Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, October 27, 1830, Image 1

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iT^^mJij GEORGIA Al} VIJRTIBER. OFFICE »«. 580?, BROAU-BT. AIOISTM, OA. WKIHEjIB IV, OQfOBEB g?. l« ia - * ' ~ 'S~- T 1 _"* * '' ' VOIjCJIE -15. AO. ?. PUBLISHED EVERY ■rEUNI SDAY AND SATURDAY MORNING. BY A . H. I‘EMBBBTOX. TERMS. r V P \PKR, FIVE DOLLARS or SIX DOLLARS ullhe w'ffifv n V PER, THREE DOLLARS per jStttt tai&SSr or FOLK DOLLARS ut the cl ’?. '’miiier'wiu bediscontinued (except nt the choice of .c I'ishrr ) until nil arrennipfcs are pani. J TheF \ H UIU ItS of papers to City Huhscnhcrs, are . im . -m• <ir «■{vetncin away, under unv cir who shall pn-ehaseu' paper from Item, or receive one it. jonTtv-ly, without proper authority IVoni the pi Wisher or , w.-—er, will be heal linhle for the amount of one f subscription ; which shall he, and if ne ,,..Lar)“ sued Ihr, and pm.l to any person who will give .> r. k.i d e Hi'id' 'fe 'J- c(jL , In——-I ■-- *---.-.■. \ i)\ LK I I s /' ** •-> n.r theurdt.iH.'iHiin, and Id .1-4 nt lid 1-4 eenWpor s’lojJT' ,n M i. s •'■"D lo ',.re fljr each innerthm— hnil munthhj(\\hen e-ins P';r I “nXc) at SI for ench insertion.- x"‘ e*e*idling ‘ ;.} js eharscl less than one. square. -,’"-e nie.uled to he. 'limited must ha ve the number oi :„ L Lemi weekly or weekly, written on them, or Bciai-weekly ull ffirbU. and cltar *'t?c mbllEficr takes upon himself the risk of all remil .nf I.mnev made to him by Mail—the person remil ■; :1I ' L the postage, and obtaining from the Post t,.', wi'ilten or verbal acknowledge,,,cut of the, ,;„d Us .leposite in his office, which shall he given ni’ii.iis-lu-c in e«—of miscarriaee. FTTERS (on business) must he post paid, or they "«« OP'M UNITED STATES ,ure published hi this paper. To Ftrcutors, Administrators, and Guardians. » I.ESofLANDor NEGROES, by Administrators, •••waifors, nr Guardians, are required, by law, to be held ’!. .... lii-t Tuesday in the month, between the bonus of . , iii tlic Pirciinon, and three in the afternoon, at the Cuiirt ■ „mo ifihe coimtv in which the property is situate.—No iceof these sales must be given in a public gazelle,MX T\ ,h,., nrevious In the day of sale. viotiee ..r the sale of personal properly, must bo given ~,'ake manner, FORTY .lays previous lg the day ol sale. • voiice m the debtors and creditors ol an estate, must bo tlfat nnphcmlonwd'l be made to the Court of Or ,' v v (hr Save w sell LAND nr NEGROES, must be published for FOUR MONTHS. ~ -rs '.Ve are mtli -fi-ed to announce Mi WILLIAM MHO. . Sen t-, as a (.'itmlitliile ibr the olHce of Receiver of Tn\ lloturns, at the approaching election jit January next. • August *25 t.l f)-> .rjn> \\„r - authorized to announce Mr. jf. r. ROISCLAIR, ns a enn diilatc for re-elect ton to the office of lie reiver of Tax Returns, at the approach imr Election, in January next. Se-tH 07 BOBER T R REID. attorney at law, T JT VS ii.encil an <lflue, on EKis-street, ft a, I doors helow Washington street, ■in,l nearly opposite to the dwelling of 11. Mealing, Esq. October ‘2 lin 101 FA-IJtS OF JILL COLORS, AND IN ANY «H A-\TITV, TOH 3ALS, AT NO. 270. A \xl Dan- li ■«• ii- Drug Store of 11. 15. lIAVILAND &. CO. Broad-Strcct. Augusta, Geo. (T/ 3 .Suitable Brushes loaned, K. I*. SPELMAN. August 1H wtf hi h* iiTwooim ufi^s WHOI. - .SAL L A.XJ) hi: TAIL II A T, CAP Sc B«'VIAJET Ttrosa-Slxiiot, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. T:*zn; &jr m&G&r £t,s. HAS JUST RECEIVED, A I'llESSl Assoriment ..f the above iA t nicies, which he >• flora for Sale on •lie most liberal terms.