Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, November 06, 1830, Image 1

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AIVD * OFFfESS >O. 2OT, BROAD-ST. PUBLISHED EVERY tfCUXESDAV AM) SATURDAY MOBXINO, UN A. 11. PEAIBEKTON. TEEMS. -ivr-l'li l.v P VPK«. FIVH DOLLARS r ,?Sm?W^ fe "* uJva ’ ,rc ' ® rsilX COLLARS at the c 4V'lo,m l V PVPEIfc THHKP. DOLLARS per annum. loanee, or FUL'lt DOLLARS ut the **4 '.rnwr'' will IxMllscontlnUfd (except at tlieclioiee of i i li.n- > until all ancanu'cs me pan.. r-i; 1 ■:, V .«,»j MUS >*riKt|>ers to Clty subserffiers,arc • rt.Mi.VuM wV-ll or ««ve tlioui away, under anyclr m re* i and any person, oilier than a, l, i .'. ,11 Jrchase a paiier irom them, or receive one m m v w-v without proper unihority ft™* l I,K - publisher or ,r, Will lie held liable far the amount 01-one ", iplion ; whirl, shall he demam led, and .1 no- sUCillia-. TurtgiuM a. any person ssao will give ‘'ii'r.i .'I dw Cl* I. iin , inserted irmi-vutily „ Ml insertion, and U 3-1 jn. , eeJim[ insertion — vrekty, at tr! l-‘> o' " s per sipiare P.r each inserlion-and ii.tii.s p I sl p.r each insertion— small, ‘is charge.) less than one square. intended to he limited must have the mn.iher oi iper.ioas, semi-weekly or weekly, written «" the,. , or ‘li'ey will he inserted semi-Weekly till foihid, and char (l accorditigly. 5 The nnhlisher takes upon himself the risk of all remil o-s if money made to him by .M.ul r it.c.person n-iiiii ; " tirstnaviiitf the postage, ami olitai.iing from the I’osl ,".rr a written or verbal acknowledgement at the Hiniunil and its deposite in his ollire, which shall he given in ease of miscarriage. 1.1 rrfKlfS (Oil business) must he postpaid, or they „.;m i,e taken out of the office. Ti.c l. VVVS Ol’ TIIH UNITED STATES arc j.uldislieu in tins paper. Tu Executors, Ailiaiairl rotors , find Guardians, o . I KSofLAMJor .NHOROKS, by Administrator-, ■-?. aitm-s or lii.i.nlial.s, arc reiptired, by law, to lie held tirM Tuoadayiit the month, between the hon.s of ~.( in pie f'. cuoi.H, and three in the afternoon, ut the Conn- L,sc ofthe comity in which the property is sifimUi.—Xo. i i'c oft!.esc sales■* hegiven in a public gn/.elie,SLVI \ in', previous to the day of sale. V J ln . „r till! sale of penmuU property, most he given manner, FOUT V days previous ... the, day ol sate. Notice to the debtors and creditors ol an estate, imisti.e nabNiwl f«r KOHT’V days. 1 tlmi application will he, made to lice < onrt nl. :r --, (hr leave to sell I. VM) or MiCROHS, must ho I'uhiislicdfor FOLK .MONTHS. fyp* : >> •-'-i 1 ' w i'i \V«miv authorized to announce VV H>LIA3I MtCJAU. Esq. a eamli (iitic lor Senator, to till t!tt‘ vacancy oc casioned by the ilettllt ol'Peter t'rawford, j; S (|, ol" Columbia County. Opt .7 I__ f".f» Wo are authorised to tuinoitnee Mr WILLIAM’ JIICOc. Scn'r. as a ( uipliiiule for the oiiice of Receiver of Tax Ueltmis, ttt tiie approaching ejection in .Jniuiury next. August tio t<i no : We are authorized to mnimmce ilr 'll, I’. UO SIIiAIU, as a can tlitlnte lot* re-election to the ollioeofße ci-iv'Tof Tax Returns, at. the approach iii'c Election, in January next. ScjiliS !)7 boj£RT nniD, ATTOUVEV AT I.AW, p jj \S opened an Oili. e, on Milis street. ,5 0. I doors below Washington street, tri.l ntpirly opposite to the dwelling of ii. ’’l.-alinir, Estp , October :i lit) KM Just i'ufclishcdj t).