Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, October 23, 1830, Image 1

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AITCTOSTA OTBOMCLa O EOHfjJI.I .10 \*KR TIS R. OFFICE MO. 2QT, BKOAP-ST. APCHJWTA. CA. Sin iil» vl. OIiOUIK g«. t» B Q. vo| , „,, “ pnni-isnED every D SATURDAY MORNING, BY A. H. PEMUEBTO.\. TERMS. VPKR. FIVE DOLLARS jjffimum, pFyabte in advance, or SIX DOU.AUS at the P VPER- THREE DOLLARS prr if advance, or FOUR DOLLARS ul the c "\>° nnpemvi’llhediscontinued (except at the choice of mil.lfeher,) until nil arrearages are paid. ftSp* RKIBRS of papers to City subscribers, are ■ -Ilv forbid to sell or give Uiein away, under any cir . '.weinKSi and any person, other than a subscriber, V I i ll m rcaase a paper Rom them, or receive one in m y wav 'Smu proper a,Uborityn-on. the publisher or a subscriber, will beheld liable for the amount el one f -, whirl, shall be demanded, and if lie .■eOary, sued Or, and paid to any person who will give inhumation of tfiP fln't* , , , . » livKimSEMEVTS are inserted .emi-ueskly 1--4 neats per square, fir the first insertion, and 43 3-d fi,r each succeeding i,.sertion-tt«/./y, at 04 1-2 ,'s per sipiarc fi>r each inserl.on-and moi./A/y(when nm eveeci'inc one square) at »1 fir each Insertion.— S! h * x uV ™ - / r v~"l ,'•«»than one square. ■fKSfeV ItfleniteTT to be limited must fifty. ,'„. r m inscnioiis, semi-weekly or weekly, written on them, or ,;, a y will be inserted semi-weekly till forbid, and clmr- Ihm tmhhsia-r takes upon himself the risk of all remil • inces of money made to him hy Mail—the person reinii |';n,r first paying the postage, and obtaining from the IVt nias’ter, a written or verbal acknowledgement of the amount, and its depositc in his olllce, wiiicii sliall lie given lothe publisher in case of miscarriage. LETTERS (on business) must be post paid, or they will not he taken out of the office. The LAWS OP THE UNITED STATES gtc published in this paper. Tn F.tecuiors, Administrators, and Guardians. S VLGSofL AND or NEGROES, by Administrators, Executors, or Guardians, are required, by law, to be held oil the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in tiie firenoon, and three in the afternoon, at the Court )\ ipse ofthe county in which the property is situate.—No tice of these sates must lie given in a public gazette,SlXTY days previous to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal properly, must lie given in like manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. ' Notice to Hie debtors and creditors of an estate, must lie nitlilislicd for FORTY days. ’ Aoliee that application wilt he made to the Court of Or .loi n v (hr leave to sell LAND or NEGROES, must be published(br FOUR MONTHS. OF ALL COLORS, AM) IV A.\Y QUANTITY, rOH SALE, AT NO. 276. ,Vwt Poor l> nr lh" Drug Wore of R. B. HAVILAND & CO. Broad-Street. Augusta. Geo. y_/ t ’ Suitable Brashes loaned. 15. I*. SFELMA.N. August 18 wtf 91 BAGGING AND IRON. OiMl PIECES Host Kind Heavy OtHr HEMP BAGGING, <■s Tons IRON, Assorted, With a Complete Assortment or S Arr offered For Sale by .TOIIV L. AVDHRSON & Co. Sc 122 \vlni is 101 LOW, TA : » TLOU 8c Co. OF SAVANN AH, HVVn Received by the ship Grorgi >. iirrived Ibis evening Ironi Liver p'. an extensive and general ass.irt- Uli'llt of BRITISH 31 AVL'FACTtiII] D "B m Ami have already in Store, and arc daily reeeiv in", additional supplies of American, French, Italian and German DRIT GOODS, of all descriptions, which are olTered for sale on reasonable terms; and the orders of such of their customers who ennnot conveniently leave home, will be faithfully executed. October 9,1530. 