Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, August 11, 1830, Image 1

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AUaVSTAjGBROmoXJK GEORGIA Jin |*E RTISER. Os IH l: WO. 20*. BROAD ST. AUGUSTA, «A. WWMKSIUV, AUGUST 11, 1830. VOI.IIII; , Vo ««“ PIJBLISHKD EVERY , A nI )MSDAY AND SATURDAY MORNING, UY A. H. PBMBEBTOX. TERMS. cpmi wbekly paper, five dollars n tit advance, or SIX DOLLARS tit the ’'wPFKLY P\PER. THREE DOLLARS per eumim,•» advance, or FOUR DOLLARS lit the cr \n *nwer will 1>« discontinued (except at the choice of Mililiilicri) until nil nrrcnni;cs arc paid. I '’ e r \RRI 10KS of papers t o Lily subscribers, ore crii-Uv ibrbi.l to sell or give them away, under any cir nnW’nces: ami any person, other than a subscriber, «,n shall purchase a paper from them, or receive one in without proper authority from the publisher or •i.'wcnbcr, will be held liable for the amount of one ■ subscription ; which shall be demanded, and If ne- Jcssiry, sued liir, and paid to any person who will give formation of die Cut. . InV FR I’ISEMEYTS are, inserted semi-trcchhj iV|.’ rents per square, for the first insertion, and 43 3-1 cents succeeding Wy. at 6-2 1-2 •is ncr square fur each Insertion—and monthly {when not exceeding one square) at SI for each insertion.— vi ne however small, is charged less than one-square, intended to he limited must have the number of ..oiniH semi-weekly or weekly, written on them, or I be inserted semi-weekly till forbid, and ehur •feSlSSr* takes upon himself the risk of nil remit of money made to him by Mad-tlai person remit first paying the postage, and obtaining from the Post n o’lcr I written or verbal acknowledgement of the amount, mid its dcposllo In his office, which shall be given ' o |,k;'rmis (on L must ? be post paid, or they AW* OPTHEUNITED STATES arc published in this paper. To Executors, Administrators, and Guardians, a ■ i-ES ofLAND or NEGROES, by Administrators, llxeiuwm, or Guardians, are required, by la w, to be held , n the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of Jen in the forenoon, and three in the afternoon, at the Court house ofthe county in which the property is siliiule.-No lice of these sales must begiven in a public gazette,SlX 1 \ dava previous to the day of sale. . fs'oiioeof the sale of personal property, must begiven in like manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. " Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, must be mihlisbcd for FORTY days. * Wire that application will be made to the Court of Or di-iarv Ihr leave to sell LAND or NEGROES, must be published Ibr FOUR MONTHS. A LILLIPUTIAN PAPER. Wo have seen many a paper, in our (lay, from the London Atlas and extra daily papers that measure “from tip to tip when extended,” (as ornithologists have it) six feet by four down to the smal lest. blucst-looking sheet that issues from ts garret or collar; but, by die shade of Fausts, we have never, since we first took up tt composing stick, set- eyes on any thing that surpasses, for originality of ap pearance and execution, the subject of the present notice. It is a sheet that has for some months been issued weekly in Harrisburg, Pa. entitled “ The Star.” The size of the sheet, until the two or three last numbers, whs about sir inches hi/ foitr. The columns, (two in each page,) are about an inch ant! a quarter wide, and twenty lines long. We learn that the editor, printer and publisher of this paper—(the three dig nities are concentrated in one person) — is a hoy twelve years old. The stock tu continence his undertaking he obtained hy picking from the hoards of an old print hi? office, (the floor of which was raised.) the odd types that had accidentally fallen through the crevices. With these, (just suflleicnt to set up one page of his peri - edit a!.) he commenced; employing a mai l'd and planer, instead of a press, & work in" off one page, distributing it, and then setting up the next. He lias now continued his undertaking I'pwards of six months, and as he says hy the aid of his subscribers, he has en- ; :l| 'ged it to the present size,” that is, six inches hy nine. The workmanship, as : amy he expected, was at first rude and original enough, but each week brings • ; oino little improvement, and “* The Star ” may some day come out as respectable i ns its neighbors. Already it has its edi torla) department, its foreign news, its pa-' per controversies, Us “proceedings ofthe benbliitnre, reported for the Star,” and nil the H ceterns ofthe craft. 