Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, December 01, 1830, Image 1

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AI7CTCTSTA CKZtONXOXS Georgia iinf'i:ierisi:n. tO. «!)»■ BllOAB«»T. MWWMT.t, OA. I'lillVlt'llll, UISOEMBEB I. 19ai>. ... j 11 PUBLISIIKD F.VEBV W-..SEBDAV AM) SATURDAY MORNING, ID A. H- PEMHEUTON. TERj^IS .vri’KT.Y PAPER. FIVK noU-ARS »“«' ° rtsiv noi>i ‘ Aiis uut,c VPFIBI THREE DOLLARS per ° rl 0l K U ° LL * UISaUhC cl t' "^v.'ni-r* 5 will twit ilipcontinupil (except at tiicc-iioice ol • >0 }' * N ~,,1;» ~ii tire pmtl. uiii fSUS Os papers u> City subscriber*, arc “irtr BivcllK-m nwuy, nn.l.'t any rir ly lnrhiJ I ■ “ pprson, oilier limn a sntanrlbcr, '"i" , i mV-hiisn it napi-r from them, or remvr one in w, ‘" " v hhm.t proper .uillioriiy from the publisher or any -a l > he hci.l liable for t\tft amount ol one 11 **SSSS& T ww?h“toll he demmule 1, and if m ;,!,j I***“ 10 i ,ersou who w,u « 1W i fl|iir l l i1!r l S,"oTI:SI3UBVTS ere insetted wmi-imeD* t (hr S-rtrst in-M idoi,, an.l 43 3-4 ea ' suX4;, S insertion — mekly, i.KM 1-3 ’ ; S !er smmrc (l.r each ins.-nion-aml *«/i(*.'y(Wlien ' ' 1 -elh L' one square) «t SI fi*r each nmerdon.- fi’" 1 . filter -mall, is charged loss than one square. ' 1» he limited most have the nnmlier o. j lt ,M “» , ‘ l f . .j-iy or weekly, written on them, or semi-weekly till forbid, and char *''.e l '’ C lld!li"fi‘r takes upon himself the risk of all remit e rnmn-y mndeto him hy MaM-il.u person remit 'linnr n V IS' the posiaee, and obtaining (enn the I'ost -1 ‘ (vriueu or verbal acknowledgement of the - 1 '‘ „l its deposiic in his oliiee, which shall lie given IM ' ,ah is her in ease of miscarriage. I'l.vrTKlW (on business) must be postpaid, or they 'ittx**'"*'' THE UNITED STATES j ri jutlilishcil iu this paper. r„ Frerulnrt, Admiuhtratnrt, nnd Guardians. o X l KNofl-AND or NKOKI »ES. by, r nr tlnanlinns, are required, by law, to be held u,Lt’Tnesday in .he month, between the hours ol l e.e, and three in the afternoon,Mlire Uoart ? ~ ' in which the property is -itnnt..—No )"■ n,■these sales nut si hr given... a public gazette,SlX 1 V Cv„, .*vu»urtl«» U»r diiy of sale, k , • ■ .r the sale of nr.rtonal properly, must he given W „.onii.-r, KOHTV d«*ya previous m the day of sale. Nniii eai the debtors and creditors of an estate, must be : t'.si«'tlmf applbmboa 1 «’H1 be. made to the Conrt ofOr , leave.o sell RAND or MiDUOKJV, must be pabbshettfar FOUR MO.NTHa. s=> % \ r 4! are authorised to announce Mi'. VIfcLIAM MIL'OiJ, -Sci. r. as a U in.litlate lof the ollice of.Receiver ol T.r; Returns, at ll»e approaching election In January next, Vngnwt 25 t 'l . . V,f= \Ve im> authorized to announce M'- .11. F. must: liAIIS, as a can <liihtc fur re-election to tin* office of lie river of Tax Hettirns, s»l the approach ' iipr Election, in January next. ;,.„is »7 WVViVi \w: ON TilK PUE.IHSES, AT ? LI S\A.K ON MON D A V. the 20th December next, 11 O’CLOGSt A. IW. *YUc 'oa\isen\)CVH i*V;vwla.t\on, bO iLA I D in Chdninlnsi county, l.c i* tween Fury’s Ferry and the Hunker containinfT Eiffht. Hundred and sixty live Acres, hail’of it under cidtiva finu—Eighty Acres of which lias been ►eijeully cleared; the balance is well tim k'iml. —‘AI.SO—• Eleven Negroes, one of whom is a good !ll:ickbiuilJi. A 1.80 — Coni, Fodder, Oats, Males, Stock ofull hiti.U, ami Fhuilation and Elacksinith s fools. TERMS.