Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, August 25, 1830, Image 1

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V' let 1 o' y 11 i AUOVSTA^CHROBIICUi GEORGIA ADVERTISER. OFFICE MO. *2O7 9 BROAD ST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AMD SATURDAY MORNING, DY A . H. PEMBERTON. terms. nm^^T!£SSVSS£SB^ s .,s; nnil •' *“ " . „ end oCUieyeW; . linU e < j (except at ike choice of subscribers, are Miiisw icus ,„! **'. erfroin them, or receive one in who s'^ .vUIumU proper authority front llie puDDslter or mi)' way« " 11 *“.[!} imheid liable for the amount pf one u uill « e^“ h X,l be demanded, nnd If ar rears subncripnoii, - «uv Daraoa who Will give gSary, sited K.r, and paid t» . " “ Inflirmaiion of the fpl. inserted temi-wttkly -tfsassssjSS&sftMa not cxci eding one t i,arced less than one square. None, /owever small, la ouargioi number of > S' takes upon himself the risk of all remit -1 In, pm nsner i |, im^y Miiil-the person rcmit pa?i„7the PW, mid y oWaining from the Post written or verbal acknowledgment of the milol Oil, and Us deposits in his office, which skull be given l0 l!i a'i-TERSfon post paid, or they OFTHEUNITED states .are /published in Ibis paper. Tr» F realtors, Administrators , and Guardians. _ .V an. \NDor NEGROES, liy Administrators, v &®, or OnaXSs, are required, by law, to bo held flrVt Tuesday in the month, between tlio hours of r. in the ibivnoon, and three in the afternoon, at the Court if ms" ofthe county in which the property is situate-Np .l? of these sales mustbegiven inn public gazette,SlXTY ins nrevious to the day of sale. C eeof the sale of personal property, must be given ei-i itiniuier FORTY days previous to tile day of sale. ‘‘Notice to the debtorsi and creditors of an estate, must be ‘■ L c ive to se!! LAND or NEGROES, must Im POUR MONTHS. Promt": “ f CONSTRUCTIVE CRIME. Crimes ought to be delineti with such Piearness, & accuracy, that none may be deceived. There should exist no subtle refinements, no unmeaning distinctions, jio technical jargon, to puzzle and mis lead ; but nil should be so plain that no offender may urge, in extenuation of his crime, that he erred through ignorance, led astray hy the vagueness and incom preliensiblcness ofthe law. It cannot be expected that any but the educated law yer should comprehend the laws which regulate real estate, descents, matters generally of property, and rights merely civil. To understand these, hard study, great learning; arid deep thought are re quisite. It is iu>i iiiiporlunl that it should be otherwise. Hkfwheiv the liberty or the life ofthe citizen is involved, it is wide ly different. In every country which professes to guard these with a watchful nnd jealous eye, they should never be exposed to hazards of construction which must he always doubtful, and liable to vary, with the variety of temperament, 'Uaii and mind of different judges. ’J'he c’.rwa should feel that he may walk securely, a:nl that he is not in danger Os (he e’word oj' jn-tic?, unless lie wil fully expose himself to its keen edge by his guilt. In arbitrary governments it may be lit that the intricacies of the criminal lawshould resemblethc perplex ed windings of a labarinlh, and that in volved in the mazes of its obscurity, the subject should wander constantly expos ed to the tyrannical exercise of power. We regret, that in this constructive crime, some of the distinctions grow ing out of it arc so purely artificial and so truly unreasonable, that none unless well imbued with prejudice, will maintain or defend them. The decline of construc tive lummy strongly illustrates the view we take of this subject, to which we shall jirohubly recur hereafter. Il’u man obtain a horse from a keeper ms a livery stable, under the pretext of Ji'rhix him fora day, hut at the time Iran— ■dulently intending never to return the horse, and lie subsequently caught and ar Tested, he can he indicted, tried and