Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, November 03, 1830, Image 1

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AUGUSTA OBBOineLE A*l> GEORGIA ADVERTISER. office ixro. aor, bboip-st. aitousta. ga. wkdyespay. aoveiibcr », i*:»«. yoi.ixii; in. - \«.» pnatisuED evkrti xvTDNESDW and SATURDAY MORNING, in J x . H. PEMIIEIITOX. _ tebots. n . rr r( I.v p vpi;r. fivk nm.LAUS . or ylx dom * aks ««»* "dVpt’ii'i'v P VPKR. THREE DOLLARS r -r or FOUR UOLi AUS «, tlu- Cl V ? n'ani*" will he<l iscontlnocd (except at the choice o( .i,.i until all arrearages tire paid. p "pieFAH»IEHS of papers to City fitibtjcribitrfi, nre r K. tliHml to*eU or give them away, under any cir- WIC| '[!L . and any person, other than a suliseriber. ‘ n'Tih dl nurehase a piiper frnni them, or receive one in tinyw o without proper authority from the publisher or ' I iSW. will be heid lialde for the amount of one v,: ,s si ; which shall Is- demanded, and if tie. i'.-sary, stasiliir, ;uid paid to any person who will give uiforneaimiol tin tart e Ln , crlP d umi-wrrhty -Vl)y hKJ I !»*■Fll»‘jM l £ r lir^t in* r«ion f and Id d-4 "•« ';*■insertio„-»rr*/v, at C’ 1-2 for mch iiiscrtion—niul monthhj(whrn S :-xee vl one%™re)at 81 for each insertion.- N iie liotvever small, is charged U-ks titan one square. T intended to be limited must have the number m ' semi-weekly or weekly. WTilten on them, or {my will be inserted semi-weekly till forbid, and char ed accordingly. b .... . publisher takes upon himself the risk of all reimt ;,(• money mude to him by Mail—the person remit . 1.., lirst naying the postage, and obtaining trmn tne I’ost - ’ r a written or verbal aeknowledgement of the I'lilmiiit and its deposile in his office, which shall he given * the mil,lislier in ense of miscarriage. l.nri’HlW (on Inisiness) imtst he postpaid, or they ~ m pm be taken out nf die office. Thef.\ws OF THE UNITED STATES or ,. published ill this paper. Tii Kneutors, Administrators, and Guardians. p,i Fjßofl.ANDorNHUHOKS,byAdministrntors, S'wctilors, or Guardians, are required, by law, to be held ' . the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of 1,, tiie Sirenoon.’nnd three in the afternoon, at the Conn “ nftlte county in which the property is situate -No ,,l’diese sales mast lie given in a public gazette,SlXT \ nrevloits to the day of stile. Vi,liee of the sale ni personal properly, must lie given juitle miner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. ’the following touching lines we find copied into a Phil adelphia print. They nre from n volume of poems by be Hon. Mrs. Norton, recently published in London " |,c picture presented in this passage is exceedingly true cud impressive. I saw llic inrnnstnnt lover come to take Farewell of her he loved in belter day s, And, coldly careless, watch the heart strings break— beat so h,inlly al his words ol'praise, uj,,; was a faded, painted, guilt bow ’d thing, * ft, eking lo mock the iiucs of early spring, V.'hru misery and years had done their worst To wither her nwny v The big tears hurst j'rom mil her Hashing eyes, which turned on him W ith agony, rephoaeh, and li-ar, while dim l: idi nhjeet -wain in her uncertain sight. And nature's glories took the hue fsight. There was, in spile of all her passion’s storm, A wild revolving beauty in her form ; A beauty as of sin, when first slie comes tempt us from our calm and pleasant homes. Her voice, with the appi tiling tone it took, Her soft dear voice belled her (earless look; Apt! woman’s tenderness seemed still lo dwell In llitil lull bosom's agonizing swell. .Mill he stood there, the worshipp’d one of years, J : i.:k of her fondness, angry at her tears; A'licking the Intuiting VYords'whieh rose within Tin: heart whose passion templed her lo sin, While wftb a strange sad smile lost hours she mourns, 1 And prays and weeps, and weeps and prays by Utm.