Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, November 24, 1830, Image 1

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AUOTSTA CHRONICLE GEORGIA AR OFFICE IVO. 407, 880 13>-S i\ PUBLISHED EVERT .VPNEFDAV AND SATURDAY MORNING, B'V A. 11. PEMBEBTOU. terms. or-wt W EEKLY PAPER. FTVR DOLLARS or SIX DOLLARS ailhe ‘wpl'S P VPER, THREE DOLLARS per MB#™. J payable in advance, or FOUR DOLLARS at Hie e "\oreiper < will be discontinued (except at the choice of JIU) until all arrearages arc paid. r r eV VKRIEUB «f papers to City subscribers, are ; Ilv liirbid to sell or Rive them away, under any cir ' ,'s; and any person, other limn a subscriber, . shall purchase a paper from them, or receive one in vt " without proper authority Rom the publisher or ..hscriber, will be heal liable (hr the amount of one übscriptimi 1 which shall be demantled, and if ne ec«®»ry, eneil Ihr, and paid to any person who will give * M ADVBRTI»E»ENTB are. inserted temi-»eek!y , iim •> cents per sftuare, for the first insertion, mid 13 (M ; ,hr each succeeding insertion— meekly, at 02 1-2 ” ‘ n ,. r sijnare for each insertion—ami meat/i/y(when i cvceediae one square) at SI (iir each insertion.— . |„,werer small, is charged less than one square, •cu e Intended to he limited must have the number oi ,r colons, semi-weekly or wee Sly, written on them, ojr jj NV m | )C inserted semi-weekly till forbid, and elmr- * C il!P'uidil^‘e r takes upon himself the risk of nil remil l.f money made lo him by Mail—the person reinit t » first pnvlns tiie postage, and obtaining from tin; Post t is'icr a written or verbal acknowledgement of the ' m mai and its ileposile in his ollice, whicii shall be given mtlie publisher in case of miscarriage. I,UTTERS (»n business) must be, post paid, or they •.IN not be laken out of the oilier. The LAWS OF THE EXITED STATES arc published in this paper. To, Administrators, and Guardians. q . | pngofLAN Dor NEGROES, by Administrators, Cxc-lifors, or Guardians, are required, by law, lo lie held in ihc lir-t Tuesday in the month, Itelween the hours of «elilll’ll,*, liirenoon, and three in the afternoon, at the Court house uflhe county in which the properly is situate.—No tice nftlicse sales must begiven in a public gazette,eilXTV l, previous to l>ie day of sale. vntiec of the sale of jiersanal property, must 1«> given ■niike maimer, FOUTV days previous lo the day of sale. Native to tin' debtors mid creditors of mi estate, must be piihllslicit Sir FORTY days. Voice that application will be made to the Court of Or liinirv lor leave to sell LAND or NEGROES, must be published for FOUR MONTHS. .({jf 3 We ore authorised to announce Mr. AVI LLI AM all ICO C. Sen'r. as n 1 Cimilidntc lor the office of Receiver of Tax Returns, at the approaching 1 election in January next. August 25 Id Go (Qf* We are authorized to announce Mr. M. F. BOISCLAJR, as a can didate lor re-election to the ollice of Re ceiver of Tax Returns, at the approach in? Election, in January next. fSeptM G7 wg if —ww—■——■■■■ TRIAL BY JURY. A singular instance of the savage ab surdity of that rule of law, requiring u naniimty among Jurors in lltcir ver dlrt, orcurret'l in tlii;? place at our last I'ourt of .Session and Common Fleas. The Jury wont out in a very iinimpor tant case on Tuesday at eleven o'clock in the naming, nrid not heingahte to think ■l'ikr u'.ioiit some parts of the evidence, they returned into Court and slated that they coirtd not agree on their verdict. The presiding Judge-explained some purls oi't he evidence to them and reques ted them to retire and re-consider the matter. They did soj hut still could not (igrec. The counsel employed in the ease then sent word to tire Jury, that if ft majority of them desired it, they Would consent to a inis-triul. 