Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, November 10, 1830, Image 1

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AUCKISTA .eSBOHieU! Ai\ * GfJOItfJI*! *ID J'ER I]K. \a. ‘^or.Tt iuui)->t. it Gixi'A, <» ' PUBLISHED EVERT u ruN RSnAV ANU SAI L«LAY MORNING, BN A. M. PBMBERTOM. ■ TERMS. . „:r.n;i V PAPER. FIVE POT,LAKH 10t yIX DOLLAUS U ‘ “* p.ppn, THREE I)OI,I.AUS per or FOUR DUIXAKS ui .hr "i" fll^ l '"villbeilipconUn««l (except ut the choice of rlToi'i^sl"!-'^U» .-«b»cri».nr.s, i«ro T ‘T ( f riSo.>llor give them uwhv, uuiW u.iy cir rlnc,ly firt*w I person, oilier tk*n a subscriber, l T S ’k“i north .sci paper from Ihrm, or rrc.Mvr one m u iut ehiiU P ll I,roper authority from tl»- publisher or fiy '' behi-id lltihlc Hit the mrtom.t ol our ‘‘ ‘' l u I rimi.m sll;l n (iriiruidi'h, nnrtlf nr u. unyprrso.) Uho wlßg.vr 1 olt ir ficl. nre i„wrtr.l irmi-urrhly 4 l oJ 1-/ > onu l«- v j lls ,. r ijoji—jree/t/y, ut IW !-•> n,. r r "auar« li.rra. li i,isrrtioii-iu»d n«»t%(w)tr.. I,*- P i r v„iiarr) Ut s>l for melt insertion— r‘,r L i, ovcvrr small, is rl.nnfrd less than one square, r' ntcii.lnl to be limited must have the number o. 1 .w-rn- weekly or weekly, written on Ihrm. or Jmi-weekly till tbrbid, and clmr- Vii accordingly- . . , „ * publisher takes upon himself the risk of all ,,, of money made to him by Mad—the person remit. H.-.I navimt the posture, and üblajniiix Iromthu I’.lSl ’,l wriu. li or verbal ncknowledgeimmt of the ,mt 'lllll its deposite in his oilier, which shall be given f'nilhlislier in case of misoarriage. 0 il'Tl'Fllri (on business) must be postpaid, or they Vi 'tjiLvu out oflhr olßoe. W! ',eLAVVS OP THE EXITED STATES }t e published in this paper. Tn fir.rcutnrt, Admnintrntors , nnd Gunrdiant, a\l IN off jAN l> or M KCUIOKS, by Administrator#, ~ ‘JJJJ ( >r Guardians, arc required, by law, to be held i • I'm* iir-l*Tiiesdiiy in the wonUi, between the hours of , forenoon, andllirec in llir-uaernoon, nt the Conn ? , o I'd a* cotinlv ill wliirfi ll»e properly i* siluale.--No ; i sales iiiustbegiven in a public gazelle,hi A1 \ lias previous to the day of sale. “I, the sale of pcrtonal properly, must he given 1 ,niiiiiaer, FORTY days previous*) the day of sale. N «,v to the debtors ami creditors of an estate, must be , *i Ia it a ppli*e a G<m will lie made to the Court of Or. ~, he .veto si'll CAM) or JVBU.'tOKS, most be liuUislicd'for FOLK MONTHS. ,, ■ ymm il ————— ■ — - l We are authorised to announce }\r. WIIiItIAHI MICOJ. Sen t-, ns a ( ainliilaif lor tUo ollice of Receiver of Tn\ Upturns, at the approaching election •n January next. August 25 td 93 (Qr» We are authorized to announce Mr. 51. r. IJOlSeiiAin, os a can didate for re-election to the ollice of lie- . ceivcrol'Tax Returns, at. the approach- i :i<r Election, in January next. Sept 8 !