co. Uppi r wing City Hold. April 16 94 wtf Notice. WILL be lei to the lowest bidder, on (lie first Tuesday in July next, at Lincolntou, the building ol a house winch is designed by the commissioners for the County Academy, the plan ol said building is as follows :—The house to be built of wood, two story high, ten feet pilch below stairs and -nine above ; thirty six feet long by twenfy four feet wide ; two brick chimneys with four fire places sufficiently wide as to admit of conveai ency; one stair case, commencing where the commissioners may think proper to direct; to have eight eighteen light win Jews below stairs; ten twelve light windows above ; two good strong doors and stair case doors; each room to be 1 sealed above bead, below stairs and 1 above. This building is to be situated not less than two feet above the ground, to have tour pillars’on each side, the '.omer pillars to be turned and to be made of stone or brick ; the floors to be longued and grooved. The commission ers will require a bond with approved se curity that Ihe work will be completed within a reasonable time, in a workman like niandcr and of the best materials ; and will accordingly make advancements of money to the undertaker in proportion to the lund, that they have received for that purpose. Mechanics wanpng of employment are respectfully invited to attend. By order of the board. Tliomas W. Murray, Sec'y. May 31 107 3iw Land for Sale. FIIHE subscriber offers for sale thatva- M. luable tract of land in Wilkes coun ty, known as thefai tory tract; containing between eight and nine hundred acres ; very little of which is cleared. There is on the premises a large stone building, well calculated for a distillery, together with a comfortable dwelling house an-1 outhouses. A never failing stream wa ters the land, on which is an excellent mill seat. Persona wishing to purchase will apply for terms, sir. to Wm. Longstreet, Agent for L < ’. Shaw. May 31 107 6t Copartnership. HE aubsi i n (-i , h... taken .to Co parlnership Air B. !■. Ki-.nkrk, th«! business Hi' future will It ti ..!-;«• »r*»l under the firm of Joi n L. Aadkiisov o.— Uho have, an t will i si.nily keep ou hand, aco iiiil •• t‘ ,i- ’ (i»- ul ci GROCERIES, HAKDVVAIU., I:.Oi\, NAILS, ,Vc. .‘i/.VO, baw and Gpm nil Irons, of a'l do -1 scriptioua, madl- t-. c-.b r I »/■<», .• unJ. John la. Anderson. The Subscriber, Wishing lo bring Ins form.) I usine«s lo :i due, as spot-ilily as possible, rc 'l'lcsta all persons having any demands against him, to present them vvithom de lay. And all that are iud/ibled to him, ■ n < all anil settle their notes and accounts when convenlf i John L. Anderson. May 28 . (JO I .i.■] l Misses Leshorns. | r & JL case Lrgfli.jin fiypfci* K) do Super Double Capo and Cypsie Straw Bonnets, recently reieived, and for sale low., n and, Ladies Leghorn Flats and Gypsies, an extensive assoimonrt lity ( Jewett, Abell &: Co, Upper wing ( Uriel. ’ June 4 N led wit 1 \V are-Uouso to i Jent. g j 1 11 (■ SpacHius 'miU riiilmlljpsilialrd 1 IV.-t UK- U< iCttE, on liiii/un>l J.i _ sun Streets near Messrs. Situs'it ft ill. ms —at present occupied tip Mr. R .Untune, /luring nil the coneemene v adapted In suck . establishments. iiississtn will be given, on lliejirsl of Octo/m next, ALSO, To hunt for u h i m of years— ■JMlSiß.. ano immediate possession guv «, a h‘ 7 on UR.HMI) STREET in'that purl of the city kronen ns Sprinpjield near ■ tfl opposite to jlnsh.fs ,/nngc— tuning a front o/ about 11!0 fill, and will calrululcil fn' a Range, of Stores , Eorlhe trims / 'ruling nod teasing die abort I 'rope ip belonging pj J i . Rlair, a Minor nnn.j to Augustus Moore, Guardian. < JlptiL 12 __ j.i uif ’ s Athens I loteJ. HKsuhscn. er talers (his in thud of informing the public generally, amt partinularly persons hom the lot ■. - / try, wh„ may visit the upper parts, i ill,, •tale in pursuit of health <n pie . n.e, that ho will accommodate-m!I. rma . i ladies or families, with houuln.g n,■ • ■lay, week or month, upon tie f Bowing t umderate terms: For man anil horse, hy the due, 2 00 per day * Boarding man ami be u',hy thi‘\vedi, I 7a per imy > " “ “ *• month, I 60 per do. . Man alone, hy the week nr nimah, 10011 r do. Nothing need in sac; i i recoini. la i Inn of Athens, either in r gard 'o '.ho , heallhfulncss of the -dilation, a1• i< ■ 1 1y ot' , the atmosphere, ocpLasanl ami g,, . . s bio society—in all these parti, dlars it stands preeminent. Clean and dry rooms will bo furnish ed, and every attention 1.-lowed wlinli can render person - comfortable. Good stables and allect e Hostlers. George Hayes. Alliens, May 28 lOti ow 1 O’ The editor of the Savannah He publiran will publish the above once a week for three weeks, and forward hi-j ! account to Athens. The Yorkville ; FEMALE ACADEMY s TS again in operation, having labored X under some didicully respecting a , Stward which has. retarded its progress , since the first of January, whi' h difficulty is now removed. I have purchased the t establishment with the determination, if s the frieuds of literature will patronise 3 this institution, of rendering it penna \ nent, as 1 have removed into the liom-o ] for the purpose of boarding the pupils.— Every possible exertion will be.used to ’ render satisfaction to (he parents and . guardians of those young ladies who may , be entrusted to my care. They will b« immediately under the eye of Mrs. Chambers and Mrs. Swift, the latter one of the former teachers, who will attend to all the branches heretofore taught— having the assistance of her brother, James W; Iceman, who i liberally edu cated and will teach some branches not heretofore taught, such as Natural Philosophy, Astronomy and the higher branches of Mathematics, Sic. The terms (if boarding and tuition the same as heretofore. The healthiness of the village in which this Academy is lo cated, as well as the elegance of its situa tion, is well known. Benjamin Chambers. May 3 99 wß.ii For bale or to Hire,^ A N excellent Blacksmith.—Enquire ifx at this office. , April 23 96 If (LP Select School for Young Ladies. ON Vlonday next, the ninth inst, B. I>. Hopkins will resume the labours of his school on the Sand Hill. Pupils can be entered tor the Summer term only, which will continue at least 4 months. June 4 106 Ul