—-The Negroes will be sold ftr Cash, the Corn, Fodder, Oats, Mules, Hock, Plantation He Blacksmith's Tools, ott a credit of eleven months. The LUhtl lor one third Cush, the hnlatu e in one or two annual payments with interest, so t Lircd hy mortgage on the premises. JOHN NEILtiON. Nov 2 las !> JL.AN U FOU SAEE. & aiISAT 3AKGAIM i-now oilered ill the stile ol a tract, or Jot of LAN D, in Carroll county, which is discovered to be rich in the ‘duiiLnprupei ft. The owner being on the evcot it long Journey to the North, will now sell it low. ti ti (iiiick application is made. Indispu table titles will he delivered. APPLY AT THIS OFFICE June 1(> *•! Augusta City Sheriff’s Sale. ON the first Tuesday iu December next, will be sold at the lower Mar kn. in the City of Augusta: A Mulatto Woman named lIVIIAI, levied on hy virtue of a ft. fit. issuing from Court of Common Pleas; Exrx. A: Ex’r. of Al.iel Caniplield vs. James T. Dent: Conditions Cash—bankable money.— Purchasers to pay for titles. WM. MOODY, n. s. r. t _ \dv. (i ttl 10 TOTlVaX'i', • A large DWEMJNh. bOT, &.c. and A hAlltill S rOIll., well calculated for Dry-Hoods and Groceries, opposite the Wore of Edward Thomas, Esq. upper rittl of IJroad-strcct—an excellent stand Ibr business. Possession will be gixei. on the first of October. For terms, which " ill be liberal, apply to Mr. Josuru Car* Wi;, ultlie above place. GARRET LAWRENCE. Jt)ly M HR ATTOHNEY AT LAW. \R7ILL attend the Superior and In- IT ferior Courts of Richmond nnd, ’-oliinihiu counties—and the Court ol Cniniriou Pleas of Augusta. He may he £)’ j nd tit the office of Robert R. Reid. Lsq. rorner of Washington and EUia-ttrcets. July (M ts 84 NOTICE. «\ the 14th December next, at the residence of the lute Win- A. Ilugg. "ill be sold, the Hourehald and Kitchen ITRMTUUB, alot of CORN nnd FOD hIIU, belonging to the estate of the late Unwell R. Marshall. (I/** Terms tit Sale. GEORGE L. TWIGGS. VAL. WALKER. oh o£> e lEW FAlili OOOUS. 11. W. MARK EA T ; 231, imOAD-STKEET, rS now receiving nnd opening a gen eral and extensive supply of 4LS/-& WEW&gSL Which will he sold low, for Cash, or town acceptances. Nov <5 fit 10 Tin Ware,&c. THE SUBSCRIBER, • HAVING taken the store' next to Mr. E. IS. Wood’s, in Champions Brick Buildings, Market Square, Savan nah, oilers lor sale, on terms suitable to the times, an assortment of Tin nnd Ja paned Ware, purchased in New-York for cash; which he oft’ei-a for sale on a liberal credit at a small advance on New- Yoik prices; among which arc Tin Codec Pots, Patent Codec Tots, Tu reens, Dish Covers, Egg Boilers, Pep per Boxes, Pewter Tumblers, Trench ers, Mugs, Wine Measures, Brass, Tin and Japuned Lamps, Nutmeg Graters, , Tin Pans, Pewter Plates nnd Dishes, together with a few of McGilers newly invented Lamps, an article now getting into general use iu the Northern .States, tind is recommended to the Southern people. Country Merchants will find it to their interest to call and examine his goods, all if which me warranted. Liberal dis counts will he made for cash. Orders from the country, with good city refer cnee, will be promptly executed, and goods packed tree of charge, so as to stand any land conveyance. A O. BLACKMAIL Nov 21 :jt_ 1o IN consequence of the low state of the river, preventing the subscriber re ceiving his CIIOCKJHRY e«AS®«WAjR>e9 advertised for sale on Wednesday, the iDtii inst., he wilt he obliged to post pone the Hale by Auction, milil the HE t'O.NO UiiDXRSJ>AY In -.laiiiiaiv next, when it will positively tnkc place lie will in the mean