- Dr, Johnson's Account of a Paper. 1.1 never derived more benefit or see more pleasure lor the time,’' says Dr. Johnson. **llnill iu reading u newspaper which has lately been issued from the Press. Ido really believe that nothing mi ls so nitieh to the glory of uny coun try tts it newspaper. 1 liberty is stiinip e,i legibly upon its pages, ami even the I’oi.u is marked with freedom. Do you xvaut to know how your country thrives ! 1 point yon to the press! There yon vhail litni a piece perhaps, under the head of I legislative! An; yon fond of Miscel lany! Look there! of Foreign f there you’ will find it! what hook can furnish inch good accounts of onr country—such wonderful, such extraordinary accounts of'mnt’di.T, robbery, accidents, marriages, frolics, anecdote# of our Irish English «5t Indian brcthcru and many other such things—such good as well tts had ac counts from the Russians, Turks, Dutch, •Ve. Under nil those considerations, Vii<> is there in this land of freedom, that will not attend to un object, so worthy of their regard.” -i i >Bt«- XT’ BOSS 170 GOOD AT AZ.Z*. A gentleman in the city, who was in the habit of drinking his brandy and wa ter, modern trill, of course, had a negro servant, who was a model of sobriety.— It'll a few evenings ago, the gentleman Fame home and found Jim very drunk. The next morning, of course, the offen der was called up for an explanation.— lie came forward with u peculiarly dis tressed and mortified look, pud when in quired of, what this meoirt, he replied, “Why, master, 1 see when any thing troubles you, or you feel bad, you always drink brandy, amazingly’. Well, yester day,! broke one of your big china platters, I knew you would be sorry ft it trou bled me. I felt, very had indeed, so 1 thought I would take sonic brandy, too; to I kept drinking ami drinking, and I got drunk before I thought. Hut it did no good at nil. For I feci just as had t»- bout the platter, and then I am mortified to think that I should pet drank. It does ii" good at all to drink when yon are in trouble.” The gentleman said he was (to struck 1* ith the honest simplicity of the negro and the good sense of his conclusions, ns with the evil influence of bis own exam ple upon those beneath him, that lie has determined to banish his brandy for ever, •aid is now fully convinced that ‘-it doisnc (peri at all." —,V. Y. I’kitanihrupict. THE GRAVE. There is a sacred ness of feeling, an owe attached to the grave, whnlevei oil nation it is tube (bund —whether hi the crowded city’, the busy village, the field < r the forest, Rut.this feeling is strong <T at the lonely grave, than in the crowd ed cemetery. It is a lecling of nature <S: cannot be expelled by any process ol •easoning, or any influence of cold phi fosopby. It does not depend on any pe <Hilarity of religion—on this or that mod< ol belief or unbelief but adheres alike It the Pagan and the Jew, the Muhomctni and the Chriristiun the sceptic und 8n saint. S\3ST WECVAVEA). -jt BALES Osnnburgs, ■M Do. negro Cottons, 10 Do. brown Sheetings & Shirtings, 00 Pieces white, red, fc green Flannels, s 50 Do. rieli Cambric Prints, e 50 Do. Callicoes (low price.) , r 200 Doz. Chintz. Verona, Imitation,Mad e rass, Muslipntam, Berkley, and )f Britannia Handkerchiefs, 100 Pieces Choppa Rentals * 1 Case 4-4 Irish Linens, 1 Do. 7-8 do. do. » 50 Doz. ladies wliite cotton Hose, £ 100 Do. mens do. do. half do. ■- 100 Boxes Spool Cotton, e 201) Benins Wrapping Paper, y The above is offered for safe low, for 1 Cash, or approved paper, hv ' CHARLES PHILLIPS. : Oct If. ts 4 \ Richmond Academy. The t rustees of the Academy on Kichntond county will, on the last I Saturdav in I)i;eF,.MHFR nkxt, proceed to r Elect the following Teachers and