-f,t-iimeil by a I’aaijihlet, entilled. ".I CuniTTmlioii on <hi Important Subject, ' i "i; s.vt.ii at W. LAWSO.V’S Soh IM’iutins OIHoe and the S3ook«Storos. I’riee J j Cents, and s‘i per dozen. Oct t!7 b’i 7 Co.7he’i Butter and Cheese, FOR F.11.i: Hi IS. lN Kegs Family J’ultff, I'lli Uoxes tvoslien (')ieese, i 0 Uo\es (votliisb. It >o lb. . eae.h, !ou I'ififs Hemp l>a<e<jin'j, KM) do. Flax do. ' ~!M> Honrs Collet., -■> ISoxes ,\o. 1, Cotton Cimls, ■- H) !,b!-/. .Northern Gin, Hum & Wliis key •Ml SJoxos Chalk Pijics, ‘iiUKiO l,bs. Grimistones. Oct J!t Ot 5 .VVb'Y VUX^IV™. ■'l 15ALES Osnaburgs, ~‘i Do. negro Cotton;., id ito. brown lib Pieces wliite, red, iV fjreen Flannels, •>’•) Do. rich Cambric I’l’ints, ob {)•>. Callicoes (low price.) •CJ Doz. Chintz,Verona, lmit<ilioi),3lad rass, Jluslipatam, ISerkley, and Uritaaiiia Handkerchiefs, 111 ) I’i ces Cboppa Ilomals, i Case-1-4 Irish Linens, I Do. 7-8 do. do. tj‘) Doz. Indies white coll.'!) Hose, }'■' > Do. mens do. do. half do. ibd Uoxes Spool Cotton, itenms Wrapping Paper, fbc above is offered for sale low. for Citslt, or approved paper, by CiiAULBS FIHLLir.B. Oet ir, tr ,4 i ’ A RJ V ETI ACw. B I ST !JECEIVEI>. « few hales Eu;r cp lish, Seotcii. & Brussels CA BPBT -lA'* eonipt isitijra variety of patterns A. •itralilies, for sale at ilrond-street 11. FAII SO MS, Oet no :it 8 ttxTATzTsals. d» i FOtiTO UK O pmm vViiielt will be S<»ld low *' •’ < ash, a,, roved paper. C. PHILLIICS. October 10 4 VIUGINIA M A \ I F ACTL UEJD TOBACOOs, Y <\ ItHGS MA VUt'Al TI HED -0 -if TOBACCO. fun SSai.e uv L. HELL. A'Jirust U B‘J iJarJiaißT OF CROCKERY ©liASs'-TTASS. THE SUBSCRIBER, In consetiuence of ill health, having de termined tu bring Ids business to a close, will soil by A “J Cr T S O IT, On WEDNESDAY, the 10th q/'Smember rial, ISO t KATES A: HUBS. OF CROC A FRY AM) CUR* SIVA fUt. Just reeeived by the ship Grand Turk, from Liverpool, containing an assort ment well suited to lids Market. A I.SO At the same time, his entire remainin'' Stuck us Crockery, Glassware, &f. &c. Comprising a great variety of articles. He will continue to dispose of bis Btoek at very retltifed prices lor Cush, or town paper, until the day of Stale. TESIAISi.—AII sums not exceeding I*loo ash. over t*j*loo and not exceeding sixty days, over tfeJOO and not ex ceeding tsiJOO ninety days, over tfCJOO and not exceeding from) four months, over tSiotbO six inonilis credit, approved en dorsed notes. JAMES BONES. 0.7 >j \VI?,L BE UE.NTES) at the same t!me. to lite highest bidder, Ibe valuable stand at the eoraer es Broad ami :M’ln tosh-streets, \>itlt ibe back Stores, which b<> at ja-esent occupies until the lirsl of October next. Oet 20 Jlw ,j If f 41S H- W. scav£&l. Co* WJSR \M\ (i removet! to F. King, JLJB. Usqr’n new il. iclv UaiigeJLloorsbe low titeir old stand, are now receiving and opening 150 FAf 34 AGES <>f wvb ring o,ir-T£-B.j*'g-, COMBS, &. " Comprising a very general assortment el' VA \. \. ax V. \Y \X V V'. u All of which will be sold on f!i-,‘ most liberal terms (£/“ Cenntry Mt-rehants ttiitl City dealers are invited to cull and examine their Goods. <Md7 !btw 7 JtfST i3fl4€.3B<:i.VKl>, AND FOU SALE IIY DAVID BEGSSESR A Oa. w\l B n Q A,5 BjS3. AUCtUSTA, GEORGIA. (\K.\T DODII TO.M'.LSO.X CARTER & Co.) a ii vnksomk and kxtt.ssivb assoktment of Fashionable Hcady iVladc «'aAs'rassAG s - HATS, CAPS, uoo'im&ediOE^ All of which are ollere l ut reduced pri ces for cash or Town accepltmees. (|jf“ Call and see. October tiO - r > iTIIXKU laAIXTSl a AIXTS OF ALL COLORS, AM) IV AAV <ILA.