'lMtiw proposition however, the majority did not see proper to accede to His Honor consequently ordered Ihem to he locked up in their room without meat or drink, And there kept limit hey either agreed on their Vfidiet, or accepted the proposition mode them by the counsel-. Two Constables "v.e sworn to -Attend them, ami express ly ordered to sll Ter no one to speak or have any intercourse with them. Thus guarded they remained in their I’Ootn without eating or drinking till Wednes day mac o’clock in the morning, at which time they came into Court again, with minds equally stubborn, and conscience m. at alt more pliant by a starving. They considered it would be a violation •d tin-ir oaths to find a verdict contrary to AN-aat they clearly conceived to be war ru it ,| by law and evidence.—Hut him- U ■ so sharpened their appetites that •tiiry concluded it would be best to make u Eii.- -trial of the enje, and it was so or dered. VNb- have always regarded this rule of Inv, requiring unanimity among Jurors, •i* an absurd relict of an uncivilized and Wbarous age. It should, in our opin ion,l)o expunged from that common law "’hicli is said lo be the perfection of rca sbii.—Wc see nothing of reason in re quiring twelve mento think alike on any complicated question, involving many paints of law and facts There is nl- w «y» a diversity of opinion among the spectators, about almost every ease tried to a Court of Justice. How then can mmuiinity be required or expected from n *”**7 •—Lb ecnnlle Mountaineer. —©oo — FATAL DUEL. e learned some weeks ago, that tbe Occoiint of a fatal rencounter between Z. ' J'ffi'ieg and Dr. South, which we pub '-'hi d some time lust summer, and which ‘f hecn extensively copied, was a con l'n'ptible hoax, played off upon us, anti upon the public by some idle wag. and c set about finding him out. We en '•sed the original account of tbe afluir ® a gentleman sit Iberville, in Louisiana, _ I* ,s acquainted with Hr. Jclfrics, one 1 •'♦‘puled combatants, and we nd- a ,eUor also to the Doctor, to au-h he bus replied. Tbe result of our |. nf i’ , ' leaves not a shadow of doubt, ml the author, is none other, than the Doctor himself? The letter from aeh we made up the account was in I» s ' n " (1 " riling, and he lodged it in the Ofllce at Iberville. Xv I time of publishing the account, U,!-, some misgivings ns to its authen ■V * )U t they were overruled by the ’’mon ofthe writer, ot tiie dying Doe ji - request, as he said, to an incident in 11 ch \ve were a party, and which could tint °i Ken known only to him. We did r ‘ r< *ain of imposition from such a 'l'i’irtcr. \ir *hat >rr ' < * nrno not to divine the motive a ' i’fompted the communication, but in g i ing the name of the author to the pub c. we are actuated by the benevolent lolive of rescuing modest merit from .» iscurity, as our readers will doubtless i ecognise in the chivalrous Doctor, no less a personage than the famous Augustus Tomlinson, who, probably eluded the vi gilance of Dnln-er, and accompanied his friend Ciffori, to (he hospitable shores of Louisiana, where he has recommenced the business of terrible accidrnt making, with nil Ids original pathos and skill. 'Mobile Commercial Register, .\’ov. G. «*• From the. Federal Union. PROGRESS! OF TEMPERANCE. VVe have been highly pleased with the evidence of the deceased consumption of ardent spiritsiin the rooms ofthe mem bers of the Legislature. We have been iu tbe habit for several"years past, of vis iting socially many of them, ami from actual observation, during the present session, we do not believe that one half the quantity of spirits is now consumed which was consumed among the mem bers and their visiters four or five years ago. In many of tiie rooms we have not seen oven the decanter- or the brandy case whicii a few years since, seemed ns ne cessary an article as the bed and toilet table. We regard this as n most happy indication ofthe growth of morality and good habits among our people While on this interesting subject, we call tbe attention of our readers ton state of feeling in oar community, highly cred itable to those who possess and arc de termined lo net upon it. We mean a de termination hereafter to set their faces a gainst the use of whiskey as a political en gine—and against ull those arts and intri gues practiced by candidates Ibr popular favor, to obtain theirclections. We live under republican law*—we profess to be governed by the trill of the people, and yet,—Oh shame upon it!