1m ft John Maddin & Co. HAVING disposed of their Stork of , Drugs ntul Medicines, request all win* are it debted to them, either by note or account, to make immediate payment, it' they wish to close their business as soon as possible. it? 3 Dr. MADDIN mny he found nt lae Store occupied b> Ni'.i.son 'artkr A ami Dr CLARKE at bis residence on Broad street, Vo. ;55, above the Plan ters' Hotel. Augusta, two. October Ift 4t ft DU. OLi.EZE WILL attend to, atitl be thankful for any calls in his Professional line. October 13 ft A \MW MAP OF (JMORGI t. "HI HE subscribers have now under _ JLlhe h amis ofthe Engraver in New 'be Stute' of compiled from actual survey, with nil the districts carefully laid down and num- J»ac,|, the whole completed with great labor and exactness from the latest ami ir.O't authentic information, in a style n 1 inlerior to any thing of the kind yet presented to the public, with n table of ’ 'stances from the scat of government '* every county site or place of impor ,:inrt * in the State. The Districts in the i'.'' purchase, and lower counties, are ‘lumbered in the corners, so nstoena 'ea |*erson to ascertain the exact silua i"n at any lot of land, and will be pnint * 3nd liirnislied olfin tlie m*atest man jut —p Ur t of them canvassed, varnish and placed on rollers, the balance w ill Df ‘ or i thin paper, nicely folded, in moroc and will he forsnlcin Mill edge ' 1 by the first of October next. Those "ft rollers at Five Dollars, nnd tlie pocket mi 'p. ofthe same size, at Four Dollars. Persons residing at a distance, wishing procure the mop, can do so by sending >y Hieir members, as a sufficient number . "'em will be kept in Millcdgevillc du ng the session ofthe Legislature. CABLTOV WELLBORN. ORAVXiE GREEN. ►j l Eilitors in this State who w ill pub tlie above occasionally until the first ‘,.°' t-m her next, will be entitled to a copy Tae map. July gft 10 .ttosm ommst&xmt WATCH MAKER, NO. 117, BROAD-STREET HAS again began business, in the Brick House, No. 147, Broad /fp\ street, lately occupied IP as the CITY HOTEL; r fpjw*.n' where ite will bestow 3 jKj! all Itis attention to re r pairing 8 WATCHES & CLOCKS, -of every description, in the best possible J manner, nnd tit very reasonable prices.— r He solicits the patronage of his friends and former customers, and nil who wish ! to have their Watches made to keep good time at a moderate price. He will i sell his remaining STOCK, consisting ol t J E 7f ELE 7, WATCHES AND OI CCKS, ; castors, ac. .vc. -for less than they cost, at Wholesale and Retail. Thick Patent WATCH GLASSES, ; and all other descriptions of WATCH , GLASSES, constantly kept on hand. Augusta. April 28, IBfto. 59 \\vxv:v\ m 4 BALES Osnabnrgs, 20 Ho. negro Cottons, 10 Ho. brown Sheetings & Shirtings. (JO Pieces white, red, A: green Flannels, 50 Do. rich Cambric Prints, 50 Do. Callieocs (low price,) 200 Dnz, Chintz,Verona, Imitation,Mad ras*, Muslipntum, Berkley, and Britannia Hiimlkerehiefs, 100 Pieces Choppa Rumnis, 1 Cased ! Irish Linens, I Do. 7-8 do. do. 50 D;>z. ladies white cotton Hose, 100 Do. mens do. do. half do. 100 Boxes Spool Cotton, 200 Beams Wrapping Paper. The above is offered fur sale low, for Cash, or approved paper, by CHARLES PHILLIPS. Oet 1(5 ts 4 VIRGI VIA MAV FF AC TI HED •SPOBACTQG,, fi GOGS man ufactured IV TOBACCO. For Sale bv