— also, an assort ment <*f SCIEETSE glasses, 3SAZ. AND LHATUEB TRUNKS. October 10 wtf 4 '"siSTUil PON23 JOCItEV-OA.tEfii R A C E S, “ l fesft T il,lj Commence on Tuesday the »* "SiSth of llcceinbcr next, free for nay Horse, Marc or tickling, Ist days Pm so. H Htilc beats, for .«,,d days Purse, ’2 mile heals, for $l5O «jfd days Purse, mile heats ; to be up of entrance money, Ac. Aged Horses to carry 189 lbs. G years old to carry 181 lbs. 5 years old to carry 118 lbs. 4 years old to carry 108 lbs. •i years old to carry lbs. ii years old to carry a feather, y pounds wiil be allowed to Mares and fieldiligs. ISfRKH ■CoVNTV, G.i. } October 15lb, ISJO. S ' V<, l 4 < >TICE is hereby given, that all pro dace Wagons and Carts, contain ing one or more bales of Cotton, hogs heads of Tobacco, or barrels of I’kmr. «iv from this date, entitled to pass the Al ( iU»TA BRIDGE, free of Toll : This arrarigcinent has been made, for l he purpose of enabling the Planter, to avail himself of this extensive Market, b ee of all expense. (Signed) Jt.ssE Kent. S- Clmmino, Thomas Alt Gran, Jos. Bignon, John Bones, John Woolfolk, Committee. A agustn, August2B,lKW- wGm 9*l C 'r The Carolinian, Southern Times Greenville Mountaineer, and Charleston Courier, will please insert the above weekly for three months, and send their accounts to this office. iPa tt Ggi MA niit , WATCH MAKER, £3Q HAS again began business, in l/te Brick House, No. 117, Broad fifes. '3w/s street, lately occupied V\ i .s the CITY HOTEL; (SBW',,X< "d ,ere he will bestow all his attention to re pairing WATCHES A CLOCKS, of every description, in the best possible manner, and at very reasonable prices.— He solicits the patronage of his friends and former customers, and all who wish to have their Watches made to keep good time at a moderate price. He w ill sell his remaining STOCK, consisting o’ :b7/ a lb, 7, WATCHES AMD CLOCKS, CASTORS, AC. AC. for less than they cost, at Wholesale and Retail. Thick Patent WATCH GLASSES, and till other descriptions of WATCH GLASSES, constantly Kept on hand. Augusta, April BS, 1K‘)0. Gl) i\3sT wilCfilYfiV). •4- BALES Osnnburgs, 20 Do. negro Cottons, 10 Do. brown Sheetings & Shirtings, GO Pieces white, red, A green Flannels, •50 Do. rich Cambric Prints,. 50 Do. Callicoes (low price,) 8(H) Doz. Ohinfz.Verona. Imitation,Dlad rtiss, !>!nslipa(am, Berkley, and Britannia Handkerchiefs, 100 Pieces Clioppa Ttomuls, 1 Case 4-4 Irish Linens, 1 Do. 7-8 do. do. 50 Doz. ladies white cotton Hose, 100 Do. mens do. do. half do. 100 Boxes Spool Cotton. 200 Reams Wrapping Paper, The above is oflered for sale low, for Cash, or approved miner, by CHARLES PHILLIPS. Oct 1G ts 4 VIRGINIA MAN Cl ACT L RED « At\ REGS MA.WFACTURED TOBACCO. For Salk by L HULL. August 11 8!) ®TL BARRELS Fresh Baltimore Ip FLOUR, Just Received, and ibr Sale low. L. HULL. August n 80 Bordeaux Olarct. a casks si-reninu uoiweaua -I CLARET, For Sale low, htj L, HULL August 11 80 t SP&&X* c,&z , . l p.Qjsr- 0 DOZ SPOOL COTTCN, Just Beccired, and for Sale. 1»// L.IIULI. August 11 89 I "ii "PBJTAia sale/' iomm-.portorco mm '.Vldeb will he Soh‘low IbrTash, rapja’ovcd paper. V. PHILLIPS. October IG d ''Hoa>l ; 3* siwv,' AND Ornamental Painting. r HE SUBSCRIBER, wouW inform @ the citizens of Augusta, that he will carry on the HOUSE PA/NTIN(I and GLAZING BUSINESS, l and also. SIGN, CHAIR, and ORNAMENTAL PAI NTING; all of which shJl be done in the best manner, and with A'spatch.