Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, October 30, 1830, Image 1

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AtraUSTA CHRONICLE f*E€OMi W*ERVimE** ' oeFIVE 3 ° y ’ BBOAp - yr - . PUBLISHED EVERY VTSDNE SI)AV AND SATURDAY MORNING, BV A. H. PEMBERTON. ■ i IT imar t mm tekms. ortll WEEKLY PAPER, five dollars pay able *“ advance, or SIX DOLLARS at the “'wprKLY P\PEHt THREE DOLLARS per snnioii, payable in advance, or 1 OLU DOLLARS at tiie fl v ” paper willhc'llscontinuetl (except at the choice of'*' niililWiw,) nt ill arrearages arc part. 1 P < VRRIEUS of papers to City subscribers, ore sirirtlvliirliiil to sell or give them away, tuuler any cir rliiiismnccs; and any person, other than a subscriber, ' « 1,0 -imll purchase a paper front them, or receive one in i ... wnv without proper antborily from the publisher or •1 subscriber, will lie heid liable li>r the amount of one 1 ve irs subscription •, vviiioh shall he demanded, and If ne- i eessary, sued for, and paid to any person who wilt give , hito,'inaiion of die fact. tDVUtti'ISEMr VTSnre inserted lemt-nrekh/ ! ,O i 1-i cents per square, lor the first insertion, and -l:i .l-J ( ■.■ ins lor each succeedimt insertion — weekly, at li'2 1-2 cents per square for ear. Insertion—and monlhlytw hen not exceeding one square) at SI lor each insertion.-* tv,me, however small, Is charged less Rian one square. Those intended to be limited must have tip; number nt sections, semi-weekly or weekly, written on them, or 'i„.y will he inserted semi-weekly till forbid, and clmr accordingly. I * The publisher takes upon himself the risk of all remit- I urn. es of money made, to him by Mail—the person remit pat first paying the postage, and obtaining from the l*o.-l nm-ter, a written or verbal ncknowledgeinciit of tiie < union it, and its deposite in bis ollice, which sliall he given i mine publisher ill case of miscarriage. [,l', f f MRS (on business) must be post paid, or they will not be taken out ofthe office. The l vws or the exited states arc published in this paper. 7V i F.ieevtOTS, Administrator}, and Guardian}. SVLI IS ofLA.N I) or r.tiROLS, |»y Administrators, Kxecutors, or tiaardians, are Required, tiy law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours'of ton in the forenoon, and three in the afternoon, nt tiie Conn tion-e ofthe county in which the property is situate.—No ■ ofl sales must begiven in a public gazintf,SlXTY lines previous to the day of sale. V'niici' of tiie. sole of personal property, must he given jn like i liiimiT, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. ; N'nilci' io die debtors and creditors of an estate, must be published fi.rFORTY days. Notice that application will be made to the Court ofOr i 'roT liir leave lo sell LAND or INKOUULS, must be pul lishcil for FOFU .MONTHS. ■.aK-yaTwiMauma.*: »inw— mmmm —> t r /» \Ve tire anth irispd to announce Mi AVILLIAM IWICOiJ. Sen’r. as a Candid.tie lor tiie office of llcceivcr of Tax Returns, at the approaching election }n January next.. August 25 til Oil j{y® We arc authorized to announce .. Mr. 31. P. 11018(1 LAIR, as a can didate far re-election to the oilicc of Uc rei ver of Tax Returns, nt flic approach-' bur Election, in January next. SrplM 07 :<ms. ieituiiivso.v, ■ t2>iv(«S leave to inform her friends, D llint her SCHOOL is now open " fm* the reception of Pupils. TBRXI3 OF ADMITTANCE. * For Ibe (irst Class per tluarter, sl2 50 C Second Class Do. 10 50 Off 27 wit 7 “ A OAE.D, ' ‘ I\TIIA3I HULL tenders his most J sincere thanks to the public, for I tin ir patronage to his Auction Establish mai, and is deteriniuGud to merit its con tinuation by his future