L HULL; August 11 89 FitESII FLOCK. o>\,4SK BARRELS Fresh Baltimore FLOUR, Just Received, and for Sale low. L. HULL. Aairnst II 89 Bordeaux Claret. M TASKS For Sale low, L. HULL ■Vllgtlßf H &POOT*: C&TTQX:„ 1)9/ SPOOL COTTON, Just Reeeired, and for Sale, bi/ l. mu, August 11 89 " iJT ’ SALS. 10Hill)- I'OiiTttllK O snscALii,) V, ,11 I K . Sold low for Cash, nr approved paper, C. PHILLIPS. October Id _! A Mi O .Miamoii : -a! Painciiig. HE SUBSCRIBER, would inform JL die citizens of Augusta, that be will carry on the HOFSE I’AIVTIVG nnd GLAZING BUSINESS, and also, SIGN,CHAIR, and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING; all of which shall be done in the best manner, and with despatch.— Persorfs who feel disposed to patronize him will nlense call at his Shop, N o. JSIS j Bro id-StreCt. WILLI.V3I !5. DAMS • fin,.- If (>9 -1 m ru o W i A GOOD Second Hand BILLIARD TABLE for sale—Apply to L. HULL. August 11 99 ; siLliEf. I M, N PM'PIIt'IU StliniJ ■ . tt nil i/wutfic I -'»■ Spring Top—For sale by L. HULL 1 August 14 00 ; h&M no-tics, ISIIAfiL herenfter regularly iitteml the Superior Courts of Richmond . County. My office nnd resilience ttn- in . Greensborough. Persons residing in - Augusta, having business to transact, re quiring tlie services of a Lawyer, in tin* counties of Greene, Morgan, Newton, Clarke, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln, Tulliaferro, Monroe, or Hancock, and who may choose to entrust it to me, will I have an opportunity of conferring with me, personally, twice in a year, in rela tion to it. FRANCIS H. CONE. . Tlie Constitutionalist and Courier, will please jMihlish the above for 2 weeks, ami send in their accounts to this office, . Q,-i-. 5 ts IH : JAiwns >E V DBIJ.T, ATTOHNEV AT I WILL attend the Superior ami In ferior Courts of Richmond and Columbia counties—nnd tlie Court of Common Pleas of Augusta. He may be I found at the office of Robert R. Reid, Esq. corner of Washington and ElHs-streets. July 21 |f 84 t) - l-W&Q RDCEIVBjp. s AT THE 1 AUGUSTA BOOK-STORE, ? Bf indd’s Chemistry, Good s Book of I Nature, t Lance on the Chest, Hooper's Examina tions, Gentleman's He Ladies' Lexicon, Ijetti r 1 Writer’s, Ilatimtu's Pulpit Assistant, Course of 1 Time, Lalla Rookli, Whites and Hind's Farriery, National , Orator, I \ irginiit Housewife, Stories of Watetloo, f'ampbelfs Poems, Paul CluTord, Moore's Poems, Moore’s Works, Moure’s Life of Byron, Nutshell of Knowh-dge, Hanuah 51 00 re’s Works, Caldwell’s Cul len, Helmuts’ Poems, Children ofthe Abbey, Drydin’s Virgil. Hiiike's Botany, ’ Grimshaw's United States, Greece and Rome, Smili y's Federal Calculator,Pike’s Arith j un-tie, Smith's Arithmetic, Natali's Botany, Aunt Mary's Tales. American Anecdotes. Grteslmeh’s New Testament, R. Robert son’s Sermons, Towle's Astronomy, Brown’s E. Gram mar, New Speaker, Kent's Commentaries, Chitty on Con tra- ts, Toiler's Exeentors, , Voting's Night Thoughts, Tales of a Grandfather, iVe. A*—THE EOI l,Owl NO C/.Ed:2IT SSEDS: f aiTof, Kadilish, Mnutaril, Onion, Cu cumber, Early Turnip. Ice Lettuce, Win ter‘'quashes, Blood Beef, & Herb-Seed. Sept (l }N i)i«7ni \ \ \ 1 \G’s .ius r r BUisiiED, CONTENTSt Remarks on di ( iiaraetcr and Writings of John Miiton Remarks 011 tin l ife and Character of Napoleon Buna parte. Keniarlis on the Cliaracter and Writings ot'Fonelon. * >. * j f illustrnted in it Review of a Work, en titled. ‘ V lieneral view ofthe Doctrines of Christianity,’ iVe. Discourses at the Ordinations