Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, November 20, 1830, Image 1

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AirausTA jornomaLß ; ■. GEORGIA iID UKK 77.V ER. "office !\O. AUCUSTAt CA. iS tTHtIUV. \OTEMBER 80, a SUP. voum: 4a . ■■ vo ., , PUBLISHED EVERY tfl-DNBSDAY AND SATURDAY MORNING. BY A. H. PEMBEItTON. TERMS. „., T rt ppiil.v PAPER. FWK DOLLAUS ° rriix uuti ‘ A^s aiii,e e";V4 l r i v'i v PAPER. THREE DOUI.AR3 per , n SSM<«, or FOUR UOI.LAUS at the en iL° f nimT' will Ik- .liKconUnueil (except at the choice of ) aunt nil arrearages lire paid. V HRIEKS of papers u* City subscribers, pro -lilv f»rl>hl <‘> sell or give them away, under any cir r! m iinces t nail any person, other than a subs-mbei-, ‘". .ni a paper from them, or receive one in w '*! v Without proper authority from the publisher or ahscn’lier, will be heal liable for the-amount of one subscription -, which shall be demanded, ami it tie. sued for, and paid to any person who will givy ‘"KmiSEHENTS are. Inserted temi-trer.kly A,*>y . * V.m “'for tint first insertion, and Id 3-» " t 6 .3 succceiling ln9ertion-*«t/y. at 02 1-2 r,!n l ! ’ *' r ~ for eac i, insertion—and mimtAD/(when Bipiarc) at 91 fitr each insertion— .however small, is charged less than one square. N. 01 ’' ~..|„it . d to he limited must have tlicfiuunber oi 1 H Semi-weekly or weekly, written on them, or JllJy vvTlll’lebiscrteil semi-weekly till forbid, and char gUTimmd!lWier takes upon himself Hie risk of all remit .... “S Sf money made to him by Mall-tlie person remit -I,l,l«Jut Aivin" the noeliige, and obtaining from tlie Post hf‘f wri’ten or verhAl acknowledgement M the ,1,: " fit n „d its deposile ill his office, which skill he given ft '?.?e n nblisher In case of miscarriage. *°i VrTERS (on business) must be postpaid, or they he taken out of flic oilice. *llfuWß OP THE UNITED STATES arc published Ui litis paper. Tn FrrmtarS, Administrators, and Guardians, a \ I RM oi l .AND or NEGROES, by Administrators, or ( arc required, by law, to lie hold ‘‘ 1 flr-l'l’iiesd:i yin the montli, between the hours of 0111 o ' c.renoon, andtbree in the ofiernoon, at the Court r.'e irthe cemtty in which the property is situate—No. Os these sales most he given ill a public ga/otte.JslX f \ I . c nppviouX to the day of Halo. vJi.prtf the .salo of personal property, must heaven nt.. in inner, FOKTV days previous to the ilny o( sale. V uiiito the debtors and creditors of an estate, must be •viiiiUu'd fi'r FOUT\ days. f' v„, ... tint nnnlii-ittlon will be mode to ihe Conn ofOr- V,n “A, le ivemsell I.ANI) or NKGUOKM, must be ffl^ifori ? Ot-|IMOXTU3. ir 7» \y c aro authorised to announce Mr. 'WILLIAM MICOU, Sou r, ns a r.milid itc for the olllcc ol Receiver of T„g Return?, ll * the approaching election ?n January next. August is bl , if/’ We nro authorized to announce Mr -H. F. DOISCLAIB, as a enn ili.lutc lor re-election to the oillcc of He iiivorof Tax Returns, at the approach air Election, in January next. ' sets 07 _ -r-tz During my absence from plabe, Jambs W. Lam kin is duly authorized to attend to i»v business. GRIFFIN EDMONDSON. Nov 17 >:i iMvrt. \lwTc\\vuttOW, BEGS leave 1o infirm her friditdv that her SCHOOL is now open fur the reception ofPupds. ASHOTS or ADKIITTAIi'CE. Por the fu st Class per Quarter, £.12 -Ml Second Class Do. Id sfi (b< 27 w4t 7 NOTICE. ON the 14th December next, at the residence of the late VViu. A. Bugg. will he sold, the Household iirtd Kitchen rni\ ITU RE, a lot oI’CORN and FOD -1 >11:{. belonging to the estate ol the late Howell R- Marshall, Terms at Sale. GEORGE It. TWIGGS. VAL. WALKER. Oct no ' s ; Noto Lost. IOST by the subscriber, in a