>7 Mv». WwtcWvwson, EEtiS leave to inftti'ni her friends, that her SCHOOL is now open for the reception oi Pupils. EEtIM3 OP ADMITTANCE I I'm' Ihe lii-st (Mass per (Quarter, #l2 50 Necoml Class Do. 1(1 50 Od 27 tv It 7 Just Publishedj A IHAMHiiITs Oii'Usianetl i>y a Paniphlet, entitled. ".I Cmwcruatiun un an lintturlant Shihjecf,"' nutsAMi vr W. hAWSOX’S Job Printing Offico and the Book-Stores. ( i’ e25 C. jits, iunl #2 per dozen. o,'t 27 3t* 7 GHOCERZKS &c. Pieces Domestic IJagging. /• 100 do. Max Do. ~'i P iiicheons \ew Orleans Hum, o't Hogsheads St, Crojx pptl PoKo Itiio Stigitrs, Mags of (,’oll'ee, 21 Pipes Holland Clin, 20 Hlicls, hrotvn Havana Sugar, 2d U ixcs Hutiip Sugar, W) linvrels single l.otif do. 2”* fatly boxes young Hyson Tea, 50 Boxes Hyson do. Imperial and (lunpowder do, 50 Bales of Hale Hope. Pok Salk uy TUO 51 AS MeGKAN. Oct a er 50 3t 8 WLCv.W KtV). 4: BALES Osnaburgs, -■> Do. negro Cottons, !■' Do. brown Sheetings & Shirtings, 00 Pi ccs white, red, & green Manuels, 5o Do. rich Cambric Prints," 50 Do. Callicoes (low price.) 1500 I) Chintz. Verona, rass, jMuslipatim, Hurkley, anil Britannia llandkcrchiels, 100 Pieces Cho|>pa H omuls, 1 Case 1-4 Irish Linens, 1 Do. 7sj do. do. Doz. ladies while eotton Hose, 100 Do. mens <!o. do. half do. 100 Boxes Spool Cotton,. 200 Beams Wrapping Paper, The above is offered for sale low, for Cuslt, or approved paper hy CHAULRS PHILLIPS, Get 10 ts 1 "at rp.IYA.T3 SAJiS. (pto 11)111111' IQHTOKICO IS®. will be Wold low f' )r A a.-ia, or approved |>U|H‘r. a PHILLIPS. Drtoher 16 4 VIIJGI.MA SIAXCFACTI ULD wesAeoe* I fk KKGB MANUFACTURE U JL TOBACCO. Foe Sale tr h HULL, Augu*t II Si) Augusta City Sheriff’s Sale. h N the first Tuesday in December next, will be sold nt tiie Jovyer slur -1 k in the City of Augusta: . * Mulatto Woman named MYIt.VY. ■'b d on by virtue of all. fa. issuing from outt of Common Pleas; Exrx. AKx’r. ° Abiel Campfi.’ldvs James T. Dent. ' oiiditions Cash—bankable money.— Ulv ttusers to jiay for titles. v W;SJ. MOODY, D. s. c. A. oov. U M 10 Oct 16 AUGUSTA HOOK-STORE, Hrandd’s Chemistry, Gootl's Hook of Nature, Lance on llte Cliest, Hooper's Examina tions, Gentleman s &. Ladies’ Lexicon, Letter Writer's, Hannan's Pulpit Assistant, Course of Time, Lnlla Koo Uh. White's and Hind's Farriery, Nation;;! Orator, Virginia Housewife, Stories of Waterloo, Campbell's Poems, Paul Clifford, Moore's Poems, Moore's W orks, Moore’s Life of Hymn, Nutshell of Knowledge, Hannah .51 oore’s Works, Caldwell’s Cul len. Heiuans" Poems, Children oi’tlm Abbey, Drydin’s Virgil, Hlake's Hotany, Gdmshaw’s United States, Greece and Home, Smiley’s Federal Calculator,Pike's Arith metie, Smith's Arithmetic, Nutall’s Hotany. Aunt Mary's Tales, American Anecdotes, Griesbaeh's New Testament, 11. Robert son's Sennons, Towle’s Astronomy. Drown’* E. Gram mar, New Speaker, Kent’s Commentaries, Chilly on Con tracts, Toller's Executors, Voting's Night Thoughts, Tales of a Grandfather, &c. also—ti i e ror.i .pa in o G/.P.DEIT SEEDS: Carrot, Itaddish, isltistan'», Onion, Cu« cumber, Early Tnrjnp. lee Lettuce, Whi ter Squashes, Hiood Beet, vV Herl>-Set*d. Sept 11 [S JDK . 4 llA\.