of Rev. John Emery Abbott, Rev. .Fared Sparks, Rev. E. 18. Ganuet, ami Rev, F A. Farley. Discourse before the C mgrogational Ministers of Massachusetts. Discourse on the E\ iileno.e of Revealed Religion, delivered before the Univer sity in Cambridge, nt the Dudleiun Lecture. Discourse tit the Dedication of the Se cond (loiigregalioiial Unitarian Church in New-York. Discourse at the Installation of the Rev. M, J. 51 cite Discourse at the Dedication of Divinity Hull, Cambridge, Mass. Daily Prayer. Means of Prom oliug < iiristianity. Importance of Religion to Society. The System ofUxeltis'n mind Denuncia tion'in Religion, considered. 1 Objections to Unitarian Christianity, con ‘ sidered. 1 Extracts, iNc. Arc. \ )l-w Copies Just Received, and For Sale, !>> ROBERT F. POE, or Tild‘l \S S. METCALF. ftT’-’ TRICE !». • si pits U»> A\u\u\slvat oy’s Nt>lvcc. 3'OM il months tiller date, application will be made to the honorable In , (i-rior Court 1 f Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real Estate of Wm. York, dei'd. fuijthc heiielit of his heirs and erodi JOHN M. PAYNE. AJn.V. Sept 15 l.m uuaraian’S ivtoticc, gltll ll months after date, application _ will b«* made to the honoruhie In (erior Court of Frunkiia County, when sifting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the heirs of Thomas Harbour, dec., for the 1 benefit of said heirs. 1 DANIEL CHANDLER, 1 Guardian. 1 Sept 15 4 ttn Guardian’s Notice. INCUR months after date, application . will be made to the honorable In- I ferior Court of Franklin County, when I sitting tin' Ordinary purposes, for leave 1 to sell the real Estate of Ann Pereel. IGNATIUS PERCEL. Guardian. t Sept 15 4lrn !)i> <;UAIiI>IANRB NOTICE. M ,IDUIt months afterdate, application JP wijl Ixs made to the Honorable In ferior Court of Columbia county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell A GOT OF LAND in C B weta - county, known as lot No. 7, in the fifth I District of said county—Sold for the ben- C eflt ofthe Minors oflsuac Winfrey, de ! ceased. REUBEN WINFREY, Jlclinfr Guardian. Oct 20 mini ft WIIfTEKi «OODS. THE SUUBCIUBERS Aro now Receiving a part of their SUPPLY OF GOODS, i VIZ: ( Duffle, Point, and Hose Blankets, ] White red and green Flannels, . •Stipurflne white Cause Flannel, • Becking and Floor Cloth Baize, ! Superfine lllne Cloths and Fassimeres, I Satinets, Cloth and Valeneia Shawls, I llielt Garment and Furniture Prints, ( 7-H Furniture Dimity and Fringes, G-4 elegant Mourning Ginghams, I Italian Lustrings and Oros de IVaple, I Irish Linens, Lawns ami Linen Cain- 1 hries, Acc. •30 Bales Domestic Shirtings and Sheet- 1 lings. ' 1 ASSORTItF.NT OF OTHER ( STAPLE & PA\CV HOODS, has lieen considerably augmented hy late urrivals. Pnrehasers may always ex- 1 peel a great variety to select from. 1 ’Penns la vorahle and prices us low, if I not lower than any other house in the Fity. JOHN EDCiiAR & CO. Augusta. Sept. 11 (ifw MS 37 DAYS FROM SAVANNAH. , A.KIOWLTO¥ HAS this day receiv ed hy the Steani- Hoat Company's boat .\o. 10, Light A dark Chintz. Prints, new patterns BtaeU and Purple *do. do Blue mid Brown Cloths and Safinetls, Superfine and low priced White, Red and Breen Flannels; white & brown Buckrams, Red Padding, imitation Boat's Hair Cam bist, Black and col’d Circassians, Brown Hol lands, Bla< k micl col'd Silecias, best Pongee, Bandanna and Canton Silk Handker chiefs, 1 Black Italian and Swiss Muslin Cravats, Irish Linen. Lawns, A Linen Cambrics, Bird’s Bye, Russia and Towelling Dia pers. Scarlet and col'd Cnssimcre Shawls, London Dull’d Blankets, white Serge. Blenched and Brown Sheetings Shirt ings, 1-1 Cot 1 a Osnnburgs, Bed Ticking, Lambs' Wool and worsted Hose and half Hose. a v«- —•••*!