Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, December 04, 1830, Image 1

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AUOUSTA eHROMIOU A\D GEORGIA ADVERTISER. OFFICE \«. 4»», BKOID-ST. AUGUSTA, GA. SVTiItDAV, DECGJIBER 4. 4830. VOLUME 45. m l». PUBLISHED EVERT ANU SATURDAY MORNING, B\ A . 11. PEMQEIITON. tebms. fPMHVEKKI.Y PAPER, FIVR DOU.ARS p,?SmUO,. or SIX DOLLARS uttl.e Cll wl'."uk'lY P VPEU. THRICE DOLLARS per in advance, or FOUR DOLLARS nl the e "\. I'n-'pi-r*'will beiliscomlnnol (cxrept at Hie choice of niihlishcr,) until all nrn-wnges ore puM. J"!p CARRIER* of papers to City subscribers, are aricilv ftVbi'l l« i*ll or give them away, unUer any cir ..,,„i-uiice« s imJ any person, otiier than a subscriber, .vioahall purchase a paper from them, or receive one in ' , without proper authority IVoni tlie pulilishar or . ilisciilier, will be held liable for the amount of one : :V; subscription •, which shall be demanded, and if nc c’-s-ai-y, sued ffir, and paid to any person who will give information o£ the fact. UIVBHTISE.UEYTSare. inserted semt-weekly nil) > 1-i cents per square, fir the first insertion, and 43 3-4 rents for each succeetbng insertion—ir«e«y, at 1-4 ri.nt's net- square for each insertion—an<( mon(Afy(when I . excccilin"' one «quarc)-nt If I fir each insertion.— vine however small, is charged less than one sijufire. Tln-e intended to be limited must have the number m hi-ei-iions, semi-weekly or weekly, written on them, or Jjjl'.y N viii lie inserted semi-weekly till forbid, and cimr- pebb-ber takes upon bimself the risk of nil remit m cr- of money made to tiim by Mail—the person remit tine ilrst paying the postage, and oUniniiig from tlie Post ini-lcr a written or verbal acknowledgement of the an want, and its deposite in his otliee, which shall lie given iodic oulilishcr in case of miscarriage. t I ViTßßrf (»n business) must be post paid, or they „ not be taken out of the office. The I,IWS OF THE UNITED STATES 9K published in this paper. Tu Executors, Administrators, and Guardians. h VI.ESofLANDor NEGROES, by Administrators, Fci culors, or Guardians, are required, l>y law, to be held oil the first Tuesday in the month, In-tween the hours of • „ in the Cireuoon, and three in the afternoon, nt the Coun lioit-c ofthe county in which the property is situate.—No lif. nfthese sales must bogiven in a public gazette, SIAfV Aw- previous to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal properly, most be given in like manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. " Notice to the debtors and creditors of mi estate, must be onlili died C>r FORTY Jays. * v.ulce that application will be made to the C min of Or* ,Imin- for leave to sell LAND or NEGROES, must be ptllilislieil for FOUR MONTHS. —aftma—«———l* i ?=» VVc are authorised to amtouncc Mr. W1 LLIAM MKOJ, Sear. us a ('iimliiiatt! lor (tie otliee of Receiver of ’fit; Returns, at the approaching election ju January next. August 25 til 93 !]>■» We art* authorized to announce Mr. JI. I'. 