\ I S WORKS, JUST IM ISbIMIiJO, CUXTENTS : Remarks on the Character and Writings of John islilton. Remarks <m (be Life ami Character of Napoleon Bonaparte, Remarks on the Character and Writings ol'Fenelon. Tlte moral argument against Calvinism, illustrated ia a Review of a Work, en titled, ‘A General yiewol'the Doctrines of Christianity,’ Ac. Discourses at the Ordinations of Rev. John Emery Abbott, Rev. Jared Sparks, Rev. E. S. GanncJi anil Rev. F. A. Farley, Discourse before the C mgrogntlonul Ministers of .Massachusetts. Discourse on the Evidence of Revetded Religion, delivered hefort* the Univer sity in Cambridge, at the Dudleiun Lecture. Discourse nt the Dedication of the Se cond Congregational Unitarian Church in New-York. Discourse at the Installation of the Rev. rtl. J. .Motie Discourse at the Dedication of Divinity Hall, Cambridge, .Muss. Daily Prayer. Means of Promoting Christianity. Importance of Religion to Woeiety. The System of Exclusion and Denuneiu tion in Religion, considered. Objection* to Unitarian Christianity, con sidered. Extracts, Ac. Ac, 03=» A few Copies Just Received, and For Wale, hy ROBERT F, POE. or THOMAS W. METCALF. (T?* PRICE Wept I# 100 J~OI!N UIMAIAIN, WATCH MAKER, NO. J I?, BROAD-STREET, HAS again began business, in (he Brick House, No. 147, Broad \SBjaV street, lately occupied 1 &Si i,a the CITY HOTEL: a' where lie will bestow all iris attention to re pairing WATCHES A CLOC KS, of every description, in the best possible maimer, and tit very reasonable prices.— He solicits the patronage oi" his friends ami former customers, and nil who wish to have their Watches made to keep good time ut a moderate price. He will sell his remaining STOCK, consisting ol JE7TSLS.7, WATCHES AND CLOCKS, CASTORS, AC. AC. for less than they cost, at Wholesale and Retail. Thick Patent WATCfJ GLAWSEW. and all other descriptions of WATCH GL AWWEW, constantly kept on hand. Augusta. April 2H. IKK). 5!) SPOOL COTTON. ;jov DOZ. SPOOL COTTON, Just Received, and for Wale, by L. HULL. August 11 H 9 BILLIARD TABU. AfIOOD Second Hand UII.I.IAHD TABLE for to L. HULL. .'Vugpusd X 4 am, THE SIJBSCItIBER, HESPECTFULLY informs the public, that ho has taken the UxrrKn S tates Hotel, vyiMcn he has this clay opcnrcl H|r public uocommodation. tensively, and ho hopes favorably known gs the conductor of similar cstahlish meats he hopes Ins tbrmer exertions to please bis friends, will not be without a suitable reward m their future patronage. The United States Hotel is well known, being situated near the centre of the City, in the midst of its most aelivo A respectable business. It is Fire-proof, and lias spacious and elegant aecommoda . Imns, both lor tniuilies ami individuals, not surpassed by any similar establish ments in the Wouthern Whites. (t?T Persons who stop at the IT. S. Hotel, can he supplied with the means of I travelling, either with carriages, gigs, sulkies, or single horses. WILLIAM «. GRIMES, AUGUSTA, (Geo,) Oetolren ]3 1m H : aa&aaaa —i mm TIIE II^€KIBEU 9 <l»ato Proprietor of the Globo Tavern, and more recently of tho mansion House,) BEGW leave, to announce to his friends and the public generally, that he has ta ken that elegant and commodious fire proof hriek building on (he corner ol Broud ami Jackson Wtreets. mid immediately adjoining the new Masonic Hall. Il 1 is situated ia the most central part of the City, and is in the very heart of business— being in the vicinity of the Augusta Bunk, mid the Branch Bank of the Wtute ol Georgia. Tills Establishment is known us the GLOBE HOTEL) and in its interior arrangement and general construction, unites in an eminent de gree, spaciousness, neatness, and comfort. To