• other Hoods, will (>e sold cheap for Cash or Town Acceptances. Oct 20 2tw r, COTTON AND COMMISSION \v aici-iioi isk. Snbsc libers niinouiiee to their B friends and tin* public, llmt they have rented the Ware-House in Canip bell street. Augusta, lately occupied by Mr. John Bees, and opposite the Ware- House of Messrs. Slaughter A Lalm/.an; where they are now ready to receive Cotton and other Produce, and tender their services therein, being sanguine flint the attention which will be paid to 1 , li * interest oflheir friends, will secure > them a share of public patronage. T. COLEMAN, WML J. WIGHTMAN August 20 "If M 3 Storage - AND cOM MISSION HUSIN ES S - THE SEUSCItIHEUS, €i HATEFUL for past favors, rc- I new the l« rider of their services, to their Friends and the Public, with the assurance, that they will us heretofore, devote their time to’ the interest of their , Employers. Their WARE-11 OUSE "ill he in good order for the reception and safe keeping of Country Produce and Merchandize They deem it dm* to themselves, to stale ' the situation oflheir Ware Houses—thus ! —They arc hounded on the North, by Bay-street and the River—On tin* West, by an open space of about Ih(| fi*ct—On the South, hy Reynold-strecf. about Go feci wide, and outlie East, by Campbell 1 street, about Go feci wide.—ln addition to < the se< tirify against lire, " bich the above > location pi isnili*. tlfy tnivs nhmit the * centre oftlicir Lot. ti Hydrant whicli de livers Water from the aqueduct lately completed in this city. They will grunt the usual facilities, by advances of money or otherwise, to such as may favor them with (’usfom. A. SLAUGHTER A C. LARUZAX. KeptiH St 100 ( l] PIANO FORTE 1 SOHOOi. r|N Hi: Subscriber respectfully informs J JL ids friends anil tiic public, tlitit he 1 has opened a SCHOOL for the purpose < of giving Lessons or the Piano Forth i This Dojj, at Mrs. Thompson’s, corner of / Broad and Mclntosh Streets, where he < may be found every day from eight to one ' o’clock a. :f. and from 3 to 5 r. m. t Those who are desirous to enter at the : first quarter will please make early up- I plication. JOHN |>. SPEIKKEGGER. October (j (it 1 ■ . - ".-TTi., FANCY HOODS JUST RECEIVED AT A. KNOWLTON’S PAITSr STOEE. BLACK. White and Scarlet Merino .Mantles, Ho. do- do. Cashmere do. 3-4 and G-4 Merino Shawls, 3-4 and 5-4 Thibet Wool Shawls, Imperial Mingle and changeable Silk do. 1 Hilt and Embroidered Crape and Man darine Shawls, Extra rich Gauze. Shawls and Scarfs, 4 and G-4 Brocade and painted Merino Shawls, Fig’il changeable Mandarine Lawn, Do. do Algerine do. Plain do tiro de Nap. Green, Pink, White and Salmon colored Gro de Znn, Rich, fig d Hro de Naples for Bonnots, Black and white Satins, A Black Mode, 1 Light Blue, Pink, White am! Black Hro de Nap. Black Italian Lustring, (first rate) Do. Levantine, Sinchcw & Snrsnet Silks do. Hro de Berlin and Hro de Zan, 1 Silk Florences, all colors, Black, white and green Italian Crape, Green Worsted Bnrage, (line and wide) 1 Splendid Black Lace Veils, 3 I and G-4 Plain Bohbinrt Lace, 1-4 figured do do. Wl die Lace Veils and Lace Shawls, I English Thread Laces and Edgings, ’ Do. do. and Bohhinet Inserlings, Bohhinet Lace Edgings and plain t|uil lings. Narrow Silk