Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, August 18, 1830, Image 1

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jMFCKFSTA €HROi7XCBUB A\l) £ GEORGIA ADI'ERTMSER. ofctce >Q-^»^r»K«>w>^^^^^A7<^TT77jirTv7l>\i>irvv7Ar77^TT^T^X^^~^^^to77^77t~37!T*rf*' PUBLISHED EVERT WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MORNING, BY A. H. PEMBERTON. — terms. IIPPKT.Y PAPER. FIVE DOLLARS or SIX DOLLARS at the ‘'"irpPKllv PAPER. THREE DOLLARS per or FOUB DOEEARS at the eD i ?*nuner e will he discontinue*! (except at the choice of nklilishcr.) until all arrearages are paUf. P TherABRIERS of papers to City subscribers, are striciw forbid 10 sell or give them away, under any cir ■Snrcs ■ and any person, other than a snbscnlicr, wtoXll purchase a from them, or receive one in . ’way. Without proper authority from the publisher or will be held liable for the amount of one ~?rs subscription ; which shall be demanded, and ifne ccssarj'. sueilfor, and paid to any person who will give "'Advertisements arc inserted *emi-»««y at 62 1-2 cents per square, for the first insertion, and 43 3-4 deals for each succeeding insertion— weekly, at 821-2 auiis per square (br each insertion—and mon(«y(tvdien M(U excelling one square) at «1 (hr each insertion.— .None, however small, is charged less than onc f 'd'|" r 't, Thn«H intent let! to »w* limited must have the number of insertions, semi-weekly or weekly, written on them, or ( !iey will be Inscrteil semi-weekly till Ibrbid, and char- takes upon himself the risk of all remit emces of money made to him by Mail—the person remit i ii" first paying the postage, mnl obtaining from the Post muster, a written or verbal acknowledgement of the amount, and its deposile in his ofllce, which shall be given iodic publisher in case of miscarriage. LETTERS (on business) must be post paid, or they will not he taken out of the office. The LAWS OP THE UNITED STATES are published in this paper. To Executor*, Admiuietratort, and Guardum. •8 VLEB ofLAND or NEGROES, by Administrators, Kxmiiors, or Guardians, are required, by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between die hours of ten in tile forenoon, and three in the afternoon, nt the Court house ofihc county in which the property is situate.—No tice of these sales must hegi ven in a public gazette,Bl-Vl V days previous to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of pcreonal property, must be given rn’like manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, must be published for FORTY days. . _ . Notice that application will lie made to the Court of Or dinary fi>r leave to sell LAND or NEGROES, must be published for FOUR MONTHS. Duty of a newspaper editor. —To peruse daily from forty to eighty Ameri can newspapers with such attention as may be necessary for culling from them such articles, great and small as may suit flic diversified tastes of a number of roas ilers. To peruse, with the same object, at least one regular file of a London daily newspaper—each paper containing as much matter as a volume of the Waverly novels. To read, from time to time, when the ships arrive from foreign ports, great bundles of papers in the Trench, (Span ish, and Portuguese languages; and, if the editor happens to understand those lan giuigcs, occasional bundles in German mid Italian. To examine the English magazines in search of anecdotes, tales, and poetry for the ladies. To examine the State Documents which are issued by the Federal and iStale authorities—each of them us long as a speech in Congress, ami as dry as a talile of logarithms. We say nothing of the duly of putting new novels, recording daily occurrences, (v lining the communications of corres pondents for the press ( the last mentioned