pun ished as a thief. If another man obtain a horse in like manner, with only this difference, that he got possession of him under the pretence of buying him, such man will be guilty on ly of n breach of contract, and will not be liable to he indicted, tried or punished as ■a thief. lienee, it will appear that to play the rogue with safety, not only conning is required, but no small degree of shrewd ness and knowledge. Ur. Johnson could not rail this “ distinction without a differ ence.” Ft’-’ia the Macon Telegraph, August It. “The Grand Jurors sworn chosen, nnd selected for the county of Halter— “ Present as a grievance of no ordina ry magnitude, the practice of a certain grade of Attornics in ttieir pleadings at *be Bar, of indulging in fihuse and insult, either expressed, or implied, of the wit nesses and parties to suits, in a manner Rut justified by tin* evidence, or admissa b!e by a moral community. The feelings, eliuractcr or good manners of any hon est citizen of oar country, however hum ble his situation may be, is as sacred to bjm as he whose situation in life shields 11,11 from such billingsgate abuse. In 'mb (he poor man's good name or clur a;'t.-r, is frequently the only legacy he is Able to leave to hrS family, anti he who deprives, or attempts to deprive him of i*> unfairly — may justly be considered tie robber of that family. In the court, we believe, the correction lies, nnd in it u e hope with confidence it will be had. “ The jury feel that they would do in insjice to the profession, were they not to mention that there are men at all Bars, 8 |<l not less at tire Bar of Baker County, telio never descend to these practices— their talents ftml moral qualifications do Rot stand in need of such aids—such men Rfc an ornament to the profession, while t ic other class is any thing hut an orna ment to it.” c published, on Saturday a caution Against two persons, expected to arrive ’ kerc hem Smitbvillc, N. C. in the smack Angeline, of Shtewsbury.” The Cap tain of that vessel has called nnd stated that the individuals mentioned, did not come with him, nor has he any knowl edge of any such persons.— Savannah Geo, llth inst. An inquest was held on the 17th instant on the hotly of a white man, named—— Dennis, a native of Dublin, (Ireland) found dead on the Darien road about two miles front the city—verdict, came to his death by the visitation of God.— lb. •9* «... The Louisiana Advertiser of thc"2d inst. contains the following article: Mr. James C. Pattie, a native of Ken tucky, came passenger in the United [arrived at New-Orleans from VeraCruz] who, looker with his father and six other persons, had bed: confined in the castle of Santa Deago, on the coast of California, as spies, for the space of II months. Through the active interfer ence of Captain Bradshaw, of the ship Franklin of Boston, nnd several other humane Americans, the incarceration of those eight unfortunate men, were made known to the government ofthe United (States, and orders were Ibr'.varded by the President, to the com nmjdantof I be provinces of Calnfornia, Don Jose Maria tie Eheandia, to liberate them, on Peril of subjecting himself to the vengeance of the government of the United States. They were still retained Us prisoners on parole, the commandant refusing to give them passports to return home. Mr. Pettie’s father died whilcin prison, in a se parate cell from himself, and while on his dying bed, wrote a letter with his own blood to l»is son, beseeching him to petition the command?;:* to sullcr lilm to visit nis uiiiier in his dying moments; the petition ofthe son was refused by the demi-bar barian, and the father permitted to de part this world without once again behol ding the only solace within his reach oil earth. Shortly after the party had been forced from prison, a revolt among the soldiers look place, headed hy one Joaqnhn Solis, when the Americans and English in port, amounting to about 