1101SUIiA.Ul, ns a can (llil.ite lor re-ciecuon to tiie oiHce of Re ceiver of Tax Returns, at the approach - in:: Election, jn January next. Sept 8 i>7 Hichmoiad Academy f Hl' Trustees of tlie Academy of jl Richmond county will, on the last F-ireiiDW in IJucembeu next, proccetl to Elect the following Teachers and Oili t-n-s for the term, and space of twelve immtlis, from the time of appointment, to wit:— \ Rector, with a salary of Eight iitiu ili'i-tl Dollars, and half of the T'uition niiMioy. - • \u English Teacher, with a salary of five Hnntlrcd Dollars, and one hall ol the Tuition money. V Teacher for the .Sand Hills, without salary, but with the use of the House and hot at the Sami Hills, the Teacher tu re vive the whole of the Tuition money. A Teacher of Modern languages, with a salary of Two Hundred and Filly Dollars, and the whole of the Tuition money—-the price for Instruction to he Eight Dollars per quarter. AUlerk, Steward and Treasurer, with a Salary of Four Hundred Dollars. (£/=• Written application will he made to the undersigned. JJf OIIDKII or TUB IJOAftlt, JAMES Mc-LAWS, Clerk. Sept I intlD—Lie 9t> ii.l.Vo FOR SALE. . A GREAT BARGAIN is now oitered in the sale ol a tract. 01 li t of LAND, in Carroll county, which is (li-t-overed to lie rich in tlie Golden proper hj. The owner being on the eve of a long Journey to the North, will now sell it low iTu quick application Is made. Indispu table titles will he delivered. AITIjY AT THIS OFFICE. June Id 73 _ TO UYSN’V, Jill A large DWELLING, EOT Ate. and A LARGE STORE IlijSjjfij wellculculnted for Dry-Good.- and Groceries, opposite the Wo t’ ~f Etlwiird Thomas, Esq. upper end of iiroad-strect—an excellent stand fop business. Possession will he giv en on die first ofOetober. For terms, which "’ill be liberal, apply to .Mr. Josurn Car.- WE, at the above place. GARRET LAWRENCE. July 31 8G ATTORNEY AT LAW. \»7ILL attend the Superior ami In ti v ferior Courts ol" Richmond am Columbia counties—and the Court ol Common Pleas of Augusta. He may hi •"•Hid at the otliee of Robert R. Reid. Esq corner of Washington and Ellis-stitsets. . July tilts HI WVYCY#. ON the MtJi December next, at tin residence of the late Win. A. Bngg he sold, the Household tend Kitchci IM. RMTURE.nIotofCORN anti POD „ belonging to the estate of the latt Howell R. Marshall. It/ 5 * Terms nt Sale. GEORGE L. TWIGGS. VAL. WALKER. Oct nn « 8 __ lITFI t ATHAM 111 LL tenders his mosi J si neer«L thanks to the public, for Ir Patronage to his Auction Establish *! tnf ’ and is determined to merit its con valuation by his future promptness anti jissiduity. They can only add totheob . n-** 011, * ie * s already nndefto them, bj c-tlling as quickly after sales for then He has removed to his .Vcip Store, twi: above J. Ac 8. Bones' Hanlwart v ore—where he will attend to any com Oiitnds m his business. Octi>7 7 \ AT PEIVATE. SALS. 10IIHDS. PORTO RICO will be Sohl low fir Cash, or approved paper. * C. PHILLIPS. October Ifi 4 r “ f BILLIARD TABLE. ■ A GOOD Second Hand BILLIARD - t*. TABLE for sale—Apply to ;• L. HULL. 'r Amittst 14 90 Tin Ware,&c. TBS ST7BSCRZSBB. 11 TTAVTN G taken the store next to - JLjL Mr. E. U. Wood’s, in Champions Brick Buildings, Mnrket .Square, Savan r nah, offers for sale, on terms suitable to the times, an assortment of Tin and Ja c paned Ware, purchased in New-York * foreash; which he ofi'eis for sale on a e liberal credit at a small advance on New “ York prices; among which arc 'Pin Y Coflee Pots, Patent Coffee Pots, Tu reens, Dish Covers, Egg Boilers. Pep * per Boxes, Pewter Tumblers, Trench ers, Mugs, Wine Pleasures. Brass, Tin and Japuned l<amps. Nutmeg Graters, J 'Pin Pans, Pewter Pintos anti Dishes, it' together with a few of McGifers newly ‘ invented Lamps, an article now getting r into general use in the Northern States, and is recommended to the Southern people. s Country Merchants will find it to their . interest to call anil examine his goods, all b of which are warranted. Liberal dis counts will be made for cash. Orders ! from the