duty we more frequently neglect than per form.) Neither do we say any thing of littehfion to the mct/hanical allairs of the ollice, Sc to pecuniary concerns. VVe have snid enough to show that every activd editor of u daily paper lias a title to be ranked with the “Working men” if lie chooses. Kkwauiis of a newspaper editor. — To be reviled by the malignant, and misun derstood by the stupid. To have your sentiments misconstru ed and your motives misrepresented. To labour for years together, making great personal sacrifices, forthe advance, *'syou fancy ,of important principles, and, after your labor is completed, to find that you were laboring only forthe advance ment of one to whom you never had any confidence. To be courted by politicians on the eve of an election and by men who are not politicians, on all occasions when you emi render them a service through your paper, and after these services are ren d.-red, to be forgotten. I’o hear each of your patrons declare himself friendly to the liberty of the press: and tin-.’, that by liberty ofthe press, the great majority mean liberty to ex press sentiini nts exactly similar to their own and none other. To bud that even those whose general principles accord exactly with your own depart from yon, if you will not support »ume favorite project which is perhaps in cmnpitiiljlo with both your & their gener al principles, though they may not clearly *e that incompatibility. 'Ve could mention other rewards ol like nature, but these are sufficient. Phila. Gazelle. —o^6 1■ and dangerous practices. p-Altcru long and fatiguing walk, or la horious exercise of any kind, to throw off r °‘ ,t or outer garment, untie cravat, ex pose Hie neck and breast, and then sit ’ wn at an open window or door, in a -urrent of air, in the evening. 1 <• drink, after such fatigue or expos ii’c, very cold or iced water ; or to take ice P'mch, or iced cream, in place of a draught ' near river water, or that which has r ,p' *‘xposed sometime to the air. f| 0< i d much of any kind of fruit, ora '• 1 , of that which is unripe, espe tl *? •? cv <-*ning; or to suppose that (iv ' i Co * Uil,< i Ht ‘iH , es are to be obviated . ■' g.ass of wine, or cordial, or spirits an 'l water. Tn .. ,n eat much animal food, or to drink •piers ofany kind under the idea of there* • lc 'iioving the weakness caused by the « r, 'oi beat ofsummer. . 10 give to infants or children in gencr • any such deatuble compositions as ti!!| I * JUll , r v, * ne or porter sangaree, or (i; .* 11 practice ought to he an in ,.,U j l° offence at common laxV. 1 Vo to bifants and children any of r ' a, ‘ 10 us quack medicines, which are , ;° m,l,or >dcd as cures for worms, orsum- even though sold for e fl‘y-five cents a botfje. The common causes of disease, from teething, weaning, ■ excess or irregularity in food, extreme heat, &c. are sufficiently destructive without the auxiliaries of patent and quack medicines, old women's cures, or mothers’ sweet gifts. To sleep exposed directly to the night | air, especially if it be very damp, and muck cooler than the air of the day. r To have recourse to morning bitters, 3 draits, or amfogmatics of any descrip f tion, other than sponging the whole sur- B face of the body with salt water, or using . a tepkl bath of the same. • To be tempted by the fineness of the r evening to sit up till midnight, and, as a « consequence, to lie in bed in the morn e in £- To take the usual meals, when excess ively Satigued from want of sleep, unac -2 customtd labour, or beginning indisposi * tion. Abstinence, or reduced diet, tiinc ’ ly commenced, will obviate all tlie risks f (bom all these causes.