40 men, took advantage of the rebel nnd ids party, and confined them in the castle of Montora, consisting in all of about 258 men. They immediately wrote to the governor of the provinces of upper and lower California, to come and take pos session of the castle of Montora and the prisoners. For this signal piece of ser vice, Don Jose M. de Eheandia, granted them passports in December last ,and I i her ty to return totkejg.rjnUve country. Mr. P. thinks that two ofhta (Tompanions inhst have been murdered by the Indians, ns they undertook to travel homo through the wilderness, having made their esenpo soon utter they were released from close confinement, and nothing being heard of them since. t»iw imimwiH- inm——■b*————» General Post On ion I).,paiitmk.nt, July U)th, 1830. PatOPOSAM OR carrying tlio M*dU of the United . States on the t'ouvvniig Post Uonles in Georgia, will he received at tins otfice ualil tlic 12tli day of October next, inclu sive. IN GEORGIA. 2351. From Savannah hy Rieehoro’ to Darien, <i3 miles and hack, twice a week, in four-horse post coaches. Leave iSavannah every Monday and Thursday at 4 am, arrive at Darien same days by 5 p in. Leave Darien every Tuesday and Fri day at 8 am, arrive at Savannah ?ame days hy 0 p m. 2332. From Augusta hy Cnlhreath’s, Lombardy, Warreutou, Powelton, Spar ta, ami Deveraux's Store to Miiiedgeville, 90 miles and hack every day, in four-horse post coaches. Augusta every day at 10 a in, arrive at Miiiedgeville the next day hy 10 a in. Leave Miiiedgeville every day at 1 a in, arrive at Augusta same day hy II p in. 2453. From Miiiedgeville, hy Pittsburg. Fortville, Clinton, Macon, Echocono, Knoxville and Columbus to Fort Mitch ell, 130 miles and hack, daily between Miiiedgeville and Macon, and three times a week between Macon & Fort Mitchell. Leave Miiiedgeville every day at J1 a in, arrive at Macon same day by 8 p m, leave Macon every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at!) p in, arrive at Fort Mitch ell next days, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, by H p in. Leave Fort Mitchell every Monday, Wednesday ami Friday, at I p in, arrive at Macon next days, Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday, by 12, noon, leave Macon every day at I p in. arrive at Miiiedgeville same day by 10 p in. 2!k5J. From Petersburg hy Dnnburgh, Washington, Raytown tV Double Wells to Powelton, 49 miles and buck, twice a week in four-horse post coaches. Leave Petersburg every Tuesday and Friday at 1 am, arrive at Powelton, same days by 5 p m. Leave Powelton every Monday nnd Thursday ats am, arrive at Petersburg same days by Op in. 2455. From Darien by New Hope Fer ry, Brunswick, Fancy Bluff Bethel, Waynesville, Langsbnrg and Jeflerson ton,toSt Mary’s, 81 miles and hack, once a week, in sulkies. Leave Darien every Thursday at 7 p m, arrive at St. Mary's every Saturday by 11 am. Leave St. Mary’s every Saturday at 3 p in, arrive at Darien every Monday by 7 a m. 2358. From Darien to Frederica, 15 miles nnd back, once a week. Leave Darien every Friday at 5 a m.arrive at Frederica same day by 10 a in. Leave Frederica every Thursday at 2 p in, arrive at Darien same day by Op m. 2357. From Sunhury to Rieehoro’ 10 miles and back, once a week. I,cnve Simbury every Thursday at 7 a in, arrive at Rieehoro" same day hy If) am. Leave Rieehoro’ every Thursday at noon after the arrival of the mail from Ida- APgroi'A, (a. WEONEBQAY, AUGUST S», ISSO. I Yaßuaii, and arrive at Sunbury in three P r om ava nnah by Effingham e.n., Newington, Jackson boro’ and Mill Haven to Augusta, 119 miles and back, three times a week, in two horse stages. L eav e Savannah every Tuesday, * hursday, and Saturday, at 3 a in. ar • rive at Augusta every Wednesday, Fri- I day and Sunday, by 8 a in. > Leave Augusta every Tuesday, Thurs • ««y ai, d Saturday at 3 a in, arrive at Savannah every Wednesday, Friday, & Sunday, by 8 a in. 2359. Prom Savannah hy Big Ohoo phe Bridge, Dublin, Coates’ Store, Cool - Spring, and Marion to Macon, 175 miles I and buck, once a week, in four horse sta i ges. Leave Savannah every Monday at 4 1 am, arrive at Marion every Wednesday t by 1 p in. f Leave Marion same tiny at 2 p in, and - arrive at Macon same day (Wednesday i i by 7 p in. ’ Leave Macon every Friday at 4a m, f arrive at Marion same day by 9 a m.