—every endea vor it used—every exertion strained to destroy th ofree will df the people, by bri bery, cunning—the power of wealth, office and influence, and the still more in famous power of rum, brandy, and whiskey. Why is not the honest indignation of the people aroused against those who thus odor insult to then-feelings, and attempt to corrupt the pure fountain of our politi cal rights and privileges. The good sense ofthe people spurns at other wiles ofthe politician, not half so base mid in sidious ns these. Let any man on the Legislative floor attempt to trammel or abridge the right of siifii-age, and how soon will he meet their indignation! Rut the same people will patiently—nny, with seeming pleasure and approbation, be bold the candidate on the muster ground or the Court yard — with the gallon pot in one hand and the will cup in the other, saying—“ Come up, buys, — lla's is Colonel ———V, General———'s, or Judge Treat — or this is my Treat, come up and Jrinl:—l know you'll go in for us ! Hurrah f r our side’’ —or, in other words—•“/ treat i/ouirith this whiskey to buy your vote. — What an outrage upon the right of conscience and the right of sutli-age! I low indignant ly should a free people put down all such insults upon their feelings and their un derstanding! A number of gentlemen, are determin ed lo make nn exertion to put down these odious practices. For this purpose they will shortly make arrangements to as certain who among the people are willing to join in the work of relTorm. Their ob ject will be to put their luces against all candidates of whatever party or name, who descend to these acts to obtain poje uiarify. We hope that every county in the State will do the same. ••04— A most atrocious murder was com mitted on the 28th ult. in the upper part of Chester District, upon the body' of Air. Rcnjiiinin O'Rannun, a young gentleman about iG years of age, by a banditti of se ven runaway nbgrocs. After the com mission ofthis crime, the fugitives made their way to the vicinity of Yorkvilie, where other atrocities were committed, when a pUrsuit was undertaken by the ci tizens of that district, and four of the ne groes bad already been taken. An ac tive search was making for the remain dor (one man and two women,) and a re ward of One Hundred Dollars had been offered by the citizens, lor the arrest of Rig George, the principal offender, who w as still at large. Charleston Courier, ,\ovnnbcr 12. Philippe of Frame. —We have already mentioned, that the barracks in the rue Ncuve tie Luxemburg, formerly occupi ed by the Cent JSinssos, were appropria ted to flu artillery ofthe National Guards It becoming necessary lo mount guard, the gunners belonging to the six pieces drew lots, and the duly fell on the batte ry \o. I, to which the Duke of Orleans is attached. The Prince entered the guard house in a private's uniform.— The corporal having called Ferdinand Philippe d‘Orleans, tbe Prince answer ed. “Present," took bis musketoon, and performed the duly of ssotinei lor an hour. The King becomes even more popular; he certainly spares no means of becom ing so. His eldest son, a private in the Artillery of the National Guard, did the t wenty-four hoars' duty tbe other tiny, and inarched as a private to Vincennes and back again, and performed ull the usual services of bis situation. Van Ilulen, leader of the Belgians.— Von Jlaleii’s history is a very curious one.— He is of Belgian origin—but a ("Spaniard by birth. He i S Cluirogu s brother-in law, and after the overthrow of the constitution of (Spain, lie entered the Russian service, and served in the Geor gian compaign. He is in the prime of life, —a life, perhaps, of more change than has befallen any man of his rank now living. It is a curious fact, tiiat the Kunionu steam-packet, which lirought the news of his appointment as Military Governor of Brussels, was named after the virtuous and intrepid female by whose assistance Col. Van Halen escaped from •he prison of tlie.lnquieition,otJ>ladnd. AUOUSTA* OAs uom. f THE SUBSCRIBER, |JESPECTFULLY htfiirms the pubhc, fliat he has taken the United States Hotel, w inch he has this day opened for public accommodation. Being cx • tnisivcly, and he hopes favorably known ns the conductor of