Braids, nil colors, < hangenble Embroidered Safin Bonin'! Ribbons, rieliest article of the kind ever offered in lids market, Embroidered changeable and plain wa tered belt Ribbons, in great variety. Rich Cap. Wafeli and Guard Ribbons, Plain Tnlletu Ribbons, all colors, Nos. from D to 22, Black Silk Frog and Daisy Buttons, Gimp Leaves, Lace and Pearl Buttons. Ladies' and Gentlemens' English and French Silk II osicry, I Black ami White Silk Half Hose, Ladies' black, white A: col'd H S Gloves, Do. do. do English Silk do. Gentlemen's do do Silk and 11. S. do. Also. Rocoivod as Above. I case fine Leghorn BOLIVARS, I case ladies A misses Ihmslal/lc Bonnets, A general Assortment ofseusona hie Staple Goods, expected daily. October 20 2tw 0 OGORGI A 14 HAT THOMAS t'VillMS rB 4 A KEN fin's inetliod of infiirming his Q friends and former customers, flint In* Inis connected himself in business, with Mr. ANDREW RANKIN , one of the most extensive mid celebrated II at Manufacturers in the U. States; and from tiie fart that all Hats sold at their Establishment, arc oflheir own manu f.ieture, they are enabled to recommend and warrant them with flic utmost con fidence, to tlie public; am) to offer, at very reduced prices, both wholesale mid retail, a splendid assortment of Hats of idl qualities and shapes. Country Merchants mid others, will find it to tlieir interest to examine their assortment before they purchase else, where, Ningle lints of any size, shape or quality, made at the shortest notice. The business will, after this date, lie con ducted at the old Stand, No. 273, Broad Street, under the firm of RANKIN A EVANS. (XT’ON HAND always, as above, 11 Large Assortment of Fur, Cloth, and Patent Leather CAPS: also, LEG HORN AND STRAW HATS AND IIONNETK, which will he sold very b»lv. Augusta, Kept. Ist, IKK) f)G (t/''The If'iishinfrlim JVtics "ill insert tin* above for four weeks. PjimiE Copartnership heretofore exist JL ing under the firm of SMITH Ac BOBBINS, in Charleston, H. C. is dis solved hy its own limitation. The bu siness "ill be settled by G. W. Smith. H. W. SMITH, E. BOBBINS. Tlie subscribers have formed a con nection under the firm of .Smith, Harris, A; Co. and will continue the Hardware business at the old establishmentof'Sniilli A Robbins, Charleston, S. C. G. VV. SMITH, WM. HARRIS, 11. F. SMITH. October G "3m f DISSOLUTION. fBT Hl' Partnership existing under the JL firm of N. CALL AN Ac Co. was tiiis day dissolved by mutual consent. N. ( ALLAN. JAMES B.CALLAN. Madison, June 2S. IKK). fit'" 103 Executor’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, at the Court House door, Cnrnesvillo, Franklin Comi ty, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Two hundred and sixty acres of land, adjoining John Kewcll, on Bear Creek; 300 acres, more or less, adjoining King and Halley, on the waters of Stephens Creek; one negro woman named Han nah, about fifty years old; and one negro girl, named Kitt> —Hold as the property of Samuel Phillips, dec., in conformity with an order of the Court of Ordinary of said County, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Ti'ims known on the day of side. * DENNIS PHILLIPS, I K t JACKSON HAYS, \ ,jX rH Sept 15 «2in 09 333r&a,Dpt Suit OF CROCKERY AM) GLASS-WARS. THE SUBSCRIBER, In consequence of ill health, having: de termined to bring- his business to t* close, will sell by ATTSTIOW, On If EDXESUAY. the 10(Ii q/Xovtmhcr next, 120 CRATES & lIIIDN. OF CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE. Just received by the ship Grand Turk, from Liverpool, containing an assort meat*well suited to this Market. AT.SO. At the same time, his entire remaining Stock of Crockery, Glassware, &c. &c. Comprising a great variety of articled. He will continue to dispose of his Hloclt at very reduced prices for Cush, or towu paper, until the day of Bule. TERMB.