Pockrt- J Book, in September lust, on the point from Augusta to Edgefield Court House, a Note ofliand. drawn by James liViies, in favor of William 11. Cosby, i ir do., for the sum of twenty eight dollars lint I lil'ty cents, payable thirty days afler •late, (lie!)lh 2 larch, 1830, The finder, on ■delivering it to the subscriber, shall be enlillcd to the money lost with it, and the Milker is cautioned not to pay it to any cue but me. ARTHUR FOSTER. Nov 10 2lw 11 r si hi raii FOR PRODUCE. fB',HE Merchants of Augusta, have a. made an arrangement with the owner of Furey's Ferry, by vHiieh all Wagons loaded with more than one hale oft 'otton—All Carts with one or more bales Cotton—And all Wagons* loaded v -tii^'lour, Bacon, or Tobacco, slmil he tblmitled with the Driver, to pass and re plies free of charge, for the term of one JNar from this date. MARTHA FUREY. Augusta, Oct. 18, lh3o. 4tw 7 AUGUSTA BEIBCffi Fit EE. is hereby given, that, all pro , (luce Wagons and Carts, dontaln ]>>g one or more hales of ('otton, lu>gs "'"-4k of Tobacco, or barrels of Flour, *nv from fills date, entitled to pass the AIt.TrSTA BRIDGE, fVfte of Toll; fliia arrangement Ims been .made, for tlie pappose of enabling tlie Planter, to *|' i 'il hiinsclf of this extensive Market ■tc <>f all expense. (Signed) Jr.ssK ICr.XT. A.sCuStMTNrt, I'IIO.MAS McGbax, ; ,9oti. iIIGXON, •JoiiN Boxes, ■ Jlmix Weoi.roi.x, Uummrtke. Augusta, August^, w3m 1)4 NOTICE. 4 kit persons indebted lt» the Estate of Uuit Clanton, .late of Oohmdtia County, deceased, are requested to .make immediate payment to the Executors; *ml all persons having demands against he Estate, arc requested to hand them ***■ '*y Ihe tirst day of January next, for Payment. TURNER CLANTON, / ■ - Nil. CLANTON, S o<a9o etw e gom THE RESPIX'TFI'IiIA informs the public, tlint lie Ims taken Ihe United States Hotel, which he has this day opt mod for public accommodation. Being ex tensively, and he hopdS favorably Known as the conductor of similar establish ments, he hopes his former exertions to please his friends, vyill not be without a suitable reward in their future patronage. The United States Hotel is well known, being situated near the centre of the City, in the midst of its most active & respectable business. It is Fire-proof, and has spacious and elegant accommoda tions, both for Families nnd/iudividuals, not surpassed by any similar establish ments hi the Southern States. (t/ 3 Persons who stop at the U. 8. Hotel, can he supplied with the means of travelling, either with carriages! gigs, sulkies, or singld horses. WILLLirtl G. GRIMES. AUGUSTA. (Geo.) October ]S Ini 8 maiaaa THE !«1 KM KIKBIR, (Late Proprietor of the Globe Tavern, and more recently of tho Mansion House,) BEGS leave to aan ounce to bis friends and the public generally, that he has ta ken that elegant and commodious fird proof brick building on the corner ol Broad rtnd Jacksori BliVcfs. and immediately adjoining tlie new Masonic Hall. It is situated in the most central part of the City, and is in the very heart of business— being in the vicinity ofthe Augusta Hank, and the Branch Bank of the Slate of Georgia. This Establishment is known us the GLOBE HOTEL, and in its interior arrangement and general construction, unites in an eminent de gree, spaciousness, netditess. and comfort. To the man of family, the. individual traveller, the daily hoarder or the fashionable visitor, the GLOBE presents accom modations inferior to none in the Southern States. Having conducted for a number of years, two among the most popular Hotels in this City, he Hatters himself that his experience in business, added to the superior advantages of situation and tlie resources under his controul, will enable him to give the most decided satisfaction to all who may honor him with their patronage. His STABf.ES are spacious and well ventilated, and amply supplied with the I best of provender, ami attended by experienced and steady ostlers—in addition to which, the subscribes" " ill bestow tits own personal unremitting attention, ami in his charges, wijfuot forget the pressure ofthe times. 