— Persons who feel disposed D piitronize It ini will please call at his Sho)>, No. B Broad-Street. WILLIAM I/. DAVIS Jun»» It G 9 EEiLIXEB 7JLELE. t. GOi )D Second I (and BILLIABD A- TABLE for sale—Apply t<> L. HULL. August I 1 _9O iSULKEV. A N excellent SIJLKEV, vvith Double iaL Spring Top—For sale by L. HULL. August I I 9G at O TI O B rj ISHAIiL hercoßcr regularly attend the Superior Courts of Richmond County. My ollicc and residence arc in Grcensborough. Persons resitling in Augusta, having business to transact, re quiring the services ol u Lawyer, in the counties of Greene, Morgan, Newton, Clarke, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln, Talliaferro, Monroe, or Hancock, and who may choose to entrust it to me, will have an opportunity of conferring with me, personally, twice in a year, in rela tion to it. FRANCIS H. CONE. The Constitutionalist and Courier, will please publish the above for 2 weeks, and send in their accounts to this office. Dee. 6 >8 JAMBS Ty BBNT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL attend the Superior and In ferior Courts of Richmond and Columbia counties—and the Court of < lomtnou Pleas of Augusta. He may’ he found at the office of Robert IL Reid, Esq. corner of Washington and Elhs-streets. July y w I - RECEZ VEJDy ' AT THR I AUGUSTA ROOK-STORE, i Braudd s Chemistry, Good's Book of II Nature, Lance on the Chest, Hooper's Examina tions, Gentleman s <Jc Ladies’ Lexicon, Letter Writer's, Harmans Pulpit Assistant, Course of Time, Lulia Rookh, AN bites and Hind's Farriery, National Orator, V irgiuia Housewife, Stories of Waterloo, Campbell s Poems, Paul 'Clifford, Moore's Poems, Moore's Works, Moore’s Life of Byron, Nutshell of Kura, ledge, Hannah Moore’s Works, Caldwell's Cul len, Hemuus’ Poems, Children of the Abbey, Drydin’s Virgil. Blake’s Botany, Grinishaw's United States, Greece and Home, Smiley s Federal Calculator, Pike’s Arith metic, Smith’s Arithmetic, Natali's Botany’, Aunt Mary's’Tales, American Anecdotes, Gricshach s New Testament, It. Robert son’s Sermons, Towle's Astronomy, Brown’s E. Gram mar, New Speaker, Kent's Commentaries, <'bitty ou Con tracts, Toller's Executors, Voting's Night Thoughts, Tales of a Grandfather, &e. AT.SO—Tim FOl T.OWING 0/.P.D2H SEEDS: Carrot, lluddish, Mustard, Onion, Cu cumber, Early Turnip, Ice Lettuce, Win ler Squashes, Blood Beef, A Herb Seed. Sept 11 9S I> K q jV u * JUST WHIASU I> 9 CONTENTS : Remarks on the Character and Writings of John Milton. Remarks on the Life and Character of Napoleon Bonaparte. /Remarks on the Character and Writings of Fcneloja. The moral argument against Calvinism, illustrated in a Review of a Work, en titled,‘.A General view of the Doctrines of Christianity,’ &c. Discourses at the Ordinal ions of Rev. John Emery Abbott, Rev. Jared Spar' s, Rev. B. S. Gaimet, and Rev. P. A. Farley. Discourse before the C mgregational ; Ministers of Massachusetts. Discourse on the Evidence of Revealed \ Religion, delivered before the I diver sity in Cambridge, at the Dudleian . Lecture. Discourse at the Dedication of »Ii“ Se cond Congregational Unitarian Church in New-York. Discourse at the installation ol the Rev. M. J, Motto Discourse at the Dedication of Divinity Hull, Cambridge, Maws. Daily Prayer. Means of Promoting Christianity'. Importance of Religion to Society. 