—AII sums not exceeding 8100 Cash, over SIOO and not exceeding 8200 sixty days, over S2OO and not ex ceeding 82100 ninety days, over 8500 and not exceeding 8500 four months, over 8500 six months credit, approved en dorsed notes. JAMES BONES. 07" WILL BE RENTED at the samfr time, to the highest bidder, the valuable stand at the corner of Broad and M’lrt tosh-streets, with the back (Stores, which he at present occupies until the 11 rat or October next. Oct 510 4tw 5 SPARTA TAVERN Spacious and well arranged K TAVERN, in the Town oftSpuf. la, Hancock county, at present occupied by Mr. William Mnckie. This establishment is not surpassed by any of a similar kind in the up-Country, and will, with judicious management, yield a handsome return on the capital employed. The furniture and stock will be sold on a credit, for approved paper, to any person or persons who may contract for the premises. Possession will he given on the Ist of November next. Apply to McKenzie a bennoch. September 15 If 119 Richmond Academy. bllE Trustees of the Academy of Richmond county will, on the last Saturday iy December next, proceed tt> Elect the following Teachers ami IXli cers for the term, and space of twelve months, from the time of appointment, to wit:— A Rector, with a salary of Eight Hun dred Dollars, and half of the Tuition money. An English Teacher, with a Bnlnryof* Five Hundred Dollars, and one half of the Tuition money. A Teacher for the Band Hills, without salary, but with the use of the House and Lot at the Sand Hills,the Teacher tore-, ceivetbe whole of the Tuition money. A Teuchrr of Modern Languages, with a salary of Two Hundred and Fitly Dollars, and the whole of the Tuition money—the price for Instruction to bo Eight Dollars per quarter. A Clerk, Steward and Treasurer, with a (Salary of Four Hundred Dollars. (I7‘ Written application will be mudo to the undersigned. Br order or the Board, JAMES MeLAWS, Clerk. Sept 4 mt ID—tdo fltl ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE ALL persons indebted totbc Estate nl 1 Edward Ward, lute of Richmond county, deed, are requested to csdl upon James VV. Lamkin, of Augusta, and settle the same; and those baring demands against.said Estate, will cull on myself at Mueon lor payment. W. WARD, • Administrator, with the Bill Annexed Rcpt 25 4tw A GREAT BARGAIN is now offered in the sale of a tract, or lot of LAN I), in Carroll county, which is discovered to he rich in the Gulden proper- I;/. The owner being on tbo eve of along journey to the North, will now sell it lew, if a quick application Is innde. Indispu table titles will be delivered. APPLY AT Tillß OFFICE. June Id W 5 HEW AHD. HAN AW AY from the Jw subscriber, about three weeks ago, a mulatto girl, named jES® MARIA, WJKk/J sometimes called MARIA 'T PRIMROSE, aged about 21, of low stature, & very light complex ion. (She is supposed to possess forged papers. Any person who will lodge her in any Jail, and give me information of it, shall receive the above reward ; and any information tending to lend to her detec tion, will be thankfully received. y VVM.J HOBBY, .V, October 13' ®