Olli -11 cers for the term, and space of twelve Y months, from the time of appointment, to wit:— A Hector, with a salary of Eight Hun dred Dollars, and half of the Tuition money. ] An English Teacher, with n salary of <" Five Hundred Dollars, and one half of I the Tuition money. A Teacher for the Sand Hills, without j salary, but with the use of the House and . Lot tit the Sand Hills, the Teacher to re i ceivethe whole of the Tuition money. A Teacher of Modern Languages, • with a salary of Two Hundred und Filly Dollars, and the whole of the 'Tuition • money—the price for Instruction to he Eight Dollars per quarter. A Clerk. (Steward and Treasurer, xx ith a (Salary of Four Hundred Dollars. (Xjr 1 ’ Written application will be made to the undersigned. Dr ORDKft OK TUB BOARD, JA.MEiS jMcLAWS, Clerk. Sept 4 mill)—-tile P(! K I) SHwrSSf By the Subscriber, »» firbt rale Journeymen Tailors to suit.—Good employment xvill he given. WILLIAM KIBBE. oh in dt 4 james tv, a-aa^j, ATTORNEY AT I.AIY. WILL attend the (Superior anil In ferior Courts of Iticbmond ami Columbia counties —mid the C< nrf • *♦’ Common Pleas of Augusta. He may !»e found nt theofflceof Hubert I). Held, 13sq. corner of Washington and Ellis-streets. July 24 ts 84 0\ tlie 14th December next, nt the residence of the late Win. A. Dngg, will lie sold, tlie Jluiikliolil and hitmen [ FURM Tt'HE.a lotofCOBN and FOD DER, belonging to the estate of the late Howell It. .Marshall. tf/* Terms nt (Bnle. GEORGE L. TWIGGS. VAL. WALKER. 1 Oct no 8 ; Executors Sale. ; VALUABLE BUILDING LOT. i jti tin* first Tuesday in April next, , A * will be sold nt the lower iMarKet s House in the City of Augusta, . 'Y\\e \ol ‘A\\d \mvTo\cmcn\.», ' adjoining Mrs. (Smell's, bounded on the 1 (South mid West side by Reynold and ' Jackson streets, and known in the plan > of said City by the No. (>s—extending i a bout -r—- teet on Reynold and——feet ‘ on Jaekion-street, the same being part f of the Estate of John Campbell, dec’d. Terms. —One third cash, balance in «, 12 anti IS months, with interest IVom date, und mortgage on th" property. ) R. CAMPBELL, ) Eamines JAMES FRASER, } of > JAMES HARPER,) J- C. Oct fIQ m.jiMld s ; I.ATO *OB A a BEAT B Alia AIM - is noxv ofl'ered in the sale ol u tract, or - let of LAND, in Carroll county, which is ~ discovered tube rich in the Guldenprojter ; i if. The owner being on the etc of n long * journey to the North, xvill nmv sell. It hue, - if a tpiiek application is made. IndiSpu t, table titles xvill be delivered. ATPI.V AT THIS OFFICE. I June Id i 'V\> VW'zNvT I . jc, A large DWELLING, I.OT, - fee. ami A LARGE STORE. il Jjjrag well ettb ttluled for Dry-Goods s - and Groceries, ojiposile the a store of Etiwunl Thomas, Esq. up|K’i end of Droiwl-street—an excellent stand k for taisiness. Possoesion xvill be given o on the first ofOelober. F« . terms, xv liich s will be liberal,.apply to. Mr. JosKi’tt Car i- iub, at the above place. s GARRET LAWRENCE. July 21 0 Savannah Hivcr Navigation com## I *?* 'SMIi; afliiirs of sard Company, hnx ing n Sl been brought to a close, xxdtli the r exception of paying the Stockholders, e the undersigned gives notice to all con I. corned, that a final Dividend ol One Dol lar and Forty-Six Cents per Share, (on I- nil Shares on which #22 Ims been paid) t xvill be paid to the Stockholders or their »f legtd accompanied by i- the proper vouebera/on application at the first Brick Building West of the New le .Market, Broad-street, Augusta, to a J. W. BRIDGES. ii August a, Oct. 30.1830. xvtf 8 , e The Savannah Georgian, xvill publish litis notice weekly till forbid. at ritn AUGUSTA HOOK-STORE!, Brandd’s Chemistry, Good's Book of Nature, Lance on the Chest, Hooper'# Examina tion#, Gentleman's fc Ladies’ Lexicon, Letter Writer’s, lit rimin's Pulpit Assistant, Course