'The System of Exclusion and Denuncia tion in Religion, considered. Objections to Unitarian Christianity, con sidered. Extracts, Ac. Ac. (kr* A few Copies Just Received, ami For Sale, by ROBERT F. POE, or THOMAS S.METCALF. (XT’ PRICE u:t. Sept. 18 199 Av\ uuu\ s\ Y ‘aA 0V ’ s X 1 Aaf c . BAOUR months alter dale, application 8 will be made to the hoiuirablc In ferior Court ol Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real Estate of Win. York, deed. for,the benefit ol liis heirs and crcdi tors. JOHN M. PAYNE, Adm r. Sept 15 Jliii 99 Guardian's Koticc. B.VOUU months alter .lute, application ’ wiil be made to the honorabie In ferior Court of Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Alio real estate belonging to Hie heirs of Thomas Harbour, dec., for the benefit of said heirs. DANIEL CHANDLER, Guar Jin n. Sept 15 4bn Guardian’s Notice. FOU R monthsafler date, application will be made to the honorable In ferior Court of Franklin County, when I sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real Estate olVAnn Fereel. IGNATIUS PEKCIXi. Guardian. Sept 15 4tm 99 GUARDIAN’S NOTICE. 17^0 UK mouths afterdate, application ’ will lx; made to the Honorable In ferior Court of Columbia county, when sittin" for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell A LOT OF LAND in Coweta county, known as lot .\o. 7, in the hHli I District of said county—Sold Ibr the ben- I - elit of the Minora of Isaac Winfrey, dc- REUBEN WINFREY, Acting Guardian. Oct 80 ,nim 5 STORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE SUBSCRIBERS, (I~A RA ri:iT L for past favors, re i new the tender of their services, ictbelr I ricnds and the Public, with the insurance, that they will as heretofore, <ll vote their lime to the interest of their Bnployers. Tlieir WARE-HOUSE will be in g)od order Ibr the reception tiiul safe Keeping of Country Produce and Merchandise '•hey deem it due to themselves, to state situation of their Ware-Houses—thus —.They are bounded on the North, by Bay-street ami the Riv er—On the West, by 5m open space of about 180 feet—On the South, by Reynold-street, about G 5 feet (vide, and on the East, by Campbell strei, about G 5 feet wide.—ln addition to tliesicurity against lire, wliich the above loeaton presents, they have about tli«> cent* of their Lot. a Hydrant which de liver* Water from the aqueduct lately competed in this city. Tli|y will grant the usual facilities, by advajees of money or otherwise, to such ns ni:y fax of them with < 'ustoni, A SLAUGHTER A: t. I.AUUZAN. Sezt 18 ht 100 i I U’rDr ,mM .in nr mm PI AMO FORTE SCHOOL. r ivn; Subscriber respectfully informs J H bis friends and the public, that he has (pened a .SCHOOL for the purpose of giving Lessons or the Pi.vmi Fuktk This day, at Mrs. Thompson's, corner ol Broal and Mclutosh Streets, where he may lie found every day from eight to one u'elofk a. m. and from 3 to 5 i*. m. Tlose who are desirous to enter hi il:c first quarter will please make early ap plication. JOHN D. SPEISSEGGER. Oltober t! Gt 1 SPARTA TAViERN ’VO UFtXV, Till AT iSpaeions and w<4l arrimged TAVERN, in the Town of Spar ta, Hancock county, at present occupied by Mr. William Maekic. ’This establishment is not surpassed by any of a similar kind in the up-Couniry, and will, xxiib judicious management, yield a handsome return on the capital employed. The furniture