the mini of family, the individual traveller, the daily hoarder or the fashionable visitor, tho GLOBE presents uceom * modutions inferior to none in the Wont hern Wtalea. Having conducted for n number of years, two among the most popular Hotels in this City, he Hatters himself that his experience iu business, added It) the superior advantages of situation and (lie resources under his eontroid, will enable bini.togive the most decided satisfaction to all who may donor hhn with their patronage. His WTABLEW ure spacious mid well ventilated, ai>*t amply supplied with the ’ best of provender, nnd attended by experienced and sternly ostlers—jp addition tti which, tin* subscriber will bestow his own personal unremitting attention, and in Jdf charges, will not forget the pressure of flte times. " (£/” The Elberton Wlnge departs every Wtniuay morning, at 4o« lock, and ur I’ives every Friday evening at 6. The I‘eadleton (Stage departs every Tuesday, a| ' 4 o'clock in the mprniug, and arrives every Monday ut. 2 o'clock in )hp eveping. The Milledgeville Stage arrives every tiny except'l’nursduy, at 7 o’clock in the eve ning, 11 ltd departs every day except Wednesday, tit 2 o’clock in the morning. Tne •Savannah Wtage arrives every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, til 10 o'clock in die morning, and departs every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, at 2 o’clock in (he morning. WILLIAM SHANNON. AUGUSTA. (September oth, 1^29. ' I ; : ~ 1811 ALL hereafter regularly attend the Superior Courts of Richmond County. My office and residence are in Grecnshorough. Persons residing in Augusta, having business to transact, re - (|uiring tj>e services of a Lawyer, in the counties of Greene, M organ, Newton, / Clarke, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln. Tnllial'crro, Monroe, or Hancock, and who may to entrust it to me, v> ill , have ap opportunity of conlerring with , me, personally, twice in a year, in rclu lion to it. FRANCIS 11. CONE, j (Cy 8 * The Constitutionalist and Courier, will please publish the above tor 2 weeks, !! and send iu their accounts to this office. . Dee. 6 ts 18 Executors Sale. - valuable building lot. * 4 the tirst Tuesday in April next, 1 “ " will be sold sit the lower Markct ' House in the City of Augusta, 1 T v\\ti \o\, aud Vm\MO\ ementa, adjoining Mrs. Smelt’s, bounded on the Month and West side by Reynold mid Jackson streets. iuui known in the plan I of said City Gy the No. 05—extending t about feet on Hey Hold unci feet t 1 on Juekson-slreet, the same being part of the Estate of John Campbell, deed. I ’, Term- Ouc third cash, balance in 0,12 1 and 18 months, with interest from date, and laoflgage on the property. H CAMPBELL, ) Lxcculora ‘ JAMES PHASER, } of JAMES HAH PER, ) J. C. Oct 30 >u6tMtd H » .!