Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, December 11, 1830, Image 1

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AU6I7S7A antONICU! AHfB ■ 1 * J georgm .1 n\'i:it 7'M i: k. office w. m. n«o»imt. apwism. <a.t. MrpaiiAV. i.i:.i:.i lii.t n. leap. PUBLISHED EVERY u rnNESOAY AND SATURDAY MORNING, BY A. II- rBMBEUTOSI. tbhivis. mttw’K I V PAPER, FIVE DOU.AUS UOXjI ' AIW alll,e kjWZTv P VPER. THREE 1)01,1. VRS per or FOUR DOLLARS at tUo 9* wiDt)'- ilisconUnumt (except nt the cliolce of .hither ) until »H arrearages arc punk P l k if it I UllS of pttpew u> City -mlwcnhcrs, ore ■ u-«.rT>is to sell or ttivellicin away, nmler any cir- Mr ‘ ' • and any person, other than a, °T vll a paper froni them, or receive one in «*p I'nhlisher or l.ul«ri’, will he held tinkle for the ananna of one ft itsabscrlplinn; which shall he .lemnuiled, and if ne >‘ttry, suedi:. r , andpio/l to ahf JH-rsoa Who wiil give t TirVBBI*ISKWENTS "re l.Beerlfd twi-veckl,, , CJ I--?few. per square, for thelirslinsertion, uud 4J 3-4 A * f <r.|- sacceui&ng inscrUoii— weekly, nt (J Z 1-- ‘t'ls per smiare li.r eneh insertion—mid m,,atAijr(\ylien C< s’sveiediie' one nt $1 for each insertion.— Cic ltvcver small, i * clmrgeJ less than one ; square, t juiciale.l to he limited must have the unmlier oi semi-weekly or weekly. Written on them, or [* K .y ~-,11 In- inserted semi-weekly till forbid, and eliur ‘mKtakes open himself the risk of nil remit . ,SS «f money ..Hide to him hy Mail-the ponom remit ', lirsl iming Hie pnsiaee, unit obtiuiiliig from toe 1W ■ ner li written or arkuoWledgelnent of the "It,mi, and its deposit* In Ids oilice, which shall ho gjyeu postpaid, Os they W, -rtl.- l |.’\wl OF THE UNITED STATES publtslieii in this paper. Tn Fzeculor), 4llnU*i*lratar>, and Guardian). „- . usofLANDor NEORUES, hy Admhiistrufors. i- imrs or Onardians, are required, l.y law, lo lie held , iTicdrstTiieielny hi fie month, between the lionrs of I!, n,e (hrciiiM.n, and three in Hie afternoon, at die Court- M,.e Ol die county in widc’t the property is siluale.—No hre of these sales must I to given in a public gazette, HIX. 1 \ nrevious to tile day of «»<**. We of die sale of per),mol property, must he given manner, FORTY days previous lo the day of sale. “ hti<ui to flic tlclKors and creditors of up c«»falc, imisi lie siii,;isiied for FORTY days. \ i, ,* dial application will lie mads - to the Court of* r ,w - f.r cave to sell LAND or NEGROES, must he pit,’bed for FOUR MONTHS. DXVID3ISD, Ifo. 5- MERCHANTS* fc PLANTERS’ BANK, AUGUSTA, Die. 7,133 ft. TUB Boni’u of Director* having Je-, flared a Dividend of 4 per cent, out ofthe profits of this Bunk, for the last six monllis, the aame tvill be paid to the phoelth' hlers on their order, oil aud alter Thursday the 9th Inst. JNO.F. LLOYD, Cashier. Dec 8 It _ TJoncs Mu-icatc RAISINS, I ,»■" i-rop—Poi-salc ‘■V c pl , lU- | ?s Dec S I*^ jj[ pieces prime Bagging, <i (tales Point nnd Dufiie Blanket's 2 do Bto 13 quarter Hose Jo 2 do red, preen & white Pluqnel.j. 1 case mixed Sattinetls, iOi) pieces tine and low priced Prints, Ilk) pieces Jackonet, and Hook Muslins, Pnr sale bv V. PHILUPd. Dee 8 L ! * m\Ai TSB r> V THE PWEMrSE.B. AT ?