country, with good eify refer ‘ ence, will be nroinplly executed, and * goods packed I’ree of charge, so as to I* stand any land conveyance. * A. O. BLACKMAIL Nov 24 at 1>» : 808. - SALE. ; 4 NEGRO WOM AN, a good Cook, A Washer and Ironer. EiKpiire of C. PHILLIPS. November 10 11 EXECUTORY SALE. WILL be sold, at the late residence of Holt Cl anton, deceased, in > Columbia County, on Monday, tlietwen ■ ty seventh day ol’December next,the tract - of Lund and premises where the deceasetl ■ las ,-ly resided, eight miles nhovc Augusta, on the Washington Itoad—containing ■ about three hnntlrcd and eighty acres, 1 the most of which is in a slate tit for culti vation; the improvements 'are in good ' repair, and it is a stand well calculated 1 fin-a place of entertainment for travel lers; and excellent business might be I done with groceries, as it is tin* public I site in the district, for Courts, Musters - Ac, with a dense rich population in the neighborhood. also, i One hundred acres of good Pine I,and, i well timbered, lying on the road from e Augusta to Columbia Court House, ope mile above the Hunker Springs. <ln lids ;> tract there is a tolerably comfortable Dwelling House, a good Kitchen, and c> an excellent Well ot -water in Ihe yard; and about forty-five acres under good fence, which produces very well. ALSO, At the same time and place, will hr sold, about ten negroes, consisting ol men, boys, and girls, anti one woman; the stock of Horses, and one prime Mule, r n good yoke of Oxen, and the stock ot s cattle, hogs, and sheep; eight or nine •- hundred bushels of corn, about ten thou g sand pounds of prime fodder, the crop ol [i. Cotton, and about thirty bushels of seed i- peas. And, also, u good mahogany Sideboard, Dining Table and ends, a Bu reau, and sundry other articles of house hold and kitchen furniture; and planta ~ lion tools, and sundry other sirtieles 100 tedious to enumerate. Terms made \ known on the day of sale; nnd the side ; will be continued fr om day to day until s all is sold. e TURNER CLANTON, ? /v r NATH L. 11. CLANTON, $ d Nov 10 smtds 11 n . -.—. .. i ..... - ' AUOUSTA BRIDGE FREE. - is hereby given, that nil pro dure Wagons and Carls, contain ing one or more bales of Cotton, hogs heads of Tobacco, or barrels of Flour, are from this date, entitled to pass the '[ AUGUSTA BRIDGE, free of Toll*. 'This arrangement has been made, for ( the purpose Disenabling the Planter, to I- avail himself of this extensive Market, dee of nil expense. (Signed) A. Ci'Mmino, Thomas McGra.x, Jos. Bioxo.x, ** John Bonks, John W oolpolk, r- Committee. Augusta, August2B,lß3o. wGin 91 ‘ STOLEN - From the subscriber, on ffT —'ffVjs Monday night last week, W? just above the (Quaker - Springs, a small SOE.E.BI EOE.SE, r With Saddle, Bridle, and Martingale. 1 His lon rye is out, with n brand C* M* s . on one of Ids Hips. The saddle had n ( rod cirrin/rle, and the girth was white } \ with a black stripe. A reward of $lO will he given fur the recovery ofthe pro per,y‘ V. L. McKEEN. " Nov 27 2t LAW BLANKS. INSTRUCTIONS for COMMISSION m*,ia qp aiqirovvtl IPHiL- , SELREY. 