— ■ Leave Marion same day at 10 a in, nr- I rive at Savannah every Sunday by 7 p r 111. i 2360. From Savannah by j?fatesboro’, i Stvai:s?sborougli, Hirdsville, and 15’U’k I Camp, to Louisville, 116 miles nnd back, I' once a week. . Leave Savannah every Saturday at 5 < am, arrive at Bil'dsvilie every Monday > by 4 pin. Leave Hirdsville every Tues day at 5 am, and arrive at Louisville same ■ day by II a in. i Leave Louisville, every Tuesday at i i p in, arrive at Savannah every Friday by i 6p m. 2361. From Hirdsville to Wnynes borough, 16 miles and hack, once a week. Leave Hirdsville every Monday at 4 p in, after the arrival of flic mail from Savannah, and arriveat Wnyneshorongh in four hours. Leave Way neshorough every Monday it 10 am, arrive, at Hirdsville same day by 3 p in. 2(462. From Louisville hy Shoals of 1 Ogeechee, Rock Mills, Shivers's Mills, and Powelton, to Cruwfordsville, 58 miles and hack, once a week. Leave Louisville every Tuesday at 1 p n, arrive at Crawfords ville every Wednes day hy 6 p in. Leave Crawlbrdsville every Monday at 5 am, arrive at Louisville every Tues day by 11 a m. 2363. From Augusta by Darby’s, Cnl meath, Eubanks, Double Hranches, Lin colnton, Goshen, Peiershnrg, Cook’s Law Otfice, Elberton, Huekcrsvilie, Pleasant Grove, Eagle Grove, and Howcrsville, to Carnesville, 120 and hack, once a week, in two horse stages. Leave Augusta every Monday at 3 a ■a, arrive at Petersburg same tiny hy H p in. Leave Petersburg every Tuesday at (! a in, arrive at Carnesv dice very Wednes day hy Hum. Leave Carnesville every Wednesday at 2 p in, arrive at Petersburg every Thursday hy 6 pm. Leave same every • riday ut 3 a in, arrive at Augusta every ; print., I.;; 9;• m. i 2361. From Augusta by Columhiti c li, ■ Watson's Btore, Wrightshorough, Wash ington, Centre ville, Lexington, and Hetli lelie,m to Athens, 91 miles and hack, twicen week, in four-horse post coaches. Leave Augusta every Monday nnd Thursday at noon, arrive at Athens eve ry Tuesday and Friday hy 8 p m. Lent o Athens every Wednesday dpd i (Saturday at 3 a in, arrive at Augus ta every Thursday A: .Mondayhy !! aid. 2363. From Athens hy Hnscohle, liar-, inouy Grove, Jcil'- rson, Hurricane Shoals, Kellogg's. Store, Gainoville, Winns, High tower, or Elowali. in the Cherokee Na tion, and Carmel, to Spring Place, 150 miles and hack, once a week. Leave Athens every Wednesday at 6 a in, arrive at Spring Place every Sa turday hy 6 p m. 1 Leave Spring Place every Sunday at 6 a in, arrive at Athens every Tuesday by 8 p in. 2368. From Miiiedgeville hy Fairfield Eatonton, Madison, Salem, nnd Wat kinsvilie, to Athens, 73 nylcs and hack, in two horse stages. Leave Miiiedgeville every Thursday ut noon, arrive at Salem every Friday by Spin. Leave same ut half past 3 p in, and arrive at Athens same day by H P m. Leave Athens every Wednesday at 4 am, arrive at Salem hy 8 a in, and at Miiiedgeville every Thursday by If am. 2(f67. From Athens by Hninhridge and Langhridgc to Lawrcnceville, 44 milys and back, once a week, Leave Athens every Wednesday at S am, arrive at Laurence ville every Thursday by 10 a m. Leave Lanrenceville every Thursday at 2 p m, arrive at Athens every Friday b yspm.5pm. 2368. From Lanrenceville by Choice’s Store, Decatur c li, Strother’s and Mills, to Fayetteville, 44 miles and hack, once u week. Leave Lauienceville every Thursday at noon, arrive ut Fayetteville every Fn • day hy noon. Leave Fayetteville every Wednesday atl p m, arrive at Laurcnccviiic on Thurs doy l/y 11 a mi. 2369. From Fayetteville, hy Spencer’s