promptness anti assiduity. They can only add to the oh- - ligatiun. he is already .under lo them, by railing as quickly after sales for their • it mds as may he convenient. * Hi* bus removed to bis .Vrif Store, two .1 doers above J. <.V S, Hones' Hardware Btore—where he will attend to any coin iiiainls in his business. < let 27 7 J crockery, china, AM) agiAaaa : Htilxsenbers boviiyjf formed rt H connexion in ibe above business. . invite the psitronage of their friends and ’ar public. They are now receiving*, and bit ml constantly to keep on hand, an ‘ assnrtaisMit for wholesale and retail, in e'nding .Mantle, Pier, 'J’oilet, Swing and 1 uney [looking Glasses, Castors, Liquoi Stuinls, iVe. The business will be con dtirtrd under the firm of & diiijiis te tov-zmaw-f, . At the former stand of VV. Harris, ,\o. * _£"•>. Rroad-st., in the .Masonic [{milling. f The long experience of the parties, 1 nml the hitter's being interested in an E-lublislnneiit tit Charleston, S. C. ainl ‘ in .Ww-York, afford the greatest facili- J ties for importations iV purchases, which a splendid stock and tempting prices will ' testify. 1 WILLIAM HARRIS. 1 J\<>. R. LUDLOW. 1 Augusta. Oet. 27. w2m 7 To Journeymen Coopers- Wd? Vl&JJjy ° Journey men Coopers of steady and industrious habits, to whom good wages and sternly employment will .h''given. Good workmen would lie pro- | erred Letters addressed, post paid, to i the Mj'.* ! criber, respecting the above, will | t-w promptly attended to. JOHN J. 3IAGUHIE, A f(i l) ST A, GkOROIA. J The New York Truth Teller will please, • ptve the tibove 3 insertions, and forward i <li<* account to this olficeibr payment. October 20 ;jt * Q TABLS~ A GOOn Second Hand HILLIARD TADLL for sale—Apply to L. HULL. August J 4 DO lit. 4 N expedient feI’LKEV, with Double * *- Spring TL’op—J'or sale by L. HI LL. _A nrrnst 91 "its -?arvwkiss aSST |-a-vnlm» Jilllin uico ClTffl . SXTAI&Bt; will be Sold low JAr t ash, or approved paper. £ PHILLIPS. vOcKjlxt JC* 4 «o«» mmmAnxxi, WATCH MAKER, NO. J4Y, lIROAD-STREET, Gtt HAS again begat business, in the Uriel jf \ House, No. 147, Hroail \ street, lately oecupiec \V 1 as the Cri'V HOTEL where he will bestow i -*^*—li—all his attention to re pairing WITCHES A; CLOCKS, of every description, in the best possible manner, anil at very reasonable prices.— He solicits the patronage of his friends and former customers, and nil who wish to have their AVatches made lo keep good lime at it moderate [trice. lie will sell ins remaining STOCK, consisting o( J3S77E LR7, ir.3 tcn/■;s ji \j) clocks, CASTORS, AC. AC. for less than they eost, at Wholesale and Retail. Thick Patent WATCH GLASSES, and st 11 other descriptions of WATCH GLASSES, constantly kept on hand. Augusta, April 2S, JK[D. tii) RALES Osnahurgs, 20 Do. negro Cottons, 10 Do. brown Sheetings vV Shirtings, 00 Pieces white, red, iV green Flannels, 50 Do. rich Cambric Prints, 50 Do. Callieoes (low price,) 200 Don. Chintz,Verona, Imitation,Mad rnss, IMusliptitam, Merkley, uud Rritannia llandkercliielV, 100 Pieces Choppti [{omuls, 1 Case 1-1 Irish Linens, I Do. 7-8 tlo. do. 50 Doz. Indies w hite cotton Hose, 100 Do. mens do. do. half do. 100 Roxes Spool Cotton, 200 Reams Wrapping Paper, The above is ollered for sale low, for Cash, or approved paper, by CHARLES PHILLIPS. ‘ Oct 10 ts I VIUGINIA M ANf FACTUJRED g /k KEGS MA.WTACTURED i V TOBACCO. Fon Sale bit L HULL. August JI 80 FRESH I’IiOLIC 4|v RARRELS Fresh Raltimore FLOUR, Just Received, uud for Sale low. It. HULL. August 11 K t* Bordeaux Claret. 4 CASKS SUPERIOR BORDEAUX CLARET, For Salt* low, by L HULL. August 11 80 SPtJOli COTTON. 