lime, continue to dispose of his STOCK. AT PaiTASS SALS, At very reduced prices, for cash or town paper. JAMES BONES. Nov 0 OAS<3> lATIIA.M 111 LL lenders Ids most sincere thanks to the public, for their patronage to bis vlnrlitvi Establish ment, and is determined to merit its con tinuation by bis future promptness nnd assiduity. They can only add to the ob ligation. he is already under to them, by calling ns quickly after sales for their goods ns maybe convenient. He hus removed to Ids AVic Store, two j doors above J. A H. Bones’ Hardware Htore—where he will attend to any com mands in his business. Oct 27 7 r - - -- —— - mitmmemjz&msk J 1* FORCE, dilion to ins former st,,c!v 1 Wfwrfragw o/ EO S TIJ BOOTH SHOitiS. an» WHOLSSAIdB S Rt-im atv comprising us good JUIAIIji iM ÜBtio| . lm( . lit us M in be fonnd in the ■“" ity. among which nß, | Cases (linn E- Angufta, Georgia, islic or AN ater -- 3 .fHlioee. Soal. Wax. BelF»ws IjEATHEH- Calf Lining, and Binding HIAINS. Boot and Hhoc TUfllW -Did LASTS, of nil descriptions, and all articles usually used U> manufueturc Hlioes and Trunks of all kinds, which will be sold 1 '" by J, I. !‘Oi{( too Reams WRAPPING PAPEU iV O] (it 1 ■*) Vjc.ek o,iu\. Y ' m S MavV\v\£. ANTOINE PIQUET, LOCK AND SPRING .MAKER, TROTH GBSI3>IAJJYi OFFERS Ids services to tbc Public, and will be thankful for any work in that line of business. LOCKS made and repaired at the shortest notice, he '. may be found at Jacob Dill's Hmitas 1 Hho|>,on Washington Street, or at Mar ' tin Fredericks Broad-st. to whom he re • spcetfiillv refers. Nov 27 Sfw ,X 0 TICE. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Holt Clanton, late of Columbia . County, deceased, are requested to make i immediate payment to the Executors; . and all persons having demands against - the Estate, are requested to hand them in, by the first day of January next, for payment. TURNER CLANTON, \ Ezra. N. II CLANTON, < Oct yo ctw o SUL.KEY. 4 N excellent SIJLKEV, with Double i - sa. Spring Top—For stile hy , L. HULL. A ngust 11 <x) AT ERIVATS SALS. f- > ip mins. I'mmi nifiii ffiiC, S| I®A R . Which will be Hold low far t'asli, or upprovt-d paper. C. PHILLIPS. October T(» 4 EILLIAF.D TAELS. A OIKII, Hmoiul Hnii.l im.LIARI, TABLE for sale—Apiily to L. HULL. August 14 fK) RICHMOND Tax COIiLECTOIt’H SALE. WILL he sold, at the lower Market Ho«*e. in Augusta, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the usual hours of sale, the following proper ty, or as much respectively, as will satis fy the taxes and costs, viz. 9Soacres pine land in Irwin county. le vied on to satisfy the Htate and County Tax of Thomas J. Dasher, lor IS2H and LS29. Tux due iS‘Jhl. a, 40-5 acres land iu Muscogee nnd Dooly counties, and 74(1 acres land in lew in, le vied on to satisfy the Hlule and County Tax of James Finney, for 1 Hit). Tax due, i£ill ISiiJ. AT.«O, 202 t acres second quality land in Mus cogee county, levied on to satisfy the .State Tax of Benjamin Kerins, for Tux due, £1 7(j. ALSO, 2021 acres hind hi Lee county, 20th Dis trict, No. 105, levied on t<> satisfy the slate and county tax of Thomas llt'r , tram, deceased, for 1 k -2~>. Tax due 18 els. ALSO, 202 J acres land in Pulaski county, le vied on to satisfy the Htute nnd County Tux ofGustavus A. Parker, for 1828 and 1820. Tax due, #1 43. AT.SO, 202!. acres hind in jluseogec county, levied on to satisfy the Htate Tax of John N.Philpot, for 1828 and 1820. Tax dee, #lO 18. AI.SO. 202 i acres second tpmlity