■ ■■ 11 I ' ' {guardian’s Notice. FOUR months after date, application t will he made to the honorable In- < (Prior Court of Franklin County, >vhen 1 silling for Ordinary purposes, for leave t ) to sell the real Estate of Ann Perrel. t IGN ATIUS PEHCEL. ‘ Guardian. Sept 15 'Rni W ATHAM HULL (cutlers his mosl P A sincere thanks to the public, for their patronage to his Auction Exttiilixli mcnl, ami is determined to meijt its con tinuation by bis future promptness and assi«Ji;ity . They eau only tpld to the ob ligation, lie is already under to them, by culling us quickly idler sales for their goods us may be convenient. lie Inis removed to his ,Vm> Store, two doors above J. A W. Bernes’Hardware Wtore—where he will attend to uny cpm iiiands in his business. Oct 27 7 OUR months after date, application . will be made to the Court of Ordi nary of Columbia County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell nil the Real Estate of Holt Clanton, Jute of said County, deceased. TURNER CLANTON,? «. N. H. CLANTON, $ J Oct 30 mini 8 Guardian's Notice. FOUR months alter date, ujiplicnlioii will he made to the honorable. In ferior Court of Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the heirs of Thomas Harbour, dec., for Uie benefit of saitl heirs. DANIEL CHANDLER, Guardian. Sept 15 4lm TO WEX'V, uu A large DWELLING, liOT, !(« Ac. and A LARGE STORE, iijPP wellpalculnted for Dry-Goods ami Groceries, opposite the store of Edward 'l’homns, Esq. uj)iM*r end of Broad-street —an excellent stand for business. Possession will be given on the first of Octokpr. For terms, yybich will he liberal, apply to Mr. Joseph Car rie, at the above place. GARRET LAWRENCE. Jul^ r 31 b 0 RICHMOND TAX COLLECTOR’S SALE. WILL be sold, ut the lower Market House, in Augustn, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the usual hours of sale, the following proper ty. or as much respectively, ps will sutis ly the tuxes and costs, viz; 202) acres second quality hind in (lie county of DeKnib, levied on to satisfy (bo (State Tax of Elizabeth Bogan, for IS2H and 1529. Tax due. #222 cents. A LSO, 403 acres hind in DeKnib county, le vied on to satisfy the (State and County 'fax of Ira Burton, fur IS2S and 1529. Tax due. $-5 73. ALSO, 98!)acres pine land in Irwin county, le vied on to satisfy the (State and County Tax of TliomttsJ. Dasher, for 1828 und 1829. Tux due #9Bl. ALSO, 105 acres Ipud ip Muscogee and Dooly counties, and 740 acres land in Irwin, le vied on to untidy the (State and Comity Tax of Jnntci Finney, lor 1829. Tax due, #ll 83C ALSO, 202), acres l»nd in Lee comity, in lOtli District, No.2M, levied on to satisfy the State Tax of Joseph J. James, deceased, for 1829, Tm due, 48 els. 1 ALSO, 202) acres tecond quality hind in Mus cogee county levied on to satisfy the State Tax of benjamin Kerins, for 1829. Tax due, #1 7S. ALSO, 202) acres l|nd in Dooly county, levied on to satisfy the State Tux of Henry .Martin, for ltji9. Tax due, 02) cts. ALSO, 202) acre, hud in Lee county, SOth Dis trict, No. 1 Oi, levied on to satisfy the ( state mid eojnty tax of Thomas Bcr ( tram, deceustd, lor 1828. Tax due 48 cts. ALSO, I 202) acres anil in I’nlaski county, le vied on to saisly tho StaU) and C’pjinfy Tux oCffiisfivus A. Parker, for IBlWand 1829. Tax me, #1 43. AI.SO, 202) acres land in Muscogee county, - levied on to sitisly (Ip; (State 'l'ax of Julia I N.Philpot, hr 1828 und 1829. Tax due, - #l9-18. ALSO, * 202) neres h-coii.l ipiidity land in Carroll •' county, lev ini on to satisfy thc!BtalcTiix t‘ of Charles JB.nrgcs.lbr 182!). Tax due, #1 82). 