300 DOZ SPOOL COTTON. Just Rcceired, and for Snlg, by L. HULL. August 11 80 FUREY'S FERRY FREE FOR PRODUCE. HR Merchants of Atigusta, have H made an arrangement with tin* owner of Farcy's Ferry, by which till Wagons loaded w ith more than one bale of Cotton—A 11 Carts with one or more bales Cotlon-*And till Wagons loaded with Flour. Ration, or Tobacco, shall be admitted with the Driver, to pass and re pass free of charge, for tiie Utnu of one year front this date. MARTHA FLREV. Augusta Oet. 18, IKMK 41 tv 7 1 SHALL hereafter regularly attend the Superior Courts of Richmond County. My ollice and residjyice are in tireensborougk. Persons residing in Augusta, having business lo transact, re pining the services of a Lawyer, in the counties of Greene, Morgan, Newton, Clarke, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln. Talliafen-o, Monroe, or Hancock, and who may choose to entrust it to me, w-ili have itn opportunity of conferring with me, personally, twice in a year, in rela tion to it. FRANCIS 11. CONE. {Zj“ The Constitutionalist and Courier, will please publish the above for 2 weeks, ami send in their accounts to this ollice. Dee. 5 ts 18 i 1 " r- Executor's Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday jn December :*.t the Court I louse door. < .'arncsville, Franklin ('utili ty, bet ween the usual hours of side, the following property, to w it; Two hundred and sixty-a«4*rs of land., adjoining John Sewell, on Rear Creek; :{OO ae rsis, more or less, ntljoining King and Sutley, on the waters of Stephens Creek; one negro woman named Han nah, about fifty years old; and one negro girl, named Kitty—Hold as the property of Barnuel Phillips, dec., in conformity with an order of the Court of Ordinary qf said County, for the benefit of the heirs ami creditors of said deceased. Terms known onthe day of sale. DENNIS PHILLIPS,? Pv . J ACKSON lIAYB, rK Sept 15 w2m fill TO RENT, n n 'J’he Two-story Fire Proof Brick STORES on the North !S»iIliSS H ' ( * e Rfottd Street, nearly opposite the J’lanters' Hotel, and next above Mr. Thomas Oumming's Range. For twins, ajtply to I. HENRY. October 23 If (> JOE miWTIITO NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE S AT TfIT? Ii ( Alia ST A ROOK-BTORE, l» Chemistry, Good’s Rook of H Nature, C Lam e on the Chest, Hooper's Examina* lions, Gentleman’s A Ladies’ Lexieon, Letter , t\ l iter's, Hn. man s Pulpit Assistant, Course of I I 'me, Lnlla Rookh, White’s ainl Hind's Farriery, National Orator, ; Virginia I foasewife, Stories of Waterloo, Cam|)belfs Poems, Paul Clilfonl, Moore's Poems, Moore's Works, 31°(ire's Life of Ryron, Nutshell of Knowledge, Hanimh Aloore’s 3Vorks, Caldwell's Cul len. llemnns’ Poems, Children ofthe Abbey, Drydin's Virgil, Blake's Itotany, , (it'imshiiw s United States, Greece ami Rome, Smiley s Federal Calculator,Pike's Arith metic, 1 Smith's Arithmetic, Natali's Botany, Aunt Mary's Tales. Amerieaii Anecdotes, Grieshaeh's New Testament, R. Robert son’s Sermons, Tow le’s Astronomy, Brown’s E. Grain mar. New Speaker, Kent's Commentnries. Chilly on Con tracts. Toller's Executors, Young's Night Thoughts, Tales of a Grandfather, Ac* ALSO—TIIF. KOI.I.OWING OAEDSIt SE2PS: Carrol, Raddish, 31usiaro, Onion, Ckt etimber, Early Turnip, lee Leif net*, Win ter Squashes, Blood Reel, vV Herb Seed. Sept 11 «H UR. « I WORKS, ju«t inTßu§m:i), CONTENTS: I Remarks on the CluuucUr and Writings of John 31iltou. Remarks on the Lite nml Character of Napoleon Bonaparte. Remarks on the Character and Writings of Fen v.lon. 1 Tin* moral argument against Calvinism, illustrated in a Review of a Work, en titled. *.