of Time, Lalla Rookh. White's and Hind's FarrieYy, National Orator, Virginia Housewife, Stories of Waterloo, Campbell's Poems* Paul Clifford, Moore’s Poems, Moore's Works, Moore's Life of Byron, Nutshell of Knowledge, Hannah Moore's Works, Cahlxi’cll's Cul len, Hemans’ Poems, Children of the Abbey, Drydirfs Virgil, Blake’s Botany, Grimshaxv’s United .States, Greece and Rome, Smiley 's Federal Calculator,Pike's Arith metic, Smith's Arithmetic, Natali's Botany, Aunt Mary’s Tale#. American Anecdotes, Grieslme.h's New Testament, It. Robert son’s Sermons, Towle’s Astronomy, Brown’s E. Gram mar, New Speaker, Kent's Commentaries, Chilly on Con tracts, Toiler’s Executors, Young's Night Thoughts, Talcs of ft Grandfather, &.C. ALSO—-TIIK FOLLOWING OAE.DSIT SS3~D: Carrol, Itaddish, MustarA, Onion, Cu cumber, Early Turnip, lee Lettuce, Win ter Squashes, Blood Beet, & Herb-Seed. Sept 11 !>* OR. ()A \ \ S WOKKB, JUST CONTENTS; Remarks on the Character und Writings of John Milton. Remarks on the I life and Character of Napoleon Bonaparte, ttein.ii Itn on tin; t'liaruolor ullft Writings of Fenelon. The moral argument against Calv'nisin; illustrated in u Rex’iexv ofu Work, en titled, ‘A General vicxv ol'thtt DoMriaes of Christianity,’ Ae. Diseourses nt the Ordinations of Rev. John Emery Abbott, Rev. Jared Sparks, Rev. E. S. Gnnnct, and Rev. F. A. Farley. Discourse before the C mgregalional Ministers of Massachusetts. Discourse on the Evidence of Revealed Religion, delivered before the Univer sity in Cambridge, al tlie Dudleian lecture. Discourse at the Dedication of the Se cond Congregational U nitai'ian Church in Now-York. Discourse at the Instullution of the Rev. M. J Molte Discourse at the Dedirnlion ol Divinity Hall, Cambridge, Muss. Daily Prayer. Meads of Promoting Christianity. Importance of Religion to Society. The System of Exclusion and Dcnuncia lion in Religion, considered. < Myections to Unitarian Cliristianity, con sidered. Extracts, Ac. Ac. (jy A few Cojiiee Just Received, niitl For Sale, by ROBERT F. POE, or THOMAS S. METCALF. (T7* PRICE *3. Sept IS I™ iVArtuiuslYalov ’s NoUfe. 1,1 OUR months tiller date, tipplirulioii xvill be made to the honorable In ferior Court of Franklin Comity, xyhen -lining for Ordinary purposes, I'orh'av • to sell nil the retd Estate of Win. York, deed, for, the benefit ol'his heirs und credi tor#. JOHN M. PAYNE, Adm’r. Sept 15 Min Guardian’s Notice. FOUR months tiller dale, application xvill ho made to the honorable In lerior Ctiurt of Franklin County, xvhen sitting for Ordinary pmposes, for leave do sell the real estate belonging to the heirs of T’honmw Harbour, dec., for the benefit of suit! heirs. damel chandler, Guardian. Sept 15 4fm " Guardian’s KMice. OOUK months alter date, application JP will be made to the honorable In ferior Court of Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real Estate of Ann Fereel. IGNATIUS FERCEL. Guardian. Sept ir, Mm * w> GUAUDIAN’S notice. Four months after date, application xvill be made to the Honorable In terior Court of Columbia county, xvhen sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell A LOT OF LAND in Coweta 1 county, known as lot No. 7, in the lilta District of said county—Sold for the ben efit of the Minors ot Isaac \\ itilroy, de ceased. WINFREY, .Acting Guardian. Oct 20 *Hii» 5 HOB23RT RAYMOND REID, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAS opened an Office, on Ellis-slreet, 4 doors below Washington -street, ana nearly opposite to the dwelling of 11. Mealing, Esq. October 2 lm 104 ML\UI) PASUTS OF ALL COLORS, and in ANY QUANTITY, roll SAI.Si, AT 170. 