ÜBDrO. S4lB t 0\ MON IJ A V, the 20th Remember next, AT 11 O’CZiOOSi A. IVI. ■V\\e tiu\3ticri\>er» VVvntf&Uou, Ljjm V . E in Colombia county, o i.vecn fury's Ferry and the tlualu; t-jsj'iiijrcontaining Eight Hundred and sixty live Acres, half of it uudercultiva- Eighty Acres of which has been re rally cleared ; tbe balance is well tini hered. , —also — Eleven Negroes, cue of whom is a good pi.xk-.-inith. 1 —ALSO— ('ora, Fo l ler, Oafs, dlules, Stock ofuU and Plantation and Hlacksinitb s Tools. TEUMB.—The Negron* will bo sold flir Cash, the Corn, Fodder, Outs, Mules, Waick, Plantiition &. Hlacksmith's Tools, onacrcdit ofeteven months. The Land dir one third Cash, the balance in one or Evnannual payments with interest, se cured by mortgage on the premises. JOHN NEILBON. Nov 2 t 9 LOOK AT Til 18. PAP? AWAY llt ISOM tl»e ayhscribe.- on the night of ' the 30th October lust, two ftkOgro Wen named BILLY A. :\ED. Silly is a lull slender man, pretty nine! nock-kneed j he-is u smart, shrewd lid low, calculated to deceive v.ill) ease "lien attacked; he carried with him a ‘fftrmod twilled round about coat a al tt pah of blue broad tdotli pardaloons, I lie is new and the paiu tloou* tolerably hmcb worn, hptb of which he -tolc Jrom hie a few nights before th<-y went olf.— Ned is u low man, and over one of his u sear which runs from his eye his head. Ned when spo ken to all times appears totuc somewhat •h'fined, & blows us though he was tired, °r ajipeurs to bring long breaths.—From " hat | can learn they have made a start *>r some of the free BUitcs: but lamtip -1» •bensive that they have been enticed °li by gome white man. Ifso, u reason ahj.. reward will be given for the two ®evroes, or either of them, delivered to me in Oglethorpe county, m*nr the llovv liutr (•rcen. or placed ha some jail so that J (set them. 6c ONE HUNDRED IKE REWARD for the thief. All Reasonable expenses paid in the detec ti( a» of the negroes and thief. JOHN W. MOODY. Nov 17 1m 12 ~ JOS PSJMTO.TO AM4TJ.V ZXiCii'lEp 4T ItUS I. mST: R^OAVOD;- [ VT TIIK AKIISTI ISOOR-STOHE, Brandd’s Chemistry, (iovxfs Hook of t Nature, 1 Lance on the Chest, Hoopers Exainina i lions, ■ Gentleman’s & Ladies' Lexicon, Letter i Writer’s, Hannan’s Pulpit Assistant, Course of Time, Latin Rookh. White’s and Hind s Farriery, National Orator, i Virginia Housewife, Stories of Waterloo, i Cnmpbe|fs Poems, . Paul Cliflbrd, Moure’s Poen)s, Moore’s Works, ’ Moore's Life of Byron, Nutshell of Knowledge, Hannah Moore's Works, Caldwell's Cul ; len, Hemaiis' Poems, r Children ofthe Abbey, Drydin's Virgil. Blake’s Botany, Griinshaw’s United States, Greece and Rome, Smiley’s Federal Calculator,Pike’s Arith metic, Smith's Arithmetic, Natali’s Botany, Aunt Mury’sTales. American Anecdotes, Grieshach’s New Test injeat, R. Robert son's Sermons, Towle’s Astronomy, Brown’s E. Gram mar, New Speaker, Kent’s Commentaries, Clotty on Con tracts, Toller’s Executors, Young's Night Thoughts, Tales of . Grandfather, j&c. ALSO—TiII! FOLLOWING CMtED 3 IT SS3D?: : Carfol, Rnddish, Mustaro, Oii.u.i, , - , cumlier, Early Turnip, Lettuce, \V in tor Squashes. Blood Beet, A. Herb Seed Sept 11 9* .