0 ALSO, o Vo2i neres land in Lee County, levied s on to satisfy the State nnd County Tux of Archibald Barden, for 1829. Tux due, #1 82). ALSO, 202) (ipree second quality land in Tel fair County, levied on It) sali*|‘y (fat State and County Tux of dairies Bareli, for 1829. Tax due, #1 82). ALSO, 202 J neres hind in Dooly County, levi ed on to satisfy the (State and Comity 'Fax of Keiton Burch for 1829. Tux due, #1 llli. ALSO. 202) acres land in Troup county, levi ed on to satisfy the anil county 'l’ax of Jordan Janies, for 1828 and 1829. Tax due, #3 4 1). ALSO, 202) acres huii) jp Lee county, 21st District, No. 221, levied pn to satisfy the State and county Tax of Thomas Ginn, for 1829. Tux duo, #1 8!). ALSO, 202) neres laqd ia Carroll, 10th Dis . triet. No. 230Jeviod on to satisfy the Stale ami County Tax of William Jujncs, fur ■ 1829. Tax due, #1 18. • /Wo, 202) acres sccopd qtnilily land iu 51ns ••ogee county,levied on to satisfy the State nnd County Tax of James Duvis, lor 1829 'l'qx due, #lß2j. ALSO, 490 acres land in Rabun county, und 1 202) acres hind in Muscogee, levied on ' to satisfy the Slate and county Tax of ■ Joseph James, Jr, for 1829. Tux due, - #2 08). 1 A Li*o, 250 acres second quality hind in Hall 1' county, Hth District, No. !>!), levied on to satisfy the Sjate and Cotinty'Fax of Col lin 11. Belcher, for 1828 und 1829. Tax • due, #7 75. ALSO, 202) acres second quality laud in Cow eta county, 2nd District, No. ~\l, levied on to satisfy tip l State and County Tax >f Grcep James, for 1829. Tqx due, #397. I A).SO, 202) acres second quality land in Mus cogee county, 20th District, No. 75, |nnd | 202) acres sepond quality land in C’owetn . county, to satisfy the-State und County 'Fax of Silas Taylor,for 1829. Tux due, #l4 19. Terms of Sale—Bankable money; pur chasers to pay for titles. ' OLIVER REED, Tax Collector, Richmond County, 1 Nov 0 10 ' NOTICE. ON the 14th December next, ut the residence of the late Win. A. Bugg, 1 will bo sold, the Household and Kitchen FURNITURE, h lot of CORN and FOD DER, belonging to life Mate of the lute HougH R, Marshall. (t7“* Terms at Sale. GEORGE L. TWIGGS. VAL WALKER. Oct 30 8 — ' Adrtv\i\\»U'AVor’rt TSoUcc. FOUR months after date, application will he made to the honorable In ferior CJpurt of Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leuve to sell all the real Estate of Win. York, deed, fbrjtlie benefit of his heirs und credi tors. JOHN 31. PAYNE, AflmV. Sept 15 4tsji t{P Notice. THE firm of KETCHUM &BUB HOUGIISI is this day diss jived by mutual agreement. All demands a-> gainst the said firm are requested to bo presented for payment to Jos. H. Bur roughs—those indebted will make pay ment to either Ralph Ketchuin in Augus ta, or 4oa. 11. Burroughs, Savannah. RALPH KETCUUM. JOS 11. BURROUGHS, Savannah, AW. I 2t 10 LOW. TAYLOR & Co. OF SAV.\\\AII, HAA E Received by the ship Georgia, arrived this evening from Liver pool, an extensive and general assort ment of BRITISH MANUFACTURED Dr® And have already in Store, and are daily receiving, additional supplies of hncricun , French , Italian and German, DRY GOODS, of all descriptions, which are oflered for side on reasonable terms; and the orders ol such ot their customers who cannot conveniently leave home, >yill he faithfully executed. October!), 1830. 