'neh an attempt merits encouragement, bur ymmg friend shall have oar country pnpu' in exchange, which, (as he proba cy knows,) he can receive as a publish 'T tree of postage. Let him persevere. may bo an honor to Ins profession 'em.'day yet.—.V. Y. Daily Sentinel. 3Q9 — ''insequcnccs of Atheism. —Few men sus- Prci. perhaps no man comprehends, the extout of the support given by religion to '’.try virtue. No man perhaps is aware ‘'owmuch our moral and so; ial sentiments 'he led from the fountain: how powerless J'onscicncc would liccome without the bc ll'l °f Had ; how palsied would be hu tna|l hr nevolcnce, to quicken and sustain l,; * ,H 'v suddenly (he whole social fabric n °"|d quake, anti with what a fearful ( ' |, udi it would sink into hopeless ruin, "lie (he ideas of a Supreme Being, of "cromitnhlcnessnnd of a future life, (o he mtorly erased from every mind. Once men thoroughly believe that they are 1 ' v °> k and sport of chance; that no su il'l'a- intelligence concerns itself with mtjiitii affairs; that all their improve- J *.ents perish forever at death; that tlse "'■akhuve no guardian, and the injured 0 avenger; that there is no recompensr ,' n vri(ices to uprightness and tiie pub ■' good; that an oatii is unheard in heu in that secret crimes have no witness ' l! (lie perpetrators; that human exist -110 purpose, and hnmun virtue unliuliilg (riend; that this brief'life is . ( ‘‘;y thing to us, and death is total, cvcr 7»|ff extinction; once let them tjio uglily abandon religion, and who can ~'’ n 7 i '. e or describe, the extent of the \V *tion which would follow, . , e Lojie, perhaps, that human laws " natural sympathy would hold socie- I ‘"getluT, As reasonably might we tlie'V' **’ w ‘‘ rc the sun quenched in ai. i' ie!,v< ‘ ns , °ur torches could illuminnte U Gn Ou ,T fires quicken, and fertilize crea ttw ” * ll,t is there in human nature to tinnc " !s P ect & tenderness,if man is the is k °“' ( 'te’d insect of a day ? and what t| m 'wove, if Atheism be true. Erase all * nn dfear of God front a commu q! " and sensuality would •fi" nn e * ,e man. Appetite, know h’in restr aifit, and poverty & suffering, in Sr „ ( ’ no yo j uce 0, ‘ hope, would trample ' n . on tlie restraint of human laws. ' (lut y> principle, would be mocltcd and spurned as unmeaning sounds. A sordid self-interest would supplant every other feeling, and man would become in fact, what the theory of Atheism declares him to be, a companion for brutes!— Dr. Channing. —os© Tnr; Heir Presumi tive and ms Family. —His Royal Highness was united to the | Princess Adelaide Louisa Thercso Caro line Amelia, eldest daughter of the late, r and sister of the reigning Duke of Saxe , Meiningen, 11th of July. 1818, when the Duke was in his <s3d year, and the Prin | Cess in her 2Gth. The issue cf this mar riage wad, the Princess Charlotte Augus ta, born and died the 27th of March, 1815), and the Princess Elizabeth Georgiana Adelaide, horn the 10th of December, 1820, died the 4tb of March in the follow iugyear. The Earl of Errol, the Hon'ble. JoimErskinc Kennedy, (second son of Earl Cassilis.) Mr. Philip Sydney (the member for Eyre and only son of Sir James Sydney, Hart,) and Lieut. Col. Charles Fox, ofthe 31th Regiment of Fool, stand in the relation ofsons in-law to the illustrious Duke, having married the Misses Elizabeth, Augusta, Sophia, and Mary Pitzclarcnee, his Royal Highness's daughters.—Colonel Fitzclareiice, ofthe 7th fusileers, married in 1821 Ijtuly Au gusta Hoyle, daughter ofthe Earl of Glas gow, and Col. George Fitzglarcncc is son-in-law to the Earl of Egrcmont.— . Captiiin Adolphus Pitzclarcnee, R. N., a; : J the Rev. Augustus Fitzclnrence, rec tor of Maple Durham, are unmarried. The Fitzclarence's are the children of the Duke by Mrs. Jordan. Rumor has said that one ofthe Misses Fitzelarences came to this country as an Actress, under the name of Mrs. Alsop, and that her remains repose in Trinity Church yard in this city. The following significant lines from the “ Elegy un an Unfortunate Lady are etched on a plain but neat tombstone, which was erected we believe hy a come dian, over the grave:— “From whom descended now avails thee not, To whom related or hy whom begot; A heap of dust alone remains of thee, . Tls all thou art and all the proud shall be.’’ She died, we think, in 1821 or 1822. When she first appeared on the stage, she was enceinte. She was a daughter of . Mrs. Jordan whom she strongly resem bled. The paternity ascribed to her, if true, makes it possible that the Duke of Clarence may have a grand child in this country.