-HIST RECEIVED AND FOR » ALE 15 V THE HUaSCRIOEQ AT AVCrZOU F ASC33, A GK.NKK.U, .kSSOKT.v;i,.NTOF V vLU.VISLI', USoOL ?, CONSISTING OF: 1 Vu\u!ugicui, .Medical, Historical, i phictfl and .Wnc llancoias AMONG AHSM and Pocket ilibtes, a’ Prayer Books and IVvlamcnts, Wall's Psalms atid Hymns, Pox's Book of Martyrs, Calmelbj Sacred (Jeugr.iphy—plates, Uolliti’s Ancient History, Gregory’s Practice, 1-ilii of Bolivar, Mackenzie’s 0000 Receipts, Byron'w Works, Goldsmith's do, jioiyticnl <h>- Mule's (Jo. Hannah More’s do. Burns’ do. Chalmers’ do. Hooper’s Medical Dictionary, Gibboi;.?’ Home, Spectator, 2 vol. Walker’s Dictionary and Key, do. Pocket do. Lady ofthe Scott’s Poetical Works, Political Economy, Jackson Wreath, , Western and Southern Songster, Indian VV’trs. Putey’s Philosophy, Arabian N ights, I vol. new edit, Form Book. do. do. , Goldsmith’* Animated Nature, Clarendon's Rebellion. G voi. Horn’s Introduction, 4 vol. . Mit ford’s / (recce, 8 voJ. Wilkinson’s ]4|i>Rip.ii>. 3 vvij. Mume, Smollet and Bisscfs England, Llngard s England, 10 vol. Plutarch'# Llyea, 4 voi. Handel and iladyns, Collection of Music, Chinch do,. ne\y edit. Roman Literature, Flint’s Geograjdiy of W- States, 2 voi. Gillie's Greece, Carpenter’s Guide, Keith on the Globes, Memoirs of J. Eastlmrn, • Confession of Faith, Lights A Shades. Shobert’s Austria, Hungarian Brothers, Brown's Novels (i vol. ' 1* Piercer's Cluster, English Reader, . Murray's Grammar. CIJ VS. PHILLIPS. Novoinber 1" ts l-J ’ Avigviuta C\\.\ tSVvcYWX’H Sa\e. ’:sl r li-L be sold, at the inarhel-house, . Vs >b the city of Augusta, on the let ( j uesday in January next, betwcqp the \ usual hours: A negro woman named .Myra, and her three children, Tom, Henry A Elizabeth; • levied on as the property of James 1. - Dent, lo satisfy a fi. la. fit favor of the i Ex’r. ami Bx’rx. of Ahiel Cdmi»tield vs. - James T. Dent. ALSO, t 2 women, viz : Viney and Harriett; le , vied on us the property of D. S. Homan, i to satisfy H. fas. in favor of Samuel B. t Peek vs. D. S. Roman, and Beci>, Rooth - & St. John vs. D. S. Roman. I GJBO. W. LA MAR, Sh’lf e. a. Dec 1 t* l 17 > LINCOLN SHERIFF’S SALE. ' YMfiLL be sold at Lincoln Court ' V * House, ou the tirst Tuesday in January next, between the usual hours oi 1 sale, die following property, via: One negro boy named Ben, 12 or 11 years of age, taken us the property of John Vincent, to satisfy an Execution in favor of Peyton Hawes vs. said, \ lu cent. property pointed out by plaintiff THOMAS LYON, v. s. l. c. S jl •■i“ s -C.E. FABER, •Vo. 107 Itru id-S/rftt, .‘lutrustu, NKXT DOOR ADOVIi DR, WRAY’S DUUG-STORE, 18 very to tht> Lndii's of this i'ity and its vicinity, for past patron age received in the ami now r; s;)k.ctl'uliy inlurms them, that sin* has a l.i. ire ~nd complete assortment of BONNETS of all kinds, which will be made up at short notice. Mrs. F* also informs her friends nnd customers that she has recently jlcvoted a jmrt of her Bforc for the purpose of keeping a general and neat assortment of LADIES’ AND CHILDRENS’ Hi>OTS and SHOES, of the choicest Patterns, and .-hull receive a constant supply from the North. tt?* All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. December 1 3t 17 jJC#-£U -Sif' f. Mo. -213, BHO4B-ST, fs now receiving a pari of his stork of FALL A; WINTER GOODS, Coxsisti.n . t Assoitr.Mirvr or Staple & S’aacy mv% & solans* ,iml on Ikiihl* ,i d'.'u,! liNfUii I)'»•«■;i!. N\ hicli will l>o 6o\i\ f)ii iuV('m»iirjti*al-n£? tn*»ne. iVov Z1 IjJ Lftadiing Thi - Safi Wlf S' - xSi; 8 A Lil R V r; -n?