Store, McDonough. Double Cabin, Poy ne's Store, Head's, Zehulon, Thomnston, i Franklin Academy, and Culloden, to Knoxville, 102 miles, and hack, once a week. I Leave Fayetteville every Friday nt 1 ' p in, arrive at Knoxville every Sunday by 8 p m. i Leave Knoxville every Monday at 5 a m, arriveat Fayetteville every Wednes i day by noon. 2370. From Fayetteville to Newnan, > 22 miles, and back, once a week; Leave Fayetteville, every Friday at 1 > pm,arrive ut Newnan same day by 8 p in. i Leave Newnan every Friday at 4 am, . arriveat Fayetteville same day by 11a t m. 2371. From Decatur ch, by Standing 1 Snndtown, and Campbell c * 1 ’ Liberty, 33 miles, and back, once 1 a week. Leave Decatur c h every Friday at 6 a m, arrive at Liberty same day by 8 p in. Leave Liberty every Thursday at 5 « m, arrive ut Decatur same day by 7 p 23T& From Columbus, by Hamilton, Kmg’s Gup, Greenville, La Grange, Flat Creek, Newnnn, Sc Rotherwood’s, to Car ■ rollton, 121 miles and buck, once a week, Leave Columbus every Wednesday at 5 a in, arrive ut Newnan every Friday by 7 p in. Leave same every Saturday at 4 am, arrive at Carrollton same day by noon. Leave Carrollton every Saturday at a (»in, arrive at Columbus every Tuesday hy 5p in. 2373. From Athens to Monroe, 25 ’’ and back, once a week, in 2 horse stages. Leave Athens every Wednesday ntß a in, arrive at Monroe same day by 3 p in. Leave Monroe every Thursday at 8 a in, arrive at Athens same day by 3 p in. 2374. From (Minton by Hillsboro’, Mon ticello, and Shady Dale, to Madisqn, 48 miles, and back, once a week Leave Clinton every Tuesday at 2 p in, arrive at Monticello same day by 8 p in, and at Madison every Wednesday by 3 p m. Leave Madison every Monday at G a in, arrive at Clinton every Tuesday by Hum. From Monticello, by Oak Grove, Cookeville, CoViocton, Mount Pleasant, Social Circle, Monroe, Hampden, Law renceville, mid Chesnut Hill, to Gaines ville, 38 miles, and back, once n week. Leave Monticello every Wednesday at 5 am, arrive at Monroe same day by 7 p in, and at Gainesville every Friday by 11 am. Leave Gainesville every Friday at 2 p in, arrive at Monticello every Sunday by 7 p in. . 23TG. FromSporta, by Mount Zion, New Hope, Rockville, Eatonton, and | Mount Horeb, to Monticello, 51 miles, and buck, once a week. Leave Sparta every Monday at 2 p m, arrive at MomicClil’ f v ®ry Tuesday by 6 p. in. Leave Monticello every Wednesday nt 1 a in, arrive ut Sparta same day by 8 p in. 2377. From Carncsville, by Janes’ Valley, llushville, Grove Level, Hurri . cane Shoals, Storey’s Mills, nnd Guines- I vilte, to Rives’,GO miles, and back, once a , week. t Leave Carncsville every Wednesday nf 2 p in, arrive at Rives’ every Friday by 0 a in. Leave Rives’ every Friday at 10 a in, arrive nt Carncsville every Saturday by 5 p in. 83TH. I'ruiu f/Oi'iiosvillo, by Hollings worth’s Farm, Clarksville, and McDow ell's, to Claytonsvillc, GO miles, and back, once a week. L»avc Carncsville every Wednesday at noon, arrive at Claytonsvilio every Thursday by 8 p m. Leave Claytonsvillc every Friday nt 5 a in, arrive at Carncsville every Satur day by noon. 2370. From Spring Place, by New Ecliotu, to Head of Coosa, 43 miles, nnd back, once u week. Leave Sprng Place every Sunday nt 2 p in, arrive at Head of Coosa every \'‘*ndny by 3 p in. Leave ofCoosa every Saturday als am, arrive til Spring Place sttmcdny by 7 p in. 2380. From Powelfon, by White Plains. Greensboro’, Kingston, Madison, Newborn, and Rockdale, to Covington, 71 miles, and buck, once a week, in 2 horse stages. Leave Powelton every Tuesday at 4 a nr, arrive at Covington every Wednesday hy 11 a in. Leave (toviiigton every Wednesday at 1 p in; arrive nt Powelton every Thurs-' day by 7 p in. 2381. From Grantsville to Greensbo ro’, 13 miles, and back, once n week. Leave Grantsvillc every Tuesday nf.7 a in; arrive a Greensboro’ same day hy 10 a in. uve Greensboro’ every Tuesday at noon, after the arrival