1m ;( Sweet Oranges. &c. 1 SWEET ORAN. GES, in fine order. 150 hhls. No. I, 2, & 3 New Mackerel. 100 hfllf bills. 1, 2,d0. do. !!0 qr. Chests fresh Hyson Tea. 500 lbs. Shoe Thread, ~l) kegs Goshen Butter. 10 boxes Codfish, 00 hhls. New Flour. 100 hugs prime andTuir Coflee. 000 bags patent Shot, assorted. Puli Sale ii v GEO. ||. METCALF, Nov 3 3t i) Young Ladies'School, WASHINGTON Street, G auburn’ts Green, Chauleston, for u limited number, hy T. P. LOCKWOOD, Who respectfully presents t!.c following extracts from fecuiumendatiuns in hiq possession: “From intimate personal acquaintance with Mr. Lockwood, we believe him fijlt ly competent to teach such u School us# he proposes to establish; muj we luivo entire confidence (hat ho* would, in all respects, meet the reasonable uud just expectations of parents who might com mit their children to his eh rge. Aut| should Mrs. Lockwood receive uny young ladies into her family—they would, under her cure, enjoy more than QrdpuM-y advantages. THOMAS LEE, VVM. A. MpDOVVELL, PAUL S. H. LLP, J. L. PLTIUORU, r THOMAS LOWMDES, January £1), 18110. “My children have certainly mndo maeli progress and 1 doubt not must con tinue to dp so under your judicious in struction. On the whole, I feel it due to you to express my unqualified approba tion and entire satisfaction with ypup system oftnitioip J. W. CUEESBOROUGH. Aiiisuxt 7, 1830.” Reference is also offered to Rev. W. 8. Lee and John Laßoelie, Esq. on Edistp Island- Rev. F. Delavuux, Rev, E. Pal mei‘, and L. 8. Fisldmrne, Esq. VValtep. borough. S K, Ferry, Esq. Beaufort. Rev. I). Campbell, I’iucvUle. Dr. J. Lee, and 'l*. Lee, Esq. Camden. Stephen Lee, and William 8. Campbell, Esqs. Ab beville. Rev. If- D. Duncan, and Win. R. Hull, Esq. Barnwell. Rev. Win, McWldr, Co|. J. J. Maxwell, and Gep, E. Harden, Georgia. TERMSt Instruction in Orthography, Rending, W'riling, Grammar, Arithmetic, Geogrqr phy, History, &xj. 50 pr. qr. French, as additional, ts 2 50. Mrs. Lockwood will take a few young Indies jis Boarders, on very moderate terms; and give instruction on the Pinm# Fortp at 50 cents jier lesson. She will also teach Plain and Onmmctitul Needle work. No charge for Stationary, Firewood, or Plain Needle-work. November <1 3t 0 WUAi \SV\ SOliU, ON THE PREMISES, AT ZJZ&jkIQ) ON MONDAY, the 20lh December next, AT XI O'CLOCK, A. m. T\vc vs\i\)scYv\)evtt VVdrvtaUoa, ip Columbia county, bc- tween Fury's Ferry and the (|uaker Springs, containing Eigljt Hundred and sixty five Acres, half of it undpr cultiva tion—Eighty Acres of which lias been recently cleared; Hie balance is well tin»r bered. •—ALSO— Eleven Negroes, one of whom is a good Blacksmith. —A LSO— Cofn, Fodder, Outs, Mules, Stock ofull kinds, and Plantation and Blacksmith's Topis. TERMS.—TIic Negroes will be sold for Cush, the Corn, Fodder, Outs, Mules, Stock, Plantation A Blacksmith's T°°Js, on u credit ofeleven months. 'Flip Lund fur one third Cosh, the balance in one or two annual payments with Interest, ec cured by mortgage on the prpmipes. JOHN NEILSON. Nov 2 tus 9 - —-m - ■— ..i.iiii - i -■ i .1.1 Bordeaux Claret. 4 CASKS SUPERIOR BORDEAUX CLARET, For Sale low, by -L HULL August 11 go