*:”;• r V., v - •cts-’t -V.‘.vt', tu,’u doors from Messrs, F. ;t. tr.tu 4- llill’s corner Store, ; :■%' :1!1 ?. olTitllcr find Taylor’s Ale, lo Do of Yasser's do., 2 Puncheons Jamaica Rum, 1 Pipes old London dock Brandy, i Do. pure Holland Gin, 2 Do. Pon Wine, 1 Do. L. P. Wine, G H'.iurter casks Marsnilles JVinc, G Do. do. Sweet Malaga do., 4 Bbls. Peppermint Cordial, H Dozen ( Uiumpuign, best quality, (J Casks Loudon Brown iStout in pint bottles. 20 Dozen Cordials assorted, 10 Do. Lemon Syrup, 100 Gallons fresh llayunn Honey, 1 Boxes tirst and second quality Loaf SSngnr, )fl Bo its of Vandyk's iMustunl, 5 Bbls of Wine Bismiils^ 1(>.) Kegs Fresh Water Crackers, 10 Bbls. Butter Crackers, 10 Half do. do., 20,000 Spanish Begare. Ilrst quality, A general assortment of J. J. M apes’ sweet scented line cut Tobacco. Dee I 17 CTcntlcmcns’ LATEST FASHION BEST Beaver Hats, JUST B3CEIVSID. AMO, A LL Qualities of Castor, Runuu, nndi Wool HATS; Childrens’ Fancy, and Boys nnd Youths Fashionable Do.; Bovs and Childrens V-calker, Cloth, Wilk. and Chinchjl.a CAPB. ■ For B.tie on unconimodating terms, & most prices, Wholesale awl Retail Hat Store, .Vo. 2W Uroud Street, wtpofite the !■> . *<a ! '■ * l 1 i ' • \»v . iT THfiO - * AS/OULI) invite the attention *.ftln> V 7 ft.jl.lie to give him u call tmd ex amine lus stock of €LOTH§, the best of VN omIo! I'-ngland (inisli, myfie hopes that Jbrse who want ■rood Goods, will examine far tbeuiselves. v \VM. KIBBE. 07 s - Four to ©lx first rule Jonrnet/men Tailors will not be disappointed in culling, if they want work. Dec 1 H ■ A OJ&2. LATHAM tenders most sincere thanks to the public, for their patronage to bis Jlucliou Jdstahliail ment, and is determined to merit its con tinuntion by ids future promptness and assiduity. They cun only add to the ob ligation, lie is already under to them, by calling ns quickly alter sales lor their 1 goods as may be convenient. lie lias removed to ids Xvw Store, two doors above J. AH. Bones’Hardware Btore —where be will attend to any com mands ia his business. Oct 27 7 BY the subscriber, a small UUD MO ROCCO XUL’f? P6€KGTv|iOOK f with n STEEL CLASP, containing a hout ijjtliO and some papers of no value. It was dropped in Broad-street, Augusta, or between that and tbe Quaker Springs. The subscriber's name is written on n paper in said book with the age of three of ids children. Whoever may Gnd and leave It with its contents with Mr. James Lyues, at tbe Quaker Springs, shall be "’"wiies SPEED. Dec I f & JEFFERSON The Jnri'RHsoN Medical Colixoh was iustjtuted in Philadelphia, in i 1823, and during its tirst session, was en . do wed by an’- act of tbe Legislature ol Pennsylvania, with power to confer de grees m Medicine, arpl with nil the privi leges and prerogatives of similar Institu tions, in our own country ami in Europe. Hinee its foundation nearly 000 Btn -1 dents have attended the respective cour ses of Lectures, and of this number, 11-j from various sections of the U. States, . the Canadas, West Lillies and Europe, ' have been admitted to the Degree of Doc -1 tor of Medicine. The Gth Session of the College will commence on the Ist Monday of No , veniber next, and it is believed, under the most favorable auspices; every obstacle , to its future advancement having been removed, and such measures adopted hy the Board of Trustees, us will give a new . impulse to the exertions of the Faculty. Among these measures, jj. i.