4 N excellent SULKEY, with Double ■ J*- Spring Toj>—For sale by v L. HULL. August 14 90 .vonct:' A LI. persons indebted to the Estate of Holt Clanton, late of Colutnqht County, deceased, are requested to make j immediate payment to the Executors; and all persons having demands against the Estate, are requested to hand them in, by the first day of January next, for payment. TURNER CLANTON,? „ . N il. CLANTON, \ hir3 - • Oct fit) (»t w rt miili ttVY s ON THE PREMISES, AT ON MONDAY, tlie 20th December next, AT 11 O'CLOCK. A. m. ‘ TYvc v3\\A)scvY\jcys VYawYaUow, SITUATE in Columbia comity, be tween Fury’s Ferry nnd the Quaker . Springs, containing Eight Hundred and sixty the Acres, half of it under cnltivu ! tion—Eighty Acres of which has been ‘recently cleared ; the balance is well tiin ’ iiered, —ALSO— . Eleven Negroes, one ol’whomis a good | Blacksmith. | ALSO Qorn, Fodder, Oats, Mules, Slock oFnil . kinds, nnd Plantation and Blacksmith’s I Tools. TERMS.—The Negroes will be sold . for Cash, the. Corn, Fodder, Oafs, Mules, Stock. Plantation A Blneksinith’s Tools. I on a credit ot’ele ven months. The Land , for one third Cash, the balance in one or two annual payments with interest, se cured by mortgage on the premises. JOHN NEILSON. Nov 2 t.i» 9 ’ GKIAEDIAN’S ItOTXOE. WILL be sold, at Columbia Court- House, on the first 'l’ncsday in January next, the real estate of William Short, deceased, containing one hundred and fifty acres, more or less, lying in said , county, adjoining Thomas Dooly nnd others, sohl agreeably to an order of the Honorable Inferior Court of mid county, 1 and for the benefit of the heirs. Terms , made known on the day of sale. CHARLES WADE. Guardian of D. Short vV Vincent Ri’.es. ’ Nov 1.1 wtd 12 r - .. ~mm LINCOLN SIIEIIIFF’S SALE. WILL lie sold at Lincoln Court- IliHise. on <l>i* <»•■«* Tnncd'iy In 1 January next, between the usual hours of - sule, the following properly, viz : . One negro boy untried Ben, 12 or 14 • j ears of age, taken as tin* property of 4 John Vincent, to satisfy an Execution in ■ favor of Peyton Hawes vs. said Vin cent, property pointed out by plaintilK THOMAS LYON, a s. i . c. 1. Dee 1 wttl 17 ' Columbia Tax Collector’s s SALE. e MTILI. he Sold, at Columbia Court i *1 House, on the first Vm-siiay in |; December next, within the lawful hours, (j the follow ing Land, or as much as will satisfy the tax due for the year 1*29, viz : ;MK) a civs third quality Land, lying in r Columbia county, on the waters of the if Uehee, adjoining Graves & t'nininiiig; e granted to Mann Wins, nnd rclnrned by Horatio Bims—tax due, $2 21 clx ,{• J9l acres of Pine Land, lying in Rich c inond county, on the waters of Butler's i- creek, adjoining Beulle and I.igon, gran ,C led to D. Walker, sen'r.; returned by ,1 Horatio Wins as Ex’r. of tlie will of Mann v Sims—lux due. 20j cents. i_ 202 J acres ofPine Lund, lying in Mus cogeo county, returned by Alley Moon, i. for the estate of John 11. Moon—tax due CJ 20;| cents. e 2h7j acres second quality Land, lying in VVushingtoa county, on tin? waters of j| Bullalo, adjoining I loll’ and others. 2>i7i acres second quality Land, lying in Washington county, on the waters of Bullalo, granted to P. !~-‘uUon. acres second quality Land, lying in Washington county, on the waters of " Ogeechce, granted to L. Davis; the three I last tracts returned by Thomiis White, 1 Ex’r. ofthe will of Ignatius Few—tax due, s4l 56j cents. JOHN COLLINS, i ' r l\tx Collector Columbia County. I- Nov, n Wtd 9 1' A.v\gv\Hl‘A CvY\ vjVvcvYYVtt ft'dYc. e MTIbL be sold, at the market-house, in the city ol’Augustu, on tlie Ist f Tuesday in January next, between the 0 usual boars: A negro woman myued Myra, and her three children, Tom, Henry A: Elizabeth; levied on us the property of James T. Dent, to satisfy a li. la. in favor ofthe Ex’r. and Ex rx. of Abiel Camplleld vs. James T. Dent. . ALSO, _ 2 women, viz ; Viney and Harriett; le vied on ns the property of D. 8. Roman, to satisfy (i. fas. in favor of Kniniiel 11. Peek vs. D. H. Roman, and Beers, Booth " Si, tSt. John vs. I). S. Roman. . GEO. \V. LAMAR, Sh IT. c. a. Dee 1 td 17 ItW’S ITCTI33. WILL he sold, at Wrigfathorough, on the 271 h of December next, * agreeably to an order of the Honorable n Inferior Court of Columbia county, all the Negroes belonging to the estute of > William Short, deceased, to wit, twelve: ■ Three fellows, four women, and five children, all of them young. Sold for the benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on the day of sale. CHARLES WADI'’ Guardian of I). Suokt A- Vincent Rues. Novi? wUI IS CASH WILL be given for n Good Second Hand PIANO FORTE. The ex terior must he handsome, and the tone good. Apply to LATHAM HULL. Cumm lesion Mi rclutnt. ' Nov. 10 11 SPOOL COTTON. 300 nrs,. spool cotton, Just Keecired, and for Sale, hi/ L. HULL. August 11 S 9 FRESH FLOUR. t>V4k BARRELS Fresh Baltimore FLOUR, Just Received, and lor Side low. L. HULL. August 11 H 9 Bordeaux Claret. 4 CASKS Sir Eicon HOIiDEAITS CLARET, For Sale low, by 1.. HULL August 11_ S 9 VIUGINIA M ANUFACTURED TOBAOCQo, fl KEGS MANUFACTURED @ TOBACCO. For Salk by L. iHJLIi. August II S 9 JE FFERS O NT HE Ji;m-.itsoN Medical B. was instituted in Philadelphia, in I H 2o, nml during its first session was i-n --•lowed by an net, of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, with power to confer de grees in Medicine, and with nil the privi leges ami prerogatives of similar Institu tions, in unr own country nnd in Europe. Since its foundation nearly (UK) Stu d -nts have attended the respective cour ses of Lectures, and of this number, 143 from various sections of the U. States, the Canadas, West Indies and Europe, have been admitted to the Degree of Doc tor of Medicine. The (!lh Session of the College will commence on the Ist Monday of No vember next, and it is believed, under the most favorable auspices; every obstacle to its future advancement having been , removed, and such measures adopted by the Board of Trustees, as will gi\ ea new | impulse to the exertions ofthe Faculty. Among these measures, itis thought pro per to specify particularly, the appoint ment of Professor Drake, of Cineinnnlti, to the Chair of the Practice of Medicine. • His acknowledged reputation as a Lec turer, nnd moru especially his, practical - acquaintance with the diseases most pre • talent in tl»o /Uuufliri’ti ntltl tions of our country, in which n majority ofthe Graduates in Medicine may be ex l ported to locate themselves, must greatly ’ enhance the value of his instructions, i The additions which have been made ■ In the Anatomical Cabinet, with the fa cilities allbrded for dissection and de monstration, nre such us will bear com parison with of tin' oldest Medical School on this side the Atlantic. In nil other respects, it is confidently believed, it is not surpassed by any of its sister Institutions, with all of which, ns 1 fur ns is known, it is placed on n footing of perfect equality,—a course of Lec tures in one, being held equivalent to n course on the same brunches, in every other. The Alms House and Hospital of the city afford ample opportunities to the JStudent of acquiring clinical instruction, and hours nre appropriated to this pur pose. An Infirmary for diseases ofthe eye is also connected with (he College, under the direction of the Professor ol Surgery, who will operate in the presence ofthe class, where this is practicable. The following is the organization ol the Medical Faculty,—viz: Anutoinif —By Bamdel McClellan, MD. .Materia Mrdiea and Obstetrics—Hu John Hubble, M. D. Chemistry—\i\ Jacob Green, M. D. Theon/ and Practice of Medicine—\in Dan iel IJu a kk, M. I>. Surgery —By George, M, JJ. Institutes rif Medicine, Medical Jiirlrpnulenee, and the Diseases of It omen ami Childnn— llv B. Bush KiieeS.M. I>. The fee lor attendance on each course l is >3 ! 