05 s * The Elberton Stage departs omy jsuntlt.y j,.. .. at .t. <l; tk, and nr rives every Friday evening at t>. The Pendleton Stage departs every 'i lusday, at 4 o’clock in tlie morning, and arrives every Monday M 2 o'clock in the evening. The Milledgeville Stage.arrijies every day ekeept Thursday, at 7 o'clock in the eve ning, anti depniis every day except Wednesday, at ii o’clock in the morning. _ 'ikic Savannah SMtge arrives every Monday, Weduestlay and Friday, at 10 o'ehwji in die morning, and departs every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, nt 2 o'clock in tile morning. WILLIAM SHANNON. AUGUSTA. September 9th. 1829. . ... Bordeaux Claret. 4 'casks superior Bordeaux (CI/AUKT, For krtv, b u ii. iIITLL. August 11 VIKUIMA MAStI’ACTUttEU TOS&Gee* a REVS MANUFACTURED jL tobacco. Fon Sat.b kv I. iIUL-L; ’ August II S 9 ~ srijuTi\ A \ excellent SCLKEY, with Double /m. Spring Top—For sale by L. HULL. Angus-! 4 1 hO CA.SII WILL be given for a flood Second Hand rtANO FORTH. The ex terior must be handsome, and the tone good. Apply to . LATHAM HCLL. Commission Merchant. Vov.lo H STOOL COTTON. soo DOZ SPOOL COTTON, Just llecefecd, &nd for Sale, by L. HI LL. August. 11 >.2 MUTATE SALE. ui. lr r\ IttliUDS. PORTO KICO omm Which will be Sold low or upprored pg dNifoiter !tC> 4 * ESLLIAE.D TABLE. A fiOOtD Second Hand BILLIARD JM. TAW-f- Tot sale—Apply to JL. IIFLL. Adghfit/li Ull. OMJUUNii’S WORR§, JUST- PUBIJSSIEO, CONTENTS: ...» Remarks on the Churucter und \\ ritings' of John Milton, Remarks on the Life and Character of Napoleon Uortripnrte. "... Remarks on the Character and Writings , of IV’nelon. Tiie moral argument against CaJviftisitt.' illustrated in n Rerjn-p- of'n Work, en titled, ‘A Qeiteriil view of tho Doutrluos of ChristianitjV Ac. Discourses at the Ordinations of Rev. John Emery Abbott, Rev. Jared Sparks,. Rev.’ E. K. Gunnel, and Rev. F. A. Farley. Discourse before the Cingrdgaliokul Ministers of Massnclmselts. Discourse oh the Evidence of Revealed Religion, delivered betore tlu* Univer sity r jn Cambridge, at tlie Dmfleiun liccturc. . . Discourse at the Dednmlm" of tbe be cond Congregational Unitarian Church in New-York. Discourse at tlie Installation of the Rev. M. J. .Motte Discourse at the .Dedication of Divinity Hall. Cambridge, Muss. Dolly Prayer. Alcana of Promoting Chnstfnnity. Importance of Religion to Society. The System of Exclusion ami Denuncia tion in Religion, considered. Objections to Unitarian Christianity, con sidered. Extracts, Ac. Ac. , A -few Copies Just Received, anil For teuie, l, y OBERT F> POE. or THOM AW W. METCALF. 07» PRICE 83- Sept 18 - I-*- 11 -■ - * FREBII FLOUR. gvA BARRELS Fiish Baltimore FLOUR,. Just Received, ami for Sale low, Lt HULL. Angus* 11 “ JUS't RECEIVED. 4: BALES Osnaburgs, 2l> Do. negro Cottons, 10 Do. brown Sheetings A Shirtings, 00 Pieces white, rod, A green Flannels, 59 Do. rich Cambric Prints, 50 Do. Callicoes (low price.) 200 Doz. Cbintz,Verona, Imitation,Mad ras«l Aluslipntam, Berkley, anti Brituaniu Handkerchiefs, 100 Pieces Choppa Roinnls, 1 Caste 4.4 Irish Unens, I Do. 7-8 do. do. 50 Do*, ladies white cotton Hose, 100 Do. mens do. do. half do, 100 J.j* xes Spool Cotton. 