\TITV, rOR 3AX.S, AT WO. 270, AV.i t Boor h ", Pniir ‘Sore of 11. 15. IIAVILAND A. CO. Sroad-Strcct. iius’usta. Geo. i,.Suitable Brushes loanetl. y U. F. BFEL.MA.\. August T 8 vvtl !)1 NOVICG. rgmiß Copurtnersliip heretofore exist- M iug under tiie firm of SMI TH Jt UOIBBNS, in Charleston, 8. C. is dis solved by its own limitation. The bu siness will be settled by G. W Smith. G. W.Sa ITH, E. UOBBLNB. The subscribers hove formed a con nection miller the linn of Smith, Harris, 4 VCo. and will eontinne the lltirtlwnre business nt tiie old esluliiislimentofSmith A. Bobbins (Jiiurieston, S. C. G. \V.SMITH, W.M. HABIBS, H. F. SMITH. Oefoher 0 whin 1 IB 1)811 FLOCK. •v BAIIBELS Fresh Baltimore FLOUII, Just Koccived, and for Sale low. L. HULL. August 11 8!) Bordeaux Claret. 4 CASKS SVPEIVOR BORDEAUX CLAUET, For Sale lo*.v, by L. HULL August Ji tW AUGUSTA, GA. «A S’UIIWA V, AOVEMMKSi O, lailtO. AT THK AUGUST A KOOK-STOKE, iirandd's Chemistry, Goods Boo), of Nature, Lauee on the Chest, Hooper's Examina tions, Gentleman's & Ladies’ Lexicon, Letter \V riter's, II arman's Fulpit Assistant, Course of] Time, Lalla Bookh, White's and Hind's Furriery, National Orator, \ irginia I Imisewife, Stories of Waterloo. Campbell's Foetus, Find Clifford, Moore’s Poems, Moore's Works, Moores Life of Byron, Nutshell of Knowledge, Hannah .Moore’s Works, Caldwell's Cul len, Homans' Poems, Children ofthe Abbey, Drvdin’s Virgil. Blake's Botany. Grimshaw’s United States, Greece and Borne, Smiley's Federal Calculator,Pike's Arith metic, Smith's Arithmetic, Natali's Botany, Aunt Mary's Tales, American Anecdotes, GriesbaclfsN'ew Testament, B. Uobert son’s Sermons, Towle's Astronomy, Brown's E. Gram mar, New Speaker, Kent’s Commentaries, Cindy on Con tracts,Toiler’s Executors, Young's Night Thoughts, Tales of a Grandfather, &c. ALSO—THK FOLLOW!NO OAF.DEU SEEDS: Carrot, lluddish, .Uiisiiii-t'i, Onion, Cu cumber, Early Turnip, Ice Lettuce, Win ter Squashes, Blood Beet, A Herb-Seed. Sept 11 SIS R IS • ('ll A \ IV S t\ <U noitivs, •FUST PI CONTEXTS : Bemarhs on the Character ami Writings ofjolm Milton. B“marks on the Life find Charo-ter of Napoleon Btmnparle. Bemarks on the Character and Writings of Fenelon. The moral argument against Calvinism, illustrated in a Beview of a NS ork, en titled, *A General view ofthe Doctrines of Christianity, ’ »Ve. Discourses at the Onlinations ol Bev. John Emery Abbott, Bev. Jared Sparks, Bev. E. S. Gannct, and Bev. F. A. Farley. Discourse before the C mgregntional Ministers of Massachusetts. Discourse on the Evidence of Iteveaied Beligion, delivered before the I niver sity in Cambridge, at tiie Dudleiun Lecture. Discourse at the Indication of the Se cond Congregational Unlit, rum Church in New-York. Discourse at tiie Installation of the Bev. M.J. Motte Discourse at tlie Dedication of Divinity Hall, Cambridge, .Mass. Daily Prayer. Means of Promoting Christianity. Importance of Beligion to Society. The System of Exclusion and Dcmmcia tion in Beligion, considered. Objections to Unitarian Christianity, con sidered. Extracts, &e. Ate. A few Copies Just Received, and For Sale, by BOBEBT F. POE. or THOMAS S. .METCALF. OC? 5 ’ PRICE *■:*• Sept 18 KH> WATCH MAKER, XO. li7, RIIOXD-STREFT, fjr* s HAS again began business, in the Brick House, No. 1 17, Broad fIfCX " street, lately occupied ilh \ Ifiß n« the CITY HOTEL, 'c where in- will beilow attention to re pairing WATCHES A; CLOCKS, of every ilcMtriplion, in tiie best possible manner, and at very reasonable prices.