—.A". Y. Com. Adv. [Spieler the actor when here in 1824, had with him a remarkably interesting boy, said by S. to be the child of Mrs. A lso r, and entrusted by her to his cure on her death bed.] — Sav. Georgian. ip. /—rp Daring my absence from the City. Mr. WILLIAM Iks} 1 j. wightman win act as my agent. WE R. SHELTON. April 17 58 BOATING, AND fgMlii subscribers have lately built an H. elegant small Boat, of the best workmanship and materials, suitable for the low state ofthe River—burthen 200 bales. It Avill bp stationed, during the ■ Fall season, or the low river, at HESII t MAN'S LAKE for the purpose of light ening, and afterwards, will run once eve ry month from Slone's-Warehouse, and twice every month from MeKoy’s Blnfi'. to Savannah. They have, also, on hand, at McKoy's Blulf. tt quantity of the best Mulberry tim ber, Sec, suitable for Boat-building, with which article they will he constantly sup plied; and will build by contract, Boats of any dimensions, and in a style of supe rior workmanship and materials. They will be thankful for Freighting eitsloni, or business in the Boat-building line, and promise the utmost attention, promptitude and despatch, in both de partments. JOHN S. WILSON, S. R. CANNON. August 1 lit 87 ~MOI Wm&9 'Wm*n 9 ~ AND Ornamental Painting. SUBSCRIBER, would inform JIL the citizens of Augusta, that he will carry on the HOUSE PAINTING ■ ,md GLAZING BUSINESS, and also. SIGN, CHAIR, and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING; all of which shall be done iit the best manner, and with despatch.— Persons who feel disposed to patronize him will please call at his Shop, No. tt IS* Broad-Street. WILLIAM B. DAVIS. June 2 _ ts AUGUSTA CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in September next, at the market house, in the City of Augusta, bcwcen the usual hours of sale. One negro woman named FANNY, and one Mali-igany Bedstead, one Secre tary, one Sideboard, one Sola, two dozen Chairs, one Carpet, three Mahogany 'Fa bles, one Clock, three Gilt Framed Look ing Glasses, and three Foot Stools, levied upon hy virtue of two li. las. from the Hon. the Court of Common Pleas, Jo seph K. Kilfourn and Horatio Bent vs. Luther Cummings. A. PICCIUET, Sh fl' c.A. August 7 88 , AUGUSTA CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in August next, at the market 1 house, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale: f One Double Barrel Gun, levied upon by virtue of a fi. fa. from the .Mayor’s , Court, Barna J/cKinnc vs. Freeman W. s Lacy. A- PICQUET, Sh’ff. c._a. 1 . July 24 ' 84 AX THE f Augusta Book-Store, Blake’s Botany, Memoirs of B>uminerficld, Memoirs of Doct. Pnyson, 1 Beotfs Bible, Pollock’s Course of Time, Paul Clifford, Wistur’s Anatomy. July 31 R 0 NEW-VOBiTCHEAP CLOAK. HANOriiCXOBX THE SUItBCIWIER, Manufactures for the south ern and "Western Trade, and keeps c onstantly on hand, a very large stock ol Gentlemen’s, Ladies' and Children’s CLOAKS, made of every description of Silk purchased expressly for the purpose, al the lowest auction prices. These Cloaks are made in the best style, by persons who have had several years experience in the business, and will lie sold on liber al terms, at prices that will probably make them as safe and profitable a purchase as any description of goods that can be found in this market. F. J. CONANT, Maiden Lane, corner of Greeu-st. New-York. C?’ F- J- C. also manufactures, and ;. keeps constantly on hand, for sale by the quantity, a large and complete assort ment of STOCKS, of every description, warranted made ol' ’ the best of materials, and in the hand somest style. may 15 wlOlis fit TiaNV) ViOTVvAIY AiiWV. AN ACT To extend the time for fortunate drawers in the Land Lotteries of eighteen hun dred and eighteen, eighteen hundred ami nineteen, and eighteen hundred and twenty-one, to take cut grants lor lands thus drawn, and after the t ime therein specified, to vest the same in the Wf site. BE it enacted by the Senate and House (J Itenresenia lives of the Slate of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority ofthe same. That every per -1 son who was a fortunate drawer in the land lotteries by the authority of the nets passed on the fifteenth day of December, eighteen hundred and eighteen, on the six teenth clay of December, eighteen hun dred and nineteen, and on the fifteenth clay of May, eighteen