2tlo Reams Wrapping Paper, Tho above is oHerod for sale low, fur Cash, or approved paper, hv CHARLES PHILLIPS. Pet Id . - if 4 POE SALE. A NEGRO WOitlAN, a good Cook, Wuslicr and Ironer. Enquire of C. PHILLIPS. November 10 11 XOA&D* LATHAM HULL tenders bis most sincere thanks to the public, for their patronage to his Auction Establish ment, and is determined to merit its .con tinuation by bis future promptness ami assiduity. They can only add to the ob ligation, lie is already under to them, by calling as quickly after sales for their goods as may he convenient. He has removed to his OVcw Store, two doors above J. A S. Bones’ Hardware Store—where lie will attend to any com mands in his business. Oct 27 7 ifiiw; GUXigAKiri, WATCH MAKER, NO. 14V, RROXD-STREET, a HAS again began business, in the Brick House, No, 117, Broad street, lately occupied ns the CITY HOTEL; where he will bestow all his attention to re pairing WATCHES a clocks, of every description, in the best possible manner, and at very reasonable prices.— He solicits the patronage of his friends and former customers, and all who wish to have their Watches made to keep good time at a moderate price. He will sell liis remaining STOCK, (consisting of JEWELS.*/, WATCHES and crocks, CASTORS, AC. AC. for leas than they cost, at Wholesale and Retail. Thick Patent WATCH GLASSES, and nil other descriptions of WATCII GLASSES, constantly kept on hand. Augusta, April 28. 1830. - 59 £) b BBNT; 4woiumv AT X.AW. WILL alteiul (lie .uipdrlor and In ferior Courts of Richmond and Columbia counties—and the Court of Common Pleas of Augusta. He may he found at the olllec of Robert R. Reid, Esq. corner of Washington and Ellis-strcets. July 21 ts HI QXftT&Xt, C & H e THE SUBSCRIBER having Itiade arrangements in Suvaimnit, to be regularly suiiplied with OYSTERS ,il.s soon ne the River will admit, respect ltd ly informs the public that bis O vsTF.n Cr.i,- i.aii is now open where can also he had, at any hour, llor Coi fkk, Hot Steaks, Sciteus, and Rkmsiif.s of every diucrip tion. 'l'lmse who may honor,this estab lishment with n call, will find attentive persons to wait anAhein, and every arti cle of lias choicest kind that tlie market affords. , MARTIN FREDERICK. liroud-Sheet. Nov UU 3lw LOCK AT THIS. RANAWAY FROM the subscriber on .the bight of rittUOtli October last, two Negro .Men pipned BILLY A NED. Billy is a tall slender man, pretty much knock-kneed; he is n .*«)?!(t, shrewd <«■!• low, ctrtcnlaleti to deceive with ease when attacked; he earried with him a striped twilled round-about Coat and a pair of blue broad cloth pantaloons, the coat is new and .the pantaloons tolerably much worn, bo(h of which he stole from me a few nights before they went e.ff— Ned is a low man, nati over one of his eyes js n sear which, runs from Ins ejv info thellitir of his head. Netl w lien s(>o ken to all times appears to he soniewhat alarmed, A blows as though lie was tired, or appears to bring !long breaths. —From what I can learn they have made a start for some ofthe free Slates: hut I am ap prehensive that they have been enticed oil* by some white 1 Alim. If so, a reason able reward wilt be given fur tlie two negroes, or either of them, delivered to me in Oglethorpe county, neat* the Bow ling Green, or placed in some jail so that I get them, A ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS REWARD for the thief. All reasonable expenses paid in the detec tion ofthe negroes and thief. JOHN VV. MOODY. Nov 17. • lm 12 (£r* The Chronicle. Augusta, Georgia; Gazette, Pensacola, Florida; Advocate, Huntsville, ami Intelligencer, Tuscaloo sa, Alabama, will each publish the above one montli, and forward their accounts to Bowling Green, Oglethorpe county, Georgia, for payment/-*-*/!