and stock will be sold on a credit, for approved paper, to any.person or persons who may contract for the premises. Possession xx ill be given on the Ist of November next. Apply to MeKE.NZIE \ BEWOCII. Septemlier 15 H I*9 Nm'uyvT' rHIIIE Copartnership heretofore exist JL ing under the firm of B.MITII \ ROBBI NS, in Charleston. S. C. is dis solved by its oxvn limitation. The bit siness w ill be settled by G. W. Smith. \V.SMITH, E. BOBBINS. The subscribers have formed a eon neelioii under the firm of Smith, Harris, vVCo. tin.l will continue* the Hardware business at the old eslablisbnienti t Smith & Robbins, Cliarleston, S. C. G. W.SMITII, WM, HARRIS, B. F. SMITH. October G xv'tm __J EicHimOiid Academy- Trustees of the Academy of ® I Richmond county will, on the fast Sati’iiiovv in Dhchmbhk nkxt, proceed to Elect the lidlowing Tenehers and Ofli eers for the term, and space of twelve months, from the time of appoiiitiiicnt, to xvit:— A Beetor. with a salary of Light Him dred Dollars, and half of the Tuition money. An English Teacher, w ith a salary ol Five Hundred Dollars, and one half of the Tuition money. A Teacher for the Sand Hills, without salary, but with tin* use of the House and Lot at the Hand Hills, the Teacher to re ceive the whole of the Tuition money. A Teacher of Modern Languages, with a salary of Two Hundred and I illy Dollars, ami the whole ol the I nition money—the price for Instruction to he Eight, Dollars per quarter. A Clerk, Steward and Treasurer, with a Salary of Four Hundred Dollars. 07/“ Written application will be made to I In- undersigned. By oiiniai of Tin; Board. JAMES MeLAWS, Clerk. Sept 4 intlD—tdo 9G ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Edward Ward, late ol Richmond county, dec'll, arc requested to call upon James VV. Lamkin, of Augusta, anil sell e the same; and those having demands against suit) Estate, will cull on inysell ~,3laCoi,ror,.aj„„.„.w wAiir) AiiminUtralor, with, the H ill Annexed. Sept 85 4txv GimCERIES. H the SUBSCRIBER, AB* lafcly received, and is still re- of among xvhichlare the following articles; |J COS ,loav > Hemp, Flax A S(«J ibs Bngfing and Seine Twine, ~ > Bile Rope. 8000 Bushels Lix’erpool Ground and : linetabU Salt, 85 libels Si, Croix, Porto Rico, and New Orleans Sugar, 19 Tierces Superior Green Coflee, o 9 Bags Rood do vio 19 Bis Lolif and Lump Sugar, 5 lllids Molasses, 75 Bids wui«ivey,Rant, Gin and Ap pie Brandy, J Pipe Gcniitio Cognac Brandy, 8 do Real Holland Gin, 10 qr. Casks Tenerifl'u and Alalaga i Wine, ( 5!K5 lbs Sole Ltather. 1IMM) lbs ShoeTirend in Balls A. Hanks, 50(1 A ards 'l’oV Linen, 80 Tons Swedish Iron from 1) to 18 inches wile, 1000 lbs Genian, Cast, and Blister'll Steel, 2000 ll>s Shootond Hoop Iron, uud Nail Rods, 8000 lbs IMoigh Moulds, 50 Bugs Slot iissorte.l, 50(H) Ibs Catlings uSsoj lihl, 85 bis Ma-kerel, 30 Kegs md Boxes Superior Tobuc- ' co, •• 100 Ueans Writing and Wrapping Pape, 50 KegslVails assorted, 8000 <r(s Hone Jura and Jugs, 50 Nest; Dry Measures, i 10 doz. tVindsur Chairs, 11 mwtire, Cutlery vN Xroiur.or.