hundred and twen ty-one,shall have until the first day ol'No vember, eighteen hundred and thirty, to take out his, her or their grants, upon paying into the Treasury the sum of eight dollars Brc. 2. And be it further enacted by the au thority aforesaid, That from and after the first day of November, eighteen hundred and thirty, the luncis so drawn aforesaid, and not granted, shall revet t to, and be come the property ofthe Linte. Sec. 3. And be it firlhrr marled. That this Act shall not extend to any lot or lots of land drawn by orphans until throe years after the said orphans shall have arrived at the age of twenty-one; nor to any lots drawn by ideofs or lunatics, or persons who have departed this lift* since they gave in fora draw or draws in said lotteries of 1818, 1811), and 1821, & whose estates are unrepresented, nor to any lots number ten and one hundred, set apart for (he purpose of public education. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That all lairs unci purtfl of laws militating against this act be and the same is hereby repeal ed. Sec. 5. And be it further marled by the. au thority aforesaid, 'Flint it shall be duly of his Excellency the Governor, to cause this act to be published in all the public Gazettes of (his State, once a month, un til the first day of November next, and that he cause the expenses of such a pub lication to be paid out. ofthe contingent fund. WARREN JOUR DAN, Speaker of the House ofßeprcsentalives. THOMAS STOCKS, President ofthe Senate. Assented to 9th November, 1820. GEORGE R. GILMER. Governor. November 21 ml2m 14 MRS. GKEmVIIcLE, (Widow ofthe late Mr. Charles Grenville,) RESPECTFULLY’ informs the pub lic, that by the ad vice of her friends, she continues open the SCHOOL of her late husband, with the assistance of her daughter, and will be grateful for the patronage of its former friends, ami others who may be kindly disposed to place their children under her charge. She will teach Rending, Writing, Arith metic, English Grammar, Geography, History, and Algebra, in all their branch es. The terms of Tuition may be known, by applying at the School Room on Greene Street, next door below the City Hall. may 15 ®4 WATCH MAKER, HAS again began 1 /' business, in the Uriel* House, No. 147, Broad street, lately occupied \V ' jMet as the CITY HOTEL; (K’iT' where he will bestow all his attention to re pairing WATCHES <k CLOCKS, of every description, in the best possible marker, nnd at very reasonable prices.— He solicits the patronage of bis friends < and former customers, and all who wish to have tht*r Watches made to keep ‘ good time at r moderate price. He wil sell his remaining STOCK, consisting of j JEWELED, j WATCHES AND CLOCKS , CASTORS, &C. AC. for less than they cost, at Wholesale and Retail. Thick Patent WATCH GLASSES, and all other descriptions of WATCH : GLASSES, constantly kept on hand. i Augnstn. April 88.1830. 50 I NOTICE. ' THE COPARTNERSHIP between j the subscribers, in the business of . the CITV HOTEL. is dissolved by J mutual eonsent. Persons having de mands against the firm, are requested to j hand their accounts to Win. McGar, and , all indebted to it, to make immediate pay- ( iiicnt lo him. WM.MnGAII. G R iITIN EDMONDSON. -\l.iil 11 51 LANDING, FROM TUB STKAM-liOAT AMUIEW JACKSON, 10 HALES Cotton Osnahurgs, j CO Ho/.cit Berkley Handkerchiefs, 5 llhds. Dining Ware, each con taining 4(H) pieces, 20 Dozen old Jamaica Rum, 20 do. Choice Madeira Wine, FOR. SALB BY C. PHILLIPS. may 5 01 AMERICAN wv\ol JovmvaV. DTJPE GrP.BEH, PROPOSES to publish a Huarterly Journal, to be devoted to matters ' connected with the Military and Naval service of the United States. it will (’nnt«“‘ * — The Army and Navy Lists ; Promotions, Deaths, Resignations, Dis- Ac. Notes of tho Proceedings of Military and Naval Courts; Naval and Military movements; Biography of Officers, Soldiers and Sailors ; President's annual Message*. A others interesting to either service; Reports of the Secretaries of War and Navy, and Naval Military Committees; Notices of debates in Congress, touch ing either service; Laws of Congress, relative to the Ar my or Navy; Essays on Military and Naval Tac tics ; Notices of foreign service ; I In short, every matter respecting which < the gentlemen of the Army and Navy > may be supposed to (cel a solicitude. i The publisher is aware that the useful- i ness and success of the contemplated t Journal, will depend mainly on the sup- 1 port given to it by the