\ General view ofthe Doctrines of Christianity, ’ Ac. Discourses tit the Ordinations of Rev. John Emery Abbott, 1 " Rev. .lured Sparks, Rev. E. S. Gamiet, and Rev. F. A. Farley. Discourse before the C mgregational Ministers of 3lassm*hiiselts. > Discourse on the Evidence of Revealed i Religion, delivered before the Univer sity in Cambridge, tit the Dudleian Lecture. • ’ Discourse tit the Dedication ofthe Se . coml Ckmgrcgutional I nitarian Clinreh in Ne.w-York. Discourse at the Installation of tin* Rev. J 31. J. 3lotte Discourse nt the Dcdtenlion of Divinity Hall, Cambridge, 31 ilss. I>aily Frayer. 3lenns of Promoting Cbristitinily. Importance of Relig’-itm te Society. The System of Exclusion mid Denuncia tion in Religion, considered. Objections to Unitarian Christianity, con , sidered. . Extracts, Ac. Ac. A lew Cojn'es Just Received, and For Sale, by ( 1 ROBERT F. POE. or ' THO3IAS S. 3IETCALF. (TT’ PRICE fa. Sept is 100 j AduumnU'aloY’H "NoVvcc. I jJOI’R nioiiHis after dat<*, a|)|>lieation i will be made to the honorable In ferior Court of Franklin Comity, when' sitting for Ordinary pnrpo>es. for leave to sell all the real Estate of Win. York, deed. forjUic benefit of Iris heirs and credi tors. JOHN 31. PAYNE, Adinr. Sept 15 4fm DU Guardian’s Notice^ 17301 i! immtlis tiller dtile, application _ will be mmle to the honorable In *. lerior Court of Frunklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tin; retd estate belonging to Ibe : heirs of Thomas Harbour, dec., for the (q bcaelit of stiid heirs, e DAMEL CHANDLER. GuarJinu. y S(*[>t 15 * llm Guardian’s Notice. .• fJOI U months u/u*r tlate, application will be made to tin* honorable In lerior Court of Prtinklin County, when sitting for Ordinary jnn poses, for leave to sell the retd Estate of Ann Perce!. IGNATIUS PERI ‘EL. Vuardinn. , Sept 15 Mm Pit GLAUDIAN’B NOTICE. .. i 301)11 inontlis afterdate, application , will be made to the Honorable In ferior Court of Columbia county, when ' sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave ’ to sell A LOT OF LAND in Coweta county, known as lot No. 7, in the fifth District yf said county—Sold Ibr tiie ben efit of the Jlinore of Isaac Winfrey, de ceased. REUBEN WINFREY, Guardian. E Oft 20 in' 1 m ft J tTST R ECEIVED, I AM) FOU SAM; HV I DAVX79 IVIEEICEII Sc Co. 1 »V». » Roai>«s tji ite t, AtTGtTSTA, GEORGIA. tNF.XT ItOOU TO MXSO.N CAUTKU i Co.) A II VSDSOMK AND EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT Os Tashionablc Heady Made CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, J| -k- : 884Nt»'S> &, SIIOI7S.' .MI ol which tire olfcreJ at. reduced pri ces tor cash or Town acceptances. (TT 8 * <4)11 and sot*. October 30 ft sroKA^i: AND > CO 31 31ISSIO \ |t (SI XES ». THE SUBSCRIBERS, <1 HATEFUL for [>ast favors, re- TI new the tender of their services, to their Friends and the Public, with the assurance, that they will as herctolbre, devote their time to the interest of their Employers. Their AVAR E-HOUSE will he in 1 good order for the reception ami safe 1 keeping of Country , Produce and HJorchandizc They deem it due to themselves, to state the situation oflheir Ware-Houses—Unis ■ —They are hounded on the North, by 1 Hny-strcvt anil the River—On the West, by an open space of about 180 feet—On the South, by Reyuold-strcet, about (55 ( feet wide, and on the East, by Campbell street, about (55 feet w idc.