-! gery f() pieivs London Duffil and I’oint Blaikets, 20 Bali? Domestics, AI.SO, I 1000 lbs Live Geese Feathers, and 3000 lbs Prime Bacon, . •ill of wliich he oilers on reasonable terms at Ids St|To No. 311 Broad,conifer of Campbellstreets. J ACOB MOUSE. October 13 2 To Journeymen Coopers* W A N; FR& f, rrw o Joiii'iieymen Coopers of steady j and industrious habits, to whom good wages and steady employment xx ill be given. Giod workmen would be pre ferred. Letters addressed, post paid, to the subscriber, respecting the above, xvill be iiromplly attended to. iivuiv i MAGUIRE, ' AI'.itJSTA, Gkohdia Tlie New York Truth 1' Her will please give the above 3 insertions, and forward the account to this olliee for payment. October 20 3t, 5 COTTON AND TOBACCO A T AITC TJ O IST. W ILL he sold on SATU’RDAY, the 15th day of November next, ql 11 o'clock, a. m. befoi'c tin; Warehouse door of iloi.i .iMiJi;, Johnston &- C.imitii;i*p. 4. R ALES COTTON, marked J. B stor edinthe name of James Boyd. \. ri! Mill IH2s.—Also. ONE lIIID TOBACCO, marked A L. sold to i>ny \\ aichouse charges. JOHN C. HOLCOMBE. Octobers wld 2 PUBLIC SALE. On Wednesday. Ist Deeeinher next, xvill be sold, nt tliehonse of Mrs. Makv Da i.v, in Richmond county, live miles from Augusta, hot ween the hours of ten and two o’clock, A tract of Land, containing three hun dred acres, one hundred of which is un der cultivation, the balance is well tim bered with oak, hickory, and pine, and lias a bold crock miming through if.— The situation is pleasant and healthy, mid there is on the tract, a good dwelling house, and nil the out buildings necessa ry on a plantation, an extensive orchard of all kinds of fruit trees commonly found in (his part of the country, mid of the best quality ; a STILL, working seven ty-fix e gallons, and (be preparations for milking Brandy anil Cider. The orchard xx ill yield from one hundred and fitly, to two hundred gallons of Brandy. Terms, one-third cash, and the balance in one and two years, in notes with ap proved endorsers. Possession given on (he first day of January, 1831. October 83 G a UOlAiAWtt UVtWiUU). JUANA WAY from the subscriber, about three weeks ago, a mulatto girl, & "maria, sometimes called M ARIA !|fc. PRIMROSE, aged about 24, of low stature, Sc very light complex ion. She is supposed to possess forged papers. Any person who will lodge her in any jail, and give me information ofit, shall receive the above rexvmd; and any information tending to lend to her detec tion, will be thankfully received. WM J. HOHRY, Jr. Oelolier 13 ;t UOLUM 111 A yil LRI 11-8 SALE , WILL he, Sold nt Columbia < < art House, on the first Tuesdr.y in ‘ November next, within the usual Lours ol sale, the folloxving property, tq, xvit; 200 acres of Land, on Green-Brier Creek, adjoining Wm. AVright, TeKkir, and others, lev: rd on to salisly a fi fa ‘ from Columbia Superior Court, Horatio Gartrill vs. Mb ojuh Bond, Executor o( John Ilattnvvuy ’. RICH 1) |I JONES, ShfT C. C Ootwherß 'l’Ul PH ■■■■ ■ ,T *** WMWll< wwwininn us .-am | j tr» TISE < ? EIV E 11 9 AND FOR SALE BV DAVro SI-:: Tft.Jii Jo, •V©. ||OA D-S If R £i V AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, (NEXT IMIOI! TO NKLSO.V C \(i n ll i, Co.) A HANDSOME AMD EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF Fashionable Read r - ,/ludo niO'nuNw, HATS. CAPS, BOOTS &. 3H0153. All ol’which arc ottered at reduce pri ces fin* cash or Town acceptances. 05*“ t'nll nnd sec. October 20 5 TO VVVSNT. ImlO Two Fire Proof St ores A Dvrcl >MSfa lings, on the corner of Broad ami ■* aMwC, ('ampbell-streets. AI.SO, One Fire-Proof Store and Dwelling’, No. I Bridge Row. Tli<‘ Store and Dwelling next above the Bridge Bank. The Dwelling on Campbell Street, opposite the Wnre-llonse of d/essrs. Bostwiek & Baird. For terms, apple to M’KENZIE aV BENNOt II July 7 ts 7h ’ 'VO UVVN’V, A large DW EBB!