gallant men for l whose benefit and amusement it is epeei- t ally intended. It will not, however, be without interest to the general reader or t the patriotic citizen, who regards the chi- I valrcus deeds, and liiir fame of his conn- i trynien, as a valuable item of the public property. The publisher hopes that its value will be materially increased by ori ginal contributions of talented gentlemen of the Army and Navy, w hose visits to foreign shores, and tours of duly in the wilds of the West, enable them to extend the boundaries of science, and enlarge i the sphere of instruction to their fellow 1 citizens who arc engaged in civil pur- , suits. _ 1 The private Soldiers and Sailors, who j have distinguished themselves by their i bravery and good conduct in servk i will be honorably noticed. 7 'heir eleva tion will raise still higher the character of those w'*o command them. Coinmuui cations from their olllcers, relative to in dividuals in the humbler walks of the public service, will be peculiarly accep table. Each number will contain 250 large royal octavo pages, on line paper, and will lie transmitted lo subscribers by mail, or delivered by agents in the prin cipal cities at #5 per annum, payable, am anally, in advance, upon the delivery o( the first number. Should sufficient subscribers be obtain- , ed, the first number will i-sue in January next. Officers of the Army and Navy, and Booksellers, are solicited to obtain Sub scriptions ; to agents, a commission ol 20 per cent will be allowed. fly* Editors who will give this Pros- 1 pectus on insertion, will confer n favor, which will be reciprocated by the pub lisher. July 3 7S SlO REWARD WILL be paid for the de- f livery of an _ ' ItMl IltON-GHEV MARE MULE, < which was stolen from the i pklntatiormif Mr. John Fox, near Ham- I burg, on Monday night the 26th inst. The Mule is 3 years old, in good order, 1 and handsomely made, and has two very white spots on the right side of the 1 '. 1,,n 1 > - Any information respecting her, will bo thankfully received. J. SAN DIFORD, Overseer, i July 81 » w a The Subscriber, (LATE PROPRIETOR OF THE GLOBE TAVERN, & MORE RECENTLY OF THE MANSION HOUSE,) BEGS leave to announce to his friends and die public generally, that he has ta ken that elegant ami commodious fire proof brick building on the corner of Broad and Jackson Streets, and immediately adjoining the new Masonic Hall. It is situated in the most central part of the City, and is in the very heart of business— being in the vicinity ofthc Augusta Bank, nnd the Branch Bank of the State of Georgia. This Establishment is known as the Cflolie Hotel, ami in its interior arrangement and general c onstruction, unites in an eminent de, gree, spaciousness, neatness, and comfort. To the man of family, the individual traveller, the daily hoarder or the fashionable visitor, the GLOBE'presents accom modations inferior to none in tbe Southern Stales. Having conducted for n number of years, two among the most popular Hotels in this City, he flutters himself that his experience in business, added to the superior advantages ofsituat'on and the resources under his contronl. w ill enable him te give the most decided satisfaction to r o who may honor him with their patronage. His STABLES are spacious and well ventilated, nnd amply supplied with the best of provender, and attended by experienced and steady ostlers—in addition to which, I lie subscriber will oeslow his own personal unremitting attention, and in bit charges, will not forget the pressure of the times. It? 3 The Elherton Stage deports every Sammy, at 4 o clock, Had at' rives every Friday evening at U. The PcndletonStagc departs every Tuesday, at ■1 o'clock in the morning, ami arrives every Monday at 2 o'clock > in the evening- The AlilledjreviUe SStnirc hit!v»*« **vpw *it»v tit # o clock in the cvc? mug, ami departs every day except Wednesday, ul2 o’ehuit in the morning. The Savannah Stage arrives every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 10 o'clock in the morning, and departs every Sunday, Tuesday* and Thursday, at 2 o'clock in the morning. WILLIAM SHANNON. AUGUSTA.September oth, 18*20. Lu Kichmond Superior Court, MAY TERM, 18:«». G.vines I. Stroud, an infant, by his ],? 