—|n addition to ' the security against tire, which the above location presents, they have about tin* centre oflheir Lot, a Hydrant which de livers Water from the aqueduct lately completed in this city. They will grant the usual facilities, by advances ol'money or otherwise, to such us may favor (hem with Custom. A. SLAUGHTER ii C. I.A HI /.AN, Sept 18 Ht 100 COTTON AND CO3IMISSION WARE-HOUSE, Subscribers nnnonnee to their JL friends and the [inblie, that they have rented the Wnre-llease in Fmnp beil street, Augusta, lately occupied by 3lr. John Rees, and opposite (be Ware- House of 3lessrs. Slaughter A Lahnznn; where they are now ready to receive Colton and other Produce, and tender their services therein, being sanguine that the attention w hich w ill be paid tot he interest of their friends, will secure i them a share of public patronage. T. COLEMAN, W3I. J. WIGIIT3TAN August 25 wtf !KI DISSOLUTION. 1 no he I’minersliip existing under the 1 ■ linn of N. ('ALLAN A Co. Wits this day dissolvetl by pnitnnl consent. N. ( ALLAN. ( J \3IES R.CALLAN. 3l:idison. Jium* 2S IS*{o. II) w 1113 Smm'o i TH3IIE C.)|>nrlnt*rshi|» heretofore exist i intr under the firm of S3IITII vV I RORIHNS, in Cliarleston, S. C. is dis soKetl by its own limitation. The bn- siness will be settled by G. W. Sniilli. f G. W Stil l'll, ' E. ROBBINS. 1 The snV e ej*ilMTs have formed a m>a * neetion tinder the firm of Smith, Harris, A f’o. and will continue the Hardware business at tin* old tvlablislnnent ofSniitb * A Robbins, Charleston. S. C. GW. SMITH. \ W3l. HARRIS, 1 It. F. SMITH. * October (5 wllm I Richmond Academy. rilHi; fnistees of the Academy ol B Richmond county will, on the j.aht Satitiday in Di.ckmiikk mkxt, proceed to Elect the following 'l’eaehers and Ofli cers for the term, and sjince of twelve montlis, from the time of ujtpointnient, to wit:— A Rector, with a salary of Eight Hun dred Dollars, and half of the Tuition money. An English Teacher, with a salary of - Lnndred Dollars, uud one half,of the Tuition money, ; A Teacher for the Staid Hills, without * salary, but with the nse-ofthe House mid ‘ Lot nt the Sand Hills,tiie Teacher lore- * ceive the whole of the Tuition money. . A Teacher of Modern Languages, , with a salary of Two Umpired and Fifty Hollars, and the whole of the Tuition . money—the price, for Instruction to be j Eight. Dollars per quarter. A Clerk. Stew ard and Treasurer, with . a Salary of Four Hundred Dollars. Written application will he panic to the undersigned. lix ojiuivH. ok tjuk Board, i JA3IES Ml LAWS, Clerk- Sept 4 intll) —tile IK! &ADC® SOB, SA.ItBf, , A GREAT RAR6AIN is now ofleretl in tiie snic of U tract, or lot of LAND, in Carroll county, which is discovered to be rich in the Golden proper- i ty. Tiie owner being on the eve of a long, journey to the North, will now sell it low, ifa quick application is mmle. Indispu table titles will be delivered. I APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. Jurfs l.ft 7» LOW, TAYLOR & Co. OF SAVANNAH, HAVE Received by the ship Georgia, arrived this evening from Liver pool, an extensive and general assort ment of British manufactured And have already in Store, and arc "daily receiving, additional supplies of American, French, Italian and German DRY GOODS, of idl descriptions, which are offered for stile on reasonable terms; and the orders of such of their customers xxJio cannot conveniently leave home, w ill be faithfully executed. < (etoher ft. 1 8:10. ) m ;] Just Published, A DIALOG IE, Occasioned by a Pamphlet, entitled. "-1 Convcrnition on an Important Subject, ’’ FOR SAW! at W. LAWSON’S Job Printing Office and the Book-Stores. Trice 25 Cents, and #2 per dozen. G« 127 ,*{| * 7 H* W; SCOVELIa Sc Co* HVVIN'Q removed to J. P. King. Esqr's new Brick Range, 51 doors be low their old staml, art* now* reet'iving nml opening 150 PACKAGES of sims&&a e*MJy petM QX DViJ ©OOMb, tike PUTIBBY. , COMBS, &c. < ‘omprising Avery general assoftment of V *\ \i \ i AX » w \ x v GOODS. <3ll of which will he sold on lh,e most liberal