— -Journal of Health. - We translate from the Courier dcsEtats - Unis, an article taken from a Paris paper, . giving the following version of a story i respecting M. de Buurmont’s command of r the expedition against Algiers, which had been circulating some time in socie -1 ty:-.V. Y. . American. UNPUBLISHED PERFIDY. HISTORICAL. i Every body is talking ofthe expedition r to Algiers; and yet no one possibly sus pects the motives which led to it. Seek not its causes in the angry outbreakings ofthe Dey, nor in violation of the law of nations, nor in any other injury; that would be a waste of time. The boxen the ears of our Consul, the insults to our flag, would have long remained unpun ished, ifthe hero of Monmartre, Marshal Marmont, had not taken it into his head to go and revive in Africa the laurels which he has tarnished in France. To this end he proposed certain plans and laid them, — before whom? t\\c hero of Waterloo proditor proditorem fricat —and thus we have these two great Renowns ofthe day meditating the conquest of Algiers. The Duke of Kngusa [Marmont] says to M. de Bour mouut, “You, as minister, get my plan adopted; I give it up to you, and you shall have the honor of its success.” “And you,” replies his cunning Excellency, “you first conceived the idea of this war; you shall he commander in chief.” There upon the two faithful friends embrace encli other, and entcrchango numberless pro testations. The plan is submitted to the Cabinet and unanimously adopted. “All is settled,” says the Minister of War to the Duke; “you made the Egyptian cam paign,—you know all about the Arabs, and besides, what is to he undertaken— a seige—and you are an artillery officer; make ready, therefore, to go.” The mar shal uses all speed, he undertakes labor ious investigations, collects all sorts of materials, makes alt his preparations, even points out the general officers whom he desires to have under him, and carries the result of all these labours to M. D. Bournumt “It is well,” replies his Excellen ; cy with a smile and a warm pressure of the hand. In about a fortnight Marshal Marmont reads in the Moniteur, “the King names ' as Commander in Chief ofthe army ofthe ' expedition his very dear, well beloved, loyal Count de Uourmont.” The Duke of Rugosa was duped—the star of Mont ' mativ turned pale before that of Water loo. The two Generals had renewed the fable of the wolf and the fox, and M. de Bourmont prevailed. SULREY. AN excellent SULKBY, with Double Spring Top—For sale by L. HULL. August I I 90 ; BILLIARD TABLE. A GOOD Second Hand BILLIABD TABLE for sale—Apply to L. HULL. • August 14 [JO TO RENT, MFrom the Ist October next, the. Store, No. 339, a good stand for Business. Apply to BRIDGE!?* Sc GIBSON. , June 20. If 70 1 > /--3 During my absence from ’ the City. Mr. WILLIAM J. WIGHTMAN will act as my agent. . WM. B. SHELTON. 1 April 17 58 BACON. A Lot of Superior */aT dMStßacon, consisting of iibalCr Hams, Shoulders, and j. Middlings. Just Re ceived. and For Sale on moderate terms. I AT SHELTON’S WAREHOUSE. 1 June 30 77 8 ATTORNEY AT LAW. t RMTILL attend the Superior and In st f f ferior Courts of Richmond and Columbia counties—and the Court of - Common Pleas of Augusta. He may be ■ (build aOhe office of Robert R. Reid, Esq. 1 corner of Washington and Ellis-st reels. 1 July 24 ts 84 s t SlO REWARD WILL lie paid for the de e livery of an MJmj HION-GKEY MARE MULE, was stolen from the s plantation of Mr. John Fox, near Ham r burg, on Monday night the 36th inst.— - The Mule is 0 years old, hi good order, and handsomely made, and has two very if while spots on the right side ofthe rump, e Any information respecting her, will be . thankfully received. J. SANDIFORD, Overseer. ,i July 31 Ot 88 J A. j >V.