378, ■Vu/ lJuor Relate the Drug Store of U. D. lIAVILAND & CO. Broad-Strcct, Augusta, Geo. iff* Suitable Brushes loaned. R. P. SPRLMAN. Angtist IS xvtf 5(1 If. WOOIJRIJFPS iriIOI.RSALE A.VD RETAIL SI A T, CAP& BONNET • STORE, Broad-Stroot, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Str&sf c&r n HAS JIM’ RECEIVED, A FRESH Assortment »>f the above ySL Articles, which he oilers for Stile on the most liberal terms.—also, an assort -1 meat of TOILETTE GLASSES, SEAL AND LBATHEH TRUNKS. October 10 wtf 4 j ——■ —....—■ ■■■« Goshen Gutter and Cheese, FOR SALE /IV €l* 11. 28 Kegs Family Butter, 100 Boxes Goshen Cheese, 10 Boxes Codfish, 100 lbs. ouch, . 150 Pieces Hemp Bugging, ' 100 do. Flux do. 200 Bugs Coffee, 25 Boxes No. 1, Cotton Curds, 200 BbU. Northern Gin, Rum A Whis key. 30 Boxes Chalk Pipes, s 30,000 Lbs. Grindstones. r Oct 20 3t 5 PiBLIC HALKo On Wediiestlny, Ist December next, xvill besold, nt the house of Mrs. Maiiv Da ly, in Richmond county, five miles (nun Augusta, between the hours of ten and two o’clock, A tract of Land, containing three hun dred acres, one hundred of which is un der cultivation, the balance is xvell tim bered with oak, hickory, and pine, mid lias a bold creek running through it.— The situation is pleasant und healthy, and there is on the tract, a good dwelling house, and nil the out-buildings necessa ry on n plantation, an extensive orchard (dull kinds of fruit trees commonly found in this part of the country, and of the best quality ; n STILL, working sexen ty-five gallons, and the preparations for making Jiratuhj and Cider. The orchard will yield from out; hundred mid fitly, to two hundred gallons of Brandy. Terms, one-third cash, and the balance in one and txvo years, in notes with ap proved endorsers. Possession given on the first day of January, 1831. October'23 xvittls 0 TO ’VUU VVittVAC. rixin: F.U I'I.TY of College would g respectfully notify the Parents mid Guardians of the Students, that the Con -1 flagration efthe neW building, however serious, xvill not interfere in the smallest degree \\ it It the regular duties of College Tin* course of instruction xvill not be nf fected, ns every neeoinniodat ion xvill be ready for the Steldeiils by the first ol 1 January. The library lia.-i if is true been destroyed, but we feeleonfnlenl IVom flic 1 munificence of tint Legislature, that the, ’ loss xvill be so far repaired by the open i ing of the next term, ns to prevent any injury arising from its destruction. The Mathematical Instruments can be easily replaced. The fine Philosophical Ap paratus and Chemical Instniinenl# are uninjured, and fc’oiiseqnthitly lull infill no tion in tin; higher classes cun be given. 1 As to the personal tieeonnnodalion ol ■ the young men, no difficulty will exist, as 1 the old building hitherto devoted to the ' residence of the two lower Masses, is mi ' injured, and will consequently contain all ’ who now compose these classes, or who may come hy the commencement of the next term. The two upper classes xvill he accommodated xvitli lodging and study rooms in private families or the hoard ing houses in town, und that without, any ( additional charge, until the College build ing shall be repaired. ’ The faculty therefore tnvt, and with . full confidence, that the credit ol the In stitution with the Public, xvill not be ini paired, mid that the ol its friends, xvill not be diminished. The Fa culty therefore confide in the return ol - nil the Students on the first of January ’ next, to resume their regular Allies. By • order of the Faculty. WILLIAM L. MITCHELL, i Secretary. t Oct 30 H 1 Printers throughout the Ktnte, 1 friendly to the interests of Literature and the Institution, xvill please insert the above. JOB FEZHTZNG NEATLY EXECUTED A T THIS OFFICE 1 1 CC/* We are authorized to announce W ILLIAM M< GAR. Esq. a candi date for (Senator, to fill the vacancy oc • casioned by the death of'Peter Crawford, Escj. of Columbia County. 