land in Carroll county, levied on to satisfy the.Htafo Tax of Charles fcHurges,for 1820. Tua due, 81 H2C AT SO, acres pecoml qimlity land in Tel fair County, levied on to satisfy the State and County 'Fax of Charles Burch, for 1820. Tax due, #1 82}. ALSO, 202 J acres land in Dooly Comity, levi ed on to satisfy the Stale and Comity Tax of Keltou Burch for 1820. Tax due. #1 4(>i. A I.SO, 2021 acres land in Carroll, 10th Dis trict, No. SitO.jlovied on to satisfy the Htate nnd County Tax of William James, for 1820, Tux dot 1 , #1 Kl. Aqso, 2fl2t acres second quality land in Mm: eogee county.levied on the State and County 'Tux of James Davis, for 182!) Tux due, ijl 82j. AT.SO, 490 acres land in Rahim county, mid 202(j acres land in Muscogee, levied on to satisfy the Stale nnd comity Tux of Joseph James, Jr. for 1829. Tux due, #2 081- A 1,30, 250 acres second quality land in Hull comity, Hth District, No. HU, levied on to satisfy the State and County Tax of Col lin 11. Relchcr, for 1828 tind 1829. Tax due, #7 75. ALSO, acres second quality land in Cow eta county. 2nd Distric t. \n 217. levied on to satisfy tile .State nnd Comity 'Tax of Green James, for 1829. Tux due, 89 (!7. ALSO, 2021, acres geeoml quality laud In Mus cogee count}', 20lh District, No. 7>, and 202 J acres second quality land in Coweta county, to satisfy the State and Comity TaxofSilas Taylor,for 1829. Tux due, #ll 19. - ALSO, 202 J acres hind in Carroll county, levied on to satisfy the State Tax of Jolui Fowler, fur 1828 & 1 M 29, Tux due, #1 29-1 fts. ALSO, 202!, acres second quality land in Car roll County, 19th District, No.lß, leva .1 on to satisfy the State Tax of M. Hill, for 1829. Tux due, 51 cents. ALSO, 100 acres land in Richmond county, adjoining Hudson nnd others, levied on to satisfy the State and comity Tux of i Albert Lawson, for 1829. 'i’«x clue, 98). ALSO, 190 acres land in Irwin county, 19lh District, No. 109, levied on to satisfy the Slate Tax of John Lanikin, Sen. deed. ' for 1828. Tax due, 91>i cts. A LSO, 202)> acres land in Houston coynty. levied*on to satisfy the Stale 'Tax of said land for 182!), returned as belonging to Mrs. Wiseman, deceased. Tax due, 10 cents. f ALSO, i 250 acres land iu Habersham County. • levied on to satisfy the State Tax of said ; land for 1829, returned as the property of 1 Alexander Martin's children. Tax due, i 92 cents. Terms of Sale—Bankable money; pur chasers to pay for titles. OLIVER REED, Tax Collector, llirkmoncl Covnhj. Nov a 1° CASH nr ill he given for a Good Second I Hand PI AN O FORTE. The ex terior must lie handsome, and the tone good. Apply to LATH AM HULL. Commission .Merchant. Nov. 10 ii i— ; —1 SPOOL COTTON. 300 DO/. SPOOL COTTON, Just Received, and fur Sale, h// L. HULL. August 11 89 i ’icEsii i i,on:. BARRELS Fresh Baltimore FLOUR, J.lst Received, and for Sale low. L. HULL. August II 89 Bordeaux Claret. 4 CASKS SCCEftinn uoudeaux CLARET, For Sale low, by li. HULL. August 11 89 VIRG INI A MANUFACTURED •E'pßili pc.o* {9 KEGS MANUFACTURED B, W TOJUCCO. F on Sai.f. ny L. HULL. August II Bf| POP. SALS. A NEGRO WOMAN, a good Cook. , AVushcr and Ironcr. Ei. piireof C. PIULLII’S. , November 10 11 | AUGUSTA ; roFFi:B>si«isE. THE SUBSCRIBERS, HAVING filled up an apartment in the rear of their Sturt-, No, 101. I Broud-st,, directly opposite l)r. Wray’s are now prepared to offer their friends and the public, at all linn sos the ila i / J- nighl i f *ti wmm o t f ® AM) OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Having engaged the services of.Mr. S. Turpin, to manage the concern, they fi'tisf that his experience in the business— together with their exertions to furnish every thing the murket nlfords, will in sure them a share of public patronage. FREDERICK .V t o. 1 Nov 20 9t 14 Gentlemens’ LATEST FASHION BEST Beaver Hats, JUST RECEIVED. ALSO, ALL tpialifies of Castor. Hornm, mid Wool llA'i’S; Childrens’ Fancy, and Boys and Youths Fashionable Do.: Boys uml Childrens Leather, Cloth. Silk, and Chinehila CAPS. For Sale on nneonimodating terms, &. most reduced ju ices, at R. ALLENS intolcsale and flrtuil Hal Slorr, A’u. 258 JJrotul Street, oji/ntsilc flic Jlngus'a ami State Hmlcs. Nov. 17 Ini _ J:t_ JUST IKE CBXVE j), AND roll BAIX uv •Vfe.34B, AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. A HANDSOME AVD EXTENSIVE ASSOUTMF.NT op | Fashionable Ready Made • CRiOTIIING. HATH, • CAPS,! J* M BOOTS & SHOES, All of which art: offered at reduced pri ces for cash or Town aeeejiluuccs. (ty* Call and see. October 20 5 __ T-6, THE] , - I tfWAVNVS TANACEA. pitblie is resjieetliilly cautioned B against spurious imitation of this iiiedicim—The preparation of which is put itj) in hollies similarly fluted, and in size, hut the impression, blown in the glass. very faint nnd indistinct. The taste oi (lie ( admixture is acrid and bitter, mid the , only semblance it bears to the genuine Sivaiitis Panacea, is in color, and n com - ( ponent part of sarsaparilla of no virtue. ( When positive proof is obtained, ol the ( source from whence the imposition emu- . nates, it will Is; made known. In the mean time, the public is informed that I | have established A. PARSONS, of Sa { vnnnuli, my sole Agent for the State ol ( Georgia, nnd from him my Genuine Pu -1 nncea and Vermifuge can be obtained.— Resjieiitnble Druggists are particularly recommended to purchase from my A gent, as they will lie supplied on as good terms as from me. r WAI SWAIM. , Philadelphia, Sept. Irtffc, 1830. 4lw II OyThe Editors of the Augusta Chron • iele, Macon Telegraph, and Columbus Democrat, will publish the above once a week for four weeks, and fortvnrd their accounts to the Savannah lUjmblican office Ibr payment s i\3S)T TOiOFAVm *JL BALES Osnuburgs, 20 Do. negro Cottons, 10 Do. brown Sheetings & Shirting-?, <*o Pieces white, ml, aV green Flannels, 50 Do. rieli Cambric Prints, 59 Do. Calticoes (low price,) i 200 Duz, Chintz,Verona, Imitation,Mad russ, Muslipatnm, Berkley, and Britannia Handkerchiefs, 100 Pieces Clioppn Romals, I (kisc 4-4 Irish Linens, 1 Do. 7-H do. do. 50 Doz. ladies white cotton Hose, 100 Do. mens do. do. half do. 100 Boxes Spool Cotton, 200 Reams Wrapping Paper, The above is offered for sale low, for Cash, or approved paper, hy CHARLES PHILLIPS. Pet Ui ts 4_ WATCH MAKER, -VO. 147, BROAD-STREET, HAS again began business, in the Brick House, No. 147, Broad street, lately occupied v t 1 “Jot 08 the CITY HOTEL: £ BbO JKI ■"'kere iie will bestow all his attention to ro jiairing WATCHES & CLOCKS, of every description, in the best possible immure, and at very reasonable prices.— He solicits the patronage of his friends and funner customers, and nil who wish to have their Watches made to keep good time nt a moderate price. He will sell his remaining STOCK, consisting of j air inlr 7, W. 2 T( ’ If E S Jl ND CLOC KS, CASTORS, AC. AC. for less than they cost, at Wholesale nnd Retail, Thick Patent WATCH GLASSES, nnd nil other descriptions of WATCH (■LASSES, constantly kepi on hand. Augusta, April 28,1890. 