\ i'wvi— / •WA// J AT THE V Augusta Book-Store, Blake’s Botany, Memoirs of Summcrfield, Memoirs ofDoct. Payson, Scott's Bible, Pollock’s Course of Time, Paul Clifford, Wistur’s Anatomy. Jnly 31 88 JUST EEOSITBD, Bales Brown Sheetings Sc Shirtings, 4 Cases bleached do. do. 2 Bales Osnaburgs, 1 do Colton do. 1 case Indigo Stripes, 1 bale Pawtucket Ticks, 100 pieces tine &low priced Calicoes, 100 do Silk Handkerchiefs, 100 doz. Ladies’ white Cotton Hose, 200 do Seringapatam, Brittania and Berkley Handkerchiefs, 100 doz. Spool Cotton, in boxes, 50 do 8-4 Chintz Shawls, 20 do Navarino Hats, 500 do Lend Pencils 20 pieces English Ginghams, 10 do colored Circassians, FOR SALE BY C. PHILLIPS. August 11 89 JUST RECEIVED. 40 Barrels Northern Gin, if t *°. 100 Boxes Tallow Candles, 20 Demijohns superior old Cognac Brandy. For Sale hi/ ‘C. PHILLIPS. August 11 89 VIRGINIA MANUFACTURED TOBACCO -fl A KEGS MANUFACTURED JL V TOBACCO. For Sale by L. HULL. August 11 89 Fresh Flour. . fkA BARBELS Fresh Baltimore FLOUB, Just Received, and for Sale low. L. HULL. August 11 89 BORDEAUX CLARET. 4 CASKS SUPERIOR BORDEAUX CLARET, For Sale low, by L. HULL. August 11 89 300 DOZ. SPOOL COTTON, Just Received, uml for Sale, by t,. HULL. August 11 89 NEW YORK CHEAP CIjOA k MANUFACTORY. THE SUBSCRIBER, Manufactures for the south ern and Western Trade, and kee|is constantly on hand, a very large stock ol Gentlemen’s, Ladies’ and Children’s CLOAKS, , made of every descrijition of Stull'A Silk purchased expressly for the purpose, at the lowest auction prices. These Clonks i are made in the best style, by persons who have had several years experience 1 in the business, and will be sold on liber al terms, at prices that will probably make them as sate and profitable a purchase as any description of goods that can be found in this market. F. J. CON ANT, ' Maiden Lane, corner of Green-st. New-York. OC? 3 F- «!• C. also manufactures, and keeps constantly on hand, for sale by the • quantity, a large and complete assort ment of STOCKS, of every description, warranted mnde ol the best of materials, and in the hund - soinest style. I may 15 wlOtis 81 ■ WPTIOB., ALL persons indebted to the late firm of SAVAGE Sc STURGES, eitliei by Note or Account, nrc furwarned from " paying or settling the same with any one but the undersigned, excepting those Notes that have been endorsed and trans ferred by him. DANIEL SAVAGE. I July 21 83 I NO I ICE . ALL boat owners are hereby notified, that the forty-fourth section of the ( General Ordinance of the City Council . with regard to boats, will be enforced on 5 and after Monday next, of which all in terested ate desired to take notice. MITCHELL NELSON, c. m. June 16 it 73 Savannah Steam-Boat Company, The steam boat company of Georgia, in order to give increas ed certainty and despatch to their opera tions in tlie transportion of merchandize between Savannah and Augusta, have, during the past season, added such a num ber of Boats of light drafts, expressly cal culated to navigate the River in its low est state, ns it is hoped, and confidently e f parted, will, with the facilities hereto fore possessed by them, enable them to •rive entire satisfaction to such ns may forward their property by their boats. The Company has upon its Wharf, spa cious Warehouses, for the reception of Goods, which arc protected during the 1 night by careful watchmen. There will be no delay in the shipment of the. Goods, and no expense will be spared to deliver them in tlie shortest possible time. WM. P, HUNTER, President Steam Boat Company. August 11 ts 89 1 HOUSETsiCiMs AND Ornamental Painting* THE SUBSCRIBER, would inform the citizens of Augusta, that he will carry on the HOUSE PAINTING and GLAZING BUSINESS, and also, SIGN, CHAIR, and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING; all of which shall be done in the best manner, and with despatch.