1 Get 27 31 7 C?” We nre authorised to announce Mr. WILLIAM MlCOi), «wi'r. as a | ( audid.Ue lor tlie office of Receixer of Tax Returns, ut the approaching election in January next. August 25 t«i 33 (C?* We are authorized to announce Mr. M. F. BOIBCLAIR, us a can didate for re-election to the office of Re ceiver of Tax HeWns, at the approach ing Election, in January next. Se|itH 37 COTTON AND TOBACCO AT AtrpTioiy. WILL be note! on SATURDAY, the 13th day of November next, nt 11 o clock, a. m. before the Warehouse door ol lioLco.viitn, Johnston A (‘AsirniiU), 4 H iI-E8 COTTON marked J. B. stor e<l in the ntiiiu ol.tallies Boyd, April lit ii 1825.—A150. ONE lIIID. TOBACCO, marked A. L. sold to pay Warehouse charges. JOHN C. HOLCOMBE. October 1) xvtd 2 JToasjd. I A TII AM HULL tenders his most Jl sincere thunks to the public, for (heir patronage to bis Auction Establish ment, mid is determined to fuerit ifs ('Oii thalation by bis future promptness and assiduity. They can only aidtl to the ob ligation, he is already under to them, by calling ns quickly after sales lor their goods as may be convenient. He has removed to his JVew Store, two doors above J. fe fB. Bones’ Hardware Store—where he xvill attend to any com mantis in his business. Pel 27 7 si-ewseme 1,1 OUR months after date, application xvill be made to the Court of Ordi nary of Columbia County, xvhen sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of Holt Clanton, late of said Comity, deceased. TURNER CLANTON, f . N. 11. CLANTON, $ rs ' Oct 30 tiilm H JS’OTICE. k LL persons indebted to the Estate of -t*- Holt Clanton, late of Columbia County, deceased, are requeslMl to make iminedintd payment to the Executors; and nil persons having demands against ilm Eftutn. m'« 1-i'qiu‘iiti'il so hand them in. by the lirst day of Jnnniiry next, for payment. TURNER CLANTON, t . TV. 11. CLANTON, \ Oct 30 (Jtxv 8 ADM INI UT U A 'i'Oll ’8 NOT I Cl). Al.l. persons indebted to the estate ol Wm. F. HaTciikli,, discensed, late of Coliimbin county, nre hereby required to make immediate payment; and those to whom said estate tH indebted, xvill hand in their as eoiinl.s legally attested, within the time prescribed by Inxv. JOHN W. HATCIIELf*. Adinr. Oct 2(1 Otw 5 LISCULN SHERIFF’S .SVILeT WILL be sold, on tlie first Tliesdny in January next, the lullowing Negroes, betiVecrt tlie usual hours ofsalc, (to wit ;) George, John, Tom, Judith, L*lty. Philisiu, ley, llnnnali, Big Maria, Mitch ell, Lucy, Little Miirinr Henry, Little Ca rolina, Matilda, mtd Edward, nil levied mi ns the property of John Barton, dec d. to sillily n Mortgage li. fa. from Rich mond Superior Court, in favor of Wil liam Jones vh. tin# Executors of John Barton, deceased. Froperty pointed out in snitl mortgage. Terms Cash. JOHN McDOWELL, fcth’lf. t. c. Oef 30 xvtd H ~HOHCn. E.IOIIR months tiller date, application . xvill be mmle to the Honorable the Inferior ('ourt of Jefferson t 'ounly, xv hen sitting fiir ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the rent estate of William Street , man, dec. DAVID BRINSON, Adn’r. September 4 2101* IXJ \\\v\\h;v: vwkv* WTP'i’fCE is hereby ghen, thus nil pro dace Wagons und Carts, contain ing one or more bales of Cotton, liogs bends of Tobneco, or barrels of Flour, are from Ibis dale, entitled so pass the AUGUSTA BRIDGE, free of Toll: This arrangement has been made, fur the purpose of enabling tlie Planter, to avail himself of this extensive Market free of all expense, (Signed) Jr.sfti-; Hunt. A. Ccmmino, Thom ah McGraN, .Ins. Bioxon, John Bo.nhb, Joii.h W’ooi.koi.k, Committee. Angitsfn, AnguOf 28,1830. xv3m 04 JfcAXg' ' 1 SHALL hereafter regularly attend the Superior Courts of Richmond 4County. My office nnd residence arc in ' Greensbormigh. Persona residing in Augusta, having business to qniring the services ofn Lawyer, in the •counties of Greene, Morgan, Newton, Clarke, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln, TnlliaterrO, Monroe, or Hancock, and who may choose to enlrust it to me, xvill ; have an opportunity of conferring xvith me, personally, twice in a year, in relu- J lion to it. FRANCIS 11. CONE. (£/*• The Constitutionalist and,Courier will please puldisli the above for 2 weeks and send in their ivcounts to this office B Dec. 6 ts 18 s SAM & mSTC-Sfe GOODS. *rifE SUBSdIIBGRS Aro now Receiving a part of their . supply or • P& ZrX* '&?