terms Country Merrhants nml < ’ity dealers are invited to call and examine their Goods. Or* 27 31 w 7 tty* The Courier will please insert tin* above II times wi*ekly. IJatLftjgf Salt CROCREM AND SLASfij-WA&S. THE SUBSCRIBER, Li consequence of’ill benhb, having de termined to bring his business to a close, will sell by JL\ TOTIOIT, On ll EDhIiSDAY, the UXth of Xm e.mhr licit, 120 ( R ATFN f; 11111)8, OF CROCKERY AM) GLASSWARE. Just reeeivrtl by the ship Grand Turk, from Liverpool, containing an assort meat well suited to Ibis Market. ALSO, At the same, time, his entire remaining Sitkti of Crockery, Glassware, Ac. Ac. Comprising p great variety of articles. He will continue to dispose of bis Stock nt very reduced prices for Cash, or town [taper, until the day of’SaJe. TER3IS,—AII sums not exceeding f 100 Cush, over #IOO and not exceeding iji-200 sixty days, over t||<2oo and not ex ceeding tjtCJOO ninety days, over HKMIO ami not exceeding SSOO four months, over SSOO six months credit, ujtjtrovefl on dorsed Dotes. JA3IES RONES. jUT 8 * WILL RE RENTED at thesaim* time, to the highest bidder, the valuable stand nt the corner of Broad and M’ln losb streets, with the back Stores, xvbicb. In* at present occupies until (lie first of < Itgober 11 (*xt. Oct 2‘> 4tw 5 r A I. WI N T 30 R~ (jiOODN. THE BUBBCRIIIERB Arc now Ilocoivinf; a part of their SITFLV OF j WSJ&& A.WD) wz.wpjrn. GOODS, VIZ: »n(Ile, Point, and Rose Blankets, White red nml green Flannels, Superfine white Unuse J'lunnel, Reeking and Floor Cloth Raize, Superfine Blue Cloths tpid’Cassirneres, Sattinets, Cloth and Valencia Shawls, Rich Garment and Furniture Prints, 7-8 Furniture Dimity and Fringes, f!-4 Elegant 3lourning Ginghams, Italian Last rings mid Grosde Niiple, Irish Linens, Lawns and Linen Cum hries, Ac. 20 Rales Domestic Shirtings ainl Sheet lings. TJIItIR ASSORTMr.NT OF OTItVR STAPLE a FANCY GOODS, Ims been considerably augmented by late arrivals. Purchasers may always ex peel a great variety to select fruiu. Termn favorable Bad prices us low, if. not lower than any other iiouse in the City. JOHN EDGAR A CO. Augusta, SC[d.J 1 ftlw 08 ; AMTFiI* tl l * ie Subscriber, ft first rate Journeymen Tailors to suit.—Good employment will be given. WILLIAM KIBIiE. Ofcl m 4t 4 famcy moods JUST BKCEIVED AT A. KNOWLTON’S PAWOrz STOE.B. BLACK, White und Wearlet Merino Want Jus, „ P°- do. do. Cashmere dt y, •J-'l and 0-1 Merino Shawls, •1-4 and .5-<l Thibet Wool Shawls, Imperial Mingle and changeable Silk do. twit and Embroidered Crape and Man darine Shawls, Extra rich Gauze, Shawls and Scarfs, 1 and 0-1 Brocade and painted Merino Shawls, I'ig d changeable Mandarine Lawn, do Algerine do. Plain do GrodeNnp, Green, Pink. W lute and Salmon colored tiro do Zan, Rich.fig d tiro de Naples for Bsnnets, It lark ami white Satins, & Black Mode, Light Blue, Pink, White and Black tiro «le Nap, Black Italian Lustring, (first rate) 80. Levantine, Sinehew & Sarsnet Silk* do. tiro tic Berlin and (»ro de Zan, Silk Florences, all colors, Black, white and green Italian Crape, Breen Worsted Barage. (tine and wide) Splendid Blaek Lae* Veils, 0-1 anil 0-1 Plain Bohhinet Lnee, I I figured do do. \\ liite Lnee N eils and Lnee fShaw]», Lnglish Thread Laces aml Edgings, 80. tit), and Bohliinet Insert mgs, Bohhinet Lace Edgings und plain Quil lings, Narrow Silk Braids, nil colors. Changeable Embroidered Satin Honuet Ribbons, richest article of the kind ever offered in this market, Embroidered changeable und plain wa tered belt Ribbons, in great variety, Rich Cap, Watch and Guard Ribbons, Plain Taffeta Ribbons, all colors, Ntis*. from 1 h to S 2, Black Silk Frog und Daisy Buttons < limp