— Persons who feel disposed to patronize him will please call at his Shop, No. 318; Broad-Street. WILLIAM B. DAVIS. June 2 ts 89 WATCH MAKER, NO. 147, BROAD-STREET* CQ HAS again began A? business, in the Brick House, No. 147, Broad 'vTOjjT street, lately occupied XV 1 “iafe as the CITY HOTEL; J sjfrMSl where he will bestow all his attention to re pairing WATCHES A CLOCKS, of every description, in the best possible , manner, and at very reasonable prices.— I He solicits the patronage of his friends and former customers, and all who xvisli to have their Watches made to keep good time ut a moderate price. He wil - sell his remaining STOCK, consisting of JEWS LET, WATCHES AND CLOCKS CASTORS, AC. AC. for less than they cost, at Wholesale and Retail. Thick Patent WATCH GLASSES, and nil other descriptions of WATCH GLASSES, constantly kept on bund. Augusta, April 28, 1830. 50 —■ 1 -- ■ ■ ----1 ■ «i i ■■ G ward'van’s Sa\c. WILL be sold at the Market House, in Augusta, on the first Tuesday in September next, between the usual hours of sale: A lot of Land in the city of Augusta, having twenty six feet on Broad and Reynold Streets, and hounded East by a lot of Col. Win. Camming, mid West by a lot of Mr. Thomas Cumming. The said Lot belonging !o the minors ofthe late Daniel Starnes, dec. and sold in pnrsu i mice of the application to the Court of I Ordinary; and leave grunted occording to Law. EDWARD J. HARDIN, Qualified Guardian. July 7 78 AUGUSTA CITY SHERIFF’S SALE.” WILL he sold on the first Tuesday in September next, at the market house, in tlie City of Augusta, bewcen t the usual hours of sale, i One negro woman named FANNY, i and one Miilngany Bedstead, one Secre . tary, one Sideboard, one Sofa, two dozen . Chairs, one Carpet, three Mahogany Ta . hies, one Clock, three Gilt Framed Look • ing Glasses, and three Foot Stools, levied • upon by virtue of two fi. (hs. from tlie Hon. the Court of Common Plena, Jo seph K. Kilburn and Horatio Bent vs. Luther Cummings. A. PICQUET, Sh’ff.c.A. 1 August 7 H 8 • AUGUSTA CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in August next, at the market house, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale: f One Double Barrel Gun, levied upon -by virtue of a fi. fa. from tlie Mayor!* Court, Bumu McKinne vs. Freeman W. Lacy. A. PICQUET, Sh IV. cj k\ July 21 HI I MRS. GRENVILLE, ( Widow ofthe late Mu. Ciiaki.ks Grenville,) ‘ n ESPECTFULLY informs the puh- \ M Ik lie, that by the ad vice of her friends, she continues open the SCHOOL of her late husband, with the assistance of her daughter, and xvill he grateful for the patronage of its former friends, and others . who may be kindty dispdied to place their children under her charge. I, Hhc will teach Reading, Writing, A rith e metic, English Grammar, Geography, il History, and Algebra, in all their hrunch -1 es. The terms of Tuition may be known, -by applying at the School Room on Greene Street, next door below the City Hall. may J.t ffl LIST OP LETTERS, REMAINING in the Post Office, at Augusta, Geo., ad August. 1830, (not before advertised.) Qs* Persons wishing letters from this list will please say they arc advertised. A IriT Avert Thos R Andrews Edwin Alsop &; CO dr Horace Ames mrs Susannah Allen M Alleoud nirAuld B Mary Sophia Bar- dr Ilandolf Brad rett Henry Bates John Bradley, care Wm Bacon of Patrick Bradley *' m B Bacon James H Bryan James Barronlon Prands M Boon mrs Ann Bdal Patrick Brown Jarvis Ballard dr Jus H Bryan dr L B Beal Peter Boisclair mrs Harriet Bare- Thos U Brickcll ... Michael P Boisclair Gilbert Bird Brown ! Richard Bland Andrew Butler Edwin R Brown Isaiah Burton Peter D Boutet miss Elizabeth W Michael Brien Bugg