similar establish- I incuts he hopes lus former exertions to please his friends, will not be without n - suitable reward in their future patronage. The United Status Hotel is well i known being situated near the centre of the City, in Hie midst of its most ncti\ cA: respectable business It is Fire-proof, mid has spacious am! elegant nccommodn i tarns, both for 1 amilies and individuals, not surpassed by any similar establish l meats in the (Noutlicrii States. r ' .. Pcrso .V s at the U. s. Hotel, can be supplied with the means of Irux filing, either with carnages, gigs, sulkies, or single horses. WILLIAM C. GRIMES. AUGUSTA, (Geo,) October I*3 ] m g m&smm |S| THE SI Bt*C ltlKFIt, ILatll Frottrietw of tho Globo Tavern, and mtiro recently of the Mansion Bouse,) BLGS leave to announce to his friends and the public generally, that he has ta ken that elegant and commodious fire proof brick building on the corner ol Broad and Jackson Streets, and immediately adjoining the new Masonic Hall. It is situated in the most central part ol the Citv, and is in the very heart of business— being in the vicinity ofthe Augusta Bank, nii.l the Branch Bank ofthe (State of Georgia. This Establishment is know nas the GLOBE HOTEL, and in its interior arrangement and general construction, unites in an eminent de gree, spaciousness, neatness, and comfort. To the man of family, the individual traveller, the daily boarder or the fashionable visitor, the GLUBU presents accom modations inferior to none in the Southern States. Having conducted for a number of years, two among the most popular Hotels in this City, lie Hatters himself that his experience in business, added lo the superior advantages of situation and the resources under his coutroul, wiil'enable him togive the most decided satisfaction to all who may honor him with their patronage, Ilis STABLES are spacious anti well ventilated, and amply supplied with the best ol provender, nnd attended by experienced and steady ostlers—in addition to which, the subscriber will bestow his own personal unremitting attention, and in his charges, will not forget tbe pressure ofthe times. d?* The Elberton Stage departs every Sunday morning, nt 4 o clock, nnd nr rives every Fridily evening at G. The I’endleton Stage departs every Tuesday, at I o'clock in the morning, and arrives every Aloutlay ut 2 o'clock in the evening. ! The Alilledgevillc Stage arrives every day except Thursday, at 7 o’clock in the eve aiiig, and departs every day except Wednesday, at 2 o’clock in the morning. Tnc j Savannah Stage arrives every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 10 o'clock in .be morning, and departs every Sunday, Tuesday anil Thursday, nt 2 o’clock in the morning. WILLIAM SHANNON. . AUGI T STA. September Mb. IH-2ft. r Bordeaux Claret. 4 CASKS SUPERIOR BORDEAUX CLAHET, For Salt* low, b L HULL August 11 HW VIUWIMA DIANFFACVIUED TOBACCO. U KEGS M.I.XIII'ACTURED X if TOBACCO. F«n S.\tt air L. HULL. August II 80 SULKEL kN excellent SULKEV, with Double Spring Top—Tor auk- by It. HULL. , August 1 I WO i CASH WILL be given for n Hood Second Hand PIANO FORTH The ex -1 terior must lie handsome, and the lone good- Apply to LATHAM HULL. Commission .Merchant. ■ Nov. 10 M SPOOL COTTON. 300 DOZ. SPOOL COTTON, Just Hereifed, ond for Sale, by . L, HULL, i August 11 8W ' AT PB.ITATL S.MJS. JOHHOS. PORTO RICO : ITS® will be Sold low for Cash, or approved paper. C. PHILLIPS. [! October Ifi 4 : BiMJABja taelb. AdOOI) Second Hand RH.LIARD TABLE for sale—Apply to i L. HULL. 1 AUfcWsl M * -W1 Dll. C UiINN l WORKS, JUST PlTMilSlllSD, CONTENTS ; Remarks on tl»»* Character and Writings of John Milton. Remarks on the. Lifo and Character ol Napoleon itonaparte. Remarks on the Churactcr and Writings of Fcnclon. The moral argument against Calvinism, illustrated in u Review of a Work, en titled, ‘A General view ofthe Doctrines of Christianity,’ Ac. Discourses at the Ordinations of Itcv. John Emery Ahlwlt, Rev. Jared Sparks, Rev.’ 13. S. Gannet, and Rev. F. A. Farley. Discourse before the (' mgrcgational Ministers of Massachusetts. Discourse on tin* Evidence of Revealed Religion, delivered before the Univer sity in