— lie solicits the patronage of ids friends and former customers, and all who wish to have their Watches made to Keep good time at a moderate price. He will sell his remaining STOCK, consisting of JEWEL?/:, JvATC I! E s AX I) CLO C K -S’, CASTORS, A(k AC. for less thou they cost, at Wholesale and Retail. Thick Patent WATCH GLASSES, and ail other description* of WATCH GL ASSES, constantly kept on hand. Augusta. April 88. 18.‘K>. tit SPOOL COTTON. tm® DOZ SPfIOL COTTON, Just Beceiied, and for Sale, by 1,. HULL. August 11 8i) EILLIAP.D TABLE. A GOOD Second Hand BILLIABD TABLE for sale—Apply to L. HULL. August 11 iHI aom. THE SI ilselllllEK. |»ESPEt .’FULLA informs the public, that he lias taken tiie United States 1 Hotel, widt hhe Inis this day opened lur public accommodation. Being ex tensively, and be hopes favorably known as tlie conductor of similar establish ments, he hopes his funner exertions to please Ids friend- will not be without a suitable reward in their future patronage. The I’chtud States Hotel is well known, being situated near the centre of the City, in the midst of its most active *N; respectable business. It is Fire-proof, and lias spacious mid elegant iieeommodii- 1 tions, both for Families and individuals, not surpassed by any similar establish- • meats in the Southern States. (L/ 53 Persons who stop at the U. S. Hotel, can lie supplied with the means ol travelling - , either with carriages, gigs, sulkies, or single horses. WILLIAM G. GIMMES. AUGUSTA. (Geo,) October 18 1m 8 t fiWff MO THE 81 - Ssß«'l6iHßS-jlB, (S.ato Proprietor c r tho Globe Tavern, and more recently of the mansion House,) jSEGS leave to iinnoimee to ids li ientls and the public generally, flint be Inis tn- HE) ken tlint elegant mnl eommodiinis lire proof briek building on the corner ol Bioad mid Jueksou Streets, and immediately adjoining the new Masonic Hall. It is situated in the most central part of the City, and is in the very heart of business— being in the vicinity ofthe Augusta Hank, mid the Branch Bunk ofthe State o( Georgia. This Establishment is known us the GLOBE HOTEL., and iu its interior arrangement and general construction, unites in nu eminent de irree, spaciousness, neatness, and comfort. To the man of family, the individual traveller, the daily bonnier or the fashionable visitor, the GLOBE presents accom modations inferior to nfine in the Southern Slates. Having conducted for a ntnuher of years, two among the most popular Hotels in this City, he Hatters liimseif that bis experience in business, added to the superior advantages of situation and the resources under ids eoiilronl, will enable .him to give the most decided satisfaction to nil who may honor him with their patronage. His STAID .US are spncioi* 3 ; mid well ventilated, ami amply supplied with the best of provender, and attended by experienced mid steady ostlers—in addition to which, the subscriber will bestow bi-< own personal unremitting attention, and in lti> chnnres. 