13. or itf!K) for all the courses. The graduation fee is #l3, nml no other charge is made either on matriculation, or subsequently. The whole expc.vsc Is therefore less than #2OO for the two full courses, re quired by law to entitle the Student to graduation. One of these, nt least, must be attended in this Institution; and it is further required, that the candidate shall have studied three years (inclusive ofthe terms of attendance on the Lectures) under the direction of a respectable prne , tit inner of Medicine,—that he shall be twenty-one years of age—nnd having presented a Thesis on some Medical subject, ahull give satisfactory evidence of his qualifications on an examination by the Faculty, which takes place imme diately after the close of each session. The animal Commencements for con ferring the degrees, will not be delayed beyond the time requisite to complete the examination, tliut no unnecessary ex pense may be incurred by the student, for board. This may be procured in Philadelphia, at the rale of from #2 30 to #1 in very respectable houses, td which the Janitor will furnish references, with out charge. Ten Students are by law admitted gratuitously, each Session, (the sum of #2O only being paid by enrh to meet the current expenses of the Institution.) Application for the benefit of this pro vision, and nil other communicntionsjto the Faculty, must be, addressed to Ham eel McClellan, M. D. Dean of the Fa culty, at the Jefferson Medical College, 10th near Walnut street, Philadelphia. By order of tlie Facility, SAMUEL McCLELLAN, Dean. Philadelphia, August, 1830. v. Dt IMS j JUST ttECEVVm 4- BALES Osnnburgs, 20 Do. negro Cottons, 10 Do. brown Sheetings &, Shirtings, (ft) Pieces white, red, A green Flannels, 50 Do. rich Cambric Prints, 50 Do. Callicoes (low price,) 200 Doz. Chintz,Verona, Imitation,Mad rass, Muslipatam, Berkley, and Britannia Handkerchiefs, 100 Pieces Choppo Rounds, I Case 4-4 Irish Linens, 1 Do. 7-8 do. do. 50 Doz. ladies white cotton Hose, 100 Do. mens do. do. half do. 100 Boxes Spool Cotton, 200 Reams Wrapping Paper, The above is offered for sale low. for Cush, or approved paper, by CHARLES PHILLIPS. Oct 10 ts 4 JOH N, qvz iHAni lG WATCH MAKER, NO. 147, BROXD-STREET, CffNX HAS again began e y? business, in the Brick House, No. M7, Broad street, lately occupied n" 1 “H 08 Hie CITY HOTEL; n t where ho will bestow all his attention tu re pairing WATCHES & CLOCKS, of every description, in the best possible manner, and at very reasonable prices.— He solicits the patronage of his friends and former customers, nnd all who wish to have their Watches made lo keep good time at a moderate juice. He will sell bis remaining STOCK, consisting of JJWBIR7, * WATCHES AA J> CLOCKS , CASTORS, AC, AC. for less than they cost, at Wholesale nml Retail. Thick Patent WATCH GLASSES, mid nil other descriptions of WATCH GLASSES, constantly kejit on hand. Augusta, April 28, IHJIO. 51) LOOK AT THIS. RAN AW AY PROM the subscriber on the night, of the JOlh October last, two Negro Men named BILLY NED. Billy is a tall slender man, pretty much . knock-kneed; he is a smart, shrewd fel low, calculated lo deceive with ease when attacked; lie cnri-itid with him a striped twilled round-about coat and a pair of blue broad cloth pantaloons, the coal is new nnd the pantaloons tolerably much worn, both of which he stole from me a few nights before they went off.