Cambridge, at the Dtidleiun I<ecture. Discourse at the Dedication of the Se cond Congregational Unitarian Church in New-York. Discourse at the Installation of the Rev. M. J. Motte. Discourse at the Dedication of Divinity Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Daily Prayer. Means of Promotin'? Christianity. Importance of Religion to Society. The System of Exclusion and Denuncia tion in Religion, considered. Objections to Unitarian Christianity, con sidered. Extracts, Ac. fee. 07“ A few Copjps jjust Received, and For Sale, by RORERT F. POE, or THOMAS S. METCALF, 07* PRICE f 3. Sept 18 100 ■ > ii ■ i>»» ■ ■■»■■ .ii i. i n ■ ritettii flour. iIA RAHKRLS Fresh Raltirnore FLOUR, Just Received, and for Sale low. L. HULL 1 August 11 UU s\3S'f RECEWEO. t 4: H ALES Osnnburps, CO Do. negro Cottons, 10 Do. brown Sheetings A Shirtings, •»0 Pieces white, red, A preen Flannels, 50 Do. rieh Cambric Prints, 50 Do. Callicoes (low price,) Doz. Chintz,Verona, Imitation,Mad rass, Muslipntam, Jlerkley, and Britannin Handkerchiefs, 100 Pieces t ’hoppa Itomnls, 1 Case 4-1 Irish Linens, I Do. 7-8 do. do. 50 Doz. ladies White cotton Hose, 100 Do. mens do. do. half do. 100 Boxes Spool Cotton. * ‘2OO Beams Wrapping Paper, The above is cl fibred for sale low, for Cash, or approved paper, by C’HAIILES PHILLIPS. Qct in tr 4 POE SALE. A NEC HO WOMAN, a pood Cook, , Washer and Ironer. Enquire of C. PHILLIPS. November 10 11 , AOAED. T ATIIAIM HULL tenders bis most Li sincere thanks to the public, for , • heir patronage to his .Indian Ectahlirh- i niaif, and is determined to merit its con tinuation by his future' promptness and assiduity. They can only add to the ob- , ligation, he is already under to them, by ■ calling ns cpiiekly nrter sales for their poods as may be convenient. He lias removed to bis JVcw Starr, two doors above J. AS. Bones’Hardware Store—where he will attend to any com mands in his business. Oct ‘27 7 JOHI* ttUlMAftir):, WATCH MAKER, NO. 147, broxd-streeT, SO HAS npain began I business, in the Driek i House, No. 147, Itroad sBMr street, lately occupied \V ' "Jn •■theCITY HOTEL; sjflEn where be will bestow nil his attention to re pairing WATCHES A CLOCKS, of every description, in the best possible manner, and at very reasonable prices.*- He solicits the patronage of bis friends and former customers, und ull who wish to have their Watches made to keep good time at a moderate price, He will sell bis remaining STOCK, consisting of JEWELED, WATCHES AND CLOCKS, CASTORS, AC. AC. for less than they cost, at Wholesale and Hotail. Thick Patent WATCH GLASSES, and all other descriptions of WATCH GLASSES, constantly kept on band. August a, April 28. s!> JAIWDS ® e ATTOIWBT AT LAW. Wild j attend the (Superior and In ferior Courts of Hiclimond and Columbia comities—and the Court of Common Pleas of Augusta. He may be found at theollicoof Robert 11. Held, Esq. corner of Washington and Ellis-streets. .Inly 21 If H| A CARD. miiE Friends of the subscriber, Who U bold subscription Lists for the Georgia Christian repertory. arc recpiested to forward them immedi ately by mail or otherwise. CL CAPERS. Macon, JVw. 2,1850. N. B. Printers in the stale of Georgia arc requested to give the above a place twice or thrice in their respective pu pers. (». C. LOOK AT THIS RAIMAWAY 171H0.M the subscriber on Hie night of . the (With October lust, two Negro Men limned BIIAYANKD. Hilly is n tall slender man, pretty much knock-kneed; he Is a smart, shrewd fel low, calculated to deceive with case when attacked; he carried with him u striped twilled round-about coat and a pair of blue broad cloth pantaloons, the coal is new and the pantaloons tolerably much worn, both of wlrich ho stole from me a few nights before they went off.— Ned is n low man, nnd over one of bis eyes is a sear which runs from his eye into the hair of his head. Ned when spo ken to nil times appears to be somewhat alarmed. A blows as though he wosAircd, or appears to bring’long breaths.