'x-iTI not forget the pressure ofthe times. If/'’ The Elberlon Stage departs every Sunday morning, e.l I o’clock, anil ar rives every Friday evening at (i. The Pendlelun Stage departs every Tuesday, nl 4 o'clock in the morning, mid arrives every Monday at U o'clock in the evening. The .Mi Hedges ille Stage arrives every titty except Thursday, tit 7 o'clock in 1 lie eve ning, mid departs every day except Wednesday, nl - o'clock in Ibe morning. Toe Sas all null Singe arrives es cry Monday, \\ ed nest lay ami Friday, at It) o'clock in die morning, mid departs es cry Sunday, Tnesdity and Thursday, at 2 o'clock in the morning. WILLIAM SHAN.NDN. AUGUSTA. September f)(h, IH2)>. JAW IIOTIOB, ISIIA lifi hereafter regularly attend the Hupcrior ('units of Hiehmond Comity. My ollice uml residence are in <Jri*cnshormigh. Persons residing in Augusta, having business to transact, re quiring the services of a Da w yer. in the comities of <iiwni*, itlor/juii, Xcwlon, Clarke, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Dinc.oln, Tiillinferro, ftlonriK', or Hancock. and who iimy choose to entrust it to me, w ill liuve mi opportunity ul conferring w ith me, personally, twice in ft year, in rela tion to it. FHAXCIH 11. com:. The Constitutionalist mid < ’miner, w ilTplense publish the above for Si weeks, and send in their accounts to this ofliee. Dec,s ts ,s _ Executors Sale. VADIADDE HUM>!\c DOT. ON the first Tuesday in April next, will be sold at the lower Market- House in the City of Augusta, ’VVvti \ol am\ \m\n’ov oawcwVs, adjoining Mrs. Him If s, hounded on the South and West side by Heynold and Jackson streets, and known in flic plan of said City by the No. <JS-extending It bout feel on Hey Hold and bet on Jmdison-street, the same being part ofthe Estate ol’Joliii Campbell, clec’d. 7Vr»/w.—One third cash, balance in (», 12 and 18 months, with interest from date, and mortgage on the property. «. CAMPHEDD. i Executant JAMES FUASEH, \ of JAMES HAHI’EH, S J. V. Oct !M) nist.Mt<l 8 Guardian's Notice. aIOUR months after date, nppliention ; will be made to the honorable In terior Court of Franklin County, when silling for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real Estate of A nil Pereel. KJXATHJH PEHCED. Guardian. Sept 15 Km W I A CAED. [A Til AM lllld. lenders his most A siaeere thanks to the public*, for their put routine to his Indian Eutahlinli mnil, and is determined to merit its rim tinnation by Ids future promptness and assiduity. They can only add to the ob ligation, be is already under to them, by I calling as quickly after sales fur their ! poods as may be convenient. lie lias removed to bis .Wie Starr, two doors above J. & S. Hones' Hardware Store—where he will attend to any com mands in his business. Oel 27 7 IAOI H months alter date, application . will he made to tlie Court of Ordi nary of Columbia County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell all the Heal Estate of Holt Clanton, late of said (kmnly, deceased. TCHXEH CDAXTOX, } . X. U. CDAXTOX, £ IjX " Oel HO m ini 8 Guardian's Notice. I7IOIJH months idler date, application , will be inndo to the lionorahie In ferior Court of Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the heirs of Thomas Harbour, dec., for the benellt of said beirs. DANIEL CHAXDLEH, . Guardian, Hept 15 Kin OCARDIAX’S XOTICE. FOIJ II months afterdate, application will be made to the Honorable In ferior Court of Columbia county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell A DOT OF LAND in Coweta county, known us lot Xo. 7, in (ho fifth District of said county—Hold for the ben efit of the Minors of Liaac Winfrey, de ceased. 