Leaves, Ikicc anil Pearl Button*, Ladies' ami Gentlemens’ English and French Silk Hosiery, Black nnd White Silk Half Hoec, Ladies' black, w hite A cofd II S 80. do. tlo English Silk do. Gentlemen's tlo tlo Silk and JI, S. do. Also, Received an Abovo. I ease fine Leghorn BOLIVARS, 1 ease ladies A misses Duns I able Bonnets, Ik/'* A general Assortment ol'srasoiiUf bit- Staple Goods, expected daily. October 20 *»|.w *5 ST/.TS OP CrEOSOIkA SUItIVU.N COPNIT. ( /it the Superior Court, of raid Counti/, Oc tober Term, IH3O, Present the Honor able William W. Holt. If.i.iruu i-uavAiir, mini'K of) flute AW ; Thomas SnavAUf, dee d. I on the vs. (fore -'mure of OIIEP.N I), J’IiAIICE. J « J\lortQcuec. I T appearing to the Court tipon the pe tition of Hannah Stewart, adm’rx. <»l Thomas Stewart, deceased, lute of Richmond county, that she is, as admi nistratrix of the said Thomas Stewart, deceased, possessed of a certain Deed of Mortgag'd to three several tracts of Land, si tuate, lying and being in the .county of Seri ven, mid State of Georgia, to wit One tract containing .six hundred and for ty-seven and a half acres, being when granted, in tho jiurish of St. George, and bounded atthe time of survey by vacant: land und dames McHenry’s land; Last by a lagoon running into Savnnnuh Riv er at the point marked A., on tin: plat of said tract, and on all other sides by va cant lain!, formerly belonging to Remi gens Von Mancie: one other tract gran ted to James McHenry, containing twi> nmnlretl and filly acres, and bounded North by the land above described, East by a lagoon, South by Savannah River mnl John Bradley's land, anil Wc.-t by vacant hind ; also, another tract contain ing thirty-two acres, bounded on the North aV East by Dasher's, land & South and West by vacant land ; containing in the aggregate, nine hundred anil twenty nine ami a half acres—which said Deed ofMortgage was signed, sealed and deli vered by Green Pearce, late of the coun ty of Seri ven, to Thomas Stewart, late of the county of Richmond, on the twenty second day Ol'Dccotnher. eighteen hun dred und twenty-live, und contains a condition to be v*>id, if the said Green Pearce, his heirs, executors and adminis trators, should (iiitlifnlly pay to the said Thomas Stewart, his heirs, executors und administrators, the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars, contained in three notes, two Os which nrc for the sum of one thousand dollars each, and theoflmr for the sum rd five hundred dollars, ac cording to the tenor nnd effect of said notes, which bear even date with tho date of said Mortgage; two of which notes, to wit: one for one thousand dol lars, payable on the first day of January, eighteen hundred aid twenty eigiit, und the other for five hundred dollars, paya ble ou the first day of January, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, remain as yet unpaid :—Wherefore the said Hannah Stewart, administratrix, ns aforesaid, prays the foreclosure of the equity ol'Hq deuiptjon adherent to tho «qud mortga ged premises in terms of the act of the General Assembly in such ease made and provided. It is therefore Ordered, That the principal, interest, and costs duo on suul Mortgage. i>« paid into Court within twelve months, or good cause lie shown to the contrary. It vt further Ordered, That this Rule Nisi be published once n month, for twelve months, previous to the lime when th«* said money is to be paid, in one of the : public Gazettes of this State, i A true extract taken from the Minutes tins 20th day qf October, 1830. SEABORN GOODALL, Cleric, October 83. in 12m <; LAW ULAMiI, ~ INSTRUCTIONS for COMMISSION - , URS, ip un approval foyijj.