James Brandon miss Emily Beck C Jean Carrie Wm I, Cleavland Jh Carrie Thos E Clark I J (' Cantelou co VV T illis Corley »lr (. has B < ,’arter Christopher Cann James ECashin Phelix Cranny master James W miss E Cooper Cuetens Frederick Corley mrs Elizth Cathcr John 8 Coombs John R Chapman Thos Corley miss Sarah Christo- Jno N Copeland Pher Lydia Curtlin miss Ann Jane mrs Rebeccah Co- Clark vey Edward Clark mrs Elizabeth Cum mrs Ann Helen mlmr Clarke D \\ in C Dennis Bernard Dornin Thos Danforth W A Drake T B Danforth Leo B Douglass T rands Doyle Hampton Dubose E John P Eve capt John Evans 1 hos Everingham miss Sarah Elbert Bcnr miss Rachel Elliot i F mrs Mary Frazer Willard Fisher Francis Frost Rosanna Booker, 1 James Finley care of Edmd Fox 1 James Finilson G James H Gardner W W Gordon • James G Garner By near Goctchins I David Galpin Nathan Gordy Wm Gibbs Henry Greenwood ■ George Grisman John C Griffin E B Glascock U . mrs Mary Harrison John Holmes . Jon Haynes Huston & Urecc , Susan II Hays R C Hood James D Huynie Colon Holland , Warrington HaynieAsa Homes Isaac T Heard Bte|>hen Hoyt ■ Edmund Heard Alfred J Hml Danl 8 Henderson Thomas Hutson J J Hollingsworth Henry Hill mr Hollingsworth J Robert Jones Armstead Janet mrs Eliza Jins David Jones It mr Holland John Kent Josias Kctlund John R Kilbern John Kilkenny John Lnmpkiii sr Johr. W Lee, or Jackson Land Peter Lee Robert Leal Basil Lamar JamesLumkiu J B Ludlow mrs Leon Nicholas Long Lott Lu D 8 Lubbock M Henry Martin WmP McCray Cornelius Mahoney Joe Mallory mrs Ann Martin Henry Mealing Win McDowall David Melton Win Mathis 11 Mitchell mrs E McDermott dr Jas II C Miller •las P Maguire Hand W Millwood miss Caroline Mar- mr Morgan (m Edmund Moilely Tims C McKeen Benj H Mordeeui \ an L McKeen Eli Morgan Alex’r McGahey Henry Murray Geo M Magruder Thos 8 Mora N John II Newton mrs Mary Jane Nail O mrs Eliza Owens Edward O Chnfee P Samuel J Pago Parrot A Prindle Wm Payne James Primrose Geo F Parish mrs Sarah Prior Gary F Paris C Pi’oufy Nathaniel Partridge James Peo Win R Parker Thos Phillips Q John Quinny D. John Redding Charity Robbinse —t L B Rhodes Allen V Robison Wm J Rice Collins Roberts Sarah Richardson mrs Sophia E Ro- Joseph Roxby gers Rossiler Robbins Geo K Ryan S Frederick Suple Ebcnezer Skinner RobertSnnderlin James Smith James Shimford mrs Ann Botes, care A J Smith of T B Smith miss Mary Silbert Chus M Steward 8 N Smith T dr Jas W Taylor mrs Mary Tselmdy Joseph Taylor master Geo Tarki mrs Jane Taylor nett dr John R Taylor mrs Mary C'Furki- IsaocTuylor nett Isham Thompson mrs Sarah Turpin Geo Tignot Ania Tilliu 1 mrs EliZtb Sultnr miss Amelia Tin eareofmrs Tschudy brook Timothy Tobin Seaborn Vann W Alex’r Walker Stephen Wilson mrs Mary C Ware John Wilcox Ann Worrell miss Julia Ann Wil- Jason WufWhs #pn Ujett Weathersley Merritt Wilton Pressley J White AmbS W Wiggins S *f** White Wni li Williams col O Weaver oirs Elizth Wood Thomas Webb D T Wright James Wells JAMES fRASfcII.P.M. August 4 87 Law NOTICE; * 1 SHALL hereafter regularly attend the Superior Courts of Richmond County. My office and residence are in Greensbbiough; Persons residing in Augusta, having business to transact, re quiring the services of a LaWyfer; in the counties of Greene, Morgan, NeWtbii, Clarke, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln, Tulliaierro, Monroe, or Hancock, and who may choose to entrust it to me, will have aii bppdrtUnity of conferring with me, personally, twice in a year, in rela tion to It. FRANCIS li, CONE, ft?” The Constitutionalist and Courier, vill please publish the ilboic for 2 Weeks, und send in their accounts to this other. Dec. 5 ts 18 NOTICE • THE COPARTNER*SHIP between the subscribers, in ihe business of the CITY HOTEL, is dissolved by nutual consent. Persons having de mands against the firm, are requested to hand their accounts to Win. McGar, and all indebted to it, to make immediate pay - meat to him. WM.McGAII GRIFFIN EDMONDSON. April 14 . In Richmond Superior Court) MAY TERM, 1830. . Gaines I. Sthoud, an infant, by bis J ? Guardian, Peter Lamar, «© 7 X ■ > »*• .. s'b' Reuben Scott, and • tT Margaret T. Scott, his wifi?, Adin'rs. of the estate of §. § John D. Stroud, and “ *5 Griffin Edmondson*. 