-s thought pro per tq specify particularly, the appoint ment of Professor Drake, qf Gincinnatli, to the Chair of the Practice of Medicine. His acknowledged reputation as a Lec turer, tuul mure especially his practical acquaintance with the diseases most pre valent in the Southern and Western sec tions of our country, iu which u majority of the Graduates in Meijicine may be ex ,peeled to locate themselves, must greatly enhance the value of his instructions. The additions which have been made to tbe Anatomical Cabinet, with the fa cilities afforded for disecetion de uionstral'ion, are such ns will bear com parison vvith those ofthe oldest Medical School on this side the Atlantic. Iu iill other resjieets, it is confidently believed, it is not surpas.-ed by any ql* l its sister Institutions, with all of wjiich, us tin* as is known, it is placed onji footing of perfect equality,—a courser iifLec turcs in one, held equivalent to a course ou the same branches, in every other. / The Alms House nnd Hospital of the city allbrd ample opportunities tu tbe Student ol'acquiring clinical instruction, and hours arc appropriated to ibis pur pose. An Infirmary for diseases ofthe eye is also connected with the College, under the direction of the Professor ol Surgery, who will operate in the presence of tho class, where Ibis is practicable. The following is the organization ol the Medical Faculty,—viz: , Anatomy — By Ham r el IMcCi.ei.i, in, M. D. i MaUria Medial and OL/tttrice —Bv Jons Ecf.rle, IM. I). Chemistry —Bv J icon Gkeen, M. I>. Theory and Practice of Medicine —Bv Dvn- IBL, M. D. ■ Surgery —Bv Georg;*, McClellan, M. I). Institutes of Medicine, Medical Jurisprudence, mnlrlhe Diseases of 11 on ten and Children — Bv B. Rush Rules, M, D. The fee fog aßeiiduiiee ou eaeli course is #ls. «r #!K> for till the courses. The graduation fee is #ls, mid no at her charge is made either On matriculation, ’ or subsequently. The whole expense is less than #2OO for the two full courses, re quired by law to entitle the Wludeiit to graduation. One of these, at least, must be attended in Ibis Institution; and it is further required, that the candidate shall have studied three years (inclusive ofthe terms of attendance on the Lectures) under the direction ofu respectable prac titioner of Medicine,—that be shall lie twenty-oue years of ug,e—and having i presented n Thesis on some Medical subject, shall give satisfactory evidence of bis qualifications on an cxnininution by the Faculty, lylijcb takes place innne i diately idler the close ol'eueb session. Tlic animal Commencements for inui ferriiig the degrees, will noj lie delayed beyond the time i‘ct|tiisite lo complete the I exiiuiimdion, that no unnecessary ex pense may lx’ incurred by the student, I for board. ’lids iu(»y bv procured in : ■ ‘hiladelpiiia, at tile rate of from #2 50 to the Janitor will furnish references, with , out charge. Ten HtaJcnts arc by law admitted gratuitously, each Session, (the sum ol #2O only being paid by eueli to meet the current expenses of the Institution.) Application for the benefit of this pro vision, gad nil other commuiiienlioiisjlo the Faculty, must be addressed to Bam ■ cm. McClellan, M. D. Deu.u of Jlu- Fa culty, ul the Jcflcrson Medical College, If Mi near Walnut street, Philadelphia. By order of the Faculty, HAMIJEL McCLELLAN, Dean. fViiJiulelphitt, August. 