8: Guardian, Peter Lamar, Ip rs. 5-^ Rumen Scott, and Maiioarkt T. Scott, his wife, ? o Adnt'rs. ofthe estete of 5. s John 1). Stroud, and *5 Giuiten Edmlimison. f It appearing to the Court, that the de fendant, lleubm Scott, resides out of the county of Richmond, ami has not been served with a Subpcnm in this ease—On motion ofthe complainant's Solicitor, it is Ordered, that llte said Reuben Scott, be anduppenr at Hie next term of this Court to answer of mid concerning those mat ters and things, which shall then and there be objected to him in the premises. And it is further ordered, that a copy of (his Rule, he published in one of the pub lic Gazettes ofthe city of Augusta, once a montli, until (he next Term. .7 true conn from Ihr Minutes, JAMES MLAWS, Cleric. June 25th. 1810. m 77 S'ftlfc SAfeio A CHEAT BAM AIM Is now offered in the sale ol a tract, or let ofLAND, in Carroll county, which is discovered to lie rich in the Goldenproper li/. The owner being on the eve of u long journey to the North, will now sell it low, if a quick application is made. Indispu table titles will bo delivered. APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. June HI -.-il Notice. 871B 71 OUR months after date, nppiicn . tinn will be made to the Inferior Court of Columbia county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate of William .Short, tier., late ofsaid county, ibr the benefit of the heirs ofsaid dec’d. . „ _ CHARLES WADE July 21 84 J4OTIOD., ' ALL persons indebted to the late firm of SAVAGE & STURGBS, either hy Note ( r Account, arc forwarned from paying or settling the same with any one but the undersigned, peopling those Notes that have been endorsed and trails- „ANIEL SAVAGE. July 21 . .*** ■ vi.'DitMATIOIV WANTED. J a>!EH K. DANFORTII, who est q|l Savannah, Georgia, In Colum liian armed Schooner, Catalina, some time in January, 1824, leportet to have been wrecked on the const of Cuba, has not since been heard from and as some <Uubt remains with vegan to his fate, any information respecting film or the said Schooner, w ill be thank fullv received, by his brother, U > THOMAS L. DANFORTII. Augusta, Georgia. Qs*» Editors generally will confer a fa vor by giving (he above one or two inset lions. " w* June 0 7 * Executive Department, Georgia, Mii.i.i'dgkvh.i.k, 17th June 4 , ISdO, is hereby given, that Scaled Proposals will be received at this Department, until the Isth day of August next, for printing and binding two thou sand copies of a Compilation of the Limp and Itesolutions of this State, from tlift year If id up to 1829, inclusive, in quarto size volumes, with Marginal Notes ami Index. The type and paper to he simi lar to that of the Digest of the Laws of the United States, published by Thomas f. Gordon, Esquire, in 1837. The bind ing to boos good sheep (Law binding) lettered and (dieted. Proposals must be plain and explicit, and must embrace nil expellees attending the execution and delivery of the work at the. State House in this place, and also (he tune of delivery for which good and ■ sullicienl security will be required, ns well as for the re-delivery of the Manuscript. Attest, MILLER GRIEVE, Sec. Ex. Dept. be published until the loth el* August next, in the Athenian, Augusta. Chronicle, ami Constitutionalist, Savuu nail Georgian, and Republican, and Washington News. June‘id To No’vvevi 1 SHALL hereafter regularly attend ' the Superior Courts of Richmond County. My office and residence are in Greensborough. Persons residing in Angustn, having business to transact, re quiringthc services of a Lawyer, iatlie counties of Greene, 31 organ, Newton, Clarke, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln, Tallin ferro, 3lonroe, or Hancock, nnd who may choose to entrust it to me, will have an opportunity of conferring w itb me, personally, twice in n year, in rela tion to it. ‘ FRANCIS 11. CONE. The Constitutionalist and Courier, will please publish the above for 3 weeks, nnd send in their accounts to (his ollice. Dec. 5 aiLKTESj ©SIS'®;, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL attend the Superior and In ferior Courts of Richmond nnd Columbia counties—and the Court of Common Pleas of Augusta. He may be Ibtmd at the office of Robert 11. Reid, Esq, corner of Washington and Ellis-strects- July 21 ts 84 OvxavtVmv’tt SaVe. WILL be sold ut the Market House, in Augusta, on the first '1 ucsdtiy in September next, between the hours of sale: A lot of Laud in the oily °£ Augusta, having twenty six lee* °” | E tby a Reynold Streets, nnd bounded Eastbyn lot of Col. Win. Cum«nmg,and West by J tot of Mr,Tho.»» Lot belonging to m j porsu nnce of the I J granted occording Ordinary: “SrjWARD J. HARDIN, to Law. - Qualified Guardian • July 7 • ’ 79 -