£&&& S& ■ GOODS, VIZ: Duffle, Point, uiul Uosc Blankets, White red and green Flannels, SSuporfme white Gause Flannel, Becking nnd Floor Cloth Baize, ►Superfine Blue Cloths and Cussimere*, rSattinets, Cloth and Valencia Shawls, Rich Garment and Furniture Prints, 7-8 Furniture Dimity and Fringes, •>-4 Elegant Mourning Ginghams, Italian Lustrings and Gras de ISuple, Irish Linens, LoWng and Linen Cum. hries, Ac. 20 Bales Domestic Shirtings and Sheet* tings. Tlll in ASSORTMENT OF OTIIF.U STAPLE A. FANCY GOODS, has been considerably augmented by Into nrrivals. Purchasers may always ex peet a great \ ariei V to select from. Terms favorable and prices as low, if not lower than any other house in thu City. JOHN EDG AR A CO. Augusta, Sept. 11 (!tw j>B iULREV. AN excellent SCI.KEY. with Double! Spring Top—For sale hy L. HI LL. August 11 90 AT" PRITATE SALS. 10 HII Ds. PORTO HI CO will be Sold ioW lor Cash, or approved paper. C PHILLIPS. October 10 4 VIUGI NT A M AN HFACTU BED ; p 6 i A KEGS MANUFACTURED J TOBACCO. For Sat.e by L. HULL August 11 89 FUESII FLOCK. “ •\ih BARRELS Fresh Baltimore • FLOUR, Jitst Deceived, uud for Sale low. , ~ , L. HULL. August 11 89 j « ■' Bordeaux Clarot. . 4 casks summon ho/wi:aV>. claret, Dor Sale low, h« L. Ht'liL August 11 89 SPOOL COTTON. 800 DOZ. SPOOL COTTON* Just Received, and for Side, hi/ L. HULL 1 Ogiisf II 89 STORAGE AM) COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE SUBSCRIBERS, HATEFUL for past favors, rc-’ sLN new the tender Ut their services, to their Friends and the Public, w ith the assurance, that they will as heretofore, devote their time (o the Interest of their Employers. Their WARE-HOUSE will be in good order for the reception mid safe keeping of Country Froduco and Merchandize They deem it due to themselves, to stuto the situation of their Ware-Houses —Ibtis They are bounded on this North, by Bay-street and the River—On the West; hy an open space of about ISO feet—On the South, by Bcyiiold-slreef, about <K» feet wide, mid on the Egst, by Campbell* street, aboutGo feet wide,—ln addition to the security against lire, tyhieh the above location presents, they have üboift the centre of their Lot, a Hydrant which de livers Water from the aqueduct lately completed in this eily. , • ■ _ They will grant the usual facilities, by advances of money or otherwise, to such as may favor them with Custom. , a. " k c. f.ABiiZAN. Sept IS 81 100 .. * ' •••it ***** Standing Comm Hires of Council, fbr the present ! year: On Accounts— Messrs. Harper, Barber, , and Kirkpirtrlek. Streets —Messrs. Bcnnoeh, .MeComljp, and Rolf, Jail —Messrs. Hoff, Thomas, A. Dillon /V m «*__,Wessrs. .WCoirtb*, Glascock, and Kirkpatrick. Market —Messrs. Glascock, .Ve C ombjf, ami Barber. - I Magazine —. Messrs, mrkputnek, Tlio* . mus. and Dillon. River Jinnh —.Messrs. Bcnnoeh, Hurpef, and Barber. ~ . Drains—Men .McCombs, Rolf, and . Bcnnoeh. • 1 Ihtilth —.Mee6rs. Thomas, Barber, nnd 1 JlfeCombs. . , 1 Police— Messrs. Harper, Rolf, A Dillon. Fire Engines —. Messrs. BenhoCb, Cllus ; cock, nnd Rolf. ’ Published hy order of Council, passed' J the 11 tb .May ,i 830. I GEO. M. WALKER Clerk: . JHuvl9 * ‘ 'UHWft,, *" T—» —— BILLIARD TABL-ii* ' r, A GOOD Second Hand BU4UIAHD *. JM. TABLE for fcsulo—Aituly to L. HULL Auyust 14 UD