of the mail from Powelton [No. 23811:] arrive at Grnnts viile same day by 4 am. 2382. From Washington hy Mnllorys ville, Goose Pond, and Dansbys, to 111 berton, 37 miles, and back, once a week. Leave Washington every Wednesday at 7 a in; arrive ut Elherlon same day by 7p in. Leave Elherton every Thursday nt G a in; arrive ut Washington same day hy 7 pm. 238.3. From Milledgeville, hy Sanford s Store, Snow Hill, New Hope, Greensbo ro’, nnd Scull Shoals, to Salem, 03 milCv, nml back, once u week. Leave Milledgeville every Thursday at 11 a in; arrive ut Salem every Friday hy 3 p in. Ileave Salem every Wednesday im mediately idler the arrival of the iiinil from Athens, 8 a in, [No. 23GG,] and ar rive at Milledgeville every Thursday by 4 p in. 2381. From Eatonton,hy Butler’s,Mont gomery, Greensboro’, R» man’s Store, Rowling Green. Lexington, Johnson’s, Dnnielsvillc, nnd Madison Spring, to Carncsville; return hy McVille, Daniels ville, See. to Eatonton, equal to 100 miles, and back, onee a week. Leave Eatonton every Saturday ntß am; arrive at Carncsville every Monday by 2 p in. Leave Carncsville every Wednesday at noon; arrive nt Eatonton every Friday by 8 n in. 2385. From Macon, by Stalling's Store, Forsyth, Indian Springs, Jackson, Mc- Donough, Hickory Grove, and Oak Hill, to Covington, 30 miles, and hack, once a week, on horse back, and one additional trip a week between Macon ami Forsyth, in 2 horse stages. Leave Macon every Monday at I p m; i I arrive at Covington every Wednesday i by 11 am. f t Leave Covington every Wednesday t, nt 1 p in; arrive at Macon every Friday by 10 a in. { 1 Leave Macon every Tuesday, by stage, i at noon, arrive ut Forsyth same day by 7 p m. , Leave Forsyth pvery Wednesday nt I 8 am, arrive ut Macon same day by 3 p in. From Jlilledgeville, by Free- ( •' man’s Store, Blomtsville, Betlisuidn, and i Hillsboro, to Moiticeilo; return, by South i Union, Stanford's irt Roads, and Fair i Grove, to Milledgeville, equal to 35 miles i nnd back, once a week. Leave Milledgeville every Tuesday at : 5 n in, arrive at MopliceUo same day by bp m. 1 Leave Monticello every Wednesday at 5 a in, arrive at Milledgeville same day , by 7 p m. • 2387. From Athens to Daniels ville, • 10 miles nnd buck, once a week. Leave Athens every Wednesday nt 3 • l> m, arrive at Danielsville same day by 7 , P “»• Leave Danielsville every Thursday , i nt 8 a in, arrive nt Athens same day by noon. • 2388. From Columbus by Ellerslie, , • Wuverly Hull, Talbotton, Liberty, mid ■ Torbertsville, to 'rhomaston, 01 miles nnd buck, once a week, i Leave Columbus every Sunday nt 10 n , in. arrive at Tlioinuston every Monday by Op in. Leave Thomastoa every Tuesday at 5 a in, arrive at Columbus every Wednes- i day by 2 pm. *3BO. From Ellerslie by Upotoi to Marion c h, *l3 miles mid buck, once a , week. Leave Ellerslie every Sunday nt 4 p in, arrive at Marion c h every Monday by 0 p m. i Leave Marion cli every Tuesday nt 5 am, arrive at Ellerslie same day by 7 p J in. 2330. Prom Lnwrenccville by Pinck- • I ncyville and Head of Coosa to Bennetts- | , ville, Ala. 113 miles nnd back, once in i two weeks. , Leave Lawrencovillc every other I Thursday at 2 p m, arrive at Rennetts ville the next Sunday by 0 p in. . I LcaV" y-l-Htsvillc every other Mori j day at 6 am, arrive at Lawrenccvillothe next Thursday by 10 a m. ’ 2391. From Knoxville by Fort Valley . and Perry to llerricn, 50 miles nnd back, . once a week. , Leave Knoxville every Thursday nt 5 a in, arrive at Rerrien every Friday hy 4 r l» ">• r Leave Ilerrien every Tuesday nt 2 p in, arrive ut Knoxville every Wednesday , by Op in. 2.