1830. 'aasi f)t^ ON THURSDAY, 30th inst. at the Market House, in the U/\vn of llsim luirg, Jt?. C. Three Negro Men, Three Women A n child. The said Negroes are I from Louisiana, and arc experienced in the cultivation ofthe Sugar Cnne. Tlitty will be sold to close the Will ol the late .. Nathaniel Bacon, dec. Tcyius ol sale Cash. LYDAL BAC ON, ? „ , 1 JAS DARBY, S Dec 8 3t HI LINCOLN SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold at Lincoln Court House on the first Tuesday in January next, tbe following property, viz; Felix, Vicca, Hurry, Willis, am] Mary: taken us the propetyy of William Quin, Br. to satisfy two mortgaged (i fas from Lin coln Interior Court, Nathaniel Regain, vs.saidQuinn. ALSO, l At the same time and place, a lot of , Lund, qontuining one hundred and tbir . 1 y nine acres more or less, on Loyds i Creek, adjoining McKinndy, Roberts, ; ((uinn, nnd others; taken as the property 1 of William (luino, Jr. to satisfy « niort i gaged fi fa from Lincoln Superior Court, • the Executors of John McKinney, de ceased, vs. said Quinn. THOMAS LYON, v s. l. c. 3\3OT WFXFAY^. h BALES Osnaburgs, n 20 Do. negro Cottons, i. 10 Do. brown Sheetings A Shirtings, if GO Pieces white, red, A green Flannels, ! 50 Do. rich Cambric Prints, 50 Do. Caiiicoes (low price,) i- 200 Doz. Chintz, Verona, Imitation,Mud >, rass, iMuslipatam, Berkley, and Britannia lluudkercliiefs, 00 Picpcs Cboppa Romals, 5 1 Case 4-1 Irish Linens, (j I Do. 7 8 tlo. do. , t 50 Doz. Indies white cotton Hose, . 100 Do. mens do. do. half do. KM) Boxes Spool Cotton. 11 200 Reams Wrnppipg Paper, , The above is ofiered for sale low, for t . Cush, or approved paper, by B CHARLES PHILLIPS. , Jfli’t 1» if 4 \ ~JLT~ FB.ITATE SALS2. lOIHIDS. RORTO RICO i ffunr Which will be Sold low . for Cush, or approved paper. C. PHILLIPS. I October U* 4 : ' FOB. SALE. ’ A NEGRO WOMAN, n good Cook, 'Washer and Ironer. Enquire of C. PHILLIPS. November 10 . 11 WATCH 31A KICK, 1 \O. 147, ISfiOXD-STREET, HAS nguiu began SfiP business, in the Brick / uYO House, No. 117, Broad 'MM street, lut« i ry oeeitpied vt 1 1™ as the (MTV HOTEL: flti.V n i where be will bestow nl! his attention tu re puiring WATCHES A CLOCKS, ' qfevery description, in the best possible maimer, and at very reasonable prices.— [ He solicits tbe patronage of his friends , and former customers, and oil who wish to have tju’ir Watches made to keep j good lime at a moderate price. He w ill , sell his remaining STOCK, consisting r.f JB7TILR7, f WATCHES AND CLOCKS, CASTORS, AC. AC. • for less than they cost, at Wholesale and ' Retail. Thick Patent WATCH GLASSES, and a|l other descriptions of WATCH Gl< ABtfBS, constantly kept on hand. Augusta. April 28. 18-‘M). 5)) 2 YIaW^OTVCFi. 1 SHALL heroaflor regularly attend the Superior Courts of Ifichinond \ Comity. IMy q/dee mid residence are in 1 Greeusborough. Persons residing in Augusta, having business lo transact, re qiiiring tlie services of a Lawyer, in the counties of Greene, Morgan, Newton, s Clarke, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Lincoln, ’ Tullinli’iTo, Monroe, or llnncocji, and who may choose to entrust It to pie, will have an opportunity of conferring with q me, personally, twice in u year, in rein* ' lion loir. FRANCIS 11. CONE. '' Dec. 5 ts IH Executor's Sale. L ‘ VALUABLE BUILDING LOT. (4 IhN the first Tuesday in April next, ' A V w ill be sold ut the lywpr Murkel l> House iu tbe City of Augusta, ! 