\O. Id fT, jiMjMH &e. nnd \ BARGE STORE, \ n m well cab uluted for Dry-Bonds and Groceries, opposite the store of Edward Thomas, Ettj. upper end of Broad-street—an excellent stand for business. Possession will be given on the first ofOctober. For terms, which will be liberal, apply to Mr. Josj-.rn Car air,, at the above place. GARRET LAW BENCE. July 31 HO . . TO 11ENT, From the Ist October next, the ’■(tall Grocery Store, No. 339, a good stand for Business. Apply to BRIDGES & GIBSON. June 20. ts 7< ( Augusta City Sheriff’s £- ii> WIEli be sold, at (he Me. o ' House in the City of Angu-u .«, on tlm first Tuesday in November i- .1, f to >*u (lie usual hours of sale: One lot of Band, with the in , r..<rv incuts thereon, containing one had' acre, (more or less) hounded on the South by KeynOld-street, on tin* North by Bay - street, East by Ini of Edmund Martin, and West by Houston street- levied upon by v irtue ofuti. fa. from Court of Com mon Pleas, Joseph llulehis m vs. Anselm Rugg. AI.SO—IIV OUlllil. OF COURT. All the Improvements on a lot occu pied by Robert Jones, bounded Norll by Broad-street, South by Eliis-streef. East by East Boundary street, and West by street; property returned by said Jones, in bis schedule lit September <'ourt instant, under a the in stance of Walton Knight. Terms—Bankable money—purchaser.*! to pay for titles. A. PICQUI3T, Sb’tr. c. a. Oetober2 td 101 RICHMOND SHERIFF’S SAiTe. M; lliii be sold, on the lirst Tne «,ay ▼ T in November next, at the Market House in the City of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, the following proper ty, to wit: A (met of Band, levied on as the pro perty of Jacob Bagg, in favor of Augus tus Moore and Wm. T. Gould, on the foreclosure of a mortgage, containing 1100 acres, more or less, bounded North by lands belonging to the estate of Basil Bamnr. deceased—on the by lands of V. Walker, nnd lands formerly owned by the estate of F. Walker, deeea* East by landsof the lute Anderson ’ kins, but now the property of.lohi. Bv • and West by lands off-annuel June AI.SO, One* lot of Band, in the City of Align: tn, bounded Snath by Green-street. \V< by lot of James Fraser, and East by 1* i of Jacob Dill, having n fi out on Green street, ofK» feel, more or less, and l im ning hack to Ellis-street, half way—aid also, two tracts of I mad. each containing MM) acres, more or less, and nd,joining each other, known as the Bay Spring Tract, in the County of Richmond, levied on as the property of Gabriel Clarke, to satisfy a 11. fa. on (he foreclosure ofu mortgage in favor of Hays Bowdre, u gainstsaid G. Clarke. , AI.SO, I 291 t acres, and fcU acres, two tracts - (making together 303 acres ol Band.) I which tracts of Band, aforesaid, are prill-- • cipally composed of Bands originally' , granted to Joseph Outs, including, also, MM-Oths of an acre, adjoining the Oats • tract/—levied on as the property of Wil liai',l C. Dillon, on the foreclosure ofu m/a tgiigc in favor of Mary B. White, the Executrix of dlngh Nesbitt, and Wm. 1 Bongst reel for others, against said Dillon. AI.SO, Sundry articles of Household Fund • tore, levied on as the property of John S. Holt, to satisfy a ii. fa. A. B. Walker vs. „ John S. Holt i,nid Robert D. Ware. PETER F. BOISCBAIK n. s. n. c. ,j Oetolyer 2 td 104 n " 1 ' " 1 "■ ,f . lAW BLANKS. INSTRUCTIONS ronCOMWISSIOK FJIS, in tp approval £ofyi.