*K>2. From Milledgeville by Irwin ton, Ruble's Store, Marion, Tarver's Store, Hartford, Millwood, Rerrien, Pin . (icrton, limiHnl<lpo, Quincy, Flor. Ter. , and Salubrity, to Tallahassee, 250 miles and hack, oticc a week in 2 horse stages. Leave Milledgeville every Thursday at J1 ant, arrive at Marion every Friday by 3 a in; leave Marion same day ut 10 a in, and arrive ut Tallahassee every Tues day hy 0 p in. | Leave Tallahassee every Friday at 8 a in, arrive at Milledgeville every Wed- i nesdny hy Op m. , 2333. From Pinderton by Ryron, Con- i cord, and Fort Gaines, to Irwin's Store, , in Henry county, Al. 78 miles and back, i once a week, Leave Pinderlon every Monday nt 0 n t m, arrive nt Irwin’s Store every Tuesday i by 7 p in. ( Lenv'B Irwin’s Store every Wednesday i alO a in, arrive at Pinderton every Thurs- i day by 7 p m. 2334. From Irwlnlonhy Dublin, Mount , Vernon, Perry's Mills, Mattox, nnd i 1.0 Darien, 125 in..’, ' '‘‘“i hack, i onee a week. , Leave Irwinton every Saturday at 4 a , in, arrive at Darien every Tuesday by 11 < a in. ( Leave Di irien every Tuesday at 1 i pm, arrive ut Irwinton every Friday by i 7 p in. i 2335. From Milledgeville to Irwinton, ( 20 miles and back, onee a week. , Leave Milledgeville every Friday at II i a in; arrive at Irwinton same day by 0 1 p m. i Leave Irwinton every Saturday at 5 a i in; arrives nt MiMegeville suiiie day by 10 | a in. i 2:130. From Wnynesvllle to Wnrebo- , ro', 55 miles and buck, once n week. , Leave Wuynesvillc every Friday after the arrival of the mail from Darien; nr- t rive at Wurehoro’ every Saturday by 3 • pin. * Leave Wareboro' every Thursday nt ' 0 a in .arrive at Wuynesvillc every Fn- | tiny hy !)nm, t 2337. From Hartford, hy Oopclnnd, I Jacksonville, mid Ashley's Mills, to Ap ling eh, or llolmcsvifle, 38 milt's and ’ back, once a week. ( Leave Hartford every Saturday at 5 a J in; arrive at llolmcsvillo every Monday by 0 p in. Leave Holmesville every Tuesday at ’ 6 a in; arrive at Hartford every Thursday 1 hy opm. * 1 2338. From Jacksonville, hy Frank- ' lin ville or Irwin ch, Sharp’s store, Thoin nsville. anil Duncans ville, to Tallahassee, 1 Flo. Ter. 16!) miles, and back, once in ! two weeks. ' Leave Jacksonville every other Mon- 1 day at 5 a in; arrive ut Tallahassee the 1 next Friday by 4 pm. ' Leave Tallahassee every ot her Sunday ' at 4a m; arrive at Jacksonville the next , Wednesday by 2 p in. 2333. From Milledgeville, hy Hech lin’s. Snndersville, and Fean's Itridge, to Louisville, 52 miles ami buck, once rt week. Leave Milledgeville every Monday nt 10 a in; arrive at Louisville every Tues day by 11 a in. Leave Louisville every Tuesday at 1 p m; arrive at Milledgeville every Wednes day hy opm. 2100. pyom Fort JStchel, jffin. hy Hsm- TOLOIt 44* -- NO. »So dolph c h, Ga. and Fort Gaines, to Duke ty, in Early County, 100 miles and back, once a week. Leave Fort Mitchell every Wednesday at 6 am; arrive at Blakely every Friday at ftp m. Leave Blakely every Saturday at (5 a in; arrive at Fort Mitchell every Monday by noon. NOTES. I. _ The Postmaster General reserves the right to expedite the mails, and to al ter the times of their arrival and depar ture, at any time during the continuance* of the cqptraet, by giving an adequate compensation, never exceeding a pro raid allowance, for any extra expense which such alteration may require. S. Seven minutes shall be allowed Ibv opening and closing the mail at each of fice, when no particular time shall be spe cified 3- For every ten minutes delay In arri ving at any point after the time proscri bed in any contract, the contractor shall forfeit five dollars. If the delay shall continue beyond the time for the depar ture of any pending mail, the forfeiture, shall be equal to twice the ami.nut allow ed for carrying the mail one trip. If it be made to appear that the delay was occa sioned by unavoidable accident, of w hicli the Postmaster Generalshali be the judge, the forfeiture may bo reduced to the ;»• mount of pay for a trip; but in no eager can that amount be remitted. The for feitures are otherwise unconditional, and will in all cases he enforced. 4. Persons who make proposals will state their prices by the year; payment* to be made quarterly, in the month* of Moy, August. November, and February . one month after the expiration of each quarter. 