'V\vc \oV uud Imvirov^mcivlK, adjoining Mrs. Smell’s, bounded on die - South nnd West side by Reynold and I Jackson streets, nnd known in the plan i* of said City by tlus No. G 5 extending . about leet on Reynold and tfcet , on Jiickson-slrecf, the same being part i ofthe Estate of John Campbell, dec’ll, i Terms. —One third cash, balance inIJ, 12 i tiqd 14 months, xvilli interest from dab*, - u;ul p;urlgage on the property. H. CAMPBELL, ) Executor • I JAIMES FRASER, [ of i James harper, 5 j. c. ... OH 30 inofMld 8 ! 07AP.l?lAW’SAT0Tiqf. • l,L ‘ ul >VrigbtboroUgb,, * ¥ on tlie 27tb of December next, agriTably to tin order of the Honorable Inferior Court of Columbia county, all ’ tin* Negroes belonging to tbe estate of William Short, deceased, to wit, twelve: Three fellows, four wonie;i, nnd five children, nil of them young.' Sold for - the benefit of the heirs. Terms made* : known on the day of sale. CHARLES WADE, Guardian of , 1). Shout A Vincent Rues.’ - Nov 13 12 3T7A£<Dl&2ir& NOTICE. I NkMJHA) be t old, at Columbia Court , House, on the first Tuesday in . January next, the real estate ol William . Short, deceased, containing one hundred and fifty acres, more, or less, lying in said county, adjoining Thomas Dooly and others, sold agreeably to an order of the Honorable interior Court of said county, and for the benefit of the heirs. Terms, mailt known on tbe day of sale. CHARLES WADE, C luardian of | t D-Short A Vincent Beep,- Nov 13 vvdd 12 Savannah Bivor Navigation -1 THE affairs of said having been brought to a close, with the exception of paying the Stockholders,, f the undersigned gives notice to all eon - cerned, that a final Dividend of Ope Dol s lar and Forty-Six Cents per Share, (on 1, all Shares 011 which #22 lias been paid/ { will be puitlto the Stockholders or their - legal representatives, accompanied by the |u oper vouchers, on application at the - tirst Brick Building West of the New Martict. Broad-street, Augusta, to J. W. BRIDGES. Aayutsliq Oct. 3ft)» Vs 8 l- - I- . -Lb ■xcmcna. THE City Council havin'? received inforu)ation Unit a number of dogs supposed to be inad, have recently been killed in this Clly,. and that "previous thereto, ninny others wore hit. It is therefore ordered by the Cpuneil that it niny be the privilege of nny eitjzap aqd it sbuli be the duty of nil the City Ctfiperß to kill every dog found running at large in the Streets, or within the corporate limits of Augpsta, alter Thursday Ul9 i!Dlli inst. A true extract from the Minutes of Council passed the tiikl day of IbJO-aind published hy order.’ GEO. M. WALKER, Clerk. Nov t*7 1m 10 - EXECUTOR’S SAISr -^ BV order of the Honorable the Infe rior Court of the County of Rich mond. w hile silling soy p/d jinny purpo ses, will be sold, on the lirst Tuespvit ill February next, between tbe usual holm* of sale, at the Market house, in the City of Augusta, A part of a Traet of Land, containing on« hundred acres swamp land, being in the county aforesaid, adjoining lauds of Carnes, Knight, und others. A I.SO, , The interest in -KM) acres of stvamj land, adjoining lapds of Ehiiuzy.Kve, mar, und others. ALSO, Sundry Negroes; among them arc Qrtt rate Hoat Hands, House Servants, jind Field Hands. A LPO, iSundry articles of Household und Kit clien Furniture. aforesaid, to be sold ns tho property of Win. A. llngg, deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and crpdli* tors of said estate. GEO, L. TWIGGS*, Exr. Nov. 10 11 Adimmslv atov 3S.ul\cc. months niter dale, application . will he made ta the honorable In ferior Court of Franklin County, when silting for Ordinary purposes, lor lohvq to sell all the real Estate of Win. VorixV deed, hejieift ofliis heirs tors! JOHN M. PAYNE, Adm’r. Sept 15 4»m ** Administrator’s Notice. * c M.lOl'lt mouths idler dale, application will be made to the Honorable In terior Court of Columbia county, wjdlo sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leaver to sell nil the real estate of Soi'iikoma J Macihuoi-'.u, deceased, lute of said comity, for the benefit of the heirs and creditQrf, of said deceased. PETEII KNOX, Adni f. October till 4tin <1 ’ . : rrxrzazxstt yOTICL , IMiril months idler dote, application^ ' will be made to the Coart of Ordi nary of Columbia Comity, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leaie to self all the Real Estate of Holt Cluntuif, Jatg of said I 'ountv, dee.eufgd. TURNER CLANTON, \ v ., ra N. 11. CLANTON, Oet lU> mini H Guardian’s Notice.7 ** IN (M R months idler date, application ' will he iimde to the lionoriitiie In lerior f'/iuii of Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary pgr|VC*4W, for foayq to sell the real Estate of Ann Petrel. IGNATIUS PEROEL. Guardian. JPept 17* 4(in »!> j AiteßS ag.Sr'E’s ATTORNEY AT law, WILL attend the Hiiperior und In forior Courts of Richmond and Colninbru counties—ami tjie Court; of Coninioii Pleas of Augusta. He may Imj found at jfmoifojo of R■ fluid, Esq, corner of Washington und Ellis streets. ■lnlylM ts HI mn'VcS ON the Mth December next, st (liq residence of the late Win. A. Ragg. will he sold, the Household and Kitchen EUR MTU RE, a loIofCOHN njd FOD DER, belonging to the estate of the lu.Uji Howell R. Marshall. (17* Terms at Sale, GEORGE L. TWIGGS. VAL. WALKER. Oet 30 ft j. an d nm „ or lot of LAND, in Ciuroil county. which is discovered tube rich in the Guldenjirojier /,/. The owner being on the cveol along journey to the North, will now jmJI it low, if n quick npplUuUo* h> Juudc- liidwj>u tublc titles will be dellyek'edf. APPLY AT Till ft) OFFICE. ■lime Ift t | ** .. ’VO wv. ‘ • A liirirr DWUldilNtf, LOT, Ac. and A LARGE WTORF. well calculated for Dry Good* and Groceries, opposite tl»s, store of Edwonf Thomas, Esq. upper end of llroad-street —an excellent stand for business. Possession will be given on tho first ofOctoljer. For terms, wfogh will be liberal, apply to Mr. Jos Era Cau uie, ullhc above 1 1 GARRET LAWRENCE. July 31 ' m Guardian's Nojticp. FOUR months after date, applicatiop will be ;na«le to the - qferior (lourt of Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, fdy fenvo to sell the real estate belonging Jo the heirs of Thomas Harbour, dec., for the benefit of said heirs. HAN IELXU AN PEER, CfeaftfKiv* «fj>t f-5 £»