—From what I can learn tiiey have made a sturl for some of the free (States; bat lain ap prehensive that they have been enticed (iff by some white man. If so, u reason aide reward will be given -for the two negroes, or either of them, delivered to me in Oglethorpe comity, near the How ling Green, or placed in some jail so that I pet them, A ONE HUNDRED DDL LAKS BEWAHD for the thief. All reasonable expenses paid in the detec tion of the negroes and thief. JOHN W. MOODY. Noy The Chronicle, Augusta, Georgia; Gazette, Pensacola. Florida; *Advocate, Huntsville, and Intelligencer, (Tuscaloo sa, Alabama, will each publish tltorrtbove one month, and forward their accounts to Howling Oreeh, Oglethorpe tsnmty, Georgia, for payment— Ga. Jounuft. J.W.M. job panwnwo I KEATI.Y EXECUTED AT THIS OFEICi VOIitME 4»1. - HO. 13. I AUGUSTA coffee-hocse. •fHE SIJBSdtIBERS, HA VIIVG fitted up nn apartment in the rear ofthelr Btore, No. 191* Hi'mid-st.j directly opposite pr. Wray’s are now prepared to offer their IVienilß and the public, at dll times qf the day night And RELISHES, OF EVEIIY DE^CICIPtIONi Having engaged the services of Mr. 6*. Turpin, to manage the concern, they trust Hint his experience in the together with their exertions to furnish every thing the market niVords, 'Will in sure them a shore of public patronage. FREDERICK A C o, Nov 20 :q 14 JUST RECEIVED, AND FOR BALE BV •hlh I’lCKi; ArCo. •V«. AVGUSTA. GEORGIA. A JtANDSoME AND EXTENSIVE assortment or Fashionable RcadylVXade CLOTHDCi, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS 6c SHOES, All of which urc offered at reduced pri ces for rush or Town acceptances. 01/** C.’ull und see. October 20 ft Gentlemens’ LATEST FASHION BESt Bi:\ ViOIC lIAIS just received. AI.SO, ALL Qualities of Castor, Itornm, und Wool HATH; Childrens’ Fancy, and Hoys mid Youths Fashionable Do.; Hoys und Childrens Heather, Cloth, bilk, and Chinchilii CAPS. for bale on unroiamoduting terms, most reduc ed prices, at R. ALLEN’S Wholesale and Retail Uut Store, Rroud Street, oj)]iosi(e the Sliifpmlu and Slate LI ink.-. t Nov. 17 lai Id KO’VVCtt. ON the 11th December hoxt, at the residence of the late Win. A. Tlagg, will he sold, the Household and Kilrhe* FURNITURE,.! lot of CO UN and FOD DER, belonging to the estate of the late Howell It. Marshall. Terms at Male. GEORGE L. TWIGGS. VAL. WALKER. Oct 30 8 EXECUTOR’S SALE. ' BY order of the Honorable the Infe rior Court of the County of Rich, niond, while sitting for ordinary purpo ses, vi ill he sold, on the first Tuksdav iu Fehraary next, between the usual hours of sale, at the Market house, in the City of Augusta, A part of n True,! of Land, continuing one hundred acres swamp hind, being in the county aforesaid, adjoining' lands of Curnes, Knight, and others. A I,NO, The interest in 100 acres of swamp laud, adjoining hinds of Phiaizy,Eve, La mar, and others. ALSO, Pandry Negroes; among them are first rate Rout Hands, House bervutds, uud Field Hands. A I,NO, Sundry nrticles of Household and Kit chen Furniture. aforesaid, to he sold on tho property of Win. A. Hugg, deceased, und sold for the benefit of the lieirs and credi tors of said estate. GEO. L, TWIGGS, Exr. Nov. 10 11 Liss. Jolm Milton & William J. W. WeUbor^ HAVE associated themselves in the practice of Law, under the firm o f MILTON At WRJGLIIOIIN, and one or both of them will regularly attend the .Superior Courts of Randolph, Lee, Har ris, Muscogee, Marion, Talbot, Merrj-* wether, mid TroUp counties. Their Of fice is in Columbus, where they may bo consulted ut all times when not absent ou the Circuit. JOHN MILTON, WM. J. W/iVELLBORN, Columbus, Ga. Nov. ft, IKK), fit is Macon Telegraph, Augusta Chronicle, Alabama Journal, and Flori dian »V Advocate, Tallahassee. will give the above three insertions, and forward their accounts for payment. M AW. 1 SHALL hercaller regularly attend the buperior Courts of Hiehmond County. Sly office and residence are ia Greensborough. I’ersons residing iji Augusta, having business to transact, re quiring the services of a Lawyer, in the counties of Grsfrnc, Morgan, Newton, Clarke, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln, Tullitderro, Monroe, or Hancock, emd who may choose to entrust it to me, will i have an opportauity of conferring wjtfc me, personally, twice in a year, in rela tion to it. F&ANCIS H. CONE. Dec. 6 t£ 19