'ftW It appearing to the Court, that the de fendant, Reuben Scott, resides out of the county of Richmond, and has not been served with a Subpoena In this base—Op motion of the complainant’s Solicitor, it is Ordered, that the said Reuben Scott, bo and appear at the next term of this Court to answer of and concerning those mat tens and things, which shall then and there bo objected to him in the premises.. And It I; further ordered, that a copy of this Rule,be published in one of tile pub lic Gazettes of the city of Augusta, once a month, until the next Term. J1 true copy from the Minutes, JAMES M LAWS, Clerk. June 25th, 1890. in 77 AMERICAN iVvmNj anti SowYnaL DUET 33,2317, PROPOSES to publish a Quarterly Journal, to he devoted to mutter* connected with the Military and Naval service of the United States. It will contain The Army and Navy Lists ; Promotions, Deaths, Resignations, Diai charges, &c. Notes of the Proceedings of Military and Naval Cohrts; Naval and Military movements; Riogniphy of Officers, Soldiers and Sujldi's ; President's annual Message, & other* interesting to either service; Reports of the Secretaries of War nisi Navy, mid Naval Military Committees; Notices of debates in Congress, touch ing either service; Laws of Congress, relative to the Ar my or Navy; Essays on Military and NuVul tics; ... Notices of foreign Service ; In short, every matter respecting \Vhlelij the gentlemen of the Army and Navy may be supposed to feel a solicitude. The publisher is aware that the useful ness and success 6f the contemplated Journal, tv ill depend mainly on the suit port given to it by the gallant mett for whose benefit and amusement it is speci ally intended. It will not, however, hfc without interest to the general reader 61 the patriotic citizen, who regards the chi valrous deeds, ami fair funic of his coun trymen, im a valuable item of the nhbliC property. The publisher hoped that its value will he materially increased by ori ginal contributions of talented gentlemen of the Army and Navy, whose visits td foreign shores, and tours of duty sh the wilds of the West, enable them to extend the Imundnries of science, nod enlarge the sphere, of instruction to their fellow citizens who arc engaged in Civil pur-f suits. The private Soldiers and Sailors, Who have distinguished themselves by their bravery mid good conduct in service, will bo honorably noticed. Their eleva tion will raise still higher the charactef of those who (oinmand them. Conimcffif eations from their officers, relative to in dividuals in the humbler walks of the public service, will be peculiarly accep table. , , Each number will contain 26(1 lurgO royal octavo pages, on tine paper, and will be transmitted to subscribers by mall, or delivered by agents In ilio.prim eipal cities n£ $5 per annum, payable, an nually, in advance, upon the delivery of the first number. Should sufficient subscribers be obtain ed, the lirfrt number will issue in January next. Officers of the Army nnd Navy, find Booksellers, are solicited to Obtain Sub scriptions ; to agents, a c ommission of 3d per cent will be allowed. 05 s ’ Editors who will; gtve this Proo* pectus on insertion, will confer a favor, which will be reciprocated by the pub • Usher. July 9 9B