— Ned is a low mini, and over one of his eyes is a scar which runs from his eye into the hair of Itis head. Ned when sj»o --' ken to nil times appeal sto he somewhat ahirnied,& blows us though he was tired, or ajqicars to bring long bi-eaths.—From what I can learn they have inada a start for some of the free Stales* hut lain aji prehensive that they have been enticed oil* by some white man. If so, a mison able reward will be given for the two negroes, or either of them, delivered to me in Ogletlmr|ic county, near flic Bow ling Green, nr placed in some jail so that I get them, & ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS REWARD for the thief. All rensoimhlc expenses paid in the detec tion ofthe m-grucs and thief. JOHN W. MOODY. Nov 17 1m B 05** The Chronicle, Augusta, Georgia; Gazette. Pensacola, Florida; Advocate, llnntstille, and Intelligencer, Tuscaloo sa, Alabama, will each publish the above one month, and forward their accounts to Bowling Green, OglethorjMJ county, Georgia, for payment.— Ga. J ovrual. J. W. M. l.w wv\ovi Jf SHA hereafter regularly attend .oL the Superior Courts of Richmond County. My ofllce and residence Arc in Grcenshorongli. Persons residing in Augusta, having business to transact, re quiring tlie services of a Lawyer, in the conn lies of Greene, Morgan, Newton, Clarke, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln, Taliinferro, Monroe, or Hancock, and who may choose to entrust it to me, will have nn ojijiorlunity of conferring with me, jici'Noimily. twice in n year, in rela tion to it. FRANCIS 11. CONE. Dec. 5 ts 18 Executor's Sale. VALUAHLX BUILDING LOT. ON the first Tuesday in ifjiril next, will be sold nt the lower Murket- I louse in the City of Augusta, ’VYve Yol and Improvement, adjoining Mrs. Smelt’s, bounded on the South and West side by Reynold and Jackson streets, nnd known in the plan of said City by the No. (15 —extending about leet on Reynold nnd toot on Jiu’lißon-strect, tlie same being part ofthe Estate of John Campbell, dec'd. Terms. —One third rush, balance in 6,12 nnd 1W months, with Interest from dute, and mortgage on the jiroperty. It, CAMPBELL, ) Executors JAMES FRASER, \ if JAMES HARPER, ) J. C. Oct 30 mOtMtd 8 - , , . _ _ . -r- - Guardian’s Notice. FOUR months nfler dute, application will be made to the honorable In terior Court of FrnnUlin Comity, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, I’or leave to sell the real estate belonging to the heirs of Thomas Harbour, dec., for the benefit ul'snid heirs. DANIEL CHANDLER, Guardian. J Sep* 15 <flm THE City Council having received intbrinntion that a number of dogs supposed to be mad, have recently been billed in this City, mid that previous thereto, ninny others were hit. It is therefore ordered by the Council that it inny be the privilege of nny citizen and it shall bo the duty of all the City Officer# to hilt every dog found running at large in the Streets, or within the corporate limits of Augusta, after Thursday thu 25th inst. A true extract from the Minutes of Council passed the 23d day of November IS>o—and published by order. GEO. M.WALIvEB, Clerk. Nov 27 lin 10 EXECUTOR’S SAXE. BV order of tho Honorable the Infb rior Court of the County of Rich* iiioiul, while sitting for ordinary purpo ses, will he sold, on the lirst Tuesday in February