09 .WOV\Y YVVfiSU VUVSVYB. JRB 20 boxes new h.iISLXS, 5 jars K Malaga V.ll JIVES, JIQ j 100 boxes Fresh sh eet oru.x- GE.S.O boxes EE- Northern VIVI.XS, COCOA .XVTS, Ac. ALSO, 15,000 Silva nnd llnrnneo CIGARS, boxes Presli IIERRJ.XGS, Casks (Jtishen CHEESE, Ac. &c. Just received in T days from Charleston. OOITFEO'-TIOITi.F.IIS, of every description always to he Imd MARTIN FREDERICK. N<w 24 2t 15 IMOk AT’ TTIBD. RAN AWAY 171 ROM the subscriber on the night of the 90th October lust, two Negro Men named BILLY <fe NED. Billy is a lull slender man, pretty inneh knock-kneed; he is n smnrl, shrewd fel low, calculated to deceive with ease when attacked; he carried with him a striped twilled round-about coal uml a puli'of bine broad cloth pantaloons, the coat is new and the pantaloons tolerably inneh worn, both of w hich he stole from me a few nights before they went 01lj — Ned is a low mull, uml over one of Ids eyes is a sear which runs from his eye into the hair of his head. Ned when sjm ken to all times appears to he somewhat al;irmed, A blows ns thotigh he was tired, or appears to bring long breaths.—From w hut I can learn they have made n start for some ol‘the free Mtates: but Imn iqi prehensive (but they have been enticed oil* by soinC White man. If so, a reason able reward will be given for the two negroes, nr either of them, delivered to me in Oglethorpe county, near the How ling Green, or placed in some jail so Ihnl I get them, A ONE HUNDRED DOL LAIRS REWARD Ibr the thief. All reasonable expenses paid in the detec tion of tbc negroes and thief. JOHN VV. MOODY. Nov 17 1m 12 (y The Chronicle, Augusta, Georgia; Gazette, Pensacola, Florida; Advocate. Huntsville, and Intelligencer, Tuscaloo sa, Alabama, will each publish the above one month, and forward their accounts to Bowling Green, Oglethorpe county, Georgia, for payment.— (Ju. Journal. J. W. M. Vi.WV NOVICE. 1811I 811 ALL hereafter regularly attend the .Superior Courts of Riehnlond County. My office and residence are in Greensborough. Persons residing in Augusta, having business to transact, re quiring the services of a Lawyer, in the counties of Greene, Morgan, Newton, Clarke, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln, Tallialerro, Monroe, or Hancock, nnd who may choose to entrust it to me, will have an ojiportunity of conferring with me, personally, twice in a year, in rela tion to it. FRANCIS If, CONE. I)c<'.r> ts 18 ALL persmis^itrebled to tho estate of Jm Dennis H'illfamU, lute of Jefferson county, deceased, are reanired to make immediate payment, to either of the {Sub scribers; and all those having 1 legal de mands against said Estate, will present them legally attested, within the lime prescribed bv law. ELAM YOUNG, } « . P. G. BINQI'EFIELD, $ n ‘ Nov, 0. dtff 10 WANTED TO HIRE, FIRST rate male and female Hound servants for whom liberal wages will be given, none other thdn first raid are wanted, APPZjV AT &.HOT£Xa Nov 27 lin 16 NOTICE. 