*. Journal. i. VV. M MRS. E. A. ijtOBBY* HAS JUST RECED ED, AT HER STORE, ON RROAD-ST. Next door above L. UulFs Auction Room, A FUESII Sri7l,V OP Fashionable Goods, IIVT HER LimE- C CONSISTING of Sii.ks, Tlmnoxs, / Fi'.ATiir.ns, and other articles, which will he Sold low for Cash, or town accep tances. AI.SO, Miss Thompson’s Pattern of tho. La test Fashions. Nov. 17 3t 13 VEW FALL (tiOODS. HLWiWAK REH, 231, HIIOAD-STIBEET, IS now receiving and opening a gen oral and extensive supply of AMO) W^jacygcr^, GOODS, Which will he sold low, (hr Cash, or town acceptances. Nov <! fit )0 K’ W- SCOMTSLL Sc Co* HAYING removed to J. I*. King, Esqr’s new Ri iek Range, 3 doors be low their old stand, ore now receiving and opening 150 PACKAGES of stjupip a«jpj favox 53r,n ©SiOOiiJK/ Tixyn oitTi-Bnv, COMBS, Comprising a yery general assortment of FALI) \\\^V\h\V Ci ooi>8 9 All of which will he sbld on flic most liberal terms (ty=* Country Merchants and City dealers nre invited to cull and examine their Goods. Pi t 27 3IW 7 OF ALL COLORS, AND IN ANY QUANTITY, ron SALS, AT ICO. 273, Next Door Relow the Drug Store of R. I). JIAVILAND <fc CO. . Broad-Stroct. Augusta, Geo. (I Suitable Brushes loaned. 11. P. SI‘ELMAN. August. 18 wtf 9J EXECUTC’iI S SALE. BV order of the Honorable tin- Life rior Court of the Comity of Rich- Kiolid. while sitting for ordinary purpo ses, w ill ho sold, on’the first Titsimv in February nev.t, between the usual hours of sale, us the Market house, in the City of Augusta, A part of a Tract of Land, containing one hundred acres swamp land, being in the county nfrfrcsidd, Yidjoiniiig lands of. C.trnes, Knight, and others., TJie intebesf in aftes of swamp land, adjoining lands of Pliinizy,Eve, Lit tnar, and others. AI.SO, Sundry Negroes; ainl J hg them nre first rale Bold Hands, 1.1.0u50 Servants, and Field Hands., Sundry nrtiolcS of Household jltul Kit ’ elnal Fjji'tillnre. Tim nforesail, to be sold as the property of Win. A. Biigff. deceased, and sold for the benefit of tile heirs ttud credi tors us said estate. GEO. L. TWIGGS. Ex’r. Nov. 10 1J BI3TEH TOMO9 JOCKBY-OLUfc RACES, . Coimowirc on Tuesday the ¥ w 2*ih of December next, free for any Horse, Mare or Gelding, Ist days Purse, 3 mile heals, for $250 2nd days J’urse, ‘Jmilo-hhats, for $ 150 3rd days Purse, mile bents; to be made up ofentraiice. money, i^c. Aged Horses to carry 12f) lbs. fi years old to carry 121 lbs. 5 years old to carry 112 lbs. 4 years old to carry H*2 ibs. 3 years old to carry 8!) Ibs. 2 years old to carry a feather, 3 pounds will he allowed to Marcs and Geldings. Hckkk CorxTV, G\. ) October ]sth. 1830. ( wtd 4 COT T N D CO M W 18.81 ON rniiiE SUlißCribere nnnounee to llieirj JL friends and the public, that. they, have rented tho Ware-House in Comp bell street, Augusta, lately occupied by Mr. John Rees, and opposite the Ware- House of Messrs. (Slaughter & Lnbuzan; where they ore now ready to receive Cotton and other Produce, and tender their service* therein, being sanguine that the attention which will lie paid to-, he interest oftheir friends, will se.ehre > them a share of public patronage, T. COLEMAN, WM. J WTGHTMAN August 2 ft w.M’ W FRESH FRUITS. Malaga Grapes, NEW RAIHINB, 'MK tauoNS, I Cocoa-KTuts. o«Aj«iS|fes, 1 Apples. Currants* FIGS, &6, JUST RECEIVED FROM CHARLESTON, ALSO, 10,000 Sfivn mul Bnrranco Segajrs* London Porter, bids. Irish Potatoes, Clu ret. Port and Madeira Wines of the first quality; French Cordials,Fruits in Bran* dy, Almonds, Fresh Olives, Sweet Ac. &e. MARTIN FREDERICK^ Nov 13 2t 13 GHOCKERY, CHINA, AND g}2»aas a THE Subscribers having formed u eonnexion in the above business, invite the patronage of their friends and the public. They are now receiving l , and intend constantly to keep on hand, an assortment for wholesale mid retail, in cluding- Mmille, Pier. Toilet, Swing and Fancy Looking-Hineses, Castors, Liquor Stands, A,e. The business will be con l ducted under the firm of WM. HARRIS A J, 11. LUDLOW, At the former stand of W. Harris, No. 20H, Broad-st., in the Masonic Building. 