5. None hut a free while person shall he employed to carry the mail. 0. Proposals should state whether the person proposes to carry the mail in u stage, or otherwise. 7. If the person offering proposals wishes the privilege of carrying newspa pers out of the mail, he must stale it in Ilia l>i«l, otherwise, he cannotenjoy that priv ilege. 8. Propositions for any improvement* in transporting the mail may lie stated in the proposals, & will be duly considered. 0. The number oftlic rouse. and if* be ginning and termination, should bo slated in every bid; nnd the proposal must bo sealed, directed to the “General Post Of fice, office of Mail Contracts,” and super scribed “ Proposals .” The following is u proper form for u proposal: “/ will convey the mail, agretitbty to' pr/viYo livcincnt, on route, -Vo. . from to , for the yearly compensnQuAjJ dollars." Ho must stub! the place ofhlsfpajdcpoe'; and, if not contractor, must accompany his bid with satistbciory tions. 10. The distances, as stated, uu he lieved to he substantially correct; bui it' any mistakes have occurred in relation to them, no increase of compensation \\ iU be allowed on that account. Tin eon tractor will inform himself on that point. 11. The Postmaster General reserves the right of annulling any contract \\ In n ever repeated failures to arrive within the contract time, shall occur, or whei.ev - crone failure shall happen amounting to the loss of a trip, 12. In every case where the until t runsported in stages, ami the present con tractor shall he underbid, and the under bidder shall not have such stage proper tyas may he necessary for the perlbnn unco of the contract, he slmll purchase from the present contractor, utn i'< able valuation, the whole, or any part <4 the stnge property, including horses that may be suitable for the. service, and make Payment for the same by reasonable in stulmcnts, «* hia pay shall become due, or ns may he otherwise arranged. Htoiihj they not agree ns to the suitableness tT the property, its value, the tonus of pay. meat, and its security, each nitty « boose a person, who may appoint an umpire, and their decision shall he final ; (O' if the underbidder declines to do litis, the Post master General will name the umpire.—* This will bo made a condition of any bid under that of a present contractor; and should the under bidder Util to comply, hie bid will be offered lo the present contrac tor; but should he decline it, the propos id of the under-bidder will be accepted un conditionally. 13. No bid shall he withdrawn after the time for receiving it lias expired; tun] should any person refuse to take n con tract at his. hid, he slmll forfeit all other contracts tlmtheinny have with the i)e- K "ylrncnf, nnd ho held responsible (bp all damages iJmtmny result from his fai lure to comply. 14. No contract run be transferred without the approbation Ol'tlie Pcjsfnms ter General; nnd the assignmentoTn con tract without his consent, shall forfeit if. This rule will never be departed from. 10. If a contractor or his agent shall violate the Post Office law, or shall trans mit commercial intelligence by express* more rapidly than the mail, his contract: shall he forfeited. Id. The Postmaster General reserveu the right ofeiirtailing or of discontinuing any route, when in his opinion, the public, interest shall require it; and in Such case** the contract shall cease so far as relates to the part curtailed, or to the whole, if dis continued—an allowance of one month’* extra pay being made the contractor. 17. All contracts for routes embraced in tills advertisement shall commence bu the first day of January next, and contin ue four years. Decisions on bids will be made kuowu on the 19th day of October next. WILLIAM T. UAllllY. _ . , Postmaster General. July 24, LAW MLANKi: IN STRUCTIONB fob COMMISSION - 1*8; tin njtffoVrtl form*