1 Council having received information that a number of dogs supposed to be mail, have recently beeti killed in this City, and tiiat previous thereto, many others were bit. It is therefore ordered by the Council that it may be the privilege of any eilizSPh ami it shall be the duty of nil the Cit- - Officers to kill every dog found -mining' at large r in the Streets, or witliili the corporate limits of Augdstn, alter Thursday llio 23tli inst. A true extract from the Minutes Council passed the ill Id day orNovembc# ISW—and published by order, ÜBO. M. WALKER, Clerk. Nov 27 1m Id Notice. r HAi be sold on Monday, CtH De- I ▼▼ cember next, at the residence of L. Rneuu, (three miles from Hamburg South Carolina,) nine negroes, vizt—« FivtS young mid likely men, three wo men and a child. The suiil negroes are from Louisiana, and are experienced in the cultivation oftlie Sugar Cane. They will be sold to close the will of the lutt» Nathaniel IJacoa, xleccaetd. Terms made known on day of sale. LYDHEL RACON, t r . JEREMIAH HAKtIV, < l ' x rt ' Nov 27 Kt iG EXECUTOR S BALE. BV order of the Hoaorahic the Infe rior Court of I lie ('omit y of Hieh muml, while sitting for ordinary purpo sen, will be sold, on I’ne first Tuesday lif February next, between the usual hours of sale, at the Market house, in tiie City of Augusta, A part ol n Tract of Land, contuinifig* one hundred rtcres swamp hind, being id the cnlihty aforesaid, adjoining lands of ,Carnes, Knight, and othersi A I*9o, 'l'he intorert. in 400 Orr,'S (r>f land, adjoining latld? Os Fiiiuizy,Eve,L»h-> mar, and others. AI.SO. Sundry Negroes; niAong them are first rate Rout Hands, House Servants, and Field Hands. *l9O, Sundry articles of Household and Kit chen Furniture. O nfofesald, to be sold ns thn proj»erfy of Win. /V. Rugg, deceased, iui<jL sold for the benefit oftlie heirs und credi tors of said esdiie. GEO. L. TWIGGS; SdxT. N.»v. in 1! — -—ii iii^ Executor's Sale. VALUABLE BUILDING LOTi ON the first Tuesday in April next* will be sold at the lower Miirhet -1 louse in the City of AuguitU, T\\e \oV and Itnvtovcmcwi^i • adjoining. Mi's. Smelt's, bounded on thtl South and West side by Reynold obi! Jackson streets, and known in (lib plan of said City by the No. <ii> —extending about feet on Reynold nfld■<* feet on Jack son-street, the same lieing part oftlie Estate irf John Campbell, dec’ll. Term*. —One third cash, balance in 8; U 5 ami lb months,.with interest froln date, nhd mortgage on the property. R. CAMPRELL, ) Executor* JAMES FL’ASER, \ of JAMES HARPER, S J C. Ocl 00 mfltMtd 8 AUGUSTA BRIDGE FREE. IjPOTICE is hereby given, that all pro duco Wagons und Carts, contain* ing one or more bales of Cotton, bogs* heads of Tobacco, or barrels of Flour* are IVom this date, entitled to pass llio AUGtSTA RRIDGB, free of Toll: This arrungeincnt litis been made, for the purpose of enabling the Planter, to avail himself of this extensive Market, free of all expense. (Signed) JKSSK hnxr. A. CtIMJNNd, Thomas MiG HAN, J Jos. lIIOfUON, John Bomjs, John WootroMT; Committer , ' Aagiista, Augustus, IHOO, wOm 04 KTOIiUN From the subscriber, on Monday night lust week, vK i ust al,ovo the Quaker Springs, u sliiali SOES.EL KCES3, With Saddle* Bridie, and Martingale* His left eytf is put, with a brand C. l»i* on One of his hips. The saddle had a red circingle, and the girth was White with a black stripe. A reward of $lO will be given for the recovery of the pro* pcrly, V. L. McKEENi Nov 27 2t 10 5 BOIAiAES EEW MID. . 11 AN A WAY’about two months since a Negro tmm by the uumc of Abram Ware# W said Negro man is about 1* Sjjf five feet four inches and ' between fifty and sixty years ofi age; he has been formerly on the ■ River ns u boat hand, his Dress is a t White Wool llnt,.Suttinct mix'd Coatee s with polished steel buttons. Whoever will return said hoy or give informatiott shall receive the above reward. WM. KIBBB. ■ Nov 27 • wll I«