'i'he long experience of the parties, and the hitter’s being interested in uu Establishment at Charleston, S. and in New-York, ufi’ord tin- greatest facili ties for importations & purchases, which a splendid stock mid tempting prices will testify. WILLIAM HARRIS/ JNO. K. LUDLOW. Augusta, Oet. 37. w3m 7 “ WYViL SOU>, ON THE PREMISES, AT B&£&c> ON MONDAY, the 30th Deccmher next, AT 11 O’CLOCK, A. VI. ’Y\ve VYuvvUiUovq SITU A'l’E in Columbia county, be tween Fury’s Ferry and the Quaker Springs, contuining Eight Humh-ed and ,-ixty five Acres, half or it under Cultiva tion—Eighty Acres of which lias been recently clean'd ; the balance is welltim bered. —also— Eleven N egroes, one of whom is a good Blacksmith. ALSO— Corn, Fodder, Oats, Moles,-Slock ofall kinds, and Plantation uhd Blacksmith'll Tools. 'TERMS.—The Negroes will he fold for Cash, the Corn, Fodder, Outs, Mules, Stock, Plantation K Blacksmith's Tools, ongrredit ofeleven months. The Lund for one third Cash, the balance in one or two annual payments with interest, se cured by mortgage on the prfciblses. JOQN NEILSON. Nov 2 . tds . ft OiAuvuWuv vS-a\e. WILL lie sold ht Columbia Court I louse, the first Tuesday in De eemher next, between the nsiinl hours ol sale, the following property to wit i •Seven hundred acres of Lnndriioreor less, joining F. T. Aik* «nd others, to satisfy sand ry ft flis o Justices Court, in favor oflluvid HolHiiiun, Executor of 31. I*. Davis, deceased, vs. Bowling Stark mid V. T. Allen, Admiuislrutor of Bdherl Johns, deceased. ALSO, Four slaves to wit, Islium, Tom, Mark, mid Edinon, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Aim V. Ross, vs.’William Murray, Ad ministrator of Joseph Marshal l,deccused, with the will annexed. ISAAC RAMSEY, Drpt. Slif. C. C. Nov 3 dlw » Augusta City Sheriff’s Bale. ON the first Tuesday in December next, w ill be sold at the lower Mar ket. in the City of Augusta: A Mulatto Woman named MYRAY, levied on by virtue of u 11. fit. issuing IVom Court of Common Pleas; Ex’rx. Ac E;t’r< of Abie! Campfleld vs James T. Dent. Conditions Cash—hankuhle money .-jr» Parehaßers to pay for titles. WM. MOODY, ». *. c. A . Nov. 0 td 10 Wllfle C wkb.n *1 if H™t’Tuesd uy in December next, at the Court House door, Curnesville, Franklin C.ouo* ty, between the usual hours of sale, tin? following property* to wit: 'Two hundred nnd sixty acres of hind, ml joining John Sewell, on Bear Creek; 3fii) acres, more or less, adjoining King and But|ey, on the waters of ;SU-uli.<£ri» Creek; one negro winn ntutm-tl liiui niih, about fifty years old: nnd one nfegrU girl, named Kitty—Sold as the properly of .Samuel Phillips, dec., in with mi order of the,Court afO.rdhmryot said CoUnty, for the benefit of the heirs mul creditors of said deceased. TerujjS known on the day of sole. DENNIS PHILLIPS, JACKSON HAYS, I ** Sept. 45 w-2m Oft tiTAUiiu.vw Notlce. TTUItIR months afterdate, application JT will be made to the Honorable In ferior Court of Columbia county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell A LOT OF LAND in Coweta county,-known us lot No. v, in the film District of said county—. Sold for the ben efit of IheWinore oflsaac Winfrey, de ceased. _ JREVBEN WINFREY, Acting Guardigik Out 20 m4m 8