11 EI'HEX WIXFUEY, Ael'me Guardian. Oct 20 . . mjm. 5 VOLUME »5 IO list or lei pegs, |J E.MAIMNU in the Post Office. nt Augusta, Geo., November Ist, ISIO, (not before advertised.) Persons wishing letters from this list will please say they are advertised. A miss Malinda Ad- miss Susanah Allen ams docl Horace Allies 0 T Allen David A light ry B .Samuel Harm's George Boalinemi William Barron Joseph Boulineiru mrs Bex iy Louisa Brux ! )abney Berry A lexr V Brown John Bennett JJ Brannun Richard Bland VV It Brnnnon ink... 4'A Ittankl SStepben BroWn L .V II Brock mrs Eliza Burch John G Bowers Tbos >1 Burgess John Bowers Tbos W Barton James W Bogan rev Wm 11 Busbano Kichd Brown C Patrick B Cash II Cufliu Wbilliebl II Cain John .AI Christian Isaac Taut care of .Samuel Clark inr Caflin mrs Catharine A Benj F C’li» w Clarke John L .Monro or Thomas Corly Benj F Chew Billy Collins miss Murg’t Chum- Philip A Cowles plia mrs .Alary 11 Crallou 1) mrs Susan Dclnny miss Fanny Dinklcy Abraham D-mforth Jonathan Dicks inr Danforth Hampton H Dnboao Tbos J Dasher mrs Dunn David F Dickinson Wm Dunham E nu's Sarah Eve Thomas Elliott John Everett, So Ca V Isaac Fall John Fox mrs Eli*. Fletcher James Fulcher G John Garner Wade Glover dr iMilledge Gnlphin E II Glascock Tbos iM Gilbert John C Gritliu Levi George II Charles Ilartridgu Wm-IM Holcomb® John F Haynes- * Hubert HoHuday worth Alfred .1 Hood miss Caroline A John G Howell Hammond Mienjuh Hughes Henry Hatcher Harman Husk Joseph B Hicks William Hudson James Hicks Hawkins Hull - Geo A llilligas J Albert IM Jones mrs Hnrinental James Johnson Johnson Kiehurd Johnston Seaborn Jordan IMiineas S Jennings A I) Knight caro of miss Henrietta C Hugh Johastoo Jordan K Hubert Keen Barthl Keorna Michael Kinsley Joseph King John Knight Conrad Knight li mrs Jane Levy Andrew Little W ash”a Lawson William Lucky J La veal are John S Lott Bassil I .amar IMiss Susan Luther Tims P Livingston Benj Lyons | B 11 Linn M J H McDaniel col John Marsh John iMeCndei'ty James iMcCormio Archil M Mugrader Michael Meyer George IMagrooder Ar G Miller Win Martua Stephen Minton John IMeGownn Janies IMitehell George Mcßride John li iMorgan 1 mrs Jmlilh Mann Isabella IMuuro Wm 11 iM cCrny N James \usmitli O mrs Sat'iih Ogier Wm B Oliver Edward OConnor inisElizuG Ogletrcp Francis OComicr J’ James Pajmc.r Mini - Posey David .1 Parson Jacob \ Ponlnot dr ,M W Philips Ann Pritchard Jas Pilgrim Thomas Purse It mrs Theresa HI John B Bowson llnnscy Joseph lioxliroulh 1 rev Lather Mice Merit Boling Allen II Itylmid John Bolen William Bohinsun S Phillis Savage Ezekiel Smith mrs M ’l’ Seult JohiiSimnierinuii or Tims .Scott Henry Lee Hezekiah Salmon William A Starnes ;>liddlelon Sego Jesse Stallings mrs MnrtlmSeilhertßelo Strong Daniel Shepard John DSpeisseggcr Benjamin Sims .lames Stillman Ehenezer Skinner J P Slovel or Stoao miss Eliza T Smith Guines J Stroud Beach Island T doct Jas W Taylor William Terry airs Jane Taylor miss Elmira Tiu ■ Joseph r |jite (hall Francis Tmtsany Andrew Todd James B Thomas miss Mary N. Tor- J Thompson mice V Abner B Vining W master Henry C Elenor Welch Ware A P Whitfield James Walker Henry Williams eol Absalom Watt Jas GO Wilkinson E Swill euro of Amos W Wiggins Jus Wukemnii miss Julia Ann Wil- Win II T Walker son James Wakeniun miss Emily Wilson Tbos C Ware miss Elizabeth Wil- Bristun Charters son core of Thomas James Wright Walker William W'right Abner Whatly V Theodore G Young Hiram Young IIS Young Z J A Zinn JAMES FRASER, P. M.: Nov n ■ ■ f» * ■ ■ » ■ LAW BLANKS. INSTRUCTIONS ro» COMMISSION EHS, in an upprpvetl fonrt.