next, between tho usual hours of sale, at the Market house, in the City of Augusta, A part of a Tract of Land, containing one hundred acres swamp land, being in tlie county aforesaid, adjoining lands of Carnes, Knight, und others. A I,SO, The interest in 100 acres of swamp land, adjoining laud:, of I’hinizy,Eve, La mar und others. ALfiO, Sundry Negroes; among them are first rate Hoat Hands, House Servants, and Field Hands., Sundry articles of Household and Kit chen Furniture. aforesaid, to lie sold ns tho property ofWm. A. Hugg, deceased, and sold for the henelit of the heirs and credi tors of said estate. CEO. L TWIGGS. Ex’r. Nov. 10 11 ■ .1 ■ ■ ■ 1..—-..... I.— . m I- ■ 1 iVdmimstvaiov ’» NoUce. ITIOUR months nftnr dab’, application . will he made to tho honorable- In terior Court of Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, lor leavo to sell nil the real Estate of Wm. York, deed, for'l he benefit of his heirs and credi tors. JOHN M. PAYNE, Adm’r. Sept 15 4lm 00 Administrator’s Notice. EjlOUlt months after date, nppliealiou 1 will he the Honorable In I erf or Court, of Columbia comity, while sitting for Ordinary purposes,Jbr leave to sell all the real estate of Soviikoma J M vnuuni ii, deceased, late of said county, for the Jieneiit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. PETER KNOX, Adm’r. October 23 4tm « s-es&ea ® 171 OUR months nfter date, application . will he made to the Court of Ordi nary of Columbia Comity, w hen sitting for ordinary purposes, for leavo to sell all the Rea) Estate of Holt Clanton, lute of said County, deceased. TURNER CLANTON, ? N. 11. CLANTON, $ a ' Oet 30 m4in H Guardian’s Notice. II OUR months after date, application will he made to the honorable In ferior < 'mirt of Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to evil the real Estate of Ann Pereel. IGNATIUS PER CEL. Guardian, Sept 15 4 Ini 9U notice. f I’ll IE Copartnership heretofore exist- JL ing under the linn of SMITH & ROHRIN.S, in Charleston, S. C. is dis solved by its oh n limitation- The bu siness, will he settled by G. \V. Smith. G. W. SMITH, E. KOBRIN «. The subscribers have formed a con neetion under the firm of Smith, Harris, 4 V Co. and will continue the Hardware business at the old establishment of Anitb & Robbins, Charleston, S. C. G. W. SMITH, WM. HAKIMS, M. F. SMITH. October (» w3in I i.T\roL.\ sii kit iffsale, WILL b« sold ut Lincoln Court- House, on the first Tuesday in January next, between (he ustlul hours of sales 149 acres of Lund, more or less, on the waters of Loyd’s creek, adjoining Travis McKinny, Jeremiah Roberts, and others; taken as the property of William (|nian, Jr., to satisfy an execution from u Jus tices, Court, in favor of Abner AYelboru vs. said Quinn, levied on by a constable and returned to me. JOHN 31:00WELL, Dec 1 4tw 17 110 BHWARD. . BANAWAY, on Monday üBV the 18th October, from my plantation near Eutontou, Georgia, my Negro 31 uu ,M HARRY, kL sometimes called HARRY MliMß.Tfctffks POWELL. Harry is an intelligent, light-complcxioned fellow, a bout 20 years of age, 0 feet 7 inches high, thick and well built, hating large Whisk ers : hud on, a fcr cop, when he went off. lie will probably lurk about Augusta, (where ho lias a mother) and in the neigh borhood of Lowsville, Columbia county, where 1 purchased him from the estate of Thomas Low, deceased. The above reward ol #lO, will be giv en for the delirtfty of said negro, in any safe jail, within this state, so that Ig^ Ihim out of jaM. - HEIVJAWIN 3106EL£T teuton, Oct. 81 HUS/fr d